Form No Form Number No Form Number Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Enterprises

Local Food Marketing Directories & Survey

CSA-Directory Final 03-14-13


OMB: 0581-0289

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CSA Enterprise Directory form OMB NO. 0581-NEW

[current year] USDA Directory of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Enterprises

Questions 1 – 6 are designed to appear in subsequent years of the Directory and will be visible only to those who filled the Directory form in the previous year or information is already available from another source.
These questions are included for the OMB approval.

(Only managers/ representatives from previous year’s Directory see this question)

  1. [Q1] Will [name of the CSA enterprise from previous year’s Directory] operate as a “community-supported agriculture (CSA)” farm or multi-farm enterprise” anytime in [current year]?

    O 1- Yes => Go to Q2 (Still manager/ rep)
    O 2- No
    => Skip to Q3 (Manager/ rep of another CSA enterprise )
    O 3- Do not know => Go to Q2 (Still manager/ rep)


  2. [Q2] According to the USDA CSA Enterprise Directory, you were either a manager or a representative of [name of the CSA enterprise from previous year’s Directory] in previous Directory. Are you still a manager or a representative of this CSA enterprise in [current year]?

    O 1- Yes
    => If Yes (open) in Q1 and Yes (manager/ rep) in Q2 => Skip to Q6 (Correct CSA enterprise name?)
    => If Don’t know (if open) in Q1 and Yes (manager/ rep) in Q2 => Go to additional message below

    O 2- No => Go to Q3 (Manager/ rep of another CSA enterprise )



    Only respondents who “Don’t know”(if CSA enterprise open) in Q1 and Yes (are managers/representatives) in Q2 will see the below message
    Based on your responses, we see that you are still the manager or the representative of [name of the CSA enterprise from previous year’s Directory], but you do not know if it is going to operate as a CSA enterprise any time in [current year]. This Directory will be available for online updating throughout the year, so please update the information for this CSA enterprise if it opens sometime in [current year].

    => Exit the current year USDA Directory update


  3. [Q3] Are you a manager or a representative of another CSA enterprise in [current year]?

    O 1- Yes => Go to Q4 (Willing to provide info on another CSA enterprise)
    O 2- No
    => Exit the current year USDA Directory update


  4. [Q4] Are you willing to provide information about the CSA enterprise that you manage or represent in [current year]?

    O 1- Yes => Go to Q5 (Search engine)
    O 2- No
    => Exit the current year USDA Directory update

(Question visible only to those who came through the public web site or who came through the link but manage different CSA enterprise)

    [Q5] Please type in the correct
    official name of the CSA enterprise that you manage or represent.

    As you start typing, CSA enterprises with the same or similar name(s) may appear and you may choose the proper CSA enterprise name by clicking on the “update” link in the right column.

    Should there be a spelling mistake in the name of the CSA enterprise listed, but you are sure (by checking the location address) that this is the CSA enterprise you manage or represent, you will have an opportunity to correct the spelling of the official CSA enterprise name.

    For your convenience, you may also search the list by typing in the zip code of the LOCATION of the CSA enterprise (not the zip code for the mailing address, as it might be different).

    CSA enterprise name or zipcode:……………………

Displayed CSA enterprise names

Location street



Zip code





Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)




Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)




Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)




Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)




Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)




Update => Go to Q6 (Is the name correct?)

If the name of the CSA enterprise that you manage or represent is not listed, please click here to continue. => Skip to Q7 (Type correct name)


(Question visible only to those who came through the public web site AND clicked on “update” in the table in Q6)

  1. [NameCheck] Is “[name of the CSA enterprise from previous year’s Directory] the correct official name of your CSA enterprise?

    O 1- Yes. If yes, this information will appear in the
    [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory.
    => Skip to Q8 (CSA enterprise definition)

    O 2- No => Go to Q7 (Provide correct name)


CSA enterprise information

(New-comers and “No” [i.e., incorrect name] in Q5 or in Q6 see this question)

  1. [CorrectedName] Please type in the correct official name of the CSA enterprise that you manage or represent. The name that you provide here will appear in the [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory.



    (Everyone sees this question)

  2. [QualifiedMarket] For the purposes of this Directory, a “community- supported agriculture (CSA) enterprise” is defined as a farm or network/ association of multiple farms, that offer consumers regular (usually weekly) deliveries of locally-grown farm products during one or more harvest season(s) on a subscription or membership basis. Customers have access to a selected share or range of farm products offered by a single farm or group of farmers based on partial or total advance payment of a subscription or membership fee.

    Does this enterprise qualify as a CSA enterprise as defined above?

    O 1- Yes=> Go to Q9 (Person’s contact info)
    O 2- No => Exit the [current year] USDA Directory update


    Information listed in this section will
    not be published in the [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory. This is for internal purposes only so that we can maintain data clarity and accuracy. This information will be kept confidential.

  3. Please provide contact information of person completing this form:

    (Information below filled with [current year] data for those that access the form via the unique link and are still managers of their CSA enterprises)
    [Contact_Name] Name: ……………………
    [Contact_Email] Email address: ……………………
    [Contact_Phone] Contact (phone) number: ……………………

  4. [Contact_relation] What is your primary relationship with this CSA enterprise?

    O 1- CSA manager/ owner
    O 2- Contact person / public liaison for this CSA enterprise
    O 3- Head of CSA enterprise association
    O 4- CSA enterprise employee
    O 5- CSA shareholder
    O 6- Other,
    [Contact_relation_Other] please specify: ……………………


All information you provide from this point forward will be published in the [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory.

  1. Address of the headquarters of your CSA enterprise:

    (Information below filled with previous-year data for those that access the form via the unique link and are still managers of their CSA enterprises)
    [HQ__ST] Street name and number or P.O. Box number: ……………………
    [HQ__City] City: ……………………(required)
    [HQ__State] State: ……………… (A drop-down menu) (required)
    [HQ_Zip] 5-digit ZIP Code: …………………… (only 5 digits allowed)

  2. Please provide the contact information for your business address for your CSA enterprise (when available):

    (Information below filled with [current year] data for those that access the form via the unique link and are still managers of their CSA enterprises)

    [_] Name, email address and phone the same as in contact information already provided.
    [If the box checked, information will be automatically filled in]

    [CSA_ManagerName] CSA enterprise manager’s name: ……………………
    [CSA_Email] CSA enterprise email address: ……………………
    [CSA_Phone] CSA enterprise phone number: ……………………
    [CSA_Website] CSA enterprise website address: ……………………
    [CSA_Facebook] CSA enterprise Facebook page: …………………… [Like]
    [CSA_Twitter] CSA enterprise Twitter address: ……………………
    [CSA_Blog] CSA enterprise blog address: ……………………
    CSA enterprise contact information on other social media: ……………………


  3. How long has this CSA enterprise been in continuous operation?

    O This is the first year
    O 2 - 3 years
    O 4 - 5 years
    O 6 - 10 years
    O 11 - 15 years
    O 16 - 20 years
    O 21 years or longer
    O Do not know

  4. During which months will your CSA enterprise have products available to its consumer members in [current year]? If not “Year round” or “Not sure yet”, please select all that apply.

[_] Year round
[_] January
[_] February
[_] March
[_] April
[_] May
[_] June
[_] July
[_] August
[_] September
[_] October
[_] November
[_] December
[_] Not sure yet

  1. How many individual farms will supply products to your CSA in [current year]?
    Please enter only numbers in the box; no commas, periods, letters, or symbols.

    ______________ farms [numbers only, range 1 – 100]

Information about products and their availability

  1. Which farm products and other items will be included in member shares or available for purchase from your CSA enterprise in [current year]? Please select all that apply.

    [_] Baked goods: breads, pies, etc.
    [_] Canned or preserved fruits/ vegetables: jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, etc.
    [_] Coffee and/or tea
    [_] Cut flowers
    [_] Dairy products: milk, cheese, etc.
    [_] Dry beans
    [_] Eggs
    [_] Fish and/or seafood => Go to Q17 (willing to provide list of fish and seafood)
    [_] Fresh and/or dried herbs
    [_] Fresh fruits => Go to Q19 (willing to provide list of fruits)
    [_] Fresh vegetables => Go to Q21 (willing to provide list of vegetables)
    [_] Grains and/or flour
    [_] Honey
    [_] Juices and/or non-alcoholic ciders
    [_] Maple syrup and/or maple products
    [_] Mushrooms
    [_] Nuts
    [_] Pet food
    [_] Poultry/ fowl meat and products => Go to Q23 (willing to provide list of poultry meat)
    [_] Red and other non-poultry meat and products=> Go to Q25 (willing to provide list of red/ non-poultry meat)
    [_] Soap and/or body care products
    [_] Tofu and/or non-animal protein
    [_] Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.
    [_] Wine, spirits, beer, hard cider
    [_] Other, please specify: ……………………

    => All other selections will skip to Q27 (organic certification)


    Only those that selected fish/ seafood in Q16 will see this question.

  2. Would like to provide more specific information about the fish and seafood offered by your CSA enterprise so that it can appear in the Directory?

    O Yes => Go to Q18 (fish/ seafood types)
    O No => Skip to the next specific food type (if selected in Q16) or to Q27 (organic certification)

  3. Please indicate which type of fish and seafood your CSA enterprise will offer to its consumer members in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

[_] Crab
[_] Lobster
[_] Mussels
[_] Oysters
[_] Shrimp/prawns
[_] Salmon
[_] Trout
[_] Tuna
[_] Other fish/ seafood, please specify
: ……………………

Only those that selected fresh fruits in Q16 will see this question.

  1. Would like to provide more specific information about the fruit offered by your CSA enterprise so that it can appear in the Directory?

    O Yes => Go to Q20 (fruit types)
    O No => Skip to the next specific food type (if selected in Q16) or to Q27 (organic certification)

  2. Please indicate which type of fresh fruit your CSA enterprise will offer to its consumer members in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

[_] Apples
[_] Apricots
[_] Avocados
[_] Blackberries, raspberries
[_] Blueberries
[_] Cantaloupes
[_] Cherries (sweet, tart, etc.)
[_] Cranberries
[_] Currants
[_] Dates
[_] Figs
[_] Gooseberries
[_] Grapefruit (red, white, etc.)
[_] Grapes (black, green, red, etc.)
[_] Honeydew melons
[_] Kiwi
[_] Lemons, limes
[_] Mangos, papayas, pineapples and other tropical fruit
[_] Nectarines
[_] Oranges, clementines, mandarins, tangerines, tangelos
[_] Peaches (yellow, white, etc.)
[_] Pears
[_] Persimmons
[_] Plums (black, green, red, etc.)
[_] Strawberries
[_] Watermelons
[_] Other fruit, please specify
: ……………………

Only those that selected fresh vegetables in Q16 will see this question.

  1. Would you like to provide us with more specific information about the fresh vegetables offered by your CSA enterprise so that it can appear in the Directory?

    O Yes => Go to Q22 (vegetables types)
    O No => Skip to the next specific food type (if selected in Q16) or to Q27 (organic certification)

  2. Please indicate which type of fresh vegetables your CSA enterprise will offer to its consumer members in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

[_] Alfalfa sprouts
[_] Artichokes
[_] Arugula
[_] Asparagus
[_] Beans (string)
[_] Beans, other (lima, butter, etc.)
[_] Beets
[_] Bok Choy
[_] Broccoli
[_] Broccoli rabe
[_] Broccolini/baby broccoli
[_] Brussels sprouts
[_] Cabbage
[_] Carrots
[_] Cauliflower
[_] Celery
[_] Collard Greens
[_] Corn (sweet)
[_] Cucumbers
[_] Eggplant (Italian, Japanese, etc.)
[_] Endive
[_] Garlic
[_] Green beans
[_] Green onions/scallions
[_] Kale
[_] Kohlrabi
[_] Leeks
[_] Lettuce (head, leaf, etc.)
[_] Mache/lamb’s lettuce
[_] Mixed leafy greens
[_] Mizuna
[_] Mustard Greens
[_] Okra
[_] Onions (pearl, red, yellow, white, etc.)
[_] Parsnips
[_] Peas
[_] Peanuts
[_] Peppers, hot
[_] Peppers, sweet
[_] Potatoes(new, red, russet, white, etc.)
[_] Pumpkin
[_] Radicchio
[_] Radishes
[_] Rhubarb
[_] Rutabaga
[_] Soybeans
[_] Shallots
[_] Spinach: baby, regular
[_] Squash, summer: zucchini, yellow, etc.
[_] Squash, winter : acorn, butternut, etc.
[_] Sweet potatoes
[_] Swiss chard
[_] Tomatillos
[_] Tomatoes (cherry, grape, etc.)
[_] Tomatoes (plum, round, etc.)
[_] Turnips
[_] Turnip greens
[_] Other fresh vegetables, please specify
: ……………………

Only those that selected poultry/ fowl in Q16 will see this question.

  1. Would like to provide more specific information about the poultry/ fowl products offered by your CSA enterprise so that it can appear in the Directory?

    O Yes => Go to Q25 (poultry/ fowl types)
    O No => Skip to the next specific food type (if selected in Q16) or to Q27 (organic certification)

  2. Please indicate which type of poultry/ fowl your CSA enterprise will offer to its consumer members in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

[_] Chicken
[_] Cornish game hens
[_] Duck
[_] Goose
[_] Ostrich
[_] Pheasant
[_] Squab (Pigeon)
[_] Quail
[_] Turkey

[_] Other poultry/ fowl, please specify: ……………………

Only those that selected (non-poultry) meat in Q16 will see this question.

  1. Would like to provide more specific information about the red and non-poultry meat offered by your CSA enterprise so that it can appear in the Directory?

    O Yes => Go to Q23 (non-poultry meat types)
    O No => Skip to Q27 (organic certification)

  2. Please indicate which type of red and non-poultry meat and meat products your CSA enterprise will offer to its consumer members in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

[_] Beef/veal (cold cuts)
[_] Beef/veal (ground)
[_] Beef/veal (sausage)
[_] Beef/veal (steaks, roasts)
[_] Bison (ground)
[_] Bison (steaks, roasts)
[_] Elk
[_] Goat
[_] Lamb (chops, roasts)
[_] Lamb (ground)
[_] Lamb (sausage)
[_] Pork (bacon)
[_] Pork (chops, roasts)
[_] Pork (cold cuts)
[_] Pork (ham)
[_] Pork (sausage)
[_] Rabbit
[_] Venison
[_] Other meat items, please specify
: ……………………


All CSAs

  1. Does your CSA enterprise offer products certified as “organic” by the USDA?

    O Yes
    O No

  2. Does your CSA enterprise refer to specific types of production methods and practices in its marketing and promotional material (including product packages and labels)?

    O Yes => Go to Q 29 (what production practices)
    O No => Skip to Q30 (number of shares)

  3. Which types of production method or practice claims will your CSA enterprise use to market and promote its food (including product packages and labels) in [current year]? Please select all that apply.
    Only check those production methods and practice claims that are used to market/promote foods for the CSA portion of your business, not your farm enterprise(s) as a whole.

    [_] No pesticides
    [_] No antibiotics
    [_] No hormones
    [_] Fair Labor practices
    [_] Humane treatment of animals
    Pasture-raised/ free range animals
    [_] Other, please specify: ……………………

About shares

  1. In total, how many CSA shares/ subscriptions does your farm have in [current year]?
    Please enter only numbers in the box; no commas, periods, letters, or symbols.

    [NumShares] …………………… shares/ subscriptions [the minimum number of shares: 2 – 20000] (5 digits; warning, if number higher than 20,000: “The number of shares/ subscriptions that you provided is large. Please verify that your answer is correct.”)

  2. Please indicate the type of subscription/ membership choices your CSA enterprise is offering in [current year]. Please select all that apply.

    [_] Full share
    [_] Full and half shares
    [_] Other, please specify: ……………………

  3. How are the product items in your CSA share box selected? Please select all that apply.

    [_] CSA decides product assortment of shares/delivery boxes based entirely on supply availability; customer does not influence product selection
    [_] CSA offers separate subscription options for specific product categories (e.g., vegetables, meat, eggs,) that customers select at the beginning of the delivery season
    [_] CSA customers order specific items from a list of available farm products in advance of each delivery
    [_] Other, please specify
    : ……………………

  1. When do your CSA’s shares first become available for purchase in [current year]?

    Month (drop-down menu)…………..
    Day (drop-down menu)……………..

  2. What types of payment will be accepted by your CSA enterprise in [current year]?

    [_] Cash
    Credit cards
    [_] SNAP benefits (Bridge cards/ EBT)
    [_] Other, please specify: ........................................

  3. Which types of payment options does your CSA enterprise offer to its subscribers/members? Please select all that apply.

    [_] One advance payment prior to the beginning of the delivery season
    [_] Payments in
    installments over the course of each delivery season
    [_] Reduced subscription/membership fees in exchange for labor
    [_] Reduced subscription/membership fees based on household income
    [_] Other, please specify: ……………………

Product share pick-up and delivery

  1. [NumOfLocation] In [current year], how will your CSA enterprise deliver products to its subscribers/members? Please select all that apply.

    [_] 1- Deliver to one or more neighborhood sites that are located close to subscribers/members => Go to Q38 (Number of delivery locations)

    [_] 2- Deliver directly to subscribers/members’ homes (by truck or express mail) => Skip to Q40 (frequency of product availability)

    [_] 3- Deliver to subscribers/members’ workplaces => Skip to Q40 (frequency of product availability)

    [_] 4- No deliveries; subscribers/members pick up merchandise from CSA farm(s) => Skip to Review page


    Only those who marked “Deliver to some central location(s) ...” in Q37 will see the below question.

  2. In [current year], how many neighborhood delivery sites will your CSA enterprise use?
    Please enter only numbers in the box; no commas, periods, letters, or symbols.

    ........................................ Delivery locations [numbers only, range 1 – 100]

    Only those who marked “Deliver to some central drop-off location(s) ...” in Q37 will see the below question.

  3. In which cities or towns will your CSA enterprise have neighborhood delivery sites in [current year]? Please type in one site at a time.


    Add another city/town.


Please review your CSA enterprise information that you have just provided. If you approve the information, this is what will be displayed in the [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory.

If everything is correct, please click on “Finish” button.

If you want to make a correction in a particular section, please click on a “Edit” link in that section.
(Respondents will be on a loop clicking on a button and correcting one section at a time, until they click on “Save and finish the form” button.

[Name of the CSA enterprise from [current year] Directory]






Share size


Farming practices




Dear CSA Manager/Representative,

Thank you for updating your CSA
enterprise listing for the [current year] CSA Enterprise Directory. If you wish to enter information about an additional CSA enterprise, please click here.

We greatly appreciate your participation in this very important project to help keep consumers informed about the scope of CSA enterprises, and how they can take advantage of the valuable information in this Directory to find great sources of local food in their own backyards..

If you have any questions about the Directory itself, please contact us at [email protected] or (202) 720-8317.

If you update information on your CSA enterprise by XXXX, it will appear in the [current year] USDA CSA Enterprise Directory by YYYY. This means consumers will be able to find your CSA enterprise just as the busy summer season is getting underway. CSA enterprise listings submitted after MMMM, but by KKKK will be published in the Directory by LLLL.

Thank you for updating your CSA enterprise listing for the [current year] CSA Enterprise Directory.


Velma Lakins
Agricultural Marketing Specialist


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-NEW. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

2014 CSA Directory Update Form - 8

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleCSA Enterprise Directory form... OMB NO. 0581-NEW
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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