U.S. Department of the Interior OMB Control No.: 1010-0151
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Expiration Date: XXXXXX
General Information |
Type of OCS Plan: |
Exploration Plan (EP) |
Development and Production Plans (DPP) or Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) |
Company Name: |
BOEM Operator Number: |
Address: |
Contact Person: |
Phone Number: |
E-Mail Address: |
If a service fee is required under 30 CFR 550.125(a), provide the |
Amount paid |
Receipt No. |
Project and Worst Case Discharge (WCD) Information |
Lease(s): |
Area: |
Block(s): |
Project Name (If Applicable): |
Objective(s): |
Oil |
Gas |
Sulphur |
Salt |
Onshore Support Base(s): |
Platform/Well Name: |
Distance to Closest Land (Miles): |
Daily volume from uncontrolled blowout (bbls/day): |
Have you previously provided information to verify the calculations and assumptions for your WCD? |
Yes |
No |
If so, provide the Control Number of the EP, DPP, or DOCD with which this information was provided |
Do you propose to use new or unusual technology to conduct your activities? |
Yes |
No |
Do you propose to use a vessel with anchors to install or modify a structure? |
Yes |
No |
Description of Proposed Activities and Tentative Schedule (Mark all that apply) |
Proposed Activity |
Start Date |
End Date |
No. of Days |
Exploration drilling |
Development drilling |
Well completion |
Well test flaring (for more than 48 hours) |
Installation or modification of structure |
Installation of production facilities |
Installation of subsea wellheads and/or manifolds |
Installation of lease term pipelines |
Commence production |
Other (Specify and attach description) |
Description of Drilling Rig |
Description of Structure |
Jackup |
Drillship |
Caisson |
Tension Leg Platform |
Gorilla Jackup |
Platform Rig |
Fixed Platform |
Compliant Tower |
Semisubmersible |
Submersible |
Spar |
Guyed Tower |
DP Semisubmersible |
Other (Attach description) |
Floating Production System (FPS) |
Other (Attach description) |
Drilling Rig Name (If known): |
FPS with Storage |
Description of Lease Term Pipelines |
From (Facility/Area/Block) |
To (Facility/Area/Block) |
Diameter (Inches) |
Length (Feet) |
Form BOEM-0137 (month year) Page 1 of 4
Previous Editions are Obsolete.
Include one copy of this page for each proposed well/structure
Proposed Well/Structure Location |
Well or Structure Name/Number (If renaming well or structure, reference previous name): |
Previously reviewed under an approved EP, DPP or DOCD? |
Yes |
No |
Is this an existing well or structure? |
Yes |
No |
If this is an existing well or structure, list the Complex ID or API No. |
Do you plan to use a subsea BOP or a surface BOP on a floating facility to conduct your proposed activities? |
Yes |
No |
Surface Location |
Bottom-Hole Location (For Wells) |
Completion (For multiple completions, enter separate lines) |
Lease No. |
Area Name |
Block No. |
Blockline Departures (in feet) |
N/S Departure: F____ L |
N/S Departure: F____ L |
N/S Departure: F____ L N/S Departure: F____ L N/S Departure: F____ L |
E/W Departure: F____ L
E/W Departure: F____ L |
E/W Departure: F____ L E/W Departure: F____ L E/W Departure: F____ L |
Lambert X-Y Coordinates |
X: |
X: |
X: X: X: |
Y: |
Y: |
Y: Y: Y: |
Latitude/ Longitude |
Latitude |
Latitude |
Latitude Latitude Latitude |
Longitude |
Longitude |
Longitude Longitude Longitude |
Water Depth (Feet): |
MD (Feet): |
TVD (Feet): |
MD (Feet): MD (Feet): MD (Feet): |
TVD (Feet): TVD (Feet): TVD (Feet): |
Anchor Radius (if applicable) in Feet: |
Anchor Locations for Drilling Rig or Construction Barge (If anchor radius supplied above, not necessary) |
Anchor Name or No. |
Area |
Block |
X Coordinate |
Y Coordinate |
Length of Anchor Chain on Seafloor |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
X = |
Y = |
Form BOEM-0137 (month year) Page 2 of 4
Previous Editions are Obsolete.
Provide the following information for the well with the highest Worst Case Discharge volume:
Worst Case Discharge (WCD) Well Information |
WCD Well Name |
Surface Lease |
Surface Area/Block |
Bottom Lease |
Bottom Area/Block |
Product Type |
MD |
Analog Well(s) |
Area/Block |
OCS Lease |
Well No. |
API No. |
Open Hole Interval for WCD |
Top (TVD in feet) |
Base (TVD in feet) |
Geologic Data for WCD
Sand 1 |
Sand 2 |
Sand 3 |
Sand 4 |
Sand 5 |
Formation Data |
Sand Name |
Estimated Top TVD |
Estimated Base TVD |
Estimated Net Sand Height MD (Net Pay if hydrocarbon) |
Estimated Net Sand Height TVT (Net pay if hydrocarbon) |
Fluid Type |
Used in WCD? (Yes/No) |
Seismic Survey Name: Seismic Permit Number: |
Engineering Data for WCD
WCD Engineering Items |
WCD (STB/day) |
WCD Calculated at |
Mudline |
Yes |
Vertical Flow Correlation |
Outlet Pressure (psia) |
Gas Turbulence Factor |
Software Model Used |
Sand 1 |
Sand 2 |
Sand 3 |
Sand 4 |
Sand 5 |
Formation Data |
Sand Name |
Permeability (mD) |
Initial Pressure (psia) |
Form BOEM-0137 (month year) Page 3 of 4
Previous Editions are Obsolete.
Sand 1 |
Sand 2 |
Sand 3 |
Sand 4 |
Sand 5 |
Formation Data |
Reservoir Temperature (ºF) |
Porosity (0.00) |
Water Saturation (0.00) |
Rock Compressibility (microsips) |
Water Salinity (ppm) |
Drive Mechanism |
Drainage Area (acres) |
Oil Reservoir Data |
Bubble Point Pressure (psia) |
Initial Bo (RB/STB) |
Bo (RB/STB) @ Bubble Point |
Rsi (SCF/STB) |
Initial Oil Viscosity (CP) |
Oil Viscosity (CP) @ Bubble Pt. |
Oil Compressibility (1/psia) |
Oil API Gravity (API) |
Specific Gas Gravity (0.00) |
Gas Reservoir Data |
Condensate API Gravity (API) |
Specific Gas Gravity (0.00) |
Yield (STB/MMCF) |
Source of Permeability Used |
Permeability from MDT |
Permeability from Core Analysis |
Percussion Core |
Rotary Sidewall Core |
Conventional Core |
Pressure Transient Analysis |
Permeability from CMR or NMR Log Analysis |
Permeability from Other Source |
Provide Model Input Values for Relative Permeability: |
Residual Oil to Gas fraction (=1-Slc-Swc) |
Residual Oil to Water fraction (=Soc) |
Critical Gas Fraction (Sgc, Gas/Oil-Water Systems) |
Residual Gas to Water fraction (Sgc, Gas/Gas-Water Systems) |
Kro Oil Curve Endpoint (fraction of absolute permeability) |
Krg Gas Curve Endpoint (fraction of absolute permeability) |
Krw Water Curve Endpoint (fraction of absolute permeability) |
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that BOEM collects this information as part of an applicant’s Exploration Plan (EP), Development Production Plan (DPP) or Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) submitted for BOEM approval. We use the information to facilitate our review and data entry for OCS plans. We will protect proprietary data according to the Freedom of Information Act and 30 CFR 550.197. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number. Responses are mandatory (43 U.S.C. 1334). The public reporting burden for this form is included in the burden for preparing EPs, DPPs and DOCDs. We estimate that burden to average 600 hours with an accompanying EP, or 700 hours with an accompanying DPP or DOCD, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the forms associated with 30 CFR 550 Subpart B. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170.
Form BOEM-0137 (month year) Page 4 of 4
Previous Editions are Obsolete.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | APPENDIX J |
Author | Michael Joseph Tolbert |
Last Modified By | Generic User |
File Modified | 2014-07-31 |
File Created | 2014-05-05 |