Form ITA 359P ITA 359P Foreign-Trade Zone Annual Report

Annual Report from Foreign-Trade Zones

0625-0109 Annual Report ITA 359P 2014 Final

Annual Report from Foreign-Trade Zones (Small Zones)

OMB: 0625-0109

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Form ITA 359P OMB Control No. 0625-0109

Expiration date: xx/xx/xxx



Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary from 25 to 161 hours per response (average 66.4 hours) including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary, and will be provided confidentially to the extent allowed under the Freedom of Information Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Clearance Officer, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce, Room 4001, 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230.


  1. Grantee Contact Name:

  2. Grantee Phone Number:

  3. Grantee Email Address:

  4. Was foreign-status merchandise stored within the zone under zone procedures during the year?

If the answer is no, complete questions 5-6 below:

  1. Describe the promotion and marketing efforts that are being undertaken to provide local companies with information on using the zone.

  2. Has the zone ever been used for the admission and storage of zone status merchandise? If yes, indicate when.

If the answer is yes, complete questions 7-15 of Part 1 below for all warehouse and distribution operations within the general-purpose zone and any subzones. In addition, complete a separate Part 2

(Production Operations) for each zone or subzone operation involved in production.

  1. Provide a summary of the warehouse and distribution activity that occurred within the zone project. Specifically discuss any developments or trends in shipments or activity and any value added activity that occurred within active zone space.

  2. Discuss how the zone project contributes to the local economy and local economic development efforts, including the FTZ impact on local employment, port activity, industrial development, international trade and investment. If applicable, describe in what ways the zone has been used locally by the logistics industry and other companies to address supply chain issues.

  3. Warehouse/distribution operators Warehouse/distribution operators served zone users during the calendar year.

The number employed by warehouse/distribution operators warehouse/distribution operators within activated areas was ____ persons.

Employment figures should include both direct and contract persons. For part time workers, please report a full time equivalent (e.g., 60 contract employees working for 6 months would equal a full time equivalent of 30 workers).

  1. Activity Summary

Provide a list of zone sites and indicate the number of acres that are activated at each site. Also indicate if the site is subject to a time or sunset limit.

Provide a list of approved subzones and indicate the activation status of each subzone. If the subzone is active, provide the employment (includes direct and contract, reported on a full time equivalent basis) for the subzone. If the subzone has never been active, indicate if it has lapsed.


This section should include the movement of merchandise for all zone and subzone operations that did not require FTZ Board production authority. (There is a separate section below where production operations that occurred within the zone or any subzone will be reported individually.)

Zone reports should reflect only activity within activated portions of zones/subzones. Foreign and domestic merchandise handled within activated FTZ areas should be reported.

Merchandise in the Zone at Beginning and End of Calendar Year

Beginning End

Value Value

Domestic Status $ $

Foreign Status

Total: $ $

Merchandise Received Value

Domestic Status $

Foreign Status

From Other U.S. FTZ's:

Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Total: $

Merchandise Forwarded Value

To The U.S. Market $

To Foreign Countries (Exports)

To Other U.S. FTZ's

Total: $

Merchandise destroyed: $

Explanation of Discrepancies:

a. Does Beginning Inventory + Total Merchandise Received - Total Merchandise Forwarded - Merchandise Destroyed = Ending Inventory? If not, explain.

b. Is the level of Merchandise Received this year significantly different from the previous year? If yes, explain.

c. Is the Ending Inventory from the previous year equal to the Beginning Inventory for this year?

  1. Main Categories of Foreign Status Merchandise Received (Top Five)

Category Value Main Countries of Origin

$ ___________________





Total: $

  1. Foreign Status Merchandise Received:

Non-privileged Foreign $

Privileged Foreign $ .

  1. Customs duties collected on merchandise entered from the zone during the calendar year amounted to $ .

  1. (Optional) Attachment field: You may attach any photographs of the zone or any information you feel may be useful.


A separate Part 2, questions 2-21 should be included for each production operation that occurred within the zone or any subzone. This reporting of production applies to any activity requiring FTZ Board approval under the Board’s regulations (15 CFR Part 400). (Note that any oil refinery operations should use the oil refinery-specific Part 2 that follows this section.)

Zone reports should reflect only activity within activated portions of zones/subzones. Foreign and domestic merchandise handled within activated FTZ areas should be reported.

  1. The grantee shall provide a list of each FTZ Board approved production operation within the zone or subzones, and indicate whether or not activity was conducted under zone procedures at each operation during the calendar year. Note that separate information for questions 2-18 below is required for each active production operation.

  2. Site/Subzone Number

  3. Company Name

  4. Company Contact Name

  5. Company Contact Phone Number

  6. Company Contact Email Address

  7. Total Number of Activated Acres

  8. Briefly describe the activity at the subzone/GPZ operation that is occurring under zone procedures. Have there been any changes to the activity or facilities within the past year?

  9. Employment within the FTZ operation (includes direct and contract, reported on a full time equivalent basis).

  1. Provide an estimate for the value-added activity that takes place under zone procedures (labor, profit, overhead, etc.). One way to estimate value-added is: Value of Sales from Plant minus Value of merchandise Received at Plant. Value-added should not be included in the Movement of Merchandise figures below.

  2. Explain the extent to which FTZ status has helped your facility compete with plants abroad (this includes competition with other company facilities located abroad to expand or maintain product lines in the U.S.).

  3. Provide the percent of total production that is directly or indirectly exported _____%. The indirect exports to be reported are shipments that are entered for consumption prior to subsequent re-exportation or shipments to a customer or related facility that are later exported (whenever known). You may rely on estimates for indirect exports but it is important that each operator do its best to account for all export activity that is supported by their FTZ operation.

  4. If the manufacturing activity is subject to restriction, list the restriction(s) and describe the method of compliance.


Merchandise in the Zone at Beginning and End of Calendar Year

Beginning End

Value Value

Domestic Status $ $

Foreign Status

Total: $ $

Merchandise Received Value

Domestic Status $

Foreign Status

From Other U.S. FTZ's:

Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Total: $

Merchandise Forwarded Value

To The U.S. Market $

To Foreign Countries (Exports)

To Other U.S. FTZ's

Total: $

Merchandise destroyed: $

Explanation of Discrepancies:

  1. Does Beginning Inventory + Total Merchandise Received - Total Merchandise Forwarded - Merchandise Destroyed = Ending Inventory? If not, explain.

b. Is the level of Merchandise Received this year significantly different from the previous year? If yes, explain.

c. Is the Ending Inventory from the previous year equal to the Beginning Inventory for this year?

  1. Main Categories of Foreign Status Merchandise Received (Top Five)

Category Value Main Countries of Origin

$ ___________________





Total: $

  1. Main Categories of Merchandise Forwarded (Top Five)

Category Value


Total: $

  1. Foreign Status Merchandise Received:

Non-privileged Foreign $

Privileged Foreign $

  1. Customs duties collected on merchandise entered into U.S. Customs territory from the operation during the calendar year amounted to $ .

  1. (Optional) Attachment field: You may attach any photographs of the operation or any information you feel may be useful.


Zone reports should reflect only activity within activated portions of zones/subzones. Foreign and domestic merchandise handled within activated FTZ areas should be reported.

  1. The grantee shall provide a list of each FTZ Board approved oil refinery operation within the general-purpose zone or subzones, and indicate whether or not activity was conducted under zone procedures at the subzone or GPZ site during the calendar year. Note that separate information for questions 2-39 below is required for each active oil refinery operator.

  2. Site/Subzone Number

  3. Company Name

  4. Company Contact Name

  5. Company Contact Phone Number

  6. Company Contact Email Address

  7. Activated Acres

  8. Activation Date

  9. Total product and feedstock storage capacity in barrels.

  10. Employment - direct and indirect (including contract employees), reported on a full time equivalent basis.

  11. List primary non-crude receipts on an average daily basis.

  12. What percent of the primary non-crude receipts are sourced from abroad?

  13. List primary non-NPF attributed products (fuels, lubricants, etc.).

  14. The primary non-NPF attributed products account for __% of total output.

  15. Provide a description of types of customers for non-NPF products shipped from the refinery. In describing customers, do not provide customer names or specific customer information. We are seeking general information about general types or categories of customers by industry and/or by use.

  16. Identify exports by product and volume.

  17. List primary products produced from NPF attributed feedstocks.

  18. NPF attributed products account for __% of total output.

  19. Provide a description of types of customers for petrochemical products.

  20. Provide the percent of total production that is directly or indirectly exported _____%. The indirect exports to be reported are shipments that are entered for consumption prior to subsequent re-exportation or shipments to a customer or related facility that are later exported (whenever known). You may rely on estimates for indirect exports but it is important that each operator do its best to account for all export activity that is supported by their FTZ operation.

  21. Current rated crude distillation capacity (BPD).

  22. Volume of total crude oil receipts on an average daily basis (BPD).

  23. Volume of foreign crude oil receipts on an average daily basis (BPD).

  24. Estimated percentage of foreign crude receipts under 25 degrees API.

  25. Provide the number and date of the most recent Board Order.

  26. What capacity (BPD or BPD equivalent) was approved by the Board in the above order?

Grants of authority are approved for a given level of activity. In the case of oil refineries, the levels of activity are stated in terms of current rated crude distillation capacity. A plant may increase its capacity, but the level of approved zone activity for the plant remains at the level approved under the refinery's current Board Order. Significant increases in activity above Board-approved levels require an expanded authorization.

  1. Is the refinery operating within the approved scope of authority? Explain.

  2. Indicate how zone savings assist the company in its international competitiveness efforts (e.g., reduce operating costs, improve margins, help make exports more competitive, maintain or increase refinery capacity through processing unit upgrades or additions at U.S. refinery versus foreign refinery in a global industry).

In describing how FTZ status has affected the refinery, please give examples and anecdotal information that you feel relevant. We recognize that FTZ status may be only a contributing factor.

  1. Current estimate of annual zone duty savings.

  2. Provide an estimate for the value-added activity that takes place under zone procedures (labor, profit, overhead, etc.). One way to estimate value-added is: Value of Sales from Plant minus Value of merchandise Received at Plant. Value-added should not be included in the Movement of Merchandise figures below.

  3. Describe public-type benefits (both direct and indirect) to the local and national economy. Please give specific examples. As it applies to your plant, you may describe with any or all of the following:

    1. Affected domestic production employment and refinery capacity

    2. Helped to offset environmental compliance costs

    3. Helped to preserve U.S. refining capacity

    4. Contributed to increased investment in U.S. refining

In describing industry impact, information may be presented to the FTZ Board on a company-wide or industry-wide basis (rather than from individual refineries). In this manner the accumulated impact of all of a company's facilities or the use of zone procedures in the industry as a whole may be discussed rather than on an individual basis.

  1. If the operation is subject to restriction, please describe method of compliance.

  2. Movement of Merchandise

Merchandise in the Zone at Beginning and End of Calendar Year

Beginning End

Value Value

Domestic Status $ $

Foreign Status

Total: $ $

Merchandise Received Value

Domestic Status $

Foreign Status

From Other U.S. FTZ's:

Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Total: $

Merchandise Forwarded Value

To The U.S. Market $

To Foreign Countries (Exports)

To Other U.S. FTZ's

Total: $

Merchandise destroyed: $

Explanation of Discrepancies:

a. Does Beginning Inventory + Total Merchandise Received - Total Merchandise Forwarded - Merchandise Destroyed = Ending Inventory? If not, explain.

b. Is the level of Merchandise Received this year significantly different from the previous year? If yes, explain.

c. Is the Ending Inventory from the previous year equal to the Beginning Inventory for this year?

  1. Main Categories of Foreign Status Merchandise Received (Top Five)

Category Value Main Countries of Origin

$ ___________________





Total: $

  1. Main Categories of Merchandise Forwarded (Top Five)

Category Value


Total: $

  1. Foreign Status Merchandise Received:

Non-privileged Foreign $

Privileged Foreign $

  1. Customs duties collected on merchandise entered into U.S. Customs territory from the operation during the year amounted to $ .

  1. (Optional) Attachment field: You may attach any photographs of the operation or any information you feel may be useful.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorElizabeth Whiteman
Last Modified ByChristopher Kemp
File Modified2014-08-29
File Created2014-08-29

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