UNAVCO User Satisfaction Survey

National Science Foundation Surveys to Measure Customer Satisfaction

UNAVCO Survey for NSF

UNAVCO User Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 3145-0157

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UNAVCO Community draft 1
The Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) has been asked by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to solicit feedback on the products and services provided by UNAVCO - the nonprofit, university-governed consortium (www.unavco.org). Under a 2013 award from NSF, UNVACO
operates the National Earth Science Geodetic Facility (GAGE) and provides various data, software,
engineering, education and training opportunities to the geosciences community.
We greatly appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide. If you agree to participate by
continuing this survey, you will be asked a series of questions about which UNAVCO products and
services you use and your satisfaction with those products and services. The survey should take a
maximum of 45 minutes and most people will be able to complete this survey in 15-20
minutes. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may skip any questions you
wish or stop answering questions at any time. Individual answers will not be made public and
information will only be shared in aggregate form.
If you wish to withdraw your consent after completing the survey form, or if you have any questions
or concerns about the survey, please contact the Earth Sciences, Information and Facilities Program
Director, Dr. Russell Kelz at [email protected] or 703-292-4747, or Dr. Sharon Williams (STPI) at
[email protected] or 202-419-5411.
Thank you again for your participation.

1) Do you or have you ever used any of the following (check all that apply):
[ ] UNAVCO data (any data from unavco.org, opentopo.sdsc.edu, suominet.ucar.edu)
[ ] UNAVCO data support services
[ ] UNAVCO equipment
[ ] UNAVCO educational materials
[ ] UNAVCO-supported software
[ ] UNAVCO project support
[ ] Other: _________________________________________________

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
2) Do you consider yourself a member of the UNAVCO community?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Do you consider yourself a member of the UNAVCO
community?" #2 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

3) If so, how long have you been involved with UNAVCO?

4) In which sector are you employed?
( ) College or University
( ) Agriculture - Private Industry or Self-Employed
( ) Local, State or Federal Government
( ) Primary or Secondary Education
( ) Non-academic Research Institution
( ) Other - Please Describe: _________________________________________________

5) What is your job title?

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("UNAVCO project

Page exit logic: Page LogicIF: Question "Have you ever requested UNAVCO's assistance with
project technical planning, budgeting, or guidance on broader impacts? " #6 is one of the
following answers ("No") THEN: Jump to page 4 - (untitled)

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
6) Have you ever requested UNAVCO's assistance with project technical planning,
budgeting, or guidance on broader impacts?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever requested
UNAVCO's assistance with project technical planning, budgeting, or guidance on broader
impacts? " #6 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
7) If requested, did you receive assistance?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "If requested, did you receive assistance? " #7 is one of the
following answers ("No")

8) If you did not receive assistance, why not?

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "If requested, did you receive assistance? " #7 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
9) If you did receive project planning support services, in which areas? (check all that
( ) Project technical planning
( ) Project budgeting planning
( ) Broader Impacts proposal guidance
( ) Other - Write In: _________________________________________________

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "If requested, did you receive assistance? " #7 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
10) Overall, how satisfied were you with UNAVCO's Project Support?
( ) Not at all Satisfied ( ) Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Extremely Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied ( )

11) Please tell us the details about your experiences with UNAVCO project

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("UNAVCO data support
services","UNAVCO project support","Other")


Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
12) Have you used any of the following project and service resources? (check all that apply)
( ) Geophysical event response including community activities, hardware use, or data requests
( ) Polar sources for NSF-OPP funded work in the Artic
( ) Education and outreach services including student support, short courses, curriculum design,
or field education
( ) GPS/GNSS support
( ) Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) support
( ) Borehole services
( ) Data management and archiving including GPS/GNSS data delivery, pickup, or conversion
( ) None - Not applicable

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used any of the following project and service
resources? (check all that apply)" #12 is one of the following answers ("Geophysical event
response including community activities, hardware use, or data requests","Polar sources
for NSF-OPP funded work in the Artic","Education and outreach services including
student support, short courses, curriculum design, or field education","GPS/GNSS
support","Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) support","Borehole services","Data
management and archiving including GPS/GNSS data delivery, pickup, or conversion")

13) If so, how would you describe your experience?

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("UNAVCO equipment")

Equipment and Instrumentation

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
14) Have you used the following programs for equipment and instrumentation?
( ) Instrument/equipment loan
( ) Instrument/equipment purchasing
( ) Instrument/equipment repair
( ) Instrument/equipment configuration or integration
( ) Instrument/equipment testing
( ) None - Not applicable

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following programs for equipment and
instrumentation?" #14 is one of the following answers ("Instrument/equipment loan")

15) What kind of equipment have you borrowed?

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following programs for equipment and
instrumentation?" #14 is one of the following answers ("Instrument/equipment loan")
16) Overall, how satisfied have you been with equipment you have borrowed from
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following programs for equipment and
instrumentation?" #14 is one of the following answers ("Instrument/equipment loan")

17) Please tell us about your experiences with UNAVCO equipment loans.


Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
18) Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Purchasing Services?
( ) Yes
( ) No

19) Have you ever participated in a UVACO order pools?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Purchasing
Services? " #18 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
20) Did UNAVCO Purchasing services help save you? (choose all that apply)
( ) Time
( ) Money
( ) Stress/Anxiety
( ) Other - Write In: _________________________________________________
( ) None of the above

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Purchasing
Services? " #18 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
21) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Equipment Purchasing Services?

( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Purchasing
Services? " #18 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

22) Please tell us about your experiences with UNAVCO purchasing services.

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
23) Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Repair services?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Repair
services? " #23 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
24) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Equipment Repair Services?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Equipment Repair
services? " #23 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

25) Please tell us about your experiences with UNAVCO Equipment Repair


Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
26) Have you ever used the UNAVCO Instrument/Equipment Development and Testing
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used the UNAVCO Instrument/Equipment
Development and Testing Services?" #26 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
27) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Equipment/Development and
Testing Experiences?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used the UNAVCO Instrument/Equipment
Development and Testing Services?" #26 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

28) Please tell us about your experiences with UNAVCO Instrument/Equipment
Development and Testing.

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("Other")

Data Services
Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
29) Are you a UNAVCO Data user?
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Don't Know

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data user?" #29 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
30) Have you used the following data sources (check all that apply)
[ ] Imaging data including Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data , Airborne Laser Scanning
(ALS) data, or synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data
[ ] Strain and seismic data including laser strainmeter data, borehole strainmeter data, borehole
seismic data, borehole pressure data, and borehole tilt data
[ ] Tropospheric data including surface met data, tropospheric processing models, and integrated
precipitable water vapor (PWV)
[ ] GPS/GNSS data including real-time GPS data and high-rate GPS data
[ ] Data communications planning
[ ] Other - Write In: _________________________________________________

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data user?" #29 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
31) How important is UNAVCO data for fulfilling your work requirements or research

( ) Not at all important
( ) Vital

( ) Somewhat important

( ) Usefull but not necessary ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data user?" #29 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
32) How satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Data Quality?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data user?" #29 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
33) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Data Support?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data user?" #29 is one of the
following answers ("Yes")
34) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Data Access and the Web
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data
user?" #29 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
35) Have you used UNAVCO GPS/GNSS Data? If so, which of the following (select all that
[ ] Realtime GPS
[ ] Archived GPS

[ ] GNSS
[ ] N/A - have not used

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used UNAVCO GPS/GNSS Data? If so, which
of the following (select all that apply). " #35 is one of the following answers ("Realtime
GPS","Archived GPS","GNSS")
36) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO GPS/GNSS data?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used UNAVCO GPS/GNSS Data? If so, which
of the following (select all that apply). " #35 is one of the following answers ("Realtime
GPS","Archived GPS","GNSS")

37) Do you have any suggestions for the improvement of any of UNAVCO's
GPS/GNSS data or access to this data? If so, please provide details.

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data
user?" #29 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
38) Have you used any UNAVCO Imaging Data? If so, which data (select all that apply)?
[ ] Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
[ ] Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
[ ] N/A have not used

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used any UNAVCO Imaging Data? If so, which
data (select all that apply)?" #38 is one of the following answers ("Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR)","Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)")
39) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Imaging data?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used any UNAVCO Imaging Data? If so, which
data (select all that apply)?" #38 is one of the following answers ("Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR)","Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)")

40) Do you have any suggestions for the improvement of any of UNAVCO's
Imaging data or access to this data? If so, please provide details.

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data
user?" #29 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
41) Have you used any UNAVCO Strain and Seismic data? If so, which data (select all that
[ ] Laser Strainmeter Data
[ ] Borehole Strainmeter Data
[ ] Borehole Seismic Data
[ ] Borehole Pore Pressure Data
[ ] Borehole Tilt Data
[ ] N/A - none used

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used any UNAVCO Strain and Seismic
data? If so, which data (select all that apply)?" #41 is one of the following answers ("Laser
Strainmeter Data","Borehole Strainmeter Data","Borehole Seismic Data","Borehole Pore
Pressure Data","Borehole Tilt Data")
42) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Strain and Seismic data?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used any UNAVCO Strain and Seismic
data? If so, which data (select all that apply)?" #41 is one of the following answers ("Laser
Strainmeter Data","Borehole Strainmeter Data","Borehole Seismic Data","Borehole Pore
Pressure Data","Borehole Tilt Data")

43) Do you have any suggestions for the improvement of any of UNAVCO's
Strain or Seismic data or access to this data? If so, please provide details.

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data
user?" #29 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
44) Have you ever used UNAVCO Tropospheric data? If so, which data (select all that
[ ] Surface Met Data
[ ] Tropospheric Processing Models
[ ] Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV)
[ ] N/A - have not used

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Tropospheric data? If so,
which data (select all that apply)?" #44 is one of the following answers ("Surface Met
Data","Tropospheric Processing Models","Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV)")
45) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO Tropospheric data?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used UNAVCO Tropospheric data? If so,
which data (select all that apply)?" #44 is one of the following answers ("Surface Met
Data","Tropospheric Processing Models","Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV)")

46) Do you have any suggestions for the improvement of any of UNAVCO's
Tropospheric data or access to this data? If so, please provide details.

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Are you a UNAVCO Data
user?" #29 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
47) Have you submitted data products to the UNAVCO Archive including the following
(check all that apply):
[ ] GPS Time Series and Velocities
[ ] InSAR
[ ] Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
[ ] N/A - have not submitted data

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you submitted data products to the UNAVCO
Archive including the following (check all that apply):" #47 is one of the following answers

("GPS/GNNS (Raw, RINEX)","GPS Time Series and Velocities","InSAR","Terrestrial
Laser Scanning (TLS)")

48) If so, how would you describe your experience?

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("UNAVCO-supported

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
49) Have you used the following software? If so, please check all that apply.
[ ] Data management packages including Geodetic Seamless Archive Center (GSAC) and
dataworks for PNNS
[ ] Visualization software including the GPS velocity viewer, Jules Verne Voyager, or UNAVCO
[ ] Modeling software including VISCO1D
[ ] Geodetic utilities such as the plate motion calculator or the geiod height calculator
[ ] Data processing software such as TEQC, GPS/GNSS data pre- and post-processing, TLS, or
[ ] GPS/TLS data processing/software
[ ] Data processing including GPS/GNSS data processing service
[ ] N/A - have not used

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following
software? If so, please check all that apply." #49 is one of the following answers ("Data
management packages including Geodetic Seamless Archive Center (GSAC) and
dataworks for PNNS","Visualization software including the GPS velocity viewer, Jules
Verne Voyager, or UNAVCO IDV","Modeling software including VISCO1D","Geodetic
utilities such as the plate motion calculator or the geiod height calculator","Data
processing software such as TEQC, GPS/GNSS data pre- and post-processing, TLS, or
SAR","GPS/TLS data processing/software","Data processing including GPS/GNSS data
processing service")
50) Have you ever requested help with software use or software bugs?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever requested help with software use or
software bugs?" #50 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
51) Overall, how satisfied have you been with UNAVCO's responses to requests for
software help?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever requested help with software use or
software bugs?" #50 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

52) If so, tell us about your experiences?

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.

53) Have you ever used software from UNAVCO f? If so, check all that apply.
[ ] Data Processing Software (e.g., TEQC, TLS)
[ ] Data Management Software (e.g., GSAC, Dataworks)
[ ] Data Visualization (e.g., Jules Verne Voyager, UNAVCO IDV)
[ ] Modeling Software (e.g., 3D-Def, DEFNODE)
[ ] Geodetic Utilities Software (e.g., plate motion calculator, geoid height calculator)
[ ] Other - Write In: _________________________________________________
[ ] N/A - none used

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used software from UNAVCO f? If so,
check all that apply." #53 is one of the following answers ("Data Processing Software (e.g.,
TEQC, TLS)","Data Management Software (e.g., GSAC, Dataworks)","Data Visualization
(e.g., Jules Verne Voyager, UNAVCO IDV)","Modeling Software (e.g., 3D-Def,
DEFNODE)","Geodetic Utilities Software (e.g., plate motion calculator, geoid height
calculator)","Other - Write In")
54) Overall, how satisfied have you been with the software available through UNAVCO?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you ever used software from UNAVCO f? If so,
check all that apply." #53 is one of the following answers ("Data Processing Software (e.g.,
TEQC, TLS)","Data Management Software (e.g., GSAC, Dataworks)","Data Visualization
(e.g., Jules Verne Voyager, UNAVCO IDV)","Modeling Software (e.g., 3D-Def,
DEFNODE)","Geodetic Utilities Software (e.g., plate motion calculator, geoid height
calculator)","Other - Write In")

55) Do you have any suggestions for software improvements or new software?

Page entry logic: This page will show when: Question "Do you or have you ever used any of the
following (check all that apply):" #1 is one of the following answers ("UNAVCO educational

Education and Outreach
Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
56) Have you used the following education and outreach resources (check all that apply)
[ ] Geodetic-focused field education
[ ] Student mentoring
[ ] Education materials including activities and lab exercises or Geodesy Tools for Societal
Issues (GETSI)
[ ] Workshops and/or short courses
[ ] Educational workshops
[ ] Map tools
[ ] Data for educators
[ ] Curriculum development
[ ] Other - Write In: _________________________________________________
[ ] None - Not applicable

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following education and outreach
resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following answers ("Geodetic-focused
field education","Workshops and/or short courses","Educational workshops")

57) In what year did you participate in a field school, workshop or short course?

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following
education and outreach resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following

answers ("Geodetic-focused field education","Workshops and/or short
courses","Educational workshops")
58) Overall, how satisfied have you been with the field education available through
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Overall, how satisfied have you been with the field
education available through UNAVCO? " #58

59) Do you have any suggestions for additional field education offerings or how
to improve current offerings?

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists. Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following
education and outreach resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following
answers ("Student mentoring")
60) I was a
( ) Faculty Mentor
( ) Student Mentee

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Student

61) If you were mentored, please tell us about your experiences in the mentorship
program ( e.g., did you feel there were enough mentors, how would you describe
the quality of your interactions).


Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Student
62) As a young researcher, do you feel that there are enough opportunities for mentorship?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Student
63) Do you feel like being a part of the UNAVCO community has or will help your career?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Student

64) Please explain.

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Student
65) Overall, how satisfied have you been with the student mentoring available through
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "I was a " #60 is one of the following answers ("Faculty
Mentor","Student Mentee")

66) Do you have any suggestions on how UNAVCO could improve mentoring?

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following education and outreach
resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following answers ("Education materials
including activities and lab exercises or Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI)","Map
tools","Data for educators")
67) Overall, how satisfied have you been with the educational materials, map tools or
educational data available through UNAVCO?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following education and outreach
resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following answers ("Education materials
including activities and lab exercises or Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI)","Map
tools","Data for educators")

68) Which materials or map tools have you used and for what grade or purpose?


Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Have you used the following education and outreach
resources (check all that apply)" #56 is one of the following answers ("Education materials
including activities and lab exercises or Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI)","Map
tools","Data for educators")

69) Do you have any recommendations for new educational materials or ways to
improve existing materials?

Overall Opinion
Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
70) Are you familiar with the UNAVCO governance process?
( ) Yes
( ) No

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you familiar with the UNAVCO governance
process?" #70 is one of the following answers ("Yes")
71) If so, how satisfied are you with UNAVCO governance?

( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

( ) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ( )

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are you familiar with the UNAVCO governance
process?" #70 is one of the following answers ("Yes")

72) Do you have any suggestions for improving UNAVCO governance? If so,
please explain.

73) Do you think that UNAVCO is responsive to the needs of the community?
( ) yes
( ) no

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.
74) Are there any areas in which UNAVCO could improve it's responsiveness?
( ) yes
( ) no

Logic: Hidden unless: Question "Are there any areas in which UNAVCO could improve
it's responsiveness?" #74 is one of the following answers ("yes")

75) If yes, please explain.


76) Do you think the role of UNAVCO should change in the future? If so, how?

77) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about UNAVCO?

Thank You!

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-02-25
File Created2016-02-24

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