Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit Customer Surveys and Select Field Tests

Generic Information Collection Plan for the Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Programs

Labor1-Post-Train-the-Trainer Feedback Survey (Final)

Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit Customer Surveys and Select Field Tests

OMB: 3170-0038

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OMB Control Number: 3170-0024
Expiration Date: 12/31/2015

Instrument 1: Post-Train-the-Trainer Feedback Survey
Thank you for completing this survey as part of our evaluation of this training on Your
Money, Your Goals. This information is being collected to help CFPB improve the Your
Money, Your Goals materials. CFPB and its contractor will review responses to identify
potential enhancements to the materials.
Complete this survey providing short written responses and selecting from response options, as
prompted by the survey questions. Please note that your responses will be kept private to the
extent permitted by law and when survey results are reported none of your answers will be
directly connected to you. Please see the Paperwork Reduction Act statement and Privacy
Notice on the last page of this survey.
The organization participating in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Your Money, Your Goals
field test (may be the same as or different from your employer):

Feedback on the Your Money, Your Goals Training You Received
1) After participating in this training, how well-prepared do you feel to organize and lead
workshops on Your Money, Your Goals?
 Well-prepared
 Somewhat prepared
 Not prepared
1b) [If “somewhat prepared” or “not prepared”] In what ways do you wish you were more
2) The pace of this training was:
 Just right
 Too fast
 Too slow
2b) [If “too fast” or “too slow”] Please explain your answer to Question 2.

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OMB Control Number: 3170-0024
Expiration Date: 12/31/2015
3) The length of this training was:
 Just right
 Too short
 Too long
3b) [If “too short” or “too long”] Please explain your answer to Question 3.
4) Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. If
you disagree with any of the statements, please explain below.

The trainers were knowledgeable.
The trainers’ approaches and methods
were compatible with my learning style and
The trainer listened effectively to
contributions from me and other
Your Money, Your Goals will improve the
ability of people who provide services to
workers to meet their needs.



















5) Do you think that the web-based format that was used for this training was effective?
 Yes
 Not sure
 No

5b) Please explain your answer to Question 5.

6) Are there any topics that you wish had been covered in more detail in this training?

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OMB Control Number: 3170-0024
Expiration Date: 12/31/2015
7) Following the training, do you have any remaining questions about Your Money, Your Goals or
how you will use it with labor organization personnel?
8) Please provide any suggestions you have for how this training could be improved.

Initial Feedback on Your Money, Your Goals as Adapted for Labor Organizations
9) What pieces of Your Money, Your Goals do you think will be the most useful for the labor
organization personnel that you train? Why?
10) Are there any aspects of Your Money, Your Goals that you think labor organization personnel will
have questions about? What questions do you think they will have?

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OMB Control Number: 3170-0024
Expiration Date: 12/31/2015
11) Are there any additional topics or tools that you think should have been included in Your Money,
Your Goals?

Paperwork Reduction Act
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3170-0038. It expires on 08/31/2016. The
time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average approximately 10
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing any instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. The obligation to respond to this collection of information is voluntary. Comments
regarding this collection of information, including the estimated response time, suggestions for
improving the usefulness of the information, or suggestions for reducing the burden to respond to
this collection should be submitted to Bureau at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552, or by email to [email protected].

Privacy Notice
Information you provide in response to this survey will help the survey sponsor the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) evaluate the effectiveness of the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit, and to
assess the scope of partner organizations’ use of the toolkit.
The CFPB will not obtain or access any information that directly identifies respondents, and any answers
or comments you provide will not be tied to you individually. The agency will only obtain and access deidentified results and aggregated analyses of those results. Any directly identifying information will only
be used by ICF International (survey facilitator) and partner organizations to facilitate distribution and
collection of surveys and survey responses. Survey responses will not be shared and will be kept private
except as required by law.
This collection of information is authorized by Pub. L. No. 111-203, Title X, Sections 1013 and 1022,
codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 5493 and 5512.
Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw participation at any time.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMike Long
File Modified2014-05-14
File Created2014-05-14

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