Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Federal Forms

OMB NumberTitle
3170-0082 Generic Information Collection Plan for Foundational Research About Consumer Credit Markets and Household Financial Decision-Making
3170-0081 Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights
3170-0080 Making Ends Meet Survey
3170-0079 CFPB National Age-Friendly Banking Survey
3170-0078 Student Loan Borrower Survey Program
3170-0077 Registry of Supervised Nonbanks That Use Form Contracts To Impose Terms and Conditions That Seek To Waive or Limit Consumer Legal Protections
3170-0076 Registry of Nonbank Covered Persons Subject to Certain Agency and Court Orders
3170-0075 Certification of Vaccination
3170-0074 Debt Collection Practices in Connection with the Global COVID-19 Pandemic (Regulation F)
3170-0073 Start Small, Save Up Workforce Questionnaire
3170-0072 Request for an Advisory Opinion
3170-0071 Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans
3170-0070 Debt Collection Quantitative Disclosure Testing
3170-0069 Consumer Response Company Response Survey
3170-0068 Application Forms for Financial Empowerment Training Programs
3170-0067 Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Program
3170-0066 Generic Information Collection Plan for Surveys Using the Consumer Credit Panel
3170-0065 Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans (12 CFR Part 1041)
3170-0064 Arbitration Agreements Disclosure and Reporting Requirements - 12 CFR part 1040
3170-0063 Financial Well-Being National Survey
3170-0062 Regulation I: Disclosure Requirements for Depository Institutions Lacking Federal Deposit Insurance (12 CFR 1009)
3170-0061 Application Process for Designation of Rural Area under Federal Consumer Financial Law
3170-0060 Joint Standards and CFPB Standards for Assessing the Diversity Policies and Practices
3170-0059 Policy On No-Action Letters and Compliance Assistance Sandbox Policy
3170-0058 Owning a Home Evaluation Study
3170-0057 Consumer Response Government and Congressional Portal Boarding Forms
3170-0056 Regulation F: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, State Application for Exemption
3170-0055 Generic Information Collection Plan to Conduct Cognitive and Pilot Testing of Research Methods, Instruments, and Forms
3170-0054 Consumer Complaint Intake System Company Portal Boarding Form
3170-0053 ROADS to Financial Independence
3170-0052 Consumer and College Credit Card Agreements
3170-0051 Financial Coaching Program for Veterans and Low-income Consumers
3170-0050 Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) 12 CFR 1026 Pre-Paid Card Regulation
3170-0049 Teacher Training Initiative (TTI) Local Education Agencies (LEA) Partnership Application
3170-0048 Generic Information Collection Plan for Studies of Consumers using Controlled Trials in Field and Economic Laboratory Settings
3170-0047 Debt Collection Survey from the Consumer Credit Panel
3170-0046 Telephone Survey Exploring Consumer Awareness of and Perceptions Regarding Dispute Resolution Provisions in Credit Card Agreements
3170-0044 Randomized Evaluation of the Credit Matters Loan at St. Louis Community Credit Union and Credit Matters Counseling offered by BALANCE Financial Fitness Program
3170-0043 Development of Metrics to Measure Financial Well-being of Working-age and Older American Consumers
3170-0042 Generic Information Collection Plan for Consumer Complaint and Information Collection System (Testing and Feedback)
3170-0041 “Generic Information Collection Plan for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Outreach Activities
3170-0040 Equal Access to Justice Act
3170-0039 Trial Disclosure Policy
3170-0038 Generic Information Collection Plan for the Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Programs
3170-0037 Application for the Bureau’s Advisory Committees
3170-0036 Generic Information Collection Plan for Qualitative Consumer Education, Engagement and Experience Information Collections
3170-0035 Ability to Repay and Qualified Mortgage Standards Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) (Concurrent Proposal)
3170-0034 Consumer Attitudes, Understanding, and Behaviors with Respect to Financial Services and Products
3170-0033 Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms
3170-0032 Generic Information Collection Plan for Information on Compliance Costs and Other Effects of Regulations
3170-0031 Loan Originator Compensation Amendment (Regulation Z)
3170-0030 Clearance for Financial Education Program Evaluation
3170-0029 Credit Card Agreement Testing Survey
3170-0028 Mortgage Servicing Amendment (Regulation Z)
3170-0027 Mortgage Servicing Amendment (Regulation X)
3170-0026 Appraisals for Higher-Risk Mortgage Loans Amendment (Regulation Z)
3170-0025 Homeownership Counseling Amendments to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X)
3170-0024 Generic Information Collection Plan for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Bureau Service Delivery
3170-0023 High-Cost Mortgage and Homeownership Counseling Amendments to the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)
3170-0022 Generic Information Collection Plan for the Development and Testing of Disclosures and Related Materials
3170-0021 Advisory Boards, Groups and Committees
3170-0020 Streamlining Inherited Regulations
3170-0019 State Official Notification Rule
3170-0018 Qualitative Testing of Mortgage Servicing Related Model Forms and Disclosures
3170-0017 Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Requirements
3170-0016 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X)
3170-0015 Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)
3170-0014 Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regulation E)
3170-0013 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)
3170-0012 Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (Regulations J, K, and L)
3170-0011 Consumer Response Intake Form
3170-0010 Privacy of Consumer Financial Information (Regulation P)
3170-0009 Mortgage Acts and Practices-Advertising (Regulation N)
3170-0008 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (Regulation C)
3170-0007 Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (Regulation O)
3170-0006 Consumer Leasing Act (Regulation M)
3170-0005 Registration of Mortgage Loan Originators (Regulation G)
3170-0004 Truth in Savings (Regulation DD)
3170-0003 Research in Development of Disclosure Forms
3170-0002 Prohibition of Inclusion of Adverse Information in Consumer Reporting in Cases of Human Trafficking (Regulation V) Final Rule
3170-0001 Terms of Credit Card Plans Survey

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