Control Number: 0584-XXXX
Site ID: ________________ Date:
Staff interviewed (names/titles):
Interviewer name:
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. |
Note to Interviewer:
Several of the items for this interview are included in the Phase I Site Survey but are included in this interview because the information may change during the period between the survey and start of the pilot. Prior to the interview, provide the site with a report of their Phase I survey responses and ask them to review it to prepare updates for the interview. The interviewee can make changes to the report and return it before the interview or share the changes with the interviewer during the interview, whichever they prefer. Additionally, request a copy of the current Local Agency Nutrition Education Plan for the site and, if applicable, a schedule of the group education topics for the site. Review these in advance of the interview to prefill any questions in the interview guide that can be completed with information in those resources and verify them during the interview.
Hi. My name is _______________________. I work for Altarum Institute, and we are part of the study team for the WIC Nutrition Education Study or NEST.
Thank you for taking the time for this interview. The purpose of today’s interview is to hear from you about your WIC site and the nutrition education you provide. During this interview, I will ask you to provide updates for some of the information that we received from your site previously in a survey completed last summer. I’ll also ask for some additional background information about your site and how you provide nutrition education. We will be contacting you again in 6 months for updates to some of this information, which will take about 15 minutes. Our interview today will last no more than 45 minutes.
Do you have any questions before we begin? If not, let’s get started!
Note to reviewers: Several of the items for this interview are included in the Phase I Site Survey but are included in this interview because the information may change during the period between the survey and start of the pilot. We will provide the Phase II sites with a report of the Phase I survey responses in advance of the interview and ask them to review it to prepare updates for the interview. The interviewee can make changes and return it before the interview or go through the changes with the interviewer during the interview, whichever they prefer. Additionally, the interviewer will have a copy of their responses to help facilitate the interview so that this information is being “verified” rather than being requested again. |
Describe the site schedule (hours of operation, days of the week operating): __________________________________________________________________
On average, how many participants are served at your site each month? ________
For each job classification/type of staff, enter
the number of staff who currently provide nutrition education at the
site who work full time and the number who work part time.
(If a staff member works 32 or more hours/week on WIC, count them
in the Full-Time Staff column and if less than 32 hours/week on WIC,
count them in the Part-Time Staff column appropriate for the number
of hours they work per week. If a staff member performs
more than one role, count them only once in the job
classification/type for their primary role.)
Job Classification/Type of Staff |
Number of Full-Time Staff (work on WIC activities 32 or more hours per week) |
Number of Part-Time Staff (work on WIC activities 21–31 hours per week) |
Number of Part-Time Staff (work on WIC activities 20 or fewer hours per week) |
WIC director/coordinator |
Site/clinic supervisor |
Registered dietitian (RD) |
Degreed nutritionist, not RD |
Trained nutrition paraprofessional (e.g., nutrition assistant, nutrition aid, competent paraprofessional authority, diet technician, social services technician) |
Nurse |
Nutrition education coordinator |
Administrative/clerical/support staff |
Lactation consultant/WIC-designated breastfeeding expert |
Breastfeeding coordinator |
Breastfeeding peer counselor |
Other:_______________ |
Total |
Now I’d like to know how your site provides nutrition education.
During what
types of visits does the site provide nutrition education contacts?
(Select all that apply.)
Certification visit (e.g., enrollment, recertification)
Mid-certification visit (e.g., prenatal trimester visit, infant/child mid-certification, breastfeeding mid-certification)
Secondary education follow-up visit (e.g., group classes, food issuance/pick-up, breastfeeding follow-up, low risk follow-up)
High-risk follow-up visit (e.g. nutritionist visit, nutrition counseling visit, high-risk group classes)
Other visits (describe):
In the first column, enter the number of nutrition education contacts the site offers (i.e., makes available) during a certification period for each participant category and time period. While the number of contacts varies based on individual needs, enter the number that is offered to the majority of participants in the category. (Count all contacts beginning with the certification visit; for example, if prenatal women who enroll in the 1st trimester are offered 3 contacts during the prenatal certification period, enter “3.” Enter NA for any category/time period that is not applicable at the site.)
In the second column, enter the estimated percentage of participants who receive that number of nutrition education contacts during their certification period. (Please estimate based on your experience. You do not need to run a report or review participant records to answer this question.)
Participant Category and Time Periods |
Number of Nutrition Education Contacts Site Offers during Certification Period |
Estimated Percentage of Participants who Receive this Number of Contacts |
Participants who are NOT high risk |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 1st trimester |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 2nd trimester |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 3rd trimester |
Breastfeeding woman, 6-month certification period |
Breastfeeding woman, 12-month certification period |
Postpartum woman, not breastfeeding |
Infant, 6-month certification period |
Infant, 12-month certification period |
Child, 6-month certification |
Child, 12-month certification |
Participants who are high risk and/or have nutritional risks requiring special attention |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 1st trimester |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 2nd trimester |
Prenatal woman, enrolling in 3rd trimester |
Breastfeeding woman, 6-month certification period |
Breastfeeding woman, 12-month certification period |
Postpartum woman, not breastfeeding |
Infant, 6-month certification period |
Infant, 12-month certification period |
Child, 6-month certification period |
Child, 12-month certification period |
On average, how much time do staff members who provide nutrition education at the site spend providing nutrition education during each of the following types of WIC visits? Do not include time spent on eligibility (e.g., income and residency) or assessment (e.g., weighing/measuring, blood work, reviewing nutrition questionnaires).
Type of Visit |
than 5 |
5–10 |
11–20 Min |
21–30 |
31–45 |
46–60 |
More than 60 Min |
NA |
Don’t Know |
Enrollment Certification |
— |
— |
— |
Mid-certification |
Secondary education follow-up (individual) |
Secondary education follow-up (group) |
High-risk follow-up |
Other |
Do you know what your attendance rate is, that is, the percentage of participants who come for nutrition education appointments?
Not applicable, site does not schedule appointments (walk-in only) GO TO Question 11
In a typical month, about what percentage of participants attend appointments (i.e., “show up”) for nutrition education at each type of appointment?
Type of Appointment |
Percent |
Certification |
___ |
Mid-certification |
___ |
Secondary education follow-up |
___ |
High-risk follow-up |
___ |
Other visits (describe): ________________ |
___ |
What methods, if any, does your site use to remind participants of their upcoming appointments, for example, reminder calls or text messages?
How does your site follow up with participants who miss their nutrition education appointments?
Which of the following medical or other services are offered to participants at this site in conjunction with WIC visits? [INTERVIEWER: READ LIST AND SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.]
Child health care (e.g., EPSDT, well child)
Prenatal care
Lead testing
Family planning services
SNAP registration
Medicaid registration
Head Start
Other (describe):
What methods are used to provide nutrition education? (Select all methods that are used for each type of visit.)
Method |
Enrollment Certification |
Recertification |
Mid-certification |
Secondary Education |
High-Risk |
Other |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
During certification visits (enrollment or recertification), how often does the site use the methods listed below to provide nutrition education? (Select one response for each method.)
Method |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Some-times |
Often |
Almost Always (≥90%) |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
During mid-certification visits, how often does the site use the methods listed below to provide nutrition education? (Select one response for each method.)
Method |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Some-times |
Often |
Almost Always (≥90%) |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
During secondary education follow-up visits, how often does the site use the methods listed below to provide nutrition education? (Select one response for each method.)
Method |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Some-times |
Often |
Almost Always (≥90%) |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
During high-risk follow-up visits, how often does the site use the methods listed below to provide nutrition education? (Select one response for each method.)
Method |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Some-times |
Often |
Almost Always (≥90%) |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
During other types of visits (not including certification, mid-certification, secondary education follow-up, and high-risk follow-up visits), how often does the site use the methods listed below to provide nutrition education? (Select one response for each method.)
Method |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Some-times |
Often |
Almost Always (≥90%) |
One-on-one counseling: Face to face (in WIC site) |
One-on-one counseling: Telephone |
One-on-one counseling: Video conferencing |
Group education sessions |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants at site (e.g., computer, kiosk, tablet) |
Technology-based nutrition education used by participants offsite via Internet (e.g., web-based nutrition education modules) |
Other nutrition education activities (e.g., monthly topic, worksheets, videos, self-study modules) |
Which of the following does your site use to reinforce the information provided in nutrition education contacts? [INTERVIEWER: READ LIST AND SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.]
Brochures or written materials
Bulletin boards with nutrition information
Computer, kiosk, or tablet computer at the site
Cooking demonstrations
Display tables with nutrition information
Educational props (e.g., food containers, breastfeeding dolls, physical activity items)
Email messages with nutrition education content
Food tasting
Monthly or quarterly nutrition newsletters sent home
Nutrition education videos/DVDs sent home
Nutrition education videos/DVDs viewed at site
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
Support groups (e.g., parenting or breastfeeding group)
Technology-based education used outside of the site
Telephone calls with nutrition education content
Text messages with nutrition education content
Other (describe):
a) What, if any, follow-up does your site do to assess if participants are using these reinforcement materials or options?
b) [ASK ONLY IF SITE IS ASSESSING USE OF REINFORCERS] What have you learned about how participants are using reinforcement materials?
[ASK ONLY IF SITE PROVIDES GROUP EDUCATION] How many months of future group session topics do you have planned?
I’m going to read a list of topics. Please tell me if you plan to cover the topic in group education for the upcoming months. [INTERVIEWER: READ LIST AND SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.]
Child feeding practices
Cooking/meal preparation
Dental health
Fruit and vegetables
Healthy snacks
Healthy weight for child
Healthy weight for mother
Infant feeding practices
Infant/child growth and development
Introduction of solid foods
Inappropriate/sometimes foods (e.g., high-fat foods, fast foods)
Milk (lower fat choices/consumption)
Physical activity
Picky eaters
Portion sizes
Prenatal nutrition/diet
Shopping for and preparing healthy foods
Sugar-sweetened beverages
Water consumption
Whole grains
Weaning from the bottle
Other (describe):
Now, I have a few questions about the space available at your site for providing nutrition education.
a) Do you feel that there is adequate space for providing nutrition education at your site?
b) [If no] Please explain:
In your opinion, what features of your WIC site support high-quality and effective nutrition education?
If you could change one thing about your site’s space to improve the way you provide nutrition education, what would it be?
Next I have some questions about training for staff who provide nutrition education at this site.
During the past 6 months, about how many total hours of training on nutrition topics and/or nutrition education skills were provided to staff at your site who provide nutrition education? If there was one 4-hour training course and one 2-hour training course, then count 6 hours regardless of the number of staff who attended.
I’m going to read a list of different types of nutrition education methods. For each one, tell me if staff at this site who provide nutrition education have received training on this method in the past 6 months. Include training that was provided by your own agency, State agency, and any outside training.
3-step counseling
Facilitated group discussion
Motivational interviewing
Communication skills
Goal setting
Emotion-based counseling
Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment (VENA) skills/participant or learner-centered education skills
None of the above
Now I’m going to read a list of different types of nutrition and health topics. For each one, tell me if staff at this site who provide nutrition education have received training on this topic in the past 6 months. Include training that was provided by your own agency, State agency, and any outside training.
Choosing lower fat milk
Fruit and vegetables
Physical activity
Whole grains
None of the above
I’d like to know about referrals that your site provides to participants.
Are participants referred to other programs or organizations for help with achieving nutrition education, physical activity, or other health goals?
No GO TO Question 31
To which programs/organizations do you routinely refer WIC participants?
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________
Describe your referral process. For example, are referrals made by providing information to the participant, by phone or email to the referral organization, etc.?
What, if any, follow-up is done with the participant or with the referral organization after the referral is made?
My last questions ask for your opinion about challenges in providing nutrition education and factors that support implementation of effective nutrition education.
What are the biggest challenges you experience in providing nutrition education?
a) What factors support your site in implementing effective nutrition education?
b) Describe how those factors support your site.
Is there anything else you would like me to know about how your site provides nutrition education?
Before we wrap up, can you please describe any special nutrition education activities or approaches used at your site?
That’s all of the questions that I have today. I will talk with you again in about 6 months. Thank you for taking the time for this interview.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Brent Walker |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-27 |