National Center for Education Statistics
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Volume II
Protocols – Scripts, Items and Probes
NAEP Pretesting Survey Questions for Core, Reading, Writing, and Mathematics – Cognitive Interviews
OMB# 1850-0803 v.117
October 31, 2014
I. Interviewer Welcome Script and Assent/Consent 1
Reading Cognitive Interview Items and Probes 5
Student Items – Grade 4 and 8 (Cross Grade) 6
Teacher – Grade 4 and 8 (Cross Grade) 44
School – Grade 4 and 8 (Cross Grade) 78
Mathematics Cognitive Interview Items and Probes 83
Student Items – Grades 4 and 8 (Cross Grades) 84
Student Items – Grade 4 Specific 102
Student Items – Grade 8 Specific 112
Teacher Items – Grades 4 and 8 (Cross Grades) 123
Teacher Items – Grade 4 Specific 134
Teacher Items – Grade 8 Specific 136
School Items – Grades 4 and 8 (Cross Grades) 138
School Items – Grade 4 Specific 140
School Items – Grade 8 Specific 145
Writing Cognitive Interview Items and Probes 153
Student Items – Grades 8 and 12 (Cross-grade) 154
School Administrator Items – Grades 8 & 12 (Cross-grade) 203
Core Cognitive Interview Items and Probes 218
Student Items – Grades 4, 8, and 12 (Cross Grade) 219
Student Items – Grades 8 and 12 (Cross Grade) 268
Teacher Items – Grades 4 and 8 (Cross Grade) 276
School Items – Grades 4, 8, and 12 306
The following script does not have to be read verbatim. You, as the interviewer, should be familiar enough with the script to introduce the participant to the cognitive interview process in a conversational manner. The text in italics is suggested content for you to become thoroughly familiar with in advance. You should project a warm and reassuring manner toward the participant in order to develop a friendly rapport and should use conversational language throughout the interview.
After answering questions and giving further explanation, begin the interview with the first item.
Student Welcome Script:
Hello, my name is <name >.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study. Your help is very important to us. Let me tell you a bit more about what we are going to do today.
I have some questions that students in many different schools across the country will be asked to answer about themselves and their families. The questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Some of the questions may be difficult to understand or answer. Our goal is to make these questions better so that other students can easily understand them. That is why we need your feedback.
We want you to help us find out which questions are easy to understand and which are difficult to understand. There are no right or wrong answers. Your feedback will help the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which is part of the United States Department of Education, make these questions clearer for students like you. In the next hour we will try to get through as many questions as possible.
This interview is being audio recorded so that researchers can review the recordings later. No one else will hear the recording. Participant responses are voluntary and will be used only for research purposes. They will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time and end the interview.
Teacher Welcome Script
Hello, my name is <name>.
Thank you for coming here today to help us.
I have some questions that teachers in many different schools will be asked to answer about themselves, their instructional practices, and their schools. The questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Some of the questions may not be easy to understand or answer. There are no wrong answers, but please try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Your feedback will help the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the United States Department of Education, make these questions clearer for teachers like you. In the next hour we will try to get through as many questions as possible.
This interview is being audio recorded so that researchers can review the recordings later. Participant responses are voluntary, will be used only for research purposes, and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
Do you have any questions?
If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time and end the interview.
School Administrator Welcome Script
Hello, my name is <name >.
Thank you for coming here today to help us.
I have some questions that school administrators in many different schools will be asked to answer about their school policies and characteristics. The questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Some of the questions may not be easy to understand or answer. There are no wrong answers, but please try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Your feedback will help the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the United States Department of Education, make these questions clearer for school administrators like you. In the next hour we will try to get through as many questions as possible.
This interview is being audio recorded so that researchers can review the recordings later. Participant responses are voluntary, will be used only for research purposes, and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
Do you have any questions?
If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time and end the interview.
After the participant is welcomed and the purpose of the study is explained, the cognitive interview starts.
Please ask the participant to read each item first and provide his/her response. Then, start with the generic probes for each item, followed by the specific probes. The probes that are generic are included for all items. The probes that are item specific apply only to particular aspects of a given item. Note that some follow-up probes are conditional based on previous participant responses.
In the tables below each item are suggested probes for each question, written in italics, which you should be thoroughly familiar with in advance.
All participant responses should be captured. The note taker should also record approximate participant response times for reading and answering each item.
The maximum duration of each cognitive interview will be no more than 90 minutes2.
Generic Probes for Discrete Items
No. |
Probe |
1 |
Ask the participant to read the question (preferably to him/herself) and ask him/her to select an answer. Once he/she has read and answered the question, ask the following probes: Can you tell me, in your own words, what the question is asking? |
2 |
Why did you select this choice? How did you know what answer to select? |
3 |
Did you find any part of the question confusing? Were there any words that you didn’t know? If yes: Which part did you find confusing? Why? What could we do to make the question easier to understand? |
4 |
Overall, how easy or difficult was it to answer this question? Would you say choosing an answer to this question was very easy, easy, difficult, or very difficult? |
Generic Probes for Matrix Items
No. |
Probe |
1 |
Ask the participant to read the question stem (preferably to him/herself). Please note, the participant should only read the stem and not the options (i.e., sub-items). Once he/she has read the question stem, ask the following probe: Can you tell me, in your own words, what you think this question is asking you to do? |
2 |
The interviewer should then ask the participant to read each option/sub-item and to describe each option/sub-item and his/her response to that option/sub-item. The probes in this cell should be asked for each option/sub-item. a) Can you tell me, in your own words, what [option a., b., c., etc.] means to you? b) Why did you select this choice? How did you know what answer to select? |
3 |
Did you find any part of the question confusing? Were there any words that you didn’t know? If yes: Which part did you find confusing? Why? What could we do to make the question easier to understand? |
4 |
Overall, how easy or difficult was it to answer this question? Would you say choosing an answer to this question was very easy, easy, difficult, or very difficult? |
Generic Probes for Free Response Items
No. |
Probe |
1 |
Ask the participant to read the question (preferably to him/herself) and ask him/her to write in his/her answer. Once he/she has read and answered the question ask the following probes: Can you tell me, in your own words, what the question is asking? |
2 |
Why did you give this answer? How did you know to give this answer? |
3 |
Did you find any part of the question confusing? Were there any words that you didn’t know? If yes: Which part did you find confusing? Why? What could we do to make the question easier to understand? |
4 |
Overall, how easy or difficult was it to answer this question? Would you say choosing an answer to this question was very easy, easy, difficult, or very difficult? |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #1]
For school this year, how often do you use the following to read a story, article, or book? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never |
Once or twice this year |
Once or twice a month |
At least once a week |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TechUse_4_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TechUse_4_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TechUse_4_03 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In this question, what does the word “article” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
How do you refer to this [show picture of a tablet*], as a tablet or tablet computer? |
Specific |
Required |
* Please note we will use the picture of the tablet that is part of the directions block of the 2015 Computer Familiarity Study.
4 & 8 Reading: Student #2]
How often do you borrow books from your school or local library?
Alternative stem: n/a
Alternative versions of answer choices: Never or hardly ever/Once every few weeks/About once a week/Two or three times a week/Every day or almost every day OR Never/Once or twice a month/Once or twice a week/Every day or almost every day
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #3]
In this school year, how often have you borrowed reading materials (such as books or magazines) from your school library or media resource center?
Alternative stem: n/a
Alternative versions of answer choices: Never or hardly ever/Once every few weeks/About once a week/Two or three times a week/Every day or almost every day OR Never/Once or twice a month/Once or twice a week/Every day or almost every day
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In this question, what does the phrase "media resource center" mean to you? Can you give me examples of things you might find in a "media resource center"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #4a]
How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
ReaInt_1_11 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option g, did you consider online bookstores and online libraries when answering this item? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option i, what does the phrase "a few minutes" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option k, what does the phrase “exchange books” mean to you?
If the student has trouble explaining what the phrase “exchange books” means or gives an inaccurate description ask the following probes:
What does the phrase “trade books” mean to you? Which phrase is easier for you to understand, “exchange books” or “trade books”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #4b]
ReaInt_1 How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
ReaInt_1_11 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option g, did you consider online bookstores and online libraries when answering this item? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option i, what does the phrase "a few minutes" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option k, what does the phrase “exchange books” mean to you?
If the student has trouble explaining what the phrase “exchange books” means or gives an inaccurate description ask the following probes:
What does the phrase “trade books” mean to you? Which phrase is easier for you to understand, “exchange books” or “trade books”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #5]
How easy or difficult was this test?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #6a]
What percentage of items do you think you answered correctly on this test?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this question, how did you figure out the percentage of items you answered correctly on this test? Was it very easy, easy, difficult, or very difficult to figure out the percentage of items you answered correctly on this test? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #6b]
How many items do you think you answered correctly on this test?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #7]
How similar were the questions on this test to the questions on your reading quizzes and tests?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #8]
How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Debrief_04_06 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #9]
TimeRea_1 How much time do you spend reading outside of school on a normal school day?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you give me examples of things you might read outside of school? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #10]
On a typical school day, about how many hours do you use a computer (desktop, laptop, or tablet) to do your English/language arts schoolwork, including homework?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "English/language arts schoolwork" mean to you? What are some examples of "English/language arts schoolwork"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #11]
Were you taught any of the following at school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
TechUse_2_01 |
A |
B |
TechUse_2_02 |
A |
B |
TechUse_2_03 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you tell me, in your own words, what option c is asking? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option c, what does the phrase "online resources" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #12]
Which of the following are true about the ways in which you and your teachers use computers or other digital devices in your English/language arts class? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
TechUse_3_01 |
A |
B |
TechUse_3_02 |
A |
B |
TechUse_3_03 |
A |
B |
TechUse_3_04 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What devices did you include when you thought about the word “computer”? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Are there times when you can use a computer but, choose not to? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
If student answers "no" to option A ask the following:
Are there computer labs that can be used? |
Conditional |
Required |
5 |
In option b, what does the word "Wi-Fi" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #13]
In this school year, have you done the following things outside of the classroom? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_01 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_02 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_03 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_04 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_05 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_07 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_08 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_09 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_10 |
A |
B |
OutSch_1_11 |
Alternative stem: In this school year, how often have you done the following things outside of the classroom? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative response options: Never or rarely/ Sometimes/Often/Always or almost always OR Never/ A few times / Once every few weeks/ About once a week / More than once a week
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option g, what does the word "blog" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option g, what does the word "forum" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option g, what does the phrase "social media" mean to you? Can you provide examples of "social media"? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
For option j, If the student answers “yes” ask the following probe:
Can you give me examples of how you helped your friends with reading homework? |
Conditional |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #14]
Please note: The item below is a follow-up item for students that responded "Yes" to OutSch_1_04.
Was the summer reading program you participated in required by your school?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #15]
Thinking about your English/language arts class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit _1_14 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option b, what does the phrase "stayed committed" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option k, what does the phrase "stayed on task" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #16]
Thinking about your English/language arts class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #17]
LeaAct_1 In this school year, how often were you involved in the following reading activities? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LeaAct__08 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option c, what does the word "news" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #18]
How often do you read these things outside of the school day (print or online)? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
InfForRea_1_09 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #19a]
Thinking about you English/language arts class, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal_1_16 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the phrase "show others that I am good at" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option c, what does the phrase "look smart" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option e, what does the phrase "new reading skills" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
In option h, what does the phrase "most of the other students" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
Do you think "class work" and "schoolwork" are the same?
If yes: How are they the same?
If no: How are they different? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Student #19b]
Thinking about you English/language arts class, how much do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
AchGoal_1_16 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the phrase "show others that I am good at" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option c, what does the phrase "look smart" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option e, what does the phrase "new reading skills" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
In option h, what does the phrase "most of the other students" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
Do you think "class work" and "schoolwork" are the same?
If yes: How are they the same?
If no: How are they different? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Student #1]
How often do you receive help from a tutor, family member, or friend with English/language arts outside of school or after school?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Student #2]
Do you think you would be able to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_04_a |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_15 |
Alternative Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative versions of answer choices: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the word "text" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option b, what does the phrase "something you have read" mean to you? Can you provide examples of things you might read? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Student #3]
Thinking about your English/language arts class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option b, what does the phrase “thinking abilities” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Student #1]
How often do you receive help from a tutor, family member, or friend with English/language arts outside of school or after school?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Student #2]
In your English/language arts class this year, when reading a story, article, or other passage, how often does your teacher ask you to do the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC504023 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC504024 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC504025 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE589611 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
StuActInClas_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option c, what does the word “motives” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Student #3]
In your English/language arts class this year, when reading a story, article, or other passage, how often does your teacher ask you to do the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
I don’t know. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VF009274_versionb |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Student #4]
Do you think you would be able to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_04_b |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_16 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_18 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_1_19 |
Alternative stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following? Select one circle in each row.
Alternative versions of answer choices: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the word "text" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option b, what does the phrase "something you have read" mean to you? Can you provide examples of things you might read? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
In option q, what does the phrase "persuasive text" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
The following probe should be asked of every participant only once, and the timing should alternate. That is for one participant this probe should be asked after the participant has answered 1/4 of the sub-items; for the next three participants this probe should be asked after the participants have answered 1/2, 3/4, and all of the sub-items.
Can you tell me what the question at the beginning asked you to do? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Student #5]
Thinking about your English/language arts class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM _1_07 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option b, what does the phrase “thinking abilities” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #1]
VF017603 How many students are in this class? Enter the number of students.
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for free response items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #2]
At your school, does your student have any of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
CompRes_1_01 |
A |
B |
CompRes_1_02 |
A |
B |
CompRes_1_03 |
A |
B |
CompRes_1_04 |
A |
B |
CompRes_1_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #3]
This school year, to what extent have you emphasized the following cognitive processes when teaching informational and literary texts in class? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC310623 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC310625 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC310627 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #4]
In your view, to what extent do the following limit how you teach this class? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not applicable |
Not at all |
Same |
A lot |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_1_06 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Are there any other reasons, not mentioned in this item, that limit how you teach this class? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #5]
In your school, how severe is each problem? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not a problem |
Minor problem |
Moderate problem |
Serious problem |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_2_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_2_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_2_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_2_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
LimRes_2_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering option a, did you consider or include your classroom? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #6]
As part of your formal education and/or training, to what extent did you study the following areas? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Overview or Introduction to topic |
It was an area of emphasis |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
Train_1_08 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this item what kinds of formal education did you consider? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
When answering this item what kinds of training did you consider? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
For option g, if participant answers B or C ask the following probe:
If you taught a student who already spoke two languages, would you still use the phrase “second language learning” or would you use some other phrase?
If the participant says they would use another phrase, ask the following:
What other phrase would you use? |
Conditional |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #7]
Thinking about your English/language arts class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curi _1_07 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #8]
Do you think you would be able to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_3_06 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #9]
How often do you do use each of the following to assess student progress in English/language arts? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
A few times a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1 _1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1 _1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1 _1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1 _1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_1_1_08 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Are there other types of assessments that you use to assess student progress? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option g, what does the phrase "exit cards or exit slips" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #10]
How often do you use assessments to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
A few times a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_2_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_2_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_2_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Assess_2_1_04 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "assessments" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #11]
Suppose that your students did badly on a quiz you gave this week. How likely are you to consider each of the following reasons in this situation? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all likely |
Unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Likely |
Very likely |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_1_08 |
Alternative Stem: n/a
Alternative versions of answer choices: 1 = Least likely reason / 2 = Second likely reason / 3 = Likely reason
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #12]
Suppose you start reading a new book in your English/language arts class and your students find it difficult to understand at first. How likely are you to consider each of the following reasons in this situation? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all likely |
Unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Likely |
Very likely |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_2_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_2_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_2_03 |
Alternative Stem: n/a
Alternative versions of answer choices: 1 = Least likely reason / 2 = Second likely reason / 3 = Likely reason
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #13]
Suppose your students really did well on their last English/language arts test. How likely are you to consider each of the following reasons in this situation? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all likely |
Unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Likely |
Very likely |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_3_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_2_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_3_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_3_04 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Attri_3_05 |
Alternative Stem: n/a
Alternative versions of answer choices: 1 = Least likely reason / 2 = Second likely reason / 3 = Likely reason
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you tell me, in your own words, what option a is asking? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: Teacher #14]
Excluding preparation for class, how often do you use a computer (desktop, laptop, or tablet) or other technological resources (e.g., smartboard) in school for English/language arts instruction and/or English/language arts activities?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
Teacher – Grade 4
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #1a]
In a typical week, about how much time in total do you spend with this class on English/language arts instruction? Language arts refers to reading, writing, literature, and related topics.
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
As part of generic probe 2 (see page 3), if the teacher selected answer choice E ask the following: Can you recall approximately how many hours you spend in a typical week? |
Conditional |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #1b]
In a typical week, about how much time in total do you spend with this class on English/language arts instruction? Language arts refers to reading, writing, literature, and related topics. Enter the hours and minutes.
_________ hours and _________ minutes per week
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for free response items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #2]
In your fourth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a desktop computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976534 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976535 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976536 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976539 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976540 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option d, what does the phrase "reading-related websites" mean to you? Can you provide examples of "reading-related websites"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do you consider “reading fluency” and “reading comprehension” similar activities?
If yes: How are they similar?
If no: How are they different? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #3]
In your fourth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a laptop computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976534_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976535_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976536_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976539_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976540_1_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #4]
In your fourth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a tablet computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976534_2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976535_2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976536_2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976539_2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976540_2_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #5]
In your fourth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use other digital devices (e.g., a smartboard) to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976534_3_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976535_3_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976536_3_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976539_3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976540_3_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "digital devices" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #6]
Do you think you would be able to support students in learning each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_04_a |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_15 |
Alternative Stem: How confident do you feel you can support students in learning the following? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative versions of answer choices: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the word "text" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option b, what does the phrase "something they have read" mean to you? Can you provide examples of things students might read? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #7]
When you have English/language arts instruction and/or do English/language arts activities with the students, how do you use the following resources? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not used |
Supplement |
Basis for instruction |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_05a |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_07a |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_12 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: Teacher #8]
When reading a story with your students, how often do you ask your students to do the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976480 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976481 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976482 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976484 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ActInClas_05 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #1a]
In a typical week, about how much time in total do you spend with one of your eighth-grade English/language arts classes?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
As part of generic probe 2 (see page 3), if the teacher selected answer choice E ask the following: Can you recall approximately how many hours you spend on a typical week? |
Conditional |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #1b]
In a typical week, about how much time in total do you spend with one of your eighth-grade English/language arts classes? Enter the hours and minutes.
_________ hours and _________ minutes per week
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for discrete items, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #2]
When reading a story with your students, how often do you ask your students to do the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976480 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976481 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976482 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976484 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ActInClas_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE658924 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE658925 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE658926 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #3]
In your eighth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a desktop computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976572 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976573 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976577 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976578 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option d, what does the phrase "reading-related websites" mean to you? Can you provide examples of "reading-related websites"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do you consider “reading fluency” and “reading comprehension” similar activities?
If yes: How are they similar?
If no: How are they different? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #4]
In your eighth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a laptop computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976572_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976573_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976577_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976578_1_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #5]
In your eighth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use a tablet computer to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976572_2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976573_2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976577_2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976578_2_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #6]
In your eighth-grade English/language arts class this year, how often do your students use other digital devices (e.g., a smartboard) to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976572_3_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976573_3_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976577_3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC976578_3_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "digital devices" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #7]
Do you think you would be able to support students in learning each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_04_b |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_05 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_07 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_08 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_16 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_18 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff_2_19 |
Alternative Stem: How confident do you feel you can support students in learning the following? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative versions of answer choices: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the word "text" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option b, what does the phrase "something they have read" mean to you? Can you provide examples of things students might read? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: Teacher #8]
When you have English/language arts instruction and/or do English/language arts activities with the students, how do you use the following resources? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not used |
Supplement |
Basis for instruction |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_04 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_05b |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_06 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_07b |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_08 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_09 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
PriOnlRes_1_12 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: School #1]
During the last two years, to what extent have professional development activities offered to teachers in your school focused on the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VB380371 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VB380372 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE634273 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VB380373 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE634274 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VB380374 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "scoring guides" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the phrase "in your school" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 & 8 Reading: School #2]
How much is your school's capacity to provide instruction affected by a shortage or inadequacy of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
A little |
Some |
A lot |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ReaRes_1_01 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ReaRes_1_02 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ReaRes_1_03 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ReaRes_1_04 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: School #1]
To what extent are each of the following a responsibility of the reading specialist(s) available to fourth-grade students at your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE658962 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659111 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Reading: School #2]
To what extent is your school’s English/language arts program structured according to the following resources? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VC190995 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option a, what does the phrase "commercially developed programs" mean to you? Can you provide examples of what "commercially developed programs"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Reading: School #1]
To what extent are each of the following a responsibility of the reading specialist(s) available to eighth-grade students at your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VF009700 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VF009703 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes for matrix items, see page 4 |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #1]
In this school year, how often did you use a computer, tablet, or other digital device (excluding hand-held calculators) for math at school?
VB525162 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does other digital device mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What types of problems do you think of when you hear the word “math”? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
What types of problems do you think of when you hear the word “mathematics”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #3]
Calc2_0 This school year, how often did you use the following digital devices to work on math problems including homework? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once every few weeks |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day or almost everyday |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc2_6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option f]Which digital device were you thinking of? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the word "Smartphone" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #4]
TechUse5_0 In this school year, how often did the following things happen in your math class? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once every few weeks |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day or almost everyday |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse5_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse5_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse5_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse5_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option b]What does the term “Wi-Fi” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For option c] Which devices did you include when you thought about the word “computer”? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[For each option] How did you calculate the number of times a computer, tablet, or other digital device was used? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #5]
TechUse6_0 In this school year, how often have you used a computer, tablet, or other digital device (excluding hand-held calculators) for each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a month |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse6_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse6_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TechUse6_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For all options] How did you calculate the number of times you used a computer, tablet, or other digital device to do this? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the word “resources” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #6]
Interest1_0 How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest1_9 |
Alternate Item Stem: How much do you agree that each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Strongly disagree / Disagree / Somewhat disagree / Somewhat agree / Agree / Strongly agree
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Which answer option is the easiest for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What types of math problems do you think of when you hear the word “mathematics”? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
What types of math problems do you think of when you hear the word “math”? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[For option d] Would it be helpful to have examples? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
What does the term “putting in effort” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
[For option d] What does the word “worthwhile” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #7]
In this school year, how often have you used math on a daily basis outside of the classroom?
Outschool4_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term “outside of the classroom" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the term "used math" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
What does the term "daily basis" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
Can you give an example of using math on a daily basis outside of school? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #8]
Over the past seven days, have you helped your friends with their math homework?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
If yes, how did you help your friends? Can you give an example? |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #9]
("Ask this question if the student answered 'yes' to 'Outschool1_20')
Over the past seven days, how many days did you help your friends with their math homework? Enter the number of days. _________ |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Would this question be easier to answer if you were given a specific number of days to refer to such as, one day or two days? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #10]
Over the past seven days, how many days did you participate in a math study group? Enter the number of days. __________ |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Would this question be easier to answer if you were given a specific number of days to refer to, such as one day or two days? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the term “study group” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #11]
Have you ever participated in a summer program for math?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term “a summer program for math” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #12]
(Ask this question if the student answered 'yes' to 'Outschool2_0'")
This past summer did you participate in a summer program for math?
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[If yes] What program did you attend? |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #13]
AchGoal1_0 Thinking about your math class this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
AchGoal1_16 |
Alternate Item Stem: Thinking about your math class this year, how much do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Strongly disagree / Disagree / Somewhat disagree / Somewhat agree / Agree / Strongly agree
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option c]What does the term “look smart” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For option d] What does the word "master" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #14]
Grit1_0 Thinking about your math class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit 1_1
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_9 |
Item Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
(Grade 8 Only)[For options a-d] If these options asked you about your English class, would you answer in the same way? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[If no to if these options asked you about your English class…”]How would you answer differently? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
(Grade 8 Only) [For options a-d ] If these options asked you about your science class, would you answer in the same way? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[If no to “if these items asked you about your science class…”] How would you answer differently? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
What does the term "long time" in option b mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #14]
Grit2_0 Thinking about your math class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit1_14 |
Item Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
In option c, what does the term "with focus" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In option d, what does the term "stayed on task" mean to you" |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Student #15]
Curiosity0_0 Thinking about your math class this school year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity1_0 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity1_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For Grade 4 only] What does the word "concepts" in option a mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, Mathematics: Student #1]
Calc1_1 In your math class this year, how often have you used the following types of calculators? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or almost never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always or almost always |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_7 |
Item-Specific Probe:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Student #2]
Interest2_0 In your math class this year, how much do you enjoy solving the following types of math problems? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Not very much |
Somewhat |
Mostly |
Very much |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Are there other math activities that you enjoy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Student #3]
SelfEff1_0 Thinking about math, do you think that you would be able to do each of the following with a calculator? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_9 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following with a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this question, did you try to solve any of the problems? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both versions of the question] Which option is easiest for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Student #4]
SelfEff2_0 Thinking about math, do you think that you would be able to do each of the following? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_7 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following without a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
After looking at this question, did you think you were supposed to use a calculator? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Student #4]
SelfEff2_0 Thinking about math, Do you think that you would be able to do each of the following? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_18 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_16 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following without a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
After looking at this question, did you think you were supposed to use a calculator? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, Mathematics: Student #5]
SelfEff4_0 Thinking about math, do you think you would be able to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_6 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Student #6]
Outschool1_0 During the school year, how often did you participate in the following activities outside of the classroom? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once every few weeks |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_16 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_18 |
Alternate Response Options: Never or almost never / Rarely / Sometimes / Often / Always or Almost Always
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you give an example of using math on a daily basis outside of school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For option e] Would this question be easier to answer if you were given examples? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Can you think of any online games that you or your friends play to help with your math skills? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[For option g] Can you give an example of what “tutoring with other students” would be at your school? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
Can you think of other out of school math activities that you don't see listed here? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
What does the term "online forums" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, Mathematics: Student #7]
NFCM1_0 Thinking about your math class this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #1]
What math classes are you taking this year? Select one or more answer choices.
VB543277 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term “algebra II” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the term “integrated math” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #1]
Calc1_1 In your math class this year, how often have you used the following types of calculators? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or almost never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always or almost always |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Calc1_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #2]
Interest2_0 In your math class this year, how much do you enjoy solving the following types of math problems? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Not very much |
Somewhat |
Mostly |
Very much |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Interest2_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Are there other math activities that you enjoy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #3]
SelfEff1_0 Thinking about math, do you think that you would be able to do each of the following with a calculator? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_14 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following with a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
[Looking at both versions] Which option is easiest for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
When answering this question, did you try to solve any of the problems? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #4]
SelfEff2_0 Thinking about math, do you think that you would be able to do each of the following? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff1_14 |
h = 73 + 2.5 (400) |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff2_13 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following without a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
After looking at this question did you think you were supposed to use a calculator? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #5]
SelfEff2_0 Thinking about math, do you think that you would be able to do each of the following? Do not actually solve the problems. Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can't |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_18 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff3_16 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following without a calculator? Do not try to solve them. Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
After looking at this question did you think you were supposed to use a calculator? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #5]
SelfEff4_0 Thinking about math, do you think you would be able to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
I definitely can’t |
I probably can’t |
Maybe |
I probably can |
I definitely can |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SelfEff4_11 |
Alternate Item Stem: How confident do you feel that you could do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all confident / Not very confident / Confident / Very confident
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #6]
Outschool1_0 During this school year, how often did participate in the following activities outside of the classroom? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once every few weeks |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_16 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_17 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Outschool1_18 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you give an example of using math on a daily basis outside of school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For option g] Would this question be easier to answer if you were given examples? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Can you think of any online games that you or your friends play to help with your math skills? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[For option i] Can you give an example of what “tutoring with other students” would be at your school? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
Can you think of other out of school math activities that you don't see listed here? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
What does the term "online forums" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8, Mathematics: Student #7]
NFCM1_0 Thinking about your math class this year how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFCM1_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #1]
HE001130 How often do you use each of the following to assess student progress in mathematics? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once or twice a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
A |
B |
C |
D |
HE001131 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
HE001132 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
HE001133 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Instr1_0 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Inst1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Inst1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Assess1_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
If your state uses common core standards, would you include them in your answer? |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #2]
FrmAsses2_0 In your mathematics class this year, how often do you use assessments to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
A few times a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FrmAsses2_8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #3]
VC976197 In your mathematics class this year, how often did your students use a computer, tablet, or other digital device to do each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
A few times a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976199 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976201 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Revised/VC976202 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #4]
VC976303 In your mathematics class this year, how often did you do each of the following with individual students to evaluate their progress in mathematics? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
A few times a year |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976304 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976305 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976306 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
VC976307 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Inst2_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Does the phrasing in the leading question make sense to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[If no, to question 2] What phrasing do you think would work better? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #5]
NewOrg1_0 Where do your instructional materials come from? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
NewOrg1_1 |
A |
B |
NewOrg1_2 |
A |
B |
NewOrg1_3 |
A |
B |
NewOrg1_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word “materials” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[If yes, to option d] Where else do you get instructional materials from? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #6]
TeachAttr9_0 Suppose your students really did well on their last mathematics test. How likely are the following to be reasons for the student’s success? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all likely |
Not likely |
Somewhat likely |
Likely |
Very likely |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeachAttr9_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What might be other reasons why students would do really well that are not listed here? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In general, how do you feel about teaching mathematics after looking at his question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #7]
TeachCur1_0 During your mathematics class this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
D |
TeachCur1_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #8]
In your mathematics class this year, how often did you incorporate new technology into mathematics instruction?
NewTech1_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
In this context, what does the word “new” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
In this context, what does the term “new technology” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
When you think of the term "new technology,” are you thinking of technology that is new to you, or new to students and new as an instructional tool? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #9]
In your mathematics class this year, how often did you encourage your students to participate in mathematics activities outside of school?
OutSchool6_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this question, were you thinking of specific activities? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[If yes to, “when answering this question…”] Which activities did you think of? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: Teacher #10]
In your mathematics class this year, how often did you provide opportunities for your students to participate in mathematics activities outside of school?
OutSchool7_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this question, were you thinking of specific activities? |
Specific |
Required |
[If yes, to “when answering this question…”] Which activities did you think of? |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: Teacher #1]
TeachEff1_0 Thinking about your fourth-grade mathematics classes this year, how much emphasis did you place on the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Little to no emphasis |
Not much emphasis |
Some emphasis |
A lot of emphasis |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_0 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Present participant with both versions of item] Of the two response options, which is easiest to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
After reading through this question, do you feel evaluated in any way? |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: Teacher #1]
TeachEff4_0 Thinking about your eighth-grade mathematics classes this year, how much emphasis did you place on the following when teaching mathematics? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Little to no emphasis |
Not much emphasis |
Some emphasis |
A lot of emphasis |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
TeachEff3_14 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Present participant with both versions of item] Of the two response options, which is easiest to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
After reading through this question, do feel evaluated in any way? |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: School #1]
OutSchoolS3_0 In this school year, did your school provide the following out of school activities? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_1 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_2 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_3 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_4 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_5 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_6 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_7 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_8 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_9 |
A |
B |
OutSchoolS3_10 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option j] Are there other activities for families that you can think of? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics: School #3]
To what extent does your school provide up to date technology resources for mathematics teaching and learning?
SchoolTech1_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: School #1]
In your school, are fourth-grade students from different classes typically grouped for mathematics instruction by achievement levels (so that some instruction groups are higher in average mathematics achievement levels than others)?
VB525182 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Is this information that you would expect 4th grade teachers to know? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: School #2]
VE013351 Approximately what percentage of your school’s classrooms has the following technological resources for fourth-grade mathematics instruction? Select one answer choice on each row. |
0% |
1–25% |
26–50% |
51–75% |
76–99% |
100% |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013352 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013353 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013354 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013355 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013356 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013357 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013359 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013360 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013362 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE509167 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Res1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Res1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Res1_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Keeping in mind current practices, is this question wording the best wording to use? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Are there any technological resources that you would include in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Are there any technological resources that you would exclude in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: School #3]
In your school, how often are fourth-grade students’ mathematics placements evaluated?
VB525183 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4 Mathematics: School #4]
VE659419 In this school year, to what extent are each of the following a responsibility of the mathematics resource teacher(s) available to fourth-grade students at your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659422 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659423 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659424 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659425 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ResInst1_0 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ResInst1_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #1]
In your school, what percentage of eighth-grade students in your school enrolls in more than one mathematics class in a year (including summer school two-block classes) for remediation or to catch up a grade level? Do not include students who receive additional mathematics instruction as part of special education or because of IEP provisions.
VB525194 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #2]
In your school, are eighth-grade students typically assigned to mathematics classes by achievement levels (so that some instruction groups are higher in average mathematics achievement levels than others)?
VE013898 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Keeping in mind current practices, is this question wording the best wording to use? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #3]
VE013906 Approximately what percentage of your school’s classrooms has the following technological resources for eighth-grade mathematics instruction? Select one answer choice on each row. |
0% |
1–25% |
26–50% |
51–75% |
76–99% |
100% |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013908 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013909 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013910 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013914 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013916 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013917 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013919 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013922 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE013923 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
VE509176 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TechRes1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TechRes1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TechRes1_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Keeping in mind current practices, is this question wording the best wording to use? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Are there any technological resources that you would include in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Are there any technological resources that you would not include in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #4]
In this school year, what percentage of students has gone to other schools (neighboring middle school, high school, or college) to receive mathematics instruction?
OutsideMath1_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for discrete generic probes. |
General |
Required |
How do you feel about answering a question like this? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
When answering this question, which students did you think of when calculating your answer? Did you consider a specific grade or did you count all students? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #5]
OutSideMath2_0 Below are some sentences about students who may have to go to other schools for mathematics instruction. Please indicate which statements apply to your students. Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
Outsidemath2_1 |
A |
B |
Outsidemath2_2 |
A |
B |
Outsidemath2_3 |
A |
B |
Outsidemath2_4 |
A |
B |
Outsidemath2_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
If yes, what are the requirements that have been specified for students to receive credit for the classes they have taken? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #6]
This year, how many teachers are teaching mathematics in your school? Enter the number of teachers. _______
Res2_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 8 Mathematics: School #6]
VE659430 In this school year, to what extent are each of the following a responsibility of the mathematics resource teachers(s) available to eighth-grade students at your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659436 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659434 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659435 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
VE659433 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ResInst1_0 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
ResInst1_1 |
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student # 1]
Item-specific probes:
No |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
For sub-item a: How would you describe "a strict time limit"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
For sub-item b: How would you describe "one session"? |
Specific |
Required |
3-6 |
For sub-items e, g, h, i: Can you give me an example of a recent assignment of that kind? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #2]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe "longer writing assignment"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
For sub-item h: Do you think there is a difference between "spell-check" and "grammar-check" in word processing software? If yes: How would you describe the difference between "spell-check" and "grammar-check”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student # 3a]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
What does the word "practiced" mean to you here? Would you interpret this question differently if it said "How often have you learned each of the following?" Would that change make the question easier to answer or more difficult? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
b. How would you describe what "complex sentences” are? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
c. How would you describe "new vocabulary"? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
e. Can you give me an example for the software you used? How would you describe "word processing software"? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
f. How would you describe "expressing ideas effectively"? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
g. How would you describe "organizing ideas in writing"? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
h. How would you describe "audience"? Can you give me examples of audiences you wrote for? |
Specific |
Required |
8 |
i. How would you describe "purposes"? Can you give me examples of purposes you wrote for? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student # 3b]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
What does the word "practiced" mean to you here? Would you interpret this question differently if it said "How often have you learned each of the following?" Would that change make the question easier to answer or more difficult? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
a. How would you describe "different forms of texts"? Can you give me examples of different forms of texts you have written? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
b. How would you describe "planning writing"? Can you give me examples of times when you have practiced planning writing? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
c. How would you describe "evaluating writing"? Can you give me examples of times when you have practiced evaluating writing? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
d. How would you describe "using sources correctly"? Can you give me examples of times when you have practiced using sources correctly? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
g. Can you give me examples how you have used details to develop ideas in writing? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
h. How would you describe "tone"? How would you describe "voice"? Can you give me examples how you have used voice and tone in writing? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #4]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
a. What does the word "pencil" mean to you here? Would you include writing done on paper with a pen, or would you only include writing done with a pencil? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
c. Can you give me examples of what you consider a tablet? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #5]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Would you include activities done for your homework when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
b. Do you know about how much you have written outside of school this past week? If yes, what would be the easiest way for you to measure how much? For example, number of words? Something else? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #6]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
Would you include activities done for your homework when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
a. How would you describe "forums or social networks"? Can you give me examples of what you consider a forum or social network? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
d. How would you describe "practiced my keyboarding skills"? Would you include activities such as typing a paper at home when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
e. How would you describe "wrote journal entries"? Would you include activities such as typed journal entries when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
g. How would you describe "writing competitions"? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
i. How would you describe "practiced writing on my own"? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
j. How would you describe "other writing activities outside of school"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #7]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
d. How would you describe "the activity of writing"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #8]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
i. How would you describe "to clarify their ideas"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student # 9]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Maybe" and "I probably can"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you describe the difference between "Maybe" and "I probably can't"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
How would you describe the difference between "probably" and "definitely"? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
b. When answering this question did you consider whether spell check is available to you? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
d. How would you describe "the structure of sentences"? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
f. How would you describe "different voices and tones"? |
Specific |
Required |
7 |
g. How would you describe "academic vocabulary"? |
Specific |
Required |
8 |
i. How would you describe "different audiences"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #10]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
b. How would you describe "a virtual keyboard on a touch screen"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
c. How would you describe "a stylus"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
g. Were you thinking only about a thesaurus in word processing software or also about a dictionary when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
i. Were you thinking only about a computer keyboard or also about using a mouse to cut, copy, and paste text? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student # 11]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
c. How would you describe "topic sentence"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
g. How would you describe a "class period"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #12]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
a. How would you describe what "something" means here? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
b. How would you describe what "something" means here? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
f. How would you describe what "persuasive" means here? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
g. How would you describe "synthesize the points expressed "? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #13]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #14]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you think the words "I want" are necessary at the beginning of each question? Do you have suggestions how the wording could be changed? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #15]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
-- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #16]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
[compare with question #15] Which of the two questions is easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #17]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
-- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #18]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
-- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #19]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Very often" and "Always or almost always"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
a. Which response would you choose if you use a computer about half of the time? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
b. What kinds of computers do you count there? Do you include writing done on a tablet or other digital device? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
d. Can you think of different words to describe "complete your writing"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #20]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you think the same about a text that is one page on a computer and one page on paper? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
b. Can you give me an example of a recent writing assignment you got for social studies homework? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
c. Can you give me an example of a recent writing assignment you got for science homework? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
d. Can you give me an example of a recent writing assignment you got for mathematics homework? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 & 12 Writing: Student #21]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Somewhat agree" and "Agree"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you describe the difference between "Disagree" and "Somewhat disagree"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 1]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1-4 |
Sub-items e, g, h, i: Can you give me an example of a recent assignment of that kind? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 2]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Sub-item b: How would you describe what "complex sentences" are? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 3]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
d. How would you describe “demonstrated for the class”? Would you include activities such as talking to the class or talking individually with a student when answering this question? Are there any other activities you might include? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 4]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
f. If teachers answer B-E ask the following probe: How long do your “timed assessments” last? Are the assessments you give a standard time or do they vary? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 5]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 6]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 7]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "A little" and "Some"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you define the difference between "Some" and "Quite a bit"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
How would you define the difference between "Quite a bit" and "Very much"? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Can you think of different response options that would make it easier for you to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 8]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you define the difference between "Some" and "A lot"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
What would you say is the difference, if any, between “A lot” and “Very much”? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Compared to the previous question, which response options can you relate to better? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
e. Do you think there is a difference between "spell-check" and "grammar-check" in a word processing software? If yes: How would you describe the difference between "spell-check" and "grammar-check" in a word processing software? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 9]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Compared to the previous question, which question wording can you relate to better? Do you see a difference between "have you spent" and "have you devoted" and if yes, how would you describe the difference? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 10]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Compared to the previous question, which response choices wording can you relate to better? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 11]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 12]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Small extent" and "Moderate extent"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you describe the difference between "Moderate extent" and "Large extent"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Can you think of response options that would make it easier to express the extent to which you use each of the following technological resources? For example, would you find it easier to answer how often you use each of these resources? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Sub-item e: What do you think about when you hear "interactive web space"? Can you think of an alternative word for what is described in the example? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 13]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you think the four response categories provide enough possibilities for variation in your response? If no: Can you think of better response categories for this item that would make it easier to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 14]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 15]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Compared to the previous question, which question do you think is easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 16]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 17]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Compared to the previous question, which question do you think is easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 18]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Item 18b: How would you answer if you don't remember the exact number? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 19]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 20]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 21]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Very often" and "Always or almost always"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Do you think the question would be clearer if option C would be "Often" instead of "Very often"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 22]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
a. What does the phrase "Hunt and peck typing" mean to you? Do you think this item would be clearer if any of the following terms would be used instead: "Search and peck typing", "Eagle Finger typing", "Two-finger typing"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Items 2 and 3: Which of these two questions do you find easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 23]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Items 5 and 6: Which of these two questions do you find easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 24]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Item 2: How would you describe "Basic skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Item 2: How would you describe "Intermediate skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Item 2: How would you describe "Advanced skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher #25]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 26]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 8 Writing: Teacher # 27]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Do you think your school's administrator could better answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How do you interpret the answer choice "There is no specific expectation around this in my school"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Compared to the previous question, which question do you think is easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 1]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 2]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 3]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe the difference between "Small extent" and "Moderate extent"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you describe the difference between "Moderate extent" and "Large extent"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Can you think of response options that would make it easier to express the extent to which students are asked to write in other content areas than English/language arts in your school? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 4]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Do you think teachers in your school could better answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How do you interpret the answer choice "There is no specific expectation around this in my school"? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 5]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Would you find it easier to choose out of pre-defined ranges (such as, 10-20 percent, 20-30 percent, etc.)? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Which answer choice would you select if you don't have the necessary information? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do you think teachers in your school could better answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 6]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Are there other programs your school or district is offering that cannot be clearly classified as remediation or enrichment? If yes: How would you describe these programs? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Sub-item a: If yes: Can you give me an example for a remediation program your school offers? What is the approximate proportion of students in your school that participate in these programs? How are students selected? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Sub-item b: If yes: Can you give me an example for an enrichment program your school offers? What is the approximate proportion of students in your school that participate in these programs? How are students selected? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 7]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 8]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
--- |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 9]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Would you find it easier to choose out of pre-defined ranges (such as, 10-20 percent, 20-30 percent, etc.)? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 10]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
What does the phrase "Hunt and peck typing" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Do you think this item would be clearer if any of the following terms would be used instead: "Search and peck typing", "Eagle Finger typing", "Two-finger typing"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
How would you answer this question if you have never explicitly expressed this expectation to teachers? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 11]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Do you think teachers in your school could better answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 12]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
In comparison to previous question: Which of these two questions do you find easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 13]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
How would you describe "Basic skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
How would you describe "Intermediate skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
How would you describe "Advanced skills"? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Do you think teachers in your school could better answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 14]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Do you feel that you have the necessary information to answer this question? Do you think teachers in your school could better answer this question? |
Required |
Required |
[Grades 8 and 12 Writing: School Administrator # 15]
Item-specific probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
In comparison to previous question: Which of these two questions do you find easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student # 1]
About how many books are there in your home?
VB331335 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering this question did you count digital books? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #2]
How many digital books do you own? Enter the number of books.
Wealth2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What would you consider to be few digital books? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What would you consider to be a lot of digital books for a student to own? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
When counting digital books, did you count digital books that belong to people other than yourself? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
Do you think this question would have been easier to answer if the term "eBooks" had been used instead of "digital books”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #3]
VF098664 Do you have any of the following in your home? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
Wealth02 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_1 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_5 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_8 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_9 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_10 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_11 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_12 |
A |
B |
Wealth2_13 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term "for your use" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What devices do you think of when you hear the phrase “tablet computer”? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[Grade 4 only] Do you own a smartphone? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
In option b, what does the term "high-speed Internet” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #4]
Including yourself, how many people live in your home? Enter the number of people. _______
Home2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "live in your home" in this question mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #5]
How many adults (people older than 18) live with you in your home? Enter the number of adults. ______ |
Home3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Grade 12 only] Would you include yourself in the count if you are older than 18? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #6]
Please note: This question will directly follow the previous one (Home3). Please also note in TBA delivery there will be a space for as many people as the student indicates lives in their home.
How would you describe each of the adults that live in your home? You can write things like, for example, “Dad”, “Mom”, or “Grandma”.
Home4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "describe" in this question mean to you? Can you think of a better word than "describe" in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Were the examples helpful in answering the question? Could you think of different examples that would help make this question clearer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #7]
How many kids (people younger than 18) live with you in your home? Enter the number of kids. ______ |
Home5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Would you include yourself in the count? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #8]
Please note: This question will directly follow the previous one (Home5). Please also note in TBA delivery there will be a space for as many people as the student indicates lives in their home.
How would you describe each of the kids that live in your home? You can write things like, for example, “My older brother”, “My younger sister”, or “My stepsister”.
Home6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Were the examples helpful in answering the question? Could you think of different examples that would help make this question clearer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #9]
VF095730 Do any of the following people live in your home? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
Home1_14 |
A |
B |
Home1_15 |
A |
B |
Home1_16 |
A |
B |
Home1_17 |
A |
B |
Home1_18 |
A |
B |
Home1_19 |
A |
B |
Home1_7 |
A |
B |
Home1_8 |
A |
B |
Home1_9 |
A |
B |
Home1_10 |
A |
B |
Home1_11 |
A |
B |
Home1_12 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[if yes to l] Who are the other people that live in your home? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[4th grade only] What does the term "other people" in this question mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #10 (mother)]
What is your mother doing? Select all that apply.
ParOcc2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes, see page 2 |
General |
Required |
2 |
Looking at option B, what do you think it means for a person to do a job at home to earn money? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What do you think it means for a person to stay at home during the day to take care of their children? Do you think this is a full-time job? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #10 (father)]
What is your father doing? Select all that apply.
ParOcc2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
For generic probes, see page 2 |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #11]
Which of the following best describes where you are living?
Home7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What do you think is the difference between an apartment and a condominium? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #12]
How many bedrooms are in your home? Enter the number of bedrooms. ________
Home9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for free response item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When you counted "bedrooms" in your home, what did you count? Talk me through how you counted them. |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Are there rooms in your home that could be counted as a bedroom, but are used for something else such as a computer room or office? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #13]
Extras1 In this school year, have you participated in any of these activities outside of school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
Extras1_1 |
A |
B |
Extras1_2 |
A |
B |
Extras1_3 |
A |
B |
Extras1_4 |
A |
B |
Extras1_5 |
A |
B |
Extras1_7 |
A |
B |
Extras1_8 |
A |
B |
Extras1_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For all options]If yes, how often? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Where would families go if they went on vacation for longer than a weekend? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
What types of places do you think of when you hear the word "restaurant”? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
What types of places do you think of when you hear the term “fast-food restaurant”? |
Specific |
Required |
6 |
What kinds of trips do you think of when you hear the word “vacation”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #14]
FamSupp1 How often do the following things happen at home? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never or hardly ever |
Once every few weeks |
About once a week |
Two or three times a week |
Every day |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FamSupp1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FamSupp1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FamSupp1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FamSupp1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
FamSupp1_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option d] What does the term "check" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #15]
Subjective2 Imagine that this ladder pictures how American society is set up. At the top are the people that have the most money and at the bottom are the people who have the least money. |
Money |
Subjective2_1 |
Subjective2_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
In this item, who do you consider to be your “family”? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the term "when you are an adult" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #16]
In this school year, did your school assign you a laptop computer that is just for your use?
Techn_St_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "just for your use" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #17]
In this school year, how often did you use your laptop computer during your classes at school?
Techn_St_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #18]
In this school year, did your school assign you a tablet computer that is just for your use?
Techn_St_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #19]
In this school year, how often did you use your tablet computer in your classes?
Techn_St_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #20]
Is there a wireless Internet connection at your school that you can use for classwork?
Techn_St_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase “in some places at school” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the phrase “everywhere or almost everywhere in the school” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #21]
In this school year, how often did you use the wireless Internet connection for your classwork?
Techn_St_6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #22]
Which best describes the way you type on a computer keyboard?
Techn_St_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #23]
Techn_St_10_0 Did you learn how to type on a computer keyboard in any of the following ways? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
Techn_St_10_1 |
A |
B |
Techn_St_10_2 |
A |
B |
Techn_St_10_3 |
A |
B |
Techn_St_10_4 |
A |
B |
Techn_St_10_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Can you think of other ways how to learn typing on a computer keyboard that are missing here? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #24]
Grit_1 Thinking about school this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_7 |
Alternative stem:
How much does each of the following statements apply to you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative Response Options: Not at all / Not much / Somewhat / Mostly / Very much
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
For matrix item generic probes, see page 3 |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does "experiencing failure" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both versions of the question] Which version of this question is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #25]
Grit_1 Thinking about school this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_1_14 |
Alternative stem:
How much does each of the following statements apply to you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative Response Options: Not at all / Not much / Somewhat / Mostly / Very much
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "prepared" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For 4th graders only] What does the word “focus" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[Looking at both versions of the question] Which version of this question is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #26]
Please read the descriptions of the following three <eighth-grade students> referred to here as student 1, student 2, and student 3. After you read each description, you will be asked to answer a question about each student based on the information provided. Student 1 is always focused and works effectively for long periods of time even when others have stopped. This student is committed to finish every task started, no matter how difficult the task becomes. Based on this information how persistent and resilient is student 1?
Grit_4_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word “committed” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the phrase "persistent and resilient" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
Do you think being “persistent” and being “resilient” mean the same or something different? Which of the two words describes this student better? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #27]
Student 2 is mostly focused and willing to work for long periods of time if needed. This student is determined to complete every task started as long as it doesn't take up too much time. Based on this information how persistent and resilient is student 2?
Grit_4_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word “determined” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #28]
Student 3 finds it difficult to stay focused and work independently on tasks for long periods of time. This student is easily distracted by other commitments and often leaves tasks unfinished. Based on this information how persistent and resilient is student 3?
Grit_4_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word “commitments” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[This probe refers to all three vignettes] Do you think the last three questions would be easier or more difficult to answer if real names were used instead of student 1, student 2, and student 3? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[This probe refers to all three vignettes] Looking at the descriptions of the three students, can you think of other ways how you would describe a student who is very persistent and resilient? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #29]
How persistent and resilient are you?
Grit_4_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
How much did you think about the other student descriptions when you answered this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #29]
Which of the three students described would you say is most similar to you?
Grit_4_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
How easy or difficult was it to remember the difference between student 1, student 2, and student 3? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Was there a part of the student descriptions that seemed more important than other parts when you chose your answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #30]
Curiosity_1 Thinking about school this year, how much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Curiosity_1_5 |
Alternative stem:
Alternative Response Options:
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option a, ask students who select the response options somewhat like me to very much like me] Can you provide examples of times when you were eager to explore new things? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "extend my knowledge" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #31]
Please read the descriptions of the following three <eighth-grade students> referred to here as student 1, student 2, and student 3. After you read each description, you will be asked to answer a question about each student based on the information provided. Student 1 often asks questions in class to get a deeper understanding of the material. This student wants to investigate new topics, and is highly motivated to learn more in all subjects. Based on this information, how curious and eager to learn is student 1?
DesForLearn_1_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase "curious and eager" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do you think being “curious” and being “eager to learn” means the same or something different? Which of the two words describes this student better? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #32]
Student 2 sometimes enjoys exploring new topics, but does not actively seek them out. This student occasionally asks questions to get a deeper understanding of the material. Based on this information, how curious and eager to learn is student 2?
DesForLearn_1_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #33]
Student 3 never asks questions in class to get a deeper understanding of the material. This student rarely expresses interest in class material, and avoids investigating or exploring new topics. Based on this information, how curious and eager to learn is student 3?
DesForLearn_1_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
Did you think of this student as a girl or a boy? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[This probe refers to all three vignettes] Do you think the last three questions would be easier or more difficult to answer if real names were used instead of student 1, student 2, and student 3? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[This probe refers to all three vignettes] Looking at the descriptions of the three students, can you think of other ways how you would describe a student who is very curious and eager to learn? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #34]
How curious and eager to learn are you?
DesForLearn_1_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
How much did you think about the other student descriptions when you answered this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #35]
Which of the three students described is most similar to you?
DesForLearn_1_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Did you read the student descriptions or did you answer the question based on your memory of the three students described earlier? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Was there a part of the student descriptions that seemed more important than other parts when you chose your answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #36]
GrowthMind_1 The following statements are about peoples’ intelligence. How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_1_6 |
Alternative stem:
Alternative Response Options:
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term "intelligence" mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #37]
Thinking about your grades in school, which of the following do you think is more important to get good grades?
GrowthMind_1_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #38]
SchoolClim1_0 In this school year, how often have you felt any of the following ways about your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Almost never |
Less than half of the time |
About half of the time |
Most of the time |
Almost always |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_9 |
Alternative Response Options:
Never or almost never / Rarely / Sometimes / Often / Always or almost always
Never or almost never / Rarely / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always or almost always
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Looking at all three answer options ] Which answer option is easiest to answer with this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #39]
SchoolClim1_0 In this school year, how often have you felt any of the following ways about your school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Almost never |
Less than half of the time |
About half of the time |
Most of the time |
Almost always |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
SchoolClim1_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Belong_1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Belong_1_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Belong_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Belong_1_12 |
Alternative Response Options:
Never or almost never / Rarely / Sometimes / Often / Always or almost always
Never or almost never / Rarely / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always or almost always
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option g] What does the word “ideal” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at all three answer options ] Which answer option is easiest to answer with this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #39]
Bullying_1 In this school year, have other students from your school done any of the following things to you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
It hasn’t happened to me |
Only once or twice this year |
2 or 3 times a month |
About once a week |
Several times a week |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Bullying_1_13 |
Alternative Response Options: Yes / No; if "Yes": How often? Follow-up question (open response)
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For options a, c, and g] Did you think about cyber-bullying when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[For options i, j] What does the term "online" mean to you? What is the difference, if any, between "online" and "on the Internet"? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[Looking at both answer options] Which answer option is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
5 |
[For alternative response option only] If yes: How often? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8, 12 Core: Student #40]
TeacherExp_St_1 Thinking about the teachers in your school, how much does each of the following statements describe your school? Select one circle in each row. |
Not at all |
Mostly not |
Somewhat |
Mostly yes |
Very much |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TeacherExp_St_1_7 |
Alternative Response Options:
Never or almost never / Once or twice a month / Once or twice a week / Every day or almost every day
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Looking at both response options] Which option is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8, 12 Core: Student #1]
Grit_2 How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_2_8 |
Alternative Response Options: Almost never / Very rarely / Rarely / Sometimes / Often / Very often / Almost always
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering each of these questions, did you think especially about how you see yourself at school or did you think about how you see yourself in general? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both answer options] Which answer options are easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8, 12 Core: Student #2]
Grit_3 How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Grit_3_8 |
Alternative Response Options: Almost never / Very rarely / Rarely / Sometimes / Often / Very often / Almost always
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering each of these questions, did you think especially about how you see yourself at school or did you think about how you see yourself in general? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both answer options] Which answer options are easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8, 12 Core: Student #3]
NFC_1 How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_1_11 |
Alternative stem:
How much does each of the following statements apply to you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative Response Options:
Not at all / Not much / Somewhat / Mostly / Very much
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When answering each of these questions, did you think especially about how you see yourself at school or did you think about how you see yourself in general? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both questions] Which version of this question is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 8, 12 Core: Student #4]
NFC_2 How much does each of the following statements describe a person like you? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not at all like me |
Not much like me |
Somewhat like me |
Mostly like me |
Very much like me |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
NFC_2_11 |
Alternative stem:
How much does each of the following statements apply to you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternative Response Options:
Not at all / Not much / Somewhat / Mostly / Very much
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[For option h] What does the word “abstractly” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
When answering each of these questions, did you think especially about how you see yourself at school or did you think about how you see yourself in general? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[Looking at both questions] Which question is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #1]
In this school year, which of the following types of computers or other digital devices are available in your school for student use? Select all that apply.
Techn_T_1_0 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #2]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that desktop computers are available in question #1]
Where are desktop computers available for student use?
Techn_T_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Looking at the response options, what did you consider to be a “classroom” when you chose your answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #3]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that desktop computers are available in question #1]
What is the average age of the desktop computers in your school?
Techn_T_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Looking at the response options provided, how easy or difficult was it to provide the age of the desktop computers in your school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do “new” computers typically arrive at your school brand new and out of a box or do they arrived used and second-hand? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #4]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that desktop computers are available in question #1]
What is the technical condition of the desktop computers in your school?
Techn_T_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the phrase “do not operate” mean to you? Is there better wording that can be used? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What would you consider to be a “functional computer”? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #5]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that desktop computers are available in question #1]
Where are laptop computers available for student use?
Techn_T_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #6]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that laptop computers are available in question #1]
What is the average age of the laptop computers in your school?
Techn_T_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #7]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that laptop computers are available in question #1]
What is the technical condition of the laptop computers in your school?
Techn_T_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #8]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that tablet computers are available in question #1]
Where are tablet computers available for student use?
Techn_T_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #9]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that tablet computers are available in question #1]
What is the average age of the tablet computers in your school?
Techn_T_6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #10]
[Present this question only if teachers indicated that tablet computers are available in question #1]
What is the technical condition of the tablet computers in your school?
Techn_T_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What operations should a tablet computer be able to do for you to consider the tablet "functional" ? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #11]
In this school year, did your school assign each student a laptop computer that can be used for schoolwork?
Techn_T_8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #12]
In this school year, did your school assign each student a tablet computer that can be used for schoolwork?
Techn_T_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #13]
Is there a wireless Internet connection in your school that students can use for schoolwork?
Techn_T_10 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does “everywhere” in option c mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Looking at response options b and c, do these response options make sense to you? Is there wording that can be used here to make them clearer or more specific? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #14]
In this school year, did your school provide you with a laptop computer to use for teaching and class preparation?
Techn_T_11 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #15]
In this school year, did your school provide you with a tablet computer to use for teaching and class preparation?
Techn_T_12 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #16]
Does your school offer technical support to teachers for computers and other digital technology in the school?
Techn_T_13 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #17]
[This item is only administered to teachers who indicated that technical support is offered in the previous item]
During the past year, have you used the technical support?
Techn_T_14 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #18]
In this school year, did your school offer training for teachers on how to use computers (e.g., software, hardware, or the Internet)?
Techn_T_15 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Does your school provide you with training for other digital devices or technology hardware used in your school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Does your school provide you with other training related to technology that is not listed here? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
[If yes to “does your school provide you with other training”] What is the other training that your school provides? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Core Teacher #19]
[This item is only administered to teachers who indicated that training is offered in the previous item]
In this school year, have you participated in computer training?
Techn_T_16 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #20]
GrowthMind_T_1 The following statements are about peoples’ intelligence. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
GrowthMind_T_1_6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term “intelligence” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Teacher #21]
Based on your experience as a teacher, which of the following do you consider more critical for student success in school?
GrowthMind_T_2_0 |
Alternate Response Options: How intelligent a student is / How much effort a student applies / Both about the same / I don't know.
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Are there other factors that are not included in the answer options that should be? |
[Grades 4, 8 Core: Teacher #22]
TeacherSat_1 How frequently do you feel the following way about being a teacher? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Almost never |
Very rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Almost always |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TeacherSat_1_9 |
Alternate Item: How much does each the following statements apply to you? Select one answer choice on each row.
Alternate Response Options: Not at all / Not much / Somewhat / Mostly / Very much
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
[Looking at option i] Would you answer differently if this option was stated as “I am going to continue teaching for as long as I can because I enjoy teaching“? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Looking at both versions of the question] Which option is easier for you to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Teacher #23]
In comparison to a year ago, are you now more or less satisfied with being a teacher at this school?
TeacherSat_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
How would you answer this question if you planned to transition out of your current school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Follow-up to probe 2] Are there any response options you think we should include? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Teacher #24]
A year from now, do you expect to be more or less satisfied with being a teacher at this school?
TeacherSat_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
How would you answer this question if you planned to transition out of your current school? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
[Follow-up to probe 2] Are there any response options you think we should include? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Teacher #25]
TALIS_2 On average, how often do you do the following in this school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never |
Once a year or less |
2-4 times a year |
5-10 times a year |
1-3 times a month |
Once a week or more |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
TALIS_2_8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grades 4, 8: Teacher #26]
TALIS_3 In your teaching, how important do you consider each of the following? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Not important at all |
Not important |
Somewhat important |
Important |
Very important |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_10 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_11 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_12 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_13 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_14 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_15 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_16 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
TALIS_3_17 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[For each of the options] Do you consider this aspect of teaching to be important? [For respondents that answer “yes”] Why? [For respondents that answer “no”] Why not? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12: Core School #1]
In your school, are there laptop computers that students can use for schoolwork?
Techn_Sc_1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Looking at the response options, do the ones presented here make sense to you for this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #2]
In your school, are there tablet computers that students can use for schoolwork?
Techn_Sc_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Which rooms did you include and/or count when answering this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #3]
Does your school assign each student a laptop computer that can be used for schoolwork?
Techn_Sc_3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #4]
Does your school assign each student a tablet computer that can be used for schoolwork?
Techn_Sc_4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #5]
In your school, is there a wireless Internet connection that students can use for schoolwork?
Techn_Sc_5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
What does the term "in some areas" mean to you in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
4 |
What does the word "everywhere" mean to you in this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #6]
This school year, did your school provide teachers with laptop computers for teaching and class preparation?
Techn_Sc_6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #7]
This school year, did your school provide teachers with tablet computers for teaching and class preparation?
Techn_Sc_7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #8]
This school year, did your school offer technical support to teachers for computers and tablet computers used in this school?
Techn_Sc_8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the term “technical support” mean to you? |
Specific |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #9]
Does your school offer computer training for teachers (e.g., software, hardware, or the Internet)?
Techn_Sc_9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Is there other training that your school offers to teachers, such as, training for tablets, other digital devices, or technology? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #10]
Does your school offer computer training for students (e.g., software, hardware, or the Internet)?
Techn_Sc_10 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Do you think teachers would be better able to answer this question? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #11]
SchoolClim1_0 On average, how often do teachers do the following in this school? Select one answer choice on each row. |
Never |
Once a year or less |
2-4 times a year |
5-10 times a year |
1-3 times a month |
Once a week or more |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_2 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_6 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
SchoolClim1_8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 3 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
When you thought of your answers, how did you account for differences between grades? |
Specific |
Required |
3 |
When you thought of your answers, how did you account for differences between departments? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #12]
Does your school provide computers that students can use for schoolwork?
TechSc1 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Looking at the response options, what did you consider to be a "classroom" when you chose your answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #13]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
In this school year, which of the following types of computers or other digital devices are available in your school for student use? Select all that apply.
TechSc2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #14]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
In your school, where are desktop computers available for student use?
TechSc3 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #15]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
In your school, what is the total number of desktop computers available for students? Enter the number of computers.
TechSc4 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #16]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
What is the average age of the desktop computers in your school?
TechSc5 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Is there a different set of age ranges that you think would be more appropriate? [If yes] What would you suggest? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #17]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
What is the technical condition of these desktop computers in your school?
TechSc6 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "operate" in this context mean to you? Is there a phrase or word that you think would make the response options clearer and easier to answer? |
Specific |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #18]
(Ask this question if “yes” to TechSc1)
In your school, where are laptop computers available for student use?
TechSc7 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #19]
What is the total number of laptop computers available for students in your school? Enter the number of laptop computers.
TechSc8 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #20]
What is the average age of the laptop computers in your school?
TechSc9 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
Is there a different set of age ranges that you think would be more appropriate? [If yes] What would you suggest? |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #21]
What is the technical condition of the laptop computers in your school?
TechSc10 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "operate" in this context mean to you? Is there a phrase or word that you think would make the response options clearer and easier to answer? |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #22]
In your school, where are tablet computers available for students to work?
TechSc11 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #23]
What is the total number of tablet computers available for students in your school? Enter the number of tablet computers.
TechSc12 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes.
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #24]
What is the average age of the tablet computers in your school?
TechSc13 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
Is there a different set of age ranges that you think would be more appropriate? [If yes] What would you suggest? |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #25]
What is the technical condition of the tablet computers in your school?
TechSc14 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for discrete item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
What does the word "operate" in this context mean to you? Is there a phrase or word that you think would make the response options clearer and easier to answer? |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #26]
Please note this item will only be answered by private/religious school administrators.
PriSch_1 Please identify the organizations to which your school belongs. Select one answer choice on each row. |
Yes |
No |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_01 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_02 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_03 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_04 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_05 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_06 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_07 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_08 |
A |
B |
PriSch_1_09 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
[Grade 4, 8, and 12 Core: School #27]
Please note this item will only be answered by private/religious school administrators.
Please identify the organization listed below to which your school is most closely affiliated. Select all that apply.
PriSch_2 |
Item-Specific Probes:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/ Conditional |
1 |
See page 2 for matrix item generic probes. |
General |
Required |
2 |
In comparison to previous question: Which of these two questions do you find easier to answer? Why? |
Specific |
Required |
Debriefing probe for Core:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Ask the following probe at the end of each teacher and school administrator cognitive interview: Is there anything else that you think we should have asked <teachers/principals> that we did not? |
General |
Required |
Debriefing probe for all other subjects:
No. |
Probe |
Type of Probe |
Required/Conditional |
1 |
Ask the following probe at the end of each teacher and school administrator cognitive interview: Is there anything else about <English/language arts/ mathematics/writing> that you think we should have asked <teachers/principals> that we did not? |
General |
Required |
Before we finish, I’d like to hear [any/other] thoughts you have about what you’ve been doing.
Is there anything else you would like to tell me about working on the survey questions?
Is there anything that you think could make [this/these] survey question(s) clearer?
Thank participant for his/her time and provide gift card, as appropriate.
1 Different versions of the questionnaire booklets will be created for the actual cognitive interviews using the items presented in this document.
2 Please note that the 90 minutes includes time for introductions (maximum 15 minutes), conducting the interview (60 minutes), and debriefing and/or time for additional questions/feedback from the participants (maximum 15 minutes).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |