2017-2018 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Cognitive Interviews

NCES Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies System

Attachment IV NTPS 2017-2018 Cog Lab Protocol

2017-2018 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Cognitive Interviews

OMB: 1850-0803

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Attachment IV - 2017-2018 NTPS - Cognitive Interview Protocol

Section 1: Introduction

Participant ID #: |___|___|___|__|__| __|___|___|

Interview Date: |__|__| / |__|__| / |__|__|__|__| (mm/dd/yyyy)

Interviewer initials: _____

Start Time: ____________ AM / PM End Time: ____________ AM / PM

Welcome participant and thank them for their time.

Read or paraphrase: Hello, my name is ________________, and I work for the Census Bureau. Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study. [If somebody is observing, acknowledge that person: ] This is XXXX. She is one of the researchers developing the questions and she is here today observing our interview to learn if there are things that might need to be changed.

As we mentioned in our earlier conversations, we are working with the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education, to develop and refine questions for the National Teacher and Principal Survey. Before surveys are conducted, it’s important to test the questions with the help of people such as yourself.

It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. If you agree to take part in this study, I will hand you a questionnaire to complete. After you complete it, I will ask you some questions about the answers you gave. There are no right or wrong answers. In this study, I am less interested in your actual answers to the questions and more interested in what you thought about the questions and how you understood them. After you have gone through the questionnaire, I will ask some questions about your answers, such as what you understood the questions to mean and whether the questions reflect your actual circumstances.

In order to concentrate on what you are saying rather than having to take notes, and to make sure that we don’t miss anything you say, we would like to audio record this interview. Is that okay with you? [IF NOT OKAY WITH RECORDING]: Okay, that’s no problem.

I want you to know that your participation is voluntary and your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute. Responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose, unless required by law. I want you to know that you can speak freely. Also, you do not have to answer any question you don’t want to and can stop the interview at any time if you wish.

Your participation in this interview is very important because it will help us improve the questionnaire. We’re scheduled to be here for about 60 minutes, and I won’t keep you any longer. As a thank you for your help, we will give you [$40/$75] cash after the interview is completed.

Do you have any questions?

[Write down questions]

Section 2: Informed Consent

Before we start, I’m going to give you a written consent form. This document explains the purpose of the study, how we will protect your information, and who you can call if you have questions.

[Hand the Informed Consent document to the participant to read.]

In addition to the point I have just mentioned about confidentiality I would like to draw your attention to the fact that:

  • Your participation is voluntary and you may stop the interview at any time

  • You can refuse to answer any of the questions asked or take a break at any time

  • Your responses in this study may be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law. (20 U.S.C. § 9573)

[When completed:

  1. Ask participant if (s)he has any questions.

  2. Ask participant if (s)he agrees to participate and agrees to be audio recorded.

  3. If participant agrees, obtain the respondent’s signature to proceed – on two (2) copies.

  4. Make sure respondent takes one copy with them when the interview is over.


Section 3: Cognitive Interviewing

[SHOW RESPONDENT NTPS TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE:] This is the National Teacher and Principal Survey Teacher Questionnaire. If this were the real survey, you would receive this questionnaire from a school coordinator or in your mailbox at your school. It would have your name and school address in the address label. I am going to ask you to fill out the first section of the survey just as you would if you had received the questionnaire at school. Then, when you get to the section that says STOP HERE, I will give you some additional instructions.

[HAND QUESTIONNAIRE TO RESPONDENT:] Please go ahead and start filling out the questionnaire. Please remember to STOP when you get to the section that instructs you to stop.

[After filling out core sections and stopping]

Now I am going to ask you to fill out sections of this survey just as you would if you had received the questionnaire at school but with two differences.

When you read and answer a question that is not clear to you or that you have trouble answering, I would like you to put an “X” to the left of the question. We will discuss these questions as well as others when you complete the questionnaire.

I will also occasionally stop the interview to ask you some additional questions about the questions you just answered.

I would also like you to think aloud as you answer the questions. While I am interested in your answers, I am even more interested in the process you go through when you answer the questions. So, as much as possible, I’d like you to think aloud for me; just sort of talk it out as you go through the questionnaire. From time to time, I may also ask you what you are thinking to remind you to do this.

I find it helps people to get the idea of thinking aloud while they are answering a question if they do a practice question first. Let’s begin with a practice question. Remember to think aloud as you answer.

How many windows are there in the house or apartment where you live?

_____________ WINDOWS

[IF NEEDED: Try to visualize the place where you live, and think about how many windows there are in that place. As you count up the windows, tell me what you are seeing and thinking about.


  • How did you come up with that answer?

  • Tell me more about that. Why did you say [ANSWER]?

  • I noticed that you hesitated. Tell me what you were thinking.

As you complete the questionnaire, I will stop you in a couple of places to skip you to the next set of questions to answers. After you complete the questionnaire, I am going to ask you about some specific questions that you answered. If there is time, we will discuss any additional questions that you marked with an “X’.

Before we begin, do you have any questions about the process?

[Let respondent begin modules we are testing.

In addition to the scripted probes that are in the protocol here are some

examples of additional general probes you may use as needed:]

  • What did you think the question was asking?

  • Can you rephrase the question in your own words?

  • How did you go about answering?

  • What were you thinking of?

  • How did you decide on your answer?

  • What was the reason for that answer?

  • How easy or difficult was it to answer the question?

  • PROBE for examples.

  • How did you feel about answering the questions?

  • Could you explain what you understand by this term?

  • Can you tell me more about that?

  • You seemed to hesitate/take a moment before giving/entering your response. Can you tell me what you were thinking about?

  • What do you mean by…?

  • Is there any additional information that we should have provided to help you answer that question?

  • Does this term/question sound okay to you, or would you prefer something different?

Section 4: Debriefing Procedures

  • Ask for any last observations/comments/concerns.

  • Stop the digital audio recorder.

  • Thank the participant for coming in and for helping test the interview.

  • Give the [$40/$75] incentive, have them sign the voucher, and escort them from the interview room.


Survey Section

Item #

Item Text

Response Options

Protocol Details

Teacher Eval


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The school should continue to use the current performance evaluation system.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher Eval


New Question

I received feedback from my most recent evaluation.



Teacher Eval


New Question

[If yes to previous question]To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

I have used the feedback I received so far to improve my teaching

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If agree] Could you tell me about a time you used feedback to improve your teaching?

[If disagree] Could you tell me more about that?

Teacher Eval


New Question

The feedback I received this year included guidance or suggestions on how to make improvements to my instruction.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If agree] Could you give me an example of specific guidance or suggestions you received?

[If disagree] Could you tell me more about that?

Teacher Eval


New Question

I receive feedback on the methods I use to attain performance goals.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Can you tell me about your performance goals? How do you know what your performance goals are?

Teacher Eval


New Question

Our current evaluation system helps me to determine whether I have been successful with my students.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

The last few questions asked you about feedback you’ve received. Did you receive feedback? [If yes] From who? What kind of feedback were you thinking about when you answered these questions?

Teacher Eval


New Question

I have a clearer idea of what my school expects because of my evaluation.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher Eval


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Overall, the evaluation process was fair.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher Eval


New Question

The evaluation results I received last year were fair.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher Eval


New Question

I agree with my final evaluation results.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

In the previous item I asked if the evaluation results you received were fair, do you think these two questions are asking the same thing?

Teacher Eval


New Question

The evaluation rubric is a fair representation of good teaching.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What does an evaluation rubric mean to you in this question?

Teacher Eval


New Question

The evaluation ratings teachers get depend more on their evaluator than on their professional practice.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher Eval


New Question

My evaluation results will influence my future professional development activities.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Would you tell me more about how your evaluation results will or will not influence your PD?

Teacher Eval


New Question

The rating given during the last formal evaluation of my teaching was accurate.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher Eval


New Question

Our current evaluation system is based on what is known about good teaching practice.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What does “good teaching practice” mean to you in this question?

Teacher Eval


New Question

I do not see the link between student performance and our current evaluation system.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If strongly/somewhat agree] Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval


New Question

Our evaluation system has a positive effect on teaching.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval


New Question

Overall, the evaluation system will lead to improved student learning.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

In your own words, what is this question asking?

Teacher Eval


New Question

Overall, the evaluation system will lead to better instruction.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If strongly/somewhat agree] How do you think it will lead to better instruction?

[If strongly/somewhat disagree] Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval


New Question

The evaluation process took more effort than the results were worth.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If strongly/somewhat agree, and not asked in 1e] Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval


New Question

The evaluation process took more effort than the results were worth.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

[If strongly/somewhat agree, and not asked in 1e] Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval


New Question

How would you rate your understanding of the evaluation process?




-Very Strong

How did you come up with your answer?

Teacher Eval


New Question

To what extent do the following statements describe the person who conducted your most recent evaluation?

My evaluator:

Is able to accurately assess my instruction

-Not At All

-A Little


-To a Great Extent

Teacher Eval


New Question

Knows my strengths and weaknesses as a teacher.

-Not At All

-A Little


-To a Great Extent

Teacher Eval


New Question

Is fair and unbiased.

-Not At All

-A Little


-To a Great Extent

Tell me more about your evaluation. Who conducted your evaluation?

Teacher Eval


New Question

How often do professional learning experiences in your school connect with teacher performance standards?






-Don't Know

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

During the last school year (dates), how frequently did you engage in each of the following professional development activities?

Planned lessons or courses with other teachers

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

[If selects option other than never] Tell me more about that.

What does professional development mean to you? Is this a term you use?

Teacher PD


New Question

Consulted with other teachers about individual students

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

Teacher PD


New Question

Exchanged feedback with other teachers based on classroom observations

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

[If selects option other than never] Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

Acted as a coach or mentor to other teachers or staff or received coaching or mentoring from other teachers or staff

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

What do coaching and mentoring mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Participated in a district or school committee focused on curriculum, instruction, or student assessment

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

Teacher PD


New Question

Participated in on-line or web-based professional development

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

[If selects option other than never] Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

Participated in workshops lasting one day or more

- Never

- Once or a few times a year

- Once or twice a month

- One or more times a week

What kinds of workshops were you thinking about when answering this question? Have you had any workshops that lasted less than a day?

Teacher PD


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Participation in professional development is a part of my evaluation rubric.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

In your own words, what is this question asking?

Teacher PD


New Question

In my school, teachers have an opportunity to evaluate each professional development experience to determine its value and impact.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

[If agree] Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

In my school, teachers use what is learned from professional development to adjust and inform teaching practices.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

During the last school year (dates), how often were the professional development activities in which you participated:

Consistent with your own goals for your professional development

- Always

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

Teacher PD


New Question

Relevant to the content you are teaching this year?

- Always

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

Teacher PD


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

I feel capable of incorporating the kinds of techniques I am learning about in my professional development

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

The techniques I am learning about in my professional development will definitely help improve student achievement

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

My school’s leaders provide teachers with equitable resources to support our individual and collaborative goals for professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

In my school, time is available for teachers during the school day for professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What did you consider as the “school day” when answering this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development is available to me at various times, such as job embedded experiences, before or after-school hours, and summer experiences.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Tell me more about the time you have available for professional development. What does “job-embedded experiences” mean to you?

Teacher PD


New Question

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about professional development in your school.

Sufficient resources are available for professional development in my school.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What kind of resources were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

[If disagree] Tell me more about that.

If needed: Is there too much time or not enough time?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development opportunities are aligned with the school’s improvement plan.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Does your school have a “school improvement plan”? If so, have you seen it?

Teacher PD


New Question

In this school, follow up and feedback are provided after professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What do “follow up” and “feedback” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development is evaluated and results are communicated to teachers.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Does this school provide TEACHERS with time for professional development during regular contract hours?

- Yes, for individual professional development only

- Yes, for team-based professional development only

- Yes, for both individual and team-based professional development

- No

What are you including in “regular contract hours”?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities?

Mentoring, coaching, or peer observations by other teachers at this school

- Yes

- No

What does “peer observation” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that directly relate to your teaching assignment?

- Yes

- No

[If yes] Tell me more about that.

Can you give me an example of PD that would directly relate to your teaching assignment?

Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

After each item 44a* – 49f*

In the past 12 months, how many hours did you spend on these activities?

- 8 hours or less

- 9-16 hours

-17-32 hours

-33 hours or more

How did you come up with your answer?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

After each item 44a* – 49f*

Overall, how relevant were these activities to your teaching assignment?

- Very relevant

- Somewhat relevant

- A little relevant

- Not relevant at all

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

After each item 44a – 49f

Were you given any activities or opportunities as part of this professional development to incorporate the lessons learned into your teaching?

- Yes

- No

Note for testing: Test three follow up questions for each item 44a* – 49f* vs. three follow up questions at the end on the same topics that ask about all professional development activities generally.

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that focused on reading, language arts, or English?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that focused on mathematics?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that focused on other academic subjects (e.g., science, social studies, foreign language, etc.)?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that focused on how to incorporate STEM teaching in the classroom?

- Yes

- No

[If yes] Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities that focused on using technology to support instruction?

- Yes

- No

[If yes] What does “technology” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD

47a-1 Modified

2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development that focused on classroom and behavior management?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on how to teach students with disabilities?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on instructional strategies for limited English proficient (LEP) students?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on instructional strategies for students with individualized education programs (IEPs)?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on preparing students to take the annual assessment?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on analyzing and interpreting student achievement data?

- Yes

- No

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on differentiated instruction?

- Yes

- No

What does “differentiated instruction” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development on student motivation and engagement?

- Yes

- No

Thinking of all the questions with these answer choices [point to series], how easy or difficult was it for you to answer these questions?

What if I asked the questions this way instead:

  1. Did you participate in activities on this topic? Yes/No

  2. If yes: Did you learn from activities on this topic? Yes/No

  3. If yes: Did you change your teaching as a result of activities on this topic? Yes/No

Would it be easier or more difficult to answer questions about different activities this way?

Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

As a result of completing these professional development activities, did you receive credits toward re-certification or advanced certification in your main teaching assignment or other teaching fields?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

For the professional development in which you participated in the past 12 months, did you receive the following types of support?

Release time from teaching (i.e. your regular teaching responsibilities were temporarily assigned to someone else)



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Scheduled time in the contract year for professional development?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Stipend for professional development activities that took place outside regular work hours?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Full or partial reimbursement of college tuition?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Reimbursement for conference or workshop fees?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Reimbursement for travel and/or daily expenses?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following?

Engage in individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally?



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Participate in regularly scheduled collaboration with other teachers on issues of instruction?

*Exclude administrative meetings



Teacher PD


2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Observe, or be observed by, other teachers in your classroom (for at least 10 minutes)?



Teacher PD


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your work at THIS SCHOOL?

I have the necessary tools and resources to carry out my work at this school (v2: to meet my performance standards).

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What if I had asked the question this way “I have the necessary tools and resources to meet my performance standards” How would you have answered?

Which question do you think is easier to understand?

Teacher PD


New Question

During this school year, I received positive feedback and recognition for my work.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What does “positive feedback and recognition” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

My colleagues DO NOT support or encourage me.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

The school helps me see that my job as a teacher is an important one.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

I DO NOT feel fulfilled in my role as a teacher of this school.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

There is someone at this school who I can confide in and look to for advice about my work.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

How did you come up with your answer?

Teacher PD


New Question

The principal cares about my opinions and is receptive to my ideas for improvement.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

I work among colleagues who are highly committed to the mission of the school.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

I DO NOT feel connected to the teachers, staff, or students.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Teacher PD


New Question

My job is rewarding and meaningful.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree


Survey Section

Item #

Item Text

Response Options

Protocol Details

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For a TENURED or EXPERIENCED teacher, how many minutes of classroom observation were conducted in the 3 months prior to completing an evaluation?

Tell me what “experienced teacher” means to you.

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For a TENURED or EXPERIENCED teacher, how long is the typical observation?

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For an UN-TENURED or INEXPERIENCED teacher, how many minutes of classroom observation were conducted in the 3 months prior to completing an evaluation?

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For an UN-TENURED or INEXPERIENCED teacher, how long is the typical observation?

Tell me how you differentiate between a “tenured or experienced” teacher and an “un-tenured or inexperienced” teacher.

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For TENURED or EXPERIENCED K-12 teachers, how often are teachers rated in FORMAL written evaluations?

If tenured or experienced K-12 teachers in your school do not receive formal evaluations, select “No formal evaluations are conducted.”

Mark (X) only one box.

-Two or more times per year

-Once a year

-Once every 2 years

-Once every 3 years

-Once every 4 years

-Once every 5 or more years

-No formal evaluations are conducted

Teacher Eval



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

For UN-TENURED or INEXPERIENCED K-12 TEACHERS, how often are teachers rated in FORMAL written evaluations?

If un-tenured or inexperienced K-12 teachers in your school do not receive formal evaluations, select “No formal evaluations are conducted.”

Mark (X) only one box.

-Once a month

-Once a quarter

-Two- three times per year

-Once a year

-Once every 2 years

-Once every 3 years

-No formal evaluations are conducted

How many times a year are untenured or inexperienced teachers rated? Are the breakdowns enough or do we need additional categories?

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

To what extent will the performance evaluation results for teacher for this school year (dates) be used to inform any of the following decisions about teacher professional development?

Give teachers feedback on their instruction

-A lot


-Not at all

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Plan professional development for individual teachers

-A lot


-Not at all

Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Develop performance improvement plans for low-performing teachers

-A lot


-Not at all

Tell me more about that

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Set goals with teachers for student achievement growth for the next school year

-A lot


-Not at all

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Identify low-performing teachers for coaching, mentoring, or peer assistance

-A lot


-Not at all

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

During this school year (dates), is student achievement growth on standardized assessments used in the performance evaluation of teachers in this school, whether it be within a classroom, teamwide, gradewide, or schoolwide?

Student achievement growth is the change in individual student achievement between two or more points in time.

Standardized assessments are assessments consistently administered and scored for all students in the same grades and subjects, districtwide.

Student achievement growth on standardized assessments is used in the evaluation of:

-ALL teachers in this school, including all grades, all subjects (including art, music, and physical education), special education, and special populations such as English learners and students with disabilities.

-MOST teachers in this school.

-SOME teachers in this school.

-A FEW teachers in this school.

-NO teachers in this school

Tell me more about that.

[If most, some or few] Did you have trouble deciding on answer for this question? Tell me more.

[If not “ALL”] Which teachers are evaluated based on student achievement on standardized assessment?

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

On which of the following are teachers evaluated?

Check all that apply.

The achievement growth of:

-The students they teach directly

-All students GRADEWIDE

-All students TEAMWIDE

-All students SCHOOLWIDE

-Not evaluated on the achievement growth of any students

Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

During this school year (dates), which of the following sources of information on teacher performance does your school use in teacher evaluations?

Classroom observations using a teacher professional practice rubric, conducted by the principal or other school administrator



Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Classroom observations using a teacher professional practice rubric, conducted by someone other than a school administrator (such as a peer or mentor teacher, instructional coach, central office staff member, or an observer from outside the school or district)



[If yes] Who were you thinking about when you answered yes to this question?

Do you use a “teacher professional practice rubric” in evaluations? [If yes] Tell me about the rubric.

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Videotaped classroom observation



[If yes] Were you thinking about videotaped observations when answering 5-2a and 5-2b?

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Teacher self-assessment



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Artifacts of teacher professional practice or portfolios



Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Assessments by a peer or mentor teacher that are not based on a teacher professional practice instrument



[If yes] Tell me more about that. [Of all] Would you rephrase this question in your own words for me? [If needed] What does a professional practice instrument mean to you in this question?

Teacher Eval

5-2g Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Student surveys or other student feedback



Teacher Eval

5-2h Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Parent surveys or other parent feedback



Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Teacher professional credentials including experience and education



Teacher Eval

5-4a Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Will the teacher performance evaluation results from this school year (dates) be used to inform any of the following decisions about teacher career advancement?

Recognizing high performing teachers



Teacher Eval

5-4b Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Determining annual salary increases



Teacher Eval


NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Determining bonuses or performance-based compensation other than salary increases



-This school does not make decisions about bonuses or performance-based compensation

Teacher Eval

5-4d Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Granting tenure or similar job protection



-Teachers in this school are not eligible for tenure

Teacher Eval

5-4e Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Career advancement opportunities, such as teacher leadership roles



Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Determining teaching assignments



Teacher Eval



2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Will the performance evaluation results for teachers for this school year (dates) be used to inform any of the following decisions about low-performing teachers?

Loss of tenure or similar job protection



Teacher Eval

5-5b Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Prioritizing teachers for layoffs



Teacher Eval

5-5c Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Determining teacher reassignment



Teacher Eval

5-5d Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Career advancement opportunities, such as teacher leadership roles



Teacher Eval

5-5e Modified

2015-2016 NTPS Principal Questionnaire

Dismissing or terminating employment for cause



How many teachers have been dismissed for cause during the last 3 years at this school?

Teacher PD


New Question

In (dates), which of the following characterize your plans for evaluating, supporting, and rewarding the performance of teachers in your school?

Include a measure of student achievement growth in the performance evaluation of teachers

- Yes

- No

[If yes] Can you tell me more about that measure?

Teacher PD


New Question

Include multiple observations in the performance evaluation of teacher

- Yes

- No

What were you thinking about when you were answering this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Provide targeted professional development to improve performance identified by the performance evaluation

- Yes

- No

What does “targeted” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about professional development in your school.

Sufficient resources are available for professional development in my school.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What kind of resources were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

[If disagree] Tell me more about that.

If needed: Is there too much time or not enough time?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development offerings are evidence-based.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

In your own words, what is this question asking?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development opportunities are aligned with the school’s improvement plan.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Does your school have an improvement plan? [If yes] Do your staff see the school improvement plan?

Teacher PD


New Question

In this school, follow up and feedback are provided from professional development.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

What do “follow up” and “feedback” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development is evaluated and results are communicated to teachers.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development provides ongoing opportunities for teachers to work with colleagues to refine the implementation of instructional strategies.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

In your own words, what is this question asking?

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development enhances teachers’ abilities to improve student learning.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

My teachers receive the same amount of support for professional development as I do.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

[If disagree] Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

In my school, teachers' backgrounds, evaluation results, and learning needs are considered when professional development is planned and designed.

- Always

- Frequently

- Sometimes

- Seldom

- Never

- Don’t Know

Teacher PD


New Question

Teachers' input is taken into consideration when planning professional development.

- Always

- Frequently

- Sometimes

- Seldom

- Never

- Don’t Know

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD


New Question

Professional development experiences planned at my school are based on research about effective school change.

- Always

- Frequently

- Sometimes

- Seldom

- Never

- Don’t Know

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Does this school provide TEACHERS with time for professional development during regular contract hours?

- Yes, for individual professional development only

- Yes, for team-based professional development only

- Yes, for both individual and team-based professional development

- No

What does “regular contract hours” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

When you decide what goes into school-sponsored professional development, how often is professional development for teachers at this school –

Evaluated for evidence of improvement in SCHOOL-wide student achievement?

- Never

- Rarely

- Sometimes

- Frequently

- Always

Tell me more about that.What does “school-sponsored professional” mean to you in this question?

Teacher PD


New Question

Evaluated for evidence of improvement in DISTRICT-wide student achievement?

- Never

- Rarely

- Sometimes

- Frequently

- Always

Tell me more about that.

Teacher PD



2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Led by teachers in this SCHOOL OR DISTRICT

- Never

- Rarely

- Sometimes

- Frequently

- Always

Teacher PD


Does this school provide INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES with time for professional development during regular contract hours?

(Instructional aides assist teachers in the classroom and are sometimes called paraprofessionals)

- Yes

- No

- No instructional aides in this school

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities?

Analyzing and interpreting student achievement data

- Yes

- No

Can you give me an example of this?

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Human resource management

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Student motivation and engagement

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Using technology to support instruction

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

School governance

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

School improvement planning

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Social services for students

- Yes

- No

Principal PD



2011-2012 SASS Teacher Questionnaire

Safety or school climate

- Yes

- No

Principal PD


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Student learning outcomes are used to determine my school’s professional development plan.

- Strongly Agree

- Somewhat Agree

- Somewhat Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

In your own words, what is this question asking?

Principal PD


New Question

Designed to support state or district standards and/or assessments

- Always

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

Principal PD


New Question

Designed as part of a school improvement plan to meet state, district, or school goals

- Always

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have you participated in any professional development activities related to your role as a principal?



Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

In the past 12 months, have YOU participated in the following kinds of professional development?

University course(s) related to your role as principal?



Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Visits to other schools designed to improve your own work as principal?



Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally?



Can you think of an example?

Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Mentoring and/or peer observation and coaching of principals, as part of formal arrangement that is recognized or supported by the school district?



What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Participating in a principal network (e.g. a group of principals organized by an outside agency or through the internet)?



[If no] Are you familiar with this concept?

Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Workshops, conferences, or training in which you were a presenter?



Principle PD


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Other workshops or conferences in which you were not a presenter?



Principle PD


New Question

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your work at THIS SCHOOL?

I have the necessary tools and resources to carry out my work (v2: to meet my performance standards).

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

During this school year, I received positive feedback and recognition for my work.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What does “positive feedback and recognition” mean to you in this question?

Principle PD


New Question

My colleagues DO NOT support and encourage me.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

The school helps me see that my job as a principal is an important one.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

I DO NOT feel fulfilled in my role as a principal of this school.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

There is someone at this school who I can confide in and look to for advice about my work.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

How did you come up with your answer?

Principle PD


New Question

My supervisor values my opinions and ideas for improvement.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

Principle PD


New Question

I work among colleagues who are highly committed to the mission of the school.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

I DO NOT feel connected to the teachers, staff, and students.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree

Principle PD


New Question

My job is rewarding and meaningful.

-Strongly Agree

-Somewhat Agree

-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree


Survey Section

Item #

Item Text

Response Options

Protocol Details

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Does this school offer the following programs?

Programs with special instructional approaches (e.g., mixed ability grouping, self-paced instruction, open education, ungraded classrooms, etc.)



What does “mixed ability grouping” mean to you? What about “open education”?

Are there other special instructional approaches that you thought of that are not in this list?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

A dual language or foreign language immersion program (A program in which the goal of instruction is that students are proficient in two languages)

Do not include English as a Second Language (ESL) programs or classes.



[If yes] Tell me more about this program. What languages are offered in the program?

[If no] What does a “dual language or foreign language immersion program” mean to you?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Distance learning course(s) (Taught primarily via Internet, e-mail, satellite, or television)



[If yes] Tell me more about this program.

[If no] Can you give me an example of a distance learning course?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Are the following before-school or after-school programs or services currently available, for students in any of grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels, regardless of funding source?

A program providing instruction beyond the normal school day for students who NEED academic ASSISTANCE


- No

What does “regardless of funding source” mean to you in this question?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

A program providing instruction beyond the normal school day for students who SEEK academic ADVANCEMENT OR ENRICHMENT



In your own words, what is this question asking?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Extended-day care



Classroom organization


New Question

School-related activities and clubs (e.g., yearbook club, school dance committee)



[If yes] Can you tell me more about the activities and clubs offered at your school?

[If no] What, if any, kinds of clubs and activities does your school offer?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

During THIS school year (dates), does this school use the following methods to organize classes or students?

Traditional grades or academic discipline-based departments



[If no] Tell me more about that.

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Tracking (Students are assigned based on their ability)



[If yes] Tell me more about how your school uses tracking.

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Grades subdivided into small groups such as “houses” or “families”



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Student groups that stay in classes together for two or more years with the SAME teacher (e.g., looping)



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

[If no] Can you think of an example of when this might happen?

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Student groups that stay in classes together for two or more years with DIFFERENT teachers



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Multi-age grouping or composite classes (Most students normally in different grades placed together)



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

[If no] Can you think of an example of when this might happen?

Classroom organization


New Question

Block scheduling (Extended class periods scheduled to create blocks of instruction time)



Classroom organization


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Does this school use a year-round calendar to distribute school days across 12 months?



In your own words, what is this question asking?

Classroom organization


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Do all students attend on the same cycle?



Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Are the following opportunities available for students in grades 9-12 in this school?

Dual or concurrent enrollment that offers both high school and college credit



Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

How it this funded?

-By the school, district, or state

-By the family or the student

-By some other entity

[If R selects “by the family or the student”, or “by some other entity”] Tell me more about that.

Classroom organization



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Specialized career academy (Curriculum organized around a specific career area, such as health, hospitality, or IT.)



If yes, how many students are enrolled in this program?

Can you think of any examples of career academies not in this list?

Classroom organization


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Career and technical education courses (agriculture, business, communications, computer science/IT, construction, cosmetology, culinary arts, education, engineering technologies, health care, manufacturing, marketing, protective and legal services, repair, transportation)



If yes, how many students are enrolled in this program?

[If yes] Which courses do you offer?

All: Please take a minute to look at the examples in this question again. Are there any you think we are missing? Any examples you think do not qualify as career or technical education courses?

Classroom organization


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Work-based learning or internships outside of school, in which students earn COURSE CREDITS for supervised learning activities that occur in paid or unpaid workplace assignments



If yes, how many students are enrolled in this program?

[If yes] Tell me more about that.

[If no] Can you think of an example of when this might happen?

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Does this school have students enrolled in the THIRD GRADE?



Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

How long is the NORMAL SCHOOL DAY for THIRD GRADE students?

_ _ Hours per week

_ _ Minutes per week

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

During a TYPICAL FULL WEEK of school, approximately how many minutes do most THIRD GRADE students spend on the following activities at this school?

Please use your best estimate for the planned time spent for most regular students in the typical third grade classroom.

If most third grade students have courses taught on a rotational schedule, calculate typical course time based on the following example: For a course taught 60 minutes a week for half the year, respond with 30 minutes per week.

Do NOT include time spent on additional tutoring or remedial instruction for students receiving special services.

Total should not exceed the number of minutes calculated from your response to question 29. For example, if the typical school week is 35 hours, the total should not exceed 2100 minutes (35 hours x 60 minutes).

If your school does not offer a particular activity for third grade students during the typical week, mark (X) the “None” box.

In your own words, please tell me what this question is asking. What time period were you thinking about when you answered this question.

[Interviewers will probe on any difficulties that they hear when the respondent thinks aloud while answering this.]

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Combined TOTAL of English, reading, or language arts

After each item: (1) Since the previous school year (dates), has the time spent on instruction in this subject in a TYPICAL FULL WEEK of school


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week




Stayed the same

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Arithmetic or mathematics


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Social studies or history


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire



_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Foreign language (Not English as a Second Language [ESL])


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Physical education


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire



_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire



_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire


Do NOT include time allocated for lunch.


_ _ _ _ Minutes per day

______Days per week

Were these questions about minutes per day and days per week easy or difficult to answer? Can you think of an easier way for you to give us this same information?

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Does this school have students enrolled in the EIGHTH GRADE?



Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

How long is the NORMAL SCHOOL DAY for EIGHTH GRADE students?

_ _ Hours per week and

_ _ Minutes per week

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

During a TYPICAL FULL WEEK of school, approximately how many minutes do most EIGHTH GRADE students spend on the following activities at this school?

Please use your best estimate for the planned time spent for most regular students in the typical eighth grade classroom.

If most eighth grade students have courses taught on a rotational schedule, calculate typical course time based on the following example: For a course taught 60 minutes a week for half the year, respond with 30 minutes per week.

Do NOT include time spent on additional tutoring or remedial instruction for students receiving special services.

Total should not exceed the number of minutes calculated from your response to question 29. For example, if the typical school week is 35 hours, the total should not exceed 2100 minutes (35 hours x 60 minutes).

If your school does not offer a particular activity for eighth grade students during the typical week, mark (X) the “None” box.

In your own words, please tell me what this question is asking. What time period were you thinking about when you answered this question.

[Interviewers will probe on any difficulties that they hear when the respondent thinks aloud while answering this.]

Instructional time



2011-2012 SASS School Questionnaire

Combined TOTAL of English, reading, or language arts

After each item: (1) Since the previous school year (dates), has the time spent on instruction in this subject in a TYPICAL FULL WEEK of school


_ _ _ _ Minutes per week




Stayed the same

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Arithmetic or mathematics


_ _ _ _ Minutes per week

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire

Social studies or history


_ _ _ _ Minutes per week

Instructional time


2011-2012 SASS Principal Questionnaire



_ _ _ _ Minutes per week

[If not asked about third grade] Were these questions about minutes per week easy or difficult to answer? Can you think of an easier way for you to give us this same information?

Instructional time


New Question

Does this school offer any courses that use a multidisciplinary approach? (e.g. combining music and art, science and reading into one class)



[If yes] Tell me more about that.

General Probes:

  1. Can you tell me more about the evaluation system at your school? If needed: Who performs evaluations? What factors go into your evaluation? When are they conducted?

  1. The NTPS is considering adding questions about teacher engagement. What does “teacher engagement” mean to you? How would you describe a teacher who is engaged?


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJenna A Fulton (CENSUS/CSM FED)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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