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U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program
Section 8 Certificate Program
Project Based Assistance
This Agreement to Enter Into Housing Assistance Payments Contract (“Agreement”) is entered into
between the ______________________________________________________________
(“PHA”), and ________________________________________________________ (“Owner”).
The Owner agrees to complete the work on unit(s) in accordance with Exhibit B. When the work is
completed, the Owner and the PHA will enter into a Housing Assistance Payments Contract (“Contract”)
which will allow the Owner to receive housing assistance payments from the PHA on behalf of eligible
Families (“Families”) so that they may afford to rent the unit(s). The PHA has executed an Annual
Contributions Contract (“ACC”) with HUD by which HUD agrees to provide funds to the PHA to make
these housing assistance payments.
Significant Dates: Contents of Agreement.
Effective Date of Agreement: ________________.
Date of Commencement of Work. The date for commencement of work is not later than
________ calendar days after the effective date of this Agreement.
Time for Completion of Work. The date for completion of work is not later than
_________ calendar days after the effective date of this Agreement.
Contents of Agreement. This Agreement consists of Part I, Part II, Form HUD 52531-B
dated December 1988 (if applicable, see Section 1.2), and the following exhibits:
Exhibit A.- The approved Owner’s Application.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Exhibit B: Description of work to be performed under this Agreement. (If this Agreement is for rehabilitation of units, this exhibit shall contain the rehabilitation
work write up and, where determined necessary by the PHA, specifications
and plans. If this agreement is for new construction, this exhibit shall
contain the drawings and specifications.)
Exhibit C: Identification of units by size and applicable initial Contract Rents.
Exhibit D: The Housing Assistance Payments Contract (“Contract”) complete with
respect to the Agreement/Contract number, the identification of the PHA and
Owner, and Exhibit B.
Exhibit E: The schedule of completion of stages, if applicable. (This exhibit shall
identify the units in each stage.)
Exhibit F: Exhibit required if this Agreement is for new construction. This exhibit
shall contain the design architect’s certification that the proposed new
construction reflected in the working drawings and specifications complies
with Housing Quality Standards, local codes and ordinances, and zoning
Additional Exhibits: (Specify additional exhibits, such as Davis-Bacon Wage Rate
Schedule, if any. If none, insert “None”.)
This Agreement, including the exhibits, is the entire Agreement between the PHA and
Nature of Work. (Check which is applicable.)
This Agreement is for rehabilitation of units to be assisted by project-based assistance
under the Section 8 Certificate Program.
This Agreement is for new construction of units to be assisted by project-based assistance under the Section 8 Certificate Program.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Applicability of Part II Provisions.
Training, Employment, and Contracting Opportunities for Businesses and Lower-Income
Persons. (Applies if the total of Contract Rents for all units under the proposed Contract,
over the minimum term of the Contract, is more than $500,000 or $2,778 per month).
[ ] Applicable
Equal Employment Opportunity. (Applies only to construction contracts of
than $10,000.)
[ ] Applicable
[ ] Not Applicable
[ ] Not Applicable
Flood Insurance. (Applies if units are located in areas having special flood hazards and in
which flood insurance is available under the National Flood Insurance Program.)
[ ] Applicable
[ ] Not Applicable
Labor Standards Requirements. (Sections 2.4, 2.8 and 2.10 apply when this Agreement
covers nine or more units.) 2.4 HUD-Federal Labor Standards Provisions, 2.8 Wage
Claims and Adjustments; 2.10 Evidence of Unit(s) Completion; Escrow.
[ ] Applicable
Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. (Applies if the total of Contract
Rents for all units under the Contract, over the maximum term of the Contract, is more
than $100,000 or $556 per month).
[ ] Applicable
[ ] Not Applicable
[ ] Not Applicable
PHA Assurance to Owner.
The PHA warrants that it is a “public housing agency” as defined in the U.S. Housing
Act of 1937, that it is authorized to execute an Agreement in accordance with HUD
regulations and requirements and that it has an ACC with HUD.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Schedule of Completion.
Timely Performance of Work. The Owner agrees to begin work no later than the
date for commencement of work as stated in Section 1.1.B. In the event the work
is not commenced, diligently continued and completed as required under this
Agreement, the PHA may terminate this Agreement or take other appropriate
action. The Owner agrees to report promptly to the PHA the date work is
commenced and furnish the PHA with progress reports as required by the PHA.
Time for Completion. All work must be completed no later than the end of the
period stated in Section 1.1.C. Where completion in stages is provided for, work
related to units included in each stage shall be completed by the stage completion
date in Exhibit E, and all work on all stages must be completed no later than the
end of the period stated in Section 1.1.C.
Delays. If there is delay in the completion due to unforeseen factors beyond the
Owner’s control as determined by the PHA, the PHA agrees to extend the time
for completion for an appropriate period as determined by the PHA. In the case
of such delays, the PHA shall reduce the term of the Contract so that the Contract
term does not extend beyond the last date of the ACC term for the ACC funding
authority from which the Contract is to be funded.
Rehabilitation Period.
Establishment of Initial Contract Rent.
The initial Contract Rent for each unit may in no event exceed the amount
authorized in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements.
The Contract Rents stated in Exhibit C of this Agreement will be the initial
Contract Rents specified in the Contract unless a lower initial Contract Rent is
established by the PHA in accordance with paragraph B of this section, or
Section 1.14A of this Agreement. The initial Contract Rents stated in Exhibit C
of this Agreement shall not be increased for any reason, including changes in the
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Establishment of Lower Initial Contract Rent.
Excessive Rent. Where the initial Contract Rent for any unit would otherwise
exceed the amount authorized in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements, the PHA shall establish a lower initial Contract Rent in accordance with
such regulations and requirements. Such lower rent shall be established at the
amount determined by HUD.
Changes in the Work.
The Owner must obtain prior PHA approval for any change from the
work specified in Exhibit B which would alter the design or quality of
the rehabilitation or construction. The PHA is not required to approve
any changes requested by the Owner. PHA approval of any change may
be conditioned on establishment of lower initial Contract Rents at the
amounts determined by HUD.
If the Owner makes any changes in the work without prior PHA approval, the PHA may establish lower initial Contract Rents at the
amounts determined by HUD.
Insured or Coinsured Mortgage. When a HUD insured or a HUD coinsured
multifamily mortgage is used, the PHA shall establish lower initial Contract
Rent, in the amounts determined by HUD to reflect any reduction in the amount
necessary to amortize the insured or coinsured mortgage.
List of Vacancies. At least sixty days prior to the scheduled completion of the work
described in Exhibit B (where completion in stages is provided, sixty days prior to
completion of each stage), the Owner shall notify the PHA in writing of any unit(s)
expected to be vacant at the anticipated effective date of the Contract. The PHA shall
refer to the Owner appropriate-sized families from the PHA waiting list. When the
Contract is executed, the Owner shall notify the PHA which units are vacant.
Prohibition Against Displacement of Residential Tenants from Assisted Units. The
Owner agrees that work on any unit to be subsidized with assistance under this Contract
shall not result in the displacement of residential tenants from the units to be subsidized..
If a residential tenant is displaced through a waiver of
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
this requirement or in violation of this requirement, the owner shall provide relocation
assistance for displaced person in accordance with the regulations which implement the
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970.
Temporary Relocation. The Owner agrees that lawful residential tenants shall not be
required to move temporarily from a structure or complex unless:
The Owner has given the tenants advance written notice and appropriate advisory
Decent, safe, and sanitary temporary housing is available;
The temporary relocation period will not exceed 12 months; and
The Owner reimburses tenants for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with the temporary relocation, including moving costs to and from
temporary housing and increases in monthly housing costs.
These requirements apply only to lawful residential tenants (but not to owner-occupants
or businesses) who are temporarily relocated following submission of the Owner’s
application to the PHA. The requirements do not apply to tenants who commence
occupancy after the Owner’s submission of an application if, before they commence
occupancy, they are provided written notice from the Owner of the impending work and
possible temporary relocation, or whose tenancy is terminated for cause based upon a
serious or repeated violation of material terms of the lease or occupancy agreement.
Inspections. The PHA (or HUD in the case of insured or coinsured mortgages) may
inspect the work during rehabilitation or construction to ensure that work is proceeding
on schedule, is being accomplished in accordance with the terms of the Agreement,
meets the levels of material described in Exhibit B, and meets typical levels of workmanship in the area.
Work Completion.
Conformance with Exhibit B. The completed work must be in accordance with Exhibit B.
The Owner is solely responsible for completion of the work.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Notification of Completion. The Owner agrees to notify the PHA when the work is
completed and to submit to the PHA the items described in paragraph C of this section.
Evidence of Completion. When the work is completed, the Owner must provide the
PHA with the following:
A certificate of occupancy and other official approvals as required by the locality.
A certification by the Owner that:
The work has been completed in accordance with the requirements of
this Agreement;
There are no defects or deficiencies in the work except for items of
delayed completion which are minor or which are incomplete because of
weather conditions and, in any case, do not preclude or affect occupancy,
The unit(s) has been rehabilitated or constructed and is in accordance
with applicable zoning, building, housing and other codes, ordinances or
regulations, as modified by any waiver obtained from appropriate
Any unit built prior to 1978 is in compliance with applicable HUD Lead
Based Paint regulations; and
If Labor Standards Requirements are applicable, the Owner has complied with the requirements of Section 2.10 of this Agreement.
For projects where construction inspections by HUD staff are not required by
HUD, a certification from the inspecting architect stating that the units have been
constructed in accordance with the certified working drawings and specifications, Housing Quality Standards, local codes and ordinances, and zoning
Review and Inspection.
After receipt of the evidence of completion, the PHA agrees to review the
evidence of completion for compliance with paragraph C of this section and, if
applicable, Section 2.10.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
A PHA representative must inspect the unit(s) to be assisted to determine that the
work has been completed in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. If the inspection discloses defects or deficiencies the inspector will report
them to the PHA with sufficient detail and information for purposes of this
Acceptance. If the PHA determines from the review and inspection that all the work has
been completed in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, the unit(s) must
be accepted.
Acceptance Where Defects or Deficiencies Reported. If the work is not acceptable, the
following shall apply:
If there are any items of delayed completion which are minor items or which are
incomplete because of weather conditions and in any case which do not preclude
or affect occupancy, and all other requirements of the Agreement have been met,
the unit(s) may be accepted. The Owner shall deposit in escrow with the PHA
funds in an amount the PHA determines to be sufficient to assure completion of
the delayed items, and shall execute a written agreement with the PHA (in the
form prescribed by the PHA) which specifies the schedule for completion of the
items. If the Owner fails to deposit such escrow, or to execute such written
agreement, or if items are not completed within the agreed time period, the PHA
may terminate the Agreement or Contract or exercise other rights under the
Agreement or Contract.
If other defects or deficiencies exist, the PHA shall determine whether and to
what extent the defects or deficiencies are correctable, whether the unit(s) will be
accepted after correction of defects or deficiencies, and the requirements and
procedures for such correction and acceptance. Furthermore, the PHA shall
determine whether lower initial Contract Rents shall be established, and whether
the term of the Contract shall be reduced. The Owner shall be notified of the
PHA’s decision.
Notification of Nonacceptance. If the PHA determines that, based on the review of the
evidence of completion and inspection, any unit is not accepted, the Owner shall be
promptly notified of this decision and the reasons.
Completion in Stages. Where completion in stages is provided for, the procedures of this
section shall apply to each stage.
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Execution of Housing Assistance Payments Contract.
Time and Execution. Upon acceptance of the units by the PHA, the Owner and the PHA
agree to execute the Contract.
Completion in Stages. Where completion in stages is provided for, the number and types
of units in each stage, and the initial Contract Rents for such units, shall be separately
shown in Exhibit A of the Contract for each stage. Upon acceptance of the first stage,
the Owner shall execute the Contract and the signature block provided in the Contract for
that stage. Upon acceptance of each subsequent stage, the Owner shall execute the
signature block provided in the Contract for such stage.
Form of Contract. The terms of the Contract shall be as provided in Exhibit D of this
Agreement. There shall be no change in the terms of the Contract other than as provided
in this Agreement. Prior to execution by the Owner, all blanks in the Contract shall be
completed by the PHA.
Survival of Owner Obligations. Even after execution of the Contract, the Owner shall
continue to be bound by all Owner obligations under the Agreement.
Cooperation in Equal Opportunity Compliance Reviews: Nondiscrimination.
The Owner and the PHA agrees to cooperate with HUD in the conducting of the compliance reviews and complaint investigations pursuant to all applicable civil rights statutes,
Executive Orders, and rules and regulations.
In carrying out of the obligations under this Agreement, the Owner will not
discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race,
color, creed, religion, sex, handicap or national origin. The Owner will take
affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are
treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion,
sex, handicap or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to,
the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or
recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of
compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship.
The Owner agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and
applicants for employment, notices to be provided by HUD setting forth the
provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The Owner will in all solicitations
or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
of the Owner state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, handicap or
national origin. The Owner will incorporate the foregoing requirements of this
paragraph B in all of its contracts for Project work, except contracts for standard
commercial supplies or raw materials, and will require all of its contractors for
such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for project work
PHA and Owner Relations to Third Parties.
Selection and Performance of Contractor.
The PHA has not assumed any responsibility or liability to the Owner or any
other party for the performance of any contractor, subcontractor or supplier,
whether or not listed by the PHA as qualified contractor or supplier under the
Program. The selection of a contractor, subcontractor or supplier for performance of the work is the sole responsibility of the Owner, and the PHA has no
involvement in any relationship between the Owner and any contractor, subcontractor or supplier.
The Owner must select a competent contractor to undertake the rehabilitation or
construction. The Owner agrees to require from each prospective contractor a
certification that neither the contractor nor its principals is presently debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded
from participation in contracts by the Comptroller General or any Federal
department or agency. The Owner agrees not to award contracts to, otherwise
engage the services of, or fund any contractor that does not provide this certification.
Injury Resulting from Work under the Agreement. The PHA has not assumed any responsibility
for or liability to any person, including a worker or a resident of the unit undergoing work
pursuant to this Agreement, injured as a result of the work or as a result of any other action or
failure to act by the Owner, or any contractor, subcontractor or supplier.
Legal Relationship. The Owner is not the agent of the PHA, and this Agreement does not create
or affect any relationship between the PHA and any lender to the Owner or any suppliers, employees, contractors or subcontractors used by the Owner in the implementation of the Agreement.
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Exclusion of Third Party Claims. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as
creating any right of any third party (other than HUD) to enforce any provision of this
Agreement or the Contract, or to assert any claim against HUD, the PHA or the Owner
under the Agreement or the Contract.
Exclusion of Owner Claims Against HUD. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed
as creating any right of the Owner to assert any claim against HUD.
Rights of HUD if PHA Defaults Under Agreement.
If HUD determines that the PHA has failed to comply with this Agreement, or has failed to take
appropriate action, to HUD’s satisfaction or as directed by HUD, for enforcement of the PHA’s
rights under this Agreement, HUD may assume the PHA’s rights and obligations under the
Agreement, and may perform the obligations and enforce the rights of the PHA under the Agreement. HUD will, if it determines that the Owner is not in default, pay Annual Contributions for
the purpose of making housing assistance payments with respect to the dwelling unit(s) under
this Agreement for the duration of the Contract.
Conflict of Interest.
Interest of Members, Officers, or Employees of PHA, Members of Local Government
Body, or Other Public Officials. No present or former member or officer of the PHA
(except tenant-commissioners), no employee of the PHA who formulates policy or
influences decisions with respect to the Section 8 Program, and no public official or
member of a governing body or State or local legislator who exercises functions or
responsibilities with respect to the Section 8 Program, shall have any direct or indirect
interest, during his or her tenure or for one year thereafter, in this Agreement or the
Contract or in any proceeds or benefits arising from the Agreement or Contract. This
provision may be waived by HUD for good cause.
Disclosure. The Owner warrants that the Owner has disclosed to the PHA:
The identity of the Owner, developer, builder, architect, management agent (and
other participants) and the names of officers and principal members, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a substantial interest in this Agreement or
the Contract or in any proceeds or benefits arising from the Agreement or
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The previous participation of each of these parties in HUD programs on the
prescribed HUD form; and
Any possible conflict of interest by any of these parties that would be a violation
of the Agreement or the Contract.
The Owner shall fully and promptly update such disclosures.
Interest of Member or of Delegate to Congress.
No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States of America or resident commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefits which may arise
Assignment of the Agreement or Contract or Interest in It.
The Owner agrees that the Owner has not made and will not make any transfer in any
form, including any sale or assignment, of this Agreement or the Contract or the property
without the prior written consent of the PHA. A change in ownership in the Owner, such
as a stock transfer or transfer of the interest of a limited partner, is not subject to the
provisions of this section. Transfer of the interest of a general partner is subject to the
provisions of this section.
Where the Owner requests the consent of the PHA for a transfer in any form, including
any sale or assignment, of this Agreement or the Contract or the property, the PHA will
review the transferee’s previous participation in the HUD programs. The PHA will give
its consent to a transfer of the Agreement or Contract pursuant to paragraph A of this
section if the transferee agrees in writing (in a form acceptable to the PHA) to comply
with all terms of the Agreement and Contract, and if the transferee is acceptable to the
PHA. The PHA’s criteria for acceptance of the transferee must be no more restrictive
than initial acceptance of any Owner under the program at the time of the Owner’s
If an Owner is proposing to pledge the Agreement or HAP Contract as security for
financing, the Owner must submit the financing documents to the PHA for approval. In
determining the approvability of a pledge arrangement, the PHA must review the documents submitted by the Owner to ensure that the financing documents do not modify the
Agreement or Contract, and do not contain any requirements inconsistent with the
Agreement or Contract. Any pledge of the Agreement or Contract must be limited to
amounts payable under the Contract in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
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Owner Assurance to the PHA.
Disclosure of Other Government Assistance. The Owner shall disclose to the PHA in
accordance with HUD requirements information regarding any related assistance from
the Federal Government, a State, or a unit of general local government, or any agency or
instrumentality thereof, that is made available or is expected to be made available with
respect to the Contract Units. Such related assistance shall include, but not be limited to,
any loan, grant, guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or any
other form of direct or indirect assistance. Housing assistance payments under the
Contract shall not be more than is necessary , as determined by the PHA in accordance
with HUD requirements, to provide affordable housing after taking account of such
related assistance. The PHA shall adjust in accordance with HUD requirements the
amount of the housing assistance payments to the Owner to compensate in whole or in
part for such related assistance.
Rehabilitation or Construction Financing. The Owner agrees not to rehabilitate or
construct the units with assistance under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (e.g., public
housing, the rental rehabilitation program, housing ,development grants, Section 11(b)
tax exempt bonds, or other Section 8 programs) or the flexible subsidy program. The
Owner warrants that the units were not rehabilitated or constructed with assistance under
the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 in the five years before execution of this Agreement. HUD
may approve attachment of assistance to a unit that was rehabilitated with public housing
modernization funds before conveyance to a resident management corporation where
attachment of project-based assistance would further the purposes of the sale of the
public housing project to the corporation.
Ownership. The Owner warrants that the property to be rehabilitated or constructed
under this Agreement is not owned by the PHA, or an entity controlled by the PHA.
Other Federal Requirements.
The Owner shall comply with and shall be subject to the requirements of the following, where
Executive Orders 12432, Minority Business Enterprise Development, and 12138, Creating a National Women’s Business Enterprise Policy.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
Executive Order 11625, Prescribing Additional Arrangements for Developing and
Coordinating a National Program for Minority Business Enterprises.
24 CFR Part 24, Debarment, Suspension, and Limited Denial of Participation.
Lobbying Certifications.
The Owner hereby assures and certifies that:
No Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the
Owner, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the
making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any
cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
If any funds other than the Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to
any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a
Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative
agreement, the Owner shall complete and submit standard form LLL, “Disclosure Form
to Report Lobbying,” in accordance with its instructions.
The Owner shall require that the language of this certification be included m the award
documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts
under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subreceipients shall certify
and disclose accordingly.
This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed
when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a
prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title
31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a
civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and of not more than $100,000 for each such
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Where the Owner is required to give any notice to the PHA pursuant to this Agreement, such
notice shall be in writing and shall be given in the manner designated by the PHA.
HUD Requirements.
The Agreement and Contract shall be interpreted and implemented in accordance with HUD
Termination of Contract.
This Agreement or the Contract can be terminated upon at least 30 days written notice to the
Owner by the PHA or HUD if the PHA or HUD determines that the Contract Units were not
selected in accordance with the PHA’s HUD-approved written selection policy or that the Contract Units were not eligible for selection in conformity with HUD requirements.
PHA ______________________________
Owner _______________________
By ________________________________
By __________________________
(Official Title)
(Official Title)
Date _______________________________
Date _________________________
Warning: 18 U.S.C. 1001 provides, among other things, that whoever knowingly and willfully makes or uses a document or
writing containing any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department
or agency of the United States, shall be fined no more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
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ref. Handbook 7420.8
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 52531A |
Subject | 52531A |
Author | ELK |
File Modified | 2000-10-05 |
File Created | 2000-10-05 |