CG-719K (01/14) Application for Merchant Mariner Medical Certificate

Application for Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC), Merchant Mariner Certificate Evaluation Report, Small Vessel Sea Service Form, DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Testing Form, Merchant Mariner Evaluation of Fi

CG-719K CG vendor version_13Mar14

Continuous Discharge Book, Application, Physical Exam Report, Sea Service Report, Chemical Testing, Entry Lvl Physical

OMB: 1625-0040

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U.S. Coast Guard

OMB No. 1625-0040
Exp. Date: 01/31/2016


------ Instructions ------

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Who must submit this form?
Applicants seeking a Medical Certificate are required to complete this form and submit it to the U.S. Coast Guard. Applicants seeking a raise-in-grade are
required to submit this form if a previous medical evaluation report has not been submitted within the last 3 years. Guidance for required submission of this form
can be found at the National Maritime Center website (
The Coast Guard requires a physical examination and certification be completed to ensure that mariners:
Are of sound health.
Have no physical limitations that would hinder or prevent performance of duties (see below).
Are free from any medical conditions that pose a risk of sudden incapacitation, which would affect operating, or working on vessels.


Section I: Applicant Information - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner

Legal Name - Enter complete legal name.
Date of Birth - If applicant is under 18 years of age, notarized statement from legal guardian is required. Attach a notarized statement, signed by a parent or
guardian, authorizing the Coast Guard to issue a Medical Certificate.
Reference Number - If you have been credentialed by the Coast Guard in the past, enter your reference number.
Gender - Enter your legal gender.
Home Address - Principle place of residence. PO Box is not acceptable.
Delivery/Mailing Address - The address to which you want all correspondence and issued certificates sent. If blank, correspondence and credentials will be
sent to the Home Address.
Primary Phone Number - Provide a primary phone number.
Alternate Phone Number - Provide an alternate phone number (optional).
E-mail Address - The National Maritime Center (NMC) may attempt to contact you via e-mail. You will receive automated updates regarding the status of
your application (optional).
Other - Please provide additional means of communicating with you (satellite phone, work phone, etc.) (optional).
Application Type - Self-explanatory.

Section II (a)(b): Medical Conditions - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner
Conditions 1 - 34 - Applicants must report their relevant medical conditions to the best of their knowledge, and the Medical Practitioner must verify the
medical conditions. Check "YES" if the applicant has had a previous diagnosis or treatment of the condition by a health care provider, or if the applicant is
currently under treatment or observation for the condition, or if the condition is present regardless of treatment. If the Medical Practitioner, or any other health
care provider to the satisfaction of the medical practitioner, discovers a condition not reported by the applicant, he/she must check "YES" in the appropriate
block and explain in the comments.
Comments - The Medical Practitioner must address all reported conditions in this section. This detailed explanation should include, at a minimum,
identification of the condition, approximate date of diagnosis, any limitations, whether the condition is controlled, the prognosis, the treatment, and any
additional information as appropriate, referring to the evaluation data listed at the National Maritime Center (NMC) website
default.asp. Additional sheets may be added by the applicant and/or the medical practitioner if needed to complete this section of the form. Include applicant's
name and DOB on each additional sheet. Supporting medical documentation and testing for all identified conditions potentially requiring further review should
be submitted with each application as per the guidelines found on the NMC website Detailed guidelines on
medical conditions subject to further review can be found on the NMC website. Medical practitioners should be familiar with the guidelines contained within this
document. Medical and Physical Evaluation Guidelines for Merchant Mariner Credentials can be downloaded from the NMC website or by calling the NMC at
1-888-IASKNMC (1-888-427-5662).

Section III: Medications - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner
Review by the Medical Practitioner - Verification of medications includes questioning the applicant about any medications or other substances reported,
reviewing relevant medical conditions to determine if the applicant has omitted any medications or other substances, and affirmatively reporting any omitted
current medications or other substances where required.

Section IV: (Vision) and V: (Hearing) - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner or other staff to the satisfaction of
the Medical Practitioner
The Medical Practitioner is not required to perform or witness every examination, test, or demonstration. These may be referred to other qualified practitioners
such as audiologists or optometrists; however, they must be reviewed to the satisfaction of the Medical Practitioner.
All examinations, tests and demonstrations must be performed, witnessed, or reviewed by a physician (Medical Doctor [MD], or Doctor of Osteopathy [DO]), or
nurse practitioner, or a certified physician assistant licensed by a state in the U.S., a U.S. possession, or a U.S. territory. The Medical Practitioner who
performs the examination must review Sections II and III of this form.

CG-719K (01/14)

Previous Editions Obsolete

Section VI: Physical Examination - Items 1-17; To be completed by the Medical Practitioner

Section VII: Demonstration of Physical Ability - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
Shipboard Tasks, Function,
Event, or Condition

Related Physical Ability

Acceptable Demonstration

Routine movement on slippery,
uneven, and unstable surfaces

Maintain balance (equilibrium)

Has no disturbance in sense of balance

Routine access between levels

Climb up and down vertical ladders and stairways

Is able, without assistance, to climb up and down vertical
ladders and stairways

Routine movement between spaces
and compartments

Step over high doorsills and coamings, and move
through restricted accesses

Is able, without assistance, to step over a doorsill or coaming
of 24 inches (600 millimeters) in height. Able to move through
a restricted opening of 24 x 24 inches

Open and close watertight doors,
hand cranking systems, open/close

Manipulate mechanical devices using manual and
digital dexterity, and strength

Is able, without assistance, to open and close watertight doors
that may weigh up to 55 pounds (25 kilograms); should be
able to move hands/arms to open and close valve wheels in
vertical and horizontal directions; rotate wrists to turn handles;
able to reach above shoulder height

Handle ship's stores

Lift, pull, push, carry a load

Is able, without assistance, to lift at least a 40 pound (18.1
kilograms) load off the ground, and to carry, push, or pull the
same load

General vessel maintenance

Crouch (lowering height by bending knees); kneel
(placing knees on ground); stoop (lowering height by
bending at the waist); use hand tools such as spanners, valve wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers

Is able, without assistance, to grasp, lift, and manipulate
various common shipboard tools

Emergency response procedures
including escape from smoke-filled

Crawl (ability to move body using hands and knees);
feel (ability to handle or touch to examine or determine
differences in texture and temperature)

Is able, without assistance, to crouch, kneel, and crawl, and to
distinguish differences in texture and temperature by feel

Stand a routine watch

Stand a routine watch

Is able, without assistance, to intermittently stand on feet for
up to four hours with minimal rest periods

React to visual alarms and
instructions, emergency response

Distinguish an object or shape at a certain distance

Fulfills the eyesight standards for the merchant mariner
credential applied for (see for more info)

React to audible alarms and
instructions, emergency response

Hear a specified decibel (dB) sound at a specified

Fulfills the hearing standards for the merchant mariner
credential applied for

Make verbal reports or call attention
to suspicious or emergency

Describe immediate surroundings and activities, and
pronounce words clearly

Is capable of normal conversation

Participate in fire fighting activities

Be able to carry and handle fire hoses and fire

Is able, without assistance, to pull an uncharged 1.5 inch
diameter, 50' fire hose with nozzle to full extension, and to lift
a charged 1.5 inch diameter fire hose to fire fighting position

Abandon ship

Use survival equipment

Has the agility, strength, and range of motion to put on a
personal flotation device and exposure suit without assistance
from another individual

Section VIII: Food Handler Certification - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
The Medical Practitioner shall complete Section VIII for all applicants requiring Food Handler Certification. The Medical Practitioner need not perform any
additional laboratory testing unless it is deemed clinically necessary. Applicants and currently employed food workers should report information about their
health as it relates to diseases that are transmissible through food. The following issues should be considered by the Medical Practitioner when certifying an
a. The applicant reports they have been diagnosed with an illness due to organisms such as Salmonella Typhi, Shigella spp., Shiga-toxin-producing
Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus, etc.
b. The applicant reports they have at least one symptom caused by illness, infection, or other source that is associated with an acute gastrointestinal illness
such as diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, or sore throat with fever.
c. The applicant reports they have a lesion containing pus, such as a boil or infected wound, which is open or draining and is on hands or wrists or on
exposed portions of the arms.
d. The applicant reports they have had Salmonella Typhi within the past three months, Shigella spp. within the past month, Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia
coli within the past month, or Hepatitis A virus ever.
e. The applicant reports they are suspected of causing or being exposed to a confirmed disease outbreak caused by organisms such as Salmonella Typhi,
Shigella spp., Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus, etc. This would include outbreaks associated with events such as a family meal,
church supper, or festival because the employee ate food implicated in the outbreak, or ate food at the event prepared by a person who is infected or who
is suspected of being a shedder of the infectious agent.
f. The applicant reports they live in the same household as, and have knowledge about, a person who is diagnosed with organisms such as Salmonella
Typhi, Shigella spp., Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus, etc.
g. The applicant reports they live in the same household as, and have knowledge about, a person who attends or works in a setting where there is a
confirmed disease outbreak caused by organisms such as Salmonella Typhi, Shigella spp., Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus, etc.
CG-719K (01/14)

Previous Editions Obsolete

Section IX: Summary - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
Proof of Identity
a. Applicants shall present acceptable proof of identity to the Medical Practitioner conducting examinations.
b. Proof of identity shall consist of one current form of valid government issued photo identification.
c. The following credentials are examples of acceptable proof of identity: Unexpired official identification issued by a Federal, State, or local government or by a
territory or possession of the United States, such as a passport, U.S. driver's license, U.S. military ID card, Merchant Mariner's Document/Merchant Mariner
Credential, or Transportation Worker Identification Credential.
Overall fitness recommendation: The Medical Practitioner must ensure a complete history and physical are conducted and make recommendations as to
the fitness of the applicant. Final approval of the mariner's status rests with the U.S. Coast Guard.
Medical Practitioner: Certification that the general medical examination, vision and hearing tests, as well as the physical demonstration of competence as
appropriate, have been performed to the satisfaction of the Medical Practitioner. The Medical Practitioner must sign and date the certification where
indicated. This signature attests, subject to criminal prosecution under 18 USC § 1001, that all information reported by the medical practitioner is true and
correct to the best of his/her knowledge and that the medical practitioner has not knowingly omitted or falsified any material information relevant to this form.

Section X: Application Certification - To be completed by the Applicant

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 14 U.S.C. 632; 46 U.S.C. 2103, 7101, 7302, 7305, 7313, 7314, 7316, 7317, 7319, 7502, 7701, 8701, 8703, 9102; 46 C.F.R. 12.02; 49
C.F.R. 1.45, 1.46
Purpose: The principal purpose for which this information will be used is to determine domestic and international qualifications for the issuance of merchant
mariner credentials. This includes establishing eligibility of a merchant mariner's credential, duplicate credentials, or additional endorsements issued by the
Coast Guard and establishing and maintaining continuous records of the person's documentation transactions.
Routine Uses: The information will be used by authorized Coast Guard personnel with a need to know the information to determine whether an applicant is a
safe and suitable person who is capable of performing the duties of the Merchant Mariner. The information will not be shared outside of DHS except in
accordance with the provisions of DHS/USCG-030 Merchant Seamen's Records System of Records, 74 FR 30308 (June 25, 2009).
Disclosure: Furnishing this information (including your SSN) is voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may result in non-issuance of
the requested credential.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
The United States Coast Guard estimates that the average burden for this form is 18 minutes. You may submit any comments concerning the accuracy of this
burden or any suggestions for reducing the burden to the National Maritime Center, 100 Forbes Drive, Martinsburg, WV 25404.
CG-719K (01/14)

Previous Editions Obsolete


U.S. Coast Guard

OMB No. 1625-0040
Exp. Date: 01/31/2016

Section I: Applicant Information - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner
Last Name

First Name

Reference Number (if applicable)


Middle Name

Suffix (Jr., Sr., III)

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)


Please indicate best method(s) of contact by checking the appropriate box(es). Optional if information is same as most recent CG-719B.
Home Address (PO Box NOT acceptable)
Street Address

Primary Phone Number



Zip Code

Alternate Phone Number

Delivery/Mailing Address, if different (PO Box acceptable)
Street Address

E-mail Address




Medical Certificate

Application Type:
I have a medical waiver:



Zip Code

First Class Pilot
If YES, provide a copy of the medical waiver to the Medical Practitioner.

Section II(a): Medical Conditions - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner
To the best of your knowledge, have you ever had, required treatment for, or do you presently have any of the following conditions?

No 1. Eye/vision problems except glasses



20. Dizziness/fainting spells/balance problems


No 2. Ear/nose/throat problems or other ENT problems/surgery



21. Frequent motion sickness requiring medication


No 3. High or low blood pressure


No 4. Heart or vascular disease of any kind



22. Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), brain tumor or
other brain disorder





23. Any neurologic disorder or nerve problems including
numbness and/or paralysis, not listed above


No 6. Lung disease of any type (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc.)


No 24. Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity





25. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, adjustment
disorder, PTSD, or schizophrenia


No 8. Diabetes, glucose intolerance, or sugar in urine



26. Suicide attempt or thought (ideation) of suicide


No 9. Thyroid problem




No 10. Stomach, liver, or intestinal disorder

27. Evaluation, treatment, or hospitalization for alcohol or
substance use, abuse, addiction, or dependence (including
illegal drugs, prescription medications, or other substances)


No 11. Kidney problems/stones or blood in urine




No 12. Any other urinary or bladder problems not listed above

28. Any other psychiatric disorder, mental health evaluation/


No 13. Skin disorder or problem



29. Back pain, joint problems, or orthopedic surgery


14. Allergies or allergic reactions to any substance, medication,
or food.



30. Amputation, prosthesis, or use of ambulatory devices
(cane, walker, braces, etc.)


No 15. Infectious/contagious disease



31. Fractures, recurrent dislocations or limitation of motion of
any joint


No 16. Any sleep problems: obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg



32. Have you ever been signed off as sick or repatriated for
medical reasons within the last six years?


No 17. Epilepsy, fits, or seizures




No 18. Loss of consciousness or memory

33. Any diseases, surgeries, cancers, illnesses, or
disabilities not listed on this form?


No 19. Frequent or severe headaches


No 34. Any hospital admissions within the last six years not

5. Heart surgery and/or implanted devices (pacemaker,
defibrillator, etc.)
7. Any blood disorder (anemia, hemophilia, blood clots,
polycythemia, etc.)

syndrome, narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, insomnia, etc.

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Previous Editions Obsolete

Applicant Name: (Last, First, MI.)

listed elsewhere in this Section?

Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)

Page 1 of 5

Section II(b): Medical Conditions - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
Instructions: For each "YES" answer, identify the item numbers, the condition/diagnosis, date of onset or diagnosis, any treatment required or received, the
current status of the condition, and any limitations due to the condition. As applicable, attach supporting documentation to verify findings. Additional sheets may
be added as needed being sure applicant name and date of birth appear on each additional sheet.
Number Additional Information (Please Print)

Section III: Medications - To be completed by the Applicant and reviewed by the Medical Practitioner
Applicants who are required to complete a general medical exam are required to report all prescription medications prescribed, filled or refilled, and/or taken
within 30 days prior to the date that the applicant signs the CG-719K. In addition, all prescription medications, and all non-prescription (over-the-counter)
medications including dietary supplements and vitamins, that were used for a period of 30 or more days within the last 90 days prior to the date that the
applicant signs the CG-719K or approved equivalent form, must also be reported.
The information reported by the applicant must be verified by the verifying medical practitioner or other qualified medical practitioner to the satisfaction of the
verifying medical practitioner to include the following two items: (1) Report all medications (prescription and non-prescription), dietary supplements, and
vitamins. (2) Include dosages of every substance reported on this form, as well as the condition for which each substance is taken.
Additional sheets may be added by the applicant and/or medical practitioner if needed to complete this section (include applicant name and date of birth on
each additional sheet).
If none, check "NONE"

Applicant (Please Print)

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Previous Editions Obsolete

Applicant Name: (Last, First, MI.)

Medical Practitioner (Please Print)

Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)

Page 2 of 5


Sections IV and V should be completed by the Medical Practitioner or other medical staff to the satisfaction of the Medical Practitioner.

Section IV: Vision

The Medical Practitioner must indicate test used and results (number of errors). Additional information must be reported in Section VII. Color sensing
lenses (e.g. X-Chrome) are prohibited.
a. Visual Acuity
Distant Uncorrected

Right: 20/

Right: 20/




Field of Vision
This applicant must have a 100-degree horizontal field of vision.

If Necessary, Distant Corrected To



b. Color Vision (check one)

The following color sense testing methodologies are acceptable

AOC (1965) - (6 or fewer errors on plates 1-15)

Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates test, 14 plate (5 or less errors)

AOC-HRR (2nd Edition) - (No errors in test plates 7-11)

Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates test, 24 plate (6 or less errors)

HRR PIP (4th Edition) - (No errors in test plates 5-10)

Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates test, 38 plate (8 or less errors)

Richmond (2nd and 4th Edition) - (6 or fewer errors)

Farnsworth Lantern (colored lights) Test per instruction booklet

Titmus Vision Tester/OPTEC 2000 - (No errors on 6 plates)

Dvorine pseudoisochromatic 15 plate test (6 or less errors)

OPTEC 900 (colored lights) Test per instruction booklet

An alternative test approved by the Coast Guard (Indicate test)

Farnsworth D-15 Hue Test (attach test results)
(Engineer/radio officer/tankerman/MODU only)

Color Vision Testing Results:


If color vision test is failed, can the Applicant
distinguish red, green, blue, and yellow:

Number of Errors:



Section V: Hearing
An applicant with normal hearing by forced whispered voice > 5 feet with or without hearing aids does not need to complete either the audiometer test or the
functional speech discrimination test.
Normal Hearing

Abnormal Hearing

Hearing Aid Required

(a) If hearing is abnormal, then perform either a functional speech discrimination test at 65dB or an audiogram documenting thresholds and averages as
indicated below. Both aided and unaided values should be recorded for applicants requiring hearing aids.
(b) All applicants with an unaided threshold > 30dB in the better ear should have functional speech discrimination testing performed at 65dB.
(c) Refer to Medical and Physical Evaluation Guidelines for Merchant Mariner Credentials from the NMC website (
for further guidance. Report any additional information or comments in Section VII.

Functional Speech
Discrimination Test @ 65dB, if required by
instruction (b) above

Threshold Value




Right Ear (Unaided):


Left Ear (Unaided)

Left Ear (Unaided):


Right Ear (Aided)

Right Ear (Aided):


Left Ear (Aided):


Right Ear (Unaided)

Left Ear (Aided)

CG-719K (01/14)
Previous Editions Obsolete

Applicant Name: (Last, First, MI.)

Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)

Page 3 of 5

Section VI: Physical Examination - Items 1-17 of this section must be completed by the Medical Practitioner.

Height (inches only):

Weight (lbs):

Pulse Resting:

Initial Blood Pressure:

Body Mass Index (BMI):
(For BMI > 40 refer to Section VII)
Repeat Blood Pressure
(if needed):

Please make comments in the space provided on any item indicated as an "abnormal" system/organ.
1. Head, Face, Neck, Scalp


Additional Medical Comments
Additional Information (Please Print)

2. Eyes/Pupils/EOM


3. Mouth and Throat


4. Ears/Drums


5. Lungs and Chest


6. Heart


7. Abdomen


8. Upper/Lower Extremities


9. Spine/Musculoskeletal




10. Skin

11. Lymphatic


12. Neurologic


13. Vascular System


14. Genitourinary System


15. General/Systemic
16. Hernia


17. Missing Extremities/Digit
CG-719K (01/14)
Previous Editions Obsolete

Applicant Name: (Last, First, MI.)

Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)

Page 4 of 5

Section VII: Demonstration of Physical Ability - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
1. The Medical Practitioner shall require that the applicant demonstrate the ability to meet the guidelines contained within Section VII of the CG-719K
instructions. This does not mean, for example, that the applicant must actually don an exposure suit, pull an unchanged 1.5 inch diameter 50' fire hose with
nozzle to full extension, or lift a charged 1.5 inch diameter fire hose to firefighting position. Rather, the Medical Practitioner may utilize alternative measures
to satisfy himself or herself that the applicant possesses the ability to meet the guidelines in the third column. A description of the methods utilized by the
medical practitioner should be reported in the Comments section provided below.
2. All practical demonstrations should be performed by the applicant without assistance. Any prosthesis normally worn by the applicant, and any other aid
devices, may be used by the applicant in all practical demonstrations except when the use of such items would prevent the proper wearing of mandated
personal protection equipment (PPE).
3. If the Medical Practitioner is unable to conduct the practical demonstration, the applicant should be referred to a competent evaluator of physical ability. The
Coast Guard recognizes that all medical practitioners may not have the equipment necessary to test all of the tasks as listed. Equivalent alternate testing
methodologies may be used. For further information, check the Medical and Physical Evaluation Guidelines for Merchant Mariner Credentials (http://www.
4. If the applicant is unable to perform any of the following functions, the Medical Practitioner should provide information on the degree or the severity of the
applicant's inability to meet the standards. The results of any practical demonstration or attendant physical evaluation should be recorded in the Comments
section provided below.
Physical Ability Results

COMMENTS: (Please Print)

Applicant has the physical strength, agility, and flexibility to
perform all of the items listed in the instruction table.
Applicant does NOT have the physical strength, agility, and
flexibility to perform all of the items listed in the instruction

Section VIII: Food Handler Certification - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
If Food Handler Certificate is sought by the applicant, is applicant free from communicable disease:




Section IX: Summary - To be completed by the Medical Practitioner
Applicant proof of identity provided:


Overall fitness recommendation:

Fit for Duty


Not Fit for Duty

Needs Further Review

Comments:(Please Print)

Medical Practitioner:

My signature attests, subject to criminal prosecution under 18 USC § 1001, that all information reported by the medical practitioner is true and correct to the
best of his/her knowledge and that the medical practitioner has not knowingly omitted or falsified any material information relevant to this form. My signature
also attests that I have fully evaluated all examination tests and results submitted in support of this application.
Last Name

First Name




License Number





Office Street Address



Zip Code

Phone Number
(Place office address stamp here)

Section X: Applicant Certification - To be completed by the Applicant
My signature below attests, subject to prosecution under 18 USC § 1001, that all information provided by me on this form is complete and true to the best of
my knowledge, and I agree that it is to be considered part of the basis for issuance of any medical certificate to me. I have not knowingly omitted any
material information relevant to this form. I have also read and understand the Privacy Act Statement that accompanies this form.
Signature of Applicant
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Previous Editions Obsolete


Applicant Name: (Last, First, MI.)

Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCG-719K.PDF
SubjectApplication for Merchant Mariner Medical Certificate
AuthorFYI, Inc.
File Modified2014-03-13
File Created2014-03-11

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