Appendix A
Mail Survey Cover Letters
(Main Mail Survey Data Collection)
Cover Letter for Initial Mailing
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Your household has been selected to take part in an important study for the United States Department of Transportation, a branch of the Federal Government. Since 1967, the United States Department of Transportation has been responsible for considering neighborhood environmental quality when planning, developing and revising transportation-related policies. The Neighborhood Environment Survey results will be used to update policies that affect the environment in American neighborhoods.
Your household is part of a scientific sample that represents the people who live in neighborhoods like yours. We have asked Westat, a statistical social science firm to obtain your views.
In order to make sure we get responses from a wide variety of people, please have the adult in your household with the next birthday complete and return this questionnaire in the next two weeks. If you are the only adult in the household, we ask that you complete this survey. We have enclosed $2 as a token of our appreciation for your participation.
Your participation is voluntary. However, your household’s participation will help inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people who live in neighborhoods like yours. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Cover Letter for Nonresponse Follow-up
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Recently you received a letter inviting you to take part in an important environmental study for the United States Department of Transportation. Unfortunately we have not yet received a reply from your household. If you have already sent in the survey, thank-you very much for your help. If you haven’t yet had time to respond, we encourage you to do so. Your participation in this study is important because your views will help the Department of Transportation update transportation-related policies that affect people in neighborhoods like yours.
For your convenience we’ve enclosed a replacement to the original survey that was sent to your household.
In order to make sure we get responses from a wide variety of people, please have the adult in your household with the next birthday complete and return this questionnaire in the next two weeks to Westat, the statistical social science firm that is conducting the study. If you are the only adult in the household, we ask that you complete this survey.
Your participation is voluntary. However, your participation is essential to inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people who live in neighborhoods like yours. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Appendix B
Mail Survey Postcard
(Main Mail Survey Data Collection)
A few weeks ago you received an invitation to take part in the Neighborhood Environment Survey, a survey sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation. If you have already completed and returned this survey, we are very grateful and thank you. If you have not, we encourage you to do so.
In order to make sure we get responses from a wide variety of people, we ask that the adult in your household with the next birthday complete the mail survey. If you are the only adult in the household, we ask that you complete the survey.
This is an important survey that will help provide information that will be used to develop and revise transportation-related policies that affect neighborhoods like yours. We are very grateful for your participation.
Appendix C
Mail Survey & FAQ’s
(Main Mail Survey Data Collection)
Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2120-XXXX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Rebecca Cointin, AEE-100, 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591, or by email at [email protected].
OMB #2120-XXXX
This survey should be filled out by an adult household member living at this address.
Please use a blue or black pen if available.
These first questions ask about your household.
1. Is there more than one person age 18 or older living in this household?
No GO TO number 5 on the next page
2. Including yourself, how many people age 18 or older live in this household?
3. The adult with the next birthday should complete this questionnaire. This way, across all households, this survey will include responses from adults of all ages.
4. Please write the first name, nickname or initials of the adult with the next birthday. This is the person who should complete the questionnaire.
5. Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how much does each of the following bother, disturb or annoy you?
Not at all |
Slightly |
Moderately |
Very |
Extremely |
a. Noise from cars trucks or other road traffic |
b. Smells or dirt from road traffic |
c. Smoke, gas or bad smells from anything else |
d. Litter or poorly kept up housing |
e. Noise from aircraft |
f. Your neighbors’ noise or other activities |
g. Any other noises you hear when you are here at home |
![]() If this bothers or annoys you, what is the noise?
h. Undesirable business, institutional or industrial property |
i. A lack of parks or green spaces |
j. Inadequate public transportation |
k. The amount of neighborhood crime |
l. Poor city or county services |
m. Any other problems that you notice when you are here at home |
![]() If this bothers or annoys you, what is the problem?
6. Now considering how you feel about everything in your neighborhood, how would you rate your neighborhood as a place to live on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is worst and 10 is best?
Worst 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Best 10 |
These last questions are about you and your household.
7 In what year were you born?
8. Are you male or female?
9. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
10. What is your race? One or more categories may be selected.
Mark one or more.
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
11. Starting with yourself, please mark the sex, and write in the age and month of birth for each adult 18 years of age or older living at this address.
Sex |
Age |
Month Born (01-12) |
Male Female |
Adult 2 |
Male Female |
Adult 3 |
Male Female |
Adult 4 |
Male Female |
Adult 5 |
Male Female |
Thank you. Please return this form in the postage paid envelope provided or mail it to:
Neighborhood Environment Survey
1600 Research Blvd. Room ## ###
Rockville, MD 20850
Toll-free number for questions: ###-###-####
Commonly Asked Questions About
The Neighborhood Environment Survey
What is this study about?
This is a study about the environmental conditions in American neighborhoods. Some of the questions will ask about your attitudes and how you feel about the conditions in your neighborhood.
Who is the sponsor?
The study is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation, a branch of the Federal Government. Since 1967, the U.S. Department of Transportation has been responsible for considering neighborhood environmental quality when planning, developing and revising transportation-related policies. You can learn more about the U.S. Department of Transportation by visiting
Am I required to complete this survey?
Participation is voluntary and there are no penalties for refusing to answer. However, your household was randomly selected for the study and cannot be replaced with another household. Your cooperation is extremely important to help ensure the completeness and accuracy of the study.
Who will use this information?
The U.S. Department of Transportation will use the information to update transportation-related policies that affect the environment in neighborhoods across the U. S.
Who can I call with questions?
Westat, a statistical social science firm, is collecting the data. If you would like further information, you can contact Westat at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX
How was my household selected?
Households were selected at random from all residential addresses in neighborhoods like yours in the U.S. By selecting households randomly, we will be able to obtain scientific, accurate information about your neighborhood. It’s important to participate, so that we have an accurate picture of all communities.
Appendix D
Phone Number Request Cover Letters
(Mail Telephone Number Request)
Cover Letter for Initial Mailing
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Someone in your household recently completed the Neighborhood Environment Survey. Thank-you for participating in this important study. We would like to ask some follow-up questions in a telephone interview. As a reminder, this study is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation, a branch of the Federal Government. Since 1967, the United States Department of Transportation has been responsible for considering neighborhood environmental quality when planning, developing and revising transportation-related policies. The Neighborhood Environment Survey results will be used to update policies that affect the environment in American neighborhoods.
We have asked Westat, a statistical social science firm to obtain your views. We ask that you return this brief questionnaire in the next two weeks. After you return the enclosed questionnaire, Westat will call to conduct a brief interview with an adult in your household. Upon completion of the telephone interview we will provide that person with $10 as a token of our appreciation.
Participation in this study is voluntary. However, your household’s participation will help inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people who live in neighborhoods like yours. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Cover Letter for Nonresponse Follow-up
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Recently you received a letter inviting you to take part in an important environmental study for the United States Department of Transportation. Unfortunately we have not yet received a reply from your household. If you have already sent in the survey, thank-you very much for your help. If you haven’t yet had time to respond, we encourage you to do so. Your participation in this study is important because your views will help the Department of Transportation update transportation-related policies that affect people in neighborhoods like yours.
For your convenience we’ve enclosed a replacement to the original questionnaire that was sent to your household requesting your phone number. That number will only be used to conduct a brief interview with an adult in your household. We have asked Westat, a statistical social science firm to conduct these interviews. Upon completion of the telephone interview we will provide that person with $10 as a token of our appreciation.
Participation in the study is voluntary. However, your household’s participation will help inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people who live in neighborhoods like yours. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Cover Letter for Matched Numbers that are Non-working or Incorrect Match
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Recently you received a letter informing you that you would be receiving a call to take part in an important environmental study for the United States Department of Transportation. Unfortunately we did not have a correct phone number to reach you. Your participation in this study is important, because your views will help the Department of Transportation update transportation-related policies that affect people in neighborhoods like yours.
We ask that you return the enclosed brief questionnaire to correct the phone number we have for your household. After you return this questionnaire, an interviewer will call to conduct an interview with an adult in your household. Upon completion of the interview we will provide that person with $10 as a token of our appreciation.
Participation in this study is voluntary. However, your household’s participation will help inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people in neighborhoods like yours. We have asked Westat, a statistical social science firm to obtain your views. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Appendix E
Phone Number Request Postcard
(Mail Telephone Number Request)
A few weeks ago you received a request asking you to provide a phone number we can use to reach this household. The phone number you provide will only be used for the Neighborhood Environment Survey, a survey sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation. If you have already completed and returned the request for your phone number, we are very grateful and thank you. If you have not, we encourage you to do so.
The phone number you provide will not be used for any other purpose and will not be shared with anyone. Once we receive your phone number a member of our interviewing staff will contact your household to complete this brief survey.
This is an important survey that can help provide information that will be used to develop and revise transportation-related policies that affect neighborhoods like yours. We are very grateful for your participation.
Appendix F
Phone Number Request Form
(Mail Telephone Number Request)
This survey will be conducted by telephone. In order to get in touch with you, we need to collect some information on your household.
Please have this filled out by an adult household member living at this address.
Please use a blue or black pen if available.
1. Including yourself, how many people age 18 or older live in this household? (Please include any persons who are temporarily away at this time, for example, anyone temporarily hospitalized or on a vacation or business trip.)
2. What is the best phone number to use to contact you? (This phone number will only be used for the purpose of this research study.)
Thank you. Please return this form in the postage paid envelope provided or mail it to:
Neighborhood Environment Survey
1600 Research Blvd. Room ## ###
Rockville, MD 20850
Toll-free number for questions: ###-###-####
Appendix G
Prenotification Letters
(CATI Telephone Contact – Matched Numbers Only)
Environment Survey
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
«City» Resident
«City», «State» «Zip»-«Zip4»
Dear «City» Resident:
Someone in your household recently completed Neighborhood Environment Survey. Thank-you for participating in this important study. We would like to ask some follow-up questions in a telephone interview. As a reminder, this study is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation, a branch of the Federal Government. Since 1967, the United States Department of Transportation has been responsible for considering neighborhood environmental quality when planning, developing and revising transportation-related policies. The Neighborhood Environment Survey results will be used to update policies that affect the environment in American neighborhoods.
We have asked Westat, a statistical social science firm to obtain your views. Westat will call in the next few days to conduct a brief interview with an adult in your household. Upon completion of the telephone interview we will provide that person with $10 as a token of our appreciation.
Participation in this study is voluntary. However, your household’s participation will help inform us about your neighborhood and the views of people who live in neighborhoods like yours. The information you provide will be maintained confidential to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions about this study please call Westat toll-free at {PHONE}.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Appendix H
FAQ for CATI Interviewers
(CATI Telephone Contact)
What is the Neighborhood Environment Survey?
This is a study about the environmental living conditions in your neighborhood.
If pressed for more information about the purpose….
The study is being conducted nation-wide to learn how people feel about the environmental conditions in their neighborhood. Your household was chosen at random to represent residents in neighborhoods like yours.
Who is the Sponsor?
The survey is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation, a branch of the federal government. You can get more information on Department of Transportation by visiting their website at
If pressed for more information about the sponsor….
This study is being conducted through a contract awarded by the Department of Transportation to Westat, a private research organization.
If pressed for even more information about the sponsor….
The Department of Transportation has responsibilities related to America’s road, rail, and aircraft transportation systems.
More information….
The (name of city) was randomly chosen.
The study is not concerned with any particular current issue(s) in (name of city).
Response to more insistent questions about the purpose or sponsor or other information: The Data Collector should attempt to complete the interview with the respondent, but if necessary will have a Team Leader give the R a call back. Often just talking to a Team Leader will allay the concerns of the respondent.
How long will it take to complete this survey?
The telephone interview will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Am I required to complete this survey?
Participation is voluntary and there are no penalties for declining to answer. However, your household was randomly selected for this scientific sample survey and cannot be replaced with another household. Your cooperation is extremely important to help ensure the completeness and accuracy of the study.
Who will use this information?
The U.S. Department of Transportation will use the information to update transportation-related policies that affect the environment in neighborhoods across the U. S.
Who can I call with questions?
Westat, a statistical social science firm, is collecting the data. If you would like further information, you can contact Westat at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX
How was my household selected?
Households were selected at random from all residential addresses in neighborhoods like yours in the U.S. By selecting households randomly, we will be able to obtain scientific, accurate information about neighborhoods like yours. It’s important to participate, so that we have an accurate picture of all communities.
I am on the phone with you. Why do you need to talk to someone else in my household other than me?
The scientific method used to select (him/her) does not allow replacement. (His/Her) participation is needed in order for the findings to be valid. We need a representative sample of ages and genders thus (he/she) has been selected so that we have a complete picture.
I would really like to interview you, and I understand that you know your (selected R) better than I. But, I’d appreciate the opportunity to speak with (him/her) so I can explain the importance of this study and the reason (he/she) cannot be replaced.
I had a bad experience recently with someone taking a survey, so I don't think I want to participate.
I'm sorry that your experience was a bad one. However, this is an important research effort, and we hope to make your contact with us a pleasant one. By participating in the study, you will help us to learn more about the environmental living conditions in your neighborhood. This is your chance to be heard.
I don't want to buy anything.
I’m not selling anything. I’m strictly conducting a social science research study. The United States Department of Transportation is sponsoring this study. We are calling to collect information about environmental living conditions in your neighborhood.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Douglas Williams |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |