CMS-10398 (#46) 1915(i) State Plan Home and Community-Based Services Adm

Generic Clearance for Medicaid and CHIP State Plan, Waiver, and Program Submissions (CMS-10398)

#46 - 1915(i) Final Template

Bundle: #13 (UPL 1), #24 (UPL 2), and #46 (1915(i) State Plan Home and Community Based Services)

OMB: 0938-1148

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State: §1915(i) State plan HCBS State plan Attachment 3.1–i:

TN: Page 14

Effective: Approved: Supersedes:

1915(i) State plan Home and Community-Based Services

Administration and Operation

The state implements the optional 1915(i) State plan Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) benefit for elderly and disabled individuals as set forth below.

1. Services. (Specify the state’s service title(s) for the HCBS defined under “Services” and listed in Attachment 4.19-B):

2. Concurrent Operation with Other Programs. (Indicate whether this benefit will operate concurrently with another Medicaid authority):

Select one:

Not applicable


Check the applicable authority or authorities:

Services furnished under the provisions of §1915(a)(1)(a) of the Act. The State contracts with a Managed Care Organization(s) (MCOs) and/or prepaid inpatient health plan(s) (PIHP) or prepaid ambulatory health plan(s) (PAHP) under the provisions of §1915(a)(1) of the Act for the delivery of 1915(i) State plan HCBS.  Participants may voluntarily elect to receive waiver and other services through such MCOs or prepaid health plans.  Contracts with these health plans are on file at the State Medicaid agency.  Specify:

(a) the MCOs and/or health plans that furnish services under the provisions of §1915(a)(1);

(b) the geographic areas served by these plans;

(c) the specific 1915(i) State plan HCBS furnished by these plans;

(d) how payments are made to the health plans; and

(e) whether the 1915(a) contract has been submitted or previously approved.

Waiver(s) authorized under §1915(b) of the Act.

Specify the §1915(b) waiver program and indicate whether a §1915(b) waiver application has been submitted or previously approved:

Specify the §1915(b) authorities under which this program operates (check each that applies):

§1915(b)(1) (mandated enrollment to managed care)

§1915(b)(3) (employ cost savings to furnish additional services)

§1915(b)(2) (central broker)

§1915(b)(4) (selective contracting/limit number of providers)

A program operated under §1932(a) of the Act.

Specify the nature of the State Plan benefit and indicate whether the State Plan Amendment has been submitted or previously approved:

A program authorized under §1115 of the Act. Specify the program:

3. State Medicaid Agency (SMA) Line of Authority for Operating the State plan HCBS Benefit. (Select one):

The State plan HCBS benefit is operated by the SMA. Specify the SMA division/unit that has line authority for the operation of the program (select one):

The Medical Assistance Unit (name of unit):

Another division/unit within the SMA that is separate from the Medical Assistance Unit

(name of division/unit)

This includes administrations/divisions under the umbrella agency that have been identified as the Single State Medicaid Agency.

The State plan HCBS benefit is operated by (name of agency)

a separate agency of the state that is not a division/unit of the Medicaid agency. In accordance with 42 CFR §431.10, the Medicaid agency exercises administrative discretion in the administration and supervision of the State plan HCBS benefit and issues policies, rules and regulations related to the State plan HCBS benefit. The interagency agreement or memorandum of understanding that sets forth the authority and arrangements for this delegation of authority is available through the Medicaid agency to CMS upon request.

4. Distribution of State plan HCBS Operational and Administrative Functions.

(By checking this box the state assures that): When the Medicaid agency does not directly conduct an administrative function, it supervises the performance of the function and establishes and/or approves policies that affect the function. All functions not performed directly by the Medicaid agency must be delegated in writing and monitored by the Medicaid Agency. When a function is performed by an agency/entity other than the Medicaid agency, the agency/entity performing that function does not substitute its own judgment for that of the Medicaid agency with respect to the application of policies, rules and regulations. Furthermore, the Medicaid Agency assures that it maintains accountability for the performance of any operational, contractual, or local regional entities. In the following table, specify the entity or entities that have responsibility for conducting each of the operational and administrative functions listed (check each that applies):

(Check all agencies and/or entities that perform each function):


Medicaid Agency

Other State Operating Agency

Contracted Entity

Local Non-State Entity

  1. Individual State plan HCBS enrollment

  1. Eligibility evaluation

  1. Review of participant service plans

  1. Prior authorization of State plan HCBS

  1. Utilization management

  1. Qualified provider enrollment

  1. Execution of Medicaid provider agreement

  1. Establishment of a consistent rate methodology for each State plan HCBS

  1. Rules, policies, procedures, and information development governing the State plan HCBS benefit

  1. Quality assurance and quality improvement activities

(Specify, as numbered above, the agencies/entities (other than the SMA) that perform each function):

(By checking the following boxes the State assures that):

5. Conflict of Interest Standards. The state assures the independence of persons performing evaluations, assessments, and plans of care. Written conflict of interest standards ensure, at a minimum, that persons performing these functions are not:

  • related by blood or marriage to the individual, or any paid caregiver of the individual

  • financially responsible for the individual

  • empowered to make financial or health-related decisions on behalf of the individual

  • providers of State plan HCBS for the individual, or those who have interest in or are employed by a provider of State plan HCBS; except, at the option of the state, when providers are given responsibility to perform assessments and plans of care because such individuals are the only willing and qualified entity in a geographic area, and the state devises conflict of interest protections. (If the state chooses this option, specify the conflict of interest protections the state will implement):

6. Fair Hearings and Appeals. The state assures that individuals have opportunities for fair hearings and appeals in accordance with 42 CFR 431 Subpart E.

7. No FFP for Room and Board. The state has methodology to prevent claims for Federal financial participation for room and board in State plan HCBS.

8. Non-duplication of services. State plan HCBS will not be provided to an individual at the same time as another service that is the same in nature and scope regardless of source, including Federal, state, local, and private entities. For habilitation services, the state includes within the record of each individual an explanation that these services do not include special education and related services defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 that otherwise are available to the individual through a local education agency, or vocational rehabilitation services that otherwise are available to the individual through a program funded under §110 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Number Served

1. Projected Number of Unduplicated Individuals To Be Served Annually.

(Specify for year one. Years 2-5 optional):

Annual Period



Projected Number of Participants

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

2. Annual Reporting. (By checking this box the state agrees to): annually report the actual number of unduplicated individuals served and the estimated number of individuals for the following year.

Financial Eligibility

1. Medicaid Eligible. (By checking this box the state assures that): Individuals receiving State plan HCBS are included in an eligibility group that is covered under the State’s Medicaid Plan and have income that does not exceed 150% of the Federal Poverty Line (FPL). (This election does not include the optional categorically needy eligibility group specified at §1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XXII) of the Social Security Act. States that want to adopt the §1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XXII) eligibility category make the election in Attachment 2.2-A of the state Medicaid plan.)

2. Medically Needy (Select one):

The State does not provide State plan HCBS to the medically needy.

The State provides State plan HCBS to the medically needy. (Select one):

The state elects to disregard the requirements section of 1902(a)(10)(C)(i)(III) of the Social Security Act relating to community income and resource rules for the medically needy. When a state makes this election, individuals who qualify as medically needy on the basis of this election receive only 1915(i) services.

The state does not elect to disregard the requirements at section 1902(a)(10)(C)(i)(III) of the Social Security Act.

Evaluation/Reevaluation of Eligibility

1. Responsibility for Performing Evaluations / Reevaluations. Eligibility for the State plan HCBS benefit must be determined through an independent evaluation of each individual). Independent evaluations/reevaluations to determine whether applicants are eligible for the State plan HCBS benefit are performed (Select one):

Directly by the Medicaid agency

By Other (specify State agency or entity under contract with the State Medicaid agency):

2. Qualifications of Individuals Performing Evaluation/Reevaluation. The independent evaluation is performed by an agent that is independent and qualified. There are qualifications (that are reasonably related to performing evaluations) for the individual responsible for evaluation/reevaluation of needs-based eligibility for State plan HCBS. (Specify qualifications):

3. Process for Performing Evaluation/Reevaluation. Describe the process for evaluating whether individuals meet the needs-based State plan HCBS eligibility criteria and any instrument(s) used to make this determination. If the reevaluation process differs from the evaluation process, describe the differences:

4. Reevaluation Schedule. (By checking this box the state assures that): Needs-based eligibility reevaluations are conducted at least every twelve months.

5. Needs-based HCBS Eligibility Criteria. (By checking this box the state assures that): Needs-based criteria are used to evaluate and reevaluate whether an individual is eligible for State plan HCBS.

The criteria take into account the individual’s support needs, and may include other risk factors: (Specify the needs-based criteria):

6. Needs-based Institutional and Waiver Criteria. (By checking this box the state assures that): There are needs-based criteria for receipt of institutional services and participation in certain waivers that are more stringent than the criteria above for receipt of State plan HCBS. If the state has revised institutional level of care to reflect more stringent needs-based criteria, individuals receiving institutional services and participating in certain waivers on the date that more stringent criteria become effective are exempt from the new criteria until such time as they no longer require that level of care. (Complete chart below to summarize the needs-based criteria for State Plan HCBS and corresponding more-stringent criteria for each of the following institutions):

State plan HCBS needs-based eligibility criteria

NF (& NF LOC** waivers)

ICF/IID (& ICF/IID LOC waivers)

Applicable Hospital* (& Hospital LOC waivers)

*Long Term Care/Chronic Care Hospital

**LOC= level of care

7.     Target Group(s). The state elects to target this 1915(i) State plan HCBS benefit to a specific population based on age, disability, diagnosis, and/or eligibility group.  With this election, the state will operate this program for a period of 5 years. At least 90 days prior to the end of this 5 year period, the state may request CMS renewal of this benefit for additional 5-year terms in accordance with 1915(i)(7)(C) and 42 CFR 441.710(e)(2). (Specify target group(s)):

Option for Phase-in of Services and Eligibility. If the state elects to target this 1915(i) State plan HCBS benefit, it may limit the enrollment of individuals or the provision of services to enrolled individuals in accordance with 1915(i)(7)(B)(ii) and 42 CFR 441.745(a)(2)(ii) based upon criteria described in a phase-in plan, subject to CMS approval. At a minimum, the phase-in plan must describe: (1) the criteria used to limit enrollment or service delivery; (2) the rationale for phasing-in services and/or eligibility; and (3) timelines and benchmarks to ensure that the benefit is available statewide to all eligible individuals within the initial 5-year approval. (Specify the phase-in plan):

(By checking the following box the State assures that):

8. Adjustment Authority. The state will notify CMS and the public at least 60 days before exercising the option to modify needs-based eligibility criteria in accord with 1915(i)(1)(D)(ii).

9. Reasonable Indication of Need for Services. In order for an individual to be determined to need the 1915(i) State plan HCBS benefit, an individual must require: (a) the provision of at least one 1915(i) service, as documented in the person-centered service plan, and (b) the provision of 1915(i) services at least monthly or, if the need for services is less than monthly, the participant requires regular monthly monitoring which must be documented in the person-centered service plan. Specify the state’s policies concerning the reasonable indication of the need for 1915(i) State plan HCBS:


Minimum number of services.

The minimum number of 1915(i) State plan services (one or more) that an individual must require in order to be determined to need the 1915(i) State plan HCBS benefit is:


Frequency of services. The state requires (select one):

The provision of 1915(i) services at least monthly

Monthly monitoring of the individual when services are furnished on a less than monthly basis

If the state also requires a minimum frequency for the provision of 1915(i) services other than monthly (e.g., quarterly), specify the frequency:

Home and Community-Based Settings

(By checking the following box the State assures that):

1. Home and Community-Based Settings.    The State plan HCBS benefit will be furnished to individuals who reside and receive HCBS in their home or in the community, not in an institution. (Explain how residential and non-residential settings in this SPA comply with Federal home and community-based settings requirements at 42 CFR 441.710(a)(1)-(2) and associated CMS guidance.  Include a description of the settings where individuals will reside and where individuals will receive HCBS, and how these settings meet the Federal home and community-based settings requirements, at the time of submission and in the future):

(Note: In the Quality Improvement Strategy (QIS) portion of this SPA, the state will be prompted to include how the state Medicaid agency will monitor to ensure that all settings meet federal home and community-based settings requirements, at the time of this submission and ongoing.)

Person-Centered Planning & Service Delivery

(By checking the following boxes the state assures that):

  1. There is an independent assessment of individuals determined to be eligible for the State plan HCBS benefit. The assessment meets federal requirements at 42 CFR §441.720.

  1. Based on the independent assessment, there is a person-centered service plan for each individual determined to be eligible for the State plan HCBS benefit. The person-centered service plan is developed using a person-centered service planning process in accordance with 42 CFR §441.725(a), and the written person-centered service plan meets federal requirements at 42 CFR §441.725(b).

  2. The person-centered service plan is reviewed, and revised upon reassessment of functional need as required under 42 CFR §441.720, at least every 12 months, when the individual’s circumstances or needs change significantly, and at the request of the individual.

  3. Responsibility for Face-to-Face Assessment of an Individual’s Support Needs and Capabilities. There are educational/professional qualifications (that are reasonably related to performing assessments) of the individuals who will be responsible for conducting the independent assessment, including specific training in assessment of individuals with need for HCBS. (Specify qualifications):

  4. Responsibility for Development of Person-Centered Service Plan. There are qualifications (that are reasonably related to developing service plans) for persons responsible for the development of the individualized, person-centered service plan. (Specify qualifications):

  5. Supporting the Participant in Development of Person-Centered Service Plan. Supports and information are made available to the participant (and/or the additional parties specified, as appropriate) to direct and be actively engaged in the person-centered service plan development process. (Specify: (a) the supports and information made available, and (b) the participant’s authority to determine who is included in the process):

  6. Informed Choice of Providers. (Describe how participants are assisted in obtaining information about and selecting from among qualified providers of the 1915(i) services in the person-centered service plan):

  7. Process for Making Person-Centered Service Plan Subject to the Approval of the Medicaid Agency. (Describe the process by which the person-centered service plan is made subject to the approval of the Medicaid agency):

  8. Maintenance of Person-Centered Service Plan Forms. Written copies or electronic facsimiles of service plans are maintained for a minimum period of 3 years as required by 45 CFR §74.53. Service plans are maintained by the following (check each that applies):

Medicaid agency

Operating agency

Case manager

Other (specify):


  1. State plan HCBS. (Complete the following table for each service. Copy table as needed):

Service Specifications (Specify a service title for the HCBS listed in Attachment 4.19-B that the state plans to cover):

Service Title:

Service Definition (Scope):

Additional needs-based criteria for receiving the service, if applicable (specify):

Specify limits (if any) on the amount, duration, or scope of this service. Per 42 CFR Section 440.240, services available to any categorically needy recipient cannot be less in amount, duration and scope than those services available to a medically needy recipient, and services must be equal for any individual within a group. States must also separately address standard state plan service questions related to sufficiency of services.

(Choose each that applies):

Categorically needy (specify limits):

Medically needy (specify limits):

Provider Qualifications (For each type of provider. Copy rows as needed):

Provider Type (Specify):

License (Specify):

Certification (Specify):

Other Standard


Verification of Provider Qualifications (For each provider type listed above. Copy rows as needed):

Provider Type (Specify):

Entity Responsible for Verification


Frequency of Verification (Specify):

Service Delivery Method. (Check each that applies):


Provider managed

  1. Policies Concerning Payment for State plan HCBS Furnished by Relatives, Legally Responsible Individuals, and Legal Guardians. (By checking this box the state assures that): There are policies pertaining to payment the state makes to qualified persons furnishing State plan HCBS, who are relatives of the individual. There are additional policies and controls if the state makes payment to qualified legally responsible individuals or legal guardians who provide State Plan HCBS. (Specify (a) who may be paid to provide State plan HCBS; (b) the specific State plan HCBS that can be provided; (c) how the state ensures that the provision of services by such persons is in the best interest of the individual; (d) the state’s strategies for ongoing monitoring of services provided by such persons; (e) the controls to ensure that payments are made only for services rendered; and (f) if legally responsible individuals may provide personal care or similar services, the policies to determine and ensure that the services are extraordinary (over and above that which would ordinarily be provided by a legally responsible individual):

Participant-Direction of Services

Definition: Participant-direction means self-direction of services per §1915(i)(1)(G)(iii).

  1. Election of Participant-Direction. (Select one):

    The state does not offer opportunity for participant-direction of State plan HCBS.

    Every participant in State plan HCBS (or the participant’s representative) is afforded the opportunity to elect to direct services. Alternate service delivery methods are available for participants who decide not to direct their services.

    Participants in State plan HCBS (or the participant’s representative) are afforded the opportunity to direct some or all of their services, subject to criteria specified by the state. (Specify criteria):

  2. Description of Participant-Direction. (Provide an overview of the opportunities for participant-direction under the State plan HCBS, including: (a) the nature of the opportunities afforded; (b) how participants may take advantage of these opportunities; (c) the entities that support individuals who direct their services and the supports that they provide; and, (d) other relevant information about the approach to participant-direction):

  3. Limited Implementation of Participant-Direction. (Participant direction is a mode of service delivery, not a Medicaid service, and so is not subject to statewideness requirements. Select one):

    Participant direction is available in all geographic areas in which State plan HCBS are available.

    Participant-direction is available only to individuals who reside in the following geographic areas or political subdivisions of the state. Individuals who reside in these areas may elect self-directed service delivery options offered by the state, or may choose instead to receive comparable services through the benefit’s standard service delivery methods that are in effect in all geographic areas in which State plan HCBS are available. (Specify the areas of the state affected by this option):

  4. Participant-Directed Services. (Indicate the State plan HCBS that may be participant-directed and the authority offered for each. Add lines as required):

    Participant-Directed Service





  5. Financial Management. (Select one) :

Financial Management is not furnished. Standard Medicaid payment mechanisms are used.

Financial Management is furnished as a Medicaid administrative activity necessary for administration of the Medicaid State plan.

6. Participant–Directed Person-Centered Service Plan. (By checking this box the state assures that): Based on the independent assessment required under 42 CFR §441.720, the individualized person-centered service plan is developed jointly with the individual, meets federal requirements at 42 CFR §441.725, and:

  • Specifies the State plan HCBS that the individual will be responsible for directing;

  • Identifies the methods by which the individual will plan, direct or control services, including whether the individual will exercise authority over the employment of service providers and/or authority over expenditures from the individualized budget;

  • Includes appropriate risk management techniques that explicitly recognize the roles and sharing of responsibilities in obtaining services in a self-directed manner and assures the appropriateness of this plan based upon the resources and support needs of the individual;

  • Describes the process for facilitating voluntary and involuntary transition from self-direction including any circumstances under which transition out of self-direction is involuntary.  There must be state procedures to ensure the continuity of services during the transition from self-direction to other service delivery methods; and

  • Specifies the financial management supports to be provided.

7. Voluntary and Involuntary Termination of Participant-Direction. (Describe how the state facilitates an individual’s transition from participant-direction, and specify any circumstances when transition is involuntary):

8. Opportunities for Participant-Direction

a. Participant–Employer Authority (individual can select, manage, and dismiss State plan HCBS providers). (Select one):

The state does not offer opportunity for participant-employer authority.

Participants may elect participant-employer Authority (Check each that applies):

Participant/Co-Employer. The participant (or the participant’s representative) functions as the co-employer (managing employer) of workers who provide waiver services. An agency is the common law employer of participant-selected/recruited staff and performs necessary payroll and human resources functions. Supports are available to assist the participant in conducting employer-related functions.

Participant/Common Law Employer. The participant (or the participant’s representative) is the common law employer of workers who provide waiver services. An IRS-approved Fiscal/Employer Agent functions as the participant’s agent in performing payroll and other employer responsibilities that are required by federal and state law. Supports are available to assist the participant in conducting employer-related functions.

b. Participant–Budget Authority (individual directs a budget that does not result in payment for medical assistance to the individual). (Select one):

The state does not offer opportunity for participants to direct a budget.

Participants may elect Participant–Budget Authority.

Participant-Directed Budget. (Describe in detail the method(s) that are used to establish the amount of the budget over which the participant has authority, including the method for calculating the dollar values in the budget based on reliable costs and service utilization, is applied consistently to each participant, and is adjusted to reflect changes in individual assessments and service plans. Information about these method(s) must be made publicly available and included in the person-centered service plan.):

Expenditure Safeguards. (Describe the safeguards that have been established for the timely prevention of the premature depletion of the participant-directed budget or to address potential service delivery problems that may be associated with budget underutilization and the entity (or entities) responsible for implementing these safeguards.

Quality Improvement Strategy

Quality Measures

(Describe the state’s quality improvement strategy. For each requirement, and lettered sub-requirement, complete the table below):

  1. Service plans a) address assessed needs of 1915(i) participants; b) are updated annually; and (c document choice of services and providers.

  1. Eligibility Requirements: (a) an evaluation for 1915(i) State plan HCBS eligibility is provided to all applicants for whom there is reasonable indication that 1915(i) services may be needed in the future; (b) the processes and instruments described in the approved state plan for determining 1915(i) eligibility are applied appropriately; and (c) the 1915(i) benefit eligibility of enrolled individuals is reevaluated at least annually or if more frequent, as specified in the approved state plan for 1915(i) HCBS.

  1. Providers meet required qualifications.

  1. Settings meet the home and community-based setting requirements as specified in this SPA and in accordance with 42 CFR 441.710(a)(1) and (2).

  1. The SMA retains authority and responsibility for program operations and oversight.

  1. The SMA maintains financial accountability through payment of claims for services that are authorized and furnished to 1915(i) participants by qualified providers.

  1. The state identifies, addresses, and seeks to prevent incidents of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including the use of restraints.

(Table repeats for each measure for each requirement and lettered sub-requirement above.)



Discovery Evidence

(Performance Measure)



(Source of Data & sample size)



(Agency or entity that conducts discovery activities)



Remediation Responsibilities

(Who corrects, analyzes, and aggregates remediation activities; required timeframes for remediation)


(of Analysis and Aggregation)

System Improvement

(Describe the process for systems improvement as a result of aggregated discovery and remediation activities.)

1. Methods for Analyzing Data and Prioritizing Need for System Improvement

2. Roles and Responsibilities

3. Frequency

4. Method for Evaluating Effectiveness of System Changes

Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates

1. Services Provided Under Section 1915(i) of the Social Security Act. For each optional service, describe the methods and standards used to set the associated payment rate. (Check each that applies, and describe methods and standards to set rates):

HCBS Case Management

HCBS Homemaker

HCBS Home Health Aide

HCBS Personal Care

HCBS Adult Day Health

HCBS Habilitation

HCBS Respite Care

For Individuals with Chronic Mental Illness, the following services:

HCBS Day Treatment or Other Partial Hospitalization Services

HCBS Psychosocial Rehabilitation

HCBS Clinic Services (whether or not furnished in a facility for CMI)

Other Services (specify below)

Groups Covered

Optional Groups other than the Medically Needy

In addition to providing State plan HCBS to individuals described in 1915(i)(1), the state may also cover the optional categorically needy eligibility group of individuals described in 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XXII) who are eligible for HCBS under the needs-based criteria established under 1915(i)(1)(A) and have income that does not exceed 150% of the FPL, or who are eligible for HCBS under a waiver approved for the state under Section 1915(c), (d) or (e) or Section 1115 (even if they are not receiving such services), and who do not have income that exceeds 300% of the supplemental security income benefit rate. See 42 CFR § 435.219. (Select one):

No. Does not apply. State does not cover optional categorically needy groups.

Yes. State covers the following optional categorically needy groups.

(Select all that apply):

  1. Individuals not otherwise eligible for Medicaid who meet the needs-based criteria of the 1915(i) benefit, have income that does not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level, and will receive 1915(i) services. There is no resource test for this group. Methodology used: (Select one):

SSI. The state uses the following less restrictive 1902(r)(2) income disregards for this group. (Describe, if any):

OTHER (describe):

  1. Individuals who are eligible for home and community-based services under a waiver approved for the State under section 1915(c), (d) or (e) (even if they are not receiving such services), and who do not have income that exceeds 300% of the supplemental security income benefit rate.

Income limit: (Select one):

300% of the SSI/FBR

Less than 300% of the SSI/FBR (Specify): _____%

Specify the applicable 1915(c), (d), or (e) waiver or waivers for which these individuals would be eligible: (Specify waiver name(s) and number(s)):

(c) Individuals eligible for 1915(c), (d) or (e) -like services under an approved 1115 waiver. The income and resource standards and methodologies are the same as the applicable approved 1115 waiver.

Specify the 1115 waiver demonstration or demonstrations for which these individuals would be eligible. (Specify demonstration name(s) and number(s)):

PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1188. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 114 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSMDL # 06-
Last Modified ByKathryn Poisal
File Modified2016-11-09
File Created2016-11-09

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