NCUA PRA 3244a - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part I: Information Collection Request – General Information
Part 1, Page 1 of 2
Please read entire document before completing – instructions are in blue.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this form, please contact the NCUA Clearance Officer
Point of Contact (Author): Office Director: PRA Coordinator: |
New Extension without change of a currently approved collection Nonmaterial or non-substantive change to a currently approved collection Existing collection in use without an OMB control number Revision of a currently approved collection |
of Rulemaking
a Proposed
will not consider an ICR complete until the Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking has been published.) (For ICRs associated with Interim Final rules that are not significant under EO, please provide a draft of the Federal Register notice.) Final Rule ICR reference (For a Final Rule, please put the ICR reference number for the ICR reviewed at the proposed rule stage, if different from question 2.) |
Regular Emergency – Approval requested by: (MM/DD/YYYY) (If emergency, please use space below to write short justification below) |
YES (Must complete part B of Supporting Statement) NO (Do not complete part B of Supporting Statement) |
For more info, click link: |
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT SUBMISSION WORKSHEET NCUA PRA 3244a - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions Part I: Information Collection Request – General Information (continued) Part 1, Page 2 of 2
For more info, click link : |
(Please list all authorizing EO, PL, US Code, and /or Statute at Large, and any applicable CFR to this Information Collection. Must include an electronic copy of each below with ICR submission package ) Title Part |
End of Part I (PRA 3244a Worksheet)
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PRA 3244b - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part II: Information Collection Instrument Detail
Part II, Page 1 of 3
If there are no forms or surveys associated with information collection, or only 1 instrument: Fill out ONE copy of this section of this document. For more than 1 Instrument, fill out one copy of Part II (PRA 3244b Worksheet, consists of 3 pages, #’s 3, 4, & 5) of this document for EACH form or survey submitted for approval.
Electronic Filename: Document Type: (Select one from drop down menu) Form Number: Form Name: Availability: paper only INTRANET INTERNET URL: Can this form be Submitted Electronically? Yes No Electronic Capability: (Select one from drop down menu)
B. Information Collection Instrument – Survey (If this ICR contains or uses no Surveys, skip to next section, C) Electronic Filename: Document Type: (Select one from drop down menu) Form Number: Form Name: Availability: paper only INTRANET INTERNET URL: Can this form be Submitted Electronically? Yes / No Electronic Capability: (Select one from drop down menu)
C. Information Collection – No Instrument (Complete this section only if this ICR does not use or contain a specific Form or Survey Instrument.) Description of Activity: Biggert-Waters required escrow for all new and outstanding loans in a SFHA, unless certain exceptions applied. HFIAA added several new exceptions, and most notably, ties the escrow requirement to a tripwire event (the origination, refinance, increase, extension, or renewal of a loan on or after January 1, 2016). While a regulated lending institution is not required to escrow until a tripwire event occurs, such institution is still required to offer and make available the option to escrow for all outstanding designated loans. This requirement is identical to the prior PRA burden in the October 2013 Proposed Rule, which required an escrow notice for all outstanding designated loans. However, there may be fewer notices because of the additional exceptions under HFIAA. |
PRA 3244b - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part II: Information Collection Instrument Detail (Continued)
Part II, Page 2 of 3
Federal Enterprise Architecture Business
Reference Module Line of Business1 (See footnote below for definitions) |
Sub-function: |
None |
N/A |
Disaster Management
Disaster Monitoring and Predication Disaster Preparedness and Planning Disaster Repair and Restore Emergency Response None |
Economic Development
Business and Industry Development Intellectual Property Financial Sector Oversight Industry Sector Income Stabilization None |
Income Security
General Retirement and Disability Unemployment Compensation Housing Assistance Food and Nutrition Assistance Survivor Compensation None |
Litigation and Judicial Activities
Judicial Hearing Legal Defense Citizen Protection Legal Investigation Legal Prosecution and Litigation Resolution Facilitation None |
Workforce Management
Training and Employment Labor Rights Management Worker Safety None
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PRA 3244b - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part II: Information Collection Instrument Detail (Continued)
Part II, Page 3 of 3
System Title: System Number (i.e.GSS): / - Federal Register Citation for the Privacy Act System of Records: Volume , Number , Page(s) , Date |
Affected public (check all subcategories that apply) Federal Government Number of Respondents:
State, Local, or Tribal Government Number of Respondents: Number of Respondents who are Small Entities:
Individuals or Households Number of Respondents:
Private Sector (check all subcategories that apply) Business or other for-profits Not-for-profit institutions Farms Number of Respondents: 4,192 Number of Respondents who are Small Entities: 1,970
Percent of Respondents Reporting Electronically: 85 %
End of Part II (PRA 3244b)
Remember: Complete Part II (PRA 3244b 3 pages) is required for EACH Information Collection Instrument.
Remember: Complete Burden Worksheet for EACH Information Collection Instrument. Separate Form Attached.
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PRA 3244c - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part III: Annual Burden Calculation
Part III, Page 1 of 3
Please use this sheet to gather information about burden for each Information Collection in the ICR. The NCUA CO will use the information on this sheet to calculate total burden for the IC and the ICR. If this ICR is an extension and you are requesting no change in burden, you may use Part III (Questions 7-10).
If this ICR is an extension and you are requesting no change in total burden, you may answer Part III (Questions 7-10), instead of Part III (Questions 1-6) for every information collection in the ICR. Use this sheet gather information about burden for each Information Collection in the ICR. ROCIS will use the information on this sheet to calculate total burden for the IC and the ICR.
End of Part III (PRA 3244c)
Remember: Complete Part II and III (PRA 3244b and PRA 3244 3 pages each) are required for EACH Information Collection Instrument.
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PRA 3244d - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part IV: Supporting Statement Completeness Checklist
Part IV, Page 1 of 1
Review this checklist and ensure your package is in compliance with each item prior to submitting the Information Collection Request package to the NCUA Clearance Officer. The NCUA Clearance Officer will use this checklist, along with other information, to certify the Information Collection Request prior to submission to OMB.
End of Part IV (PRA 3244d)
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PRA 3244e - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part V Certification Requirement for Paperwork Reduction Act Submission
Part V, page 1 of 2
The NCUA Clearance Officer will use this certification to record the Agency Representative’s approval of the Information Collection Package prior to submission to OMB. Please read carefully below.
OMB Information Collection Number 3133 - (insert existing 4 digit number, or NEW) |
Information Collection Title: |
On behalf of the National Credit Union Administration, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9, which states: "As part of the agency submission to OMB of a proposed collection of information, the agency (through the head of the agency, the Senior Official, or their designee) shall certify (and provide a record supporting such certification) that the proposed collection of information- "(a) is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including that the information to be collected will have practical utility; "(b) is not unnecessarily duplicative of information otherwise reasonably accessible to the agency; "(c) reduces to the extent practicable and appropriate the burden on persons who shall provide information to or for the agency, including with respect to small entities, as defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. § 601(6)), the use of such techniques as: "(1) establishing differing compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into account the resources available to those who are to respond; "(2) the clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance and reporting requirements; or collections of information, or any part thereof; "(3) an exemption from coverage of the collection of information, or any part thereof; "(d) is written using plain, coherent, and unambiguous terminology and is understandable to those who are to respond; "(e) is to be implemented in ways consistent and compatible, to the maximum extent practicable, with the existing reporting and record keeping practices of those who are to respond; "(f) indicates for each record keeping requirement the length of time persons are required to maintain the records specified; "(g) informs potential respondents of the information called for under §1320.8(b)(3); [see below] "(h) has been developed by an office that has planned and allocated resources for the efficient and effective management and use of the information to be collected, including the processing of the information in a manner which shall enhance, where appropriate, the utility of the information to agencies and the public; "(i) uses effective and efficient statistical survey methodology appropriate to the purpose for which the information is to be collected; and "(j) To the maximum extent practicable, uses appropriate information technology to reduce burden and improve data quality, agency efficiency and responsiveness to the public." |
NOTE: 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3) requires that each collection of information: "(3) informs and provides reasonable notice to the potential persons to whom the collection of information is addressed of: "(i) the reasons the information is planned to be and/or has been collected; "(ii) the way such information is planned to be and/or has been used to further the proper performance of the functions of the agency; "(iii) an estimate, to the extent practicable, of the average burden of the collection (together with a request that the public direct to the agency any comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden); "(iv) whether responses to the collection of information are voluntary, require to obtain or retain a benefit (citing authority) or mandatory (citing authority); "(v) the nature and extent of confidentiality to be provided, if any (citing authority); and "(vi) the fact that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number." |
PRA 3244e - Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Part V Certification Requirement for Paperwork Reduction Act Submission (Continued)
Part V, page 2 of 2
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information that this certification covers. If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item below and explain the reason in Item 18 of the Supporting Statement.
Signature of Office’s Certifying Official or Designee: (For electronic signature, type S/S and then type name) |
Print Name and Title of Office’s Certifying Official: |
Date of Certification: |
End Of part V (PRA 3244e)
End of PRA 3244 (a, b, c, d, e combined)
Please submit an electronic copy of this completed form as part of the ICR Package
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |