DoDEA Student and Parent Perception Surveys

Student and Parent Perception Surveys


DoDEA Student and Parent Perception Surveys

OMB: 0704-0538

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Department of Defense Education Activity

Parent/Student Perception Survey

Agency Disclosure Notice:

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, 4800 Mark Center Drive, East Tower, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA 22350-3100 (0704-XXXX). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.

  1. School

[PARENTS]. Please complete ONE survey for each school in which you have a child enrolled.

[STUDENTS]. Please select the school that you currently attend.

  1. Grade level

[PARENTS]: Please select the grade level of the child attending the school you selected. If you have more than one child in this school, please select the grade level of your OLDEST child in this school.

[STUDENTS]: What is your current grade level?

Note. Unless otherwise stated the following scale applies

SA = Strongly agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral; D=Disagree; SD=Strongly disagree


Elementary Students

(grades 3-6)

Middle/High Students

(grades 7-12)

ACADEMIC: Do students and parents believe students are receiving rigorous instruction that is preparing them for the future?

My child is learning what he or she needs to know to succeed in later grades or after graduating from high school. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

I think I am learning what I need to know to succeed in later grades.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I think I am learning what I need to know to succeed in later grades or after graduating from high school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school promotes academic success for ALL students. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers have high expectations for me to do well in school– they push me to do my best. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers have high expectations for me to do well in school– they push me to do my best. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers believe I can learn as well as the other students in my class.(SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers have the same expectations for all the students in their class. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers tell me how I do on my classroom assignments, tests, and homework assignments.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers tell me how I do on my classroom assignments, tests, and homework assignments.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers help me when I don’t understand my schoolwork.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

My teachers help me when I don’t understand my schoolwork.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

TECHNOLOGY/21ST CENTURY TEACHING LEARNING: Are students using technology as an integral part of instruction?

I am satisfied with my child’s opportunities to use computers at school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

How many times in the past month did you use technology to do the following during school (never, once, two or three times, three or more times)

-Communicate with experts or other students not in your school

-Produce multi-media, Web, or presentation products

-Conduct research

-Make graphs or charts

-Use digital tools such as digital cameras, probes, scanner

How many times in the past month did you use technology to do the following during school (never, once, two or three times, three or more times)

-Communicate with experts or other students not in your school

-Produce multi-media, Web, or presentation products

-Conduct research

-Make graphs or charts

-Use digital tools such as digital cameras, probes, scanner

About how many times a week during school do you work in a group with at least 2 other students (never, once, two or three times, three or more times)

About how many times a week during school do you work in a group with at least 2 other students (never, once, two or three times, three or more times)

Which of the following best describes your classes

-The teacher does most of the talking and we listen and take notes

-The teacher talks about half the time and students talk and work in groups about half the time

-The teacher does a little talking, students spend most of the class time talking and working in groups

Which of the following best describes your classes

-The teacher does most of the talking and we listen and take notes

-The teacher talks about half the time and students talk and work in groups about half the time

-The teacher does a little talking, students spend most of the class time talking and working in groups

COMMUNICATION/ENVIRONMENT: Is there frequent and open communication between the school and students and parents?

My child’s teachers keep me informed about my child’s progress in school. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school does a good job of getting important school information to parents. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

The principal at this school promptly responds to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The principal at this school promptly responds to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The principal at this school promptly responds to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The teachers at this school promptly respond to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The teachers at this school promptly respond to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The teachers at this school promptly respond to my phone calls, messages, or emails.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

Parent involvement in this school is welcome and encouraged.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

The adults at this school treat all students with respect. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

Adults at this school treat all students with respect.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

Adults at this school treat all students with respect.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school provides opportunities for parents to be involved in school improvement.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I felt welcomed when I came to this school. (Not at all true, A little true, Pretty much true, very true, Not sure or don’t remember).

I felt welcomed when I came to this school. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

Belonging: Do Students have a sense of Belonging at their School? α =797

I feel close to people at this school. [No, never , Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time]

I feel close to people at this school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I am happy to be at this school. [No, never , Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time]

I am happy to be at this school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I feel like I am part of this school [No, never , Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time].

I feel like I am part of this school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

Caring Relationships: Have students established caring relationships at school with a teacher or some other adult? α=.70.

This school has adults that really care about students.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

At this school, there are adults that really care about me.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

At this school, there are adults that really care about me.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

At school, do teachers and other adults tell you when you do a good job? [No, never , Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time]

At my school there is a teacher or adult who, who tells me when I do a good job.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

At school, do the teachers and other adults listen when you have something to say? [No, never , Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time]

At my school there is a teacher or adult who, who listens to me when I have something to say?

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

At school, do teachers and other adults believe that you can do a good job? [No, never Yes, some of the time, Yes, most of the time, Yes, all of the time]

At my school there is a teacher or adult who, believes I will be a success?

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

WELL BEING: What is the overall Alpha =.77

In the last 30 days, how often did you feel happy?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

In the last 30 days, how often did you feel happy?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

How often did you feel like everything is hard in the last 30 days?

  1. None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

In the last 30 days, how often did you feel like nothing makes you happy?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

How often did you feel like nothing makes you happy in the last 30 days?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

In the last 30 days, how often did you feel good about life?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

How often did you feel good about life in the last 30 days?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

In the last 30 days, how often did you feel that you do not have much hope?

A) None of the time; B) A little of the time; C) Some of the time; D) Most of the time; E) All of the time.

SCHOOL SAFETY: Is the school a physically and emotionally safe environment for students? α=.812

This school is a safe place for my child.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

How safe do you feel when you are at school?

A) Very safe

B) Safe

C) Neither safe or unsafe

D) Unsafe

E) Very unsafe

How safe do you feel when you are at school?

A) Very safe

B) Safe

C) Neither safe or unsafe

D) Unsafe

E) Very unsafe

In this school, students teasing my child is a problem.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

In this school students bullying other students is a problem.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

During the past 12 months, how many times on school property have you (0 times, 1 time, 2 to 3 times, 4 or more times)

-been in a physical fight?

-been pushed, shoved, slapped, hit, or kicked by someone who wasn’t just kidding around?

-had mean rumors or lies spread about you?

-been made fun of because of your looks or the way you talk?

-had something stolen or damaged such as your clothing or books?

-been made fun of for the color of your skin, origin, or your religion?

-received insulting messages through the internet (email, facebook) or on your cell phone?

-missed school because you were afraid that someone would hurt you at school or on your way to school?

During the past 12 months, how many times on school property have you (0 times, 1 time, 2 to 3 times, 4 or more times)

-been in a physical fight?

-been pushed, shoved, slapped, hit, or kicked by someone who wasn’t just kidding around?

-had mean rumors or lies spread about you?

-been made fun of because of your looks or the way you talk?

-had something stolen or damaged such as your clothing or books?

-been made fun of for the color of your skin, origin, or your religion?

-received insulting messages through the internet (email, facebook) or on your cell phone?

-missed school because you were afraid that someone would hurt you at school or on your way to school?

HIGH SCHOOL (11-12 ONLY): Are students and parents well informed about the requirements to graduate and to what degree does the school assist students in planning for postsecondary life?

This school encourages all students to enroll in challenging courses regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationality. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school encourages all students to enroll in challenging courses regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationality.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I feel well-informed about what is required for my child to graduate from high school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

I know what is required for me to graduate from high school.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school has helped me understand what’s required for the college application process.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)


My school has helped me understand what’s required for the college application process.

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school has helped my child explore which college and career options best fit their interests and goals

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school has helped my child explore which college and career options best fit their interests and goals

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school has helped my child apply for college

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

Someone at my school has helped me apply for college(SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school has helped my child find and apply for scholarships to college

(SA, A, N, D, SD)

Someone at my school has helped me find and apply for scholarships to college

(SA, A, N, D, SD)


If I had to give the DoD schools a grade, I would give them…. (A, B, C, D, F)

If I had to give the DoD schools a grade, I would give them…. (A, B, C, D, F

If I had to give the DoD schools a grade, I would give them…. (A, B, C, D, F

If I had to give this school a grade, I would give them….. (A, B, C, D, F)

If I had to give my school a grade, I would give them….. (A, B, C, D, F

If I had to give my school a grade, I would give them….. (A, B, C, D, F

This school understands military families. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school understands military families. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

This school understands military families. (SA, A, N, D, SD)

OPEN COMMENTS (please do not include any names of people in your comments)

What is the best thing about this school?

What is the best thing about this school

What is the best thing about this school

If you could suggest one improvement this school should make, what would it be?

If you could suggest one thing you think would make this school better, what would it be?

If you could suggest one improvement this school should make, what would it be?

Demographic Questions


The following questions are optional but answering will help DoDEA determine if everyone has the same experiences and help make sure everyone receives the same level of education from DoDEA schools.


  1. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? No, Yes

42. What is your race (Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be)
Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese), American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (e.g. Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro), White

[PARENTS] Please answer the following for the child for whom you completed this survey)

  1. Is your child Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? No, Yes

  2. What is your child’s race (Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be)
    Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese), American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (e.g. Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro), White

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorEmbler, Sandra D. Dr. CIV OSD/DoDEA
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-26

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