Integrated Planning Guidance

Planning Guidance and Instructions for Submission of Strategic State Plan and Plan Modifications for Workforce Investment Act Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act


Integrated Planning Guidance

OMB: 1205-0398

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State Integrated Workforce Plan Requirements for
Workforce Investment Act Title I/Wagner-Peyser Act and
Department of Labor Workforce Programs
OMB Control Number: 1205-0398 Expiration Date: February 28, 2015
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, as amended, requires that the governor of each
state submit a WIA title I/Wagner-Peyser (W-P) Act State Plan to the U.S. Department of Labor
(the Department) that outlines a five-year strategy for its workforce investment system. States
must have approved State Plans in place to receive formula allotments under WIA or financial
assistance under W-P. (WIA Section 112(a), W-P Section 8(a).) The Department must approve a
state plan 90 days from the date of submission, unless the Department determines in writing
during the 90-day review period that the plan does not meet the requirements of WIA, W-P, or
implementing regulations, including the nondiscriminatory and equal opportunity provisions
appearing at 29 CFR part 37. (WIA Section 112(c), W-P Section 8(d), 20 CFR 661.220(e).)
States have three options for State Plan submissions. In place of what used to be their standalone WIA/Wagner-Peyser five-year plan, at a minimum, states must now submit an Integrated
Workforce Plan that provides a plan for WIA and Wagner-Peyser programs, and must now also
include a Wagner-Peyser agricultural outreach plan, and short description of plans for
coordination with Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Second, states also have the option of
including the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) in their Integrated
Workforce Plan. For either of these two options, the plans will include only workforce programs
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor and must comport with the requirements of
this guidance. As a third option, states may submit a State Unified Plan that encompasses not
only WIA title I/W-P programs and other Department of Labor programs, but also certain
programs administered by the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services,
Agriculture, and Housing and Urban Development. (WIA Section 501.) Those plans must meet
the requirements of WIA Section 501. During the five-year period a plan is in effect, a state may
submit modifications to the plan in accordance with WIA and W-P requirements. (WIA Section
112(d), 20 CFR 652.212-214.)
This guidance governs plan content and requirements for the WIA title I/W-P State Plan, and
significantly revises and replaces previously published State Plan guidance for WIA/W-P, most
importantly the Planning Guidance and Instructions for Submission of the Strategic State Plan
and Plan Modifications for the Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA and the
Wagner-Peyser Act), published in the Federal Register on December 1, 2008. As mentioned
above, states may also use this new guidance in developing their State Plans for other
Department-funded programs. This document does not replace the Unified Plan Guidance, which
is based on WIA Section 501 and contains requirements related to both “required” and
“additional” one-stop partner programs in multiple Federal agencies. To differentiate this
guidance, which governs only Department of Labor programs, from that governing full Unified
Plans as described at WIA Section 501, we are calling this set of requirements the “Integrated
Workforce Plan.”
This guidance organizes into three key sections the information that each state must include in its
proposed Integrated Workforce Plan:


Section I provides the elements required for the State Workforce Strategic Plan. The
elements in this section represent the high-level vision, goals, economic and workforce
analysis, strategies, and outcomes that the governor and strategic partners collaboratively
identify for the state’s future. The elements in this section are intended to serve as a
vehicle for the governor, state workforce investment board (SWIB), and other partners to
identify broad goals and strategies for the state.
Section II provides the elements for the State Operational Plan. A state’s operational
plan must make clear how specific workforce programs will operationalize, administer,
and implement systems and structures to achieve the vision, strategies, and goals
identified by the Strategic Plan. Virtually all items contained in this section are required
by statute or regulation for inclusion in the State Plan.
Section III provides a list of Assurances in which the state assures the Department that it
is complying with applicable law and, where appropriate, attaches policies or other
supporting documentation. Although the Department requires states to submit all three
sections to fulfill WIA planning requirements, states do not need to include all three
sections in a single document, and may submit them separately. For instance, states may
submit a strategic plan developed for other purposes (e.g., as part of a governor’s
workforce and economic development strategy), as long as the plan submitted either
includes all the requirements listed in Section I, or is appended with any missing
Although not required, respondents may frame plan submissions in the order used in this
document or, if more convenient, in another order or format responsive to the requirements.


Section I. State Workforce Strategic Plan
A state’s Integrated Workforce Plan must identify the programs included in the plan, and include
the following key elements. Please note that, where appropriate, narratives in each section of the
plan may contain Web links to external supporting documents.
Governor’s Vision: This portion of the Integrated Workforce Plan must describe the
governor’s strategic vision for the state’s economy and overarching goals for the state’s
workforce system. This vision should provide the strategic direction for the state workforce
system and guide investments in workforce preparation, skill development, education and
training, and major initiatives supporting the governor’s vision. The plan also must
specifically address the governor’s vision for aligning efforts among workforce development
partners to achieve accessible, seamless, integrated, and comprehensive service, and how
programs and activities described in the plan will support the state’s economic development
needs and the employment and training needs of all working-age youth and adults in the
state. The plan must include a description of the methods used for joint planning, and
coordination of the programs and activities included in the plan. (WIA Sections 111(d)(2),
112(a)-(b), W-P Section 8(c).)
Economic and Workforce Information Analysis: The Integrated Workforce Plan must
describe the labor market and economic context in which the state's workforce system
(including all the programs in the Integrated Workforce Plan) is operating, based on accurate
and timely labor-market, demographic, and economic information, with particular attention
given to high-need, under-served, under-employed, and/or low-skilled subpopulations. (WIA
Sections 112(b)(4), 112(b)(17)(A)(iv), 112(b)(18), W-P Sections 8(b) and 15.) This
description should include an assessment of the needs of constituents within the state who
will become, or currently comprise, the state’s workforce, particularly those needs which can
be addressed by the programs included in the Integrated Workforce Plan.
The state’s analysis of the current economy and future trends of the economy forms the
foundation for strategic planning. For its analysis, the state may use the workforce
information produced by the state workforce agency as well as other data available from
Federal, state, and private sector sources, and informed by the business representatives of the
state workforce investment board (SWIB). The Integrated Workforce Plan must include the
following specific information, consistent with Section 112(b)(4) of the Act:
o An assessment of the current situation and projected trends of the state’s economy,
industries and occupations, including major economic regions and industrial and
occupational sectors
o An assessment of the workforce skills and knowledge individuals need to find current
and future employment in the state, particularly those skills and knowledge identified by
employers as necessary for economic growth in the state
o A description of the characteristics and employment-related needs of the state’s
population, and diverse sub-populations, including those from racial, ethnic, linguistic
groups, older persons, and individuals with disabilities
o Based on the assessments above, an analysis of the skill and education gaps for all
individuals within the state, particularly for those individuals targeted by the programs
included in the Integrated Workforce Plan
o An analysis of the challenges associated with the state’s population attaining the
education, skills, and training needed to obtain employment
o A discussion of the ability of Integrated Workforce Plan programs to meet the skill needs
of employers in the state and close any skill gaps

State Strategies: The Integrated Workforce Plan must describe the key strategies the state
intends to implement, based on its economic analysis, to achieve the governor’s vision and
Cross-Program Strategies – The plan must discuss integrated cross-program strategies for
specific populations and sub-populations identified in the state’s economic analysis,
strategies for meeting the workforce needs of the state’s employers, and regional and sector
strategies tailored to the state’s economy.
Partnerships – The plan must include a discussion of key strategic partnerships that are
necessary to successfully implement the strategies, specify roles of specific state entities and
programs, and discuss how the strategies will meet the needs of employers and of each subpopulation. (WIA Sections 111(d)(2), 112(b)(8), W-P Section 8(c).)
Leveraging Resources – The plan must discuss how the state will coordinate discretionary
and formula-based investments across programs and in support of the governor’s vision. The
state’s planned commitment of Federal and non-Federal funds to these investments must be
included. The plan must also describe how the state will use program funds to leverage other
Federal, state, local, and private resources, in order to effectively and efficiently provide
services. (WIA Section 112(b)(10).)
Policy Alignment – The plan must discuss how the state will align policies, operations,
administrative systems, and other procedures to assure coordination and avoid duplication of
workforce programs and activities outlined in WIA Section 121(b).
(WIA Sections 111(d)(2)(A), 112(b)(8)(A), 121(b), 20 CFR 661.205(b)(1).)
Desired Outcomes: The Integrated Workforce Plan must describe and provide specific
quantitative targets for the desired outcomes and results for the programs included in the
plan. Table 1 may be used for WIA/W-P programs. The plan should also describe any
additional established indicators and system measures, beyond those required by programs’
authorizing statutes. (WIA Sections 112(b)(3), 136(b)(1)(A)(ii), (b)(2)(C), 20 CFR 666.110,
666.120(g), 666.300.)
In addition to the state’s program performance goals, the state may also discuss the other
goals it intends to achieve. Does the state examine broader economic and social indicators?
For example, is the state attempting to increase the percentage of workers employed in
family wage jobs; increase earnings to support a better quality of life; increase the number of
employers with job opportunities; or increase high school and college graduation rates as
metrics? In sum, the state should describe its desired results for the state workforce
investment system and the metrics is it using to measure those results.


Table 1
Optional Table for State WIA/W-P Performance Indicators and Goals
WIA Requirement at Section 136(b)

Year Performance

Performance Goal

Entered Employment Rate
Employment Retention Rate
Average Six-Months Earnings
Certificate Rate
Dislocated Workers:
Entered Employment Rate
Employment Retention Rate
Average Six-Months Earnings
Certificate Rate
Youth, Aged 19-21:
Entered Employment Rate
Employment Retention Rate
Six-Months Earnings Change
Certificate Rate
Youth, Aged 14-18:
Skill Attainment Rate
Diploma or Equivalent Attainment Rate
Retention Rate
Youth Common Measures1:
Placement in Employment or Education
Attainment of a Degree or Certificate
Literacy and Numeracy Gains
Customer Satisfaction:
Participant Customer Satisfaction
Employer Customer Satisfaction
Additional State-Established Measures
W-P Requirement at Section 13(a)

Year Performance

Performance Goal

Entered Employment Rate
Employment Retention Rate
Average Six-Months Earnings

Goals are negotiated for these measures by states reporting common performance measure outcomes only.


Section II. State Operational Plan
Overview of the Workforce System: The State Operational Plan must present an overview of
the workforce system in the state.
Organization – The overview must describe organization and delivery systems at the state
and local levels for the programs covered in the plan, particularly how this organization
effectively supports the coordination and alignment of the state’s workforce programs and
supports integrated service delivery. The overview must include a description of the key
state administrative personnel of the programs described in Section I of the Integrated
Workforce Plan, and the organizational structure and membership roster of SWIB members
and their organizational affiliation.
State Board – The State Operational Plan must describe how the SWIB effectively
coordinates and aligns the resources and policies of all the programs included in the plan, and
specifically, must include the following items related to the SWIB:
o How the board collaborated in the development of the plan, and how it will collaborate in
carrying out the functions described in WIA Section 111(d). (WIA Sections 111(a), (b),
(d), 112(b)(1); 20 CFR 661.205.)
o How the SWIB member who represents Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) will effectively
represent the interests, needs, and priorities of the VR program and how the employment
needs of individuals with disabilities in the state will be addressed. (Only applicable to
states which: (1) do not have the state VR agency director on its SWIB; or (2) in cases
where the state uses an alternative entity as its SWIB, that entity does not provide for
representative membership by individuals in these categories as required by WIA sec.
111(b), (WIA Sections 111(b)(1), 111 (e), 112(b)(8)(A)(iii), W-P Section 8(b),
Rehabilitation Act Section 101(a)(2)(B), 20 CFR 661.200(i)(3), 661.205(b)(1),
Local Areas – The State Operational Plan must also describe the WIA title I local workforce
investment areas in the state, including:
o An identification of local workforce investment areas designated in the state, and the
process used for designating local areas. (WIA Sections 111(d)(4), 112(b)(5), and
116(a), 20 CFR 661.205(d), 661.250-.270.)
o The designation of intrastate regions and interstate regions, as defined in 20 CFR
661.290, and their corresponding performance measures. For interstate regions, describe
the roles of the respective governors, and state and local workforce investment boards.
(WIA Section 116(c).) States may also discuss other types of regional structures here.
Operating Systems and Policies Supporting the State’s Strategies: The State Operational
Plan must describe:
o State operating systems that support coordinated implementation of state strategies (e.g.
labor market information systems, data systems, communication systems, etc.). (WIA
Section 112(b)(8)(A).)
o State policies that support the coordinated implementation of the state’s strategies. (WIA
Section 112(b)(8)(A).)
o How the delivery of services to jobseeker customers and employer customers, including
Registered Apprenticeship sponsors, will be aligned across programs. (WIA Sections
111(d)(2), 112(b)(8).)


o How the state will provide WIA rapid response activities to dislocated workers from
funds reserved under Section 133(a)(2), including designating a state rapid response unit.
(WIA Sections 112(b)(17)(A)(ii), 133(a)(2), 134(a)(2)(A).)
o Common data-collection and reporting processes used for all programs and activities
present in One-Stop Career Centers. (WIA Section 112(b)(8).)
o State performance accountability system developed for workforce investment activities to
be carried out through the statewide workforce investment system. (WIA Sections
111(d)(2), (d)(6)-(8), 112(b)(3), 136; W-P Section 15; 20 CFR 666.205(f)-(h),
661.220(c), and 20 CRF part 666.)
o State strategies for using quarterly wage record information to measure the progress on
state and local performance measures, including identification of which entities may have
access to wage record information. (WIA Section 136(f)(2), 20 CFR 666.150)
Services to State Target Populations: The State Operational Plan must describe how all the
programs described in the plan will work together to ensure that customers who need a broad
range of services receive them. This is an opportunity for the state to describe how One-Stop
Career Center services will address more specific needs of targeted sub-populations
identified in the economic analysis. The State Operational Plan must describe how the state
o Serve employment, re-employment, and training needs of unemployment compensation
claimants; the long-term unemployed; the under-employed; dislocated workers (including
trade-impacted dislocated workers and displaced homemakers); low-income individuals
(including recipients of public assistance); migrant and seasonal farmworkers; veterans;
individuals with limited English proficiency; homeless individuals; ex-offenders; older
workers; individuals training for nontraditional employment; and individuals with
multiple challenges to employment. (WIA Sections 112(b)(17)(A), (b)(17)(B), (b)(8)(A),
20 CFR 652.207, 663.600-.640, 29 CFR part 37.)
o Serve the employment and training needs of individuals with disabilities. The discussion
must include the state’s long-term strategy to improve services to and employment
outcomes of individuals with disabilities, including plans for the promotion and
development of employment opportunities, job counseling, and placement for individuals
with disabilities. (W-P Section 8(b); WIA Section 112(b)(17)(A)(iv), 20 CFR 663.230,
663.640, 667.275(a).)
o Deliver comprehensive services for eligible youth, particularly youth with significant
barriers to employment. (WIA Section 112(b)(18)(A).) The discussion must include
how the state coordinates youth activities, including coordination of WIA Youth
activities with the services provided by the Job Corps program in the state. Job Corps
services include outreach and admissions, center operations, and career placement and
transition services. (WIA Sections 112(b)(18)(C), 129.)
Wagner-Peyser Agricultural Outreach: Each state workforce agency shall operate an
outreach program in order to locate and to contact migrant and seasonal farmworkers
(MSFWs) who are not being reached by the normal intake activities conducted by the local
offices. To this end, each state agency must include in its State Operational Plan an annual
agricultural outreach plan, setting forth numerical goals, policies, and objectives.
Regulations at 20 CFR 653.107 require that the outreach plan include the following elements:
o Assessment of need
o Proposed outreach activities
o Services provided to agricultural employers and MSFWs through the One-Stop delivery

o Numerical goals
o Data analysis
Services to Employers: The State Operational Plan must describe how the state will
coordinate efforts of the multiple programs included in the plan to meet the needs of business
customers of the One-Stop system in an integrated fashion, such as hiring plans, training
needs, skill development, or other identified needs. The State Operational Plan should also
describe how the state will use program funds to expand the participation of business in the
statewide workforce investment system. (WIA Sections 111(d)(2), 112(a), 112(b)(8),
112(b)(10), W-P Section 8, 20 CFR 661.205(b)(1).)
WIA Single-Area States Only – Additional WIA Title I Requirements: In states where there
is only one local workforce investment area, the governor serves as both the state and local
chief elected official. In such cases, the state must submit with its State Operational Plan any
information required in the local plan. Therefore, states with a single workforce area should
also include in their State Operational Plan:
o Any comments from the public comment period that represent disagreement with the
Plan. (WIA Sections 118(c)(3), 112(b)(9), 20 CFR 661.220(d), .350(a)(8).)
o The entity responsible for the disbursal of grant funds, as determined by the governor, if
different from that for the state. (WIA Section 118(b)(8), 20 CFR 661.350(a)(9).)
o The type and availability of WIA title I Youth activities, including an identification of
successful providers of such activities. (WIA Section 118(b)(6), 20 CFR 661.350(a)(7).)
(Optional) WIA Waiver Requests: States wanting to request waivers as part of their
Operational Plan submission must attach a waiver plan, as required by 20 CFR 661.420(c),
that includes the following information for each waiver requested:
o Statutory and/or regulatory requirements for which a waiver is requested.
o A description of the actions the state or local area has undertaken to remove state or local
statutory or regulatory barriers.
o A description of the goals of the waiver, how those goals relate to Integrated Workforce
Plan goals, and expected programmatic outcomes if the waiver is granted.
o A description of individuals impacted by the waiver.
o A description of the processes used to monitor implementation, provide notice to any
local workforce investment board affected by the waiver, provide affected local
workforce investment boards an opportunity to comment on the waiver request, and
ensure meaningful public comment, including comment from business and labor.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA): States must describe how TAA will coordinate with
WIA/W-P to provide seamless services to participants and address how the state:
o Provides early intervention (e.g. rapid response) to worker groups on whose behalf a
TAA petition has been filed. (WIA Sections 112(b)(17)(A)(ii), 134(a)(2)(A), 20 CFR
o Provides core and intensive services to TAA participants, as indicated in the
encouragement of co-enrollment policies provided in TEGL 21-00. The description
should provide detailed information on how assessments are utilized to identify
participants’ service needs, including whether participants need training according to the
six criteria for TAA-approved training. (20 CFR 617.21(c), 617.22(a))
o Has developed and managed resources (including electronic case management systems)
to integrate data provided through different agencies administering benefits and services
(TAA, Trade Readjustment Allowances, Unemployment Insurance, Employment
Security, WIA, etc.) in order to ensure consistent program administration and fiscal

integrity, as well as reliable fiscal and performance reporting. (May alternatively be
discussed in “operating systems and policies” section of Operating Plan.) (WIA Sections
112(b)(8)(A), (B).)
(Optional) SCSEP: States that include SCSEP in the Integrated Workforce Plan must
o Long-term projections for jobs in industries and occupations in the state that may provide
employment opportunities for older workers. (20 CFR 641.302(d))(May alternatively be
discussed in the economic analysis section of strategic plan.)
o A discussion of how the long-term job projections discussed in the economic analysis
section of strategic plan relate to the types of unsubsidized jobs for which SCSEP
participants will be trained and the types of skill training to be provided.
(20 CFR 641.302(d))
o Current and projected employment opportunities in the State (such as by providing
information available under §15 of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 491-2) by
occupation), and the types of skills possessed by eligible individuals. (20 CFR
o A description of the localities and populations for which projects of the type authorized
by title V are most needed (20 CFR 641.325 (d).)
o A description of actions to coordinate SCSEP with other programs. This may
alternatively be discussed in the state strategies section of the strategic plan, but
regardless of placement in document, must include:
1. Planned actions to coordinate activities of SCSEP grantees with WIA title I programs,
including plans for using the WIA One-Stop delivery system and its partners to serve
individuals aged 55 and older. (20 CFR 641.302(g), 641.325(e))
2. Planned actions to coordinate activities of SCSEP grantees with the activities being
carried out in the State under the other titles of the Older Americans Act (OAA). (20
CFR 641.302(h))
3. Planned actions to coordinate SCSEP with other private and public entities and
programs that provide services to older Americans, such as community and faithbased organizations, transportation programs, and programs for those with special
needs or disabilities. (20 CFR 641.302(i))
4. Planned actions to coordinate SCSEP with other labor market and job training
initiatives. (20 CFR 641.302(j).)
5. Actions to ensure that SCSEP is an active partner in the One-Stop delivery system
and the steps the state will take to encourage and improve coordination with the OneStop delivery system. (20 CFR 641.335)
o The state’s long-term strategy for engaging employers to develop and promote
opportunities for the placement of SCSEP participants in unsubsidized employment. (20
CFR 641.302(e)) (May alternatively be discussed in the state strategies section of
strategic plan.)
o The state’s long-term strategy for achieving an equitable distribution of SCSEP positions
within the state that:
1. Moves positions from over-served to underserved locations within the state in
compliance with 20 CFR 641.365.
2. Equitably serves rural and urban areas.
3. Serves individuals afforded priority for service under 20 CFR 641.520. (20 CFR
641.302(a), 641.365, 641.520)
o The ratio of eligible individuals in each service area to the total eligible population in the
state. (20 CFR 641.325(a))

o The relative distribution of eligible individuals who:
1. Reside in urban and rural areas within the state
2. Have the greatest economic need
3. Are minorities
4. Are limited English proficient.
5. Have the greatest social need. (20 CFR 641.325(b))
o A description of the steps taken to avoid disruptions to the greatest extent possible, when
positions are redistributed, as provided in 20 CFR 641.365; when new Census or other
reliable data become available; or when there is over-enrollment for any other reason..
(20 CFR 641.325(i), 641.302(b))
o The State’s long-term strategy for serving minority older individuals under SCSEP. (20
CFR 641.302 (c))
o A list of community services that are needed and the places where these services are most
needed. Specifically, the plan must address the needs and location of those individuals
most in need of community services and the groups working to meet their needs.
(20 CFR 641.330)
o The state’s long-term strategy to improve SCSEP services, including planned longer-term
changes to the design of the program within the state, and planned changes in the use of
SCSEP grantees and program operators to better achieve the goals of the program. This
may include recommendations to the Department as appropriate. (20 CFR 641.302(k))
o The state’s strategy for continuous improvement in the level of performance for SCSEP
participants’ entry into unsubsidized employment, and to achieve, at a minimum, the
levels specified in OAA Section 513(a)(2)(E)(ii). (20 CFR 641.302(f))


Section III. Integrated Workforce Plan Assurances and Attachments
This section provides a "check-the-box" table of assurance statements and a single signature sheet to certify that the information
provided by the state, and submitted to the Department, in the following table is accurate, complete, and meets all legal and guidance
requirements. The table below contains the assurances, the legal reference that corresponds to each assurance, and a column for the
state to provide a reference to the document(s) that it believes meets the stated assurance or where the statute requires documentation
of a policy or procedure. Such a reference may be a hyperlink to an on-line document or it may be an attachment. Not all assurances
require documents to be attached or referenced. Where an approved special exemption, waiver, or an approved alternate structure
makes an assurance not applicable to your state, please insert the words “Not Applicable” in the reference column.
By checking each assurance, attaching the proper documentation or links, and signing the certification at the end of the document, the
state is certifying it has met each of the legal planning requirements outlined in WIA law and regulations and in corresponding
Departmental guidance. By checking each box and signing the certification, the state is also indicating that its supporting
documentation meets all applicable Federal and state laws and regulations and is available for review. Any deficiencies in the
documentation attached to each assurance identified during the state plan review process may result in additional technical assistance
and a written corrective action as part of the Department’s conditional approval of the state’s Integrated Workforce Plan. Assurances
that are part of the state’s grant agreement are not duplicated here.






The state established processes and timelines, consistent with WIA Section
WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of a
111(g) – and, where appropriate, 20 CFR 641.325 (g) – to obtain input into
112(b)(9), 111(g)
summary of the public
the development of the Integrated Workforce Plan and to give opportunity
20 CFR 661.207
comments received.
for comment by representatives of local elected officials, local workforce
20 CFR 661.220(d)
investment boards, businesses, labor organizations, other primary
20 CFR 641.325(f),
stakeholders, and the general public.
(g), (h),
20 CFR 641.335
The state afforded opportunities to those responsible for planning or
WIA Sections
administering programs and activities covered in the Integrated Workforce
112(b)(9), 111(g)
Plan to review and comment on the draft plan.
20 CFR 661.207
20 CFR 661.220(d)
The final Integrated Workforce Plan and State Operational Plan are
available and accessible to the general public.
The state afforded the State Monitor Advocate an opportunity to approve
WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of
and comment on the Agricultural Outreach Plan. The state solicited
112(b)(9), 111(g)
comments received.
information and suggestions from WIA 167 National Farmworker Jobs
20 CFR 661.207
Program grantees, other appropriate MSFW groups, public agencies,
20CFR 661.220(d)
agricultural employer organizations, and other interested organizations. At
20 CFR 653.107 (d)
least 45 days before submitting its final outreach, the State provided a
20 CFR 653.108(f)
proposed plan to the organizations listed above and allowed at least 30 days
for review and comment. The State considered any comments received in
formulating its final proposed plan, informed all commenting parties in
writing whether their comments have been incorporated and, if not, the
reasons therefore, and included the comments and recommendations
received and its responses with the submission of the plan.
In the development of the plan, the state considered the recommendations
submitted by the State Monitor Advocate in the annual summary of services
to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.


20 CFR 653.108(t)







The state established a written policy and procedure to ensure public access
(including people with disabilities) to board meetings and information
regarding board activities, such as board membership and minutes.
Where SCSEP is included in the Integrated Workforce Plan, the state
established a written policy and procedure to obtain advice and
recommendations on the State Plan from representatives of the State and
area agencies on aging; State and local boards under the WIA; public and
private nonprofit agencies and organizations providing employment
services, including each grantee operating a SCSEP project within the state,
except as provided under section 506 (a)(3) of OAA and 20 CFR
641.320(b); Social service organizations providing services to older
individuals; Grantees under Title III of OAA, Affected Communities,
Unemployed older individuals, Community-based organizations serving
older individuals; business organizations and labor organizations

WIA Sections 111(g),
112(b)(9), 117(e)
20 CFR 661.207
20 CFR
641.325 (f), (g), (h)

Include a link or copy of the
Include a link or copy of a
summary of the public
comments received.

The state made available to the public state-imposed requirements, such as
WIA Sections
Include links or copies of the
state-wide policies or guidance, for the statewide public workforce system,
112(b)(2), 129, 134
including policy for the use of WIA title I statewide funds.
20 CFR 665.100
The state established a written policy and procedure that identifies
WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of the
circumstances that might present a conflict of interest for any state or local
112(b)(13), 111(f),
workforce investment board member or the entity that s/he represents, and
provides for the resolution of conflicts. The policy meets the requirements
of WIA Sections 111(f) and 117(g).
The state has established a written policy and procedure that describes the
WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of the
state’s appeals process available to units of local government or grant
112(b)(15), 116(a)(5) policy.
recipients that request, but are not granted, designation of an area as a local 20 CFR 661.280
area under WIA Section 116.
20 CFR 667.700
The state established written policy and procedures that describe the state’s 20 CFR 667.640
Include a link or copy of the
appeal process for requests not granted for automatic or temporary and
20 CFR 662.280
subsequent designation as a local workforce investment area.



The state established a written policy and procedure that set forth criteria to
be used by chief elected officials for the appointment of local workforce
investment board members.


The state established written policy and procedures to ensure local
workforce investment boards are certified by the governor every two years.
Where an alternative entity takes the place of an SWIB, the state has written
policy and procedures to ensure the alternative entity meets the definition
under section 111(e) and the legal requirements for membership.
Where the alternative entity does not provide representative membership of
the categories of required SWIB membership, the state has a written policy
or procedure to ensure an ongoing role for any unrepresented membership
group in the workforce investment system. (Only applicable in cases where
a state uses an alternative entity as its SWIB, and that entity does not
provide for representative membership by individuals in the categories
required by WIA sec. 111(b).)
When applicable, the state takes any action necessary to assist local areas in
developing and implementing the One-Stop system.





The state established procedures for determining initial and subsequent
eligibility of training providers.


All partners in the workforce and education system described in this plan
will ensure the physical, programmatic, and communications accessibility
of facilities, programs, services, technology, and materials for individuals
with disabilities in One-Stop Career Centers.
The state ensures that outreach is provided to populations and subpopulations who can benefit from One-Stop Career Center services.



WIA Sections
112(b)(6), 117(b)
20 CFR 661.300(a),
20 CFR 661.325
WIA Sec 117(c)
20 CFR 661.325
WIA Sections
111(e), (b)
20 CFR 661.210
WIA Sections
111(b), (e)
20 CFR 661.210(c)

Include a link or copy of the

WIA Sections
112(b)(14), 134(c)
W-P Section 8(c)
WIA Sections
122, 134(d)(4)
20 CFR 663.515,
WIA Section 188
W-P Section 8(b)
29 CFR part 37
20 CFR 652.8(j)
WIA Section 188
29 CFR 37

Include link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the
Include a link or copy of the
Include a link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the


The state implements universal access to programs and activities to all
WIA Section 188
individuals through reasonable recruitment targeting, outreach efforts,
29 CFR 37.42
assessments, services delivery, partnership development, and numeric goals.


The state complies with the nondiscrimination provisions of section 188,
including that Methods of Administration were developed and implemented.
The state collects and maintains data necessary to show compliance with
nondiscrimination provisions of section 188.
For WIA Single-Area States only, the state has memorandums of
understanding between the local workforce investment board and each of
the One-Stop partners concerning the operation of the One-Stop delivery
system in the local area.




WIA Section 188
29 CFR 37.20
WIA Section 185
WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of the
112(b)(5), 116(b),
118(b)(2)(B), 20 CFR

The state established written policy and procedures that outline the methods WIA Sections
Include a link or copy of the
and factors used in distributing funds, including WIA Adult, Dislocated
Worker, and Youth formula and rapid response funds. The policy
112(b)(12)(A), (C),
establishes a process for funds distribution to local areas for youth activities 128 (b)(3)(B),
under WIA Section 128(b)(3)(B), and for adult and training activities under 133(b)(2)(B),
WIA Section 133(b), to the level of detail required by Section
112(b)(12)(a). In addition, the policy establishes a formula, prescribed by
20 CFR 661.205(e)
the governor under Section 133(b)(2)(B), for the allocation of funds to local
areas for dislocated worker employment and training activities.
For Dislocated Worker funding formulas, the state’s policy and procedure
WIA Section
includes the data used and weights assigned. If the state uses other
information or chooses to omit any of the information sources set forth in
20 CFR
WIA when determining the Dislocated Worker formula, the state assures
that written rationale exists to explain the decision.



The state established a written policy and procedure for how the individuals
and entities represented on the SWIB help to determine the methods and
factors of distribution, and how the state consults with chief elected officials
in local workforce investment areas throughout the state in determining the


The state established written policy and procedures for any distribution of
funds to local workforce investment areas reserved for rapid response
activities, including the timing and process for determining whether a
distribution will take place.


The state established written policy and procedures to competitively award
grants and contracts for WIA Title I activities.
The state established written criteria to be used by local workforce
investment boards in awarding grants for youth activities, including criteria
that the governor and local workforce investment boards will use to identify
effective and ineffective youth activities and providers of such activities.
The state established written criteria for a process to award a grant or
contract on a competitive basis for Summer Youth Employment
Opportunities element of the local youth program, where a provider is other
than the grant recipient/fiscal agent.
The state distributes adult and youth funds received under WIA equitably
throughout the state, and no local areas suffer significant shifts in funding
from year-to-year during the period covered by this plan.
The state established written fiscal-controls and fund-accounting procedures
and ensures such procedures are followed to ensure the proper disbursement
and accounting of funds paid to the state through funding allotments made
for WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs, and the WagnerPeyser Act.






The state ensures compliance with the uniform administrative requirements
in WIA through annual, onsite monitoring of each local area.


WIA Sections
20 CFR 661.205(e)
WIA Sections
20 CFR
667.130(b)(2), (e)(4),
WIA Section
WIA Sections
112(b)(18)(B), 123,

Include a link or copy of the

WIA Sections 123,
20 CFR 664.610.

Include a link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the
Include a link or copy of the

WIA Section
WIA Sections
112(b)(11), 127, 132,
W-P Sections 9(a),
20 CFR 652.8(b), (c)
WIA Sections
184(a)(3), (4)

Include a link or copy of the


The state follows confidentiality requirements for wage and education
records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA), as amended, WIA, and applicable Departmental


The state will not use funds received under WIA to assist, promote, or deter
union organizing.

20 CFR 667.200,
.400(c)(2), 667.410
WIA Sections
136(f)(2), (f)(3), 122,
20 USC 1232g
20 CFR 666.150
20 CFR part 603
WIA Section
20 CFR 663.730




Where the SWIB chooses to establish them, the state established definitions
and eligibility documentation requirements regarding the “deficient in basic
literacy skills” criterion.
Where the SWIB chooses to establish them, the state established definitions
and eligibility documentation requirements regarding “requires additional
assistance to complete and educational program, or to secure and hold
employment” criterion.
The state established policies, procedures, and criteria for prioritizing adult
title I employment and training funds for use by recipients of public
assistance and other low-income individuals in the local area when funds
are limited.


WIA Sections
CFR 664.205(b)
WIA Sections
20 CFR 664.
200(c)(6), 664.210
WIA Section
20 CFR 663.600

Include a link or copy of the
policy, if available in the
state. Documentation not

Include a link or copy of the
Include a link or copy of the

Include a link or copy of the


The state established policies for the delivery of priority of service for
veterans and eligible spouses by the state workforce agency or agencies,
local workforce investment boards, and One-Stop Career Centers for all
qualified job training programs delivered through the state's workforce
system. The state policies:
1. Ensure that covered persons are identified at the point of entry and given
an opportunity to take full advantage of priority of service; and
2. Ensure that covered persons are aware of:
a. Their entitlement to priority of service;
b. The full array of employment, training, and placement
services available under priority of service; and
c. Any applicable eligibility requirements for those programs and/ or
3. Require local workforce investment boards to develop and include
policies in their local plan to implement priority of service for the local
One-Stop Career Centers and for service delivery by local workforce
preparation and training providers.


WIA Sections
112(b)(17)(B), 322
38 USC Chapter 41
20 CFR 1001.120.125
Jobs for Veterans
Act, P.L. 107-288
38 USC 4215
20 CFR 1010.230,

Include a link or copy of the





The state assures that Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW)
WIA Section
Attach plan for part-time
significant office requirements are met.
Monitor Advocate, if
Note: The five states with the highest estimated year-round MSFW
W-P Sections 3(a),
activities must assign full-time, year-round staff to outreach activities. The
Employment and Training Administration designates these states each year.
20 CFR 653.107(a),
The remainder of the top 20 significant MSFW states must make maximum
107(i), 653.112(a),
efforts to hire outreach staff with MSFW experience for year-round
positions and shall assign outreach staff to work full-time during the period
of highest activity.
If a state proposes that its State Monitor Advocate work less than full-time,
the state must submit, for approval by the Department, a plan for less than
full-time work, demonstrating that the state MSFW Monitor Advocate
function can be effectively performed with part-time staffing.
Merit-based public employees provide Wagner-Peyser Act-funded labor
exchange activities in accordance with Departmental regulations.

The state has designated at least one person in each state or Federal
employment office to promote and develop employment opportunities, job
counseling, and placement for individuals with disabilities.
If a SWIB, department, or agency administers state laws for vocational
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, that board, department, or agency
cooperates with the agency that administers Wagner-Peyser services.


W-P Sections 3(a),
20 CFR 652.215
Personnel Act, 42
USC 4728(b)
W-P Section 8(b)
20 CFR 652.211
W-P Section 8(b)
20 CFR 652.211


The State, Commonwealth, or Territory of ________________________ certifies on the ______ day of _______________ month in
__________ year that it complied with all of required components of the Workforce Investment Act, Wagner-Peyser Act, and
______________ (insert name of Act that authorizes programs included in State Plan). The State, Commonwealth, or Territory also
assures that funds will be spent in accordance with the Workforce Investment Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act and their regulations,
written Department of Labor guidance implementing these laws, and all other applicable Federal and state laws and regulations.



Name of WIA Title I Grant Recipient Agency:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Name of State WIA Title I Administrative Agency (if different from the Grant Recipient):
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Name of WIA Title I Signatory Official:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Name of WIA Title I Liaison:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Name of Wagner-Peyser Act Grant Recipient/State Employment Security Agency:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________


Name and Title of State Employment Security Administrator (Signatory Official):
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Name and Title of the State Labor Market, Workforce Information, or Research Director:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Facsimile Number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________

As the governor, I certify that for the State/Commonwealth of __________________, the
agencies and officials designated above have been duly designated to represent the
State/Commonwealth in the capacities indicated for the Workforce Investment Act, title I, and
Wagner-Peyser Act grant programs. Later changes in the designation of officials will be
provided to the U.S. Department of Labor as such changes occur.
I further certify that we will operate our Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act
programs in accordance with this Plan and the assurances herein.
Typed Name of Governor___________________________________________________
Signature of Governor_________________________________ Date________________


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleWorkforce Investment Act Reauthorization
File Modified2012-07-31
File Created2012-07-31

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