1626.12 Burden Changes

1626.12 Burden Changes.xlsx

National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program (Change)

1626.12 Burden Changes

OMB: 2060-0256

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Respondent Burden
Agency Burden
Summary of Burden By Respondent
Change in Burden

Sheet 1: Respondent Burden

National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program, EPA ICR Number: 1626.12, OMB Control Number: 2060-0256

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost

The following tables illustrate the calculations performed to calculate the annual respondent burden and cost for the National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program.


Average Administrative Cost (Labor + Overhead) $44.31 EPA used the median hourly earnings of $21.10 for heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes499021.htm). EPA then multiplied this number by 110% for overhead ($21.10 x 1.10 = $23.21).

Respondent Tally


Activity Number of Respondents Number of Responses per Respondent Burden Hours (Time) per Response All Respondents Per Respondent Respondent
Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Costs Number of Annual Responses Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Cost
Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organizations - Submit reports on approved equipment (including new model lines and failed retests/inspections) 2 1 4.00 8.00 $354.48 2 4.00 $177.24 Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organization
Certification by Owners of Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment (or Service Established) that Change Ownership or Enter the Market Compile information, complete certification requirements 2,250 1 1.00 2,250.00 $99,697.50 2,250 1.00 $44.31 Service Establishments
Certification by Disposal Establishments that change Ownership or Enter the Market 375 1 1.00 375.00 $16,616.25 375 1.00 $44.31 Disposal Establishments
Certification by Refrigerant Reclaimers that Change Ownership or Enter the Market 4 1 5.00 20.00 $886.20 4 5.00 $221.55 Refrigerant Reclaimers
Reclaimer Annual Activity Report 60 1 5.00 300.00 $13,293.00 60 5.00 $221.55 Refrigerant Reclaimers
Technician Certification Programs Applying for Approval 5 1 5.00 25.00 $1,107.75 5 5.00 $221.55 Technician Certification Programs
Biannual Reporting by Existing Technician Certification Programs 91 2 1.00 182.00 $8,064.42 182 2.00 $88.62 Technician Certification Programs
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 30-day repair timeline 15 1 0.50 7.50 $332.33 15 0.50 $22.16 Owners
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 1 yr retrofit/retire timeline 5 1 0.50 2.50 $110.78 5 0.50 $22.16 Owners
SUBTOTAL 2,807 varies varies 3,170.00 $140,462.70 2,898 varies varies


Activity Number of Respondents Number of Responses per Respondent Burden Hours (Time) per Response All Respondents Per Respondent Respondent
Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Costs Number of Annual Responses Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Cost
Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organizations - Maintain records of refrigerant recovery/recycling equipment tested and its performance 2 1 0.125 0.25 $11.08 2 0.125 $5.54 Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organization
Maintenance of copies of signed statements of previous refrigerant recovery by disposal establishments 7,500 260 0.050 97,500.00 $4,320,225.00 1,950,000 13 $576.03 Disposal Establishments
Reclaimer recordkeeping 60 50 0.125 375.00 $16,616.25 3,000 6.25 $276.94 Refrigerant Reclaimers
Refrigerant wholesalers recordkeeping for refrigerant sales, including maintenance of technician certification cards from purchasers employing at least one certified technician 200,000 25 0.033 165,000 $7,311,150.00 5,000,000 0.825 $36.56 Refrigerant Wholesalers
Record keeping by Existing Technician Certification Programs 91 1 5.000 455.00 $20,161.05 91 5 $221.55 Technician Certification Programs
Technicians Aquiring Certification Cards 30,000 1 0.017 501.00 $22,199.31 30,000 0.0167 $0.74 Technicians
Technicians Maintaining Certification Cards 300,000 1 0.017 5,010.00 $221,993.10 300,000 0.0167 $0.74 Technicians
Persons servicing appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs provide invoices to appliance owners/operators 20,500 1 0.025 512.50 $22,708.88 20,500 0.025 $1.11 Technicians
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs maintain purchase and service records 20,500 1 0.025 512.50 $22,708.88 20,500 0.025 $1.11 Owners
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain information on purged/destroyed refrigerant 2 1 0.025 0.05 $2.22 2 0.025 $1.11 Owners
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Develop/Maintain plan to retire/replace or retrofit equipment, as applicable 5,000 1 8.000 40,000.00 $1,772,400.00 5,000 8 $354.48 Owners
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain information on the calculation of the full charge using a range, as applicable 200,000 1 0.025 5,000.00 $221,550.00 200,000 0.025 $1.11 Owners
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain reports on the results of verification tests (IPR and in limited instances federally owned equipment) 100,025 1 0.025 2,500.63 $110,802.69 100,025 0.025 $1.11 Owners
SUBTOTAL 883,680 varies varies 317,367 $14,062,528.45 7,629,120 varies varies

Total Number of Respondents Total Number of Annual Responses Total Annual Hour Burden Total Annual Labor Costs

883,680 7,632,018 320,537 $14,202,991

Sheet 2: Agency Burden

National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program, EPA ICR Number: 1626.12, OMB Control Number: 2060-0256

Annual Agency Burden and Cost

The following table illustrates the calculations performed to calculate the annual agency burden and cost for the National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program.

Agency Burden Cost $32.18 The hourly rate for EPA staff at the GS-9 Step 1 level is $20.11 per hour (see the GS salary schedule at http://www.opm.gov/oca). EPA then multiplied the hourly rate by the standard government benefits and overhead multiplication factor of 1.6 to estimate the annual Agency burden and cost ($20.11 x 1.6).

Agency Tally

Reviewing and Responding

Activity Number of Respondents Number of Responses per Respondent Agency Burden Hours (Time) to Review each Response Total Annual Agency Hours Total Agency Labor Costs

Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organizations - Submit reports on approved equipment (including new model lines and failed retests/inspections) 2 1 0.5 1.0 $32.18

Certification by Owners of Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment (or Service Established) that Change Ownership or Enter the Market Compile information, complete certification requirements 2,250 1 0.25 562.5 $18,099.00

Certification by Disposal Establishments that change Ownership or Enter the Market 375 1 0.25 93.75 $3,016.50

Certification by Refrigerant Reclaimers that Change Ownership or Enter the Market 4 1 1.0 4.0 $128.70

Reclaimer Annual Activity Report 60 1 1.0 60.0 $1,930.56

Technician Certification Programs Applying for Approval 5 1 2.0 10.0 $321.76

Biannual Reporting by Existing Technician Certification Programs 91 2 1.0 182.0 $5,856.03

Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 30-day repair timeline 15 1 0.5 7.5 $241.32

Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 1 yr retrofit/retire timeline 5 1 1.0 5.0 $160.88

SUBTOTAL 2,807 10 7.5 925.75 $29,786.93

Sheet 3: Summary of Burden By Respondent

National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program, EPA ICR Number: 1626.12, OMB Control Number: 2060-0256

Summary of Annual Respondent Burden and Cost By Respondent

The following tables summarize the total annual burden hours and cost by respondent type. Table 1 provides a summary for all respondents and Table 2 provides a summary on a per respondent basis.

Table 1. Total Annual Burden Hours and Costs (All Respondents)

Repondent Reporting (Hours) Recordkeeping (Hours) Total Hours Total Cost
Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organization 8.00 0.25 8.25 $365.56
Service Establishments 2,250.00 - 2,250.00 $99,697.50
Disposal Establishments 375.00 97,500.00 97,875.00 $4,336,841.25
Refrigerant Reclaimers 320.00 375.00 695.00 $30,795.45
Technician Certification Programs 207.00 455.00 662.00 $29,333.22
Technicians - 6,023.50 6,023.50 $266,901.29
Owners 10.00 48,013.18 48,023.18 $2,127,906.88
Refrigerant Wholesalers - 165,000.00 165,000.00 $7,311,150.00

Table 2. Total Annual Burden Hours and Costs (Per Respondent)

Repondent Reporting (Hours) Recordkeeping (Hours) Total Hours Total Cost
Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organization 4.00 0.13 4.13 $182.78
Service Establishments 1.00 - 1.00 $44.31
Disposal Establishments 1.00 13.00 14.00 $620.34
Refrigerant Reclaimers 10.00 6.25 16.25 $720.04
Technician Certification Programs 7.00 5.00 12.00 $531.72
Technicians - 0.06 0.06 $2.59
Owners 1.00 8.10 9.10 $403.22
Refrigerant Wholesalers - 0.83 0.83 $36.56

Sheet 4: Change in Burden

Change in Annual Respondent Burden and Cost

The following table illustrates the change in annual burden between the 2011 and 2014 ICR values.

Activity 2014 ICR Renewal 2011 ICR Burden Change Notes

Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Costs Annual Burden Hours Annual Labor Costs Burden Hours Labor Costs
Reporting Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organizations - Submit reports on approved equipment (including new model lines and failed retests/inspections) 8.00 $354.48 8.00 $320.56 - $33.92 Due to updated labor rates.
Certification by Owners of Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment (or Service Established) that Change Ownership or Enter the Market Compile information, complete certification requirements 2,250.00 $99,697.50 2,250.00 $90,157.50 - $9,540.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Certification by Disposal Establishments that change Ownership or Enter the Market 375.00 $16,616.25 375.00 $15,026.25 - $1,590.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Certification by Refrigerant Reclaimers that Change Ownership or Enter the Market 20.00 $886.20 20.00 $801.40 - $84.80 Due to updated labor rates.
Reclaimer Annual Activity Report 300.00 $13,293.00 245.00 $9,817.15 55.00 $3,475.85 The number of reclaimers increased from 49 to 60.
Technician Certification Programs Applying for Approval 25.00 $1,107.75 25.00 $1,001.75 - $106.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Biannual Reporting by Existing Technician Certification Programs 182.00 $8,064.42 182.00 $7,292.74 - $771.68 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 30-day repair timeline 7.50 $332.33 10.00 $400.70 (2.50) -$68.38 Adjustment of figures to match assumptions described on page 28 of ICR ("EPA estimates the breakdown to be for 15 owners/operators seeking extensions to the 30-day leak repair requirement").
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs prepare & submit requests for extensions to 1 yr retrofit/retire timeline 2.50 $110.78 0.50 $20.04 2.00 $90.74 Adjustment of figures to match assumptions described on page 28 of ICR ("EPA estimates the breakdown to be … 5 owners/operators seeking extensions to the one-year retrofit requirement").
Recordkeeping Refrigerant Recovery/ Recycling Equipment Testing Organizations - Maintain records of refrigerant recovery/recycling equipment tested and its performance 0.25 $11.08 0.25 $10.02 - $1.06 Due to updated labor rates.
Maintenance of copies of signed statements of previous refrigerant recovery by disposal establishments 97,500.00 $4,320,225.00 97,500.00 $3,906,825.00 - $413,400.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Reclaimer recordkeeping 375.00 $16,616.25 306.25 $12,271.44 68.75 $4,344.81 The number of reclaimers increased from 49 to 60.
Refrigerant wholesalers recordkeeping for refrigerant sales, including maintenance of technician certification cards from purchasers employing at least one certified technician 165,000.00 $7,311,150.00 165,000.00 $6,611,550.00 - $699,600.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Record keeping by Existing Technician Certification Programs 455.00 $20,161.05 455.00 $18,231.85 - $1,929.20 Due to updated labor rates.
Technicians Aquiring Certification Cards 501.00 $22,199.31 - $0.00 501.00 $22,199.31 Activity was previously omitted in 2011 ICR and added to 2014 for completeness.
Technicians Maintaining Certification Cards 5,010.00 $221,993.10 5,010.00 $200,750.70 - $21,242.40 Due to updated labor rates.
Persons servicing appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs provide invoices to appliance owners/operators 512.50 $22,708.88 512.50 $20,535.88 - $2,173.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs maintain purchase and service records 512.50 $22,708.88 512.50 $20,535.88 - $2,173.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain information on purged/destroyed refrigerant 0.05 $2.22 0.05 $2.00 - $0.22 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Develop/Maintain plan to retire/replace or retrofit equipment, as applicable 40,000.00 $1,772,400.00 40,000.00 $1,602,800.00 - $169,600.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain information on the calculation of the full charge using a range, as applicable 5,000.00 $221,550.00 5,000.00 $200,350.00 - $21,200.00 Due to updated labor rates.
Owners/operators of appliances w/charge sizes >50 lbs - Maintain reports on the results of verification tests (IPR and in limited instances federally owned equipment) 2,500.63 $110,802.69 2,500.63 $100,200.04 - $10,602.65 Due to updated labor rates.

Total 320,536.93 $14,202,991.15 319,912.68 $12,818,900.90 624.25 $1,384,090.25

Percent Change

0.20% 10.80%
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