Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017)
Recruitment Materials for the 2016 Item Validation Field Test
OMB# 1850-0911 v.3
Appendix T - U: Student Rostering Forms and
Survey Items
National Center for Education Statistics
U.S. Department of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
Washington, DC
June 2015
Table of Contents
Page |
Appendix T. |
Student Rostering Forms |
1 |
Appendix U. |
U.1 |
Student Survey Specifications |
3 |
Demographics Booklet |
6 |
Booklet 1 |
12 |
Booklet 2 |
15 |
Booklet 3 |
43 |
U.2 |
Parent Survey Specifications |
74 |
U.3 |
Math Teacher Survey Specifications |
136 |
U.4 |
Special Education Teacher Survey Specifications |
187 |
U.5 |
School Administrator Survey Specifications |
268 |
Appendix T. Student Rostering Forms
Appendix T includes the student rostering two part form referenced in Appendix S.
Appendix T - Rostering Form, Part 1
Item Validation Field Test
Instructions: For each student currently enrolled in grades [5, 6, 7, and 8] in your school, please provide the below information.
Please be certain to include all children in each grade.
Last Name |
First Name |
Student ID number |
Date of birth MM/DD/YY |
Grade |
Gender |
Race and ethnicity |
IEP* |
Race (circle all that apply) |
Hispanic |
Does student have IEP? |
If yes to IEP, Disability Code(s) XX, XX, XX, … |
1. |
Male Female |
White Black or African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native |
Yes No |
Yes No |
2. |
Male Female |
White Black or African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native |
Yes No |
Yes No |
3. |
Male Female |
White Black or African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native |
Yes No |
Yes No |
… |
Male Female |
White Black or African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native |
Yes No |
Yes No |
*For Disability code, please circle the primary disability code.
NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002), 20 U.S. Code, § 9543. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/2018. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per row, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this information collection, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
Appendix T - Rostering Form, Part 2
Item Validation Field Test
Instructions: For each student specified below, please provide parent contact information, student’s math teacher, and if applicable student’s special education teacher(s).
Last Name |
First Name |
Student ID number |
Date of birth MM/DD/YY |
Grade |
Parent Contact information Name Address Home phone number Cell phone number E-mail address |
Student’s Math Teacher |
If applicable, student’s special education teacher(s) |
1. [Based on sample selection, these fields will be completed] |
2. [Based on sample selection, these fields will be completed] |
3. [Based on sample selection, these fields will be completed] |
… |
NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002), 20 U.S. Code, § 9543. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/2018. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per row, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this information collection, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) Student Questionnaire.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this survey, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
The collection of information in this survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002: 20 U.S. Code § 9543). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.
Survey Information
you for being part of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of
2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) field test.
We want to learn about
some of the things you may think or do. This survey asks about what
your school, friends, and home life are like, activities you do, and
how you think about yourself and school.
This survey is
voluntary and you can skip questions you do not want to answer.
Please click below to start the brief survey
Start the survey
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education is authorized to conduct MGLS 2017 by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (20 U.S. Code, Section 9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). |
How to complete the survey
Thank you very much for participating! Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.
To answer a question, follow the directions that appear on each screen.
Press the "Next" button to move forward.
Press the "Back" button to go back.
The "Save and Come Back Later" button can be used to save your responses and finish later (button is at the top right of each page).
To protect your data, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if the survey is idle for more than 30 minutes.
Now we have a few questions about your background.
We hope you will respond to each item, but if you do not wish to answer then you can skip it. In order to skip an item, simply press the "Next" button on that screen. If you do press the "Next" button without answering the question, a message will pop-up to make sure you meant to skip that question. If so, just click the "Continue" button next to that message and move on, but if not, please provide your response to the question you missed and then click the“Next” button.
[IF IDLE MORE THAN 30 MINUTES] You have timed out of the survey. Your answers have been saved. Please enter your Login ID and password to continue the survey.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
[IF STUDENT ATTEMPTS TO LOGIN TO A COMPLETED SURVEY] Our records indicate that you have finished your survey. Thank you for your participation, you do not need to login again. If this is not right or if you have a question, please raise your hand and a study staff will be right with you.
[IF STUDENT RETURNING TO ONLINE SURVEY FOR SECOND OR HIGHER ORDER TIME] Welcome back! Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please enter your Login ID and password, and the survey will begin where you left off. All your prior answers have already been saved.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
Demographics Booklet
AA01. What is your birth date?
Month Day Year
(January-December) (1-31) (2000-2009)
SOFT CHECK: IF AA01=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF MONTH = 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, OR 12, DAY CAN BE 1-31. IF MONTH = 2, DAY CAN BE 1-28 [EXCEPT FOR IF YEAR= 2000, 2004 OR 2008, DAY CAN BE 1-29]. IF MONTH = 4, 6, 9, 11, DAY CAN BE 1-30. IF AA01= OUT OF RANGE: Please review the birth date you selected to make sure that it is correct. |
AA02. What is your sex?
Select the one that best describes you.
Male 1 AA03
Female 2 AA03
SOFT CHECK: IF AA02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
AA03. Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latina?
Select the one that best describes you.
Yes 1 AA04
No 0 AA05
SOFT CHECK: IF AA03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX AA03 HYPER LINK the WORDS “Hispanic or Latino/Latina” for AA03 QUESTION TEXT: Hispanic or Latino/Latina: a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish cultures or origin (or descent), regardless of race. |
aa03=1 |
AA04. Which of the following best describes you?
Select all that apply
Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano 1 AA05
Cuban 2 AA05
Dominican 3 AA05
Puerto Rican 4 AA05
Central American such as Guatemalan, Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Panamanian, or Honduran 5 AA05
South American such as Colombian, Argentine, or Peruvian 6 AA05
Other Hispanic or Latino/Latina 99 AA05
Specify (STRING (50))
SOFT CHECK: IF AA04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF AA04=99 AND AA04_SPEC UNANSWERED Please specify which other Hispanic or Latino/Latina category best describes you. |
AA05. Which of the following best describes your race?
Select all that apply
White 1 AA07
Black or African American 2 AA07
Asian 3 AA06
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 4 AA07
American Indian or Alaska Native 5 AA07
SOFT CHECK: IF AA05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX AA05 Hyperlink each of the response options of aa05 with each hyperlink containing only its corresponding definition: White:
a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe,
the Middle East, or North Africa. |
AA05=3 |
AA06. Which of the following best describes you?
Select all that apply
Asian Indian 1 AA07
Chinese 2 AA07
Filipino 3 AA07
Japanese 4 AA07
Korean 5 AA07
Vietnamese 6 AA07
Other: 99 AA07
Specify (STRING 50)
SOFT CHECK: IF AA06= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF AA06=99 AND AA06_SPEC UNANSWERED: Please specify which other Asian race category best describes you. |
AA07. Now we have a few questions about your grades in different subjects.
AA07 What was your grade during the last grading period in…
Select one answer for each row |
A |
B |
C |
D |
F |
This class is ungraded or uses alternative grading |
a. English/Language arts? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Mathematics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Science? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Social studies? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF AA07= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
IF BOOKLET=4,5,6 OR GRADE=5 AND AA01-AA07 has any missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to end1 |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the student back to item]
END1. You are done with this part of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!
Press “Submit” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX IF BOOKLET=4,5,6 OR GRADE=5, PROGRAM A “Submit” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
Booklet 1: Version 1.0:
Theories of Intelligence
The next set of questions asks for your opinion about different things, so there are no right or wrong answers.
Let’s get started.
booklet=1 |
E06_B1. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. You have a certain amount of intelligence and you can’t really do much to change it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Your intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. No matter who you are, you can significantly change your intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. You can always substantially change your intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E06_B1=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
IF BOOKLET=1 AND E06_B1 has any missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to end1 |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the student back to item]
END1. You are done with this part of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!
Press “Submit” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX IF BOOKLET=1, PROGRAM A “Submit” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
Booklet 2: Versions 2.1 and 2.2
Next we are interested in learning about what your school, friends, and home life are like, activities that you do, and how you think about yourself and school.
These questions ask for your opinion so there are no right or wrong answers. This is your chance to tell us about you.
Let’s get started.
booklet=2 |
A01. First are some questions about things that may happen at school.
How many times did the following happen in the last month?
Select one answer for each row |
0 times |
1 or 2 times |
3 to 6 times |
7 to 9 times |
10 to 12 times |
13 or more times |
a. I was tardy for school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. I cut or skipped class. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A01=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
A02. How often does the following happen at your school?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. I feel like a real part of my school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. People notice when I’m good at something. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Other students take my opinions seriously. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. People are friendly to me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. I’m included in lots of activities. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
A06. The next questions are about the students at your school.
How often did the following happen at your school in the last month?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Physical conflicts (fights) among students. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Students bullied other students. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Students yelled and screamed at the teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Students physically attacked teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Students used alcohol. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Students used drugs. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Students brought in weapons. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A06= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
A07. During the school year, how often have other students…
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Teased you, made fun of you, or called you names? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Told lies or untrue stories about you? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Pushed, shoved, slapped, hit, or kicked you? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Left you out when they were hanging out, sitting together, or doing other activities? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A07= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
C01. The next questions are about your classmates this school year. Please think only about the students who are in your classes.
How often are the following statements true?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. My classmates think it is important to be my friend. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. My classmates like me the way I am. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. My classmates care about my feelings. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. My classmates like me as much as they like others. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. My classmates really care about me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF C01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
C02. Next are a few questions about people your age who you hang out with, including people you know from school or from somewhere else.
Of the people your age who you hang out with, how important is it to them that they...
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all important |
A little bit important |
Somewhat important |
Important |
Very important |
a. Attend classes regularly? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Get good grades? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Work hard in school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF C02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
C03. Of the people your age who you hang out with, how many...
Select one answer for each row |
None |
Some |
About half |
Most |
All or almost all |
a. Are members of a gang? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Have ever used a weapon in a fight? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Have ever stolen things? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Have ever hit someone, trying to seriously hurt them? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Have ever damaged property that didn’t belong to them on purpose? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Have been suspended from school at least once this year? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Have skipped school at least once this year? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF C03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=2 |
C04. Of the people your age who you hang out with, how many have ever pressured you to…
Select one answer for each row |
None |
Some |
About half |
Most |
All or almost all |
a. Try cigarettes? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Try e-cigarettes or vaping? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Try marijuana or other drugs? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Drink beer, wine, or liquor? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Skip school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Commit a crime or do something violent? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF C04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet = 2 & version = 2.2 |
D01. Next are a few questions about your health.
In the last month, how often…
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Did you have a headache? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Did you have aches, pains, or soreness in your muscles or joints? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Did you have a stomachache? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Did you wake up feeling tired? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Did you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF D01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet = 2 & version = 2.2 |
D02. What time do you usually go to sleep on school nights?
SOFT CHECK: IF 5:00AM-4:00PM; Please check that this is the time when you usually go to bed on school nights to make sure that it is correct. |
SOFT CHECK: IF D02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX D02 DISPLAY hours in dropdown menu in 1 hour intervals ranging 1-12 for Hour DISPLAY MINUTES IN DROPDOWN MENU IN 5 MINUTE INTERVALS ranging 00-55 for minute display “AM” and “pm” response options in dropdown menu for am/pm insert “:” between hour and minute dropdown boxes |
hyperlink text for D02 QUESTION TEXT:
If you don’t have a usual time that you go to sleep on school nights, please select the time when you most often go to sleep on school nights.
booklet = 2 & version = 2.2 |
D03. What time do you usually wake up on school days?
SOFT CHECK: IF 11:00AM-3:00AM; Please check that this is the time when you usually wake up on school days to make sure that it is correct. |
SOFT CHECK: IF D03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX D03 DISPLAY hours in dropdown menu in 1 hour intervals ranging 1-12 for Hour DISPLAY MINUTES IN DROPDOWN MENU IN 5 MINUTE INTERVALS ranging 00-55 for minute display “AM” and “pm” response options in dropdown menu for am/pm insert “:” between hour and minute dropdown boxes |
hyperlink text for D03 QUESTION TEXT:
If you don’t have a usual time that you wake up on school days, please select the time when you most often wake up on school days.
booklet=2 |
E01. Now we’d like to know a little more about what you think and how you behave.
How often are the following statements true for you?
I see myself as someone who...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. Does things carefully and completely. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Can be somewhat careless. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Is a reliable worker. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Tends to be disorganized. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Tends to be lazy. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. Keeps working until things are done |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
g. Does things efficiently (quickly and correctly). |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
h. Makes plans and sticks to them. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
i. Is easily distracted. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
j. Has trouble paying attention. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
E02. How often are the following statements true for you?
Select one answer for each row |
None of the time |
A little of the time |
Some of the time |
A lot of the time |
Most of the time |
All of the time |
a. I think I am doing pretty well. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are most important to me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. I am doing just as well as other people my age. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. When I have a problem, I can come up with lots of ways to solve it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. I think the things I have done in the past will help me in the future. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. Even when others want me to quit, I know that I can find ways to solve the problem. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
E06_B2. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. You have a certain amount of intelligence and you can’t really do much to change it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Your intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. No matter who you are, you can significantly change your intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. You can always substantially change your intelligence. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E06_B2= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
E07. How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very true |
a. When I become confused about something I’m learning at school, I go back and try to figure it out. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I work my hardest to learn at school, even if I do not like the subject. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. When something I’m studying at school is difficult, I spend extra time and effort until I understand it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Even if it is boring, I try to learn as much as I can about what I am studying. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E07= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=2 |
E08. Now we’d like you to tell us about how you’ve been feeling during the past week.
How often in the past week have you...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very Often |
a. Felt bothered by things that usually don't bother you? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Felt like not eating; your appetite was poor? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Felt that you could not shake off the blues even with help from your family or friends? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Felt that you had trouble keeping your mind on what you were doing? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Felt depressed? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Felt that everything you did was an effort? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Felt fearful? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
h. Felt that your sleep was restless? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
i. Felt that you talked less than usual? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
j. Felt lonely? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
k. Felt sad? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
l. Felt that you could not get going? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E08= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
hyperlink text for E08c QUESTION TEXT:
Not being able to “shake off the blues” refers to feeling unhappy, gloomy, or in a bad mood. |
booklet=2 & version =2.2 |
E09. How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very true |
a. I like to explore strange places. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I like to do frightening things. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. I like new and exciting experiences, even if I have to break the rules. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. I prefer friends who are exciting and unpredictable. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E09= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet = 2 |
E10a. Imagine that this ladder represents how American society is set up.
- At the top of the ladder are the people who are the best off--they have the most money, the most education, and the most respected jobs.
- At the bottom are the people who are the worst off--they have the least money, the least education, and the least respected jobs.
Now think about your family. Where would your family be on this ladder?
Select the place on the ladder that best represents where your family would be.
Select one only
1 (top of the ladder) 1 E10b
2 2 E10b
3 3 E10b
4 4 E10b
5 5 E10b
6 6 E10b
7 7 E10b
8 8 E10b
9 9 E10b
10 (bottom of the ladder) 10 E10b
SOFT CHECK: IF E10a= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet = 2 |
E10b. Now imagine the ladder represents how your school is set up.
- At the top of the ladder are the students in your school who have the most respect, receive the highest grades, and are the most popular.
- At the bottom are the students who have the least respect, receive the worst grades, and are the least popular.
Where would you place yourself on this ladder?
Select the place on the ladder that best represents where you would be.
Select one only
1 (top of the ladder) 1 E11
2 2 E11
3 3 E11
4 4 E11
5 5 E11
6 6 E11
7 7 E11
8 8 E11
9 9 E11
10 (bottom of the ladder) 10 E11
SOFT CHECK: IF E10b= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
E11. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. You feel close to others who share your race/ethnicity. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Other people judge you based on your race/ethnicity. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. You get in fights with other people because of your race/ethnicity. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. People do not want to hang out with you because of your race/ethnicity. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E11= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
E12. How would you describe your gender?
Select all that apply
Male 1 G01
Female 2 G01
Transgender 3 G01
Other 99 G01
Specify (STRING 50)
SOFT CHECK: IF E12= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF E12=99 AND E12_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in how you would describe your gender. |
booklet=2 & version=2.1 & grade=7,8 |
G01. Next we are going to ask you a few questions about what you want in the future.
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
When I become an adult, it will be important for me to...
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. Be successful in the job I have. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Find the right person to be with and have a happy life together. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Have lots of money. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Have strong friendships. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Help other people in my community. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. Have a good education. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF G01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 |
IF (booklet=2 & version=2.2) OR (BOOKLET=2 & VERSION=2.1 & GRADE=6) FILL Next we are going to ask you a few questions about what you want in the future. |
G02. [FILL]
As things stand now, how far in school do you think you will go?
Select one only
Won’t finish high school 1 G03
Will graduate from high school, but won’t go any further 2 G03
Will go to a technical or trade school after high school 3 G03
Will attend college 4 G03
Will graduate from college 5 G03
Will attend a higher level of school after graduating from college 6 G03
Don’t know 7 G03
SOFT CHECK: IF G02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Examples of technical or trade school include automotives, culinary/food industry, electrical work, carpentry, graphic design, fashion, and information technology.
Examples of a higher level of school after graduating from college inlcude masters, law, medical, or PhD degrees.
If you are deciding between two response options, please select the one that you think you have a better chance of doing rather than selecting “Don’t know.” |
booklet=2 |
G03. How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very True |
a. I will graduate from high school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I will go to college. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF G03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=2 & version = 2.1 ELSE GO TO END1 |
G04. Finally, we have a few questions about conversations you may have had with a parent, teacher, or someone else.
Since the beginning of this school year, have you talked with any of the following people about what math courses to take next year?
Select all that apply
My mother or female guardian 1 G05
My father or male guardian 2 G05
My friends 3 G05
A teacher 4 G05
A school counselor 5 G05
I have talked to someone else 99 G05
Specify (STRING 50)
I have not talked to anyone about this 6 G05
SOFT CHECK: IF G04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G04=6 AND ANOTHER RESPONSE; You selected that you have not talked to anyone about what math courses to take next year and another response option. Please select either “I have not talked to anyone about this” or the other response, but not both. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G04=99 AND G04_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in who else you talked to about what math courses to take next year. |
booklet=2 & version = 2.1 |
G05. Since the beginning of this school year, have you talked with any of the following people about going to college?
Select all that apply
My mother or female guardian 1 G06
My father or male guardian 2 G06
My friends 3 G06
A teacher 4 G06
A school counselor 5 G06
I have talked to someone else 99 G06
Specify (STRING 50)
I have not talked to anyone about this 6 G06
SOFT CHECK: IF G05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G05=6 AND ANOTHER RESPONSE; You selected that you have not talked to anyone about going to college and another response option. Please select either “I have not talked to anyone about this” or the other response, but not both. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G05=99 AND G05_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in who else you talked to about going to college. |
booklet=2 & version = 2.1 & Grade=8 ELSE GO TO END1 |
G06. Since the beginning of this school year, have you talked with any of the following people about possible jobs or careers when you are an adult?
Select all that apply
My mother or female guardian 1 CHECK1
My father or male guardian 2 CHECK1
My friends 3 CHECK1
A teacher 4 CHECK1
A school counselor 5 CHECK1
I have talked to someone else 99 CHECK1
Specify (STRING 50)
I have not talked to anyone about this 6 CHECK1
SOFT CHECK: IF G06= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G06=6 AND ANOTHER RESPONSE; You selected that you have not talked to anyone about possible jobs or careers when you are an adult and another response option. Please select either “I have not talked to anyone about this” or the other response, but not both. |
SOFT CHECK: IF G06=99 AND G06_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in who else you talked to about possible jobs or careers when you are an adult. |
IF BOOKLET=2 AND any missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to end1 |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the student back to item]
END1. You are done with this part of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!
Press “Submit” to finish.
Booklet 3: Versions 3.1 and 3.2
Next we are interested in learning about what your school, friends, and home life are like, activities that you do, and how you think about yourself and school.
These questions ask for your opinion so there are no right or wrong answers. This is your chance to tell us about you.
Let’s get started.
booklet=3 |
A03. First are some questions about things that may happen at school.
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your school?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. Students get along well with teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Students have friends of races/ethnicities different than their own. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. I feel safe at this school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Disruptions by other students get in the way of my learning. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. The school rules are fair. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. The punishment for breaking school rules is the same no matter who you are. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
g. The school rules are strictly enforced. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
h. Students get along well with other students. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
i. Students are treated differently at school because of their race/ethnicity. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
j. I feel comfortable to be myself at school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A03=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=3 |
A04. Now we’d like to know about teachers at your school. For these questions, think about all the teachers at your school, even if you don’t have a class with that teacher.
How often do the teachers at your school do the following?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. Teachers praise students’ efforts when they work hard. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Teachers want students to get good grades. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Teachers put down students in class. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Teachers expect students to do their best. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Teachers expect everyone to work hard. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. Teachers encourage students to consider different solutions or points of view. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
g. Teachers want students to become better thinkers, not just memorize things. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=3 |
A05. Now we want you to answer these questions thinking only about teachers that you have class with.
How often does the following happen with your teachers?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. I get along well with my teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. My teachers listen to what I have to say. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. If I need extra help, I receive it from my teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. My teachers treat me fairly. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. My teachers care about my feelings. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF A05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=3 & Version = 3.2 |
B01. The next few questions are about activities you do at school.
Have you participated in the following school-sponsored activities at any time during this school year?
Select one answer for each row |
Did not participate |
Participated |
Participated as an officer, leader, or captain |
a. School sports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
b. Math or science clubs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
c. Other school clubs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
d. Performing arts |
1 |
2 |
3 |
e. Student government |
1 |
2 |
3 |
f. School yearbook, newspaper, or literary magazine |
1 |
2 |
3 |
g. Other school-sponsored activities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
(STRING 100)
SOFT CHECK: IF B01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
IF B01g = 2 OR 3 NEW NEXT APPEARS: Please list the other school-sponsored activity that you participated in. If more than one, please list all activities here. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B01g = 2 OR 3 AND B01g_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other activities you do at school. |
PROGRAMMER BOX B01 please make the phrase “Participated as an officer, leader, or captain” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT:
If you participated in multiple activities, select ”Participated as an officer, leader, or captain” if you were the officer, leader, or captain for at least one of those activities.
please make the phrase “School sports” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT:
School sports include, for example, basketball, baseball, football, soccer, track/field, cheerleading, and tennis.
please make the phrase “math or science clubs” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT:
Math or science clubs include, for example, math, robotics, science bowl, or chess.
please make the phrase “other school clubs” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT:
Other school clubs include, for example, academic clubs, hobby clubs, service clubs, technical/trade education clubs, social justice/support networks, gaming, animation/drawing, yoga or martial arts.
please make the phrase “performing arts” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT:
Performing arts include, for example, band, orchestra, chorus, choir, school play, or musical.
PLEASE MAKE THE PHRASE “Other activities you do at school” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: If there are other school-sponsored activities that you have participated in that were not previously mentioned, please select “Participated” or “Participated as an officer, leader, or captain” (if you were an officer, leader, or captain for any of those activities). On the next screen, you will be asked to type in what those activities are.
If there are no other school activities that you participate in, please select “Did not participate”.
booklet=3 & version = 3.2 |
B02. The next questions ask about the activities you might do outside of school.
How often do you spend time…
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Less than once a week |
Once or twice a week |
Every day or almost every day |
a. Working on hobbies, arts, crafts, or playing a musical instrument outside of school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Taking music, art, foreign language, or dance lessons outside of school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Playing organized non-school sports? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Participating in a religious club or group? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Participating in a non-school, non-religious organized group activity? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Doing other activities outside of school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
(STRING 100)
SOFT CHECK: IF B02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
IF B02f = 2 OR 3 NEW NEXT APPEARS: Please list the other activity that you do outside of school. If more than one, please list all activities here. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B02f > 1 AND B02f_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other activities you do outside of school. |
PROGRAMMER BOX B02 PLEASE MAKe the text in the question stem “Do outside of school” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By outside of school we mean activities that you do, for example, local volunteering, community sports leagues or dance groups that are not sponsored by the school.
PLEASE MAKe the row header “organized non-school sports” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By organized non-school sports we mean, for example, Little League baseball/softball, community basketball, Pop Warner football, club soccer, gymnastics, or martial arts that are not sponsored by the school.
PLEASE MAKe the row header “non-school, non-religious activity” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By non-school, non-religious activity we mean, for example, scouts, 4-H, volunteer group, community outreach, or Big Brothers/Big Sisters that are not sponsored by the school.
PLEASE MAKe response option f “Doing other activities outside of school” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: If there are other activities outside of school that you participate in that were not previously mentioned, please select how often you do those activities. On the next screen, you will be asked to type in what those activities are.
If there are no other activities outside of school that you participate in, please select “Never”. |
booklet=3 |
B03. The next questions ask about how you spend your free time.
For the next questions think of a typical weekday in the last month. How many hours per day did you spend doing the following on a typical weekday?
Select one answer for each row |
Less than 1 hour |
1 to 2 hours |
2 to 3 hours |
3 to 4 hours |
4 to 5 hours |
5 or more hours |
a. Hanging out or socializing with your friends in person after school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Working on homework and studying for class in school or after school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF B03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
B04. Some people your age get paid for work they do.
Have you ever been paid to do the following?
(Do not include chores, helping around the house, or an allowance you might receive.)
Select all that apply
Lawn work 1 B05
Waiter/waitress, dishwasher, or cleaning tables 2 B05
Newspaper route 3 B05
Babysitting or child care 4 B05
Petsitting 5 B05
Farm or agricultural work 6 B05
Other manual labor 7 B05
Store clerk, salesperson 8 B05
Office or clerical work 9 B05
Other work you do for pay 99 B05
Specify (STRING 100)
I have not done any work for pay………..............................................................10 B05
SOFT CHECK: IF B04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B04=10 AND ANOTHER RESPONSE; You selected that you have not done any work for pay and another response option. Please select either “I have not done any work for pay” or the other response, but not both. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B04=99 AND B04_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other work you do for pay. |
Booklet=3 |
B05. The next questions ask about the activities you might do with technology.
For these questions, please enter hours in whole numbers (e.g., 1, 2, or 3) and if you spend less than an hour, please answer using minutes (note: 30 minutes = ½ hour; 60 minutes = 1 hour). Please enter “0” if you do not spend any time on the listed activity.
How much time per day do you spend…
On a typical weekday: |
On a typical weekend day: |
a. Watching movies or TV shows on live TV, DVR, on demand, or through a website or streaming service (such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, or HBO Go)? |
b. Watching shorter video clips for fun on YouTube, Vine, or other sites? |
c. Looking up information online for schoolwork (for example, using Google, Wikipedia, or other sites)? |
d. Looking up information online for your own interests (for example, using Google, Reddit, Tumblr, or other sites)? |
e. Listening to music through music downloading or streaming services (such as iTunes, iTube, SoundCloud, Google Play, or Pandora)? |
f. Playing on a gaming system (such as X-Box or Wii), computer, or apps on your phone or tablet? |
g. Video chatting with friends through programs like Facetime, OoVoo, or Skype? |
h. Messaging with friends using texting, KIK, iMessage, Snapchat, or some other app? |
i. Looking at or commenting on other people's profiles, photos, updates, or posts on social media sites (such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Ask.fm)? |
j. Doing some other activity using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device? |
100) |
SOFT CHECK: IF B05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: B05a_wk through B05j_wk > 24 NUMBER OF HOURS/MINUTES CANNOT NUMBER OF HOURS IN THE DAY You entered a value that is greater than the number of hours in the day. Please correct your answer. |
HARD CHECK: B05a_wknd through B05j_wknd > 24 NUMBER OF HOURS/MINUTES CANNOT NUMBER OF HOURS IN THE DAY You entered a value that is greater than the number of hours in the day. Please correct your answer. |
SOFT CHECK: SUM OF B05a_wk through B05j_wk HOURS>24.00: Your responses sum to more than 24 hours. Please confirm your responses are correct. |
HARD CHECK: SUM OF B05a_wknd through B05j_wknd HOURS>24.00: Your responses sum to more than 24 hours. Please confirm your responses are correct. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B05j_wk OR B05j_wknd ANSWERED & NE 0 AND B05j_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other activity you do using a computer, tablet, phone or similar device. |
PROGRAMMER display BOX B05 Do not allow non-numeric response for this item (i.e., alphabetic or symbol responses).
Range of hours can be 0-24. range of minutes can be 0-99. Please display B05a-e on one screen, and B05f-j on the next screen also DISPLAYING THE QUESTION TEXT “How much time per day do you spend…” ON THE NEXT SCREEN SCREEN. |
PROGRAMMER BOX B05j PLEASE MAKE THE row header “Doing some other activity using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: If there is another activity you do using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device, please enter how much time you spend doing that activity on a typical weekday and weekend day, then hit “Next”. On the next screen you will be asked to type in what that other activity is. If there are no other activities you do using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device, please enter 0 minutes on a typical weekday and weekend day. |
Booklet=3 |
On a typical weekday: |
On a typical weekend day: |
How many times per day do you post photos or updates on social media sites (such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Ask.fm)? |
SOFT CHECK: B06_wk > 99 NUMBER OF POSTS/UPDATES MIGHT BE TOO HIGH You entered [B06_wk] as the number of times per day on a typical weekday that you post photos or updates on social media sites. Is that correct? |
SOFT CHECK: B06_wknd > 99 NUMBER OF POSTS/UPDATES MIGHT BE TOO HIGH You entered [B06_wknd] as the number of times per day on a typical weekend day that you post photos or updates on social media sites. Is that correct? |
SOFT CHECK: IF B06= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER display BOX B06 Only allow number entry |
Booklet=3 |
On a typical weekday: |
On a typical weekend day: |
How many e-mails do you send per day to friends, family members, teachers or others? |
SOFT CHECK: B07_wk > 99 NUMBER OF EMAILS MIGHT BE TOO HIGH You entered [B07_wk] as the number of emails per day on a typical weekday that you send to friends, family members, teachers or others. Is that correct? |
SOFT CHECK: B07_wknd > 99 NUMBER OF EMAILS MIGHT BE TOO HIGH You entered [B07_wknd] as the number of emails per day on a typical weekend day that you send to friends, family members, teachers or others. Is that correct? |
SOFT CHECK: IF B07= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER SKIP BOX B07 if b07_wk=0 and b07_wknd=0 go to B07a else go to b08 |
PROGRAMMER display BOX B07 Only allow number entry |
Booklet=3 & B07_wk=0 & B07_wknd=0 |
B07a. Do you ever send emails to friends, family members, teachers or others?
Select one only
Yes 1 B08
No 0 B08
SOFT CHECK: IF B07a= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
On a typical weekday: |
On a typical weekend day: |
How much time per day do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for any type of activity? Your best guess is fine. |
HARD CHECK: B08_wk HOURS>24.00: You entered more than 24 hours for the amount of time per day on a typical weekday you spend using all electronic devices. Please correct your answer. |
HARD CHECK: B08_wknd HOURS>24.00: You entered more than 24 hours for the amount of time per day on a typical weekend day you spend using all electronic devices. Please correct your answer. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B08= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER display BOX B08 Range of hours can be 0-24. range of minutes can be 0-99. |
Booklet=3 |
B09. Below is a list of talents, interests, or hobbies that students your age are sometimes excited about. Please select the talents, interests, or hobbies that are very important to you. If you do not see yours listed, select the "Other talents, interests, or hobbies" option and type in that talent, interest, or hobby on the next screen.
What talents, interests, or hobbies are you excited about?
Select all that apply
Math or science 1 B10
Writing or reading 2 B10
Computers or electronics 3 B10
Team sports or athletics (baseball, basketball, football, gymnastics, volleyball, etc.) 4 B10
Physical activities (biking, running, martial arts, skateboarding, ice skating etc.) 5 B10
Dance 6 B10
Music 7 B10
Singing or choir 8 B10
Art 9 B10
Drama 10 B10
Volunteering, service, or activism 11 B10
Being in nature, caring for animals, or participating in outdoor recreation 12 B10
Doing construction, architecture, mechanics, or engineering 13 B10
Collecting (trading cards, stamps, models, etc.) 14 B10
Cooking or baking 15 B10
Other talents, interests, or hobbies 99 B10
Specify (STRING 100)
I don’t have any talents, interests, or hobbies that I am excited about ……..……16 B13
SOFT CHECK: IF B09= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B09=16 AND ANOTHER RESPONSE; You selected that you do not have any talents, interests, or hobbies that you are excited about and another response option. Please select either “I don’t have any talents, interests, or hobbies that I am excited about” or the other response, but not both. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B09=99 AND B09_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other talents, interests, or hobbies you are excited about. |
Booklet=3 & B09=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,99 |
ONLY DISPLAY THE ITEMS SELECTED IN B09 (1-99) If B09=99, load B09_SPEC into B10_99 |
B10. Among the talents, interests, or hobbies you selected, which are you the most excited about?
Select only one
Math or science 1 B11
Writing or reading 2 B11
Computers or electronics 3 B11
Team sports or athletics (baseball, basketball, football, gymnastics, volleyball, etc.) 4 B11
Physical activities (biking, running, martial arts, skateboarding, ice skating etc.) 5 B11
Dance 6 B11
Music 7 B11
Singing or choir 8 B11
Art 9 B11
Drama 10 B11
Volunteering, service, or activism 11 B11
Being in nature, caring for animals, or participating in outdoor recreation 12 B11
Doing construction, architecture, mechanics, or engineering 13 B11
Collecting (trading cards, stamps, models, etc.) 14 B11
Cooking or baking 15 B11
Other talents, interests, or hobbies: [B09_SPEC] 99 B11
SOFT CHECK: IF B10= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER display BOX B10 If B09=99, display b09_spec in response options for b10 |
Booklet=3 |
B11. Do you have a parent, mentor, friend, or other adult who has done something to help you get better at the talents, interests, or hobbies you are excited about?
Select only one
Yes 1 B12
No 0 B13
SOFT CHECK: IF B11= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
booklet=3 & B11=1 |
B12. Who has done something to help you get better at the talents, interests, or hobbies you are excited about?
Select all that apply
My mother or female guardian 1 B13
My father or male guardian 2 B13
My sister or brother 3 B13
My grandmother or grandfather 4 B13
My aunt or uncle 5 B13
My friend 6 B13
My teacher 7 B13
Other adult, not related to me 8 B13
Someone else 99 B13
Specify (STRING 50)
SOFT CHECK: IF B12= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF B12=99 AND B12_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what other person has done something to help you get better at the talents, interests, or hobbies you are excited about. |
Booklet=3 |
B13. Some people your age have pets at home, like a dog, cat, fish, or something else.
Do you have a pet at home?
Select one only
Yes 1 B14
No 0 E03
SOFT CHECK: IF B13= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & B13=1 |
B14. Thinking about your pet, or your favorite pet if you have several.
How long have you had this pet?
Select one only
Less than one year 1 B15
1–5 years 2 B15
6–10 years 3 B15
More than 10 years 4 B15
SOFT CHECK: IF B14= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & B13=1 |
B15. Thinking about your pet, or your favorite pet if you have several.
How often do you have your pet near you when you do homework, study, read, or watch TV?
Select one only
Never 1 B16
Rarely 2 B16
Sometimes 3 B16
Often 4 B16
Very often 5 B16
SOFT CHECK: IF B15= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & B13=1 |
B16. Thinking about your pet, or your favorite pet if you have several.
When you feel bad or sad, how often do you go to your pet to help you feel better?
Select one only
Never 1 B17
Rarely 2 B17
Sometimes 3 B17
Often 4 B17
Very often 5 B17
SOFT CHECK: IF B16= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & B13=1 |
B17. Thinking about your pet, or your favorite pet if you have several.
Do you consider your pet to be a member of your family?
Select one only
Yes, always 1 E03
Yes, sometimes 2 E03
No 3 E03
I’m not sure 4 E03
SOFT CHECK: IF B17= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
E03. Next are some questions about how you may feel about math. There are no right or wrong answers.
How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very True |
a. I am certain I can learn everything taught in math. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I am sure I can do even the most difficult homework problems in math. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. I am confident I can do all the work in math class if I don’t give up. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. I am confident I can do even the hardest work in my math class. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
E04. How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very True |
a. Math will be useful for me later in life. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Math helps me in my daily life outside of school. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Being someone who is good at math is important to me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. I enjoy doing math. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
E05. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Slightly agree |
Slightly disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. You have a certain amount of math ability, and you can’t really do much to change it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Your math ability is something about you that you can’t change very much. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. No matter who you are, you can significantly change your math ability. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your math ability. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. You can always substantially change your math ability. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. No matter how good you are at math, you can always change it quite a bit. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF E05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
F01. Next are some questions about your family and home life.
How often do your parents/guardians do the following things when you receive good grades in school?
When I get good grades my parents/guardians...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Give me a reward, like a present or gift. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Give me money or increase my allowance. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Take me to some place special, like out to dinner, a movie, or an amusement park. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Give me more opportunities to make decisions for myself. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Encourage me to try harder. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Are less strict with me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Tell me I am a good student. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
h. Tell me they are proud of me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
i. Say I should have done even better. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
j. Do something else when I get good grades |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
(STRING 100)
SOFT CHECK: IF F01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF F01j=2,3,4,5 AND F01j_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what else your parents or guardians do when you get good grades. |
PROGRAMMER BOX f01j PLEASE MAKE THE ROW header “Do something else when I get good grades” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: If there is something else your parents or guardians do when you get a good grade, please select how often they do it and click “Next”. On the next screen, you will be asked to type in what that other thing is that they do when you get a good grade. If there are no other things your parents or guardians do when you get a good grade, please select ”Never”. |
Booklet=3 |
F02. How often do your parents/guardians do the following things when you receive bad grades in school?
When I get bad grades my parents/guardians...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Reduce my allowance. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Give me fewer opportunities to make decisions for myself. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Are more strict with me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Punish or ground me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Encourage me to try harder. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Offer me a reward, such as money or a present, if I do better next time. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Make me feel bad. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
h. Offer to help me with my school work. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
i. Offer to find me a tutor. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
j. Do something else when I get bad grades |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
(STRING 100)
SOFT CHECK: IF F02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF F02j=2,3,4,5 AND F02_SPEC UNANSWERED Please type in what else your parents or guardians do when you get bad grades. |
PROGRAMMER BOX f02j PLEASE MAKE THE row header “Do something else when I get bad grades” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: If there is something else your parents or guardians do when you get a bad grade, please select how often they do it and click “Next”. On the next screen, you will be asked to type in what that other thing is that they do when you get a bad grade. If there are no other things your parents or guardians do when you get a bad grade, please select ”Never”. |
Booklet=3 & Version = 3.1 |
F03. How often do your parents/guardians...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. Tell you that they are right and that you should not question them? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Respect your privacy? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Give you a lot of freedom? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Make most of the decisions about what you can do? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Believe you have a right to your own point of view? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF F03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & Version = 3.1 |
F04. How often do your parents/guardians...
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. Know what you do during your free time? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Know how much homework you have? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Know what you spend your money on? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Know when you have an exam or paper due at school? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Know what your school grades are? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF F04= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 & Version = 3.1 |
F05. How often do you…
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
a. Tell your parents/guardians about your friends without them asking (for example, which friends you hang out with and how your friends feel about various things)? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Tell your parents/guardians about school without them asking (for example, how each subject is going or your relationships with teachers)? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Keep a lot of secrets from your parents/guardians about what you do during your free time? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF F05= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
Booklet=3 |
F06. The next questions are about where you live.
How true are the following statements for you?
Select one answer for each row |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very True |
a. There are a lot of adults in my neighborhood who I want to be like when I grow up. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I want to get away from my neighborhood as soon as I can. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. I can count on people in my neighborhood to help me if I need it. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. I feel very safe walking and playing in my neighborhood. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF F06= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
IF BOOKLET=3 AND any missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to end1 |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the student back to item]
END1. You are done with this part of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!
Press “Submit” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX IF BOOKLET=3, PROGRAM A “Submit” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) Parent Questionnaire.
Please refer to the instructions you received in your survey invitation letter to find your login ID and password. To begin the survey, enter your login ID and password in the fields below, and then click NEXT. If you do not have your login ID and password, please call First Last at 1-888-xxx-xxxx, or email us at [email protected].
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this survey, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
The collection of information in this survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002: 20 U.S. Code § 9543). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.
Thank you for allowing your child to participate in the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) field test. This will help us learn about children’s development during an important time in their lives.
We also want to learn about family and school experiences that shape children’s development. This is where we need your help. This survey should be filled out by the parent or guardian in this household who knows the most about the child’s development, schooling, and home life. Your answers are very important to the study’s success and we hope you will complete the survey. This survey is voluntary and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. [You will receive a ($20/$40) gift card for completing this survey.]
Please click “Next” button below.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education is authorized to conduct MGLS 2017 by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (20 U.S. Code, Section 9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573).
A01c. Thank you very much for participating! Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.
• To answer a question, click the box to choose your response.
• Press the "Next" button to move forward.
• Press the "Back" button to go back.
• The "Save and Come Back Later" button can be used to save your responses and finish later (button is at the bottom of each page).
• To protect your data, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.
Please click “Next” to begin.
Yes 1 A03
No 0 A03
A03. Are you the parent, guardian, or person in this household who knows the most about {CFNAME}'s development, schooling, and home life?
Yes 1 A04a
No 0 A04a
ASK IF A02=1 and A03=1 |
A04a. Is the spelling of your full name correct?
“Make corrections to name below or press enter to accept
first/middle/last name.”}
“Current Info:
1 First name: [___________________]
2 Middle name: [_________________ ]
3 Last name: [___________________ ]
ASK IF A02=2 and A03=1 |
A04b. Please enter your full name.
“Enter name below.”}
“Current Info:
1 First name: [___________________]
2 Middle name: [_________________ ]
3 Last name: [___________________ ]
ASK IF A03=2 |
A05a. Is the parent, guardian, or person in this household who knows the most about {CFNAME}'s development, schooling, and home life available to complete this questionnaire?
Yes 1 A05b
No 0 A06
ASK IF A05a=1 |
A05b. Great! Please select Next to be taken back to the introductory page of this questionnaire and
ask him or her to begin from there. Thank you very much!
Next 1 A01a
Save and Come Back Later 0
ASK IF A05a=2 |
A06. The MGLS:2017 team would like to contact the parent, guardian, or person in the household who knows the most about {CFNAME}'s development, schooling, and home life. Please enter the contact information for this person now and a team member will be in touch soon.
1 First Name: [___________________]
2 Last Name: [___________________]
3 Phone Number: [___________________]
4 Email: [___________________]
Next 1 A01a
Save and Come Back Later 0
A07. Is this spelling of {CFNAME}'s full name correct?
Make corrections to name below or press Next to accept first/middle/last name.
Current Info:
1 First name: [___________________]
2 Middle name: [_________________ ]
3 Last name: [___________________ ]
A08. What is {CFNAME}'s sex?
Male 1
Female 0
A09. What is {CFNAME}’s date of birth?
Month Day Year
(January-December) (1-31) (2000-2009)
A10. Is the following home address for {CFNAME} correct?
Make corrections to address below or press Next to accept it.
“Current Info:
1 Street address1: [___________________]
2 Street address2: [___________________]
3 City: [___________________]
4 State: [___________________]
5 Zip code: [___________________]
B. Family Roster
Now, we have a few questions about you and the other members of your household. We are only interested in knowing about people who normally live in your household. Please do not include anyone staying with you temporarily, such as someone visiting the household who usually lives somewhere else.
B01. In addition to you and {CFNAME}, who else lives in your household? To add another name, click the “Add household member” button. When you are done, click the “Done” button.
First name |
Last name |
PROGRAMMER BOX B01 PLEASE insert two buttons on the screen, one reads “add household member” and the second reads “Done”. The “Add household member” button should be located with a plus sign (+) on it directly next to the first empty row in the above table. The “done” button should be located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
When a respondent clicks the “done” button a pop-up should appear that lists the names of everyone that has just been entered, and underneath the list of names is the following text: [INSERT LIST OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS] Is this everyone in the household? Please be sure to include anyone who usually lives here, but may be temporarily away from home on business or living in a dorm at school, or any babies, small children, grandparents, or other adults living in the household. a “yes” and “no” button should be on the pop-up with “yes” advancing the respondent through the survey, and “no” returning the family roster data. |
B02. Please tell us a little bit about the members of your household. If you are not sure of something, your best guess is fine.
age… |
age… |
age… |
sex… |
sex… |
sex … |
Select… |
Select… |
Select … |
race… |
race… |
race… |
Select… |
Select… |
Select … |
relationship… |
relationship… |
relationship… |
specific relationship… |
specific relationship… |
specific relationship… |
marital status… |
marital status… |
marital status… |
education… |
education… |
education… |
Select… |
Select… |
Select… |
country… |
country… |
country… |
year… |
year… |
year… |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKE QUESTIONS B01A-K APPEAR AS A TABLE WITH A column for each respondent reported in the b01 and a row for each piece of information to be collected. Ideally no more than five (5) household members would appear on the screen at the same time and larger households might require multiple tables (though the final determination would be based on data collection programming and a determination of what is appropriate in size). An alterantive strategy would be to have each column shrunk until it is selected and then it becomes magnified on the screen, and each column subsequently mangifies and shrinks as the respondent progresses across the table. This strategy of highlighting a particular household member could also be used to highlight each row in an effort to draw attention to the exact information being requested one-at-a-time.
The column for hh3fname and hh3lname and any other subsequent columns of names for hh#fname and HH#lname will be populated as necessary. columns will not appear if there is not a household member to fill the column (e.g., households with only 2 people (i.e., respondent and child) will only have two columns in the table).
Row a-d will be asked for everyone, although row a and row b should already be filled out for the child based on responses to a08 and a09. All other responses will be recorded using drop down boxes, so each of the responses listed below will appear as drop down boxes in the table.
row a will have the following values for responses from 0 through “99 or older”, with one response option of “don’t know” offered.
row b will have the following response options:
row c will have the following response options:
row D will have the following response options:
row e will be populated based on responses to row c and row d. If a person is reported to be hispanic/latino/latina, have response options for the specifc Hispanic group the respondent belongs to:
the response option “central american” should have a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By Central American, we mean, for example, people who describe themselves as Guatemalan, Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Panamanian, or Honduran. the response option “south american” should have a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By South American, we mean, for example, people who describe themselves as Colombian, Argentine, or Peruvian. if an individual choses “other (please specify)” a pop-up box should appear asking the respondent to type in the hispanic group they identify with. If a person is reported to be Asian in row d, then row e will have response options for the specifc asian group the respondent belows to:
if an individual choses “other (please specify)” a pop-up box should appear asking the respondent to type in the asian group they identify with. if a respondent indicates that a person is both hispanic and asian, then all of the above response options should be provided for the individual to choose from. This is why the numbering for these response options is from 1-14 (although the ‘other (please specify)’ response option may be able to share the same value, and responses can be examined afterward and upcoded accordingly).
row f will be asked of every member in the household, with the response for child prefilled. Other response options for row f include:
row G will be populated based on responses to row f. if row f=1, row g will be:
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Birth Mother” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Biological or Birth Mother: Child's female biological parent. This may be the birth mother, but could also apply to a mother who used a surrogate mother to have her biological child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “adoptive mother” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Adoptive Mother: The female who has taken the child into her own family by legal process to raise as her own child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “step mother” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Step Mother: The female other than the child's mother who is married to the child's father. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “FOSTER MOTHER OR FEMALE GUARDIAN” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Foster Mother: The female with whom the child is placed temporarily, usually through a social service agency and/or a court.
Female Guardian: The female legally placed in charge of the affairs of the child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “other female parent or guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Other Female Parent or Guardian: This person acts as the mother of the child, but does not fit into one of the other categories. For example, in a household with two mothers, one of the mothers may not classify herself as biologically related and she may not be legally in charge of the affairs of the child even though she is another parent to the child. This category may also be used if a mother has a child through a surrogate mother, or with a donated egg, and does not classify the child as biologically related or adopted through a legal process. if row f=2, row g will be:
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Birth FATHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Biological or Birth Father: Child's male biological parent. This could also apply to a father who used a surrogate mother to have his biological child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “adoptive FATHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Adoptive Father: The male who has taken the child into his own family by legal process to raise as his own child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “step FATHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Step Father: The male other than the child's father who is married to the child's mother. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “FOSTER FATHER OR MALE GUARDIAN” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Foster Father: The male with whom the child is placed temporarily, usually through a social service agency and/or a court.
Male Guardian: The male legally placed in charge of the affairs of the child.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “other MALE parent or guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Other Male Parent or Guardian: This person acts as the father of the child, but does not fit into one of the other categories. For example, in a household with two fathers, one of the fathers may not classify himself as biologically related and he may not be legally in charge of the affairs of the child even though he is another parent to the child. This category may also be used if a father has a child through a surrogate mother, or with donated sperm, and does not classify the child as biologically related or adopted through a legal process.
if row f=3, row g will be:
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “FULL SISTER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Full Sister: A female with whom the child shares the same biological parents.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “HALF SISTER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Half Sister: A female with whom the child shares one biological parent. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “step SISTER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Step Sister: A female to whom the child is unrelated except by the marriage of one biological parent.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “ADOPTIVE SISTER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Adoptive Sister: A female to whom the child is unrelated except that they are in the same family in which she or the child has been legally adopted by the family.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “FOSTER SISTER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Foster Sister: A female to whom the child is unrelated except that they are in the same family in which she or the child have been taken into the home on a temporary basis and the parents have legal responsibility for the child.
if row f=4, row g will be:
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “FULL BROTHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Full Brother: A male with whom the child shares the same biological parents.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “HALF BROTHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Half Brother: A male with whom the child shares one biological parent. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “step BROTHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Step Brother: A male to whom the child is unrelated except by the marriage of one biological parent.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “ADOPTIVE BROTHER” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Adoptive Brother: A male to whom the child is unrelated except that they are in the same family in which he or the child has been legally adopted by the family.
Foster Brother: A male to whom the child is unrelated except that they are in the same family in which he or the child have been taken into the home on a temporary basis and the parents have legal responsibility for the child.
if row f=12, row g will be:
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Girlfriend or Female Partner of CHILD's Parent/Guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Girlfriend or Female Partner of CHILD's Parent/Guardian: The female who has a "partner-like" relationship with one of the child's parents or guardians. "Living as married" is another way of describing the relationship.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Boyfriend or Male Partner of CHILD's Parent/Guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Boyfriend or Male Partner of CHILD's Parent/Guardian: The male who has a "partner-like" relationship with one of the child's parents or guardians. "Living as married" is another way of describing the relationship.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Female Guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Female Guardian: The female legally placed in charge of the affairs of the child. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Male Guardian” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Male Guardian: The male legally placed in charge of the affairs of the child.
Daughter/son of CHILD's Parent's Partner: The child of the person who has a "partner-like" relationship with one of the child's parents or guardians.
Other Relative of CHILD's Parent's Partner: Some other relative of the person who has a "partner-like" relationship with one of the child's parents or guardians.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Other Non-relative” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Other Non-relative: If one of the codes for non-relative above does not better describe the relationship of the person to the child, and there is no family relationship through blood, marriage, adoption, or partnership (i.e., living together as married), use this code.
row h will only be active (i.e., responses can only be provided) for individuals whose age is >=16 (based on responses in row a). response options for row h will be:
row I will only be active (i.e., responses can only be provided) for individuals whose age is >=18 (based on responses in row a). response options for row i will be:
row J will only be active (i.e., responses can only be provided) for individuals whose age is >=16 (based on responses in row a). response options for row J will be:
row K will be asked of all members of the household. A list will be generated detailing a presumably exhausted list of countries and territories from around the world. The list will be searchable by typing in the first few letters, although “United States” should appear at the top of the list, along with the response option “don’t know”, and at the bottom of the list should be the option “Other (please specify)”.
row l will only be asked of persons who were reported to be born somewhere other than the United states. Response options will be populated with the first response option equalling the value reported in row a and all years between then and the current year will be options, with the final category being “don’t know”. If row a is blank, populate row l with values of year starting with 1950 through to the current year and the final response option “don’t know”. |
B02m. Who is a parent, guardian, or primary caregiver for [CFNAME]?
Select all that apply
PROGRAMMER BOX populate response options with the first and last name of the respondent and each member of the household that is 16 years old or older. if respondent selects more than 2 members of the household, retain answers but have a pop-up appear with the following text: Please select the two members of the household most responsible for providing care to [CFNAME]. If more than two household members provide equal amounts of care to the child, please select the two members that you know the most about.
The total number of names to appear in the pop-up list is dependent on the number of household members selected in b02m. If the respondent continues to respond with more than two individuals as the primary parents in the household, the selection logic will be applied according to the following rules: 1) if a household member identified as mother is selected as one of the primary parents they will be set to be primary parent 1 regardless of who else is selected; 2) if a household member identified as father is selected as one of the primary parents they will be set to be primary parent 2 regardless of who else is selected; 3) if a household member identified as mother is selected and no household member is identified as father then primary parent 2 should be assigned to the household member according to their relationship type with the following priority order a) another mother, b) boyfriend/girlfriend, c) grandmother/grandfather, d) aunt/uncle, e) other relative/non-relative over age 18. If no other family member meets one of these criteria, then primary parent 2 set to missing; 4) if a household member identified as father is selected and no household member is identified as mother then primary parent 1 should be assigned to the household member according to their relationship type with the following priority order a) another father, b) boyfriend/girlfriend, c) grandmother/grandfather, d) aunt/uncle, e) other relative/non-relative over age 18. If no other family member meets one of these criteria, then household member identified as father becomes primary parent 1 and primary parent 2 set to missing.
if two or fewer household members are selected in b02m, the following rules apply for designating primary parent 1 and primary parent 2: 1) for households with two individuals of the opposite sex selected, the female will be primary parent 1 and the male will be primary parent 2; 2) for households with two individuals of the same sex selected, the individual identified as “mother” will be set as primary parent 1 (if two females) and the individual identified as “father” will be set as primary parent 2 (if two males); 3) for households with two individuals of the same sex who have both identified as mother or father, primary parent 1 will be assigned to the member that has the lowest value for b02g—the other member will be assigned primary parent 2; 4) for households with two individuals of the same sex who have both identified as mother or father and who have equal values on b02g, primary parent 1 will be assigned ot the member that is youngest—the other household member will be assigned primary parent 2.
information from this item will be used to create ‘pointers’ for the primary adults in the household and assist with the marital status and employment questions. For hous
the number or pound sign (#) implies that responses will be coded to coorespond to a household member’s location in the family roster. |
ASK IF B02H = 1 |
B03a. Is [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME with B02H = 1] married to someone in the household?
Yes 1
No 2
ASK IF B03a = 1 |
B03b. Who is [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME with B02H = 1] married to?
PROGRAMMER BOX populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household that is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected in a previous loop of b03a and b03b).
loop b03a and b03b for all household members that have b02h = 1 and have not already been matched based on prior loops of b03a and b03b. |
ASK IF B02H = 5 |
B04a. Is [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME with B02H = 5] in a domestic partnership or civil union with someone in the household?
Yes 1
No 2
ASK IF B04a = 1 |
B04b. Who is [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME with B02H = 5] in a domestic partnership or civil union with?
PROGRAMMER BOX populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household that is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in b04a or an earlier loop of b04b).
loop b04a and b04b for all household members that have b02h = 5 and have not already been matched based on prior loops of b04a and b04b. |
ASK IF B02H = 6 |
B05a. Who is [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME with B02H = 6] cohabiting or living with?
PROGRAMMER BOX populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household that is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in b03b, b04b, or an earlier loop of b05a).
loop b05a for all household members that have b02h = 6 and have not already been matched based on prior loops of b05a. |
All |
Thank you for telling us about each member of your household. Now we have some questions about the household as a whole. First, we would like to know about languages used in your home.
C01. Is English the primary language used in your home?
Yes 1 C02a
No 0 C03a
ASK IF C01=1 |
C02a. Is any other language used in your home?
Yes 1 C02b
No 0 C04
ASK IF C02A=1 |
C02b. Please select the language(s) other than English that are used in your home from the
alphabetical list below. You may select more than one.
Select all that apply
Arabic 1
Chinese language/dialect 2
Farsi 3
Filipino language 4
French 5
German 6
Greek 7
Hmong 8
Italian 9
Japanese 10
Korean 11
Polish 12
Portuguese 13
Sign Language 14
Spanish 15
Vietnamese 16
Some other language 99
Specify (STRING (50))
ASK IF C01=2 and C02A=1 |
C03a. What is the primary language used in your home?
Select all that apply
Arabic 1
Chinese language/dialect 2
Farsi 3
Filipino language 4
French 5
German 6
Greek 7
Hmong 8
Italian 9
Japanese 10
Korean 11
Polish 12
Portuguese 13
Sign Language 14
Spanish 15
Vietnamese 16
Some other language 99
Specify (STRING (50))
ASK IF C01=2 and C02A=1 |
C03B. Is any other language used in your home?
Yes 1 C03c
No 0 C04
ASK IF C03B=1 |
C03C. Please select the language(s) other than [LANGUAGE LISTED IN C03A] that are used in your home from the alphabetical list below. You may select more than one.
C04. What is the highest level of education [CFNAME]'s mother completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
C04. What is the highest level of education [CFNAME]'s father completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
C05. What is the highest level of education your mother completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
C06. What is the highest level of education your father completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
C07. What is the highest level of education [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME]’s mother completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
PROGRAMMER BOX hh#fname and hh#lname will be autofilled based on the first and last name of the individual from b03b, b04b, or b05a who is linked with the respondent. |
C08. What is the highest level of education [HH#FNAME HH#LNAME]’s father completed?
8th grade or lower 1
9th to 11th grade 2
12th grade but no diploma 3
High school diploma or equivalent 4
Vocational/technical program after high school but no vocational/technical diploma 5
Vocational/technical diploma after high school 6
Some college but no degree 7
Associate’s degree 8
Bachelor’s degree 9
Graduate or professional school but no degree 10
Master’s degree (MA, MS) 11
Doctorate degree (Ph.D, Ed.D) 12
Professional degree after bachelor’s degree (medicine/MD; dentistry/DDS; law/JD/LLB; etc.) 13
Do not know 14
PROGRAMMER BOX hh#fname and hh#lname will be autofilled based on the first and last name of the individual from b03b, b04b, or b05a who is linked with the respondent (same name as appears in c07). |
All |
Great! We really appreciate you taking the time to answer all of our questions about people living in your household. The study doesn’t happen without you. Let’s keep moving right along. Now we have some questions about how much parents and guardians keep an eye on children around this age.
D01. How often do you…
(Please select one response per row.) |
Never |
Rarely |
Some-times |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
All |
How often does {CFNAME} tell you about…
(Please select one response per row.) |
Never |
Rarely |
Some-times |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
All |
How often does {CFNAME}…
(Please select one response per row.) |
Never |
Rarely |
Some-times |
Often |
Very often |
Always |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
All |
Next, we’d like to ask you some questions about things children sometimes do around this age.
D02. Have any of the following things happened to {CFNAME}? Has {he/she}…
(Please select one response per row.) |
Yes |
No |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
All |
The next set of questions is about the neighborhood in which you live.
D03. How true are the following statements about your neighborhood?
(Please select one response per row.) |
Not at all true |
A little bit true |
Somewhat true |
True |
Very true |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
All |
The information you have provided so far is extremely helpful. Thanks! The next set of questions is about your involvement with {CFNAME}'s school and contact you may have had with the school about {CFNAME}'s behavior or performance.
E01. Indicate how much you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. Please think about the current school year as you consider each statement.
(Please select one response per row.) |
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Slightly Disagree |
Slightly Agree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
All |
E02. Indicate how often you have done the following during this school year.
(Please select one response per row.) |
Never |
Once so far this year |
About once a month |
Once every two weeks |
Once a week |
Daily |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
All |
E03. Since the start of the school year, how many times have [CATI: IF B12 NE 1 OR 5 INSERT “you”; IF B12=1 OR 5 INSERT “you or your spouse/partner”] had contact with the school about…
(Please select one response per row.) |
None |
Once or twice |
Three or four times |
More than four times |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
All |
The next questions are about disciplinary actions {CFNAME}'s school may have taken.
E04. Since starting kindergarten, how many times has {CFNAME} ever been suspended or expelled from school? Do not count detentions.
(Please select the number of times.)
Number of times suspended or expelled
IF E04=0 GOTO E7. |
ASK IF E04. >0 |
E05a. What was the reason for the [CATI: IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension or expulsion?
Select all that apply
Repeated violation of the school rules 1
Use of profanity (swearing) 2
Threatening students or teachers 3
Defacing or destroying school property 4
Bringing a weapon to school 5
Fighting with another student 6
Ganging up (with one or more other students) on another student 7
Threatening to use or making a false report of the use of an explosive device at school 8
Assaulting a teacher, principal, or other school personnel 9
Other 10
Specify (STRING (50))
ASK IF E04. >0 |
E06. How many days was the [CATI: IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension?
Days for most recent suspension
{CFNAME} was expelled 2
All |
The next questions are about grades your child may have repeated or skipped.
E07. What grades, if any, has {CFNAME} repeated since starting school?
Select all that apply
Has not repeated any grades 1
Kindergarten 2
1st grade 3
2nd grade 4
3rd grade 5
4th grade 6
5th grade 7
6th grade 8
7th grade 9
8th grade 10
HARD CHECK: IF E07 = 1 AND RESPONDENT ANSWERS THAT CHILD HAS REPEATED A GRADE: You said that {CFNAME} has not repeated any grades and repeated {FILL FROM RESPONSE 2 THROUGH 10). Please tell us all the grades that {CFNAME} has repeated since starting school. If {CFNAME} has not repeated any grades, please only select “Has not repeated any grades.” |
All |
E08. What grades, if any, has {CFNAME} skipped since starting school?
Select all that apply
Has not skipped any grades 1
Kindergarten 2
1st grade 3
2nd grade 4
3rd grade 5
4th grade 6
5th grade 7
6th grade 8
7th grade 9
8th grade 10
HARD CHECK: IF E07 = 1 AND RESPONDENT ANSWERS THAT CHILD HAS SKIPPED A GRADE: You said that {CFNAME} has not skipped any grades and skipped {FILL FROM RESPONSE 2 THROUGH 10). Please tell us all the grades that {CFNAME} has skipped since starting school. If {CFNAME} has not skipped any grades, please only select “Has not skipped any grades.” |
All |
The following questions are about programs {CFNAME} may participate in at school.
E09. Has {CFNAME} ever been enrolled in a program for English language learners (ELLs) such as English as a Second Language (ESL), English immersion, or bilingual education?
Yes 1 E10
No 0 E11
ASK IF E09. = 1 |
E10. Is {he/she} currently enrolled in an English as a Second Language (ESL), English immersion, or bilingual education program?
Yes 1
No 0
All |
E11. Does {CFNAME} receive free or reduced price lunches at school?
Yes 1 E12
No 0 F01
ASK IF E11. = 1 |
E12. Are these lunches free or reduced price?
Free 1
Reduced price 0
Thank you for answering all of our questions about {CFNAME}'s educational experiences. Now, we would like to ask you about {CFNAME}'s health.
All |
F01. In general, would you say that {CFNAME}'s health is...
Excellent 1
Very good 2
Good 3
Fair 4
Poor 5
All |
F02. Has a doctor, health care provider, teacher, or school official ever told you that {CFNAME} has…
Yes |
No |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
All |
F03. Has a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional ever told you that {CFNAME} has had a concussion?
Yes 1 F04
No 0 F05
ASK IF F03. = 1 |
F04. How many times has {CFNAME} been diagnosed by a doctor as having had a concussion?
|_|_| Enter Number of Times
All |
F05. Has a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional ever told you that {CFNAME} has asthma?
Yes 1 F06
No 0 F07
ASK IF F05. = 1 |
F06. Has {CFNAME} ever been taken to an emergency room or hospitalized for at least one night because of asthma?
Yes 1
No 0
All |
The next set of questions is about professional evaluations {CFNAME} may have had in the past.
F07. Has {CFNAME} ever been evaluated by a professional because of an issue with...
Yes |
No |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
PROGRAMMER BOX IF F07a=1 OR F07b=1 OR F07c=1 OR F07d=1 OR F07e=1 OR F07f=1 OR F07e=1 OR F07f=1 OR F07g=1 OR F07h=1, GO TO F08.
ELSE IF F07a NE 1 AND F07b NE 1 AND F07c NE 1 AND F07d NE 1 AND F07e NE 1 AND F07f NE 1 AND F07e NE 1 AND F07f NE 1 AND F07g NE 1 AND F07h NE 1, GO TO F16.
PROGRAMMER BOX F07 PLEASE MAKE THE ITEM TEXT “PROFESSIONAL” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Professional: This includes health professionals such as doctors, pediatricians, and other licensed persons, including nurses or nurse practitioners, optometrists, ophthalmologists, ear-nose-throat (ENT) doctors, audiologists, school or other psychologists, school or other psychiatrists, psychiatric social workers, speech-language pathologists, etc. Do not include teachers or some other non-health professional. |
ASK IF ANY OF F07A-H = 1. |
F08. Have you obtained a diagnosis or diagnoses for {CFNAME}'s issue with {TEXT FROM F07A-H} from a professional?
Yes 1 F09
No 0 F16
ASK IF F08.=1. |
F09. What was the diagnosis?
Select all that apply
Learning disability 1 F13a
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 2 F13a
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 3 F13a
Developmental Delay 4 F13a
Autistic Disorder/Asperger’s Disorder/Childhood Disintegrative Disorder/ Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/other Autism Spectrum Disorder… 5 F11
Dyslexia 6 F13a
Dyscalculia 7 F13a
Intellectual disability/severe cognitive disability/mental retardation 8 F13a
Orthopedic impairment 9 F13a
Serious emotional disturbance 10 F13a
Traumatic brain injury 11 F13a
Panic disorder 12 F13a
Separation anxiety disorder 13 F13a
Obsessive compulsive disorder 14 F13a
Generalized anxiety disorder 15 F13a
Other anxiety disorder 16 F13a
Bipolar disorder 17 F13a
Depression 18 F13a
Speech problems (such as articulation problems; communication problems;
phonological problems; voice disorders; or stuttering) 19 F13a
Sensory deficit disorder (such as sensory deprivation problems; sensory processing problems; sensory integration problems; or sensory organization problems)…………………………………………………………… 20 F13a
Other 99
Specify (STRING (50))
PROGRAMMER BOX F09 PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Learning disability” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Learning disability: This is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which shows up as difficulty to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. In some cases the child can perform at grade level, but only with special help. Some names of learning disabilities are dyslexia, dyscalculia, developmental aphasia, minimal brain dysfunction, brain injury, and perceptual disabilities. The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of problems with seeing, hearing, or walking (or visual, hearing or motor disabilities); mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. A commonly used acronym is "LD."
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): A childhood syndrome characterized by short attention span that is inappropriate for his/her age group.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The child displays signs of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that are inappropriate for his or her mental and chronological age. Adults in the child’s environment, such as parents and teachers must report the signs. Inattention means difficulty concentrating, easily distracted, and not finishing things started. Impulsivity means often acts before thinking, shifts excessively from one activity to another, needs a lot of supervision. Hyperactivity means runs about or climbs on things excessively, has difficulty staying seated, always on the go, as if driven by a motor. Onset is typically before age seven and condition lasts at least six months.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Developmental delay” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Developmental delay: A condition in which a young child falls significantly behind his/her age-mates in physical, mental (cognitive), speech (communication), social/emotional, adaptive (behavioral) development. It does not simply mean that the child talked somewhat later than some children talked or was smaller than average. It is not to be confused with autism or pervasive developmental delay. If the child's social behavior and relationships with other people are generally consistent with his or her delayed cognitive development, then the classification of the condition as developmental delay is probably appropriate. If this is not the case, see the definitions of autism and pervasive developmental disorder or delay.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Autism” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Autism is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication as well as social interaction, generally evident before age three. Other characteristics often associated with autism are a pervasive lack of responsiveness to other people, and engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements (such as hand-flapping or rocking). There is also often an insistence on sameness, as shown by stereotyped play, abnormal preoccupations, or resistance to change. With autism, the impaired social development and delayed or deviant language development are not merely predictable from the child's cognitive retardation. Some children with autism are actually advanced in their reading skills, memory skills, or musical abilities. The term autism does not apply if the child’s educational performance is negatively affected primarily because the child has an emotional disturbance. Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), or any other autism spectrum disorder may be coded here; the subtype will be captured in the next question. Pervasive developmental disorder or delay is also characterized by gross and sustained impairment in social relationships, but typically has an onset after 30 months of age. Other characteristics are sudden excessive anxiety, inappropriate affect or emotions, resistance to change in the environment, oddities of motor movement, abnormalities of speech, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, and self-mutilation. This condition generally does not involve delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, or bizarre associations.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Dyslexia” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Dyslexia: A learning disability (see above definition) marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend the written word.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Dyscalculia” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Dyscalculia: A learning disability (see above definition) marked by impairment in the ability to perform and remember calculations in mathematics.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Intellectual or Severe cognitive disability/Mental Retardation” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Intellectual or Severe cognitive disability/Mental Retardation: The child's mental development is significantly and noticeably behind what would ordinarily be expected for a child of his or her age. This significantly below average general intellectual functioning exists at the same time as problems in adaptive behavior, and negatively affects the child’s educational performance.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Orthopedic impairment” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Orthopedic impairment: A bodily (or physical) impairment that is severe enough to negatively affect a child’s educational performance. Disabling physical problems such as those resulting from poliomyelitis (often called polio or infantile paralysis), bone tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or contractures (shortening of tissue) from burns would be considered as orthopedic impairments. PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Serious Emotional Disturbance or SED” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Serious Emotional Disturbance or SED: A condition that has one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time that negatively affect a child's educational performance: (a) an inability to learn that cannot be explained by other factors; (b) an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; (c) inappropriate behavior or feelings; d) a general mood of unhappiness or depression; or (e) a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. The term includes schizophrenia but does not apply to children who are socially maladjusted, unless it is determined that they have a serious emotional disturbance.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Traumatic Brain Injury” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Traumatic Brain Injury: An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psycho-social behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. The term does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital (there at birth ) or degenerative (problem that grows worse over time), or to brain injuries brought on by birth trauma (injuries during birth). The term is used when an external force has caused the injury.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Panic Disorder” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Panic Disorder: A disorder in which there is the sudden onset of several different physical signs, such as rapid heart rate, shaking, sweating, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. A panic disorder may make a child think that something horrible is about to happen.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Separation Anxiety Disorder” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Separation Anxiety Disorder: This is the fear a child has of being separated from his/her parents which is far more than would be expected for the child’s developmental stage.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A child must have obsessions or compulsions or both to have this disorder, and these obsessions and/or compulsions must be disabling to the child. Obsessions are thoughts that aren’t visible to others but cause the child distress. The thoughts occur over and over and the child spends so much time on them that they have a hard time taking care of themselves or relating to others. Compulsions are mental acts that a child feels driven to perform in response to an obsession.
PLEASE MAKE THE RESPONSE CATEGORY “Generalized Anxiety Disorder” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Children who have this disorder worry all the time over nothing, themselves, other’s safety, their health, and/or the world to a far greater extent than average. They often have many physical signs of anxiety such as headache, abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness. |
ASK IF F09.= 5 |
F11. What type of Autism Spectrum Disorder does {CFNAME} have? Is it Autistic Disorder, Asperger's
Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or something else?
Autistic Disorder 1
Asperger's Disorder 2
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 3
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) 4
Other 99
Specify (STRING (50))
PROGRAMMER BOX This series will be asked for the first diagnosis, and then loop back and repeat for the second diagnosis so that respondents think about one specific diagnosis and then answer when it occurred and if medications are being taken. |
F13a. What month and year was the diagnosis of [CATI: IF F09=1-20 INSERT ITEM TEXT; IF F09 = 91 INSERT TEXT ENTERED AT F10] made? If {CFNAME} was diagnosed more than once, please indicate the first diagnosis.
Month Year
Do not know 91 F13b
ASK IF F13a.=3 |
F13b. If you do not know the month and year the diagnosis of [CATI: IF F09=1-20 INSERT ITEM TEXT; IF F09 = 91 INSERT TEXT ENTERED AT F10] was made, please enter {CFNAME}'s age at that time. Your best guess is fine. If {CFNAME} was diagnosed more than once, please indicate {his/her} age at the time of the first diagnosis.
Do not know 91
HARD CHECK: IF F13b = 1 AND F13b> A09: You said that {CFNAME} was diagnosed with [CATI: IF F09=1-20 INSERT ITEM TEXT; IF F09 = 91 INSERT TEXT ENTERED AT F10] at age [INSERT AGE ENTERED AT F13b]. That age is older than {CFNAME}’s age we have on file. Please correct the age of diagnosis or {CFNAME}’s current age. |
F14. Is {CFNAME} now taking any prescription medicine for the condition related to {his/her} [CATI: IF F09=1-20 INSERT ITEM TEXT; IF F09 = 91 INSERT TEXT ENTERED AT F10]?
Yes 1 F15
No 0 F16
ASK IF F09. = 2 or 3 AND F14.= 1 |
F15. Is {CFNAME} medicated for ADD or ADHD at school, at home, or both?
At school 1
At home 2
Both at school and at home 3
All |
Now we would like to ask about the experience {CFNAME} and your family may have had with a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
All |
F16. Does {CFNAME} currently have a 504 plan based on section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that describes accommodations to support {his/her} learning?
Yes 1
No 0
Don’t know 2
PROGRAMMER BOX F16 PLEASE MAKE THE ITEM TEXT “Section 504 plan” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Section 504 plan: A written plan to provide appropriate services to a child with a disability, whether or not the disability is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Speech therapy services may often be specified as part of a Section 504 plan. |
All |
F17. Has {CFNAME} ever had an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
Yes 1 F18
No 0 G01
Don’t know 2 G01
PROGRAMMER BOX F16 PLEASE MAKE THE ITEM TEXT “Individualized Education Program (IEP)” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement for each student with a disability that sets goals for the student in school, says how progress will be measured, describes the special education and related services the school will provide, how much the student will be in the regular class with nondisabled students, and lists accommodations or modifications needed to measure what the student knows through tests. |
ASK IF F17.=1 |
F18. Does {CFNAME} still have an IEP?
Yes 1 F20
No 0 F19a
Don’t know 2 F19a
ASK IF F18.=2 |
F19a. Why does {he/she} no longer have an IEP?
Select all that apply
{CFNAME} no longer needs special services 1
{CFNAME} met IEP goals 2
{CFNAME} was declassified, school says {he/she} no longer needs services 3
{CFNAME} no longer eligible, doesn’t qualify 4
School doesn’t have the programs {CFNAME} needs …………………………... 5
I don't want {CFNAME} in special education 6
{CFNAME} did not want to be in special education 7
{CFNAME} now has a 504 Plan 8
Other 99
Specify (STRING (50))
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F20. In the last 12 months, has there been an IEP meeting about {CFNAME}'s special education program or services?
Yes 1 F21
No 0 F23
Don’t know 2 F23
ASK IF F20.=1 |
F21. Did you or another adult in the household go to the meeting?
Yes 1
No 0
Don’t know 2
ASK IF F20.=1 |
F22. Did {CFNAME} go to the meeting?
Yes 1
No 0
Don’t know 2
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F23. Who came up with the goals on {CFNAME}'s IEP?
Select all that apply
School staff 1
Me or other parent/family member ………………………………………………... 2
Another person 4
Specify (STRING (50))
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F24. Of the people who came up with the IEP goals, who came up with the most goals?
School staff 1
Me or another parent/family member 2
Another person 4
Specify (STRING (50))
Not applicable; everyone came up with the same number of goals. 5
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F25. How active was {CFNAME} in developing {his/her} IEP? For example, did {CFNAME} participate in discussions about {his/her} disability, {his/her} strengths, {his/her} needs, the accommodations that would help {him/her}achieve in class, {his/her}goals for the future, and the goals {he/she}feels are most important for {him/her}to work on?
Very active; took a leadership role in IEP development 1
Active; participated regularly in IEP development 2
Somewhat active; participated occasionally in IEP development 3
Not active; did not participate in IEP development 4
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F26. Overall, how satisfied are you with the progress {CFNAME} has made towards {his/her} IEP goals this year? Are you...
Completely satisfied 1
Very satisfied 2
Fairly satisfied 3
Somewhat dissatisfied 4
Very dissatisfied. 5
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F27. Have you had any discussions with {CFNAME}'s IEP team about {his/her} transition to high
Yes 1
No 0
ASK IF F18.=1 |
F28. How often have you discussed the following topics with staff at {CFNAME}'s school about how
{CFNAME} can...
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
ASK IF F16.OR F18=1 |
The next set of questions asks about the types of services that {CFNAME} receives, either at school or outside of school. Let’s begin by looking at accommodations and services that {CFNAME} might receive for {his/her} academic performance.
F29. During the past 12 months, has {CFNAME} received any of the following services for {his/her} academic performance?
Yes |
No - Service was needed, but not available |
No - Service was not needed |
Don't know |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F29a. Were each of the following services for academic performance {CFNAME} and your family have received from the school or from an outside source?
Select all that apply
Received through school |
Received through outside source |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Now we would like to know how helpful you have found the services {CFNAME} and your family
have received from {his/her} school.
F30. Overall, how helpful are/were each of the following services for academic performance
{CFNAME} and your family have received from the school?
Very helpful |
Helpful |
Not helpful |
Not at all helpful |
F030a. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F030b. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F030c. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F030d. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F030e. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F030f. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
ASK IF F16.OR F18=1 |
F31. During the past 12 months, has {CFNAME} received any of the following services for positive skills and behaviors?
Yes |
Service was needed, but not available |
Service was not needed |
Don't know |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F31a. Were each of the following services for positive skills and behaviors {CFNAME} and your family have received from the school or from an outside source?
Select all that apply
Received through school |
Received through outside source |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
F32. Overall, how helpful are/were each of the following services for positive skills and behaviors {CFNAME} and your family have received from the school?
Very helpful |
Helpful |
Not helpful |
Not at all helpful |
F032a. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F032b. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F032c. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F032d. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F032e. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F032f. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
ASK IF F16.OR F18=1 |
F33. During the past 12 months, has {CFNAME} received any of the following services for positive life functioning?
(Please select all that apply.)
Yes |
No - Service was needed, but not available |
No - Service was not needed |
Don't know |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F33a. Were each of the following services for positive life functioning {CFNAME} and your family have received from the school or from an outside source?
Select all that apply
Received through school |
Received through outside source |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
F34. Overall, how helpful {are/were} each of the following services for positive life functioning
{CFNAME} and your family have received from the school?
Very helpful |
Helpful |
Not helpful |
Not at all helpful |
F034a. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
F034b. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
ASK IF F16.OR F18=1 |
F35. During the past 12 months, has {CFNAME} received any other services? If so, please specify what those services were.
Yes 1 F35a
Specify (STRING (50))
No. 0 G01
Don’t Know. 2 G01
ASK IF F35=1 |
F35a. Were the services for {FILL FROM F35} {CFNAME} and your family have received from the school or from an outside source?
Select all that apply
Received through school 1 F36
Received through outside source 2 G01
Don’t know 3 G01
ASK IF F35.=1 and F35a=1 |
F36. Overall, how helpful were the services {CFNAME} and your family have received from the
Very helpful 1
Helpful 2
Not helpful 3
Not at all helpful 4
Now we have a few questions about jobs and work people in the household do for a living.
G02. Was [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] on leave or vacation from a job?
Yes 1 G07
No 0 G03
ASK IF B02J = 2 AND G02 = 0 |
G03. Has [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] been actively looking for work in the past 4 weeks?
Yes 1
No 0
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02. |
ASK IF B02J = 2 AND G02 = 0 |
G04. Has [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] worked at a job for pay in the last 5 years?
Yes 1
No 0 G05
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02. |
ASK IF G04. = 2 |
G05. What was [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] doing most of last week? Would you say…
Keeping house or caring for children 1
Going to school 2
Retired 3
Unable to work 4
Something else? 91 G06
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02. |
ASK IF G05. = 91 |
G06. Please enter what [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] was doing most of last week.
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02. |
ASK IF B02J. = 1 |
G07. How many jobs does [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] have now?
|___|___| Enter number of jobs
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF B02J. = 1 |
G08. About how many total hours per week does [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] usually work for pay?
|___|___| Enter number of weekly hours
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF B02J. = 1 |
G09a. Who does [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] work for?
Enter employer name
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G04. NE 2 |
G09b. Who did [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] work for the last time [he/she] worked?
Enter employer name
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G01. = 1 |
G10a. What kind of business or industry is this?
Construction (Buildings, alterations and public works) 1
Governments (Local, state and Federal agencies) 2
Foreign Trade (Exports, imports and participants) 3
Manufacturing (Companies, operations and shipments, products) 4
Mining (Minerals, gases and initial processing) 5
Retail (Merchandise for personal or home use) 6
Services (Personal, business and transport services) 7
Wholesale (Merchandise for business use) 8
Other. 9
Specify (STRING (50))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G04. NE 2 |
G10b. What kind of business or industry was this?
Construction (Buildings, alterations and public works) 1
Governments (Local, state and Federal agencies) 2
Foreign Trade (Exports, imports and participants) 3
Manufacturing (Companies, operations and shipments, products) 4
Mining (Minerals, gases and initial processing) 5
Retail (Merchandise for personal or home use) 6
Services (Personal, business and transport services) 7
Wholesale (Merchandise for business use) 8
Other. 9
Specify (STRING (50))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G01. = 1 |
G11a. What kind of work is [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] doing?
Enter job title
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G04. NE 2 |
G11b. What kind of work was [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] doing?
Enter job title
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G01. = 1 |
G12. What are [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME]’s most important activities or duties on this job? What does [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] actually do at this job?
Enter job duties
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1. |
ASK IF G04. NE 2 |
G12. What were [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME]’s most important activities or duties on this job? What did [HH#FNAME] [HH#LNAME] actually do at this job?
Enter job duties
(STRING (100))
PROGRAMMER BOX please note hh#fname and hh#lname will be filled according to first and last names filled in G02 for b02j = 2 and according to b01 for b02j = 1.
loop g02 through g12 for any member of household with b02f = 1 or b02f = 2 and if no household member has b02f = 1 and no household member has b02f = 2 for respondent and household member linked to respondent through parital status (b03b, b04b, b05a). |
All |
In studies like this, households are sometimes grouped according to income.
G13. What was the total income of all persons in your household over the past year, including salaries
or other earnings, interest, retirement, and so on for all household members?
INSERT DROPDOWN MENU WITH THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: 1 $5,000 or less 2 $5,001 to $10,000 3 $10,001 to $15,000 4 $15,001 to $20,000 5 $20,001 to $25,000 6 $25,001 to $30,000 7 $30,001 to $35,000 8 $35,001 to $40,000 9 $40,001 to $45,000 10 $45,001 to $50,000 11 $50,001 to $55,000 12 $55,001 to $60,000 13 $60,001 to $ 65,000 14 $65,001 to $70,000 15 $70,001 to $75,000 16 $75,001 to $80,000 17 $80,001 to $85,000 18 $85,001 to $90,000 19 $90,001 to $95,000 20 $95,001 to $100,000 21 $100,001 to $110,000 22 $110,001 t0 $120,000 23 $120,001 to $130,000 24 $130,001 to $140,000 25 $140,001 to $150,000 26 $150,001 to $160,000 27 $160,001 to $170,000 28 $170,001 to $180,000 29 $180,001 to $190,000 30 $190,001 to $200,000 31 $200,001 to $225,000 32 $225,001 to $250,000 33 $250,001 to $275,000 34 $275,001 to $300,000 35 $300,001 to $325,000 36 $325,001 to $350,000 37 $350,001 to $375,000 38 $375,001 to $400,000 39 $400,001 to $425,000 40 $425,001 to $450,000 41 $450,001 to $475,000 42 $475,001 to $500,000 43 $500,001 or more |
All |
G14. Which of the following have you or members of your household done to financially prepare for {CFNAME}'s education after high school?
Select all that apply
Started a savings account 1
Bought an insurance policy 2
Bought U.S. savings bonds 3
Made investments in stocks or real estate 4
Set up a college investment fund (such as a mutual fund) 5
Started working another job and/or more hours 6
Established another form of savings 7
Reduced other expenses in some way (e.g., pay off car, put off vacations or other expenses) 8
Planned to reduce other expenses in some way 9
Re-mortgaged your property or took out a home equity loan 10
Planned to re-mortgage your property or take out a home equity loan 11
Had your child put aside earnings 12
Participated in a state-sponsored college savings program (such as a 529 plan) 13
Other (please specify) 14
Specify (STRING (50))
Have not started planning yet 15 H01
ASK IF G14.<=14 |
G15. About how much money has been set aside for {his/her} future educational needs?
None 1
$2,000 or less 2
$2,001‐$5,000 3
$5,001‐$10,000 4
$10,001‐$15,000 5
$15,001‐$25,000 6
$25,001‐$35,000 7
$35,001‐$60,000 8
More than $60,000. 9
All |
The next questions ask about how often {CFNAME} have moved since {CFNAME} started kindergarten.
H01. How long has {CFNAME} lived in {his/her} current residence?
|___|___| Enter number of years
HARD CHECK: IF H01 > CHILD’S AGE+1 YEAR: You said that {CFNAME} has lived in {his/her} current residence for {FILL FROM H01} years. That age is older than {CFNAME}’s age we have on file. Please correct the number of years {CFNAME} has lived in {his/her} current residence or {CFNAME}’s current age. |
All |
H02. In the last 5 years how many different places has {CFNAME} lived for four months or more?
|___|___| Enter number of places
HARD CHECK: If H02 > 20: You said that {CFNAME} has lived in {fill from H02} different places for four months or more in the last five years. |
SOFT CHECK: IF H02 >= 10: You said that {CFNAME} has lived in {fill from H02} different places for four months or more in the last five years. Please confirm that this is correct. |
All |
H03a. How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} entered kindergarten as a
result of grade promotion?
|___|___| Enter number of times
PROGRAMMER BOX H03a PLEASE MAKE THE ITEM TEXT “GRADE PROMOTION” CONTAIN THE HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Grade promotion would include moving to a different school because of the prior school not serving more advanced levels, such as a move from an elementary school to a middle school or from a middle school to a junior high school in the same district. |
All |
H03b. How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} entered kindergarten for a reason other than grade promotion?
|___|___| Enter number of times
All |
H04. Is {CFNAME} attending a different school this year than the one {he/she} had attended last school year?
Yes 1
No 0
All |
The final section asks about your expectations for {CFNAME}'s future and conversations you may have had with {CFNAME} about school or {his/her} future plans.
I01. Since the start of this school year, how often have you discussed the following with {CFNAME}?
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
All |
I02. How far in school do you expect {CFNAME} to go? Would you say you expect {he/she} …
Won’t finish high school? 1
Will graduate from high school, but won’t go any further? 2
Will go to a technical or trade school after high school? 3
Will attend college? 4
Will graduate from college? 5
Will attend a higher level of school after graduating from college? 6
Don’t know? 7
All |
THANK. Thank you for your cooperation!
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) Math Teacher Questionnaire.
Please refer to the instructions you received in your survey invitation letter to find your login ID and password. To begin the survey, enter your login ID and password in the fields below, and then click NEXT. If you do not have your login ID and password, please call First Last at 1-888-xxx-xxxx, or email us at [email protected].
Login ID: ____________________________
Password: ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes for the teacher-level information and 10 minutes per study student, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this survey, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
The collection of information in this survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002: 20 U.S. Code § 9543). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.
Survey Information
You have received an invitation to complete this questionnaire because a student you teach has been selected to participate in the MGLS:2017 field test study. To enhance the information provided by your students and their parents, we need you to complete this survey.
The first part will ask questions about your classroom, then the second part will ask questions about specific students that are in your classroom and are participating in our study. The third part will ask some background questions about yourself and your school. Part one and two may be repeated if you have study students in more than one of your classes.
Taking part in the study is voluntary, and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. We realize you are very busy, but urge you to complete the questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible. Your answers are very important to the study’s success. You will receive a $20 gift card for completing the questionnaire about you and your classroom, and $7 for each questionnaire about a student in our study.
Please click below to start the survey.
Begin the Survey
PROGRAMMER BOX Begin your survey |
How to Complete the Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.
• Please record your answers by checking the box next to the appropriate answer or entering information as directed. Answer each question as accurately as possible; if you need to estimate an answer that is okay.
• Press the "Next" button to move forward.
• Press the "Back" button to go back.
• The "Save and Come Back Later" button can be used to save your responses and finish later.
• To protect your answers, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.
Please click the button below to begin the survey.
PROGRAMMER BOX Begin your survey
Notes to programmers:
Question numbers appear in the specs for programming purposes (i.e., routing, skip logic, etc.) but the question numbers should not be displayed to the respondent
All questions will generally have the same soft check message
[WARNING IF IDLE 25 MINUTES] If you do not fill in an answer, the questionnaire will time out automatically, and you will have to sign in again to resume the questionnaire
[IF IDLE MORE THAN 30 MINUTES] You have timed out of the survey. Your answers have been saved. Please enter your Login ID and password to continue the survey.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
[IF RESPONDENT ATTEMPTS TO LOGIN TO A COMPLETED SURVEY] Our records indicate that you have finished your survey. Thank you for your participation, you do not need to login again.
If you think you are receiving this message in error, or have questions about the study, please call FN LN at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or send an email to xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx and include the contact information you were provided.
WARNING – Save and Come Back Later |
[IF RESPONDENT SELECTS Save BUTTON] The questionnaire is not complete yet. Do you want to save your answers?
Options: “Save” or “Cancel”
[IF RESPONDENT SELECTS “SAVE”] Thank you for responding so far. Please log back in to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.
[IF RESPONDENT RETURNING TO ONLINE SURVEY FOR SECOND OR HIGHER ORDER TIME] Welcome back! Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please enter your Login ID and password, and the survey will begin where you left off. All your previous answers have been saved.
Login ID:
The first part of the survey is about to begin. It asks questions about you and the classroom listed below. School: Classroom: Teacher: |
Ask items SC0, SC0a, AND SC0b one time only. |
SC0. Are you {Fill TeacherName}?
Yes 1 A01 Yes, but my name is misspelled 2 SC0a No, this is not my name 3 SC0a
If SC0 = 2 or 3 |
SC0a. Please enter the correct spelling of your first and last name
PROGRAMMER BOX If SC0 = 1 or 2, go to A01; OTHERWISE GO TO END1. Assign Status code.
A01. This section asks specific questions about your [CLASS NAME] class.
How many students are enrolled in this class?
A01a. Please provide some information about your [CLASS NAME] class. Which of the following best describes this mathematics course?
Grade 6 general mathematics 1 Grade 6 honors mathematics 2 Grade 6 remedial mathematics 3 Grade 7 general mathematics 4 Grade 7 honors mathematics 5 Grade 7 remedial mathematics 6 Grade 8 general mathematics 7 Grade 8 honors mathematics 8 Grade 8 remedial mathematics 9 Introduction to algebra/ pre-algebra 10 Algebra 11 Algebra II 12 Geometry 13 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M
A02. What percentage of students in this [CLASS NAME] class… If none, enter “0.”
A03. At this point in the school year, how would you rate the behavior of the students in this class?
Group misbehaves very frequently and is almost always difficult to handle. 1 Group misbehaves frequently and is often difficult to handle. 2 Group misbehaves occasionally. 3 Group behaves well. 4 Group behaves exceptionally well. 5 NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
B01. This section focuses on the content you cover in this [CLASS NAME] class, as well as your teaching practices. The curriculum used for this class is...
Locally or district-designed 1 State-designed 2 Nationally-designed 3 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M
B02. What do you use as your primary basis for instruction for this class? Select one only Textbook (Print) 1 E-book 2 District or state educational content repository 3 Open educational resources 4 Specify Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
IF B02=1 OR =2 |
B03. Which one of the following textbooks or e-books do you use in this class as your primary source of instruction? PROGRAMMER: INSERT DROP DOWN FIELD ▼
Algebra 1; Glencoe / McGraw‐Hill 1 Algebra 1; McDougal Littell / Houghton Mifflin 2 Algebra; Prentice Hall 3 Big Ideas Math Common Core; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 4 Connected Mathematics Program (CMP) 2 5 Connected Mathematics Program (CMP) 3 6 Contemporary Mathematics in Context; Glencoe / McGraw‐Hill 7 Everyday Mathematics (UCSMP); Everyday Learning 8 Geometry; Holt 9 Glencoe Math Common Core Edition Course 2 10 Glencoe Math Course 1 11 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 1; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 12 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 2; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 13 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 3; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 14 Go Math!; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 15 Holt Algebra I; Holt, McDougal 16 Holt Mathematics Course 1; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 17 Holt Mathematics Course 2; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 18 Holt Mathematics Course 3; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 19 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 1; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 20 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 2; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 21 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 3; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 22 Holt Pre-Algebra; Holt, Littell 23 Holt Pre‐Algebra; Holt, McDougal 24 Impact Mathematics Course 1; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 25 Impact Mathematics Course 2; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 26 Impact Mathematics Course 3; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 27 Integrated Mathematics; McDougal Littell / Houghton Mifflin 28 Math Connects Common Core Edition Course 2 29 Math Investigations; Pearson/TERC 30 Math; Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 31 Math; Scott Foresman 32 Pre-Algebra; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 33 Prentice Hall Mathematics Common Core; Pearson 34 Saxon Math 35 Trailblazers; Kendall Hunt 36 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
IF B02=1 OR =2 and B03 is not missing |
B03a. Please indicate the publication year of [FILL TEXTBOOK NAME from B03].
IF B02=1 OR =2 and B03 is not missing |
B03b. Please indicate the grade level of [FILL TEXTBOOK NAME from B03].
Grade 5 1 Grade 6 2 Grade 7 3 Grade 8 4 Grade 9 5 Not applicable 6 NO RESPONSE M
B04. Which of the following do you use to supplement your primary basis for instruction for this class? Select all that apply Textbook (Print) 1 E-book 2 District or state educational content repository 3 Open educational resources 4 Specify Other 99 Specify I do not use additional resources to supplement instruction 5 NO RESPONSE M
IF B04 = 1 or = 2 |
B05. What additional textbooks or e-books do you use to supplement your instruction? Select all that apply Algebra 1; Glencoe / McGraw‐Hill 1 Algebra 1; McDougal Littell / Houghton Mifflin 2 Algebra; Prentice Hall 3 Big Ideas Math Common Core; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 4 Connected Mathematics Program (CMP) 2 5 Connected Mathematics Program (CMP) 3 6 Contemporary Mathematics in Context; Glencoe / McGraw‐Hill 7 Everyday Mathematics (UCSMP); Everyday Learning 8 Geometry; Holt 9 Glencoe Math Common Core Edition Course 2 10 Glencoe Math Course 1 11 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 1; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 12 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 2; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 13 Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts Course 3; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 14 Go Math!; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 15 Holt Algebra I; Holt, McDougal 16 Holt Mathematics Course 1; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 17 Holt Mathematics Course 2; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 18 Holt Mathematics Course 3; Holt, Rinehart & Winston 19 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 1; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 20 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 2; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 21 Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Course 3; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 22 Holt Pre-Algebra; Holt, Littell 23 Holt Pre‐Algebra; Holt, McDougal 24 Impact Mathematics Course 1; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 25 Impact Mathematics Course 2; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 26 Impact Mathematics Course 3; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 27 Integrated Mathematics; McDougal Littell / Houghton Mifflin 28 Math Connects Common Core Edition Course 2 29 Math Investigations; Pearson/TERC 30 Math; Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 31 Math; Scott Foresman 32 Pre-Algebra; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 33 Prentice Hall Mathematics Common Core; Pearson 34 Saxon Math 35 Trailblazers; Kendall Hunt 36 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M
IF B04 = 1 or = 2 and B05 is not missing |
B05a. Please indicate the publication year of [SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTBOOK].
IF B02=1 OR =2 and B05 is not missing |
B05b. Please indicate the grade level of [FILL SUPPLEMENTAL TEXTBOOK NAME from B05].
Grade 5 1 Grade 6 2 Grade 7 3 Grade 8 4 Grade 9 5 Not applicable 6 NO RESPONSE M
B06. These questions ask about how much time is scheduled for this class. How many weeks per year is the class held?
B07. How many days per week is the class typically held?
One day 1 Two days 2 Three days 3 Four days 4 Five days 5 Six days 6 NO RESPONSE M
B08. How many minutes per day is the class typically held?
B09. The purpose of this item is to obtain a description of the specific mathematic content areas you covered or plan to cover in your course this academic year. Following is a list of content areas covering materials that may be taught in grades 6, 7 & 8. Please respond to the entire list so that we may obtain an indication of the topics covered in your class that is as complete and accurate as possible. (Note: not all areas are necessarily appropriate for your class). For each listed content area, indicate the approximate number of class periods during this school year when the content area was or will be a primary focus in your [CLASS NAME] class. To what extent have you or will you teach each of the following topics in this course during this school year? Indicate the number of class periods.
B10. These next questions ask about the teaching practices you use in this classroom. How often do the students in this [CLASS NAME] class...
B11. Please indicate the extent to which the following statements are true for students in this [CLASS NAME] class.
B12. Next we would like to know about how you use technology in your teaching. Please indicate if the following technology devices are available for your use in the classroom. Select all that apply Desktop or laptop 1 Tablet 2 Smartboard, or interactive whiteboard 3 Interactive TV monitor 4 LCD or DLP projector 5 Smartphone 6 Apps 7 Digital camera 8 Digital video recorder 9 Graphing calculators 10 Student or audience response system for polling 11 Other 99 Specify No technology devices are available for use in the classroom 12 NO RESPONSE M
HARD CHECK: IF B12 = 12 AND B12<12 or B12 =99; You selected “No technology devices are available” and selected at least one type of device. This creates conflicting information. Please change your response(s) to be consistent. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
B13. Please indicate if the following technology devices are available for student use in the classroom. Select all that apply Desktop or laptop 1 Tablet 2 Smartboard, or interactive whiteboard 3 Interactive TV monitor 4 LCD or DLP projector 5 Smartphone 6 Apps 7 Digital camera 8 Digital video recorder 9 Graphing calculators 10 Student or audience response system for polling 11 Other 99 Specify No technology devices are available for student use in the classroom 12 NO RESPONSE M
HARD CHECK: IF B13 = 12 AND B13<12 or B13 =99; You selected “No technology devices are available” and selected at least one type of device. This creates conflicting information. Please change your response(s) to be consistent. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
IF B13=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5 OR =6 OR =7 OR =8 OR =9 OR =10 OR =11 OR =99 |
B14. In your [CLASS NAME] class this year, how often do your students use technological resources to do each of the following?
IF B13=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5 OR =6 OR =7 OR =8 OR =9 OR =10 OR =11 OR =99 |
B14n. Please list any other ways students in your class use technological resources and indicate how often they use technological resources in this way. If there are fewer other uses than the number of blank spaces provided, please leave any extra spaces empty and click “Next.”
of technological resources would be tablets, e-readers, computers,
smartphones, digital cameras, Smartboards and interactive
whiteboards, as well as websites such as Khan Academy, Moodle,
Dropbox, or Study Island and apps such as Edmodo, Poll Everywhere,
or Remind 101.
IF B12=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5 OR =6 OR =7 OR =8 OR =9 OR =10 OR =11 OR =99 |
B15j. Please list any other ways you use technological resources in this class and indicate how often you use them in this way. If there are fewer other uses than the number of blank spaces provided, please leave any extra spaces empty and click “Next.”
if any item is missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to sc00a |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions so far. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press “Next” to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
SC00a. Those are all of the questions we have about your [CLASS NAME] class. Now we would like to ask some questions about individual students who are participating in the MGLS and are in your [CLASS NAME] class. This section includes questions about each student’s math skills, social skills, and other behaviors at school. Instructions: 1. On the next screen, you'll see a list of students. 2. Choose a student you wish to rate and press the "Next" button. 3. If a student moved to another class, moved to another school, or was never in your class, choose the student’s name and you will be able to note this on the next screens. Press the "Next" button to proceed.
If no student has been rated in CURRENT class LOOPING ON |
SC00b. Please select a student to rate. School: [SCHOOL] Classroom: [CLASS NAME]
Select a student then press the “Next” button. You may have to scroll down to see all the buttons.
If at least one student in class has been rated. |
SC00b1. Please choose another student in your [CLASS NAME] to rate. School: [SCHOOL] Classroom: [CLASS NAME]
Select a student then press the “Next” button. You may have to scroll down to see all the buttons.
SC01. Are you currently the math teacher for [STUDENT NAME]? Yes…………………………………………………………………………...……1 A01a No.…………………………………………………………………………………0
provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”
to proceed to the next question. |
IF SC01 = 0 |
SC02. You indicated that [STUDENT NAME] is not currently in your math class. What is the main reason you are not [STUDENT NAME]'s math teacher? [STUDENT NAME] moved to another class in the same school 1 SC03 [STUDENT NAME] moved to another school in the same district 2 SC03a [STUDENT NAME] left the district 3 SC04 [STUDENT NAME] was never in my class/I don't know [STUDENT NAME] 4 CONFIRM NO RESPONSE M
IF SC02 = 1 |
SC03. You indicated that [STUDENT NAME] is in another class in this school. What is the name of this student’s new math teacher ? NAME [SKIP TO COMFIRM]
IF SC02 = 2 |
SC03a. What is the name of the school where [STUDENT NAME] went?
IF SC02=3 |
SC04. Please record the last date [STUDENT NAME] was in your class. PROGRAMMER: INSERT DROP DOWN FIELDS
DATE [SKIP TO CONFIRM] Month Day Year (DATE RANGE, Month = January-December, Day = 1-31, Year = 2014– 2016) NO RESPONSE M
This first set of questions asks about the skills and abilities [STUDENT NAME] demonstrates in your [CLASS NAME] class. C01. Please rate this student's skills in the following areas, as exhibited in your class.
D01. For each item below, please think about this student's behavior during the past month. Decide how often the student demonstrates the behavior described.
D02. The following are some statements that describe behaviors many students exhibit. For each item below, please think about this student's behavior during the past three months. Describe how often this student demonstrates the behavior.
D03. Next are some questions about [STUDENT NAME]'s interactions with other students. During this school year, how often have other students...
D04. Please rate each of the listed behaviors according to how well it describes this student.
These questions ask about how [STUDENT NAME] behaves in your classroom. E01. Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements is true for this student.
Next are some questions about this student's attendance. E02. Over the last month, how often has this student been...
E03. Over the last month, how often did this student...
This last section asks about special supports or opportunities [STUDENT NAME] receives at school. F01. How often does this student receive instruction and/or related services in any of the following types of programs in your school during the day?
F02. Have you recommended this student for academic honors, advanced placement, or honors classes? Yes…………………………………………………………………………...……1 No.…………………………………………………………………………………2 Not applicable (no such honor available)………………………………...…...3 NO RESPONSE ………………………………...…...............................................M
CHECK2. Thank you for answering our questions so far about your student. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press “Next” to continue. [list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
CONFIRM.You have completed the questions for [STUDENT]. Thank you very much!
click the “Next” button to confirm that you have finished
rating [STUDENT]. If you want to make changes or review your
responses click the “Back” button.
PROGRAMMER BOX Assign status code. IF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NewClass THEN aText := ': changed to a new class ' + aDateString[I]
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NewCenter THEN aText := ': went to another school ' + aDateString[I]
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NeverInClass THEN aText := ': was never in this class / Don''t know child '
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = Done THEN aText := ': rated.'
G01. This section asks questions about your school and your teaching. Which statement best describes the way your mathematics classes at this school are organized? Select one only You instruct several classes of different students all or most of the day in one or more subjects (sometimes called departmentalized instruction). 1 You instruct the same group of students all or most of the day in multiple subjects (sometimes called a self-contained class). 2 You instruct a small number of selected students released from or in their regular classes in specific skills or to address specific needs (sometimes called a "pull-out" class or "push-in" instruction). 3 NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
G02_6. In this school, how important is each of the following factors in placing a typical 6th grade student into a mathematics course?
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G02_7. In this school, how important is each of the following factors in placing a typical 7th grade student into a mathematics course?
G02_8. In this school, how important is each of the following factors in placing a typical 8th grade student into a mathematics course?
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G03. Please indicate how confident you are for each of the following statements about your teaching. I am confident that I can...
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G04. Next, we would like to know more about your school's principal or administrator. How much do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements? The principal at this school...
The next set of questions asks about the teaching climate at your school. G05. How much do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements about math teachers at your school? Math teachers at your school...
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G06. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about teaching at your school?
G07. How much do you agree with each of the following statements about your school?
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G08. Indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with each of the following statements about your school.
The next two questions ask about your school’s technology policies and practices. G09. Does this school lend or provide computers, tablets or similar devices to individual students? Yes 1 No 0 NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
G10. Thinking about students, is this a bring your own device (BYOD) school? Yes 1 No 0 NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
The next several questions ask about your educational background H01. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Select one only Did not complete high school 1 High school diploma or equivalent/GED 2 Some college or technical or vocational school 3 Associate’s degree 4 Bachelor’s degree 5 Master’s degree 6 Advanced professional degree beyond a master’s degree (for example, Ph.D., Ed.D.) 7 NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
IF H01=2 OR =4 OR =5 OR =6 OR =7 |
H02. In what year did you receive your [RESPONSE TO H01]?
YEAR (e.g., 1997)
SOFT CHECK: IF H02 <1945; You entered you completed your education in {Response to H02}. Is this correct? Please change your response or to continue without changing your response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF H02 >4 digits OR H02<4 digits; Your response must be 4 digits. |
HARD CHECK: IF H02 >2016; Your response cannot be greater than the current year. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
IF H01 >= 3 |
H03. Did you have a major, minor, or special emphasis in any of the following subjects as part of your undergraduate or graduate coursework?
H04. How many college-level classes have you taken in the following branches of mathematics?
H05. Including this school year, how many years have you taught the following grades at any school... Please estimate to the nearest half year (for example, 4.5 years).
SOFT CHECK: IF ANY H05 <1 OR H05 >30; You entered {Response to H05} years. Is this correct? Please change your response or to continue without changing your response, click the “Continue” button. SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
H06. Which of the following best describes the math teaching certificate you currently hold in [FILL STATE]? Select one only Regular or standard state certificate or advanced professional certificate 1 Certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary teaching period 2 Certificate that requires some additional coursework or passing a test 3 Certificate issued to persons who must complete a certification program in order to continue teaching 4 I do not hold any of these certifications in this state 5 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
IF D6 NE 5 |
H07. In which grades does this certificate allow you to teach math in [FILL STATE]? Select all that apply Kindergarten 1 1st grade 2 2nd grade 3 3rd grade 4 4th grade 5 5th grade 6 6th grade 7 7th grade 8 8th grade 9 9th grade 10 10th grade 11 11th grade 12 12th grade 13 NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
H08. Have you taken the exam for National Board Certification? Select one only Not taken 1 Taken and passed 2 Taken and awaiting results 3 Taken and have not yet passed 4 NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
IF H08=2 |
H09. In what content area(s) do you hold a National Board for Professional Teaching certificate? Select all that apply Generalist, Early Childhood 1 Generalist, Middle Childhood 2 Mathematics, Early Adolescence 3 Mathematics, Adolescence and Young Adulthood 4 Other 99 Specify NO RESPONSE M SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
H10. Did you enter teaching through an alternative certification program? An alternative certification program is a program that was designed to expedite the transition of non-teachers to a teaching career, for example, a state, district, or university alternative certification program. Yes 1 No 0 NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
This set of questions asks about you and your background. H11. In what year were you born?
YEAR BORN (e.g., 1987)
H12. What is your sex? Male 1 Female 2 NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
H13. Are you of Hispanic or Latino/Latina origin? Yes 1 No 0 NO RESPONSE M
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button.
H14. Which of the following best describes your race? You may choose more than one. Select all that apply American Indian or Alaska Native 1 Asian 2 Black or African American 3 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 4 White 5 NO RESPONSE M
provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”.
To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue”
if any item is missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK3, otherwise continue to programmer box |
CHECK3. Thank you for answering our questions about your student. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press “Next” to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
END1. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! Since we had some inaccurate information we will send you a new user id and password with the updated information you provided.
That is all we have for you today. Press “END” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX PROGRAM A “END” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
END2. That is all the questions we have for you. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.
Thank you very much for participating in MGLS2017!
Press “END” to close the survey.
PROGRAMMER BOX PROGRAM A “END” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. |
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) Special Education Teacher/Service Provider Questionnaire.
Please refer to the instructions you received in your survey invitation letter to find your login ID and password. To begin the survey, enter your login ID and password in the fields below, and then click NEXT. If you do not have your login ID and password, please call First Last at 1-888-xxx-xxxx, or email us at [email protected].
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes for the teacher-level information and 25 minutes per study student, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this survey, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
The collection of information in this survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002: 20 U.S. Code § 9543). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.
You have received an invitation to complete this questionnaire because a student you teach or provide services for has been selected participate in the MGLS field test study. To enhance the information provided by your students and their parents, we need you to complete this survey.
The first part will ask questions about you and your classroom, then the second part will ask questions about specific students that you teach or provide services for and who are participating in our study.
Taking part in the study is voluntary, and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. We realize you are very busy, but urge you to complete the questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible. Your answers are very important to the study’s success. You will receive a $20 gift card for completing the questionnaire about you and your classroom, and $7 for each questionnaire about a student in our study.
Please click the button below to start the survey.
Begin the Survey
PROGRAMMER BOX Begin your survey |
How to Complete the Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.
• Please record your answers by checking the box next to the appropriate answer or entering information as directed. Answer each question as accurately as possible; if you need to estimate an answer that is okay.
• Press the "Next" button to move forward.
• Press the "Back" button to go back.
• The "Save and Come Back Later" button can be used to save your responses and finish later.
• To protect your answers, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.
Please click the button below to begin the survey.
PROGRAMMER BOX Begin your survey
Notes to programmers:
Question numbers appear in the specs for programming purposes (i.e., routing, skip logic, etc.) but the question numbers should not be displayed to the respondent
All questions will generally have the same soft check message
[WARNING IF IDLE 25 MINUTES] If you do not fill in an answer, the questionnaire will time out automatically, and you will have to sign in again to resume the questionnaire
[IF IDLE MORE THAN 30 MINUTES] You have timed out of the survey. Your answers have been saved. Please enter your Login ID and password to continue the survey.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
[IF RESPONDENT ATTEMPTS TO LOGIN TO A COMPLETED SURVEY] Our records indicate that you have finished your survey. Thank you for your participation, you do not need to login again.
If you think you are receiving this message in error, or have questions about the study, please call FN LN at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or send an email to xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx and include the contact information you were provided.
[IF RESPONDENT SELECTS SUSPEND BUTTON] The questionnaire is not complete yet. Do you want to save your answers?
Options: “Save” or “Cancel”
If ‘SAVE”:Thank you for responding so far. Please log back in to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.
[IF RESPONDENT RETURNING TO ONLINE SURVEY FOR SECOND OR HIGHER ORDER TIME] Welcome back! Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please enter your Login ID and password, and the survey will begin where you left off. All your previous answers have been saved.
Login ID:
Password: ____________________________
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) Special Education Teacher/Service Provider Questionnaire and Teacher Student Report. First we would like to verify the following information. On the next screens you will be able to make changes if needed. Please press the “Next”button to continue.
School: Classroom:
SC0. Are you {Fill TeacherName}?
YES 1 A01
Yes, but my name is misspelled 2 SC0a
No, this is not my name 3 SC0a
PROGRAMMER BOX If SC0 = 2 or 3, alert sent to update SMS If SC0 =3, Alert sent to create new teacher with new user name and password |
HARD CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. |
SC0a. Please enter the correct spelling of your name
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next” or click “Back” to return to the first question. |
PROGRAMMER BOX If SC0 = 1 or 2, go to A01; OTHERWISE GO TO END1. Assign Status code.
aLL |
A01. First we would like to ask you some questions about your current position or assignment. Which of the following best describes your current position in this school?
Special education teacher 1
Special education teacher consultant 2
General education teacher 3
Special education classroom aide/paraprofessional 4
Speech - language pathologist 5
Physical therapist 6
Physical therapy assistant or aide 7
Occupational therapist 8
Occupational therapy assistant or aide 9
School psychologist 10
School counselor 11
School social worker 12
Other (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING (50))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
aLL |
A02. How do you classify your main assignment at this school, that is, the activity at which you spend most of your time during this school year?
Regular full-time teacher 1
Regular full-time service provider 2
Regular part-time teacher (at one school) 3
Regular part-time service provider (at one school) 4
Itinerant teacher (i.e., your assignment requires you to provide instruction/related services at more than one school) 5
Itinerant related services consultant (e.g., speech and language therapist, social worker, psychologist, behavior specialist. Your assignment requires you to provide instruction/related services at more than one school). 6
Long-term substitute 7
Teacher aide or paraprofessional 8
Other (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX If A01 = 4 OR A02 = 8, Go to END1
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
A03. Do you co-teach with another teacher or professional educator?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
{A03=1} |
A04. Which of the following models best describes your current co-teaching arrangement?
One teach, one drift (one teacher leads the class and the other moves throughout the classroom to make sure everyone is on track). 1
Station teaching (class divided into two or more stations; each teacher spends at least half of the period with one group, and then teachers switch). 2
Alternative teaching (one teacher teaches the large group and the other teacher works with a smaller group of students to re-teach any necessary information). 3
Parallel teaching (both teachers are teaching at the same time, and both lead discussion; class may be divided into groups). 4
Team teaching (both co-teachers balance the responsibilities of the class in such a way that both teach the same amount in front of the classroom). 5
Other (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING (200))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
A05. During this school year, where have you worked with students with IEPs?
Select one per row
NO |
a. In a general education classroom |
1 |
0 |
b. In a special education classroom |
1 |
0 |
c. In a non-classroom space (e.g. office, therapy room, small work space, mobile van, etc.) |
1 |
0 |
d. Other (please specify) |
1 |
0 |
(STRING (100))
e. I do not work directly with students who have IEPs |
1 |
0 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF A05a-d = 1 AND A05e = 1; You responded “Yes” to e. “I do not work directly with students who have IEPs” and indicated “Yes” to specific places you work with students with IEPs. This creates conflicting information. Please change your response(s) to be consistent. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8} |
A06. Do you teach mathematics to students who have IEPs?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
{A06=1} |
A07. When teaching mathematics to students who have IEPs, how often do you use each of the following instructional strategies?
Select one per row
a. Have students discuss different ways to solve a problem |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Have students generate new strategies |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Have students work on an investigation, problem or project over an extended period of time |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Have students solve problems using multiple methods |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
e. Begin instructional units with worked examples (explaining how work is completed, step by step, and what you think as you complete each step) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
f. Teach the most efficient solution strategy using simple, direct language |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
g. Have students explain solutions in their own words |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
h. Have students practice solution strategies that you taught |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
i. Have students explain how taught strategies are efficient |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
j. Provide students with background knowledge and skills |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
k. Provide practice for prescribed strategies |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
l. Incorporate systematic cumulative reviews of skills and information |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
m. Include self-regulation strategies that promote on-task thinking and hard work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
n. Explicitly teach for transfer of skills and strategies |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
o. Use validated forms of progress monitoring of student responsiveness to the instruction or intervention |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
p. Apply validated decision-making rules with progress monitoring tools to determine when to revise the program |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; You have left at least one item blank. Please provide an answer to this/these question(s) indicated below and continue. To continue without providing a response(s), click the “Continue” button. |
LINK the WORDS “validated
forms of progress monitoring”
and Validated forms of progress monitoring are tools and methods that have been found by research to relate to student performance on more in depth assessments and student outcomes. Validated decision-making rules have been tested by researchers and found to reliably indicate when a change is needed. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
A08. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements on teaching.
Select one per row
a. I really enjoy my present job. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. I am certain I am making a difference in the lives of the students I work with. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. If I could start over, I would choose this career again. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. I am satisfied with my class size/caseload. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. I worry about the security of my job because of the performance of the students in my class(es) on state or local tests. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. I get frustrated working with general education teachers. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. I plan to continue to teach special education for at least the next five years. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
h. The amount of paperwork that I need to complete for my students takes away from my ability to deliver high quality instruction. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; You have left at least one item blank. Please provide an answer to this/these question(s) indicated below and continue. To continue without providing a response(s), click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
A09. During this school year, how many students with IEPs have you worked with or provided services for, on average, each week?
Include students you work with directly, as well as students for whom you consult with the general education teacher and/or another special education teacher/service provider.
1-10 1
11-20 2
21-40 3
More than 40 4
Don’t know D
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
B. Background and Education
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B01. The next several questions ask about your background and education.
What is your sex?
Male 1
Female 2
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B02. In what year were you born?
YEAR BORN (e.g., 1987)
SOFT CHECK: IF B02 >1997 OR <1925; You entered you were born {before 1925/after 1997}. To continue without changing your response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF B02 >4 digits OR B02<4 digits; Your response must be 4 digits. |
HARD CHECK: IF B02 >2016; Your response cannot be greater than the current school year. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B03. Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latina?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX B03 HYPER LINK the WORDS “Hispanic or Latino/Latina” for AA03 QUESTION TEXT: Hispanic or Latino/Latina: a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish cultures or origin (or descent), regardless of race. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B04. Which of the following best describes your race? You may choose more than one.
Select all that apply
White 1
Black or African American 2
Asian 3
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 4
American Indian or Alaska Native 5
PROGRAMMER BOX B04 Hyperlink each of the response options of B04 with each hyperlink containing only its corresponding definition: White:
a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe,
the Middle East, or North Africa. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B05. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Did not complete high school 1
High school diploma or equivalent/GED 2
Some college or technical or vocational school 3
Associate's degree 4
Bachelor's degree 5
Master's degree 6
An advanced professional degree beyond a master's degree (for example, Ph.D., Ed.D) 7
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B06. Which of the following credentials, licenses, or certificates do you have for working with students with disabilities?
Select one per row
NO |
a. Emergency credential |
1 |
0 |
b. Provisional or temporary credential |
1 |
0 |
c. Disability-specific credential or endorsement |
1 |
0 |
d. Special education credential or endorsement (for more than one disability category) |
1 |
0 |
e. General education credential |
1 |
0 |
f. Speech/language therapy state license or certification |
1 |
0 |
g. Physical therapy state license or certification |
1 |
0 |
h. Occupational therapy state license or certification |
1 |
0 |
i. Social work license or certification |
1 |
0 |
j. School psychology license or certification |
1 |
0 |
k. Clinical psychology license or certification |
1 |
0 |
l. Certificate of Clinical Competence |
1 |
0 |
m. Other professional license, credential, or endorsement (please specify) |
1 |
0 |
(STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this/these questions indicated below and continue. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
B07. Which of the following describes the teaching certificate you currently hold in [STATE]?
Regular or standard state certificate or advanced professional certificate 1
Certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary teaching period 2
Certificate that requires some additional coursework or passing a test 3
Certificate issued to persons who must complete a certification program in order to continue teaching 4
I do not hold any of these certifications in this state 5
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
{B07=1, 2, 3, 4} |
B08. In what subject(s) are you certified in [STATE]?
Select all that apply
Early childhood or Pre-k, general 1
Elementary grades, general 2
Middle grades, general 3
Secondary grades, general 4
Special education, general 5
Specific area of disability (for example, autism, learning disabilities, etc.) 6
Specify (STRING (100))
ESL or bilingual education: General 7
ESL or bilingual education: Spanish 8
ESL or bilingual education: Other 9
English/Language arts 10
Reading 11
Speech 12
Mathematics 13
Science (including general science, biology or life sciences, earth science, and other natural sciences) 14
Social studies (including history, government or civics, geography) 15
Social or behavioral science (including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other social sciences) 16
Other (specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX B08 IF B08= 6, AN OTHER SPECIFY BOX APPEARS WITH THE MESSAGE “Please specify the specific area of disability you are certified in.” |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8} |
B09. Have you received any training related to Response to Intervention (RTI) from any of the following sources?
Select all that apply
College courses 1
Professional development 2
Personal reading and study 3
I have not received any training on issues related to Response to Intervention 4
Other training (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF B09=4 AND B09=1, 2, 3, OR 99; Your response to this question is inconsistent. Please change your response(s) to this question. |
C. Professional Experience
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
C01. Next, we would like to ask about your years of experience.
Counting this school year, how many years have you worked in your current school, including part time?
Enter the number of years. If you have been working for less than one year, enter 1.
SOFT CHECK: IF C01 <1 or C01 > 70; Please check that your answer is accurate and then click “Next”. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
C02. Counting this school year, how many total years (including part-time) have you been working with students receiving special education or related services in any school?
Enter the number of years. If you have been working for less than one year, enter 1.
SOFT CHECK: IF C01 <1 or C01 > 70; Please check that your answer is accurate and then click “Next”. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
[{IF A01 IS NOT 4} and {A02 IS NOT 8}] |
C03. Counting this school year, how many total years (including part-time) have you been working with any students in any school? This would include both providing special education services as well as teaching in a regular classroom.
Enter the number of years. If you have been working for less than one year, enter 1.
SOFT CHECK: IF C01 <1 or C01 > 70; Please check that your answer is accurate and then click “Next”. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: If C03 < C02; Your total years working with any students is inconsistent with “years worked with special education students”. Please change your response to this question or go back and change your response to years worked with special education students. |
HARD CHECK: If C03 < C01; Your total years working with any students is inconsistent with “years worked in current school”. Please change your response to this question or go back and change your response to years worked in current school. |
if any item is missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to sc00a |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions so far. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
Those are all of the questions we have about you and your teaching experience.
Now we would like to ask some questions about each of your students who are participating in the MGLS. The last section includes questions about IEP and primary disability, special education services received, and goals and expectations.
1. On the next screen, you'll see a list of students.
2. Choose a student and then press the “Next” button.
3. If a student moved to another class, moved to another school, or was never in your class, choose the student’s name and you will be able to note this on the next screens.
Press the "Next" button to proceed.
SC00b. Please select a student to rate.
School: [SCHOOL]
Select a student then press the “Next” button. You may have to scroll down to see all the buttons.
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
HARD CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please select a student from the list below and then click “Next” to move to the next question. |
SC01. Are you currently the teacher or special education provider for [STUDENT NAME]?
Yes 1 A01
No 0
HARD CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. |
SC01 = 0 |
SC02. You indicated that you are not currently the teacher or special education provider for [STUDENT]. What is the main reason you are not [STUDENT NAME]’s teacher or service provider?
[STUDENT’S NAME] moved to another teacher or provider in the same school 1 SC02
[STUDENT’S NAME] moved to another school in the same district 2 SC03a
[STUDENT’S NAME] left the district 3 SC04
[STUDENT’S NAME] was never in my class / I was never [STUDENT’S NAME]'s teacher or service provider/ I don’t know [STUDENT’S NAME] 4 CONFIRM
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX If sco2 = 2 or 3 or 4, Alert sent to to update SMS |
SC02=1 or M |
SC03. What is the name of the current teacher or special education provider for [STUDENT NAME]?
(STRING (50))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SC02=2 |
SC03a. What is the name of the school where [STUDENT NAME] went?
(STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SC02=3 |
SC04. Please record the last date [STUDENT NAME] was in your class.
Month Day Year
(DATE RANGE, Month = January-December, Day = 1-31, Year = 2014– 2016)
SOFT CHECK: IF SC04 month = 4, 6, 9, 11 AND day >30 OR IF SC04 month = 2 AND day >29 AND year = 2016 OR IF SC04 month = 2 AND day >28 AND year = 2015 OR 2014; You entered [fill day] as the last day this student was in your class. If this is correct, click “Continue”, if not correct, change your response and then click “Next”. |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SC01=1 |
D01. These first questions are about this student's IEP status and grade.
Is [STUDENT NAME] currently receiving gifted/talented services or has [STUDENT NAME] received such services during this school year?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SC01=1 |
D02. Is [STUDENT NAME] currently receiving special education services through an IEP, due to a disability, or has [STUDENT NAME] received such services during this school year?
Yes 1
No 0
HARD CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next” to proceed to the next question. |
D02=1 |
D03. In what capacity or capacities do you teach or provide services to [STUDENT NAME]?
Do you…
Select one per row
NO |
a. Provide instruction directly to the student?
1 |
0 |
b. Provide related services directly to the student?
1 |
0 |
c. Provide consultation services directly to the student?
1 |
0 |
d. Provide indirect consultation services (e.g., consultation to the student's teacher)? |
1 |
0 |
e. Provide case management?
1 |
0 |
(STRING (100)) f. Other (please specify)? |
1 |
0 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
D04. In which grade is [STUDENT NAME] enrolled?
Sixth grade 1
Seventh grade 2
Eighth grade 3
Ninth grade 4
This is an ungraded classroom 5
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
D05. When did [STUDENT NAME] first have an IEP?
Before sixth grade 1
During sixth grade 2
During seventh grade 3
During eighth grade 4
During ninth grade 5
Don’t know d
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF D05>D04 AND D04 <5; Your response can’t be higher than the grade [STUDENT NAME] is enrolled in? Please change the answer to this or to the previous question and then click “Next. To continue without changing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 AND (D04 > OR = D05) |
D06. Is this the student's first year enrolled at this school?
Yes 1
No 0 D09
Don’t know d
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D06=1, d, M |
D07. To what extent were you involved in planning the transition from the previous school's special education program for [STUDENT NAME]?
Not at all 1 D09
Somewhat 2
Extensively 3
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D07=2, 3, M |
D08. To what extent did you communicate with the person who provided special education for [STUDENT NAME] at his or her previous school?
Not at all 1
Somewhat 2
Extensively 3
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
D09. Have you reviewed [STUDENT NAME]’s records related to special education services provided before this school year?
Yes 1
No, I don’t have access to the records 2
No, I have access to the records, but have not reviewed them. 3
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E01. Next we would like to know about this student's disability and the services [HE/SHE] may receive.
For which of the following disabilities has [STUDENT NAME] received special education or related services this school year, whether for [STUDENT NAME]'s primary disability or another of his/her disabilities?
Select one per row
NO |
a. Speech or language impairments |
1 |
0 |
b. Specific learning disabilities |
1 |
0 |
c. Emotional disturbance |
1 |
0 |
d. Intellectual disability |
1 |
0 |
e. Visual impairments (including blindness) |
1 |
0 |
f. Hearing impairments (including deafness) |
1 |
0 |
g. Orthopedic impairments |
1 |
0 |
h. Other health impairments (specify: What are (STRING (100)) the other health impairments the student receives services for?) |
1 |
0 |
i. Autism |
1 |
0 |
j. Traumatic brain injury |
1 |
0 |
k. Deaf-blindness |
1 |
0 |
(STRING (200)) l. Multiple disabilities (students included in this category should be those who have more than one severe disability which does not include deaf-blindness) (specify: What are the multiple disabilities the student receives services for?) (SPECIFY) |
1 |
0 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E02. What is [STUDENT NAME]’s primary disability as identified on [HIS/HER] IEP?
Please select the category below into which the student's primary disability fits best.
Speech or language impairments 1
Specific learning disabilities 2
Emotional disturbance 3
Intellectual disability 4
Visual impairments (including blindness) 5
Hearing impairments (including deafness) 6
Orthopedic impairments 7
STRING (200))
Other health impairments (Specify) 8
Autism 9
Traumatic brain injury 10
Deaf-blindness 11
Multiple disabilities (students included in this category should be those who have more than one primary disability which does not include deaf-blindness) 99
STRING (200))
Specify (
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E03. Has this student received any special education or related services because of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E04. Which of the following best describe(s) the IEP goals for [STUDENT NAME] during this school year?
Select all of the areas in which this student has IEP goals.
Select all that apply
Reading 1
Mathematics 2
Language Arts 3
Science 4
Social Studies 5
Speech and Language
Auditory processing 6
Listening comprehension 7
Oral expression 8
Voice/speech articulation, quality, or fluency 9
Language pragmatics 10
Social skills 11
Behavior regulation 12
Emotional or mood regulation 13
Life skills
Adaptive behavior or self-help skills 14
Transition and postsecondary goals 15
Organizational and planning skills 16
Fine motor skills 17
Gross motor skills 18
Orientation and mobility 19
(STRING (100))
Other (Please specify) 99
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E05. Which of the following related services have been provided through the school to [STUDENT NAME] during this school year?
Select one per row
Yes |
No |
a. Audiology |
1 |
0 |
b. Counseling services |
1 |
0 |
c. Occupational therapy |
1 |
0 |
d. Physical therapy |
1 |
0 |
e. Psychological services |
1 |
0 |
f. Health services |
1 |
0 |
g. Social work services |
1 |
0 |
h. Special transportation |
1 |
0 |
i. Speech or language therapy |
1 |
0 |
j. Orientation services |
1 |
0 |
k. Mobility services |
1 |
0 |
l. Rehabilitation services |
1 |
0 |
m. Other (please specify) |
1 |
0 |
(STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
E06. Has [STUDENT NAME] received any of the following?
Select one per row
NO |
a. Adaptive physical education |
1 |
0 |
b. Assistance from classroom aides or paraprofessionals (e.g., teacher aide, behavioral assistant, special education aide) |
1 |
0 |
c. Interpreter for the deaf or hard of hearing (oral or sign) |
1 |
0 |
d. Materials provided in Braille or Nemeth code to support learning/instruction |
1 |
0 |
e. Student was taught how to use Braille and/or the Nemeth code |
1 |
0 |
f. Instruction provided in American Sign Language |
1 |
0 |
g. Student was taught how to use American Sign Language |
1 |
0 |
h. Instruction provided in Manual English |
1 |
0 |
i. Student was taught how to use Manual English |
1 |
0 |
j. Instruction provided in Cued Speech |
1 |
0 |
k. Student was taught how to use Cued Speech |
1 |
0 |
l. Mental health services, personal/group counseling, therapy, or psychiatric care provided to the student |
1 |
0 |
m. Tutoring/remediation from special education teacher |
1 |
0 |
n. Training, counseling, and other supports/services provided to this student's family |
1 |
0 |
o. Assistive technology |
1 |
0 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F01. Now we have a few questions about where and how this student receives instruction.
Which of the following best describes [STUDENT NAME]'s classroom placement?
In general education classroom 80% of the time or more. 1
In general education classroom 40% to 79% of the time. 2
In general education classroom less than 40% of the time. 3
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F02a. In what setting does [STUDENT NAME] primarily receive mathematics instruction?
General education classroom 1
Special education classroom 2
Resource room 3
Some other setting (specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F02ab. Does [STUDENT NAME] receive mathematics instruction in any additional setting or settings?
Yes 1
No 2 F03
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next” to proceed to the next question. |
F02ab=1 |
F02b. In what additional setting or settings does [STUDENT NAME] receive mathematics instruction?
Select all that apply
General education classroom 1
Special education classroom 2
Resource room 3
Some other setting (specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
SOFT CHECK: IF (F02a=1 and F02b=1) OR (F02a=2 and F02b=2) OR (F02a=3 and F02b=3); You answered [Fill the answer in F02a] in the previous question, your answer to this question includes the same mathematics instruction setting. Please change your answer to this question and then click "Next" to proceed to the next question. To continue without changing your answer, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F03. On average how many hours per week of direct special education and related services has [STUDENT NAME] received this school year?
Please include hours for any services in which you or another professional staff member at your school provided services directly to [STUDENT NAME], and also hours for any services [STUDENT NAME] received through a referral to another professional. Do not include paraprofessional services.
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F04. Of the hours of direct special education and related services reported above, approximately how many of those hours per week were the instruction/services provided outside of a general education classroom but within the school setting?
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: IF F04>F03; Your answer is greater than the number of hours you reported in the previous question. Click “Back” if you would like to change your answer to the previous question OR change your answer to this question, and click “Next.” |
D02=1 |
F05. What teaching practices and methods have you and/or other special education service providers used with [STUDENT NAME]?
Select one per row
NO |
a. One-on-one instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
b. Small-group instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
c. Large-group instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
d. Cooperative learning |
1 |
0 |
d |
e. Peer tutoring |
1 |
0 |
d |
f. Computer-based instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
g. Direct instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
h. Cognitive strategies |
1 |
0 |
d |
i. Self-management |
1 |
0 |
d |
j. Behavior management |
1 |
0 |
d |
k. Instruction received through a sign interpreter |
1 |
0 |
d |
l. Video-based instruction |
1 |
0 |
d |
m. Audio-recorded texts or lessons |
1 |
0 |
d |
n. Use of visual organizers or visual models |
1 |
0 |
d |
o. Use of 3-dimensional materials and/or models (e.g., base ten blocks, fraction bars) |
1 |
0 |
d |
p. Student did not receive instruction from me and/or other special education service providers. |
1 |
0 |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: If any F05a-o =1 AND F05p = 1; Your response to item p. “YES” indicates the student did not receive instruction. However, other responses on this question indicate specific teaching practices or methods were used, which creates conflicting information. Please change your response to item (s), and then click “Next.” |
D02=1; F02a=1 OR F02b=1 |
F06. Which of the following best describes the curriculum materials used with [STUDENT NAME] in the general education classroom?
Select one per row
NO |
a. General education curriculum materials were used without modification |
1 |
0 |
d |
b. General education curriculum materials were used with some modifications |
1 |
0 |
d |
c. General education curriculum materials were used with substantial modifications |
1 |
0 |
d |
d. Specially-designed commercial materials were used |
1 |
0 |
d |
e. Teacher-designed materials were used |
1 |
0 |
d |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F07. Which of the following best describes the curriculum materials used with [STUDENT NAME] in the special education classroom/program?
Select one per row
NO |
a. General education curriculum materials were used without modification |
1 |
0 |
d |
b. General education curriculum materials were used with some modifications |
1 |
0 |
d |
c. General education curriculum materials were used with substantial modifications |
1 |
0 |
d |
d. Specially-designed commercial materials were used |
1 |
0 |
d |
e. Teacher-designed materials were used |
1 |
0 |
d |
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
F08. Which of the following assistive technologies and devices has [STUDENT NAME] used this school year?
Select all that apply
Mobility aids
Vans, vehicles 1
Wheelchairs 2
White canes 3
Communication aids
Electronic with voice output (e.g., Touch Talker) 4
Nonelectronic (e.g., manual printing board or picture exchange system) 5
Hearing assistance
Hearing aids 6
FM loops 7
Cochlear implants 9
Real time captioning 10
Visual aids
Braille texts 11
Electronic Braille devices 12
Digital texts 13
Magnifying devices 14
Closed Captioned Television (CCTV) 15
Screen readers 16
Talking calculators 17
Abacus 18
Learning aids
Tape recorder or digital recorder 19
Calculators 20
Electronic spelling devices 21
Dictation software 22
Computer hardware designed or adapted for students with disabilities (e.g., alternate keyboards, switch interface)
Used solely by individual student 23
Shared with other students 24
Computer software designed for students with disabilities
Reading 25
Writing 26
Mathematics 27
Other (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING (100))
Student did not use any assistive technologies
Student did not use any assistive technologies 28
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
HARD CHECK: If any F08 =1 thru 27, 99 AND F08 = 28; You checked “Student did not use any assistive technologies” but also checked specific technologies on this list. This creates conflicting information. Please change your response(s) to be consistent, and then click “Next.” |
D02=1 |
F09. Does [STUDENT NAME] have a computer, laptop, tablet, or word processing device assigned to him/her for use full time?
Yes 1
No 0
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
G01. The following questions ask about your communications with others regarding this student.
On average, how often have you met with general education teacher(s) to discuss [STUDENT NAME]’s program or progress during this school year?
Every day or several times a week 1
Once a week or several times a month 2
Once a month 3
A few times over the school year 4
Once during this school year 5
Never during this school year 6 G03
Not applicable to my work with this student 7 G03
Not applicable as student receives all instruction from me 8 G03
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
G01=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
G02. On average, how long were the meetings with the general education teacher(s) to discuss [STUDENT NAME]’s program or progress?
1 to 15 minutes 1
16 to 30 minutes 2
31 to 45 minutes 3
46 to 60 minutes 4
More than 60 minutes 5
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
G03. Approximately how often have you communicated with [STUDENT NAME]’s parents during this school year about [STUDENT NAME]’s program or progress (by phone, in person, or in writing, including e-mail)?
Every day or several times a week 1
Once a week or several times a month 2
Once a month 3
A few times over the school year 4
Once during this school year 5
Never during this school year 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H01. During this school year, has [STUDENT NAME] received formal individual evaluations in any of the following areas for purposes of developing IEP goals?
Select one per row
NO |
a. Psychological |
1 |
2 |
b. Social work services |
1 |
2 |
c. Behavioral |
1 |
2 |
d. Speech/language |
1 |
2 |
e. Vision |
1 |
2 |
f. Hearing |
1 |
2 |
g. Learning style |
1 |
2 |
h. Motor skills |
1 |
2 |
i. Academics |
1 |
2 |
j. Other (please specify) |
1 |
2 |
(STRING (100))
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H02. To what extent is [STUDENT NAME] expected to achieve the same general education goals as other students at [his/her] grade level?
Student is expected to attain grade level achievement for all of the academic content standards. 1
Student is expected to attain grade level achievement for some of the academic content standards. 2
Student is expected to attain grade level achievement for only a few of the academic content standards. 3
Student is not expected to attain grade level achievement for any of the academic content standards. 4
Don’t know d
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H03. What percentage of [STUDENT NAME]’s current IEP goals have been met or nearly met at
this point in the school year?
76 to 100 percent 1
51 to 75 percent 2
26 to 50 percent 3
1 to 25 percent 4
Zero percent 5
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H04. Which of the following best expresses the likelihood that [STUDENT NAME] will continue to receive some level of special education services (through an IEP) in the next school year?
Definitely will continue in special education 1
Very likely to continue in special education 2
Rather likely to continue in special education 3
Rather unlikely to continue in special education 4
Very unlikely to continue in special education 5
Definitely will not continue in special education (will be dismissed from services) 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H05. To what extent has [STUDENT NAME] participated in any grade-level assessment administered as part of the school’s testing program during the current school year?
Student did not participate in the school’s testing or assessment program. 1
Student participated in alternate assessments and no regular assessments. 2
Student participated in some alternate assessments and some regular assessments. 3
Student participated fully in the school’s regular testing or assessment program. 4
There is no testing or assessment program at this grade level. 5
Don’t know d
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H06a. Overall, at what grade level is [STUDENT NAME] performing in language and literacy skills?
Preschool to Grade 2 1
Grade 3 2
Grade 4 3
Grade 5 4
Grade 6 5
Grade 7 6
Grade 8 7
Grade 9 8
Grade 10 or higher 9
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
D02=1 |
H06b. Overall, at what grade level is [STUDENT NAME] performing in mathematical skills?
Preschool to Grade 2 1
Grade 3 2
Grade 4 3
Grade 5 4
Grade 6 5
Grade 7 6
Grade 8 7
Grade 9 8
Grade 10 or higher 9
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
if any item is missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK2, otherwise continue to programmer box |
CHECK2. Thank you for answering our questions so far about your student. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
PROGRAMMER BOX If student flagged for alternate assessment continue to A00. Else go to CONFIRM
A00. Thank you for answering our questions about the services [STUDENT NAME] receives! Before finishing with [STUDENT NAME] we would like you to rate [his/her] reading and mathematics skills as well as [his/her] functional abilities.
All |
A00a. Please rate the student's skills, knowledge, and behaviors based on your experience with [him/her]. This is NOT a test and should not be administered directly to the student.
Each question includes examples that are meant to help you think of the range of situations in which the student may demonstrate skills and behaviors. The examples are not exhaustive, but they do indicate the level of proficiency a student should have reached in order to receive the highest ratings.
It may be necessary to consider adaptations for some questions to make them more inclusive for this student's skills and/or use of adaptive equipment. For example, if a student utilizes alternative forms of verbal communication (e.g., sign language, communication boards) or written communication (e.g., word processors, Braille, dictation), please answer the questions with these adaptations in mind.
Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale:
1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior
2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently
3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence
4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient
5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently
For students with Limited English Proficiency or English language learners: Please answer the questions based on your knowledge of this student's skills. If the student does not yet demonstrate skills in English but does demonstrate them in his/her native language, please answer the questions with the student's native language in mind. You can also consult with the student’s English language learner teacher or general education teacher to answer any question.
If you feel you cannot answer any question, you will also have the option to indicate you are “unable to assess the student.”
I01. In this section, please rate this [STUDENT]’s reading-related abilities, including language, literacy and listening comprehension skills. Let’s begin.
{STUDENT NAME} uses complex sentence structures. For example, says "If she had brought her umbrella, she wouldn't have gotten wet," or "Yesterday it was raining cats and dogs," or "Why can't we go on the field trip after we finish the assignment that you gave us last week?"
here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I01 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
I02. {STUDENT NAME} contributes relevant information to classroom discussions. For example, during a class discussion, can express an idea or a personal opinion on a topic and the reasons behind the opinion.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I02 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I03. {STUDENT NAME} conveys ideas clearly when speaking. For example, presents a well-organized oral report, or uses precise language to express opinions, feelings, and ideas, or provides relevant answers to questions that summarize classmates’ concerns.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I03 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I04. {STUDENT NAME} shows basic comprehension of a story or text read aloud to [him OR her]. For example, by retelling a story just read to the group, or telling about why a story ended as it did, or connecting part of the story to [his OR her]own life.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I04 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I05. {STUDENT NAME} shows advanced comprehension of text read aloud to [him OR her]. For example, identifies the author’s purpose, or relates how the story would be different if told from another point of view, or identifies techniques of persuasion.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I05 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
aLL |
I06. {STUDENT NAME} uses different strategies to read unfamiliar words. For example, examines cues from pictures or context, or uses consonant sounds to read words, or uses prior knowledge in order to make predictions.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I06 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I07. {STUDENT NAME} reads words with regular vowel sounds. For example, reads “coat,” “junk,” “lent,” “chimp,” “halt,” or “bite.”
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I07 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I08. {STUDENT NAME} reads words with irregular vowel sounds. For example, reads "through," "point," "enough," or "shower."
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I08 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I09. {STUDENT NAME} reads grade {STUDENT GRADE FILL} books fluently. For example, easily reads words in meaningful phrases rather than reading word by word.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I09 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I10. {STUDENT NAME} reads grade [enter grade level] books independently with comprehension. For example, reads most words correctly and answers questions about what was read, makes predictions while reading, and retells the story after reading.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I10 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
all |
I11. {STUDENT NAME} reads and comprehends expository text. For example, after reading about how early colonists lived, creates a chart comparing life today with colonial life, or after reading a news story about pollution, identifies cause and effect relationships, or summarizes main ideas and the supporting details in a science or social studies selection.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for I11 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
Now we would like to know about this student's mathematics skills and abilities.
J01. {STUDENT NAME} sorts, classifies, and compares math materials by various rules and attributes. For example, by creating a rule for sorting keys, such as "keys with numbers" in one pile and "keys without numbers" in another pile, or by sorting shapes by several attributes such as "large plastic shapes" and "small wooden shapes."
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J01 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J02. {STUDENT NAME} creates and extends patterns. For example, extends an alternating pattern involving addition and subtraction (+3, -1, +3, -1, +3... or +5, -3, +5, -3,... ) or creates a complex visual pattern (aabc).
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J02 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J03. {STUDENT NAME} shows an understanding of the relationship between quantities. For example, knows that a group of ten small stones is the same quantity as a group of ten larger blocks.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J03 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J04. {STUDENT NAME} demonstrates an understanding of place value to 100. For example, by explaining that fourteen is ten plus four, or using two stacks of ten and five single cubes to represent the number 25.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J04 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J05. {STUDENT NAME} shows understanding of place value with whole numbers to 100,000. For example, correctly orders the numbers 19,321, 14,999, 9,900, and 20,101 from least to greatest, or correctly regroups when adding and subtracting.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J05 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J06. {STUDENT NAME} shows understanding of place values with decimals. For example, compares decimals to the thousandths place (1.04 > 1.009).
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J06 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J07. {STUDENT NAME} models, reads, writes, and compares fractions. For example, shows that ½ of the candy bar is ¼ + ¼, or shows that ¼ of 12 is 3.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J07 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J08. {STUDENT NAME} reduces fractions to lowest denominator. For example, reduces 27/63 to 3/7, or 41/6 to 6 5/6.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J08 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J09. {STUDENT NAME} solves problems involving numbers using concrete objects. For example, "Vera has six blocks, George has three, how many blocks are there in all?" or "How many do I need to give George so he will have the same number of blocks as Vera?"
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J09 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J10. {STUDENT NAME} uses a variety of strategies to solve math problems. For example, using manipulative materials, using trial and error, making an organized list or table, drawing a diagram, looking for a pattern, acting out a problem, or talking with others.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J10 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J11. {STUDENT NAME} subtracts numbers that require regrouping. For example, 1300 - 579, or 2302 - 947, or 2603 – 1594.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J11 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J12. {STUDENT NAME} divides a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. For example, 348÷4 or 228÷6.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J12 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J13. {STUDENT NAME} divides multi-digit problems with remainders in the quotient. For example, computes 536÷30 or 6,135÷7.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J13 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
J14. {STUDENT NAME} demonstrates algebraic thinking. For example, solves for an unknown in an equation such as 16 x A = 48; or expresses a function as a general rule that enables him or her to determine any term in the sequence.
(Click here for help with rating scale.)
Not yet 1
Beginning 2
In progress 3
Intermediate 4
Proficient 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Help text for J14 QUESTION TEXT: Each skill, knowledge, or behavior is rated on a five-point scale: 1 Not yet = Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior 2 Beginning = Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently 3 In progress = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence 4 Intermediate = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient 5 Proficient = Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently |
These final few questions ask about this student's functional abilities.
K01. Which of the following best describes {STUDENT}’s expressive communication?
Uses symbolic language to communicate: Student uses verbal or written words, signs, Braille, or language-based augmentative systems to request, initiate, and respond to questions, describe things or events, and express refusal 1
Uses intentional communication, but not at a symbolic language level: Student uses understandable communication through such modes as gestures, pictures, objects/textures, points, etc., to clearly express a variety of intentions. 2
Student communicates primarily through cries, facial expressions, change in muscle tone, etc., but no clear use of objects/textures, regularized gestures, pictures, signs, etc., to communicate. 3
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
K02. Does {STUDENT NAME} use an augmentative communication system in addition to or in place of oral speech?
Yes 1
No 0
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
K03. Which of the following best describes [STUDENT]’s vision?
Vision appears within normal limits 1
Corrected vision within normal limits 2
Low vision; uses vision for some activities of daily living 3
No functional use of vision for activities of daily living, or unable to determine functional use of vision 4
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
K04. Which of the following best describes {STUDENT NAME}’s hearing?
Hearing appears to be within normal limits 1
Corrected hearing loss within normal limits 2
Hearing loss aided, but still with a significant loss 3
Profound loss, even with aids 4
Unable to determine functional use of hearing 5
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
K05. Which of the following best describes {STUDENT NAME}’s motor abilities?
No significant motor dysfunction that requires adaptations 1
Requires adaptations to support motor functioning (e.g., walker,
adapted utensils, and/or keyboard) 2
Uses wheelchair, positioning equipment, and/or assistive devices
for most activities 3
Needs personal assistance for most/all motor activities 4
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
K06. Which of the following best describes [STUDENT]’s social interactions?
Initiates and sustains social interactions 1
Responds with social interaction, but does not initiate or sustain
social interactions 2
Alerts to others 3
Does not alert to others 4
I am unable to assess the student 6
SOFT CHECK: IF Q#=NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to this question and then click “Next”. To continue without providing a response, click the “Continue” button. |
if any item is missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK3, otherwise continue to programmer box |
CHECK3. Thank you for answering our questions about your student. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the respondent back to item]
END1. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! Since we had some inaccurate information we will send you a new user id and password with the updated information you provided.
That is all we have for you today. Press “END” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX PROGRAM A “END” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
CONFIRM.You have completed the questions for [STUDENT]. Thank you very much!
click the “Next” button to confirm that you have finished
rating [STUDENT]. If you want to make changes or review your
responses click the “Back” button.
PROGRAMMER BOX Assign status code. IF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NewClass THEN aText := ': changed to a new class ' + aDateString[I]
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NewCenter THEN aText := ': went to another school ' + aDateString[I]
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = NeverInClass THEN aText := ': was never in this class / Don''t know child '
ELSEIF STUDENT[I].StudentStatus = Done THEN aText := ': rated.'
END2. Thank you very much for participating in MGLS2017!
You have completed the survey for all of your students that are in the study.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete the study.
When you are done with this page, press “END” to close the survey.
PROGRAMMER BOX PROGRAM AN “END” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. |
Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-2018 (MGLS:2017) School Administrator Questionnaire.
Please refer to the instructions you received in your survey invitation letter to find your login ID and password. To begin the survey, enter your login ID and password in the fields below, and then click NEXT. If you do not have your login ID and password, please call First Last at 1-888-xxx-xxxx, or email us at [email protected].
Login ID: ____________________________
Password: ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0911. Approval expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information requested. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the survey instrument, or concerns regarding the status of your individual response to this survey, please write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, Middle Grades Longitudinal Study (MGLS), 1990 K Street, N.W., Room 9035, Washington, D.C. 20006-5650.
The collection of information in this survey is authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002: 20 U.S. Code § 9543). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.
I. Web Intro - ALL |
You have received an invitation to complete this questionnaire because you are an administrator in one of the schools participating in the MGLS:2017 field test.
To enhance the information we obtain from your students, their parents, and teachers we need your input. We are asking you to report on the characteristics and population of students in your school, courses offered, security measures, teachers, and your own personal background.
Taking part in the study is voluntary and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. We realize you are very busy, but urge you to complete this questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible.
Your answers are very important to the study’s success.
Please click one of the buttons below to begin or exit the survey.
Let's get started
1 Begin your survey
2 Exit survey
PROGRAMMER BOX AA03 if I01a = 2 “exit survey”, the following text should appear: If you plan to complete the survey later, we would be happy to send you a reminder. Just select a date from the calendar below, and we’ll send you a friendly email reminder the day before.
If you think someone else at your school would be able to answer this brief survey, please provide their contact information here: Title/role at school: First name: Last name: Email address: Phone number:
If you are having a problem completing the survey, please call our study help line at 1-8XX-XXX-XXXX or email us at [email protected]. |
I01a = 1 |
I01b. Thank you very much for participating! As a reminder, gathering the following information in advance will help you complete the questionnaire more quickly:
1. For the current school year:
Average daily attendance
Math curriculum information
Matriculation information
Student-body demographic information, including the number of students in each grade served who are:
Receiving free or reduced price lunch
English language learners
Alternative program attendees
Students with disabilities/Individualized Education Program (IEP)
In each racial/ethnic category
School personnel counts such as the number of:
Teachers by subject taught
Security personnel
2. For the 2014-2015 school year:
State assessment scores by subject
Programs, services, and supports available for students with IEPs and the percentage of students who use them
Press Next to continue.
PROGRAMMER BOx Please add HYPERLINK to the bullet “English language learners” such as follows below: English Language Learner (ELL): A student whose native language is one other than English and whose skills in listening, speaking, reading, or writing English are such that he or she has difficulty understanding school instruction in English.
Please add HYPERLINK to the bullet text “individualized education program (iep)” such as follows below: Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). |
I01a = 1 |
I01c. Things to know about taking the survey
To answer a question, click the box to choose your response or enter information as directed, and press the Next button
To skip a question, simply press the "Next" button.
To go back to a previous question, press the "Back" button. Please note that this command is only available in certain sections.
If you need to stop before you have finished, click the "Save and Come Back Later" button at the bottom of the page to exit the survey. Your answers will be securely saved and stored waiting for you to return and complete the survey.
For security purposes, you will be timed out if you are idle for longer than 30 minutes.
When you decide to continue the survey, you will need to log in again using your login ID and password.
Press Next to continue.
I01d. Please check the box next to the grade level(s) offered at your school?
Select all that apply
Pre-K 1
Kindergarten 2
1st Grade 3
2nd Grade 4
3rd Grade 5
4th Grade 6
5th Grade 7
6th Grade 8
7th Grade 9
8th Grade 10
9th Grade 11
10th Grade 12
11th grade 13
12th grade 14
Ungraded 15
I01d = 8 OR 9 OR 10 |
I02a. Please confirm that you are the person at your school with the most knowledge about {I01d} grade students, teachers, programs, and services.
Yes 1 I03a
No 0 I02c
PROGRAMMER BOx Please autofill with middle grade responses from i01d. for purposes of the following questions, middle grades comprise of grades 6, 7, or 8. IF I01d = 8, autofill include “6th”. IF I01d = 9, autofill include “7th”. If I01d = 10, autofill include “8th”.
Only respondents indicating at least grade 6 (i01d = 8), grade 7 (i01d = 9), or grade 8 (i01d = 10) are eligible for this item, regardless of what other middle grade may be available at the school.
I01d NE 8 And I01d NE 9 AND I01d NE 10 |
I02b. Please confirm that your school does not offer a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade level.
My school does not offer a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade level 1 END1
My school does offer a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade level 0 I01d
I02a = 0 |
I02c. Please provide the name and contact information for the person at your school with the most knowledge about {I01d} grade students, teachers, programs, and services.
Title: [___________________]
First Name: [___________________]
Last Name: [___________________]
Phone: [___________________]
Email: [___________________]
PROGRAMMER BOx Please autofill with middle grade responses from i01d. for purposes of the following questions, middle grades comprise of grades 6, 7, or 8. IF I01d = 8, autofill include “6th”. IF I01d = 9, autofill include “7th”. If I01d = 10, autofill include “8th”.
I02a = 0 |
I02d. Thank you! The MGLS:2017 team will be in touch with [TITLE] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] very soon.
Press Next to close this survey.
I02a = 1 |
I03. What is your title or position at this school?
Select the one that best describes you.
Principal/Administrator 1 A01
Vice Principal 2 A01
Counselor 3 A01
School administrative personnel 4 A01
Other (Please specify) 99 I03OS
SOFT CHECK: IF I03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
I03 = 99 |
I03OS. What is your title or position at this school?
I03 = 1, 2, 3, OR 4 |
The following questions ask about characteristics of your school.
A01. Which of the following best describes your school?
Select the one that best describes your school.
Regular public school 1 A02
Private 2 A02
Charter school 3 A02
Has a magnet program for part of the school 4 A02
Exclusively a magnet school 5 A02
Other (Please specify) 99 A01OS
A01 = 99 |
A01OS. Please describe your school.
A02. What type of daily schedule is typically used for the following grade levels at your school?
Select from the dropdown list the one that best describes each grade.
Grade level |
Typical daily schedule |
Select daily schedule…
Select daily schedule…
Select daily schedule…
PROGRAMMER NOTE rows in this table will be filled based on answers to I01d. Fills will made according to: IF I01d =8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d =9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d =10 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Populate Dropdown box with the following response options (do not include number values in dropdown menu):
A02A-C_any = 99 |
A02a-cOS. What Other type of daily schedule is typically used in the {A03} grade at your school?
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please autofill based on response to A02a-c: IF A02a=99 INSERT “6th”. IF A02b=99 INSERT “7th”. IF A02c=99 INSERT “8th”.
please note, the other (please specify) question may be asked up to a total of 3 times based on responses to a02a-c. |
A03. What is the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for your school this year? Please report as a number or a percent.
________ Average Daily Attendance
Number 1 A04
Percent 2 A04
A01 = 2 |
A04. What is the maximum yearly tuition to attend your school? Enter "0" if school does not charge tuition.
_________ Enter amount
A01 = 2 AND A04 > 0 |
A05. What percent of your students pay the maximum yearly tuition?
0%-25% 1 A06
26%-50% 2 A06
51%-75% 3 A06
76%-100% 4 A06
A01 = 2 AND A04 > 0 |
The next set of questions are about your student population.
A06. Please indicate the percentage of students at your school that are male and female.
____ % Male students
____ % Female students
A07. What percentage of the total student body in your school…
Percentage |
PROGRAMMER box Do not allow non-numeric response for this item (i.e., alphabetic or symbol responses). Range of percentages can be 0-100. PLEASE MAKe the row header “English language learners (ell)” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: English Language Learner (ELL): A student whose native language is one other than English and whose skills in listening, speaking, reading, or writing English are such that he or she has difficulty understanding school instruction in English.
The next set of questions ask about additional supports your school provides for struggling students.
A08. Which of the following steps does this school take for {6th/7th/8th} graders who need extra assistance?
Select all that apply
Tutoring during the regular school day 1 A09
School staff work with classroom teachers to provide extra assistance 2 A09
Pull-out instruction during the regular school day 3 A09
Homework assistance program 4 A09
Additional support outside the regular school day 5 A09
School takes other steps to assist struggling students 6 A08OS
School does not have any program for students who need extra assistance 7 A09
PROGRAMMER box PLEASE MAKe the row header “additional support outside the regular school day” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By additional support outside the regular school day we mean, for example, before- or after-school tutoring or special programs, weekend programs, or summer school programs.
Please program autofill based on responses to i01d.
A08 = 6 |
A08OS. Please describe the other steps to assist struggling students taken by your school.
A09. Does your school offer any of the following programs to assist {6th/7th/8th} graders who are struggling academically?
Select all that apply
Summer program prior to entry into the next grade that provides supplemental instruction in reading and math 1 A10
Small learning communities for over‐aged students who have not met promotion criteria 2 A10
Small {6th/7th/8th} grade learning communities separate from the rest of the school 3 A10
Block scheduling, also called double‐block or extended‐block scheduling 4 A10
Catch‐up courses or “double‐dosing” of classes 5 A10
Specific professional development, coaches, or technical assistance for teachers working with struggling {6th/7th/8th} graders 6 A10
Tutoring 7 A10
Another program 8 A09OS
There are no programs to assist {6th/7th/8th} graders who are struggling academically. 9 A10
PROGRAMMER box Please program autofill based on responses to i01d.
A09 = 8 |
A09OS. Please describe another program offered by your school to assist {6th/7th/8th} graders who are struggling academically.
The next set of items are about state assessment scores.
A10-A12. Based on recent state assessments, please indicate the percentage of {6th/7th/8th grade students} in your school who scored at or above "proficient" in the following subjects for 2014-2015? Please also indicate the percentage of students scoring proficient or above that was needed to meet your AYP (adequate yearly progress) goals for the same school year.
Check this box if your school was not required to take the state assessment because it does not accept Title I funds 1 A13
Percentage of students at or above “proficient” |
Percentage required by AYP goals |
6th grade students |
a. Reading or verbal skills |
b. Mathematics |
7th grade students |
a. Reading or verbal skills |
b. Mathematics |
8th grade students |
a. Reading or verbal skills |
b. Mathematics |
PROGRAMMER directions grade level specified based on responses to I01d. Table rows populated based on responses to i01d, and grade-level specific rows should only be populated if the grade level is specified in i01d. IF I01d =8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d =9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d =10 INSERT “Grade 8” row. Range of percent can be 0-100. |
The next set of questions are about instructional programs at your school.
A13-A15. Approximately what percentage of your of {6th, 7th, 8th grade students} is in each of the following instructional programs?
Percentage of students |
Check here if service not available |
6th grade students |
a. English as a second language |
b. Bilingual education |
c. Special education |
7th grade students |
a. English as a second language |
b. Bilingual education |
c. Special education |
8th grade students |
a. English as a second language |
b. Bilingual education |
c. Special education |
PROGRAMMER directions grade level specified based on responses to I01d. Table rows populated based on responses to i01d, and grade-level specific rows should only be populated if the grade level is specified in i01d. IF I01d =8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d =9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d =10 INSERT “Grade 8” row. Range of percent can be 0-100. PLEASE MAKe the row header “bilingual education” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By bilingual education we mean programs in which the student receives instruction in both English and another language. PLEASE MAKe the row header “Special education” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By special education we mean programs in which the student receives services with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
The next set of questions ask about Individualized Education Program (IEP) placement options.
B01. What percentage of students with IEPs at your school are served by the following placement options:
If a service is available but no students currently receive it, enter 0 for that service.
If a service is not available at your school, check the box in the "Service not available" column.
Percentage of students with IEPs |
Service not available |
a. General education with services or supports |
b. Classes co-taught by general and special education teachers |
c. Part-time resource room for special education students |
d. Self-contained special education classrooms |
e. Individual instruction such as home school or a residential, off site, incarceration or hospital program |
f. Other (Please specify) |
PROGRAMMER directions Range of percent can be 0-100. PLEASE MAKe the question tex “individualized education program (iep)” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). PLEASE MAKe the row header “Special education” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By special education we mean programs in which the student receives services with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
B01f_percent > 0 |
B01OS. Please describe the Other placement for students with IEPs at your school.
The next questions are about services and supports schools can offer to teachers of students with IEPs.
B02. Are the following services and supports available to general education teachers in this school when students with IEPs are included in their classes?
Check this box if students with IEPs are not included in general education classrooms at your school 1 B03
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
a. Consultation or technical assistance by special education or other staff with general special education training, not specific to child's disability |
1 |
2 |
b. Special equipment or materials |
1 |
2 |
c. Professional development |
1 |
2 |
d. Teacher aides, instructional assistants, paraprofessionals, or aides for individual students |
1 |
2 |
e. Smaller student load or class size |
1 |
2 |
f. Co-teaching with a special education teacher or related services provider |
1 |
2 |
g. Team teaching with a special education teacher or related services provider |
1 |
2 |
h. Team planning |
1 |
2 |
i. Other (Please specify) |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the text in the row header “special education or other staff” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By special education or other staff we mean, for example, a school psychologist or teacher trained in a related disability area.
PLEASE MAKe the text in the row header “Co-teaching” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By co-teaching we mean, for example, when both the teacher and special education teacher (or related services provider) are in the classroom together, but trade-off instruction.
PLEASE MAKe the row header “team teaching” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By team teaching we mean, for example, when both teachers are NOT in classroom together, but alternate instruction and are responsible for teaching the same set of students.
PLEASE MAKe the question text “Iep” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
B02i = 1 |
B02OS. Please describe the Other services and supports available to general education teachers when students with IEPs are included in their classroom at your school.
The next questions are about programs and supports schools can offer to students with IEPs.
B03. For each of the following programs and supports, please indicate what percentage of students with IEPs in your school receive this program or support during the current school year. Please include programs provided by alternate service providers.
If a program or service is available but no students currently receive it, enter 0 for that service.
If a program or service is not available at your school, check the box in the "Service not available" column.
Percentage of students with IEPs |
Program or service not available |
a. Referrals to Vocational Rehabilitation services |
b. Help developing capability to dress, clean, care for self |
c. Learning self-determination and self-advocacy skills |
d. Peer buddy program |
e. Alternative placements for students who are expelled and/or suspended |
f. Helping students connect to outside transition services, supports, and activities |
g. Helping students connect to adult residential providers and day services |
h. Information bank for parents or guardians with materials and resources relating to independent living |
i. Instruction for parents or guardians on youth’s rights and responsibilities under disability-related laws |
j. Other (Please specify) |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the text in the row header “Helping students connect to outside transition services, supports, and activities” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By helping students connect to outside transition services, supports, and activities we mean, for example, tutoring, mentoring, transportation, assistive technology, and networking.
PLEASE MAKe the question text “Iep” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written statement of the educational program designed to meet the individual needs of a school-aged child with a disability that is judged to affect the child’s educational performance. Children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are expected to have an IEP or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
PLEASE MAKe the text in the row header “Other (Please specify)” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Please enter the percentage of students with IEPs receiving some other program or support from your school on this screen, and on the next screen you will have a chance to describe it. If there is more than one service, please provide an estimate of the total percentage served, and list all other programs or services on the following screen.
B02j_perc > 0 |
B03OS. Please describe the Other program or support your school offered to students with IEPs during the current school year.
The following questions ask about programs and practices aimed at serving all students at your school.
C01. Does your school use interdisciplinary team teaching in the following grades?
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary team teaching” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary team teaching we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to I01d to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school. IF I01d =8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d =9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d =10 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
if c01a-f all = 2 (i.e., interdisciplinary team teaching is not used in any of the middle grades offered by the school), skip respondent to c08. |
C01a-c ANY = 1 |
C02. When did your school begin using interdisciplinary team teaching in the following middle grades?
Select one answer for each row |
School-year started using interdisciplinary team teaching |
Don’t know |
Select school year…
Select school year…
Select school year…
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary team teaching” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary team teaching we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to C01 to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use interdisciplinary team teaching. IF C01a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF C01b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF C01c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Please program dropdown box to have the default as “select school year…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program so respondent can either select from dropdown or check the “don’t know” box, but not both answers. if the respondent selects and answer and checks the box, the following warning should pop-up:
You selected a school year and checked “Don’t know”. Please only choose one. If you are unsure of the exact school year, your best estimate if fine.
C01a-c ANY = 1 |
C03. For each grade listed below, please indicate the number of interdisciplinary teams, average number of teachers per team, and average number of students per team. Your best estimate is fine.
Number of interdisciplinary teams |
Average number of teachers per team |
Average number of students per team |
Teachers… |
Teachers… |
Teachers… |
PROGRAMMER BOX B02 PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teams” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary team we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
Please make the question text “teacher” a hyperlink to the below help text: Please include full-time and part-time teachers in your counts of average number of teachers per interdisciplinary team. If a teacher teaches across teams, please count that person as one teacher for each team.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to C01 to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use interdisciplinary team teaching. IF C01a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF C01b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF C01c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Please program dropdown box for number of interdisciplinary teams to have the default as “teams…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program dropdown box for number of teacher to have the default as “teachers…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program dropdown box for number of students to have the default as “students…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
C01a-c ANY = 1 |
C04. Please indicate whether the following subject areas are part of your typical interdisciplinary teaching team for each grade level by checking the box if the subject matter is typically part of the teams at that corresponding grade level.
Check all that apply on each row |
All grades |
Grade 6 |
Grade 7 |
Grade 8 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teaching teams” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary teaching team we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
PLEASE populate response Columns based on answers to C01 to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use interdisciplinary team teaching. IF C01a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” column. IF C01b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” column. IF C01c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” column.
PLEASE note, if “all grades” is checked, then each of the boxes for that row should automatically be checked as well. If “all grades” is checked but then a box on the same row is “unchecked”, the “all gradeS” box should be automatically unchecked. |
C04L_any = 1 (checked) |
C04LOS. What Other subject areas are part of your typical interdisciplinary teaching team for {C04L = checked} grade at your school?
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please autofill based on response to c04L. |
C01a-c ANY = 1 |
C05. On average, how much common planning time is regularly scheduled each week for interdisciplinary teaching teams at the following grade levels? Your best estimate is fine.
Select one answer for each row |
Average common planning time per week |
Don’t know |
Please select…
Please select…
Please select…
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teaching teams” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary teaching teams we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to C01 to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use interdisciplinary team teaching. IF C01a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF C01b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF C01c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Please program dropdown box to have the default as “please select…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program so respondent can either select from dropdown or check the “don’t know” box, but not both answers. if the respondent selects and answer and checks the box, the following warning should pop-up:
You selected an amount of time and checked “Don’t know”. Please only choose one. If you are unsure of the exact amount of time, your best estimate if fine.
C05a-c ANY > 1 |
C06. In a typical common planning time period for an interdisciplinary teaching team, how often do you estimate teachers engage in the following activities? Your best estimate is fine.
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teaching team” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary teaching teams we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
Please make the row text “Other (Please specify)” a hyperlink to the below help text: If there is an Other activity that your interdisciplinary teaching team typically engages in, please indicate how often they engage in it here, and in the next question you will be asked to describe that Other activity.
C06I >= 1 |
C06OS. What Other activity does your interdisciplinary teaching team typically engage in during its common planning time periods?
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teaching team” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary teaching teams we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
C01a-f ANY = 1 |
C07. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements regarding the interdisciplinary teaching teams at your school.
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “interdisciplinary teaching team teaching” a hyperlink to the below help text: By interdisciplinary teaching teams we mean a group of two or more teachers from different subject areas who have a common group of students and who work together to coordinate and integrate curriculum and instruction on a regular basis.
C08. Please indicate whether the following programs or practices have never been used, are currently used, are not currently used but have been in the past, or are not currently being used but will likely be implemented in the near future at your school.
Select one answer for each row |
Never been used |
Currently used |
Used in the past |
Use in the future |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
C09. The following questions are about math courses at your school.
Which of the following math courses are offered by your school?
Select one answer for each row |
Yes, offered in a traditional classroom setting |
Yes, offered at a neighboring school |
Yes, offered virtually |
No, the course is not offered |
Grade 6 |
a. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. General math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Grade 7 |
d. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. General math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Grade 8 |
g. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
h. General math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
i. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Other math |
j. Introduction to Algebra/Pre-algebra |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
k. Algebra 1, part 1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
l. Algebra 1, part 2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
m. Algebra I |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
n. Algebra II |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
o. Geometry |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
p. Trigonometry |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
q. Pre-calculus |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
r. Calculus |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
s. Other (Please specify) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: table should be populated based on grade-level responses to i01d, and grade 6 appear if i01d = 8, grade 7 appear if i01d = 9, and Grade 8 appear if i01d = 10. row p-r may also be limited to schools that i01d >=10.
C09q = 1 |
C09OS. Please describe the other math course offered by your school.
C10. Are there enough slots available for the following course or courses so that students
who have the necessary prerequisites and interest can enroll?
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
Grade 6 |
a. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
b. General math |
1 |
2 |
c. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
Grade 7 |
d. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
e. General math |
1 |
2 |
f. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
Grade 8 |
g. Remedial math |
1 |
2 |
h. General math |
1 |
2 |
i. Honors math |
1 |
2 |
Other math |
j. Introduction to Algebra/Pre-algebra |
1 |
2 |
k. Algebra 1, part 1 |
1 |
2 |
l. Algebra 1, part 2 |
1 |
2 |
m. Algebra I |
1 |
2 |
n. Algebra II |
1 |
2 |
o. Geometry |
1 |
2 |
p. Trigonometry |
1 |
2 |
q. Pre-calculus |
1 |
2 |
r. Calculus |
1 |
2 |
s. Other (Please specify) |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: table should be populated based on responses to c09. if c09a-q = 1, then row should appear in this table, otherwise row should be removed. please note: despite subselection of rows from C09 table, all lettering should remain the same, rather than being adjusted to reflect the subset of math courses that may have been selected. Please populate q with text from c09os.
I01d = 9 |
C11. Please estimate the percentage of 7th grade students repeating the level of mathematics they
took in 6th grade.
If your school uses a semester or block course system, please indicate the percentage of 7th grade students repeating the last course section they took in 6th grade.
Less than 1% 1
1%-5% 2
6%-10% 3
11%-25% 4
More than 25% 5
Students are not grouped by ability 6
Do not know 7
I01d = 10 |
C12. Please estimate the percentage of 8th grade students repeating the level of mathematics they
took in 7th grade.
If your school uses a semester or block course system, please indicate the percentage of 8th grade students repeating the last course section they took in 7th grade.
Less than 1% 1
1%-5% 2
6%-10% 3
11%-25% 4
More than 25% 5
Students are not grouped by ability 6
Do not know 7
I01d = 9 |
C13. Please estimate the percentage of students demoted to a previous level in mathematics between 6th and 7th grade.
Less than 1% 1
1%-5% 2
6%-10% 3
11%-25% 4
More than 25% 5
Students are not grouped by ability 6
Do not know 7
I01d = 10 |
C14. Please estimate the percentage of students demoted to a previous level in mathematics between 7th and 8th grade.
Less than 1% 1
1%-5% 2
6%-10% 3
11%-25% 4
More than 25% 5
Students are not grouped by ability 6
Do not know 7
I01d = 9 |
C15a. Thinking about students who are performing below grade level in math, what is the sequence of courses they would take starting in 6th grade?
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
PROGRAMMER NOTE “Selct course…” is a dropdown menu that will list all mathematics courses offered by the school and all courses under “other math” category including respondent specified courses. in addition the option “not sure” should be added at the end of the list |
I01d = 9 |
C15b. Thinking about students who are performing at grade level in math, what is the sequence of courses they would take starting in 6th grade?
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
PROGRAMMER NOTE “Selct course…” is a dropdown menu that will list all mathematics courses offered by the school and all courses under “other math” category including respondent specified courses. in addition the option “not sure” should be added at the end of the list |
I01d = 9 |
C15c. Thinking about students who are performing above grade level in math, what is the sequence of courses they would take starting in 6th grade?
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
PROGRAMMER NOTE “Selct course…” is a dropdown menu that will list all mathematics courses offered by the school and all courses under “other math” category including respondent specified courses. in addition the option “not sure” should be added at the end of the list |
I01d = 9 |
C16a. Is there any other sequence of courses that is taken by 6th graders?
Yes 1 C16b
No 0 C17
C16 = 1 |
C16b. What is the additional sequence of courses some students would take starting in 6th grade?
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
Select course…
PROGRAMMER NOTE “Selct course…” is a dropdown menu that will list all mathematics courses offered by the school and all courses under “other math” category including respondent specified courses. in addition the option “not sure” should be added at the end of the list |
The next questions are about courses other than math at your school.
I01d = 8 |
C17. Approximately what percentage of your 6th grade students are in each of the following instructional programs?
Percentage of 6th grade students |
Instructional program not available at this grade |
a. Reading instruction for students performing below grade level in reading |
b. Additional instruction for students performing below grade level in other areas of English language arts |
c. Instruction for students performing below grade level in mathematics |
d. Gifted and talented or International Baccalaureate® (IB) |
I01d = 9 |
C18. Approximately what percentage of your 7th grade students are in each of the following instructional programs?
Percentage of 7th grade students |
Instructional program not available at this grade |
a. Reading instruction for students performing below grade level in reading |
b. Additional instruction for students performing below grade level in other areas of English language arts |
c. Instruction for students performing below grade level in mathematics |
d. Gifted and talented or International Baccalaureate® (IB) |
I01d = 10 |
C19. Approximately what percentage of your 8th grade students are in each of the following instructional programs?
Percentage of 8th grade students |
Instructional program not available at this grade |
a. Reading instruction for students performing below grade level in reading |
b. Additional instruction for students performing below grade level in other areas of English language arts |
c. Instruction for students performing below grade level in mathematics |
d. Gifted and talented or International Baccalaureate® (IB) |
The next questions are about assisting students in the transition from one grade to the next.
C20. Does your school organize the transition from {AF1: 5th/6th/7th} grade to {AF2: 6th/7th/8th} grade in any of the following ways?
Select all that apply
No transition—{AF1} grade seamlessly continues directly from {AF2} grade 1 C21
No special activities until students enter {AF2} grade 2 C21
{AF2} grade students share information with the {AF1} grade students 3 C21
{AF1} grade students visit an assembly of {AF2} grade students 4 C21
{AF1} grade students attend regular {AF2} grade courses 5 C21
Buddy programs that pair new students with an older student in the fall 6 C21
Parents visit the school or {AF2} grade section while students are still in {AF1} grade 7 C21
Parents can attend an orientation in the fall after students start {AF2} grade 8 C21
Meeting for {AF1} grade students during the summer prior to beginning the {AF2} grade 9 C21
{AF2} grade and {AF2} grade teachers meet together on courses and requirements 10 C21
{AF2} grade and {AF1} grade administrators meet together on articulation and programs 11 C21
{AF1} grade counselors meet with {AF2} grade counselors or staff 12 C21
{AF2} grade counselors meet with students while they are still in {AF1} grade 13 C21
{AF2} grade counselors meet with individual {AF1} grade students and assist them with selecting {AF2} grade courses while they are still in {AF1} grade 14 C21
{AF1} grade counselors present information to {AF1} grade students’ parents or guardians about {AF2} grade courses and registration 15 C21
{AF1} grade counselors place {AF1} grade students into {AF2} grade courses based on school or district placement policies 16 C21
{AF1} grade counselors present information to {AF1} grade students about {AF2} grade courses and registration 17 C21
Other (Please specify) 99 C20OS
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF1) in the question stem is selected by lowest grade level offered by school of the three grade levels provided in the fill. Second autofill (AF2) in the question stem is determined as the value from first autofill plus 1 (e.g., if lowest grade offered by school of the three grades listed for the first autofill is 7th grade, then first autofill is “7th” and the second autofill is “8th”).
Please note: once AF1 and AF2 are determined for the question stem, those values should be used for each subsequent occurrence of {af1} and {af2} appear in the text of the item.
PLEASE MAKe the response option text “counselor” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: A counselor is an educator who works in schools to provide academic, career, college readiness, and personal/social competencies to all students through a school counseling program. |
C20 = 99 |
C20OS. Please describe the Other ways in which your school organizes the transition from {AF1} grade to {AF2} grade.
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF1) and Second autofill (AF2) are same as C20.
C21. Does your school provide additional assistance with the transition from {AF1} grade to {AF2} grade for students with disabilities?
Yes 1 C21OS
No 0 C22
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF1) and Second autofill (AF2) are same as C20.
C21 = 1 |
C21OS. Please describe the additional assistance your school provides with the transition from {AF1} grade to {AF2} grade for students with disabilities.
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF1) and Second autofill (AF2) are same as C20.
C22. Does your school organize the transition from {AF3: 6th/7th/8th} grade to {AF4: 7th/8th/9th} grade in any of the following ways?
Select all that apply
No transition—{AF3} grade seamlessly continues directly from {AF4} grade 1 C23
No special activities until students enter {AF4} grade 2 C23
{AF4} grade students share information with the {AF3} grade students 3 C23
{AF3} grade students visit an assembly of {AF4} grade students 4 C23
{AF3} grade students attend regular {AF4} grade courses 5 C23
Buddy programs that pair new students with an older student in the fall 6 C23
Parents visit the school or {AF4} grade section while students are still in {AF3} grade 7 C23
Parents can attend an orientation in the fall after students start {AF4} grade 8 C23
Meeting for {AF3} grade students during the summer prior to beginning the {AF4} grade 9 C23
{AF4} grade and {AF4} grade teachers meet together on courses and requirements 10 C23
{AF4} grade and {AF3} grade administrators meet together on articulation and programs 11 C23
{AF3} grade counselors meet with {AF4} grade counselors or staff 12 C23
{AF4} grade counselors meet with students while they are still in {AF3} grade 13 C23
{AF4} grade counselors meet with individual {AF3} grade students and assist them with selecting {AF4} grade courses while they are still in {AF3} grade 14 C23
{AF3} grade counselors present information to {AF3} grade students’ parents or guardians about {AF4} grade courses and registration 15 C23
{AF3} grade counselors place {AF3} grade students into {AF4} grade courses based on school or district placement policies 16 C23
{AF3} grade counselors present information to {AF3} grade students about {AF4} grade courses and registration 17 C23
Other (Please specify) 99 C22OS
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF3) in the question stem is selected by lowest grade level offered by school of the three grade levels provided in the fill. Second autofill (AF4) in the question stem is determined as the value from first autofill plus 1 (e.g., if lowest grade offered by school of the three grades listed for the first autofill is 7th grade, then first autofill is “7th” and the second autofill is “8th”).
Please note: once AF3 and AF4 are determined for the question stem, those values should be used for each subsequent occurrence of {AF3} and {AF4} appear in the text of the item.
PLEASE MAKe the response option text “counselor” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: A counselor is an educator who works in schools to provide academic, career, college readiness, and personal/social competencies to all students through a school counseling program. |
C22 = 99 |
C22OS. Please describe the Other ways in which your school organizes the transition from {AF3} grade to {AF4} grade.
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF3) and Second autofill (AF4) are same as C22.
C23. Does your school provide additional assistance with the transition from {AF3} grade to {AF4} grade for students with disabilities?
Yes 1 C23OS
No 0 C24
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF3) and Second autofill (AF4) are same as C22.
C23 = 1 |
C23OS. Please describe the additional assistance your school provides with the transition from {AF3} grade to {AF4} grade for students with disabilities.
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE note: first autofill (AF3) and Second autofill (AF4) are same as C22.
C24. Does your school have an advisory program in the following grades?
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “advisory program” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By advisory program we mean a guidance effort that provides every student with one adult advisor who serves as an advocate and small group leader. The group meets on a regular basis and typically focuses on educational advisement, study skills, personal and social development, school-wide communication, or home-school-community relations.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to I01d to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school. IF I01d=8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d=9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d=10 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
if c24a-f all = 2 (i.e., advisory program is not used in any of the middle grades offered by the school), skip respondent to cXX. |
C24a-f ANY = 1 |
C25. Which of the following best describes the way your school schedules time for the {C24a-c} grade advisory program?
We have a separate class period for advising 1 C26
Advising is part of our homeroom period 2 C26
We integrate advisory activities within our teams and/or classrooms 3 C26
Other (Please specify) 99 C25OS
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “advisory program” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By advisory program we mean a guidance effort that provides every student with one adult advisor who serves as an advocate and small group leader. The group meets on a regular basis and typically focuses on educational advisement, study skills, personal and social development, school-wide communication, or home-school-community relations.
PLEASE populate {C24a-f} autofill to reflect the grade levels in which an advisory program is offered. IF C24a=1 INSERT “6th”. IF C24b=1 INSERT “7th”. IF C24c=1 INSERT “8th”.
Please note, question may repeat itself up to 6 times depending on the number of grades reported having an advisory program |
C25 = 99 |
C25OS. Please describe the Other way your school schedules time for the {C24a-c} grade advisory program.
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “advisory program” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By advisory program we mean a guidance effort that provides every student with one adult advisor who serves as an advocate and small group leader. The group meets on a regular basis and typically focuses on educational advisement, study skills, personal and social development, school-wide communication, or home-school-community relations.
PLEASE populate {C24a-c} autofill to reflect the grade levels in which an advisory program is offered. IF C24a=1 INSERT “6th”. IF C24b=1 INSERT “7th”. IF C24c=1 INSERT “8th”.
Please note, question may repeat itself up to 3 times depending on the number of grades reported having an other advisory program |
C24a-c ANY = 1 |
C26. When did your school begin using an advisory program in the middle grades?
Select one answer for each row |
School-year started using advisory program |
Don’t know |
Select school year…
Select school year…
Select school year…
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “advisory program” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By advisory program we mean a guidance effort that provides every student with one adult advisor who serves as an advocate and small group leader. The group meets on a regular basis and typically focuses on educational advisement, study skills, personal and social development, school-wide communication, or home-school-community relations.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to C24a-c to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use advisory program. IF C24a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF C24b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF C24c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Please program dropdown box to have the default as “select school year…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program so respondent can either select from dropdown or check the “don’t know” box, but not both answers. if the respondent selects an answer and checks the box, the following warning should pop-up:
You selected a school year and checked “Don’t know”. Please only choose one. If you are unsure of the exact school year, your best estimate if fine.
C24a-c ANY = 1 |
C27. On average, how much time do teachers regularly meet with students for advising? Your best estimate is fine.
Select one answer for each row |
Average advising time per week |
Don’t know |
Please select…
Please select…
Please select…
PROGRAMMER BOX PLEASE MAKe the question text “advisory program” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By advisory program we mean a guidance effort that provides every student with one adult advisor who serves as an advocate and small group leader. The group meets on a regular basis and typically focuses on educational advisement, study skills, personal and social development, school-wide communication, or home-school-community relations.
PLEASE populate response rows based on answers to C24a-f to reflect the middle level grades offered by the school that use advisory program. IF C24a=1 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF C24b=1 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF C24c=1 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
Please program dropdown box to have the default as “please select…” with the following options (note, do not include “1.” these are just for classification purposes):
Please program so respondent can either select from dropdown or check the “don’t know” box, but not both answers. if the respondent selects and answer and checks the box, the following warning should pop-up:
You selected an amount of time and checked “Don’t know”. Please only choose one. If you are unsure of the exact amount of time, your best estimate if fine.
The next questions are about health instruction at your school.
C28. Are students offered instruction on…
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
a. Nutrition and dietary behavior? |
1 |
2 |
b. Physical activity and fitness that is classroom instruction, not a physical education period? |
1 |
2 |
c. Alcohol or other drug use prevention? |
1 |
2 |
d. Tobacco use prevention? |
1 |
2 |
e. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) prevention? |
1 |
2 |
f. STD (sexually transmitted disease) prevention? |
1 |
2 |
g. Sexual health education? |
1 |
2 |
The following questions are about problems you may experience at your school.
D01. To what degree is each of the following a problem at your school?
Select one answer for each row |
Not a problem |
Minor problem |
Moderate problem |
Serious problem |
a. School tardiness |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. School absenteeism |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. Student class cutting |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d. Teacher absenteeism |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
e. Students dropping out |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
f. Student apathy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
g. Lack of parental involvement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
h. Students coming to school unprepared to learn |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
i. Poor student health |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
j. Lack of resources and materials |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
k. Student mobility |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
D02. To the best of your knowledge, how often did the following types of problems occur in your school in the last month?
Select one answer for each row |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Very often |
a. Conflicts resulting from student racial/ethnic tensions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Student bullying |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Student sexual harassment of other students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Student harassment of other students based on sexual orientation or gender identity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
e. Widespread disorder in classrooms |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
f. Students yelling and screaming at teachers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
g. Student acts of disrespect for teachers other than verbal abuse |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
h. Gang activities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
i. Cult or extremist group activities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE MAKe the response option text “Sexual orientation or gender identity” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By sexual orientation or gender identity we mean, for example, harassment toward students who might be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or questioning. |
The next questions are about school-level security at your school.
D03. During this school year, is it a practice of your school to do the following?
If your school changed its practices during the school year, please answer regarding your most recent practice.
Select one answer for each row |
Yes |
No |
a. Require visitors to sign or check in |
1 |
2 |
b. Control access to school buildings during school hours |
1 |
2 |
c. Control access to school grounds during school hours |
1 |
2 |
d. Require students to pass through metal detectors each day |
1 |
2 |
e. Require students to wear uniforms |
1 |
2 |
f. Enforce a strict dress code |
1 |
2 |
g. Perform one or more random sweeps for contraband, including dog sniffs |
1 |
2 |
h. Provide school lockers to students |
1 |
2 |
i. Require clear book bags or ban book bags on school grounds |
1 |
2 |
j. Require students to wear badges or picture IDs |
1 |
2 |
k. Require faculty and staff to wear badges or picture IDs |
1 |
2 |
l. Use one or more security cameras to monitor the school |
1 |
2 |
m. Limit access to social networking websites from school computers |
1 |
2 |
n. Prohibit use of cell phones, smart phones, and text messaging devices during school hours |
1 |
2 |
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE MAKe the response option text “Control access to school buildings” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By control access to school buildings we mean, for example, having locked or monitored doors.
PLEASE MAKe the response option text “Control access to school grounds” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By control access to school grounds we mean, for example, having locked or monitored gates.
PLEASE MAKe the response option text “contraband” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By contraband we mean, for example, drugs or weapons.
PLEASE MAKe the response option text “social networking websites” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By social networking websites we mean, for example, Facebook or Twitter. |
D04. During this school year, have you had any security guards, security personnel, or sworn law enforcement officers present at your school at least once a week?
Yes 1 D05
No 0 D09
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please limit the text box to accept numeric responses only, with the exception of the use of the period symbol (“.”).
PLEASE MAKe the row text “security guard or security personnel” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Security guard or security personnel are not official law enforcement.
PLEASE MAKe the row text “school resource officer” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: For school resource officer please include all career law enforcement officers with arrest authority, who have specialized training and are assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations.
PLEASE MAKe the row text “sworn law enforcement officer” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: For sworn law enforcement officer please include sworn law enforcement officers who are not school resource officers. |
D04 = 1 |
D05. Are these security guards, security personnel, or sworn law enforcement officers used at least
once a week in or around your school at the following times?
Select all that apply
At any time during school hours 1 D06
While students are arriving or leaving 2 D06
At selected school activities 3 D06
When school is out/school activities is not occurring 4 D06
PROGRAMMER NOTE PLEASE MAKe the response option text “school activities” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By school activities we mean, for example, athletic and social events, open houses, or science fairs. |
D04 = 1 |
D06-D08. How many full-time equivalent (FTE) of the following personnel are present in your school during a typical week?
Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) |
a. Security guard or security personnel |
b. School resource officer |
c. Sworn law enforcement officer |
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please limit the text box to accept numeric responses only, with the exception of the use of the period symbol (“.”).
PLEASE MAKe the row text “security guard or security personnel” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: Security guard or security personnel are not official law enforcement. One full-time security guard or security personnel at your school should be counted as 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) and one part-time security guard or security personnel should be counted as 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE). If a security guard or security personnel works full-time across multiple schools in the district, please count this person as “part-time” for your school (i.e., 0.5 FTE).
PLEASE MAKe the row text “school resource officer” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: For school resource officer please include all career law enforcement officers with arrest authority, who have specialized training and are assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations. One full-time school resource officer at your school should be counted as 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) and one part-time school resource officer should be counted as 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE). If a school resource officer works full-time across multiple schools in the district, please count this person as “part-time” for your school (i.e., 0.5 FTE).
PLEASE MAKe the row text “sworn law enforcement officer” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: For sworn law enforcement officer please include sworn law enforcement officers who are not school resource officers. One full-time sworn law enforcement officer at your school should be counted as 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) and one part-time sworn law enforcement officer should be counted as 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE). If a sworn law enforcement officer works full-time across multiple schools in the district, please count this person as “part-time” for your school (i.e., 0.5 FTE). |
The following questions are about the community around your school.
D09a. How would you describe the crime level in the area(s) in which your students live?
High level of crime 1 D09b
Moderate level of crime 2 D09b
Low level of crime 3 D09b
Students come from areas with very different levels of crime 4 D09b
D09b. How would you describe the crime level in the area where your school is located?
High level of crime 1 E01
Moderate level of crime 2 E01
Low level of crime 3 E01
The following questions are about teachers at your school.
E01. For each grade level, please indicate the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers by subject area. Please give your best estimate.
Number of full time equivalent (FTE) |
Grade 6 |
a. Mathematics |
b. English/Language arts |
c. Science |
Grade 7 |
d. Mathematics |
e. English/Language arts |
f. Science |
Grade 8 |
g. Mathematics |
h. English/Language arts |
i. Science |
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please limit the text box to accept numeric responses only, with the exception of the use of the period symbol (“.”). Programmer note: grade levels populating the table determined by response to I01d. Only populate table with grade levels offered by the school. IF I01d =8 INSERT “Grade 6” row. IF I01d =9 INSERT “Grade 7” row. IF I01d =10 INSERT “Grade 8” row.
PLEASE MAKe the question text “full-time equivalent (FTE)” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: A full-time teacher at your school should be counted as 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) and a part-time teacher should be counted as 0.5 FTE.
If a teacher works full-time in your school, but divides his or her time between subject areas or across grades, consider that teacher as part-time in each subject area or grade.
E02. Thinking of all the subjects offered in your school, how many classroom teachers are currently working at your school? Your best estimate is fine.
Please include full-time and part-time teachers, and only include onsite teachers.
Please exclude staff who work at the school but are not classroom teachers, or classroom teachers that do not teach onsite (e.g., online course instructors).
Classroom teachers
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please limit the text box to accept numeric responses only |
E03. How many classroom teachers in your school have the following certifications? Your best estimate is fine.
Please include provisionally certified teachers in your counts.
Number of classroom teachers |
a. Elementary certification |
b. Secondary subject-matter certification |
c. Middle grades endorsement |
d. Specific middle grades certification |
e. Special education certification |
PROGRAMMER NOTE Please limit the text box to accept numeric responses only.
PLEASE MAKe the ROW text “middle grades endorsement” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By middle grades endorsement we mean an add on to elementary or secondary certification.
PLEASE MAKe the ROW text “Specific middle grades certification” a HYPERLINK TO THE BELOW HELP TEXT: By specific middle grades certification we mean a certification separate from elementary or secondary. |
The following questions ask about teacher preparedness to teach specific subjects.
E04. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Subject not taught at this school |
a. English/Language arts teachers at your school are adequately prepared to teach English/Language arts. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. General mathematics teachers at your school are adequately prepared to teach general mathematics. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Algebra teachers at your school are adequately prepared to teach Algebra. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
d. Algebra II teachers at your school are adequately prepared to teach Algebra II. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
The next questions ask about teacher preparedness to assist students who are experiencing difficulties in specific subjects.
E05. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?
Select one answer for each row |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Subject not taught at this school |
a. General mathematics teachers at your school are adequately prepared to assist students who are experiencing difficulties in general mathematics. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
b. Algebra teachers at your school are adequately prepared to assist students who are experiencing difficulties in Algebra. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
c. Algebra II teachers at your school are adequately prepared to assist students who are experiencing difficulties in Algebra II. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
The next set of questions are about your background and experience.
F01. What is your sex?
Select the one that best describes you.
Male 1 F02
Female 2 F02
SOFT CHECK: IF F01= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
F02. Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latina?
Select the one that best describes you.
Yes 1 F03
No 0 F03
SOFT CHECK: IF F02= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX F02 HYPER LINK the WORDS “Hispanic or Latino/Latina” for F02 QUESTION TEXT: Hispanic or Latino/Latina: a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish cultures or origin (or descent), regardless of race. |
F03. Which of the following best describes your race?
Select all that apply
White 1 F04
Black or African American 2 F04
Asian 3 F04
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 4 F04
American Indian or Alaska Native 5 F04
SOFT CHECK: IF F03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
PROGRAMMER BOX Hyperlink each of the response options of aa05 with each hyperlink containing only its corresponding definition: White:
a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe,
the Middle East, or North Africa. |
F04. What is the highest degree you have earned?
Select only one
Associate's degree 1 F05
Bachelor’s degree 2 F05
Master’s degree 3 F05
Educational Specialist degree 4 F05
Ph.D.,Ed.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree 5 F05
You do not have a degree 6 F06
SOFT CHECK: IF F03= NO RESPONSE; Please provide an answer to the question you missed and click “next” to move on. To skip the question, click the “continue” button. |
F04 NE 6 |
F05. What was your major or field of study for your {F04}?
PROGRAMMER NOTE autofill for F05 based on response to f04>=0 and F04<=5. if f05 = missing autofill should read “highest degree earned” |
F06. What teaching certification(s) do you possess?
Select all that apply
Middle grades certification 1 F07
Elementary certification 2 F07
Secondary subject-matter certification 3 F07
Special education certification 4 F07
Other (Please specify) 99 F06OS
PROGRAMMER BOX F06 Hyperlink response option text “Middle grades” to link to the following text: By middle grades we mean a certification that is separate from elementary or secondary certification. |
F06 = 99 |
F06OS. Please describe the Other teaching certification you possess.
F07. Have you received any specialized training in the instructional and organizational needs of a middle school?
Select all that apply
Pre-service coursework 1 F08
Certification coursework 2 F08
Professional development 3 F08
Master’s degree 4 F08
Doctoral degree 5 F08
Other (Please specify) 99 F07OS
F07 = 99 |
F07OS. Please describe the Other specialized training in the instructional and organizational needs of a middle school that you have received.
F08. What other experiences in education have you had in the past?
Select all that apply
Principal/school administrator of another elementary school 1 F09
Principal/school administrator of another middle school or junior high school 2 F09
Principal/school administrator of another high school 3 F09
Assistant principal 4 F09
Elementary school teacher 5 F09
Middle school or junior high school teacher 6 F09
High school teacher 7 F09
Coach/Group sponsor 8 F09
Other (Please specify) 99 F08OS
F08 = 99 |
F08OS. Please describe the Other experience(s) in education you have had in the past.
F09-F11. Including this school year…
Number of years |
a. How many years have you served as the {I03} at any school? |
b. How many years have you served as the {I03} at your current school? |
c. How many years have you taught 6th, 7th, or 8th grade? |
PROGRAMMER NOTE autofill for F06-F08 based on response to I03>=0 and I03<=4. if I03 = 99, autofill for F06-f08 based on response to i03os. if i03 = missing, autofill f06-f08 = current position you have”. HYPER LINK the question text “school year” to have the following help text: If this is your first year in your current position, please count it as “1” even if you have not finished an entire year.
IF any missing, CONTINUE TO CHECK1, otherwise continue to end1 |
CHECK1. Thank you for answering our questions. It appears that a few were left blank. Your answers are extremely important. Please click on the questions listed below to go back and provide an answer or press Next to continue.
[list questions that were skipped with hyperlink to take the student back to item]
END1 |
END1. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!
Press “Submit” to finish.
PROGRAMMER BOX PROGRAM A “Submit” BUTTON ON THE SCREEN. The button will finalize answers, and close down the interface in which the survey was displayed. EXIT SURVEY. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |