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pdfAttachment A.2.9: Screenshots of the 2-Year Post-Exit Survey for Postdoctoral Scientists
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 208927974, ATTN: PRA (0925XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this address.
This survey is part of a longterm study by the NIH to measure the effect of career development activities on graduate students and
postdoctoral scientists. We appreciate your participation in this survey. Your responses will help improve biomedical research training
programs both at your institution and nationwide, and your continued participation is vital to the success of this study.
We would like to invite you to continue sharing your experiences and insights by participating in future surveys. Please reconfirm
your email address(es) below to receive future surveys.
Primary Email Address (i.e., personal
or noninstitutional):
Secondary Email Address (i.e.,
personal or noninstitutional):
1. What graduate degree(s) do you have? (Check all that apply)
a. Ph.D. (or equivalent)
b. Medical (or equivalent)
c. D.V.M. (or equivalent)
d. M.S. or M.A.
e. M.B.A.
f. J.D.
g. Other type of master’s degree or professional degree(s) (please specify):
2a. In what month did you receive your Ph.D.?
2b. In what year did you receive your Ph.D.?
3. What was your field of study?
4. Thinking back to the career development activities you participated in during your postdoctoral training, which activities, if any,
have helped you in your career?
5. Are you currently enrolled in a degree program?
a. Yes, I am enrolled in a fulltime degree program.
b. Yes, I am enrolled in a parttime degree program.
c. No. (Go to Q8, starting with the instructions at the beginning of Section 3. Employment Status)
6. What type of degree are you pursuing? (Check all that apply)
a. Ph.D. (or equivalent)
b. Medical (or equivalent)
c. D.V.M. (or equivalent)
d. M.S. or M.A.
e. M.B.A.
f. J.D.
g. Other type of master’s or professional degree(s) (please specify):
7. What is the discipline?
Your responses to the following questions are valuable regardless of your employment status. If you have more than one position,
please respond based on your primary position (e.g., if you have a position in industry, but also do consulting, please respond based on
your industry position).
8. What best describes your current employment status?
a. Currently employed in a position other than a postdoc (Go to Q11)
b. Currently employed as a postdoc (Go to Q11)
c. Selfemployed (Go to Q11)
d. Not currently employed, but seeking employment (other than a postdoc) (Go to Q9)
e. Not currently employed, but seeking a postdoc position (Go to Q9)
f. Not currently employed, not seeking employment (Go to Q9)
g. Not currently employed, but enrolled in a fulltime or parttime degree program (Go to Q20, starting with
the instructions before the table at the beginning of Section 4. Employment History)
h. Other (please specify): (Go to Q20, starting with the instructions before the table at the beginning of
Section 4. Employment History)
9. Which of the following best describes your circumstances?
a. I have never had a job
b. I chose to leave my position
c. I became disabled or ill and can no longer work
d. I was dismissed from my position
e. I was laidoff from my position
f. Other (please specify):
10. Please feel free to provide additional comments on your employment status. [If Q9= b, c, d, e, or f, Go to Q20, starting with the
instructions before the table at the beginning of Section 4. Employment History] [If Q9=a, Go to Q28]
11. What is the title of your position?
12a. In what month did you start your current position?
12b. In what year did you start your current position?
13. What is the name of the institution or organization where you are currently employed?
14. Regardless of your specific role/duties, what type of organization is your employer?
a. Research intensive university or medical school (Go to Q15)
b. College or university which is not research intensive but which conducts some research (Go to Q15)
c. University affiliated research institute (Go to Q15)
d. Community or twoyear college (Go to Q15)
e. Precollege educational system (preschool through high school) (Go to Q15)
f. U.S. Federal government (Go to Q16)
g. U.S. State government (Go to Q16)
h. U.S. Local government (Go to Q16)
i. Foreign government (Go to Q16)
j. Not for profit organization (Go to Q16)
k. Industry/Corporate (for profit) (Go to Q16)
l. Selfemployed (Go to Q16)
m. Other (please specify): (Go to Q16)
15. Which best describes your current position?
a. Academic Faculty, tenuretrack
b. Academic Faculty, nontenuretrack
c. Nonfaculty
d. Other (please specify):
16. Which best describes the duties in your current position? (Check all that apply)
a. Research
b. Teaching
c. Administration
d. Management
e. Other (please specify):
17. Where is the location of your current position?
a. In the U.S.
b. Outside the U.S.
18. Please indicate how influential the following factors are in your overall level of job satisfaction:
a. Professional satisfaction
b. Geographic location
c. Worklife balance
d. Family concerns
e. Salary level
f. More job openings
g. Opportunities for
h. Availability of funding for
i. Other (please specify):
Very influential
Not at all
19. How would you rate your overall level of job satisfaction?
a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied
Please review the career paths and descriptions listed in the Career Path Table to assist you in completing your employment history.
These career paths are from the my Individual Development Plan (myIDP), a career planning tool. Please note that there may be many
different positions that fit within a single career path. Examples of positions falling within a career path are shown in the descriptions
Career Path Table
20. Please complete your employment history with the positions you have held in the past [insert 2, 6, 10] years. Use the Career Path
Table above to help you identify the career path each position falls under. Enter the letter of the career path into row F of the job forms.
Please include periods of both employment and unemployment (See examples below).
Position #1
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #2
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #3
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #4
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #5
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #6
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #7
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #8
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #9
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #10
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
21. Since the beginning of your graduate studies to the present day, have you started any businesses?
a. Yes
b. No (Go to Q24)
22. How many businesses have you started?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. More than three
23. How many of those businesses do you still own?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three
e. More than three
24. How many articles have you had published in peerreviewed journals?
25. How many first author publications do you have in peerreviewed journals?
26. Have you applied for any research funding as a Principal Investigator in the past [insert 2, 6, 10] years?
a. Yes
b. No (Go to Q28)
27. Since you graduated, for which of the following sources of funding have you applied? (Complete all that apply)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Government Agencies (excluding NIH)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Institutional Resources from a university or department
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Private (e.g., foundations, industry, etc.)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Other (please specify):
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
e. Please specify the source of
28. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (optional)
a. Hispanic or Latino
b. Not Hispanic or Latino
29. Which of the following describes your race? (Please check all that apply) (optional)
a. American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Black or African American
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
e. White
30. What is your citizenship status? (optional)
a. US citizen since birth
b. Naturalized US citizen
c. NonUS citizen with permanent resident visa (green card)
d. NonUS citizen with temporary US visa
31. What is your gender? (optional)
a. Male
b. Female
32. In what year were you born? (optional)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 208927974, ATTN: PRA (0925XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this address.
This survey is part of a longterm study by the NIH to measure the effect of career development activities on graduate students and
postdoctoral scientists. We appreciate your participation in this survey. Your responses will help improve biomedical research training
programs both at your institution and nationwide, and your continued participation is vital to the success of this study.
We would like to invite you to continue sharing your experiences and insights by participating in future surveys. Please reconfirm
your email address(es) below to receive future surveys.
Primary Email Address (i.e., personal
or noninstitutional):
Secondary Email Address (i.e.,
personal or noninstitutional):
1. What graduate degree(s) do you have? (Check all that apply)
a. Ph.D. (or equivalent)
b. Medical (or equivalent)
c. D.V.M. (or equivalent)
d. M.S. or M.A.
e. M.B.A.
f. J.D.
g. Other type of master’s degree or professional degree(s) (please specify):
2a. In what month did you receive your Ph.D.?
2b. In what year did you receive your Ph.D.?
3. What was your field of study?
4. Thinking back to the career development activities you participated in during your postdoctoral training, which activities, if any,
have helped you in your career?
5. Are you currently enrolled in a degree program?
a. Yes, I am enrolled in a fulltime degree program.
b. Yes, I am enrolled in a parttime degree program.
c. No. (Go to Q8, starting with the instructions at the beginning of Section 3. Employment Status)
6. What type of degree are you pursuing? (Check all that apply)
a. Ph.D. (or equivalent)
b. Medical (or equivalent)
c. D.V.M. (or equivalent)
d. M.S. or M.A.
e. M.B.A.
f. J.D.
g. Other type of master’s or professional degree(s) (please specify):
7. What is the discipline?
Your responses to the following questions are valuable regardless of your employment status. If you have more than one position,
please respond based on your primary position (e.g., if you have a position in industry, but also do consulting, please respond based on
your industry position).
8. What best describes your current employment status?
a. Currently employed in a position other than a postdoc (Go to Q11)
b. Currently employed as a postdoc (Go to Q11)
c. Selfemployed (Go to Q11)
d. Not currently employed, but seeking employment (other than a postdoc) (Go to Q9)
e. Not currently employed, but seeking a postdoc position (Go to Q9)
f. Not currently employed, not seeking employment (Go to Q9)
g. Not currently employed, but enrolled in a fulltime or parttime degree program (Go to Q20, starting with
the instructions before the table at the beginning of Section 4. Employment History)
h. Other (please specify): (Go to Q20, starting with the instructions before the table at the beginning of
Section 4. Employment History)
9. Which of the following best describes your circumstances?
a. I have never had a job
b. I chose to leave my position
c. I became disabled or ill and can no longer work
d. I was dismissed from my position
e. I was laidoff from my position
f. Other (please specify):
10. Please feel free to provide additional comments on your employment status. [If Q9= b, c, d, e, or f, Go to Q20, starting with the
instructions before the table at the beginning of Section 4. Employment History] [If Q9=a, Go to Q28]
11. What is the title of your position?
12a. In what month did you start your current position?
12b. In what year did you start your current position?
13. What is the name of the institution or organization where you are currently employed?
14. Regardless of your specific role/duties, what type of organization is your employer?
a. Research intensive university or medical school (Go to Q15)
b. College or university which is not research intensive but which conducts some research (Go to Q15)
c. University affiliated research institute (Go to Q15)
d. Community or twoyear college (Go to Q15)
e. Precollege educational system (preschool through high school) (Go to Q15)
f. U.S. Federal government (Go to Q16)
g. U.S. State government (Go to Q16)
h. U.S. Local government (Go to Q16)
i. Foreign government (Go to Q16)
j. Not for profit organization (Go to Q16)
k. Industry/Corporate (for profit) (Go to Q16)
l. Selfemployed (Go to Q16)
m. Other (please specify): (Go to Q16)
15. Which best describes your current position?
a. Academic Faculty, tenuretrack
b. Academic Faculty, nontenuretrack
c. Nonfaculty
d. Other (please specify):
16. Which best describes the duties in your current position? (Check all that apply)
a. Research
b. Teaching
c. Administration
d. Management
e. Other (please specify):
17. Where is the location of your current position?
a. In the U.S.
b. Outside the U.S.
18. Please indicate how influential the following factors are in your overall level of job satisfaction:
a. Professional satisfaction
b. Geographic location
c. Worklife balance
d. Family concerns
e. Salary level
f. More job openings
g. Opportunities for
h. Availability of funding for
i. Other (please specify):
Very influential
Not at all
19. How would you rate your overall level of job satisfaction?
a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied
Please review the career paths and descriptions listed in the Career Path Table to assist you in completing your employment history.
These career paths are from the my Individual Development Plan (myIDP), a career planning tool. Please note that there may be many
different positions that fit within a single career path. Examples of positions falling within a career path are shown in the descriptions
Career Path Table
20. Please complete your employment history with the positions you have held in the past [insert 2, 6, 10] years. Use the Career Path
Table above to help you identify the career path each position falls under. Enter the letter of the career path into row F of the job forms.
Please include periods of both employment and unemployment (See examples below).
Position #1
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #2
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #3
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #4
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #5
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #6
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #7
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #8
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #9
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
Position #10
A. Job Title
B. Organization Name
C. Period of employment Start Date
D. Period of employment End Date
E. Postdoc Position (Yes/No)
F. Career Path
21. Since the beginning of your graduate studies to the present day, have you started any businesses?
a. Yes
b. No (Go to Q24)
22. How many businesses have you started?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. More than three
23. How many of those businesses do you still own?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three
e. More than three
24. How many articles have you had published in peerreviewed journals?
25. How many first author publications do you have in peerreviewed journals?
26. Have you applied for any research funding as a Principal Investigator in the past [insert 2, 6, 10] years?
a. Yes
b. No (Go to Q28)
27. Since you graduated, for which of the following sources of funding have you applied? (Complete all that apply)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Government Agencies (excluding NIH)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Institutional Resources from a university or department
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Private (e.g., foundations, industry, etc.)
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
Other (please specify):
a. How many grant applications have
you submitted?
b. How many were funded?
c. For how many are you awaiting
d. For how many did you not receive
e. Please specify the source of
28. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (optional)
a. Hispanic or Latino
b. Not Hispanic or Latino
29. Which of the following describes your race? (Please check all that apply) (optional)
a. American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Black or African American
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
e. White
30. What is your citizenship status? (optional)
a. US citizen since birth
b. Naturalized US citizen
c. NonUS citizen with permanent resident visa (green card)
d. NonUS citizen with temporary US visa
31. What is your gender? (optional)
a. Male
b. Female
32. In what year were you born? (optional)
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-03-17 |
File Created | 2015-03-16 |