Healthy People Webinar Attendees

Healthy People User Study

0990-Attachment 2_Webinar Attendee Survey Instrument_6 8 15

Healthy People Webinar Attendees

OMB: 0990-0437

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Attachment 2

Webinar Attendee Survey Instrument

Instrument 2. Webinar Attendee Survey Instrument

Use of Healthy People 2020

Healthy People is a national health promotion and disease prevention initiative. The current iteration, Healthy People 2020, has four overarching goals: to attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death; to achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups; to create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and to promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. Healthy People 2020 consists of 42 topic areas and over 1200 objectives that monitor the health of the Nation over the course of the decade.

  1. Prior to beginning this survey, were you aware of Healthy People 2020?

1 Shape1 Yes

2 Shape2 No (If no, thank you for completing the survey)

  1. Prior to attending a Healthy People webinar, were you aware of Healthy People 2020?

1 Shape3 Yes

2 Shape4 No

  1. Does your organization/entity use Healthy People 2020?

1 Shape5 Yes

2 Shape6 No (If no, go to Instrument 2a)

2 Shape7 Don’t know (If Don’t Know, go to Instrument 2a))

  1. Has your organization/entity used any of the previous iterations of Healthy People (i.e. Healthy People 1990, Healthy People 2000, Healthy People 2010)?

1 Shape8 Yes

2 Shape9 No

3 Shape10 Don’t know

  1. How does your organization/entity use Healthy People 2020?



Don’t know

Not Applicable

For research/assessment:

  1. As a data source

1 Shape11

2 Shape12

3 Shape13

4 Shape14

  1. To conduct community health assessments

1 Shape15

2 Shape16

3 Shape17

4 Shape18

  1. To develop community health improvement plans

1 Shape19

2 Shape20

3 Shape21

4 Shape22

  1. For meeting national public health accreditation standards

1 Shape23

2 Shape24

3 Shape25

4 Shape26

  1. For comparison with organizational data (e.g. benchmarking)

1 Shape27

2 Shape28

3 Shape29

4 Shape30

  1. To inform program planning to address health disparities

1 Shape31

2 Shape32

3 Shape33

4 Shape34

For collaboration/outreach or education:

  1. As a resource for building community partnerships for promoting health

1 Shape35

2 Shape36

3 Shape37

4 Shape38

  1. As a learning tool for staff or students

1 Shape39

2 Shape40

3 Shape41

4 Shape42

For setting internal priorities:

  1. To guide priorities for the organization/entity

1 Shape43

2 Shape44

3 Shape45

4 Shape46

  1. As a guide for allocating resources in the organization/entity

1 Shape47

2 Shape48

3 Shape49

4 Shape50

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

1 Shape51

2 Shape52

3 Shape53

4 Shape54

  1. As a framework for planning, goal-setting or decision making

1 Shape55

2 Shape56

3 Shape57

4 Shape58

Other uses:

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

  1. To create or inform quality improvement activities

1 Shape59

2 Shape60

3 Shape61

4 Shape62

  1. To inform policy development

1 Shape63

2 Shape64

3 Shape65

4 Shape66

  1. Other, please specify _______________________________

1 Shape67

2 Shape68

3 Shape69

4 Shape70

  1. Has your organization/entity’s use of Healthy People 2020 changed since you attended a Healthy People webinar?

1 Shape71 Yes, please explain __________________________________________

2 Shape72 No

  1. To what degree has Healthy People 2020 impacted the work of your organization/entity?

1 Shape73 1 – No impact

2 Shape74 2

3 Shape75 3

4 Shape76 4

5 Shape77 5 – Significant Impact

  1. Which element of Healthy People 2020 is the most useful to your organization/entity?

1 Shape78 Overarching goals

2 Shape79 Topic areas

3 Shape80 Specific health objectives

4 Shape81 Leading Health Indicators

  1. Has Healthy People 2020 influenced decision making regarding the development of new programs or the expansion of existing ones? (If you answer “Yes” to either item below, please describe in the space provided)



    Don’t know

    For research/assessment:

    1. Developed new programs

    If yes, please specify ___________________________________

    1 Shape82

    2 Shape83

    3 Shape84

    1. Expanded existing programs

    If yes, please specify ___________________________________

    1 Shape85

    2 Shape86

    3 Shape87

  2. Does your organization/entity measure progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives and targets?

1 Shape88 Yes, once, mid-decade

2 Shape89 Yes, other frequency

Specify frequency: ­_______________

3 Shape90 No (Skip to Question 12)

4 Shape91 Don’t know (Skip to Question 12)

  1. What data sources does your organization/entity use to assess progress toward the Healthy People 2020 objectives? (Check all that apply)

1 Shape92 DATA2020/National data sources

2 Shape93 State data sources

3 Shape94 New data collection to obtain health outcome information

4 Shape95 Other existing data, please specify ____________________

5 Shape96 Don’t know

  1. Do any of the following limit your organization/entity from using Healthy People 2020?

    For each line



    Don’t know

    Issues related to Healthy People 2020:

    1. Don’t agree with Healthy People 2020’s priorities

    1 Shape97

    2 Shape98

    3 Shape99

    1. Lack of guidance on how to implement

    1 Shape100

    2 Shape101

    3 Shape102

    1. No available data to track objectives

    1 Shape103

    2 Shape104

    3 Shape105

    1. Too much material

    1 Shape106

    2 Shape107

    3 Shape108

    1. Too little material

    1 Shape109

    2 Shape110

    3 Shape111

    Issues related to your organization/entity:

    1. Lack of buy-in from primary decision-makers

    1 Shape112

    2 Shape113

    3 Shape114

    1. Insufficient resources available (e.g., staffing, financial)

    1 Shape115

    2 Shape116

    3 Shape117

    1. Competing priorities

    1 Shape118

    2 Shape119

    3 Shape120

  2. Please list any other issues that limit your organization/entity from using Healthy People 2020.

Leading Health Indicators

A smaller set of Healthy People 2020 objectives, called Leading Health Indicators, has been selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them.

  1. Are you aware of the Leading Health Indicators?

1 Shape121 Yes

2 Shape122 No (Skip to Question 17)

  1. Does your organization/entity use the Leading Health Indicators?

1 Shape123 Yes

2 Shape124 No

3 Shape125 Don’t know

  1. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly Agree

The Leading Health Indicators are a valuable element of Healthy People 2020.

1 Shape126

2 Shape127

3 Shape128

4 Shape129

5 Shape130

The Leading Health Indicators make navigating the Healthy People 2020 content more manageable.

1 Shape131

2 Shape132

3 Shape133

4 Shape134

5 Shape135

My organization/entity uses the Leading Health Indicators to guide program planning.

1 Shape136

2 Shape137

3 Shape138

4 Shape139

5 Shape140

Tools and Activities

HHS has developed tools to assist with the implementation of Healthy People 2020. The following questions ask about your awareness and use of these implementation tools and activities.

  1. Which of the following Healthy People 2020 tools and activities are you aware of? Which have you used?


I am aware of this tool/activity

I have used this tool/activity

Data (The DATA2020 tool, Objective blocksHealthy People 2020 objectives, topic area data)

 Yes No

 Yes No

Implementation stories from organizations like yours (e.g. Stories from the Field, Leading Health Indicator bulletins, Healthy People eLearning)

 Yes No

 Yes No

Tools for program planning (e.g. Evidence Based Resources, Federal prevention initiatives, MAP-IT)

 Yes No

 Yes No

Healthy People webinars (e.g. Leading Health Indicator webinars, Spotlight on Health webinars, Progress Review webinars)

 Yes No

 Yes No

Healthy People communication (e.g. the Healthy People listserv, Healthy People social media)

 Yes No

 Yes No

  1. Are there additional tools and activities that would be useful for your organization/entity?
    (Check all that apply)

1 Shape141 Informational Toolkits

2 Shape142 Program planning Toolkits

3 Shape143 More examples of how people are using Healthy People 2020

4 Shape144 Examples of evaluation instruments or tools/templates from other organizations

45 Shape145 Additional data resources (more timely data, local data, or infographics)

56 Shape146 More outreach and engagement from HHS

67 Shape147 Additional partnership opportunities

78 Shape148 Other, please specify _________________________

Looking Forward to Healthy People 2030

Thank you for providing your feedback on Healthy People 2020. Please take a few minutes to complete the next set of questions, which will help in the development of Healthy People 2030.

  1. Should the scope of issues covered in Healthy People 2030 topic areas and objectives be:

1 Shape149 Narrower than Healthy People 2020

2 Shape150 Broader than Healthy People 2020

3 Shape151 Remain the same

4 Shape152 Don’t know

  1. Healthy People 2020’s more than 1200 objectives were organized around 42 topic areas; would a reorganization of health objectives be helpful for the next iteration of Healthy People?

1 Shape153 Yes

2 Shape154 No (Skip to Question 22)

3 Shape155 Don’t know (Skip to Question 22)

4 Shape156 No opinion (Skip to Question 22)

  1. Which format for the global organization of Healthy People 2030 objectives would be most useful?

1 Shape157 Disease areas

2 Shape158 Risks/determinants

3 Shape159 Life stages

4 Shape160 Other, please specify ______________________

  1. Are there topic areas you believe will be important to include in Healthy People 2030 that are not currently included in Healthy People 2020?

1 Shape161 Yes, please specify ___________________________

2 Shape162 No

  1. Healthy People stakeholders will be invited to participate in the development of Healthy People 2030. Would you plan to participate in any of the following activities?

    For each line



    Don’t know

    Issues related to Healthy People 2020:

    1. Submit written comments through

    1 Shape163

    2 Shape164

    3 Shape165

    1. Submit written comments by mail

    1 Shape166

    2 Shape167

    3 Shape168

    1. Attend a regional meeting

    1 Shape169

    2 Shape170

    3 Shape171

    1. Present public comments at a regional meeting

    1 Shape172

    2 Shape173

    3 Shape174

    1. Provide comments via webinar

    1 Shape175

    2 Shape176

    3 Shape177

    1. Engage with Healthy People through social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)

    1 Shape178

    2 Shape179

    3 Shape180

  2. Does your organization have any suggestions for ways HHS can improve the next iteration of Healthy People?


  1. What is the name of your organization/entity?

  2. Which of the following best describes your organization/entity?

1 Shape181 Federal Government Agency

2 Shape182 State Government Agency

3 Shape183 Local Government Agency

4 Shape184 Educational Institution

5 Shape185 Hospital or Health Center

6 Shape186 Nonprofit /Community-Based Organization

7 Shape187 For Profit Organization

8 Shape188 Faith Organization

9 Shape189 Professional or Industry Association

10 Shape190 Clearinghouse

11 Shape191 International Organization

12 Shape192 Research Organization

13 Shape193 Tribal Entity

14 Shape194 Public/Private Partnership

15 Shape195 Other, please specify _______________________________

  1. What is the size of your organization/entity’s staff?

____________ Number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees

  1. What is the size of the population served by your organization/entity? (Numerical value)

Instrument 2a. Webinar Attendee Survey Instrument
(Non-organizational Users)

4. Do you use Healthy People 2020 as part of your work?

1 Shape197 Yes

2 Shape198 No (Go to Non-Users of Healthy People 2020)

5. Has your use of Healthy People 2020 changed since you attended a Healthy People webinar?

1 Shape199 Yes, please explain ______________________________________________

2 Shape200 No

6. Have you used any of the previous iterations of Healthy People (i.e. Healthy People 1990, Healthy People 2000, Healthy People 2010) as part of your work?

1 Shape201 Yes

2 Shape202 No

7. How do you use Healthy People?



Don’t know

Not Applicable

For research/assessment:

  1. As a data source

1 Shape203

2 Shape204

3 Shape205

4 Shape206

  1. To conduct community health assessments

1 Shape207

2 Shape208

3 Shape209

4 Shape210

  1. To develop community health improvement plans

1 Shape211

2 Shape212

3 Shape213

4 Shape214

  1. For meeting national public health accreditation standards

1 Shape215

2 Shape216

3 Shape217

4 Shape218

  1. For comparison with organizational data (e.g. benchmarking)

1 Shape219

2 Shape220

3 Shape221

4 Shape222

  1. To inform program planning to address health disparities

1 Shape223

2 Shape224

3 Shape225

4 Shape226

For collaboration/outreach or education:

  1. As a resource for building community partnerships for promoting health

1 Shape227

2 Shape228

3 Shape229

4 Shape230

  1. As a learning tool for staff or students

1 Shape231

2 Shape232

3 Shape233

4 Shape234

For setting internal priorities:

  1. To guide priorities for the organization/entity

1 Shape235

2 Shape236

3 Shape237

4 Shape238

  1. As a guide for allocating resources in the organization/entity

1 Shape239

2 Shape240

3 Shape241

4 Shape242

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

1 Shape243

2 Shape244

3 Shape245

4 Shape246

  1. As a framework for planning, goal-setting or decision making

1 Shape247

2 Shape248

3 Shape249

4 Shape250

Other uses:

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

  1. To create or inform quality improvement activities

1 Shape251

2 Shape252

3 Shape253

4 Shape254

  1. To inform policy development

1 Shape255

2 Shape256

3 Shape257

4 Shape258

  1. Other, please specify _______________________________

1 Shape259

2 Shape260

3 Shape261

  1. To what degree has Healthy People 2020 impacted your work?

1 Shape262 1 – No impact

2 Shape263 2

3 Shape264 3

4 Shape265 4

5 Shape266 5 – Significant Impact

8. Which element of Healthy People 2020 do you find most useful?

1 Shape267 a. Overarching goals

2 Shape268 b. Topic areas

3 Shape269 c. Specific health objectives

4 Shape270 d. Leading Health Indicators

Leading Health Indicators

A smaller set of Healthy People 2020 objectives, called Leading Health Indicators, has been selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them.

9. Are you aware of the Leading Health Indicators?

1 Shape271 Yes

2 Shape272 No (Skip to Question 12)

10. Does you use the Leading Health Indicators as part of your work?

1 Shape273 Yes

2 Shape274 No

3 Shape275 Don’t know

11. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly Agree

The Leading Health Indicators are a valuable element of Healthy People 2020.

1 Shape276

2 Shape277

3 Shape278

4 Shape279

5 Shape280

The Leading Health Indicators make navigating the Healthy People 2020 content more manageable.

1 Shape281

2 Shape282

3 Shape283

4 Shape284

5 Shape285

My organization/entity uses the Leading Health Indicators to guide program planning.

1 Shape286

2 Shape287

3 Shape288

4 Shape289

5 Shape290

Tools and Activities

HHS has developed tools to assist with the implementation of Healthy People 2020. The following questions ask about your awareness and use of these implementation tools and activities.

12. Which of the following Healthy People 2020 tools and activities are you aware of? Which have you used?


I am aware of this tool/activity

I have used this tool/activity

Data (The DATA2020 tool, Objective blocks Healthy People 2020 objectives, topic area data)

Yes No

Yes No

Implementation stories from organizations like yours (e.g. Stories from the Field, Leading Health Indicator bulletins, Healthy People eLearning)

Yes No

Yes No

Tools for program planning (e.g. Evidence Based Resources, Federal prevention initiatives, MAP-IT)

Yes No

Yes No

Healthy People webinars (e.g. Leading Health Indicator webinars, Spotlight on Health webinars, Progress Review webinars)

Yes No

Yes No

Healthy People communication (e.g. the Healthy People listserv, Healthy People social media)

Yes No

Yes No

13. Are there additional tools and activities that would be useful for your organization/entity?
(Check all that apply)

1 Shape291 Informational Toolkits

2 Shape292 Program planning Toolkits

3 Shape293 More examples of how people are using Healthy People 2020

4 Shape294 Examples of evaluation instruments or tools/templates from other organizations

45 Shape295 Additional data resources (more timely data, local data, or infographics)

56 Shape296 More outreach and engagement from HHS

67 Shape297 Additional partnership opportunities

78 Shape298 Other, please specify _________________________

Looking Forward to Healthy People 2030

Thank you for providing your feedback on Healthy People 2020. Please take a few minutes to complete the next set of questions, which will help in the development of Healthy People 2030.

14. Should the scope of issues covered in Healthy People 2030 topic areas and objectives be:

1 Shape299 a. Narrower than Healthy People 2020

2 Shape300 b. Broader than Healthy People 2020

3 Shape301 c. Remain the same

4 Shape302 d. Don’t know

15. Healthy People 2020’s more than 1200 objectives were organized around 42 topic areas; would a reorganization of health objectives be helpful for the next iteration of Healthy People?

1 Shape303 Yes

2 Shape304 No (Skip to Question 17)

3 Shape305 Don’t know (Skip to Question 17)

4 Shape306 No opinion (Skip to Question 17)

16. Which format for the global organization of Healthy People 2030 objectives would be most useful?

1 Shape307 a. Disease areas

2 Shape308 a. Risks/determinants

3 Shape309 a. Life stages

4 Shape310 a. Other, please specify ______________________

17. Are there topic areas you believe will be important to include in Healthy People 2030 that are not currently included in Healthy People 2020?

1 Shape311 Yes, please specify ___________________________

2 Shape312 No

18. Healthy People stakeholders will be invited to participate in the development of Healthy People 2030. Would you plan to participate in any of the following activities?

For each line



Don’t know

  1. Submit written comments through

1 Shape313

2 Shape314

3 Shape315

  1. Submit written comments by mail

1 Shape316

2 Shape317

3 Shape318

  1. Attend a regional meeting

1 Shape319

2 Shape320

3 Shape321

  1. Present public comments at a regional meeting

1 Shape322

2 Shape323

3 Shape324

  1. Provide comments via webinar

1 Shape325

2 Shape326

3 Shape327

  1. Engage with Healthy People through social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)

1 Shape328

2 Shape329

3 Shape330

19. Does your organization have any suggestions for ways HHS can improve the next iteration of Healthy People?


20. What is the name of your organization/entity?

21. Which of the following best describes your organization/entity?

1 Shape331 Federal Government Agency

2 Shape332 State Government Agency

3 Shape333 Local Government Agency

4 Shape334 Educational Institution

5 Shape335 Hospital or Health Center

6 Shape336 Nonprofit /Community-Based Organization

7 Shape337 For Profit Organization

8 Shape338 Faith Organization

9 Shape339 Professional or Industry Association

10 Shape340 Clearinghouse

11 Shape341 International Organization

12 Shape342 Research Organization

13 Shape343 Tribal Entity

14 Shape344 Public/Private Partnership

15 Shape345 Other, please specify _______________________________

22. What is the size of your organization/entity’s staff?

____________ Number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees

23. What is the size of the population served by your organization/entity? (Numerical value)

Non-Users of Healthy People 2020

The next set of questions ask about potential barriers to the use of Healthy People 2020 and the development of Healthy People 2030.

5. Do any of the following prevent your organization/entity from using Healthy People 2020?

For each line



Don’t know

Issues related to Healthy People 2020:

  1. Don’t agree with Healthy People 2020’s priorities

1 Shape346

2 Shape347

3 Shape348

  1. Lack of guidance on how to implement

1 Shape349

2 Shape350

3 Shape351

  1. No available data to track objectives

1 Shape352

2 Shape353

3 Shape354

  1. Too much material

1 Shape355

2 Shape356

3 Shape357

  1. Too little material

1 Shape358

2 Shape359

3 Shape360

Issues related to your organization/entity:

  1. Insufficient resources available (e.g. staffing, financial)

1 Shape361

2 Shape362

3 Shape363

  1. Lack of buy-in from primary decision-makers

1 Shape364

2 Shape365

3 Shape366

6. Of items a through h in Question 5, what factor most strongly prevents your organization/entity from using Healthy People 2020? (Drop down menu of all possible options)

7. What framework does your organization/entity use to set health objectives?

8. Should the scope of issues covered in Healthy People 2030 topic areas and objectives be:

1 Shape367 Narrower than Healthy People 2020

2 Shape368 Broader than Healthy People 2020

3 Shape369 Remain the same

4 Shape370 Don’t know

9. Healthy People 2020’s more than 1200 objectives were organized around 42 topic areas; would a reorganization of health objectives be helpful for the next iteration of Healthy People?

1 Shape371 Yes

2 Shape372 No (Skip to Question 11)

3 Shape373 Don’t know (Skip to Question 11)

4 Shape374 No opinion (Skip to Question 11)

10. Which format for the global organization of Healthy People 2030 objectives would be most useful?

1 Shape375 a. Disease areas

2 Shape376 b. Risks/determinants

3 Shape377 c. Life stages

4 Shape378 d. Other, please specify ______________________

11. Use the space below to share with us any additional comments your organization has about Healthy People 2020.

12. Does your organization/entity anticipate using Healthy People in the future for the following activities?



Don’t know

Not Applicable

For research/assessment:

  1. As a data source

1 Shape379

2 Shape380

3 Shape381

4 Shape382

  1. To conduct community health assessments

1 Shape383

2 Shape384

3 Shape385

4 Shape386

  1. To develop community health improvement plans

1 Shape387

2 Shape388

3 Shape389

4 Shape390

  1. For meeting national public health accreditation standards

1 Shape391

2 Shape392

3 Shape393

4 Shape394

  1. For comparison with organizational data (e.g. benchmarking)

1 Shape395

2 Shape396

3 Shape397

4 Shape398

  1. To inform program planning to address health disparities

1 Shape399

2 Shape400

3 Shape401

4 Shape402

For collaboration/outreach or education:

  1. As a resource for building community partnerships for promoting health

1 Shape403

2 Shape404

3 Shape405

4 Shape406

  1. As a learning tool for staff or students

1 Shape407

2 Shape408

3 Shape409

4 Shape410

For setting internal priorities:

  1. To guide priorities for the organization/entity

1 Shape411

2 Shape412

3 Shape413

4 Shape414

  1. As a guide for allocating resources in the organization/entity

1 Shape415

2 Shape416

3 Shape417

4 Shape418

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

1 Shape419

2 Shape420

3 Shape421

4 Shape422

  1. As a framework for planning, goal-setting or decision making

1 Shape423

2 Shape424

3 Shape425

4 Shape426

Other uses:

  1. To support applications for grants or other funding

  1. To create or inform quality improvement activities

1 Shape427

2 Shape428

3 Shape429

4 Shape430

  1. To inform policy development

1 Shape431

2 Shape432

3 Shape433

4 Shape434

  1. Other, please specify _______________________________

1 Shape435

2 Shape436

3 Shape437

4 Shape438

13. Does your organization have any suggestions for ways HHS can improve the next iteration of Healthy People?


14. What is the name of your organization/entity?

15. Which of the following best describes your organization/entity?

1 Shape439 Federal Government Agency

2 Shape440 State Government Agency

3 Shape441 Local Government Agency

4 Shape442 Educational Institution

5 Shape443 Hospital or Health Center

6 Shape444 Nonprofit /Community-Based Organization

7 Shape445 For Profit Organization

8 Shape446 Faith Organization

9 Shape447 Professional or Industry Association

10 Shape448 Clearinghouse

11 Shape449 International Organization

12 Shape450 Research Organization

13 Shape451 Tribal Entity

14 Shape452 Public/Private Partnership

15 Shape453 Other, please specify _______________________________

16. What is the size of your organization/entity’s staff?

____________ Number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees

17. What is the size of the population served by your organization/entity? (Numerical value)


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMegan Heffernan
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-25

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