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When the American Community Survey (ACS) replaced the decennial census long form
beginning with the 2010 Census, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
(NCSES) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) identified the ACS as the potential sampling
frame for the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) for use in the 2010 survey cycle
and beyond. After reviewing numerous sample design options proposed by NCSES, the
Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) recommended a rotating panel design for the 2010
decade of the NSCG (National Research Council, 2008). The use of the ACS as a sampling
frame allows NCSES to more efficiently target the science and engineering (S&E) workforce
population. Furthermore, the rotating panel design planned for the 2010 decade allows the
NSCG to address certain deficiencies of the previous design including the undercoverage of key
groups of interest such as foreign-degreed immigrants with S&E degrees.
The NSCG design for the 2010 decade sample selects more cases in small cells of particular
interest to analysts, including underrepresented minorities, women, persons with disabilities and
non-U.S. citizens. This results in the surveys of the 2010 decade continuing to oversample
underrepresented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities as in the 2000 decade design.
The goal of this oversampling effort is to provide adequate sample for NSF’s congressionally
mandated report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering.
To continue the transition into the rotating panel design that began with the 2010 NSCG, the
2015 NSCG will include 135,000 sample cases which includes: 1) Returning sample from the
2010 NSCG (originally selected from the 2009 ACS); 2) Returning sample from the 2013 NSCG
(originally selected from the 2011 ACS and 2010 NSRCG); and 3) New sample selected from
the 2013 ACS.
About 42,000 new sample cases will be selected from the 2013 ACS. The remaining 93,000
cases will be selected from the set of returning sample members. While most of the returning
sample cases are respondents from the 2013 NSCG survey cycle, about 7,000 nonrespondents
from the 2013 NSCG survey cycle will be included in the 2015 NSCG sample. These 7,000
cases are individuals that responded in the 2010 NSCG survey cycle, but did not respond during
the 2013 NSCG survey cycle. These 2013 NSCG nonrespondents are being included in the 2015
NSCG sample in an effort to reduce the potential for nonresponse bias in our NSCG survey
The 2015 NSCG survey target population includes all U.S. residents under age 76 with at least a
bachelor’s degree as of January 1, 2014. The new sample portion of the 2015 NSCG will
provide complete coverage of this target population. The returning sample, on the other hand,
will provide only partial coverage of the 2015 NSCG target population. Specifically, the
returning sample will cover the population of U.S. residents under age 76 with at least a
bachelor’s degree as of January 1, 2012.
There are several advantages of this rotating panel sample design. It: 1) permits longitudinal
analysis of the retained cases from the ACS-based sample; 2) permits benchmarking of estimates
to population totals derived from the sample using ACS; 3) maintains the sample sizes of small
populations of scientists and engineers of great interest such as underrepresented minorities,
persons with disabilities and non U.S. citizens; 4) provides an oversample of young graduates to
allow continued detailed estimation of the recent college graduates population; and 5) allows
direct comparison of the estimation capabilities for recent graduates estimates derived from cases
originally sampled in the 2010 NSRCG to recent graduates estimates derived from cases
originally sampled in the 2011 or 2013 ACS.
There are two different versions of the NSCG questionnaire – a version for new sample cases
and a version for returning sample cases. The main difference is that the questionnaire for
returning sample cases does not include questions where the response likely will not change from
one cycle to the next. Specifically, the questionnaire for new sample cases includes a degree
history grid and certain demographic questions (e.g., race, ethnicity, and gender) that are not
asked in the questionnaire for the returning sample. If these items were not collected from the
returning sample cases during the initial NSCG survey round, the web and CATI instruments
will attempt to collect this information this cycle.
The target response rate for the new sample is approximately 70 percent. The target response
rate for the returning sample is approximately 80 percent. NCSES targeted these response rates
based on 2013 final response rates.
Sample Design and Selection
As part of the 2015 NSCG sample selection, the returning sample portion of the NSCG sampling
frame will be sampled separately from the new sample portion.
The majority of the 2015 NSCG returning sample will be selected with certainty from the
returning sampling frame. This certainty sampling approach will apply to cases that originated
from the 2011 ACS or the 2010 NSRCG. The only portion of the returning sampling frame that
will have a sample reduction is the cases that originated in the 2009 ACS. These cases will
receive a 50% sample maintenance reduction as part of the planned implementation of the NSCG
rotating panel design. In the first two cycles of the NSCG rotating panel design (i.e., the 2010
and 2013 NSCG), additional sample was selected from the ACS to ensure enough cases were in
sample to allow for reliable estimation. Since the 2015 NSCG will include new sample selected
from the 2013 NSCG, a portion of the returning ACS-based sample is no longer needed. As a
result, only 50% of the 2015 NSCG sampling frame cases that originated in the 2009 ACS will
be selected for the 2015 NSCG sample. This 50% maintenance cut will occur across all
sampling frame cases that originated in the 2009 ACS regardless of their 2013 NSCG final
interview disposition.
The sample selection for the 2015 NSCG new sample will use stratification variables similar to
what was used in the 2013 NSCG. These stratification variables will be formed using response
information from the 2013 ACS. The levels of the 2015 NSCG new sample stratification
variables are as follows:
Highest Degree Level
• bachelor’s degree or professional degree
• master’s degree
• doctorate degree
Occupation/Degree Field
A composite variable which is composed of occupation and bachelor’s degree field of study
• Mathematician
• Computer Scientists
• Life Scientists
• Physical Scientists
• Social Scientists
• Psychologists
• Engineers
• Health-related Occupations
• S&E-Related Non-Health Occupations
• Post Secondary Teacher, S&E Field of Degree
• Post Secondary Teacher, Non-S&E Field of Degree
• Secondary Teacher, S&E Field of Degree
• Secondary Teacher, Non-S&E Field of Degree
• Non-S&E High Interest Occupation, S&E Field of Degree
• Non-S&E Low Interest Occupation, S&E Field of Degree
• Non-S&E Occupation, Non-S&E Field of Degree
• Not Working, S&E Field of Degree
• Not Working, Non-S&E Field of Degree
Demographic Group
A composite demographic variable which is composed of race, ethnicity, disability status,
citizenship, and foreign earned degree status
• U.S. Citizen at Birth (USCAB), Hispanic
• USCAB, Non-Hispanic, Black
• USCAB, Non-Hispanic, Asian
• USCAB, Non-Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific
• USCAB, Non-Hispanic, White or Other Race, Disabled
• USCAB, Non-Hispanic, White or Other Race, Non-Disabled
• Non-USCAB, Hispanic
• Non-USCAB, Non-Hispanic, Asian
• Non-USCAB, Non-Hispanic, Other Race
In addition, for the sampling cells where a young graduates oversample is desired 17, an
additional sampling stratification variable will be used to identify the oversampling areas of
interest. The following criteria define the cases eligible for the young graduates oversample
within the 2015 NSCG.
2013 ACS sample cases with a bachelor’s degree who are ages 30 or less and are
educated or employed in an S&E field
2013 ACS sample cases with a master’s degree who are ages 34 or less and are educated
or employed in an S&E field
The multiway cross-classification of these stratification variables produces approximately 1,000
non-empty sampling cells. This design ensures that the cells needed to produce the small
demographic/degree field groups for the congressionally mandated report on Women, Minorities
and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (See 42. U.S.C., 1885d) will be
The 2015 NSCG reliability targets are aligned with the data needs for the NSF congressionally
mandated reports. The sample allocation will be determined based on reliability requirements
for key NSCG analytical domains provided by NCSES. The 2015 NSCG coefficient of variation
targets that drive the 2015 NSCG sample allocation and selection are included in Appendix D.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 of Appendix D provide reliability requirements for estimates of the total
college graduate population. Tables 4, 5, and 6 of Appendix D provide reliability requirements
for estimates of young graduates, which are the target of the 2015 NSCG oversampling strata.
In total, the ACS-based sampling frame for the 2015 NSCG new sample portion includes over
970,000 cases representing the college-educated population of 63 million residing in the U.S. as
of 2013. From this sampling frame, 42,000 new sample cases will be selected based on the
sample allocation reliability requirements discussed in the previous paragraph.
Weighting Procedures
Estimates from the 2015 NSCG will be based on standard weighting procedures. As was the
case with sample selection, the weighting adjustments will be done separately for the new
sample cases and the returning sample cases. The goal of the separate weighting processes is to
produce final weights for each sample portion (i.e., new sample and returning sample) that
reflects each portion’s respective population. To produce the final weights, each case will start
with a base weight defined as the probability of selection into the 2015 NSCG sample. This base
weight reflects the differential sampling across strata. Base weights will then be adjusted to
account for unit nonresponse.
Weighting Adjustment for Survey Nonresponse
Following the weighting methodology used in the 2010 and 2013 NSCG, we will use propensity
modeling to account and adjust for unit nonresponse. Propensity modeling uses logistic
regression to determine if characteristics available for all sample cases, such as prior survey
responses and paradata, can be used to predict response. One advantage to this approach over
Since the young graduates oversample planned for the NSCG serves to offset the discontinuation of the
NSRCG, the oversample will focus only on bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients as had the NSRCG.
the cell collapsing approach used in the 1990 and 2000 decades of the NSCG is the potential to
more accurately reallocate weight from nonrespondents to respondents that are similar to them,
in an attempt to reduce nonresponse bias. An additional advantage to using propensity modeling
is the avoidance of creating complex noninterview cell collapsing rules.
We will create a model to predict response using the sampling frame variables that exist for both
respondents and nonrespondents. A logistic regression model will use response as the dependent
variable. The propensities output from the model will be used to categorize cases into cells of
approximately equal size, with similar response propensities in each cell. The noninterview
weighting adjustment factors will be calculated within each of the cells.
The noninterview weighting adjustment factor is used to account for the weight of the 2015
NSCG nonrespondents when forming survey estimates. The weight of the nonrespondents will
be redistributed to the respondents and ineligibles within the 2015 NSCG sample. The weight of
nonrespondent eligible cases will only go to the respondent cases. The weight of nonrespondent
– eligibility unknown cases will go to both the respondent and ineligible cases. After the
noninterview adjustment, weights will be controlled to ACS population totals through a poststratification procedure that ensures the population totals are upheld.
Weighting Adjustment for Extreme Weights
After the completion of these weighting steps, some of the weights may be relatively large
compared to other weights in the same analytical domain. Since extreme weights can greatly
increase the variance of survey estimates, NCSES will examine weight trimming options. When
weight trimming is used, the final survey estimates may be biased. However, by trimming the
extreme weights, the assumption is that the decrease in variance will offset the associated
increase in bias so that the final survey estimates have a smaller mean square error. Depending
on the weighting truncation adjustment used to address extreme weights, it is possible the
weighted totals for the key marginals will no longer equal the population totals used in the
iterative raking procedure. To correct this possible inequality, the next step in the 2015 NSCG
weighting processing will be an iterative raking procedure to control to pre-trimmed totals within
key domains. Finally, an additional execution of the post-stratification procedure to control to
ACS population totals will be performed, and the resulting weight will be the final weight for
each sample portion (i.e., new sample and returning sample).
Derivation of Combined Weights
To increase the reliability of estimates of the small demographic/degree field groups used in the
congressionally mandated report on Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science
and Engineering (See 42. U.S.C., 1885d), NCSES will combine the new sample and returning
sample together and will form combined weights to use in estimation for the combined set of
cases. The combined weights will be formed by adjusting the new sample final weights and the
returning sample final weights to account for the overlap in target population coverage. The
result will be a combined final weight for all 135,000 NSCG sample cases.
Replicate Weights
Sets of replicate weights will also be constructed to allow for separate variance estimation for the
returning sample and the new sample. The replicate weight for the combined estimates will be
constructed from these sets of replicate weights. The entire weighting process applied to the full
sample will be applied separately to each of the replicates in producing the replicate weights.
Standard Errors
The replication weights will be used to estimate the standard errors of the 2015 NSCG estimates.
The variance of a survey estimate based on any probability sample may be estimated by the
method of replication. This method requires that the sample selection, the collection of data, and
the estimation procedures be independently carried through (replicated) several times. The
dispersion of the resulting replicated estimates then can be used to measure the variance of the
full sample.
Nonsampling Error Evaluation
In an effort to account for all sources of error in the 2015 NSCG survey cycle, the Census
Bureau will produce a report that will include information similar to the contents of the 2013
NSCG Nonsampling Error Report 18. The 2015 NSCG Nonsampling Error Report will evaluate
three areas of nonsampling error – nonresponse error, error as a result of the inconsistency
between the ACS and NSCG responses, and measurement error due to the NSCG questionnaire
design. These topics will provide information about potential sources of nonsampling error for
the 2015 NSCG survey cycle.
Nonresponse Error
Numerous metrics will be computed in order to motivate a discussion of nonresponse – unit
response rates, compound response rates, estimates of key domains, item nonresponse rates, and
R-indicators. Each of these metrics provides different insights into the issue of nonresponse, and
will be discussed individually and then summarized together.
Unit response rates are a simple method of quantifying what percentage of the sample population
responded to the survey. For example, in the 2013 NSCG new sample portion, the overall
weighted response rate was 70.4%; however, age groups had weighted response rates ranging
from 64% for younger age groups, versus 80% for the oldest age groups. Some variation in
response is expected due to random variation; however, large variations in response behavior can
be a cause for concern with the potential to introduce nonresponse bias. Assuming we are
measuring different subgroups of the target population separately because we are interested in
the different response data they provide, then having differential response rates across subgroups
may mean we are missing information in the less responsive subgroups. This is the driving force
behind nonresponse bias – a relationship between the explanatory variables and the outcome
variables. If the explanatory variables are also related to the likelihood to respond, resulting
estimates may be biased.
The compound response rate looks at response rates over time, and considers how attrition can
affect the respondent population. Attrition is important when considering the effect of
nonresponse in longitudinal surveys like the NSCG. As an example, for the returning sample
cases that originated in the 2009 ACS, a response rate of 98% in the ACS followed by two
rounds of NSCG with weighted response rates around 80% results in a compound response rate
Zotti, Allison, “Nonsampling Error Report for the 2013 National Survey of College Graduates,”
Census Bureau Memorandum from Reist to Finamore and Rivers, June 2014 draft.
of just 63%. This means that only 63% of the cases originally eligible and sampled for the
NSCG through the ACS have responded in the current round, with most of that attrition arising
in the NSCG itself. Attrition can lead to biased estimates, particularly for surveys that do not
continue to follow nonrespondents in later rounds. This is because weighting adjustments and
estimates are based on a dwindling portion of the population. This can lead to weight inflation
and increased variances, which may make significant differences more difficult to detect in the
population. Further, if respondents are different (e.g., would provide different information) from
nonrespondents, excluding the nonrespondents effectively excludes a portion of valuable
information from the response and the resulting estimates. The estimates become representative
of the continually responding population over time, as opposed to the full target population.
Examining the estimates of key domains provides insight on whether the potential for bias due to
nonresponse error is adversely impacting the survey estimates. In order to account for
nonresponse, and ensure the respondent population represents the target population in size,
nonresponse weighting adjustments are made to the respondent population. Following the
nonresponse adjustment, post-stratification is employed to ensure the respondent population
represents not just the size of the target population, but also the proportion of members in various
domains of the population. In order to estimate the effect of these adjustment steps, estimates of
various domains within the NSCG target population will be calculated from the frame, from
respondents, after the nonresponse adjustment, and after final adjustments. This examination
will provide insight on whether the NSCG weighting adjustments are appropriately meeting the
NSCG survey estimation goals.
In order to examine item nonresponse, response rates for all questionnaire items will be
produced. In addition, to examine the impact of data collection mode on item nonresponse, item
response rates by response mode also will be produced. Like the unit response rates, the item
response rates can be used as an indicator for potential bias in our survey estimates.
R-indicators and corresponding standard errors will be provided for each of the four originating
surveys that make up the 2015 NSCG. R-indicators are useful, in addition to response rate and
domain estimates, for assessing the potential for nonresponse bias. R-indicators are based on
response propensities calculated using a predetermined balancing model (“balancing
propensities”) to provide information on both how different the respondent population is
compared to the full sample population, as well as which variables in the predetermined model
are driving the variation in nonresponse.
Error Resulting from ACS and NSCG Response Inconsistency
Information from the ACS responses is used to determine NSCG eligibility and to develop the
NSCG sampling strata. Inconsistency between ACS responses and NSCG responses has the
potential to inflate non-sampling error in multiple ways and will be investigated as part of the
2015 NSCG nonsampling error evaluation. Since we use ACS responses to define the NSCG
sampling strata, and we have different sampling rates in each of the strata, inconsistency with
NSCG responses on the stratification variables leads to a less efficient sample design with
increased variances. For example, we sample non science and engineering (non-S&E)
occupations at much lower rates than S&E occupations which leads to large weights for nonS&E cases and small weights for S&E cases. If a case is identified as non-S&E on the ACS, but
lists an S&E occupation on the NSCG, then this case with a large weight is introduced into the
S&E domain thus increasing the variance of estimates for the S&E domain. The mixing of cases
from different sampling strata due to ACS/NSCG response inconsistency thus leads to an
inefficient design and contributes to larger variances.
Another opportunity for ACS/NSCG inconsistency leading to non-sampling error is with offyear estimation 19. To the extent ACS responses are inconsistent with NSCG responses, using the
ACS data to produce estimates for the college-educated population will lead to biased estimates.
Therefore, consistency between the ACS and NSCG responses is very important if we want to
consider the possibility of producing off-year estimates with smaller bias.
Measurement Error
Measurement error due to a questionnaire’s design can occur in three different areas: the word
choices for each question, how the question is structured, and the order in which questions are
presented. The 2015 NSCG nonsampling error report will discuss the impact of measurement
error in these three areas of questionnaire design. The word choice or vocabulary used for each
question can be a source of measurement error because respondents can interpret words
differently. How a question is structured can also lead to measurement error. The length of a
question, type of question (e.g. open-ended vs. multiple-choice answer), and what response
options are available can all have an effect on a respondent’s understanding of the question. This
section of the 2015 NSCG nonsampling error report will discuss the findings from the cognitive
interviews that occurred prior to the 2015 NSCG data collection effort and the potential impact
of these findings on the 2015 NSCG survey estimates.
In order to maximize the overall survey response rate, NCSES and the Census Bureau will
implement procedures such as conducting extensive locating efforts and collecting the survey
data using three different modes (mail, web, and CATI). The contact information obtained from
the 2013 NSCG and the 2013 ACS for the sample members and for the people who are likely to
know the whereabouts of the sample members will be used to locate the sample members in
Respondent Locating Techniques
The Census Bureau will refine and use a combination of locating and contact methods based on
the past surveys to maximize the survey response rate. The Census Bureau will utilize all
available locating tools and resources to make the first contact with the sample person. The
Census Bureau will use the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)'s automated National Change of Address
(NCOA) database to update addresses for the sample. The NCOA incorporates all change of
name/address orders submitted to the USPS nationwide and is updated at least biweekly.
Off-year estimation would provide estimates for the college educated population, using only ACS data,
in the years where the NSCG is not in the field. For example, as the NSCG is conducted in 2013, 2015,
and 2017, off-year estimation would produce estimates for the college-educated population in 2014 and
Prior to mailing the survey invitation letters to the sample members, the Census Bureau will
engage in locating efforts to find good addresses for problem cases. The mailings will utilize the
“Return Service Requested” option to ensure that the postal service will provide a forwarding
address for any undeliverable mail. For the majority of the cases, the initial mailing to the
NSCG sample members will be a letter introducing the survey and inviting them to complete the
survey by the web data collection mode. For the cases that stated a preferred mode for use in
future survey rounds (e.g., mailed questionnaire or telephone), NCSES will honor that request by
contacting the sample member using the preferred mode to introduce the survey and request their
The locating efforts will include using such sources as educational institutions and alumni
associations, Directory Assistance for published telephone numbers, Phone Disc for unpublished
numbers, FastData for address searches, and local administrative record searches such as
researching motor vehicle department records. Private data vendors also maintain up to 36month historical records of previous address changes. The Census Bureau will utilize these data
vendors to ensure that the contact information is up-to-date.
Data Collection Methodology
A multimode data collection protocol will be used to improve the likelihood of gaining
cooperation from sample cases that are located. Using the findings from the 2010 NSCG mode
effects experiment and the positive results of using the web first approach in the 2013 NSCG
data collection effort, the majority of the 2015 NSCG sample cases will initially receive a web
invitation letter encouraging response to the survey online. Nonrespondents will be given a
paper questionnaire mailing and will be followed in CATI. The college graduate population is
mostly web-literate and, as shown in the 2010 mode effects experiment, the initial offering of a
web response option appeals to NSCG respondents (including the NSRCG panel sample
members.) In addition, an adaptive design experiment will be incorporated into the 2015 NSCG
data collection efforts that allows for contact tailoring to encourage response in subgroups with
lower response propensities.
Motivated by the findings from the incentive experiments included in the 2010 and 2013 NSCG
data collection efforts, NCSES is planning to use monetary incentives to offset potential
nonresponse bias in the 2015 NSCG. We plan to offer a $30 prepaid debit card incentive to a
subset of highly influential new sample cases at week 1 of the 2015 NSCG data collection effort.
“Highly influential” refers to the cases that had large sampling weights and a low
response/locating propensity. We expect to offer $30 debit card incentives to approximately
8,000 of the 42,000 new sample cases included in the 2015 NSCG. In addition, we will offer a
$30 prepaid debit card incentive to past incentive recipients at week 1 of the 2015 NSCG data
collection effort. We expect to offer $30 debit card incentives to approximately 14,500 of the
93,000 returning sample members. These debit cards will have a six month usage period at
which time the cards will expire and the unused funds will be returned to Census and NCSES.
In addition to these procedures, the following steps will be taken to maximize response rates and
minimize nonresponse:
Developing “user friendly” survey materials that are simple to understand and use;
Sending attractive, personalized material, making a reasonable request of the
respondent’s time, and making it easy for the respondent to comply;
Using priority mail for targeted mailings to improve the chances of reaching
respondents and convincing them that the survey is important;
Devoting significant time to interviewer training on how to deal with problems
related to nonresponse and ensuring that interviewers are appropriately supervised
and monitored; and
Using refusal-conversion strategies that specifically address the reason why a
potential respondent has initially refused, and then training conversion specialists in
effective counterarguments.
Please see Appendix E for survey mailing materials.
Questionnaire Construction
Because data from the SESTAT surveys are combined into a unified data system, the two
SESTAT surveys must be closely coordinated to provide comparable data from each survey. As
a result, there are similarities in the questionnaire items between the two surveys.
The SESTAT survey questionnaire items are divided into two types of questions: core and
module. Core questions are defined as those considered to be the base for the SESTAT surveys.
These items are essential for sampling, respondent verification, basic labor force information,
and/or robust analyses of the science and engineering workforce in the SESTAT integrated data
system. They are asked of all respondents each time they are surveyed, as appropriate, to
establish the baseline data and to update the respondents’ labor force status and changes in
employment and other demographic characteristics. Module items are defined as special topics
that are asked less frequently on a rotational basis of the entire target population or some subset
thereof. Module items tend to provide the data needed to satisfy specific policy, research, or data
user needs.
As part of the 2015 NSCG planning effort, NCSES conducted developmental work on new
questionnaire items to capture information on alternative credentials including industryrecognized certifications, occupational licenses, and educational certificates. These are concepts
that have been added to other federal surveys in recent years and were deemed of high analytical
interest by data users and policy makers. After evaluating these questions by conducting
stakeholder outreach and two rounds of cognitive interviews, NCSES decided to add a new
NSCG questionnaire section to collect information on certifications and licenses.
In addition to considering the possible inclusion of questions on the attainment of certifications,
licenses, and educational certificates, NCSES asked the Census Bureau’s Center for Survey
Measurement to conduct an expert review and cognitive interviews for the full set of NSCG
questionnaire items. The expert review and additional cognitive interviews resulted in minor
question wording revisions to numerous items throughout the NSCG questionnaire.
Appendix F includes the 2015 NSCG questionnaires for the new sample and returning sample.
The questionnaires in Appendix F include coloring to identify changes to the questionnaire from
the 2013 NSCG survey cycle.
Survey Methodological Experiments
Three survey methodological experiments are planned as part of the 2015 NSCG data collection
effort. Together, these experiments are designed to help NCSES and the Census Bureau strive
toward the following data collection goals:
Lower overall data collection costs
Decrease potential for nonresponse bias in the NSCG survey estimates
Increase or maintain response rates
Increase efficiency in the use of incentives as part of a data collection methodology
The three methodological experiments are:
Adaptive Design Experiment
Paper Questionnaire Impact Experiment
Email Reminder Experiment
The Adaptive Design Experiment, is planned for the both the new sample and the returning
sample data collection efforts and the other two experiments listed above are planned for
inclusion in the 2015 NSCG returning sample data collection effort. This section introduces the
design for each experiment, describes the research questions each experiment is attempting to
address, and includes information on the sample selection proposed for these studies.
Adaptive Design Experiment
2013 NSCG Adaptive Design Results
The 2013 Adaptive Design Experiment (“2013 Experiment”) consisted of a 4,000 case
representative sample selected from the 2013 NSCG new sample which was in turn selected out
of respondents to the 2011 ACS. A representative control group that followed the standard data
collection pathway was also identified for comparative purposes.
The primary objective of the 2013 Experiment was to evaluate whether data collection
interventions could be implemented at the Census Bureau in the modes used by the NSCG: web,
paper, and computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). Secondary objectives included
implementing data monitoring to inform mode switching in a data-driven way and identifying
the impact of mode switching on data quality in the form of response rates, R-indicators, cost,
and effect on key estimates.
The primary objective of the 2013 Experiment was met successfully with data collection
interventions occurring between weeks 4 and 23 of data collection. Data collection interventions
Sending an unscheduled mailing to sample persons;
Sending cases to CATI prior to the start of production CATI non-response follow up
(NRFU), to target cases with an interviewer-assisted method rather than limiting contacts
to self-response methods;
Putting CATI cases on hold, to reduce contacts in interviewer-assisted modes, while still
requesting response in self-response modes;
Withholding paper questionnaires while continuing to encourage response in the web
mode in order to reduce the operational and processing costs associated with
“overrepresented” domains; and
Withholding web invites to discourage response in “overrepresented” domains, while still
allowing these cases to respond using previous invitations.
Meeting the primary objective confirmed that mode switching during data collection is an
operational possibility for the implementation of adaptive design in the NSCG and at the Census
The secondary objectives were met by the 2013 Experiment. R-indicators (measures of
representativeness) were actively monitored throughout the data collection process in order to
inform data collection interventions. R-indicators identify over- and under-represented domains
using the within-domain variance of response propensities allowing the incorporation of datadriven interventions to improve the representativeness of the NSCG respondent population.
Cases in under-represented subgroups, directly identified by the R-indicator, were moved to
CATI prior to the start of production CATI NRFU to increase the variety of contact attempts
made on these cases. Cases in over-represented subgroups were subject to one or several
interventions that decreased the number of contact attempts, or otherwise restricted the response
modes available to these cases in order to save on data collection resources or processing costs.
After the 2013 NSCG data collection period, we compared the adaptive design cases to the
control cases on response rates, R-indicators, cost, and effect on key estimates. These
comparisons were made at the full group level as well as at various subgroup levels. However,
small sample sizes produced large confidence intervals around estimates, resulting in only one
significant difference (overall weighted response rate for the adaptive design group versus the
control) out of the many metrics and indicators compared. The secondary objectives required a
larger sample size to effectively test. The 2015 NSCG will include an adaptive design
experiment that builds on the 2013 Experiment with an increased sample size and a broader
2015 NSCG Adaptive Design Experiment
All 2015 NSCG new sample and returning sample cases are eligible for the 2015 NSCG
Adaptive Design Experiment. We require a representative sample of cases with multiple contact
types (address, telephone number, email, etc.) and cases needing future research because they
only have one contact type. This representative sample is necessary to make generalizations
about how implementing adaptive design in the NSCG would affect the entire sample. The
incorporation of adaptive design techniques creates the potential for NCSES and the Census
Bureau to develop a more efficient data collection process that reduces the cost of data collection
and increases representivity of the responding sample cases.
Appendix H discusses the adaptive design goals, the interventions, and the monitoring metrics
for the experiment.
The sample size for the treatment groups in the adaptive design experiment will be:
Adaptive design new sample treatment group – 8,000 cases
Adaptive design returning sample treatment group – 10,000 cases
Appendix I provides information on the minimum detectible differences achieved by these
sample sizes.
Paper Questionnaire Impact Experiment
Mailing information to respondents is costly and questionnaire packets add additional expense
since they are larger and heavier than a letter. The postage for sending a questionnaire via first
class mail ($1.08) is more than double the postage for a web invite letter ($0.45). In addition to
increased postage and the printing costs, paper questionnaires incur additional cost upon their
return due to check-in, scanning and keying, and possible pre-key editing and failed edit follow
Prior to the 2013, the paper questionnaire was the data collection mode by which the largest
percentage of respondents completed the NSCG. The 2013 survey marked the first cycle where
more respondents completed the NSCG using the web rather than a paper questionnaire. Given
this trend toward increased survey response by the web, the effectiveness of the paper
questionnaire is an issue that deserves further attention. Thus, the 2015 NSCG will include an
experiment to examine the impact of using a paper questionnaire in the data collection effort.
Currently, the NSCG default data collection pathway includes sending a paper questionnaire at
week 7 at the beginning of the alternative mode phase. Then, another paper questionnaire is
again sent at week 18 via priority mail during the telephone nonresponse follow-up phase. See
Appendix G for more information on the 2015 NSCG default data collection pathway
Based on past response patterns, we expect to mail questionnaires to approximately 70,000 cases
at week 7 and 30,000 cases at week 18. Given the extremely large number of cases that receive
questionnaires during these weeks, we propose an experiment to examine whether we can change
the way we use paper questionnaires in our NSCG data collection strategy without any adverse
impact on cost, data quality, and response. The specific data collection strategy that we will test
is to use a web invite in place of a planned questionnaire mailing. The research goals are:
to understand the role that questionnaire mailings play in our overall contact strategy;
to examine whether the questionnaire mailing and web invite mailing result in
demographic differences in the responding sample. Investigating the demographic
distribution of the responding sample will allow the examination for potential bias
reduction associated with the proposed treatments;
to determine the cost, data quality, and response impact of using a web invite in place of
a questionnaire mailing; and
to inform data collection decisions for the 2017 NSCG.
All 2015 NSCG returning sample cases with a valid address on file that were not selected for the
adaptive design experiment are eligible for the questionnaire impact experiment. To test the
effectiveness of the paper questionnaire, our experiment will include a control group and three
treatment groups. The eligible cases will be randomly allocated across the treatment groups with
the majority of the cases in the control group (following our past practices).
Experiment Groups
(default path)
Treatment Group #1
(questionnaire at week 7)
Treatment Group #2
(questionnaire at week 18)
Treatment Group #3
(no questionnaires)
Week 7
(first class mailing)
Paper questionnaire
with web invite
Paper questionnaire
with web invite
Week 18
(priority mailing)
Paper questionnaire
with web invite
Web invite
Web invite
Paper questionnaire
with web invite
Web invite
Web invite
Appendix I provides information on the minimum detectible differences achieved by these
sample sizes.
Email Reminder Experiment
When examining data collection costs, sending an email is more cost efficient than any type of
postal contact since an email contact does not incur any postage or printing cost. In addition to
cost savings, email has the added benefit that it is a different type of contact, contrasting against
traditional postal mail that is used for the majority of the NSCG contacts. Moreover, an email
contact can include a link to the web survey that allows the respondent to click or copy and paste
the link into their web browser. The same can be done for the userid and password, essentially
eliminating some of the user error with typing. While there are both cost and ease-of-use
advantages to including email reminders as a contact type, limited research exists on how to
incorporate email reminders into a full-scale data collection effort. In response to this limitation,
the 2015 NSCG will include an experiment to examine the effectiveness of email reminders and
letter reminders at different points in the data collection effort.
In the NSCG, email addresses are only available for returning sample cases that provided the
email address while responding to the NSCG during a previous survey cycle. Currently, the
NSCG default data collection pathway includes email reminders at week 16 and week 20. This
experiment will examine both the appropriateness of using email reminders during these two
contacts and the appropriateness of email reminders at two other weeks during the data collection
effort – weeks 5 and 24. The specific data collection strategy that we will test is to use an email
reminder in place of planned postal letter reminders at weeks 5 and 24, and using a postal letter
reminder in place of planned email reminders at weeks 16 and 20. The research goals are:
to understand the role that email reminders play in our overall contact strategy;
to examine whether an email reminder results in demographic differences for the
responding sample than postal letter reminders. Investigating the demographic
distribution of the responding sample will allow the examination for potential bias
reduction associated with the proposed treatments;
to determine the cost, data quality, and response impact of using an email reminder in
place of a postal letter reminder; and
to inform data collection decisions for the 2017 NSCG.
All 2015 NSCG returning sample cases with both a valid address and valid email address on file
that were not selected for the adaptive design experiment and were not included in the CATI first
data collection pathway are eligible for the email reminder experiment. To examine the
appropriateness of email reminders, our experiment will include a control group and three
treatment groups.
Experiment Groups
Week 5
Week 16
Week 20
Week 24
(default path)
Treatment Group #1
(all emails)
Treatment Group #2
(all letters)
Treatment Group #3
(opposite of default)
Appendix I provides information on the minimum detectible differences achieved by these
sample sizes.
To complement the 2015 NSCG email reminder experiment, NCSES has implemented an
experiment to test email contact strategies in the 2015 Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED).
NCSES plans to use the results from the two studies to aid in the development of more
comprehensive contact strategies that include email contacts in future NCSES surveys. While
both experiments are designed to help NCSES better understand the role of emails in our overall
survey contact strategy, there are unique differences between the two experiments that justify the
implementation of both studies.
Major differences between the studies include the survey target population, contact history of the
cases eligible for each study, and the manner in which email addresses are obtained within each
Survey target population – While the NSCG is attempting to collect information from the
entire college-educated population in the United States, the SED is focused on a unique
subset of this population – doctorate recipients that earned their degree from a U.S.
educational institution in the previous academic year.
Contact history – For the NSCG email reminder experiment, returning sample members
that completed the NSCG in a previous survey cycle are eligible for the experiment. The
SED email experiment is examining the impact of emails on late-stage nonrespondents
who have never completed the SED. Since an individual’s past contact history is a strong
predictor of response propensity, it is possible that the eligible cases selected for the two
surveys will react differently to the experimental treatment.
Email address source – In the NSCG, returning sample cases provided their email address
to the NSCG survey contractor while responding to the NSCG during a previous survey
cycle. In the SED, educational institutions provide the SED survey contractor with email
addresses as a locating tool. It is possible that obtaining the email addresses directly from
the individuals may result in the NSCG sample cases having a more favorable attitude to
email contacts than the SED sample cases.
Designing the Sample Selection for the 2015 NSCG Methodological Experiments
Three methodology studies are proposed for the 2015 NSCG returning sample portion: the
adaptive design experiment, the paper questionnaire impact experiment, and the email reminder
experiment. This section describes the sample selection methodology that will be used to create
representative samples for each treatment group within the three experiments.
The eligibility criteria for selection into each of the studies are:
Adaptive Design Experiment
o All cases are eligible for selection
Questionnaire Impact Experiment
o Returning sample case
o Has a valid address on file
o Not selected in the adaptive design experiment
Email Reminder Experiment
o Returning sample case
o Has a valid address on file
o Has a valid email address
o Not selected in the adaptive design experiment
o Not included in the CATI-first data collection pathway
The sample for the adaptive design experiment will be selected independently of the sample
selection for the other two experiments. Keeping the adaptive design cases separate from the
other experiments will allow maximum flexibility in data collection interventions for these cases.
The adaptive design experiment will select its control and treatment sample using a systematic
random sample selection approach. This approach ensures that the adaptive design control
group, the adaptive design treatment group, and the set of cases not selected for the adaptive
design experiment each provide an unbiased representation of the returning sample population.
Unbiasedness for each of these groups enables the results from all three methodological
experiments to be generalized.
A nested experimental design will be used for the questionnaire impact and email reminder
experiments. A nested design allows evaluation of the robustness of each intervention in the
presence of other data collection strategies. Within the nested design, controls will be used to
ensure similar proportions of questionnaire impact control and treatment group cases are selected
into each email reminder treatment group. A systematic random sample selection approach will
be used to select the samples for the questionnaire impact and email reminder studies.
The main steps associated with the sample selection for the 2015 NSCG methodological studies
are described below.
Step 1: Identification and Use of Sort Variables
Since the samples for the treatment and control groups within the methodological studies will be
selected using systematic random sampling, the identification of sort variables and the use of an
appropriate sort order is extremely important. Including a particular variable in the sort ensures
similar distributions of the levels of that variable across the control and treatment groups.
Incentives are proposed for use in the 2015 NSCG. It has been shown in methodological studies
from previous NSCG surveys that incentives are highly influential on response. An incentive
indicator variable will be used as the first sort variable for all three methodological studies. The
2015 NSCG sample design variables are also highly predictive of response and will also be used
as sort variables in all studies. The specific sort variables used for each experiment are:
Adaptive Design Experiment sort variables
o Incentive indicator
o Valid phone number indicator
o 2015 NSCG sampling cell and sort variables
Questionnaire Impact Experiment sort variables
o Incentive indicator
o Eligibility for email reminder experiment indicator
o 2015 NSCG sampling cell and sort variables
Email Reminder Experiment sort variables
o Incentive indicator
o Questionnaire impact experiment eligibility indicator
o Questionnaire impact experiment control/treatment group indicator
o 2015 NSCG sampling cell and sort variables
Step 2: Select the Samples
For the new sample adaptive design experiment, a systematic random sample of approximately
8,000 cases will be selected to the treatment group. All cases not selected for sample into the
treatment group will be assigned to the control group (approximately 34,000 cases).
For the returning sample adaptive design experiment, we will select a systematic random sample
to ensure that both the control and treatment groups are representative of the returning sample
population. In total, approximately 10,000 cases will be selected for the returning sample
adaptive design control group and approximately 10,000 cases will be selected for the treatment
For the questionnaire impact experiment, we will select a systematic random sample to ensure
the treatment groups are representative of the population eligible for the questionnaire impact
experiment. Approximately 3,500 cases will be selected for each of the three questionnaire
impact treatment groups. All eligible cases not selected for sample into the treatment groups will
be assigned to the questionnaire impact control group (approximately 60,000 cases).
For the email reminder experiment, we will select a systematic random sample to ensure the
three treatment groups are as similar as possible and representative of the population eligible for
the email reminder experiment. Approximately 3,500 cases will be selected for each of the three
email reminder treatment groups. All eligible cases not selected for sample into the treatment
groups will be assigned to the email reminder control group (approximately 45,000 cases).
Minimum Detectable Differences for the 2015 NSCG Methodological Experiments
Appendix I provides the minimum detectable differences associated with the 2015 NSCG
methodological experiments.
Analysis of Methodological Experiments
For all three experiments, we will calculate several metrics to evaluate the effects of the
methodological interventions and will compare the metrics between the control group and
treatment groups. We will evaluate:
response rates (overall and by subgroup),
R-indicators (overall R-indicators, variable-level partial R-indicators, and category-level
partial R-indicators),
mean square error (MSE) effect on key estimates, and
cost per sample case/cost per complete interview (overall and by subgroup).
The subgroups that will be broken out are the ones that primarily drive differences in response
rates and include: age group, race/ethnicity, highest degree, and hard-to-enumerate.
Chief consultant on statistical aspects of data collection at the Census Bureau is Benjamin Reist,
NSCG Survey Director – (301) 763-6021. The Demographic Statistical Methods Division will
manage all sample selection operations at the Census Bureau.
At NCSES, the contacts for statistical aspects of data collection are Jeri Mulrow, Acting NCSES
Chief Statistician – (703) 292-4784, and John Finamore, NSCG Project Officer – (703) 2922258.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 1999 OMB Supporting Statement Draft |
Author | Demographic LAN Branch |
File Modified | 2015-03-11 |
File Created | 2015-03-11 |