1st Semester 11th Grade Instructor Survey

Roads to Success in North Dakota: A Randomized Study of a College and Career Preparation Curriculum


RTSND-Instructor Surveys

OMB: 1830-0576

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First Semester 11th-Grade Instructor Survey

This survey asks about college and career instruction provided to your students as part of the Roads to Success program. The survey should take about 30 minutes. Your answers are very important to us and will not be shared with anyone at your school or community.


1. We would like to confirm your sex. Are you male or female?

1 Female

2 Male

2. Are you of Hispanic or [Latino/Latina] origin?

1 Yes

0 No

3. [In addition to learning about your Hispanic background, we would also like to know about your racial background.]  Which of the following choices describe your race?  You may choose more than one.

(Check all that apply.)

1 White
2 Black/African-American

3 Asian

4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

5 American Indian or Alaska Native

4. What is the highest degree you have earned?

1 Associate’s degree

2 Bachelor’s degree

3 Master’s degree

4 Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other professional degree

5 You do not have a degree

5. Not including this school year, how many years (if any) have you taught a high school grade (9-12) or been a school counselor?

Whole number

6. Not including this school year, how many years (if any) have you taught any grade or been a school counselor?

Whole number


In answering the following questions, please focus on instruction provided in the first half of the school year.

7. Which of the following topic areas and modules have you taught to your class so far this year?

(Check all that apply)

Topic area

Introduction to Roads to Success

Test Preparation


Job Shadow

Education after High School

Money Matters

Portfolio Review



Introduction to the ACT/SAT

ACT/SAT Registration

ACT/SAT Practice Questions

Workforce and Adult Education Tests

Interest Inventory

Career Choice

My Career Research

Work and Values

Completing Job Applications

Introduction to Job Shadow

Informational interview I

Informational Interview II

Creating Resumes I

Creating Resumes II

Workplace Behavior

Reflection and Thank-you Note

Choosing Courses for Senior Year

Two and Four-Year College Programs

Choosing a College

College Visits

College Research I

College Research II

College Research III

Choosing a College Major

Letters of Recommendation

Other Education Paths

Evaluating Postsecondary Options

Understanding Credit

Credit Cards

Let’s Go Car Shopping

Paying for a Car

Renting Your First Place

Signing a Lease

Year in Review

8. For each of the modules you have taught, have you encountered any challenges difficulties in teaching students? If so, what kinds?

[List of each module checked in prior question. Teachers to provide a response for each module.]

1 No challenges

2 Lack of materials

3 Lack of student interest

4 Limited instructional time

5 Other (please specify): __________

9. About how minutes per week have you spent on Roads to Success instruction?

Whole number

10. Have you provided Roads to Success instruction each week of the school year so far?

[If yes, skip the next two questions]

1 Yes

0 No

11. About how many weeks, if any, have you not been able to provide Roads to Success instruction?

Whole number

12. Have you “doubled up” instruction in other weeks to catch up on Roads to Success material?

1 Yes

0 No

13. What obstacles or challenges have prevented you from providing Roads to Success instruction?

1 Lack of preparation time

2 Lack of training on module’s content

3 Competing classroom demands

4 Other (please specify): _____________

14. Have you graded student work produced as part of Roads to Success instruction?

1 Yes, Check/check minus or complete/incomplete

2 Yes, Letter or number grade

3 No

15. Do you plan on providing students a final grade for their Roads to Success participation?

1 Yes, Pass/fail or complete/incomplete

2 Yes, Letter or number grade

3 No

16. Which of the following specific activities, if any, have your students completed as part of your class?

1 Registered for a workforce development test such as WorkKeys, ASVAB, or TABE?

2 Prepared a resume

3 Participated in a job shadow

4 Participated in a career fair

5 Participated in an internship

6 Participated in an apprenticeship

7 Developed a senior-year course-taking plan

8 Filled out a job application

9 Completed a career interest inventory


17. Have you taught a specific college and career preparation curriculum before (either Roads to Success or another curriculum)?

1 Yes

0 No

18. Did you receive training in how to teach Roads to Success?

If no, skip the next two questions.

1 Yes

2 No

19. How would you rate the amount of training you received to teach Roads to Success?

1 Poor

2 Fair

3 Good

4 Excellent

20. How would you rate the quality of training you received to teach Roads to Success?

1 Poor

2 Fair

3 Good

4 Excellent

21. How would you rate the quality of Roads to Success materials and instruction guides so far?

1 Poor

2 Fair

3 Good

4 Excellent

22. To what extent have school staff (principal, counselors, or other teachers) supported you in implementing Roads to Success so far?

1 A great extent

2 Somewhat

3 A little

4 Not at all

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1830-NEW. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-7100.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title«FirstName» «LastName»
AuthorJanet Austin
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-25

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