OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
PURPOSE | |||||||||||||||||
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Form EIA-63C, Densified Biomass Fuel Report, collects information on pellet fuel and other densified biomass fuel consumption, production, sales and inventory levels in the United States. The data collected are used to estimate densified biomass fuel production, sales and inventory at state, regional and national levels. A summary of the data will be published in various EIA publications and on the EIA website, including the Monthly Energy Review. | |||||||||||||||||
REQUIRED RESPONDENTS | |||||||||||||||||
Form EIA-63C must be completed by all companies that manufacture densified biomass fuel products for each operating and planned (within one year of expected operation) densified biomass fuel facility in the United States. The data should include the total production, inventory and sales of densified biomass fuel produced at the facility. Do not report densified biomass products for non-fuel purposes. Planned facilities report Part 1 and Part 2 only. Report monthly for manufacturing plants with a capacity to produce 10,000 tons per year or more. Smaller plants, with a production capacity of less than 10,000 TPY report Part 1 and Part 2 only, once a year (annually) due by the last business day of February for the prior year's data. | |||||||||||||||||
The timely and factual submission of Form EIA-63C by those required to report is mandatory under Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275), as amended. Failure to respond may result in a civil penalty of not more than $2,750 each day for each violation, or a fine of not more than $5,000 for each willful violation. Title 18 USC 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. The government may bring a civil action to prohibit reporting violations which may result in a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction without bond. In such civil action, the court may also issue mandatory injunctions commanding any person to comply with these reporting requirements. | |||||||||||||||||
REPORTING BURDEN | |||||||||||||||||
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Energy Information Administration, Survey Development and Statistical Integration, EI-21, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585; and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. | |||||||||||||||||
Information reported for the following three data elements: Part 1. Name of Facility; Question 1.2. Physical Location of Facility, and Question 2.2. Maximum Annual Production Capacity are considered public information and may be publicly released in company identifiable form. All other information reported on this survey will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552, the Department of Energy (DOE) regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905. The Federal Energy Administration Act requires EIA to provide company- specific data to other federal agencies when requested for official use. The information reported on this form may also be made available, upon request, to another component of the Department of Energy (DOE), to any Committee of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, or other federal agencies authorized by law to receive such information. A court of competent jurisdiction may obtain this information in response to an order. The information may be used for any non-statistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or adjudicatory purposes. Disclosure limitation procedures are not applied to the aggregate statistical data published from this survey. There may be some statistics that are based on data from fewer than three respondents, or that are dominated by data from one or two large respondents. In these cases, it may be possible for a knowledgeable person to closely estimate the information reported by a specific respondent. |
DUE DATE | |||||||||||||||||
The monthly report is due on the last day of the month following the reporting period, or the next business day. For example, data for June is due on July 31 or the next business day. Annual responses are due the last business day of February. | |||||||||||||||||
HOW TO FILE A RESPONSE | |||||||||||||||||
The form must be submitted to EIA via electronic filing using the Data XChange Portal. The Data XChange Portal is a secure Web-based application that will enable you to upload a PDF transmittal sheet, enter data interactively using a web form, or conduct system to system transfers. | |||||||||||||||||
• PDF Transmittal Sheet: Once the form is completed, follow the instructions on the Data XChange Portal for uploading the fillable PDF transmittal sheet. | |||||||||||||||||
• Web Form: You may enter the required data manually via a web form into the Data XChange Portal. Follow the instructions on the Data XChange Portal to complete the online form. | |||||||||||||||||
• System to System Transfer: Should you choose to transfer your data directly from your database to a specified secure location, you will be required to format your data using the electronic data format provided on the Data XChange Portal. Follow the instructions on the Data XChange Portal to submit your data via system transfer. | |||||||||||||||||
QUESTIONS | |||||||||||||||||
For questions about the survey, please contact the EIA-63C hotline for help at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. For any additional questions or information regarding Form EIA-63C, contact the Survey Manager: | |||||||||||||||||
Name | TBD | ||||||||||||||||
Telephone | (202) 586-xxxx | ||||||||||||||||
[email protected] | |||||||||||||||||
Page 1 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report | ||||||||||||||||
OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
Facility Name | PREPRINTED | Reporting Month | Preprinted | ||||||||||
EIA Facility ID | PREPRINTED | Reporting Year | Preprinted | ||||||||||
All respondents complete Part 1 with the first filing. Thereafter, these data will be pre-populated. Please verify or update the following information. |
1.1 Please verify the legal name and mailing address of the reporting facility. | |||||||||||||
Name | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 1 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 2 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
City | Preprinted | State | Preprinted | Zip Code | Preprinted | ||||||||
1.2 Where is the facility physically located? | |||||||||||||
County or City | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
State | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
1.3 Please verify the parent company legal name and mailing address (if different from facility name and address above). | |||||||||||||
Name | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 1 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 2 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
City | Preprinted | State | Preprinted | Zip Code | Preprinted | ||||||||
1.4 Please verify the primary contact information. | |||||||||||||
Contact Name | Preprinted | Contact Email | Preprinted | ||||||||||
Contact Telephone | ( xxx ) xxx - xxxx EXT. xxxx | Contact FAX | ( xxx ) xxx - xxxx EXT. xxxx | ||||||||||
Company Name | |||||||||||||
Address 1 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 2 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
City | Preprinted | State | Preprinted | Zip Code | Preprinted | ||||||||
1.5 Please verify the supervisor contact information. | |||||||||||||
Supervisor Name | Preprinted | Supervisor Email | Preprinted | ||||||||||
Supervisor Telephone | ( xxx ) xxx - xxxx EXT. xxxx | Supervisor FAX | ( xxx ) xxx - xxxx EXT. xxxx | ||||||||||
Company Name | |||||||||||||
Address 1 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
Address 2 | Preprinted | ||||||||||||
City | Preprinted | State | Preprinted | Zip Code | Preprinted | ||||||||
Part 1. Comments Please enter comments about Part 1 in this box. |
Page 2 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report |
OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
Operating Status Dropdown List | ||||||||||||||
Currently Operating | ||||||||||||||
Facility Name | PREPRINTED | Reporting Month | Preprinted | Temporarily Not in Operation | ||||||||||
EIA Facility ID | PREPRINTED | Reporting Year | Preprinted | Ceased Operation | ||||||||||
Under Construction/Planned | ||||||||||||||
Sold | |||||||||||||
Manufacturing plants with a maximum annual production capacity of LESS than 10,000 tons per year may stop after answering question 2.7. Parts 3 and 4 are not required for small (less than 10,000 capacity) plants. | ||||||||||||||
2.1 What is the operational status of the facility at the end of this reporting period? Select the operational status from the dropdown list: Currently Operating - facility is producing and/or selling densified fuel products. Temporarily Not in Operation - facility is closed down for less than a year and is expected to resume operations. Ceased Operation - facility is closed and is not expected to resume operations. Under Construction/Planned - facility is currently in a planning or construction phase and will likely be operating within the next twelve months. Sold - facility has been sold. Please provide new owner company, contact name, and telephone and/or email address. If facility is Under Construction/Planned to come online within the next twelve months, report Parts 1 and 2 only. |
Status | Currently Operating | |||||||||||||
If Sold, new owner: | ||||||||||||||
2.2 What month and year did the facility begin or is expected to begin commercial operation? Report the month and year the facility originally began producing and/or selling densified biomass fuel products. If original date is unknown, report the month and year your company began commercial operations. |
Month | Year | |||||||||||||
2.3 What is the current maximum annual production capacity at this facility? If the entire facility is in a planning or construction phase, skip to next question. Report the maximum amount of densified biomass fuel product that can possibly be produced in a year with the presently installed equipment. Report in short tons per year. |
Capacity | short tons per year | |||||||||||||
2.4 What is the total installed horsepower of the pellet extrusion machinery at this facility? If the entire facility is in a planning or construction phase, skip to Question 2.6. Report the horsepower rating of the presently installed equipment. |
Horsepower | HP | |||||||||||||
2.5. If the pellet extrustion machinery was not fully utilized during the month, choose the applicable explanations. Choose all that apply. | ||||||||||||||
Explanations | Checkbox | |||||||||||||
Shoratage of raw materials | ||||||||||||||
Drying Capacity | ||||||||||||||
Grinding Capacity | ||||||||||||||
Pelletizing Capacity | ||||||||||||||
Lack of Market | ||||||||||||||
Other (please explain in Comments below) | ||||||||||||||
2.6 What is the planned maximum annual production capacity at this facility? Report total maximum capacity planned to be operational within the next twelve months. If no new or additional capacity is planned, report the same value as Question 2.3. |
Capacity | short tons per year | |||||||||||||
2.7 What is the planned total installed horsepower of the pellet extrusion machinery at this facility? Report the horsepower rating of the pellet extrusion machinery planned for the next twelve months. |
Horsepower | HP | |||||||||||||
Part 2. Comments Please enter comments about Part 2 in this box. |
Page 3 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report | |||||||||||||
OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
Facility Name | PREPRINTED | Reporting Month | Preprinted | ||||||||||||||||||||
EIA Facility ID | PREPRINTED | Reporting Year | Preprinted | ||||||||||||||||||||
Plants with an annual maximum production capacity of 10,000 tons per year or more, complete PART 3 for each month. | dropdown Lists | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3.1 For each type of feedstock received during the reporting period, what is the quantity in short tons and the total delivered cost in whole U.S. dollars (USD)? Select the feedstock type from the dropdown list; select the wood type (hardwood or softwood); and select the units (bone dry or green). Aggregate data by feedstock type, wood type and unit. Report the Quantity in short tons. Report Total Delivered Cost in whole U.S. dollars (USD). If no cost is involved, put zero in the cost column. Report actual total cost, not averages. Use as many lines as needed to describe each type of feedstock purchased or otherwise obtained during the reporting period for the manufacture of densified biomass fuel. |
Feedstock Types | Units | Wood Type | Wood Source | |||||||||||||||||||
Roundwood (timber quality, typically ten inches diameter or more) | Green Short Tons | Softwood | Natural Forests (private) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Feedstock Type | Wood Type | Wood Source | Units | Quantity | Total Delivered Cost | Roundwood (pulpwood quality less than five inches in diameter at breast height) | Bone Dry Short Tons | Hardwood | Planted Forests (private) | ||||||||||||||
(choose from dropdown list) | (choose from dropdown list) | (choose from dropdown list) | (choose from dropdown list) | (short tons) | (USD) | Roundwood (pulpwood quality five inches or more in diameter at breast height) | Public Forests | ||||||||||||||||
Roundwood (timber quality, typically ten inches diameter or more) | Hardwood | Natural Forests (private) | Green Short Tons | $0 | Wood Chips from Chip Mill | Other (specify) | |||||||||||||||||
Roundwood (pulpwood quality less than five inches in diameter at breast height) | Softwood | Planted Forests (private) | Bone Dry Short Tons | $0 | Wood Chips, Slabs, Sawdust or Edges from Sawmills | Unknown | |||||||||||||||||
Roundwood (pulpwood quality five inches or more in diameter at breast height) | Residual Wood Chips, Shavings, or Sawdust from Wood Product Manufacturing | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Wood Chips from Chip Mill | Public Forests | $0 | Logging Residues (trimmings and limbs) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Wood Chips, Slabs, Sawdust or Edges from Sawmills | Other (specify) | $0 | Unmerchantable Wood (e.g. off-spec wood, diseased and rotted wood, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Residual Wood Chips, Shavings, or Sawdust from Wood Product Manufacturing | Unknown | $0 | Bark | ||||||||||||||||||||
Logging Residues (trimmings and limbs) | $0 | Post-Consumer Wood Products (e.g., used pallets or creates, construction debris) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unmerchantable Wood (e.g. off-spec wood, diseased and rotted wood, etc.) | $0 | Dedicated Energy Crops | |||||||||||||||||||||
Bark | $0 | Agricultural By-Products | |||||||||||||||||||||
Post-Consumer Wood Products (e.g., used pallets or creates, construction debris) | $0 | Other (please specify below) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Agricultural By-Products | $0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dedicated Energy Crops | $0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | $0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3.2 In the reporting period, did the mill utilize any portion of the above feedstock for uses other than transformation into densified biomass products, such as to operate the mill, produce electricity (combined heat and power) or other beneficial use of energy produced (such as heating/cooling)? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Process energy for mill operation (tons) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Electricity Produced (MWh) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Beneficial Use (specify type of use) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3.3 What is the quantity and what are the characteristics of each type of densified biomass fuel product produced during the reporting period? Select the Product Type from the dropdown list. Provide the Quantity in short tons. Provide the Thermal (heat) Content of the Product Type in Btu per pound. For help in converting units see Page 6, Additional Information. Provide the Ash and Moisture Contents as a percentage by weight. Use average values for thermal, ash, and moisture contents. Use as many lines as needed to accomodate all Product Types produced at the facility. |
Product Type | Volume | Average Thermal (heat) Content | Average Ash Content | Average Moisture Content | |||||||||||||||||||
(choose from dropdown list) | (short tons) | (British Thermal Units per Pound) | (Percentage by Weight) | (Percentage by Weight) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (PFI Certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Product Type, Production | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (PFI Certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Premium (PFI Certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Utility (PFI Certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Standard (PFI Certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (not certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Utility (PFI Certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (not certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Premium (not certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Utility (not certified) | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Standard (not certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus A1 | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets Utility (not certified) | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus A2 | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets ENPlus A1 | |||||||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus B | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets ENPlus A2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Compressed Bricks | Btu/lb | % | % | Wood Pellets ENPlus B | |||||||||||||||||||
Compressed Logs | Btu/lb | % | % | Compressed Bricks | |||||||||||||||||||
Briquettes | Btu/lb | % | % | Compressed Logs | |||||||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | Btu/lb | % | % | Briquettes | |||||||||||||||||||
Btu/lb | % | % | Other (please specify below) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Btu/lb | % | % | |||||||||||||||||||||
3.4 How much product was stored as inventory at the facility or offsite, such as at ports, at the end of the reporting period? Select the Product Type from the dropdown list. Provide the amount in Inventory stored in short tons. Include 'super sacks' in bulk inventory. Use as many lines as needed for each Product Type stored at the facility. |
Product Type | Inventory | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(choose from dropdown list) | (short tons) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Premium Bulk | Product Type, Inventory | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Premium Bagged | Premium Bulk | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Standard Bulk | Premium Bagged | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Standard Bagged | Standard Bulk | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Utility Bulk | Standard Bagged | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Bricks | Utility Bulk | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Logs | Bricks | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Briquettes | Logs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | Briquettes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3.5 How many Full-time Equivalent (FTE) direct employees were employed in the densified biomass fuel production operations at this facility during the current reporting period? Only operating facilities should report employee numbers; planned or under construction facilities should not report this. Report the number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Employees during the reporting period. If employees varied over the reporting period, report the higher number of employees. Direct employees are those working at the facility for the company operating the facility and do not include indirect supporting industries' employees, such as logging companies or transportation companies under contract by the facility to provide support services. |
Number of FTE Employees | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Part 3. Comments Please enter comments about Part 3 in this box. |
Page 4 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report |
OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
Facility Name | PREPRINTED | Reporting Month | Preprinted | ||||||||||||||
EIA Facility ID | PREPRINTED | Reporting Year | Preprinted | ||||||||||||||
4.1 Of the products sold in the U.S. domestic market, what was the quantity sold at retail and at wholesale during the reporting period, and what was the associated revenue? Select the Product Type from the dropdown list. Report the Quantity in short tons sold at Retail (directly to the end user) and at Wholesale (for resale). Report the Revenue Received for each sale as Free On Board at the plant (excludes transportation to customers). Report the total revenue received (not averages) in whole U.S. dollars (USD). Use as many lines as needed to describe each Product Type sold and the type of sale during the reporting period. |
Product Type | Retail (to end users) | Wholesale (for resale) | Domestic Sales | ||||||||||||||
(choose from dropdown list) | Quantity (short tons) | Revenue (FOB at plant) | Volume (short tons) | Revenue (FOB at plant) | Wood Pellets Premium (PFI Certified) | ||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (PFI certified) Bagged | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets Standard (PFI Certified) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (PFI certified) Bulk | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets Utility (PFI Certified) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (PFI certified) Bagged | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets Premium (not certified) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (PFI certified) Bulk | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets Standard (not certified) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Utility (PFI certified)Bulk | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets Utility (not certified) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (not certified) Bagged | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets ENPlus A1 | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Premium (not certified) Bulk | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets ENPlus A2 | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (not certified) Bagged | $0 | $0 | Wood Pellets ENPlus B | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Standard (not certified) Bulk | $0 | $0 | Compressed Bricks | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets Utility (not certified) Bulk | $0 | $0 | Compressed Logs | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus A1 Bulk | $0 | $0 | Briquettes | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus A2 Bulk | $0 | $0 | Other (please specify below) | ||||||||||||||
Wood Pellets ENPlus B Bulk | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Compressed Bricks | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Compressed Logs | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Briquettes | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
4.2 Of the products sold in the export market, what was the quantity sold at retail and at wholesale during the reporting period, and what was the associated revenue, export port and destination country? Select the Product Type from the dropdown list. If the Product Type is not listed, choose Other and provide the Product Type in the space below. Report the Quantity in short tons at Retail (directly to the end user) and at Wholesale (for resale). Report the Revenue Received for each sale as Free On Board at the plant (excludes transportation to customers, port costs/fees or other costs associated with export). Report the total revenue (not averages) in whole U.S. dollars (USD). Report the name of the Port of Export and the Destination Country. If the country cannot be determined, choose UNKNOWN. Use as many lines as needed to describe each Product Type sold, the type of sale and the destination port or country for shipments made during the reporting period. |
Export Sales | ||||||||||||||||
ENPlus A1 Bulk | |||||||||||||||||
Product Type | Retail (to end users) | Wholesale (for resale) | Export Port | Destination Country | ENPlus A2 Bulk | ||||||||||||
(choose from dropdown list) | Quantity (short tons) | Revenue (FOB at plant) | Volume (short tons) | Revenue (FOB at plant) | ENPlus B Bulk | ||||||||||||
ENPlus A1 Bulk | $0 | $0 | Other (please specify below) | ||||||||||||||
ENPlus A2 Bulk | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
ENPlus B Bulk | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Other (please specify below) | $0 | $0 | |||||||||||||||
Part 4. Comments Please enter comments about Part 4 in this box. |
Page 5 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report |
![]() |
OMB No. xxxx-xxx Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx Burden Hours: 1.5 |
DEFINITIONS | ||||||||||||||
Ash - Noncombustible matter contained in the densified biomass fuel product. The amount of ash, measured on a percentage by weight basis, affects the burning characteristics of a fuel. In general, utility grade densified biomass fuel is higher in ash than premium grades. | ||||||||||||||
British Thermal Units (Btu) -The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at the temperature at which water has its greatest density (approximately 39 degrees Fahrenheit). | ||||||||||||||
Commercial Operation - Original month and year the facility began production of products for sale. | ||||||||||||||
Conversion from Metric to Short Tons - One metric ton equals 1.1023 short tons. | ||||||||||||||
Conversions to Btu per Pound - To convert from kilojoules (KJ) per metric ton to Btu per pound: 1 KJ = (.947817) Btu 1 Metric Ton = (1.1.023*2000) pounds To convert from million Btu per ton (MMBtu/ton) to Btu per pound: MMBtu per ton /.002 = Btu/lb |
Densified Biomass Fuel Product - Raw biomass that has been condensed into a high energy density and homogenously sized product, such as wood pellets, intended for use as fuel. | ||||||||||||||
Destination Country - Country where exported product is destined to arrive. | ||||||||||||||
Export Port - Domestic port where product is loaded for export. | ||||||||||||||
Feedstock Types - Raw biomass intended for densification purchased and received at the facility during the reporting period. Report the volume as received, not the volume actually converted into product in the reporting period. | ||||||||||||||
Roundwood (timber quality, typically ten inches diameter or more) - Roundwood typically classified as timber, can be five to ten inches in diameter | ||||||||||||||
Roundwood (pulpwood quality) - Roundwood, whole-tree chips, or wood residues used for the production of wood pulp. Typically less than five inches in diameter. | ||||||||||||||
Wood Chips from Chip Mill - Chips produced at a chipping mill of unknown origin. | ||||||||||||||
Wood Chips, Slabs, Sawdust or Edges from Sawmills - Sawmill residues in the form of sawdust, chips, shavings, slabs or edges. | ||||||||||||||
Residual Wood Chips, Shavings, or Sawdust from Wood Product Manufacturing - Residual wood materials from consumer product manufacturing facilities. | ||||||||||||||
Logging Residues (trimmings and limbs) - Residual trimmings, limbs, chips, or sawdust from logging activities. | ||||||||||||||
Unmerchantable Wood (e.g. off-spec wood, diseased and rotted wood, etc.) - Wood otherwise unsalable. | ||||||||||||||
Bark - Bark from all sources. | ||||||||||||||
Post-Consumer Wood Products (pallets or crates, construction debris) - Wood from pallets, crates or other post-consumer biomass waste. | ||||||||||||||
Agricultural By-Products - Straw, corn cobs or stalks, or other crop residues or by-products. | ||||||||||||||
Revenue Free on Board (FOB) at Plant - Revenue received for sales of product, excluding costs or revenue due to transportation to or from plant, sales taxes, tax incentives, rebates, insurance, etc. | ||||||||||||||
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Direct Employees - The full-time equivalent of the employees onsite at a production facility, directly employed by the company which owns and/or operates the facility | ||||||||||||||
Moisture - The water content of a substance (a solid fuel) as measured under specified conditions being the "dry basis." Moisture content in densified biomass fuel is significantly reduced from the raw biomass feedstock, creating a higher density and thermal energy product. Moisture content should be reported as percentage by weight. | ||||||||||||||
Product Types - Densified products such as pellets, bricks, logs or briquettes and the grade or certification standard met for the product. | ||||||||||||||
Reporting Period - Calendar year and month covered in a single submitted report. Data reported should be inclusive of the calendar month for the report. If data are based on other than a calendar month, please provide a comment to describe the reporting period covered by the data. | ||||||||||||||
Retail Sales (to end users) - Sales of product directly to the end user. Retail sales do NOT include sales to distributors, brokers or other entities with intent to resell the products. | ||||||||||||||
Short Tons - Two thousand pounds. | ||||||||||||||
Thermal (Heat) Content - The quantity of heat expressed in Btu contained in one unit of fuel. For the purposes of this report, Btu per pound of densified biomass fuel should be reported. Commonly, the value will fall between 5,000 and 12,000 Btu per pound (Btu/lb). | ||||||||||||||
Total Delivered Cost (for feedstocks) - Cost of feedstock delivered to plant including all cost components (transportation, commodity costs, taxes, handling, etc.). | ||||||||||||||
Units - Green Ton (GT) = 2,000 lbs of fresh cut woody material at a “green” moisture content Bone Dry Ton (BDT or DT) = 2,000 lbs of woody material at 0% moisture content |
Wholesale Sales (for resale) - Sales of products to entities that will resell the products to end users. | ||||||||||||||
Wood Type - Softwood - Gymnosperm (seeds produced without covering, usually in cones) trees Hardwood - Angiosperm (seeds produced with a covering) trees |
Page 6 | Form EIA-63C Densified Biomass Fuel Report |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |