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For the Paperwork Reduction Act Information Collection Submission for
Form ADV-E
Necessity for the Information Collection
Rule 206(4)-2, adopted under Section 206(4) (15 U.S.C. 80b-6(4)) of the Investment
Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”), requires certain SEC-registered investment advisers
that have custody of client assets to have an independent public accountant conduct an annual
surprise examination of the custodied assets. 1 The rule further requires that the independent
public accountant file a certificate on Form ADV-E with the Commission within 120 days of the
time chosen by the public accountant for the surprise examination. 2 Form ADV-E is required by
the rule as a cover sheet for the certificate of accounting to facilitate the process by which the
accountant files the certificate with the Commission. The rule further requires that within four
business days of the resignation, dismissal, removal, or other termination of the engagement, the
public accountant file a Form ADV-E and accompanying statement. 3 Form ADV-E and the
accompanying accountant’s certificate must be filed electronically with the Commission.
The requirement for a Form ADV-E as the accounting certificate cover page is a
“collection of information” within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3510 to 3520). 4 Form ADV-E is necessary to facilitate the filing process for the
Rule 206(4)-2(a)(4) (17 CFR 275.206(4)-(2)(a)(4)).
Rule 206(4)-2(a)(4)(i).
Rule 206(4)-2(a)(4)(iii).
This collection of information pertains only to the Form ADV-E filing certificate itself. The
paperwork burden of obtaining the examination is separately covered by “Rule 206(4)-2 under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 – Custody of Funds or Securities of Clients by Investment
accountant’s examination certificate. It is found at 17 CFR 279.8 and is mandatory. Responses
provided to the Commission are not kept confidential.
The title for the collection of information is “Form ADV-E, cover sheet for each
certificate of accounting of client securities and funds in the custody of an investment adviser.”
The current OMB control number for this collection of information is 3235-0361. The
respondents to the information collection through Form ADV-E are SEC-registered investment
advisers that have custody of client funds or securities and are subject to an annual surprise
examination requirement under rule 206(4)-2.
Purpose of the Information Collection
The purpose of the collection of information is to provide information for use by staff of
the Commission in its examination and oversight program. Some advisory clients also may find
the information useful. The accountant, upon completing the examination, must certify the
results of that examination directly to the Commission. Because Form ADV-E serves as the
cover page of the accounting certificate, it facilitates the filing of the certificate and increases the
accessibility of the certificate to the Commission’s staff and to advisory clients.
Role of Improved Information Technology
Respondents will file Form ADV-E electronically through the Investment Adviser
Registration Depository (“IARD”) system and the form will be available to the public.
Efforts to Identify Duplication
The information required is not available elsewhere.
Effect on Small Entities
Form ADV-E does not significantly increase the regulatory burden on any investment
Advisers” under the OMB control number 3235-0241.
adviser, including small entities for purposes of OMB Form 83-I.
Consequences of Less Frequent Collection
Form ADV-E must be filed (i) within 120 days of the time chosen by the accountant for
the surprise examination and (ii) upon the resignation, dismissal, removal, or other termination of
the accountant conducting the surprise examination. Less frequent collection would inhibit the
dissemination of timely information to the Commission’s staff.
Inconsistencies with Guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2)
The collection of information imposes no additional requirements regarding record
Consultation Outside the Agency
The Commission requested public comment on the collection of information
requirements of Form ADV-E before it submitted this request for extension and approval to the
Office of Management and Budget. The Commission received no comments in response to these
In addition, the Commission and the staff of the Division of Investment Management
participate in an ongoing dialogue with representatives of the investment adviser industry
through public conferences, meetings, and informal exchanges. These various forums provide
the Commission and the staff with a means of ascertaining and acting upon paperwork burdens
confronting the industry.
Payment or Gift to Respondents
Not applicable.
Assurance of Confidentiality
Not applicable.
Sensitive Questions
Form ADV-E collects information on the investment adviser’s name, SEC file number,
state identification number (if applicable), and address of the adviser’s principal place of
business. Form ADV-E does not collect Social Security Numbers. A System of Records Notice
has been published in the Federal Register at (SEC-50) 66 FR 7820 and can also be found at
Estimate of Hour Burden
The total annual Form ADV-E compliance burden approved by OMB in 2013 was 62.4
hours for 1,248 responses by investment advisers that the Commission staff then estimated
would be subject to the requirement of filing Form ADV-E in connection with the surprise
examination and the termination statement. 5 In reaching this estimate, the Commission
estimated each respondent would spend 0.05 hour (three minutes) annually to complete Form
Based on current information from advisers registered with the Commission, the
Commission staff now estimates that 1,519 responses will be submitted with respect to surprise
examinations and termination of accountants pursuant to rule 206(4)-2. 6 The Commission staff
continues to estimate the burden on each adviser to be 0.05 hour annually. The total annual
This estimate was based on 1,222 filings submitted with respect to a surprise examination and 26
filings submitted with respect to an accountant’s termination. These filings were submitted by
1,444 advisers, some of whom submitted multiple filings.
This estimate is based on the number of Form ADV-E filings made with the Commission from
January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, of which 1,454 filings were submitted with respect
to a surprise examination and 65 filings were submitted with respect to an accountant’s
termination. These filings were submitted by 1,203 advisers, some of whom submitted multiple
Form ADV-E compliance burden is therefore estimated to be 75.95 hours. 7
The Commission staff expects that Form ADV-E will be filled out by investment
advisers’ compliance clerks. Based on an average salary including fringe benefits of $64 per
hour, 8 the total cost of the information collection requirement of Form ADV-E is estimated to be
approximately $4,860.80. 9
Estimate of Total Annual Cost Burden
There is no cost burden other than the cost of the hour burden described above.
Estimate of Cost to the Federal Government
Form ADV-E is designed to facilitate the filing of accountant certificates required under
rule 206(4)-2. The staff devotes less time in processing accountant certificates as a result. The
cost of processing Form ADV-E is insignificant.
Explanation of Changes in Burden
As noted above, the increase in the hour burden is attributable to an increase in the
number of SEC-registered advisers that are subject to the surprise examination requirement. As
a result, more advisers are required to file Form ADV-E.
Information Collection Planned for Statistical Purposes
Not applicable.
Approval to not Display Expiration Date
We request authorization to omit the expiration date on the electronic version of the form,
1,519 x 0.05 = 75.95.
Data from the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association’s Office Salaries in the
Securities Industry 2013 (the “SIFMA Report”), modified to account for an 1,800-hour work-year
and multiplied by 2.93 to account for bonuses, firm size, employee benefits and overhead, suggest
that the cost for a compliance clerk is approximately $64 per hour.
75.95 hrs x $64 hourly wage = $4,860.80.
although the OMB control number will be displayed. Including the expiration date on the
electronic version of this form will result in increased costs, because the need to make changes to
the form may not follow the application’s scheduled version release dates.
Exceptions to Certification Statement
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-11-10 |
File Created | 2015-11-10 |