

Application for Investment Assistance


OMB: 0610-0094

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Using Toolkit
DAT Instructions
Form Info
Global Index
Form DAT

Sheet 1: Using Toolkit



1. It is recommended that you print this sheet. To do so, click File, Print on the menu at the top the screen.

2. Click on the DAT Instructions tab at the bottom of the screen. It is recommended that you print these instructions to use as a reference during the process of creating your Data Analysis Template (DAT). To do so, click File, Print on the menu at the top the screen.

3. Click on the Form Info tab at the bottom of the screen. Fill in the requested information about the form. Refer to the instructions printed in 1. for guidance.

4. Click on the Global Index tab at the bottom of the screen. The Global Index serves two purposes:

o It gives you the ability to view the Grants.gov Global Library of standard fields and their attributes
o It gives you the ability to utilize pre-formatted templates to be used as rows in your form's Data Analysis Template (DAT).

Now is the time to begin preparing the Data AnalysisTemplate (DAT).

5. Determine the first (next) data element on the form. A data element is a data entry field, form title, section header or label.


YES. Copy the Label row template into your DAT.
Look for Label in the Global Index section III. General Data Element Formats. Click on Label. The template row for a label will be highlighted. Select Edit, Copy from the menu at the top of the screen. Click on the FORM DAT tab at the bottom of the screen. Click on the appropriate row number to paste the template into. From the menu, select Edit, Paste. Use the DAT instructions as guidance for filling in all columns in red.

NO. Then it must be a data entry field.

Grants.gov has created a required standard for representing names and addresses on forms. Elements related to names and addresses are grouped together in data element groups. If a data element group is selected, all fields within that group must be included.


YES. To use the Human Name Group or Address Group, click on the appropriate link in section II of the Global Index. Select Edit, Copy from the menu at the top of the screen. Click on the FORM DAT tab at the bottom of the screen. Click on the row number into which template will be pasted. From the menu, select Edit, Paste. Use the DAT instructions as guidance for filling in all columns in red.


A global data element is a data element that is commonly used on forms across agencies. Grants.gov has standardized the attributes for global data elements. Some global data elements may be pre-populated from the application cover sheets, some may be post-populated after submission to Grants.gov, and some may be forward-populated from the application cover sheets. The Global Index in section I provides a list of global data elements.

YES. Copy the element's template into your DAT.
Click on the name of the element. The template row for a label will be highlighted. Select Edit, Copy from the menu at the top of the screen. Click on the FORM DAT tab at the bottom of the screen. Click on the row number into which the template will be pasted. From the menu, select Edit, Paste. Use the DAT instructions as guidance for filling in all columns in red.

Determine the General Field Format in section III of the Global Index that best reflects the data element. Click on the name of the format or one of the options beneath it. The template row(s) will be highlighted. Select Edit, Copy from the menu at the top of the screen. Click on the FORM DAT tab at the bottom of the screen. Click on the row number into which the template will be pasted. From the menu, select Edit, Paste. Use the DAT instructions as guidance for filling in all columns in red. For information about pre-populating, post-populating, and forward-populating, refer to the DAT instructions.

Repeat all of the steps in 5. until all elements on the form are represented on the DAT. The data elements on the DAT should be in the same order they appear on the form. For answers to questions about the process of preparing a Data Analysis Template, contact the PMO Program Advisor.

Sheet 2: DAT Instructions



[A] Form Name / Title The name of the form to be displayed on the Grants.gov system

[B] Form Number The number associated with the form within the agency.

[C] Version Number The version number of the form within the agency.

[D] Version Date The version date of the form.

[E] Description A short description of the form.

[F] OMB Control Number The control number issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) when a form is cleared.

[G] OMB Expiration Date The expiration date issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB.)

[H] Form Family The families this form should be include with.

[I] Form Category Select the most appropriate form category.



[1] Field # A unique, sequential number for (a) each field on the form for which data will be entered or selected and (b) form title, section headers or labels. Use the block number on the form mock up, if any, otherwise start the count with 1. Format is <block#>-<field#> (e.g. Block 15, field 1 would be represented as 15-1.)

[2] Field Label The name of the field as presented on the form. This column is used when Field Implementation [16] is label and you are specifying the form title, section headers, or labels. You may change any Global Library template label in red to the label as specified on the form.

[3] Short Field Label Enter condensed version for use at the beginning of Help Tip and Accessibility Text. Please limit to 40 characters or less and do not abbreviate words.

[4] Required? - Enter "Yes" if the field must be completed before the application can be submitted.

- If the field is optional, conditional, or "Required if" then enter "No" in this column.

- If the field is calculated (see BUSINESS RULES [11]) and all fields involved in the calculation are optional, enter “No” in this column.

- If the field is calculated (see BUSINESS RULES [11]) and one or more of the fields involved in the calculation are mandatory, enter “Yes” in this column.

- If the field is to be forward-populated (see FIELD TYPE [8]), then the value for this column should be the same as the value of the source field (e.g. if the source field is optional, the destination field is optional, if the source field is mandatory, the destination field is mandatory).

[5] Minimum Occurrences - The minimum number of entries that can be made for the same field.

- Enter 0 if the field is optional.

- Enter 1 or more if the field must be completed before the application can be submitted.

[6] Maximum Occurrences - The maximum number of entries that can be made for the same field.

- Must be 1 or more.
[7] Agency Field Name Short name that describes the field. This name will be used as an input to the XML schema. For Global Data Elements, a suggested name is pre-filled in red, though it may be changed. Grants.gov may modify names as needed to meet guidelines and standards. Note: Each Agency Field Name must be unique on a DAT.

[8] Field Type Select one from the following 5 options:

Pre-populated - Field will be populated with data from the application package. See Global Index Section II for a list of qualifying fields.

Post-populated - Field will be populated in a form after submission to Grants.gov. See the Global Index Section III for a list of qualifying fields.

Forward-populated - Field will be populated with data from the application cover page (e.g., SF424, SF424 (R&R)) or
- Field will be populated with data entered earlier in the form.

Global - Field is a global data element that is not forward-populated or a global data element group.

Agency Specific - Field is unique to your agency. Enter values in ALL columns in this DAT as indicated by the instructions.

Radio Group - Agency-specific field that displays a limited set of alternatives. Applicant has the option of selecting one value.

[9] Global Library Field Name - Pre-formatted for your convenience. No action required.

[10] Field Type Source If Pre-populated - Pre-formatted for your convenience. No action required.

If Post-Populated - Pre-formatted for your convenience. No action required.

If Foward-Populated - If "Foward-populated" was selected in the Field Type [8] column, enter the source's form name (as found on the PureEdge version of the form) and field #. Should be in the format <form name>-<block #>-<field #> (e.g. SF424-6-1.)

If Global - If "Global" was selected in Field Type [8] column, enter n/a.

If Agency Specific - Pre-formatted for your convenience. No action required.

If Radio Group - If "Radio Group" was selected in the Field Type [8] column, then enter the name radio group. The radio group name may be the same as the Field Label.

[11] Business Rules Simple rules about the field, such as:

- Is a specific format required (e.g., 4 digit year and 5 digit code like "2004-abcdf")? Remember to indicate this format in the element's help tip.

- Is a calculation required for this field (e.g., Total = 15-1 + 15-2 + 15-3 + 15-4)

- Is this field conditionally required (e.g., Required if 3-1 is Yes)

- NOTE: Grants.gov does not enforce business rules across forms.

- Enter n/a if there are no business rules for the field.

[12] Data Type - Pre-formatted for your convenience. No action required.

[13] List of Values - If theData Type [12] is LIST, provide a list of values that you want to be given to the user.

- The format of each list item should be <id>: <description>. Use && to separate each value (e.g. MD: Maryland&& VA: Virginia)

- For Minimum # of Characters [14] and Maximum # of Characters [15], enter the character count for the shortest and longest values in the list

- If the field is required, it must have a default value. Mark the default value with an asterisk before the value, if any (e.g. *MD: Maryland.) If the user does not change
the selection, the field will automatically be filled with the default value.

- Enter n/a if a list of values does not apply.

- NOTE: No list of values is needed for Radio Groups. This list of values is the Field Labels for the Radio Group's radio options.

[14] Minimum # of Characters or Minimum Value
- If the Data Type [12] is AN, enter the minimum number of characters that may be entered into a field (minimum field length.) If the field is optional, enter 0.

-  If the Data Type [12] is INTEGER, $, or DECIMAL(2), enter the minimum value for the field including decimals where applicable
(e.g. enter "5000" if the value cannot be less than 5000.)

-  If the Data Type [12] is LIST, FILE, MULTIFILE or DATE, enter "n/a" in this column.

- A hyphen is not counted as a character if it is included on the form for presentation purposes. It is counted if it is to be stored with the data.

[15] Maximum # of Characters or Maximum Value
- If the Data Type [12] is AN, enter the maximum number of characters that may be entered into a field (maximum field length.)

-  If the Data Type [12] is INTEGER, $, or DECIMAL(2), enter the maximum value for the field including decimals where applicable
(e.g. enter "10,000" if the value cannot be more than 10,000.)

-  If the Data Type [12] is LIST, FILE, MULTIFILE, or DATE, enter "n/a" in this column.
- A hyphen is not counted as a character if it is included on the form for presentation purposes. It is counted if it is to be stored with the data.

[16] Field Implementation - Pre-formatted for your convenience.

[17] Help Tip Text that will be displayed when the applicant clicks on the help icon. Please compose the wording carefully, as this text will be used for the Accessibility text as well as the Help Tip. Use the following guidelines for creating help tips:

- Start all help tips with "Enter the…" or "Select the…" or "Pre-populated from the…" or "Click to select…"

- If the field is required, then the help tip should end with the statement "This field is required." Add "This field is required" to the end of global help tips if they are required.

- If the field has a certain format, then the tip should contain text describing the required format.

- If a Radio Group is required, then the help tip on the Radio Group Header should state "One selection is required."

Sheet 3: Form Info


Form Name / Title ED-900D Design and Engineering
Form Number ED_900D
Version Number 1.0
Version Date
OMB Control Number 0610-0994
OMB Expiration Date XX/XX/20XX
Form Family
(select all that apply)
X SF-424 Family

SF-424 R&R Family

SF-424 Individual Family
X SF-424 Mandatory Family

SF-424 Short Organizational Family
Form Category
(select the most appropriate category)

Cover Sheet

Certification and Assurance


Budget Form

Key Contacts and Personal Data

X Miscellaneous

Sheet 4: Global Index

Grants.gov Global Index

Click on an element name, data element group name, or general element format to view its DAT row template.
Follow the instructions to copy and paste template rows into the Form DAT.

Agency Name Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN) Alphanumeric
Applicant ID Fax Button
CFDA Number Federal Award Identifier Date
CFDA Title Federal Entity Identifier Degree Earned
Congressional District: Applicant Organization Name (Legal Name) Dollar Amount
Congressional District: Program/Project Phone Number Dollar Amount Total
Country Project Name File Attachment - Single
Department Name Project Title Optional Required
Division Name Social Security Number File Attachment - Multiple
DUNS Number Title Optional
Email Type of Applicant Numeric
Agency Name Competition Identification Number Label
CFDA Number Competition Identification Title List - Drop Down (one selection from a drop-down list of values)
CFDA Title Funding Opportunity Number List - Checkbox (Check for yes. May select multiple options)

Funding Opportunity Title List - Radio Group (one selection from a group of options)
AOR Signature
Date Received
with 2 decimals without decimals
Date Signed
Address Group Street1, Street2, City, County, Province, State, Zip Code, Country Optional Required
Human Name Group Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix Yes/No/Other Radio Group

Optional Required

Yes/No/Not Applicable Radio Group

Optional Required

Sheet 5: Form DAT

ED-900D Design and Engineering

[1] [2]
[9] [10]
[12] [13] [14] [15]
Field # Field
Short Field
Required? Minimum
Agency Field
Field Type Global Library
Field Name
Field Type
Business Rules Data Type List of
Min # of Chars or
Min Value
Max # of
Chars or
Max Value
Help Tip
1.0 OMB Number: 0610-0994
Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label n/a
1.1 ED-900D – Requirements for Design and Engineering Assistance n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label n/a
2.0 When the primary purpose of the EDA investment is to accomplish only the design and engineering work required for the construction of a complex or environmentally sensitive public works or development facility project, this form must be completed. Note: EDA will award grants for design and engineering work only when there is a reasonable expectation that construction of the project can and will begin soon after the completion of design and engineering. EDA’s funding of the project for the design and engineering work does not in any way obligate EDA to fund construction of the project. See 13 C.F.R. § 305.4. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label n/a
3.1 1. Is the primary purpose of the EDA investment to accomplish only the design and engineering work required for a construction project? Design and Engineering Yes 1 1 DesignEngineering Radio Group globLib:YesNoDataType DesignEngineering n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group Is the primary purpose of the EDA investment to accomplish only the design and engineering work required for a construction project? This field is required.
3.1.1 Yes Yes No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a DesignEngineering n/a n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option.
3.1.2 No No No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a DesignEngineering n/a n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option.
3.2 2. Describe the components of the project for which the design and engineering work will be accomplished. Describe the components of the project for which the design and engineering work will be accomplished Yes 1 1 DesignEngineeringDescription Agency-specific n/a n/a n/a AN n/a 1 8000 Field This field is required.
3.3 3. Explain the reasons why such work needs to be accomplished separately from the project’s construction phase. For example, describe the highly specialized features or complex or environmentally sensitive nature of the project such that design and engineering work must be completed to determine the project’s feasibility or to ensure that all required permits and approvals by State or federal regulatory authorities (e.g., the Environmental Protection Agency) can be obtained in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Explain the reasons why such work needs to be accomplished separately from the project’s construction phase Yes 1 1 ExplainReasons Agency-specific n/a n/a n/a AN n/a 1 8000 Field This field is required.
3.4 4. Describe the proposed method of financing and funding sources that will be used to finance the construction of the project upon completion of the design and engineering work, including commitments made, if any, for the project’s permanent financing and the likelihood that EDA or another federal assistance agency will be requested to provide funds for the construction of the project. Note: EDA is not authorized to obligate a future fiscal year’s appropriation and so cannot commit to fund any future construction. Describe the proposed method of financing and funding sources that will be used to finance the construction of the project upon completion of the design and engineering work, including commitments made, if any, for the project’s permanent financing and the likelihood that EDA or another federal assistance agency will be requested to provide funds for the construction of the project Yes 1 1 FinancingMethod Agency-specific n/a n/a n/a AN n/a 1 8000 Field This field is required.
3.5 5. Estimate how many months will be required after the design and engineering work is completed for the project’s construction phase to begin. Note: Even if the proposed project can be constructed in phases, the design and engineering work must be completed before construction can begin. Estimate how many months will be required after the design and engineering work is completed for the project’s construction phase to begin Yes 1 1 EstimateMonths Agency-specific n/a n/a n/a AN n/a 1 1000 Field This field is required.

Sheet 6: Templates


INSTRUCTIONS: Listed below are Data Analysis row templates for data elements and formats defined in the Global Library. To copy into your DAT, select Edit, Copy from the menu at the top of the screen. Click on the FORM DAT tab at the bottom of the screen. Click on the row number you want to paste the template into. From the menu, select Edit, Paste. Use the instructions on the DAT INSTRUCTIONS tab as guidance for filling in all columns in red.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
Field # Field
Short Field
Required? Minimum
Agency Field
Field Type Global Library
Field Name
Field Type
Business Rules Data Type List of
Min # of Chars or
Min Value
Max # of
Chars or
Max Value
Help Tip

Fill In
Unique #
Agency Name: Agency Name Fill In Fill In Fill In AgencyName Global or
globLib:AgencyNameDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 60 Field Enter the name of the Federal Agency.
Fill In
Unique #
Applicant ID: Applicant ID Fill In Fill In Fill In ApplicantID Global or
globLib:ApplicantIDDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 30 Field Enter the applicant's control number (if applicable)
Fill In
Unique #
CFDA Number: CFDA Number Fill In Fill In Fill In CFDANumber Global globLib:CFDANumberDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 15 Field Enter the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number. The first two digits identify the Federal department or agency that administers the program, and the last three numbers are assigned in numerical sequence.
Fill In
Unique #
CFDA/Program Title: CFDA/Program Title Fill In Fill In Fill In CFDAProgramTitle Global globLib:CFDATitleDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 120 Field Enter the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance program title.
Fill In
Unique #
Congressional District: Applicant: Applicant District Fill In Fill In Fill In CongressionalDistrictApplicant Global or
globLib:CongressionalDistrictDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 6 Field Enter the Congressional District in the format: 2 character State Abbreviation - 3 character District Number. Examples: CA-005 for California's 5th district, CA-012 for California's 12th district.

If outside the US, enter 00-000.
Fill In
Unique #
Congressional District: Program/Project: Program District Fill In Fill In Fill In CongressionalDistrictProgramProject Global or
globLib:CongressionalDistrictDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 6 Field Enter the Congressional District in the format: 2 character State Abbreviation - 3 character District Number. Examples: CA-005 for California's 5th district, CA-012 for California's 12th district.

If all districts in a state are affected, enter "all" for the district number. Example: MD-all for all congressional districts in Maryland.

If nationwide (all districts in all states), enter US-all.

If the program/project is outside the US, enter 00-000.
Fill In
Unique #
Country: Country Fill In Fill In Fill In Country Global or
globLib:CountryDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a LIST ISO 3166 Country Code List Fill In 49 Popup Select the Country from the provided list. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Department Name: Department Name Fill In Fill In Fill In DepartmentName Global or
globLib:DepartmentNameDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 30 Field Enter the name of primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization which will undertake the assistance activity.
Fill In
Unique #
Division Name: Division Name Fill In Fill In Fill In DivisionName Global or
globLib:DivisionNameDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 30 Field Enter the name of primary organizational division, office, or major subdivision which will undertake the assistance activity.
Fill In
Unique #
DUNS Number: DUNS Number Fill In Fill In Fill In DUNSNumber Global or
globLib:DUNSIDDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
If entered length is 9, then append '0000' AN n/a 9 13 Field Enter the DUNS or DUNS+4 number of the applicant organization.
Fill In
Unique #
Email: Email Fill In Fill In Fill In Email Global or
globLib:EmailDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
E-mail validation AN n/a Fill In 60 Field Enter a valid Email Address.
Fill In
Unique #
Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): EIN/TIN Fill In Fill In Fill In EmployerTaxpayerIdentificationNumber Global or
globLib:EmployerIDDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 9 30 Field Enter either TIN or EIN as assigned by the Internal Revenue Service. If your organization is not in the US, enter 44-4444444
Fill In
Unique #
Fax: Fax Fill In Fill In Fill In Fax Global or
globLib:TelephoneNumberDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 25 Field Enter the Fax Number.
Fill In
Unique #
Federal Award Identifier: Federal Award Identifier Fill In Fill In Fill In FederalAwardIdentifier Global or
globLib:ProjectAwardNumberDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 25 Field Enter the award number previously assigned by the Federal agency, if any.
Fill In
Unique #
Federal Entity Identifier: Federal Entity Identifier Fill In Fill In Fill In FederalEntityIdentifier Global or
globLib:FederalIDDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 30 Field Enter the number assigned to your organization by the Federal agency.
Fill In
Unique #
Organization Name (Legal Name): Organization Name Fill In Fill In Fill In OrganizationName Global or
globLib:OrganizationNameDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 60 Field Enter the legal name of the applicant that will undertake the assistance activity.

Fill In
Unique #
Telephone Number: Telephone Number Fill In Fill In Fill In PhoneNumber Global or
globLib:TelephoneNumberDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 25 Field Enter the daytime Telephone Number. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Project Name: Project Name Fill In Fill In Fill In ProjectName Global or
globLib:ProjectNameDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 60 Field Enter the name of the project.
Fill In
Unique #
Project Title: Project Title Fill In Fill In Fill In ProjectTitle Global or
globLib:ProjectTitleDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 200 Field Enter a brief, descriptive title of the project.
Fill In
Unique #
Social Security Number : Social Security Number Fill In Fill In Fill In SocialSecurityNumber Global or
globLib:SocialSecurityNumberDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
SSN format validation AN n/a 11 11 Field Enter a 9-digit Social Security Number. Disclosure of SSN is voluntary. Please see the application package instructions for the agency’s authority and routine uses of the data.
Fill In
Unique #
Title: Title Fill In Fill In Fill In Title Global or
globLib:HumanTitleDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a Fill In 45 Field Enter the position title.
Fill In
Unique #
Type of Applicant: Type of Applicant Fill In Fill In Fill In TypeofApplicant Global or
globLib:ApplicantTypeCodeDataType If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a LIST A. State Government&&
B. County Government&&
C. City or Township Government&&
D. Special District Government&&
E. Regional Organization&&
F. U.S. Territory or Possession&&
G. Independent School District&&
H. Public/State Controlled Institution of
Higher Education&&
I. Indian/Native American Tribal
Government (Federally Recognized)&&
J. Indian/Native American Tribal&&
Government (Other than Federally
K. Indian/Native American Tribally
Designated Organization&&
L. Public/Indian Housing Authority&&
M. Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS Status (Other
than Institution of Higher Education)&&
N. Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS Status
(Other than Institution of Higher
O. Private Institution of Higher Education&&
P. Individual&&
Q. For-Profit Organization (Other than
Small Business)&&
R. Small Business&&
S. Hispanic-serving Institution&&
T. Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs)&&
U. Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities (TCCUs)&&
V. Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian
Serving Institutions&&
W. Non-domestic (non-US) Entity&&
X. Other (specify)&&
0 if optional, 15 if required 82 Popup Select the appropriate applicant type code.


Fill In
Unique #
Agency Name: Agency Name Yes 1 1 AgencyName Pre-populated globLib:AgencyNameDataType SubmissionDef.AgencyName n/a AN n/a 1 60 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet.
Fill In
Unique #
CFDA Number: CFDA Number No 0 1 CFDANumber Pre-populated globLib:CFDANumberDataType SubmissionDef.CFDANumber n/a AN n/a 0 15 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet.
Fill In
Unique #
CFDA/Program Title: CFDA/Program Title No 0 1 CFDAProgramTitle Pre-populated globLib:CFDATitleDataType SubmissionDef.CFDATitle n/a AN n/a 0 120 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet.
Fill In
Unique #
Competition Identification Number: Competition Number No 0 1 CompetitionIdentificationNumber Pre-populated globLib:CompetitionIDDataType SubmissionDef.field_CompetitionID n/a AN n/a 1 40 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet.
Fill In
Unique #
Competition Identification Title: Competition Title No 0 1 CompetitionIdentificationTitle Pre-populated globLib:CompetitionIDTitleDataType SubmissionDef.field_CompetitionIDTitle n/a AN n/a 1 255 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet.
Fill In
Unique #
Funding Opportunity Number: Opportuntity Number Yes 1 1 FundingOpportunityNumber Pre-populated globLib:OpportunityIDDataType SubmissionDef.OpportunityID n/a AN n/a 1 40 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Funding Opportunity Title: Opportunity Title Yes 1 1 FundingOpportunityTitle Pre-populated globLib:OpportunityTitleDataType SubmissionDef.OpportunityIDTitle n/a AN n/a 1 255 Field Pre-populated from the Application cover sheet. This field is required.


Fill In
Unique #
AOR Signature: AOR Signature Yes 1 1 AORSignature Post-Populated globLib:SignatureDataType n/a n/a AN n/a 1 144 Label Completed by Grants.gov upon submission.
Fill In
Unique #
Date Received: Date Received Yes 1 1 DateReceived Post-Populated globLib:DateReceivedDataType n/a n/a DATE n/a n/a n/a Label Completed by Grants.gov upon submission.
Fill In
Unique #
Date Signed: Date Signed Yes 1 1 DateSigned Post-Populated globLib:DateSignedDataType n/a n/a DATE n/a n/a n/a Label Completed by Grants.gov upon submission.


Address Group
Fill In
Unique #
Address Group Label n/a Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Global globLib:AddressDataType n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label Fill In or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Street1: Street1 Yes 1 1 Street1 Global or
globLib:Street1 If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 1 55 Field Enter the first line of the Street Address. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Street2: Street2 No 0 1 Street2 Global or
globLib:Street2 If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 0 55 Field Enter the second line of the Street Address.
Fill In
Unique #
City: City Yes 1 1 City Global or
globLib:City If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 1 35 Field Enter the City. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
County: County No 0 1 County Global or
globLib:County If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 0 30 Field Enter the County.
Fill In
Unique #
State: State No 0 1 State Global or
globLib:State If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
Conditionally required if Country is US then active. If Country is not US, then inactive LIST 50 US States, US possessions, territories, military codes 0 55 Popup Select the state, US possession or military code from the provided list. This field is required if Country is the United States.
Fill In
Unique #
Province: Province No 0 1 Province Global or
globLib:Province If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
If Country is US then inactive. If Country is not US, then active AN n/a 0 30 Field Enter the Province.
Fill In
Unique #
Country: Country Yes 1 1 Country Global or
globLib:Country If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a LIST ISO 3166 Country Code List 1 49 Popup Select the Country from the provided list. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Zip / Postal Code: Zip / Postal Code No 0 1 ZipCode Global or
globLib:ZipPostalCode If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
Conditionally required if Country is US then required. If Country is not US, then optional. AN n/a 0 30 Field Enter the Postal Code (e.g., ZIP code). This field is required if Country is the United States.

Human Name Group
Fill In
Unique #
Human Name Group Label n/a Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Global globLib:HumanNameDataType n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label Fill In or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Prefix: Prefix No 0 1 Prefix Global or
globLib:PrefixName If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a LIST Mr.&&Mrs.&&Miss&&Ms.&&Dr.&&Rev.&&Prof. 0 10 Combobox Select the Prefix from the provided list or enter a new Prefix not provided on the list.
Fill In
Unique #
First Name: First Name Yes 1 1 FirstName Global or
globLib:FirstName If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 1 35 Field Enter the First Name. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Middle Name: Middle Name No 0 1 MiddleName Global or
globLib:MiddleName If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 0 25 Field Enter the Middle Name.
Fill In
Unique #
Last Name: Last Name Yes 1 1 LastName Global or
globLib:LastName If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a AN n/a 1 60 Field Enter the Last Name. This field is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Suffix: Suffix No 0 1 Suffix Global or
globLib:SuffixName If Field Type [8] = Forward-populated
then Fill In source, else n/a
n/a LIST Jr.&&Sr.&&M.D.&&Ph.D 0 10 Combobox Select the Suffix from the provided list or enter a new Suffix not provided on the list.


Fill In
Unique #
ALPHANUMERIC field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In AN n/a Fill In Fill In Field Fill In
Fill In
Unique #
BUTTON template
Fill In Button Label
Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Button Fill In
Fill In
Unique #
DATE field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In DATE n/a n/a n/a Field Enter the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Global globLib:EducationDegreeDataType n/a Fill In AN n/a Fill In 50 Field Enter the highest degree earned.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:BudgetAmountDataType n/a
Fill In
$ n/a 0.00 999999999999.99 Field Enter the dollar amount.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:BudgetTotalAmountDataType n/a
Fill In
$ n/a 0.00 10000000000000.00 Field Enter the total dollar amount.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Global att:AttachedFileDataType n/a Fill In FILE n/a n/a n/a Single_File Attach a file using the appropriate buttons.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Yes 1 1 Fill In Global att:AttachedFileDataType n/a Fill In FILE n/a n/a n/a Single_File Attach a file using the appropriate buttons. This attachment is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Global att:AttachmentGroupMin0Max100DataType n/a Fill In MULTIFILE n/a n/a n/a Multi_file Attach file(s) using the appropriate buttons.

Fill In
Unique #
field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In INTEGER n/a Fill In Fill In Field Fill In
Fill In
Unique #
field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In DECIMAL(2) n/a Fill In Fill In Field Fill In
Fill In
Unique #
LABEL template
Fill In Label from form
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Label Fill In or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
LIST field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In LIST Fill In Fill In Fill In Popup Fill In
Fill In
Unique #
CHECKBOX template
Fill In Option 1 Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:YesNoDataType n/a Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Check Check to select.
Fill In
Unique #
CHECKBOX template
Fill In Option 2 Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:YesNoDataType n/a Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Check Check to select.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Radio Group Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
Fill In LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group Fill in or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Fill in Radio Group
Option 1 Label
Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Radio Select this option.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill in Radio Group
Option 2 Label
Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Radio Select this option.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Radio Group Label
Fill In Yes 1 1 Fill In Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
Fill In LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group One selection is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill in Radio Group
Option 1 Label
Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Radio Select this option.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill in Radio Group
Option 2 Label
Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a n/a n/a n/a Radio Select this option.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:PercentDecimalDataType n/a
Fill In
DECIMAL(2) n/a 0.00 100.00 Field Enter in the percentage with decimals.
Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific globLib:PercentIntegerDataType n/a
Fill In
INTEGER n/a 0 100 Field Enter in the percentage as a whole number.
Fill In
Unique #
YEAR field template
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Fill In Agency-specific n/a n/a Fill In YEAR n/a 4 4 Field Fill In

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group Fill in or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Yes 1 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group A selection is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoOtherDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group Fill in or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.
Fill In
Unique #
Other Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Other n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Other.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Yes 1 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoOtherDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group A selection is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.
Fill In
Unique #
Other Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Other n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Other.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In No 0 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoNotApplicableDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group Fill in or n/a
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.
Fill In
Unique #
Not Applicable Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Not Applicable n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Not Applicable.

Fill In
Unique #
Fill In Field Label
Fill In Yes 1 1 Fill In Radio Group globLib:YesNoNotApplicableDataType Fill in Radio Group Name
(may be same as Field Label)
n/a LIST n/a n/a n/a Radio Group A selection is required.
Fill In
Unique #
Yes Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Yes n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Yes.
Fill In
Unique #
No Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a No n/a n/a Radio Select this option for No.
Fill In
Unique #
Not Applicable Fill In No 0 1 n/a Radio Group n/a Fill in Radio Group Name Fill In n/a Not Applicable n/a n/a Radio Select this option for Not Applicable.
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
AuthorNorthrop Grumman User
File Modified2015-06-08
File Created2005-01-06

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