NOAA Career Pathways Surveys - Scholarship recipient and

Evaluation Support Services

3_NOAA OMB AttachmentA SurveyInstruments_7.6.15

Web surveys of scholarship recipients and comparison applicant-only group

OMB: 0648-0721

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Evaluation Support Services

Request for Clearance
Supporting Statement and
Data Collection Instruments

Attachment A: Web Survey Instruments

Project Officer: Meka Laster

July 6, 2015

Attachment A.1
Scholarship Recipient Protocol

NOAA Scholarship Program Survey


Dear Respondent:

This survey is voluntary. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Education is currently conducting an evaluation of two of its scholarship programs: the Educational Partnership Program (EPP) and the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program (HUSP). One key component of this evaluation is to conduct an online survey of all scholarship recipients. As a scholarship recipient, you can provide valuable insight into the impact of these scholarship programs. This survey will ask about your educational and career choices as well as your views on how receiving the scholarship may have affected your academic and career pathways.

The survey will take approximately 25 minutes. Your responses are very important to ensuring that NOAA’s Office of Education successfully meets its long-term goals, and we thank you for your participation.

Paperwork Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX. The time required to complete this voluntary survey is estimated at 25 minutes, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments or concerns about the contents or the status of your individual submission of this questionnaire, email [email protected] or call [phone number].


  1. Please select any of the following NOAA Office of Education scholarship programs to which you have applied:

    1. Educational Partnership Program With Minority Serving Institutions Undergraduate Scholarship Program (EPP USP)

    2. Educational Partnership Program With Minority Serving Institutions Graduate Sciences Program (EPP GSP)

    3. Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program (HUSP)

2a. When applying to the NOAA Office of Education scholarship(s) you indicated, how many other scholarships or fellowships did you apply for simultaneously?

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

  • Based on the response to 2a, the following grid will appear for the appropriate number of scholarships/fellowships:

2b. Please list the name of the scholarship(s)/fellowship(s), the year(s) in which you applied, and the year(s) it was awarded (if applicable):

Name: Application Year: Awarded (Yes/No): Year Awarded:

1. ______ ______ _____ _____

2. ______ ______ _____ _____

3. ______ ______ _____ _____

  1. *NOAA is interested in understanding why you chose to apply for [SCHOLARSHIP NAME]. Please indicate how important the following factors were in your decision to pursue the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] opportunity:

1–Not at all important




5–Very important

Interest in pursuing a career with NOAA

Interest in a NOAA-related field of study (e.g., STEM fields)

Opportunity to expand professional network

Opportunity to collaborate with a NOAA mentor

Opportunity to participate in a summer internship

Financial aid

  1. When evaluating this [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] opportunity, please select which scholarship component was more important to you:

    1. Internship opportunity

    2. Financial aid

  1. *Please select the NOAA scholarship(s) you were awarded: [Options displayed below predicated on respondent selection(s) given in Q2]:

    1. EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program (EPP USP)

    2. EPP Graduate Sciences Program (EPP GSP)

    3. Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program (HUSP)

  1. *When were you awarded the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME]?

    1. [Drop-down list of years from 2000-2014]

  1. Have you completed the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] program?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. Please indicate your current employment status:

    1. I am employed full time. Proceed to 9

    2. I am employed part time. Proceed to 9

    3. I am not currently employed, and am not actively seeking employment. Skip to 13

    4. I am not currently employed, but am actively seeking employment. Skip to 10

  1. Which of the following best describes your current employment situation?

    1. Government: U.S. Federal Government (including contractors) Skip to 9b

    2. Government: State and Local (including contractors) Skip to 9b

    3. Non-Federal NOAA Partnership Programs (e.g., Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Cooperative Institutes, Sea Grant College Program) Skip to 9b

    4. Educational Institution: College or University Proceed to 9a

    5. Educational Institution: NOAA collaborative research program (e.g., Cooperative Institute, Cooperative Science Center, Sea Grant College Program) Skip to 9b

    6. Educational Institution: Elementary/ Middle/High school Skip to 12

    7. Private, for-profit/Industry Skip to 9b

    8. Nonprofit/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Skip to 9c

    9. Self-employment Skip to 9c

    10. International organization Skip to 9c

    11. Other (please specify): Skip to 9c

9a. Which of the following best describes your current academic position?

    1. Instructor/Lecturer

    1. Assistant Professor

    2. Associate Professor

    3. Professor

    4. Research Faculty

    5. Other (please specify):

9b. Do you currently work at a NOAA office or facility?

    1. Yes, I am a Federal NOAA employee.

    2. Yes, I am a NOAA contractor.

    3. No, I am not employed by NOAA in any capacity.

If Yes” to 9b:

      1. Please select your NOAA Line Office: [Drop-down list of Line Offices]

      2. In which year did you begin your NOAA employment? [Drop-down list of years]

9c. Please select the field(s) in which you are currently employed:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Only if 8d is selected: Which of the following career trajectories are you interested in pursuing in the future? (Select all that apply)

    1. Government: U.S. Federal Government (including contractors) Proceed to 11

    2. Government: State and Local (including contractors) Proceed to 11

    3. Non-Federal NOAA Partnership Programs (e.g., Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Cooperative Institutes, Sea Grant College Program) Proceed to 11

    4. Educational Institution: College or University Proceed to 11

    5. Educational Institution: NOAA collaborative research program (e.g., Cooperative Institute, Cooperative Science Center, Sea Grant College Program) Proceed to 11

    6. Educational Institution: Elementary/ Middle/High school Proceed to 11

    7. Private, for-profit/Industry Proceed to 11

    8. Nonprofit/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Proceed to 11

    9. Self-employed Proceed to 11

    10. International organization Proceed to 11

    11. Other (please specify): Proceed to 11

  1. Only if 8d is selected: In which fields are you interested in pursuing work? (Select all that apply.)

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields and subfields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Would you ever consider pursuing a career with NOAA in the future?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Unsure

  1. Please indicate your highest level of educational attainment:

    1. I am currently an undergraduate student. Skip to 16

    2. Bachelor’s degree Proceed to 13a

    3. Master’s degree Proceed to 13a

    4. Doctoral degree Proceed to 13a, then skip to 16

    5. Professional degree Proceed to 13a, then skip to 16

13a. In which field(s) did you earn your [piped response from above]? Select all that apply. (Note: Select multiple fields only if you majored in more than one field, but do not include any minor fields of study. Select only the field(s) that appear(s) on your diploma.)

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Are you currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program?

    1. Yes Proceed to 14a, 14b, then skip to 16

    2. No Skip to 15

14a. Please select the graduate or professional program in which you are currently enrolled:

    1. Master’s degree (e.g., M.A., M.B.A., M.S.)

    2. Doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., D. Sci.)

    3. Law degree (e.g., J.D.)

    4. Medical degree (e.g., M.D.)

    5. Other (please specify):

14b. Please select your graduate or professional field of study from the following list:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Are you interested in attending graduate or professional school?

    1. Yes Proceed to 15a

    2. No

    3. UnsureProceed to 15a

15a. If you were to attend graduate or professional school, please select your desired field of study from the following list:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Excluding any manuscripts that are currently under preparation, how many peer-reviewed publications have you authored or co-authored?

(Note: Please include any manuscripts that are currently submitted/under review.)

    1. None Skip to 17

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

16a. On how many of these publications did you collaborate with a NOAA employee, contractor, or mentor? [Response options below will be limited to a number less than the previously selected number of publications.]

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. How many manuscripts do you currently have under preparation?

    1. None Skip to 18

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

17a. On how many of these manuscripts did you collaborate with a NOAA employee, contractor, or mentor? [Response options below will be limited to a number less than the previously selected number]

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. How many presentations have you given at conferences or professional meetings in your field?

Note: Please do not include any presentations required of scholarship recipients as a condition of the scholarship/internship.)

    1. None Skip to 19

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

18a. How many of these presentations were collaborations with a NOAA employee, contractor, or mentor? [Response options below will be limited to a number less than the previously selected number.]

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. During your scholarship experience, who was the person that provided you with the most mentorship and/or guidance?

(Note: For any questions that refer to mentorship below, please refer to the person with whom you principally worked and engaged with the most during your scholarship experience, regardless of whether that person was your NOAA-assigned mentor.)

    1. My NOAA-assigned mentor

    2. A co-mentor at my research site

    3. Other (please specify):

    4. I do not feel that I received mentorship/guidance during my internship.

  1. On average, how often did you meet with your mentor to discuss matters related to your NOAA research project(s)?

    1. Monthly

    2. Once a week

    3. Twice a week

    4. More than twice a week

    5. Other (please specify):

    6. I did not meet with my mentor to discuss my research project.

    7. I do not recall how often I met with my mentor.

  1. NOAA is interested in learning more about the training opportunities you were given as a result of receiving the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME]. Training opportunities could include the time you spent with your mentor, learning a new technology, or learning about the research process.

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

My mentor was actively involved in my NOAA research training.

My mentor was available to me whenever I needed guidance (e.g., answered questions, provided assistance when needed, etc.)

The [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] afforded me the opportunity to develop knowledge of NOAA-related technology.

My mentor was supportive of my NOAA research project(s).

  1. NOAA is also interested in understanding how your [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] experience may have provided you with work-related experience. Work-related experiences could include developing a professional network of scholars and researchers, developing skills that could be applied in a work-related setting, and gaining experience in the scientific field.

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

My professional network grew after receiving the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME].

The [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] gave me hands-on experience in a NOAA-related field.

My interest in pursuing a NOAA-related career increased after receiving the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME].

As a result of receiving [SCHOLARSHIP NAME], I am more prepared to enter the workforce.

  1. Please indicate how instrumental the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] was in achieving each of the following (where “1” indicates Not at all instrumental and “5” indicates Very instrumental):

1–Not at all instrumental




5–Very instrumental


Getting another scholarship/fellowship

Getting accepted to graduate school

Shaping my future education plans

Shaping my future career plans


Paying tuition

Paying for academic-related costs (e.g., books, materials, fees)

Paying for living costs (e.g., rent)

Building my research experience

Expanding my professional network

  1. If “Yes” is selected for 7: After the completion of your [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] experience, did you apply for any additional scholarships or fellowships?

    1. Yes

    2. No Skip to 25

If “yes” is selected for 24: After the completion of you [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] experience, did you receive any additional scholarships or fellowships?

Please list the scholarship/fellowship name and the year it was awarded:

Name: Award Year:

_____ _____

_____ _____

_____ _____

_____ _____

  1. For the following items, please rate how valuable each component of the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] experience was to you:

1–Not at all valuable




5–Very valuable


Opportunity to expand your professional network to include NOAA staff and mentors

Opportunity to develop applied knowledge of NOAA-related research processes

Opportunity to present my work to an audience of peers and mentors

Overall NOAA scholarship experience

Ability to pay tuition

Opportunity to collaborate with a NOAA mentor

Ability to pay for academic-related costs

Ability to pay for living costs

Opportunity to participating in a research internship

Opportunity to conduct research on NOAA-related topics

Opportunity to develop applied knowledge of NOAA-related technology

  1. What difference has receiving the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] made to your life? [Open-ended]

  1. Please describe any challenges you encountered during your [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] program experience: [Open-ended]

  1. Would you recommend the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] program to other students?

    1. Yes

    2. No

28a. Why? [or] Why not? Please describe: [Open-ended]

  1. What is your age? [Drop-down list]

  1. What is your gender?

    1. Female

    2. Male

    3. Prefer not to specify

  1. What is your race/ethnicity (select all that apply):

    1. American Indian or Alaska Native

    2. Asian

    3. Black or African American

    4. Hispanic or Latino

    5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

    6. White

    7. Prefer not to specify

*Denotes required question. Respond must answer to proceed.

Attachment A.2
Comparison Group Protocol

NOAA Career Pathways Survey


Dear Respondent,

This survey is voluntary. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Education is currently conducting an evaluation of its programs. One key component of this evaluation is to conduct an online survey of any individuals who have expressed an interest in NOAA mission-related fields. As an individual who has expressed interest in NOAA mission-related fields in the past, you can provide valuable insight on matters critical to this evaluation.

This brief survey will ask about your educational and career choices. This survey will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are very important to this evaluation’s success, and we thank you for your time.

Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX. The time required to complete this voluntary survey is estimated to average 15 minutes, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments or concerns about the contents or the status of your individual submission of this questionnaire, email [email protected] or call [phone number].


  1. Have you ever received an academic scholarship or fellowship?

    1. Yes

    2. No Skip to 3

  1. Please list the name of the scholarship(s)/fellowship(s) you were awarded, and specify the year the scholarship(s)/fellowship(s) was/were awarded:

Name: Year:

______ _____

______ _____

______ _____

  1. Please indicate your current employment status:

    1. I am employed full time. Proceed to 4

    2. I am employed part time. Proceed to 4

    3. I am not currently employed, and am not actively seeking employment. Skip to 7

    4. I am not currently employed, but am actively seeking employment. Skip to 5

  1. Which of the following best describes your current employment situation?

    1. Government: U.S. Federal Government (including contractors) Skip to 4b

    2. Government: State and Local (including contractors) Skip to 4b

    3. Non-Federal NOAA Partnership Programs (e.g., Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Cooperative Institutes, Sea Grant College Program) Skip to 4b

    4. Educational Institution: College or University Proceed to 4a

    5. Educational Institution: NOAA collaborative research program (e.g., Cooperative Institute, Cooperative Science Center, Sea Grant College Program) Skip to 4b

    6. Educational Institution: Elementary/ Middle/High school Skip to 7

    7. Private, for-profit/Industry Skip to 4b

    8. Nonprofit/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Skip to 4c

    9. Self-employed Skip to 4c

    10. International organization Skip to 4c

    11. Other (please specify): Skip to 4c

4a. Which of the following best describes your current academic position?

    1. Instructor/Lecturer

    2. Assistant Professor

    3. Associate Professor

    4. Professor

    5. Research Faculty

    6. Other (please specify):

4b. Do you currently work at a NOAA office or facility?

    1. Yes, I am a Federal NOAA employee.

    2. Yes, I am a NOAA contractor.

    3. No, I am not employed by NOAA in any capacity.

If “yes” to 4b:

      1. Please select your NOAA Line Office: [Drop-down list of Line Offices]

      2. In which year did you begin your NOAA employment? [Drop-down list of years]

4c. Please select the field(s) in which you are currently employed:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Only if 3d is selected: Which of the following career trajectories are you interested in pursuing in the future? (Select all that apply)

    1. Government: U.S. Federal Government (including contractors) Proceed to 6

    2. Government: State and Local (including contractors) Proceed to 6

    3. Non-Federal NOAA Partnership Programs (e.g., Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Cooperative Institutes, Sea Grant College Program) Proceed to 6

    4. Educational Institution: College or University Proceed to 6

    5. Educational Institution: NOAA collaborative research program (e.g., Cooperative Institute, Cooperative Science Center, Sea Grant College Program) Proceed to 6

    6. Educational Institution: Elementary/ Middle/High school Proceed to 6

    7. Private, for-profit/Industry Proceed to 6

    8. Nonprofit/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Proceed to 6

    9. Self-employed Proceed to 6

    10. International organization Proceed to 6

    11. Other (please specify): Proceed to 6

  1. Only if 3d is selected: In which field are you interested in pursuing work? (Select all that apply.)

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  2. Would you ever consider pursuing a career with NOAA in the future?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Unsure

  1. Please indicate your highest level of educational attainment:

    1. I am currently an undergraduate student. Skip to 10

    2. Bachelor’s degree Proceed to 8a

    3. Master’s degree Proceed to 8a

    4. Doctoral degree Proceed to 8a, then skip to 11

    5. Professional degree Proceed to 8a, then skip to 11

8a. In which field(s) did you earn your [piped response from above]? Select all that apply.

(Note: Select multiple fields only if you majored in more than one field, but do not include any minor fields of study. Select only the field(s) that appear(s) on your diploma.)

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    1. Other (please describe):

  1. Are you currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program?

    1. Yes Proceed to 9a

    2. No Skip to 10

9a. Please select the graduate or professional program in which you are currently enrolled:

    1. Master’s degree (e.g., M.A., M.B.A., M.S.)

    2. Doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., D. Sci.)

    3. Law degree (e.g., J.D.)

    4. Medical degree (e.g., M.D.)

    5. Other (please specify):

9b. Please select your graduate or professional field of study from the following list:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Are you interested in attending graduate or professional school?

    1. Yes Proceed to 10a

    2. No Skip to 11

    3. UnsureProceed to 10a

10a. If you were to attend graduate or professional school, please select your desired field of study from the following list:

    1. [List of NOAA-related fields]

    2. Other (please specify):

  1. Excluding any manuscripts that are currently under preparation, how many peer-reviewed publications have you authored or co-authored?

(Note: Please include any manuscripts that are currently submitted/under review.)

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. How many manuscripts do you have currently under preparation?

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. Approximately how many presentations have you given at conferences or professional meetings in your field?

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 3

    5. 4

    6. 5

    7. More than 5

  1. We are interested in learning more about any training opportunities you may have received in your field.

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree Nor Agree


Strongly Agree

I have learned to use technologies that are relevant to my field.

I have gained hands-on research experience in my field.

I have worked with or received the support of a mentor who is active in my field.

  1. What is your age?

[Drop-down list]

  1. What is your gender?

    1. Female

    2. Male

    3. Prefer not to specify

  1. What is your race/ethnicity (select all that apply):

    1. American Indian or Alaska Native

    2. Asian

    3. Black or African American

    4. Hispanic or Latino

    5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

    6. White

    7. Prefer not to specify

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCatharine Warner-Griffin
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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