Participant ID:
Form Approved OMB
No. 0923-0051 Exp.
Date 03/31/2018
Date _____________ Start time _________ End time____________
Participant Name:____________________________________________________
Person’s role (e.g., visitor, responder, etc.):________________________________________
Public reporting burden of
this collection of information is estimated to average 25 minutes
per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information including suggestions for reducing this burden to
CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11
Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0923-0051)
General Survey Module A: Location/Exposure
Hello, my name is ________[Name]_________________. I am with ________[Agency]________________, and we are assisting the Virgin Islands Department of Health.
We are contacting you because in _________[Insert month/year]_____________, it is possible you may have been exposed to a chemical on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
We were provided your contact information by _______[insert source]______________.
The name of the chemical is methyl bromide, which is used in some pesticides.
We are investigating indoor spraying of this chemical at _______[location]___________ on ____________[date]________________. From now, I will refer to that exposure as “the incident”.
We would like to speak with you about any potential exposures or health effects you may have had to better understand how you may have been affected.
Do you have time to talk now, or would there be a better time?
[Proceed depending upon response.]
[Administer full consent form here.]
Public reporting burden of
this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes
per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information including suggestions for reducing this burden to
CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11
Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0923-0051)
I would like to begin by verifying the date and location of the potential exposure.
Were you in ______[specific zone which will be considered exposure zone]________ at any time between [Start Date/Time] and [End Date/Time]?
No Say to the respondent: Thank you for your time. You did not have a potential exposure to the chemical.
Record the end time and do not ask any further questions. This person is not eligible for the survey.
I would like to know how long you were in the area where you might have been exposed between [Start Date] at [Time] and [End Date/Time]. Record the following answers in the table provided. Fill out the table for one location before continuing on to the next location.
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
In Out |
In Out |
In Out |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Light Moderate Severe |
Light Moderate Severe |
Light Moderate Severe |
Did you leave the area because of any specific health concerns?
Ask questions A11 to A14 only to pesticide sprayers. Skip to A8 if not a pesticide sprayer.
Have you used pesticides with methyl bromide in the past?
No Go to question A15.
How long have you been using pesticides with methyl bromide?
_____________________ months
How frequently do you use pesticides with methyl bromide?
Once every few days
Once or twice per month
Once every few months
Less than once every few months
When spraying pesticides with methyl bromide, do you routinely use any personal protective equipment (PPE)? If yes, what kind of PPE do you use?
Ask question A15 only to first responders. Otherwise skip question A15, and go to question A.
When you came into the exposure area when you responded, were you using any personal protective equipment (PPE)? If yes, what kind of PPE did you use?
Were you decontaminated, meaning your clothing was removed or your body was washed?
A6. Is there any additional information that you think we should know about your exposure?
Yes Record the information on the lines provided below
General Survey Module B: Health status
Now I would like to ask you some questions about any symptoms you may have experienced after the incident.
Within 48 hours of having been [in the area where they stated they had been], did you have any symptoms of an illness?
No Go to next module
I’m going to ask you some questions about symptoms that could be related to the methyl bromide that was released. Fill out the table provided below. Repeat B2 for one symptom and check the boxes that apply before asking about the next symptom.
Symptom |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Headache |
Dizziness or lightheadedness |
Loss of consciousness/fainting |
Seizures |
Numbness, pins and needles, or funny feeling in arms or legs |
Confusion |
Fever |
Difficulty breathing/feeling out-of-breath |
Coughing |
Vomiting |
Irritation, pain, or burning of skin |
Fatigue/tiredness |
Teeth itching |
Any other symptoms? If yes, What was it? Record below. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
General Survey Module D: Medical Care
Did you receive medical care or a medical evaluation within 1 month of [specified time of exposure]?
Yes Go to Question D3
Skip D2 if respondent did not have new or worsening symptoms.
Was there any reason you did not seek medical care?
Symptoms were not bad enough
Don’t like to go to the doctor
Didn’t want to take time
Worried about who would pay for the medical visit
Worried about losing job
Other (Please specify): ______________________________________
For those individuals who did not seek medical care, go to the next module.
Were you provided with care by an EMT or paramedic?
No Go to Question D5
On what date were you provided care by an EMT or paramedic?
Were you provided with care at a hospital?
No Go to Question D15
On what date were you first provided care at a hospital? If you had any additional visits to the hospital, please provide me the dates of those visits. Record the date that the respondent first went to the hospital and then the date of any subsequent visits.
1st date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
2nd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
3rd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
What is the name of the hospital(s)?
How did you get to the hospital? If the respondent had more than one hospital visit, tell them that you are referring to their first visit.
Water ambulance
Drove self
Driven by relative, friend, or acquaintance
Other (Please specify):
Were you treated only in the emergency department or were you admitted to the hospital?
Treated in emergency department (Outpatient) Go to Question D15
Admitted (Hospitalized)
How many nights were you hospitalized, including any nights in an intensive care unit (ICU)?
________ Nights
Were you placed in an Intensive Care Unit or ICU?
No Go to Question D15
How many nights were you in the ICU?
________ Nights
Were you on a ventilator?
No Go to Question D15
How many nights were you on a ventilator?
________ Nights
Besides at a hospital or by an EMT or paramedic, were you seen by a doctor or other medical professional in any location?
No Go to Question D17
Read i-iv to the respondent and record information in the table below.
Were you prescribed any new medicines when you were examined after the potential exposure?
No Skip Question D18
What is the name of the medicine or medicines you were prescribed? If respondent does not know the name of the medication, ask: What is the medicine for?
If aged 13-17, read: We will be doing medical chart reviews and will be asking your parent or guardian for permission to review your medical record for the visit related to the incident. Continue to next module.
If aged 18 or older, go to Question D20.
If aged 18 or older, read: To understand the situation more fully, we try to study medical emergency response as thoroughly as possible. Are you willing to let us get a copy of your medical records for the medical treatment you received because of this exposure?
Yes Review the medical records release form with the respondent and collect their signature
General Survey Module F: Medical History
Now I’m going to ask you a few questions about illnesses you may have had and the kinds of medicines you may have used.
Prior to the incident, have you ever been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you have or had any of the following medical conditions? Fill out the table below. Circle appropriate response and ask the respondent to specify as directed.
Medical Condition |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes (Please specify) _____________________ No Unsure |
Do you currently smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes?
Yes Go to instruction box before Question F5
Have you smoked regularly in the past?
No Go to instruction box before Question F7
When did you last quit? Was it…Read all choices to the respondent.
Less than one year ago
1–2 years ago
3–4 years ago
5 or more years ago
If respondent is male, go to next module
Were you pregnant at the time of the potential exposure?
Don’t Know
Were you breastfeeding?
If you were pregnant at the time of the exposure, and have since delivered, did your child have any health problems at birth?
Yes (If yes, please specify details ___________________________)
General Survey Module J: Exposure of Other People Present
Were there any other individuals present with you while you were in or near the affected area?
No Go to next module
In order to accurately evaluate the impact of the incident, we are trying to interview as many people who were in the area as possible. Fill in the following table with the information given for Question J2 a-c.
Can you tell me the names of everyone else who was present with you?
Which are children, and what are their ages?
Can you tell me the phone number and e-mail address of the people who do not live with you?
Name |
Age |
Phone |
General Survey Module K: Pets
Did you have any pets or assistance animals that were in area during the potential exposure?
No Go to next module
How many of your pets or assistance animals were with you?
________ Pets/Assistance animals
We will ask further questions about your pet(s) or assistance animal(s) later in the survey.
Continue to next module
General Survey Module L: Demographic and Contact Information
Now, I have some general questions about you.
Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
What race do you consider yourself to be?
Check all that apply:
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
What is the highest level of education you completed?
Grade 8 or less
Some high school
High school graduate or equivalent
Some university/college
Technical or trade school
Junior or community college
University/college graduate
Graduate school or higher
If necessary, ask. Otherwise, check appropriate box. Are you male or female?
What is your date of birth?
What is your current address?
Street Apt
City State __ __ Zip Code:
What is the best telephone number to reach you? Please specify if this is a cellular phone, house phone, or work phone.
( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ ‑ __ __ __ __
Are there any more telephone numbers where you can be reached?
If yes, collect all other numbers and specify whether cell, house, or work number.
( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ ‑ __ __ __ __
( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ ‑ __ __ __ __
Do you have an email address where you can be reached?
No Go to Question L10
What is your email address?
We wanted to confirm how to spell your name. Can you please verify that for us now? (record on first page—correct if necessary)
General Survey Module N: Conclusion Statements
Is there anything else you want to tell us related to this exposure?
If Exposure of Other People Present Module did not identify children under the age of 13 that were present, go to Question N3. If children under the age of 13 were identified, read: I would now like to ask you some questions regarding any children you have under the age of 13 that were with you when you were potentially exposed.
Refer to Module J to recall child’s name and then go to the Child Survey Section
If the Pets Module did not identify that the respondent had a pet or assistance animal in the affected area during the incident, go to the “Closing Statement.” If pets or assistance animals were identified, read: I would now like to ask you some questions regarding any pets or assistance animals you have that were in the affected area.
Go to the Pet Survey Section
Closing Statement:
That completes this survey. I would like to sincerely thank you for your time. Be sure to record the end time on the first page of this survey.
Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________
Child’s role (e.g., visitor, resident, etc.)___________________________________________
General Survey Module A: Location/Exposure
I would like to begin by verifying the date and location of the potential exposure.
Who was [Child’s name] with in [specific zone which will be considered exposure zone]?
Record name and Participant ID of person with same exposure:
____________________________________________________ Go to Question A3
Someone else who has been interviewed
Record name and Participant ID of person with same exposure:
____________________________________________________ Go to Question A3
Someone who has not been interviewed
Record name of person with same exposure:
I would like to know how long your child was in the area where he/she might have been exposed between [Start Date] at [Time] and [End Date/Time]. Record the following answers in the table provided. Fill out the table for one location before continuing on to the next location.
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
In Out |
In Out |
In Out |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Did your child leave the area because of any specific health concerns?
Was your child decontaminated?
Is there any additional information that you think we should know about your child’s exposure?
Yes Record the information on the lines provided below
General Survey Module B: Health status
Now I would like to ask you some questions about any symptoms your child may have experienced after the incident.
Within 48 hours of having been [in the area where they stated they had been], did your child have any symptoms of an illness?
No Go to next module
I’m going to ask you some questions about symptoms that could be related to the methyl bromide that was released. Fill out the table provided below. Repeat B2 for one symptom and check the boxes that apply before asking about the next symptom.
I’m going to ask you some questions about symptoms that could be related to the methyl bromide that was released. Fill out the table provided below. Repeat B2 for one symptom and check the boxes that apply before asking about the next symptom.
Symptom |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Headache |
Dizziness or lightheadedness |
Loss of consciousness/fainting |
Seizures |
Numbness, pins and needles, or funny feeling in arms or legs |
Confusion |
Fever |
Difficulty breathing/feeling out-of-breath |
Coughing |
Vomiting |
Irritation, pain, or burning of skin |
Fatigue/tiredness |
Teeth itching |
Any other symptoms? If yes, What was it? Record below. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
General Survey Module D: Medical Care
Did your child receive medical care or a medical evaluation within 1 month of [specified time of exposure]?
Yes Go to Question D3
Skip D2 if child did not have new or worsening symptoms.
Why didn’t you seek medical care for [Child’s name]?
Symptoms were not bad enough
Don’t like to go to the doctor
Didn’t want to take time
Worried about who would pay for the medical visit
Worried about losing job
Other (Please specify):________________________________________
For those individuals who did not seek medical care, go to the next module.
Was [Child’s name] provided with care by an EMT or paramedic?
No Go to Question D5
On what date was he/she provided care by an EMT or paramedic?
Was [Child’s name] provided with care at a hospital?
No Go to Question D15
On what date was [Child’s name] first provided care at a hospital? If he/she had any additional visits to the hospital, please provide me the dates of those visits. Record the date that the chiod first went to the hospital and then the date of any subsequent visits.
1st date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
2nd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
3rd date of hospital visit: ____/____/______
What is the name of the hospital(s)?
How did [Child’s name] get to the hospital? If the respondent had more than one hospital visit, tell them that you are referring to their first visit.
Water ambulance
Drove self
Driven by relative, friend, or acquaintance
Other (Please specify):
Was [Child’s name] treated only in the emergency department or was he/she admitted to the hospital?
Treated in emergency department (Outpatient) Go to Question D15
Admitted (Hospitalized)
How many nights was he/she hospitalized, including any nights in an intensive care unit (ICU)?
________ Nights
Was he/she placed in an Intensive Care Unit or ICU?
No Go to Question D15
How many nights was he/she in the ICU?
________ Nights
Was he/she on a ventilator?
No Go to Question D15
How many nights was he/she on a ventilator?
________ Nights
Besides at a hospital or by an EMT or paramedic, was [Child’s name] seen by a doctor or other medical professional in any location?
No Go to Question D17
Read i-iv to the respondent and record information in the table below.
Was [Child’s name] prescribed any new medicines when he/she was examined after the potential exposure?
No Go to Question D19
What is the name of the medicine or medicines he/she was prescribed? If respondent does not know the name of the medication, ask: What is the medicine for?
To improve future responses, we try to study medical emergency response as thoroughly as possible. Are you willing to let us get a copy of your child’s medical records for the medical treatment (he/she) received because of the incident?
Yes Review the medical records release form with the respondent and collect their signature
General Survey Module F: Medical History
Now I’m going to ask you a few questions about illnesses your child may have had and the kinds of medicines he/she may have used.
Prior to the incident, have you ever been told by a doctor or other health care provider that your child has or had any of the following medical conditions? Fill out the table below. Circle appropriate response and ask the respondent to specify as directed.
Medical Condition |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes No Unsure |
Yes (Please specify) _____________________ No Unsure |
General Survey Module L: Demographic and Contact Information
Now, I have some general questions about [Child’s name].
Do you consider [Child’s name] to be Hispanic or Latino?
What race do you consider your child to be?
Check all that apply:
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
If necessary, ask. Otherwise, check appropriate box. Is your child male or female?
What is your child’s date of birth?
Child Survey Module N: Concluding Instructions
If there are more children under age 13, get a new child survey and ask about next child.
If there are no more children under age 13, return to the General Survey Module N: Conclusion Statements and go to Question N3.
Now I am going to ask you about each of your [pets/assistance animals] and their experience with the incident. [From now on, I will refer to assistance animals as pets.]
If more than 1 pet, read: I will ask you about Pet 1 first, then Pet 2, etc. You can decide which pet you want to tell me about first.
Pet # ____
What type of animal is your pet?
Cat Other (Please specify):
What is your pet’s name? ___________________________
What is your pet’s breed or type? ___________________________
If pet is dog or cat, continue with Question 4. If bird or other, go to Question 6.
What is your pet’s hair length? Read all choices to the respondent and check appropriate box.
If pet is cat, go to Question 6.
How much does your dog weigh? Would you say…Read all choices except “Don’t Know” to respondent and check appropriate box.
Less than 20 pounds,
Between 20-50 pounds
More than 50 pounds
Don’t Know
How old is your pet? If older than 12 months, report in years. Check the appropriate box.
_________ Months Years
Where in [affected area] did your pet go? Probe for as much location information as possible.
How long was your pet in [the affected area]
In the 48-hour period following [time period of concern], did your pet get sick? If yes, ask; Did your pet die? circle appropriate response.
a. Get sick? Yes No Don’t Know
b. Die? Yes No Don’t Know
If respondent answered “yes” to any part of 10, read: Please tell me what happened to your pet. Otherwise, go to the ending instructions.
If sick: Was your pet examined by a veterinarian?
No Go to ending instructions
Don’t Know Go to ending instructions
What is the name of the veterinarian who examined the pet, or the name of the veterinarian’s practice?
If respondent is under age 18, go to ending instructions.
Are you willing to let us get a copy of your pet’s veterinary records for the medical treatment your pet received?
Either ask about next pet or, if all pets have been discussed, do the following based on respondent’s answer to Question 13:
If “yes” to 13, review the veterinary records release form with the respondent, collect their signature, and then go to the “Closing Statement” in the General Survey module.
If “no” to 13 or the question was skipped because it did not apply or the respondent was aged 13-17, go to the “Closing Statement” in the General Survey Module.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | RSmartis |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |