Form DHS FORM 10044 DHS FORM 10044 Supplier's Declaration of Compliance

DHS S&T Project 25 (P25) Compliance Assessment Program (CAP)

P25CABSDOC_REQ September2009v2 9-25-2015.rtf


OMB: 1640-0015

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Project 25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin


Project 25

Compliance Assessment Program

Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Requirements



September 2015

Notice of Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

The Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program {P25 CAP) provides equipment purchasers demonstrated evidence of a product's compliance with a select group of requirements within the suite of P25 standards. The test procedures used to validate these requirements are also part of the P25 suite of standards. While successful tests will demonstrate P25 compliance for the specific requirements tested, the conclusions drawn from these tests do not apply to every environment or need that individual users may have. P25-CAP-mandated tests only demonstrate product compliance with the test procedures listed in the Supplier's Declaration of Compliance and, therefore, only attest to a product's compliance with specific requirements within the P25 standard.

Revision History




First draft

May 16, 2008

Draft released for review.

Second draft

August 1, 2008

Second draft released for review.


August 18, 2008

Final release version approved on August 14, 2008, P25 CAP Governing Board meeting.


December 15,


Draft released for review. Supplier's Declaration of Compliance

{SDOC) document ID added into the text of SDOC for document tracking and consistency. Also, updated the Compliance Assessment Bulletin references and variable text recognition.


February 24,


Draft released for review. Interoperability matrices added to SDOC template.


March 13, 2009

Final release version approved on March 13, 2009, P25 CAP Governing Board approval.


May 8, 2009

Removal of P25 logos, inclusion of multi-DTR examples, OMB PRA information, and addition of vocoder identification.


June 23, 2009

Final release version approved on June 23, 2009 during P25 CAP Governing Board meeting.


August 24, 2009

Updated to include method of identifying "Other Devices Tested" that may not support all options.


August 27, 2009

Final release version approved on August 26, 2009 during P25 CAP Governing Board meeting.


September 18,


Updated disclaimer language and added table for more detail on other devices tested.


Notice of Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability ii

Revision History ii

Contents iii

Figures iv

  1. Introduction 1

    1. Scope 1

    2. Effective Date 1

    3. Conventions 2

    4. Normative References 2

    5. Informative References 2

  2. Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Requirements 2

    1. SDOC File Format 2

    2. SDOC Naming Convention 2

    3. Letterhead and Title 3

    4. Company Information 3

    5. Product Information 3

    6. Other Devices Tested 4

    7. Declaration of Compliance 4

    8. Summary Test Report 6

    9. Date, Signature, Page Count 6

    10. Paperwork Reduction Act Information 7

Annex A - Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Example 9


Figure 1 P25 CAP Letterhead and Title 3

Figure 2 Company Information 3

Figure 3 Product Information 3

Figure 4 Other Devices Tested 4

Figure 5 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Supported 5

Figure 6 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Not Support in Complying Product 5

Figure 7 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Not Supported in Other Devices Tested...5 Figure 8 Summary Test Report Identification 6

Figure 9 Issue Date, Signature, and Page Count 6

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  1. Introduction

The Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) is a voluntary program that allows P25 equipment suppliers to formally demonstrate their products' compliance with a select group of requirements within the suite of P25 standards. The purpose of the Program is to provide emergency response agencies with evidence that the communications equipment they are purchasing interoperates, conforms to P25 standards, and meets P25 performance requirements.

The Program requires test laboratories to demonstrate their competence through a rigorous and objective assessment process. Such a process promotes the user community's confidence in, and acceptance of, test results from recognized laboratories. All equipment suppliers that participate in the P25 CAP must use DHS-recognized laboratories to test their products. P25 equipment suppliers will release Summary Test Reports and Suppliers Declarations of Compliance (SDOCs) based on testing from laboratories recognized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This documentation will assure the public that P25 equipment complies with established standards.

Performance, conformance, and interoperability issues are likely to occur in all communications technologies and especially in ones such as P25 where protocols constantly adapt to changing user requirements. Such problems should be resolved within the P25 CAP and, notably, before product launch and deployment. Further, the declaration of compliance-related documents developed by Program participants will provide useful technical information about the equipment.

The P25 CAP will provide the more than 60,000 emergency response agencies nationwide with a consistent and tractable perspective of P25 product compliance. It will also provide a means of verifying that Federal grant dollars are being invested in standardized solutions and equipment that promote interoperability.

    1. Scope

This Compliance Assessment Bulletin (CAB) will identify uniform format requirements for use in preparation of SDOCs. These SDOCs are submitted to the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB) ( Web site for DHS Office for Interoperability and Compatibility review and approval.

    1. Effective Date

This Compliance Assessment Bulletin becomes effective on November 18th, 2009.

    1. Conventions

Throughout this CAB and its annex, underlined and italicized text represents variable content.

    1. Normative References


    1. Informative References

[1] NIST Handbook 153: Laboratory Recognition Process for Project 25 Compliance Assessment,

Current Version

[2] Charter for the Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program, Current Version

[3] TSB-102.CBAB, Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program - Supplier's Declaration of Compliance {SDOC) Template

[4] P25 CABs

  1. Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Requirements

This portion of the CAB describes each major element or section of the SDOC document in a separate subsection.

    1. SDOC File Format

All SDOCs submitted to DHS for review and posting will use Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format

{.pdf). Additionally, SDOCs submitted must be compliant with all posted RKB1 requirements, such as Section 5082 compliance.

    1. SDOC Naming Convention

In order to provide for easy document management and traceability, all SDOCs will use a common naming convention, detailed as follows:

SDOC-<Manufacturer Unique ldentifier>-<Manufacturer Document #>

The Manufacturer Unique Identifier is selected by the manufacturer that is issuing the SDOC; it must be unique so as not to be confused with another manufacturer's SDOCs. Additionally, the Manufacturer Document # is a number that is chosen by the manufacturer issuing the SDOC. This number is unique to other SDOCs issued by that same manufacturer. Here is an example:





    1. Letterhead and Title

The SDOC document begins with the P25 CAP letterhead, title, and SDOC document identification, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 P25 CAP Letterhead and Title

Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program SUPPLIER’S DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE (SDOC) SDOC-LMR-123456

    1. Company Information

Company information for the manufacturer of the land mobile radio (LMR) product appears at the top of the document, just below the P25 CAP letterhead and title. This information includes the company's name; department; address; the customer contact's name, phone number, fax number; the company's Web address; and the e-mail address of the customer contact. Figure 2 demonstrates how to present this information:

Figure 2 Company Information

LMR Equipment Corporation

Quality Assurance Department

1 Sound Way, Radio City, NY 12345-6789 Customer Contact: Testem Daley

Phone: 111-222-3333 Fax: 111-222-3334 [email protected]

    1. Product Information

As illustrated in Figure 3, information for the LMR product tested in the P25 CAP appears at the top of the document, just below the company address and contact information. This information includes the name of the product tested, and a description of the package (when applicable), such as a version or release, for the product and its installed options, and the vocoder type if a vocoder is included in the product. The description of installed options provides a single unique identifier to reflect the tested product's software, hardware, and firmware configuration. The vocoder identification will be one of the following: Baseline, Baseline with System Improvements, Enhanced Full Rate, Enhanced Full Rate with System Improvements, or Not Applicable.

Figure 3 Product Information

Product Name: Wokytoky

Installed Options: Hardware options A001, B017, Z999; Firmware version 2.8a

Installed Vocoder: Baseline with System Improvements

    1. Other Devices Tested

In the event that the tests performed on the product{s) given in Figure 3 are interoperability tests, the other devices that the product under test was tested against will be listed following the product information. A unique identification of the other device{s) tested shall be provided {e.g., serial number and/or Media Access Control {MAC) address). Figure 4 gives an example of how the other devices tested will be displayed. In the title of the matrix, the product under test will be listed.

Figure 4 Other Devices Tested

Other Devices Tested with LMR Equipment Corporation Wokytoky


Product Name, Definition, and Unique ID

Installed Options


Talkover Portable

MAC Address AFE0014

1.5 ACMv1, ERCv3

Speak Systems

SS5100 Portable SN 0011234



CW-5400 Portable SN 9A5400

Hardware: Software:

5400ph35 5400ps398g


AV100 Portable SN AV100000122

Hardware: Software:



    1. Declaration of Compliance

A declaration statement will follow the product information {or optional other devices tested) in the SDOC. In the event that other devices are tested in addition to the product under test, the product name will be used in place of a simple reference to the products listed. This will reduce confusion as to which products the SDOC is referring to. An example of a simple reference is provided in Figure 5, where examples of specific products tested are given in Figure 6 and Figure 7. The supplier will declare that the product passes all of the P25 test cases specified in the associated CAB, either in whole or by section. All exceptions and/or excluded tests will be noted within the declaration. A list of applicable CABs and relevant CAB sections will follow the declaration, followed by the Detailed Test Report {DTR) document

code{s) that supports the test program.3


3 Note that inclusion of the DTR document code{s) provide{s) for document traceability between SDOCs, Summary Test Reports, and DTRs. The format for the DTR document code is DTR-<P25 CAP Laboratory Code>-<P25 CAP Laboratory Document ID>.

Figure 5 provides an example for the complying product.

Figure 5 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Supported

AirTalky hereby declares that Talkover Portable product(s) pass the test cases listed in the following Project 25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin sections in their entirety without exclusions:

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Subscriber Unit Performance, DTR-P25CAP081002-34333

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Subscriber Unit Basic Conformance, DTR-P25CAP081001-55123.

Figure 6 provides an example in which all test cases are not installed for the complying product.

Figure 6 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Not Support in Complying Product

ClearWaiver hereby declares that CW-5400 Portable product(s) pass(es) the test cases listed in the following Project 25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin sections in their entirety with exclusions as noted:

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability, DTR-P25CAP081001-55123, DTR- P25CAP081001-33441. Passed with the exception of test case(s) and, which are test case(s) not supported in the complying product.

Figure 7 provides an example in which all test cases were not installed for Other Devices Tested.

Figure 7 Declaration of CAB Test Cases Passed - All Test Cases Not Supported in Other Devices Tested

ClearWaiver hereby declares that CW-5400 Portable product(s) pass(es) the test cases listed in the following Project 25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin sections in their entirety with exclusions as noted:

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability, DTR-P25CAP081001-55123, DTR- P25CAP081001-33441 when tested with AirVine Stalk Trunked Base Station.

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability, DTR-P25CAP081001-55123, DTR- P25CAP081001-33441. Passed with the exception of test case(s) and, when tested with LMR Equipment Corporation Skynet Trunked Radio System. LMR Equipment Corporation Skynet Trunked Radio System did not support the test case(s).

    1. Summary Test Report

The Summary Test Report from the DHS-recognized laboratory(s) that tested the product identified in the SDOC follows the "declaration of compliance." The code of the DHS-recognized laboratory(s) precedes the Summary Test Report, as seen in Figure 8. The Summary Test Report is identified by a document identification code4 and the date (MMM DD, YYYY) the Report was issued.

Figure 8 Summary Test Report Identification

The summary report of tests performed at Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program Recognized Laboratory(s) P25CAP081001 and P25CAP081002 is identified as follows:

Summary Test Report Identification: STR-LMR-123456 issued on May 29, 2009.

    1. Date, Signature, Page Count

The end of the SDOC document lists the issue date and the supplier's authorized representative signature and printed name. Each page of the SDOC document includes the current page number and the total number of pages (Page # of #). Figure 9 serves as an example of this section:

Figure 9 Issue Date, Signature, and Page Count

June 8, 2009

Issue Date Supplier’s Authorized Representative Signature

Supplier’s Authorized Representative Printed Name

Page 1 of 1


4 The format for the Summary Test Report document code is STR-<Manufacturer unique identifier>-<Manufacturer STR document #>.

2.10 Paperwork Reduction Act Information

After the supplier's authorized representative signature and printed name, the DHS disclaimer and White House Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Paperwork Reduction Act information for this document will be presented as follows:

The information contained herein has been provided by the manufacturer of the product with permission to make the information publically available. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is making this information available as a public service; however, DHS IS PROVIDING THE INFORMATION "AS IS." DHS MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND SPECIFICALLY, DHS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE

ACCURACY OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION. Reference to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement by or a recommendation from DHS.

OMB NO: 1640-0015


Burden Statement

An agency may not conduct or sponsor information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information collection unless it displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1640-0015 and this form will expire on 07/31/2015. The estimated average time to complete this form is 240 minutes per respondent. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Washington, DC 20528.

DHS FORM 10044 - June 2009

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Annex A - Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Example

Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program SUPPLIER’S DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE (SDOC) SDOC-LMR-123456

LMR Equipment Corporation

Quality Assurance Department

1 Sound Way, Radio City, NY 12345-6789 Customer Contact: Testem Daley

Phone: 111-222-3333 Fax: 111-222-3334 [email protected]

Product Name: Skynet Trunked Radio System

Installed Options: LMR Equipment Corp. Version 4.3

Installed Vocoder: Not Applicable

Other Devices Tested with LMR Equipment Corporation Skynet Trunked Radio System


Product Name, Definition, and Unique ID

Installed Options

LMR Equipment Corp.

Wokytoky 25 Portable SN LMRWK25100

Hardware: Software:

Wt25pH0002011b Wt25pS0003045a


Talkover Portable

MAC Address AFE0014

1.5 ACMv1, ERCv3

Speak Systems

SS5100 Portable SN 0011234



CW-5400 Portable SN 9A5400

Hardware: Software:

5400ph35 5400ps398g


AV100 Portable SN AV100000122

Hardware: Software:



Page 1 of 2

LMR Equipment Corporation hereby declares that Skynet Trunked Radio System product(s) pass the test cases listed in the following Project 25 Compliance Assessment Bulletin sections in their entirety without exclusions:

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ February 2009, Section Project 25 Phase 1 Common Air Interface Trunked Base Station/Repeater Interoperability, DTR-P25CAP081002- 34333, DTR-P25CAP081002-22111

The summary report of tests performed at Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program Recognized Laboratory(s) P25CAP081002 is identified as follows:

Summary Test Report Identification: STR-LMR-123456 issued on May 29, 2009.

June 8, 2009

Issue Date Supplier’s Authorized Representative Signature

Supplier’s Authorized Representative Printed Name

The information contained herein has been provided by the manufacturer of the product with permission to make the information publically available. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is making this information available as a public service; however, DHS IS PROVIDING THE INFORMATION "AS IS." DHS MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND SPECIFICALLY, DHS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE

ACCURACY OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION. Reference to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement by or a recommendation from DHS.

OMB NO: 1640-0015


Burden Statement

An agency may not conduct or sponsor information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information collection unless it displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1640-0015 and this form will expire on 04/30/2012. The estimated average time to complete this form is 240 minutes per respondent. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Washington, DC 20528.

DHS FORM 10044 - June 2009

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File Typetext/rtf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - P25-CAB-SDOC_REQ - September 2009 v2.doc
Last Modified ByRossystiehl, Walter
File Modified2015-09-25
File Created2015-09-25

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