OMB No. 0930-####
Expiration Date: ##/##/####
Grantee Name:
Grantee ID Number: |
__________________________________________ |
Client ID Number (same as GPRA ID) |
__________________________________________ |
Date Completed: |
_______ / |
_______ / |
_________ |
Month |
Day |
Year |
Notice to Respondents |
Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0930-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per respondent, per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1057, Rockville, Maryland, 20857. |
Interaction Instructions and Client Interaction Form
Interaction Measurement
Individual clients in a program can have very different types and amounts of contact (i.e., interaction) due to absences, participation in different components, or dropping out; thus it is critical to have interaction information to accurately assess program effects. Interaction is a measure of the type and amount of contact that a client has with the program.
The documentation of client exposure to program services is an important feature of the CSAT Violence To Enhance Lives (VITEL) evaluation. The interaction measurement developed for this evaluation study is designed to meet several criteria. First, the client interaction form must reflect the actual services and activities of the funded programs. Second, the client interaction form must be simple enough to implement across all grantees. Third, the client interaction form should be completed only at six month follow-up.
VITEL Evaluation Interaction General Instructions
Interaction measurement applies only to those services that directly involve VITEL clients. Interaction data will not be collected on services for which the client is not individually involved, such as case management review meetings. Most direct services will involve face-to-face contact between the client and service provider, but there may be some direct services provided over the telephone such as crises intervention or case management counseling. Program services and treatment activities included are only those provided directly by the grantee or through contractual arrangements. Because interaction is a measurement of program exposure to services and treatment activities, interaction data will be collected on VITEL clients only.
There is no expectation that a program would conduct activities in all of the service/treatment activities categories listed in the client interaction form. However, for the purposes of interaction recording, it is important that each program activity be attached to one of these intervention types.
Some program encounters will involve only one intervention type, e.g., a family counseling session. However, clients can receive more than one type of service or treatment activity during a daily encounter. For example, as part of a daily program encounter clients may learn about the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs (Substance Use Disorder Education) during the first hour and then during the second hour participate in a group substance use disorder counseling (Group Substance Use Disorder Treatment Counseling) session and spend a third hour working on exercises to improve parent-child communication (Parenting Skills Education). Two tables provided below contain definitions to assist in completing the client interaction form. Table 1 has definitions of the treatment modalities for completing the first section of the client interaction form and Table 2 has definitions on various service and treatment activities for the completion of the second section of the client interaction form.
Completing the Client Interaction Form
Below are some suggestions that will facilitate your completion of the Client Interaction Form. Please complete one form for each VITEL client in your program.
Complete a Client Interaction Form for each VITEL client at discharge. The definition of discharge should follow your program definition. If your program does not have a definition of discharge, the Client Interaction Form should be completed when the client has had no contact with the program for 30 days.
It is critical that you are familiar with the form and have the client’s chart/records (or other records of client’s services received and activities) available prior completing the form. Give yourself about 15 minutes to complete the form once you have the client’s records.
DATE: Please fill in the date you complete the form.
CLIENT IDENTIFICATION: Enter the client’s program identification number. The client’s ID number should be the same number assigned to the client for her GPRA administration.
PERSON COMPLETING FORM: Fill in your name as the person completing the form.
GRANT NUMBER: Enter your grant identification number starting with TI0.
QUESTION 1[LENGTH OF STAY]: To complete this question you will need to refer to the client’s treatment records to assess how many days the client spent in your treatment program and place an “X” in the box next to the corresponding number of days the client spent in treatment.
QUESTION 2 [TYPE OF TREATMENT]: For this question you will need to indicate the type of treatment the client engaged in while in your program. Please refer to Table 1 for clarification if you are uncertain of the type of treatment. Please check the appropriate box (es) for the type of treatment the client engaged in while in your program.
Table 1: Interaction Treatment Modalities
treatment modality |
Outpatient: This modality is for clients who require treatment that entails group education, activity therapy, etc., lasting more than 4 continuous hours in a supportive environment. |
Intensive Outpatient: This modality consists of intense multimodal treatment for clients who require frequent treatment in order to improve, while still maintaining family, student, or work responsibilities in the community. Intensive outpatient services differ from outpatient by the intensity and number of hours per week. Intensive outpatient services are provided 2 or more hours per day for 3 or more days per week. |
Methadone: This modality includes the provision of methadone maintenance for opioid-addicted clients. |
Residential: This modality is for a residential facility that provides onsite structured therapeutic and supportive services specifically for alcohol and other drugs. |
SERVICE/TREATMENT ACTIVITIES: These series of statements refer to the services and treatment activities a client received or in which they participated. Please refer to Table 2 if you need a definition for the service/treatment activity. Begin with the first service/treatment activity and look across to the column labeled “A Services Received.” Choose the response category (i.e., 1=yes, 0=no, -1=N/A, -8= Don’t know) for this service or treatment activity and record the number in column A. If you record a N/A (-1) for receiving a service in Column A, then it is anticipated that the client will also receive N/A or in Columns B-C. Repeat the same process for Columns B and C. Go through each of the service/treatment activity and repeat the process until you are finished.
Table 2: Interaction Service/Treatment Activities
Service/treatment activities |
Case Management Services: These services involve direct services between the client and the case manager, including individual assessments, service plan development and evaluation, arranging for and monitoring needed services, making and following up on referrals, and other case management services as defined by the program. Routine telephone calls are not included. |
Parenting Skills Education: Activities included in this category include instruction on developmental expectations parents should have given their child’s age, provision of information about positive parenting practices and forms of discipline, lessons on parent-child communication, and other parenting-related information. |
Family Counseling: Activities included in this category include relationship-building activities conducted with the client and family members together, family mediation, family counseling (individual family or multi-family), parenting counseling (individual or group), and self-help/support groups for clients. |
Physical Exam: The category includes any physical examination by a licensed professional such as a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant that includes assessment of height, weight, vital signs, BMI, body systems: respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary, skin, and neurological. |
Educational Services: This category includes activities such as tutoring assistance to improve reading, literacy, and math skills or other educational activities leading to a high school diploma, GED or higher education. |
Employment Placement/Vocational Support: Vocational support activities are also included in this category, such as career counseling, job training, resources provided to clients to assist in finding employment, and job placement. |
Life Skills Training: Activities in this category focus on training on specific personal or interpersonal skills that have been identified as important to successful individual and social development. This category includes skills development training that targets competencies, such as communication, decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution, refusal skills, as well as more general life skills (e.g., budgeting, cooking). Also included in this category are program sessions that specifically address self-esteem, self-concept, and self-confidence building. |
Positive Recreation and Enrichment: This category includes a broad range of program activities that share a primary concern about leisure time activities that take place in a drug-free environment, are appealing to client, and may contribute to enrichment or skills development by providing an opportunity to engage in stimulating and rewarding activities. Activities in this category may be loosely structured, e.g., self-care time and group meals, or more structured activities such as crafts courses or art classes. |
Substance Use Disorder Education: This category includes education, training, or discussion sessions that focus directly or indirectly on information concerning ATOD awareness, knowledge, or use. The category also includes training or education on risk situations specifically related to ATOD use, such as HIV/AIDS, and antiviolence awareness. |
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)/Trauma-Informed Services: Activities in this category focus on screening, which is a brief process that determines current, past, or risk for trauma to include IPV; assessments which occur after screening and consists of gathering key information to collaboratively conceptualize the problem and develop a treatment plan including safety assessment of health impact, and risk of suicide/homicide; and trauma-specific interventions that directly address trauma and its impact, and that facilitate trauma recovery (e.g., Addiction and Trauma Recovery Integration Model [ATRIUM], Seeking Safety, Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model [TREM; & M-TREM]). |
Rapid HIV Testing and Counseling: Included in this category are the private pre- and post-test counseling sessions associated with each rapid HIV testing session. |
HIV Prevention Education: Activities in this category focus on training on specific personal or interpersonal skills that have been identified as important to prevent or reduce the risk for HIV infection. This category includes skills for condom negotiation, practicing safer sex, and awareness of barrier methods and microbicides. |
HIV/AIDS Medical Treatment and Care: This category includes HIV treatments such as antiretrovirals (ARVs), Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), as well as care components inclusive of CD4 monitoring, viral load suppression, and medication adherence, |
Childcare: This category includes care provided to children for a duration of time so clients can participate in individual and group activities or receive services. |
Relapse Prevention: This category includes the activities and processes for identifying each client’s current stage of recovery and establishing a recovery plan to identify and manage the relapse warning signs. |
Social Support Groups: Included in this category are the sessions clients engage in to help or improve oneself with assistance from others; and/or an assemblage of persons who have similar experiences and assist in encouraging and keeping individuals from failing. |
Spiritual Activity: Included in this category is spiritual/religion-based support for the clients’ recovery process (meditational activities, attendance at services, watching video tapes, listening to tapes, etc.) |
2 0
(Client ID assigned to the client must match on DCI / “GPRA” and RHHT forms)
PERSON COMPLETING |_______________| GRANT# TI0|__|__|__|__|__|
At the time a client is discharged from treatment, this is to be completed by project staff based on review of each client’s treatment records.
1. Length of stay DF_LENGTH_STAY
Less than 30 days 1 30 days 2 31 – 45 days 3 46 – 60 days 4 61 – 90 days 5 91 – 120 days 6 121 – 180 days 7 181 – 270 days 8 More than 270 days 9
2. Treatment modality (check all that apply) DF_TREATMENT_MODALITY
Outpatient 1 Intensive Outpatient 2 Methadone 3 Residential 4
Column ‘A’ Responses Services Received 1 = Yes 0 = No -1 = N/A -8 = Don’t know |
Column ‘B’ Responses Number of Sessions 0 = No sessions 1 = Once 2 = Monthly 3 = 2-3 x/month 4 = Weekly 5 = 2-4 x/week 6 = 5-6 x/week 7 = Daily -1 = N/A |
Column ‘C’ ResponsE Where and by Whom 1 = On-site by project staff 2 = On-site by another agency 3 = Off-site by project staff 4 = Off-site by another agency 5 = On-site by parent organization staff 6 = Off-site by parent organization staff -1 = N/A |
In the following section, choose the response category that most closely describes the services received by this client. Record the corresponding value in the box for each column: A – Services Received, B – Number of Sessions, and
C – Where and by Whom. Please note for Column C you can enter more than one number as appropriate for where services were received.
If a client is given a N/A for receiving a service in Column A, then it is anticipated that the client will also receive N/A or NONE in Columns B-C.
A Services Received |
B Sessions
C Where and by Whom |
|___| DF_STA01_A |
|___| DF_STA01_B |
|___| DF_STA01_C |
|___| DF_STA02_A |
|___| DF_STA02_B |
|___| DF_STA02_C |
|___| DF_STA03_A |
|___| DF_STA03_B |
|___| DF_STA03_C |
|___| DF_STA04_A |
|___| DF_STA04_B |
|___| DF_STA04_C |
|___| DF_STA05_A |
|___| DF_STA05_B |
|___| DF_STA05_C |
a. Safe sex practices |
DF_STA05a_ |
DF_STA05a_ |
DF_STA05a_ |
b. Condom negotiation skills |
DF_STA05b_ |
DF_STA05b_ |
DF_STA05b_ |
c. Barrier protection methods |
DF_STA05c_ |
DF_STA05c_ |
DF_STA05c_ |
d. Peer Education |
DF_STA05d_ |
DF_STA05d_ |
DF_STA05d_ |
e. HIV risk in pregnancy & childbirth |
DF_STA05e_ |
DF_STA05e_ |
DF_STA05e_ |
|___| DF_STA06_A |
|___| DF_STA06_B |
|___| DF_STA06_C |
|___| DF_STA07_A |
|___| DF_STA07_B |
|___| DF_STA07_C |
|___| DF_STA08_A |
|___| DF_STA08_B |
|___| DF_STA08_C |
|___| DF_STA09_A |
|___| DF_STA09_B |
|___| DF_STA09_C |
|___| DF_STA10_A |
|___| DF_STA10_B |
|___| DF_STA10_C |
|___| DF_STA11_A |
|___| DF_STA11_B |
|___| DF_STA11_C |
|___| DF_STA12_A |
|___| DF_STA12_B |
|___| DF_STA12_C |
|___| DF_STA12_A |
|___| DF_STA12_B |
|___| DF_STA12_C |
A Services Received |
B Sessions
C Where and by Whom |
|___| DF_STA14_A |
|___| DF_STA14_B |
|___| DF_STA14_C |
|___| DF_STA15_A |
|___| DF_STA15_B |
|___| DF_STA15_C |
|___| DF_STA16_A |
|___| DF_STA16_B |
|___| DF_STA16_C |
|___| DF_STA17_A |
|___| DF_STA17_B |
|___| DF_STA17_C |
|___| DF_IPV18_A |
|___| DF_IPV18_B |
|___| DF_IPV18_C |
|___| DF_IPV19__A |
|___| DF_IPV19_B |
|___| DF_IPV19_C |
|___| DF_IPV20_A |
|___| DF_IPV20_B |
|___| DF_IPV20_C |
|___| DF_TIA21_A |
|___| DF_TIA21_B |
|___| DF_TIA21_C |
|___| DF_STA22_A |
|___| DF_STA22_B |
|___| DF_STA22_C |
|___| DF_STA23_A |
|___| DF_STA23_B |
|___| DF_STA23_C |
|___| DF_STA24_A |
|___| DF_STA24_B |
|___| DF_STA24_C |
|___| DF_STA25_A |
|___| DF_STA25_B |
|___| DF_STA25_C |
|___| DF_STA26_A |
|___| DF_STA26_B |
|___| DF_STA26_C |
|___| DF_STA27_A |
|___| DF_STA27_B |
|___| DF_STA27_C |
|___| DF_STA28_A |
|___| DF_STA28_B |
|___| DF_STA28_C |
|___| DF_STA29_A |
|___| DF_STA29_B |
|___| DF_STA29_C |
|___| DF_STA30_A |
|___| DF_STA30_B |
|___| DF_STA30_C |
|___| DF_STA31_A |
|___| DF_STA31_B |
|___| DF_STA31_C |
|___| DF_STA32_A |
|___| DF_STA32_B |
|___| DF_STA32_C |
A Services Received |
B Sessions
C Where and by Whom |
|___| DF_STA33_A |
|___| DF_STA33_B |
|___| DF_STA33_C |
|___| DF_STA34_A |
|___| DF_STA34_B |
|___| DF_STA34_C |
|___| DF_STA35_A |
|___| DF_STA35_B |
|___| DF_STA35_C |
|___| DF_STA36_A |
|___| DF_STA36_B |
|___| DF_STA36_C |
|___| DF_STA37_A |
|___| DF_STA37_B |
|___| DF_STA37_C |
|___| DF_STA38_A |
|___| DF_STA38_B |
|___| DF_STA38_C |
|___| DF_STA39_A |
|___| DF_STA39_B |
|___| DF_STA39_C |
Column ‘A’ Responses Services Received 1 = Yes 0 = No -1 = N/A -8 = Don’t know |
Column ‘B’ Responses Number of Sessions 0 = No sessions 1 = Once 2 = Monthly 3 = 2-3 x/month 4 = Weekly 5 = 2-4 x/week 6 = 5-6 x/week 7 = Daily -1 = N/A |
Column ‘C’ ResponsE Where and by Whom 1 = On-site by project staff 2 = On-site by another agency 3 = Off-site by project staff 4 = Off-site by another agency 5 = On-site by parent organization staff 6 = Off-site by parent organization staff -1 = N/A |
Column ‘D’ ResponsE role of referring party 1 = Primary Care Provider 2 = Nurse 3 = Case Manager 4 = Social Worker 5 = Counselor 6 = Other -8 = Don’t know
In the following section, choose the response category that most closely describes the services received by this client. Record the corresponding value in the box for each column: A – Services Received, B – Number of Sessions, and C – Where and by Whom. Please note for Column C you can enter more than one number as appropriate for where services were received. D – Role of Referring Party.
If a client is given a N/A for receiving a service in Column A, then it is anticipated that the client will also receive N/A in Columns B-D.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) REFERRAL ACTIVITY |
A Services Received |
B Sessions
C Where and by Whom |
D Role of Referring |
|___| DF_RA40_A |
|___| DF_RA40_B |
|___| DF_RA40_C |
|___| DF_RA40_D |
|___| DF_RA41_A |
|___| DF_RA41_B |
|___| DF_RA41_C |
|___| DF_RA41_D |
|___| DF_RA42_A |
|___| DF_RA42_B |
|___| DF_RA42_C |
|___| DF_RA42_D |
|___| DF_RA43_A |
|___| DF_RA43_B |
|___| DF_RA43_C |
|___| DF_RA43_D |
|___| DF_RA44_A |
|___| DF_RA44_B |
|___| DF_RA44_C |
|___| DF_RA44_D |
|___| DF_RA45_A |
|___| DF_RA45_B |
|___| DF_RA45_C |
|___| DF_RA45_D |
|___| DF_RA46_A |
|___| DF_RA46_B |
|___| DF_RA46_C |
|___| DF_RA46_D |
|___| DF_RA47_A |
|___| DF_RA47_B |
|___| DF_RA47_C |
|___| DF_RA47_D |
|___| DF_RA48_A |
|___| DF_RA48_B |
|___| DF_RA48_C |
|___| DF_RA48_D |
|___| DF_RA49_C |
|___| DF_RA49_C |
|___| DF_RA49_C |
|___| DF_RA49_D |
|___| DF_RA50_C |
|___| DF_RA50_C |
|___| DF_RA50_C |
|___| DF_RA50_D |
Number of referrals made in last 30 days _________
If the client was referred to IPV services, did the client confirm the referral?
Yes No
If the client was referred to IPV services, did the client complete the referral?
Yes No
Please check which method(s) and the processes used to refer clients.
Verbal (tell them where to go)
Issue standard referral form
Blank paper to write referral
Telephone referral
Escort client
Other: ___________________
How many referral follow-ups were conducted for each category listed below?
Verbal ______
Issue standard referral form ______
Blank paper to write referral Information _____
Telephone referral ______
Escort client ______
Other: ______
Regardless of referral method(s), what type of support was provided to ensure the client confirmed their referral?
Incentives (e.g., transit subsidy)
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Language Interpreter
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
List of needed referral documentation
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Information about organization referred to
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Regardless of referral method(s), what type of support was provided to ensure the client completed the referral?
Transportation/Transportation Subsidy
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Language Interpreter
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
List of needed referral documentation
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Information about organization referred to
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
How often: ______
How notified: Verbal Written Text Telephonic Email
Was the client ever referred back to your organization or facility for follow-up after referral services were received?
Yes No
If so, how many times? How often: ______
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | rmatthew |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |