ITA-XXXXP Annual Survey

Surveys for User Satisfaction, Impact and Needs

0625-XXXX GM Annual Customer Survey_FINAL 122914

Surveys for User Satisfaction, Impact and Needs

OMB: 0625-0275

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Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

U.S. Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration

Annual Customer Survey

U.S. Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration (DOC / ITA) employees located domestically across the country and internationally in U.S. Embassies/Consulates around the globe provide information and assistance to help U.S. organizations increase their exports and international outreach.

You have received this survey invitation because our records indicate that you received assistance from DOC / ITA in the past 12 months with your primary agency contact being [Insert Name Here] working with you from our [Insert Location Here] office. We need your feedback on the assistance you received from the DOC / ITA over the past twelve months in order to improve how we serve U.S. organizations such as yours.

We will keep your organization’s identity private and your individual survey responses will not be shared outside of the DOC / ITA office conducting this survey without your consent. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


1) What kind of assistance has your organization received from the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration over the past 12 months? Please check all that apply:

  • Completing export/shipping documentation

  • Complying with foreign (and domestic) regulations, standards, certifications, and licenses

  • Gathering market or competitive intelligence

  • Developing a strategy to begin exporting, enter new markets, and/or expand export sales

  • Modifying your organization’s products/services for foreign markets

  • Obtaining marketing/media exposure overseas

  • Identifying and /or arranging appointments with foreign partners, distributors and buyers

  • Overcoming a market access barrier/unfair trade practice/intellectual property issue

  • Competing for a foreign government procurement

  • Obtaining export financing and insurance from DOC/ITA partners; such as working capital loans, etc

  • Obtaining export funding and grant opportunities for sales trips/trade missions from DOC/ITA partner

  • Other - Please Specify:________________________________________

2) How did your organization receive assistance from the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration (DOC / ITA) over the past 12 months? Please check all that apply:

  • Obtained information from

  • Received assistance from DOC / ITA staff located in the United States

  • Received assistance from DOC / ITA staff located internationally

  • Purchased a DOC / ITA service or report

  • Attended a DOC / ITA webinar or local event/seminar

  • Participated in a DOC / ITA trade mission

  • Participated in a DOC / ITA program at a trade show

  • Other - Please Specify:________________________________________

3) What are some other Enforcement and Compliance Services you might be interested in?

  • Petition Counseling

  • Foreign Government Trade Barriers

  • Foreign Trade Remedy Cases

  • Foreign Trade Zones

  • U.S. Steel Licensing Program


4) Based on ITA’s assistance provided to you, please rate your level of satisfaction with our subject matter knowledge using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = VERY DISSATISFIED and 10 = VERY SATISFIED:

5) Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 = VERY DISSATISFIED and 10 = VERY SATISFIED, please rate the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration as a whole in terms of our:











Very Dissatisfied

Very Satisfied

Timeliness of assistance

Being easy to work with

Ability to meet your objectives

Consistency of service delivery

Industry knowledge

Country knowledge

Quality of information/assistance



Subject matter expertise

6) Using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means DEFINITELY WOULD NOT and 10 means DEFINITELY WOULD, how likely are you to recommend the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration to organizations that are not your direct competitors?


7) Based on ITA’s assistance, please identify the degree to which our data meets the needs of your specific industry or organization.   1 –Completely unmet to 10 – Completely met

8) Based on ITA’s assistance to you, please evaluate the comprehensiveness of our suite of products (e.g. market research, data, etc.) and identify any gaps.  

Open text box

9) Does the information we provided compliment or duplicate information already generated by your industry? 

Yes (Please explain below); No

10) Did the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration contribute to your organization achieving any of the following results during the past 12 months? (please check all that apply)

  • Increased revenue/sales

  • Retained revenue/sales

  • Exported for the first-time

  • Exported to a new foreign market

  • Overcame a market access barrier, unfair trade practice or intellectual property issue

  • Won a foreign government procurement

  • Signed a master franchisee

  • Enrolled non-U.S. students at an educational institution

  • Secured foreign publicity/media exposure

  • Results not yet achieved or pending

  • Other – Please Specify: ________________________________

11) [Ask only if a box for Q5 is selected] Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means “Not At All” and 10 means “Very Significant,” how significant was the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration in achieving those results for your organization during the past 12 months?

12) [Ask only if a box for Q5 is selected] What foreign country (or countries) did you achieve results with Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration assistance? (Select multiple countries by holding the "Ctrl" button down on your keyboard):

  • List of countries (see attachment)

  • Other – Please Specify: _______________________________________

13) [Ask only if a box for Q5 is selected] Please provide the approximate increase in revenue and jobs created for your organization with Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration during the past 12 months:

  • Revenue Created

    • Dollar Value: ______________ Percent Increase: _____________

  • Jobs Created

    • Number: _____________ Percent Increase: _____________

(Note: If your organization is an education institution, please provide the dollar value based on one year of tuition and room/board multiplied by the number of foreign students enrolled. If your organization is in the travel and tourism industry, please provide the dollar value based on the equivalent cost of the advertising/publicity you secured with DOC / ITA assistance)

14) [Ask only if a box for Q5 is selected] Please provide the approximate dollar value of revenue and jobs retained with Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration assistance during the past 12 months:

  • Revenue/Sales Retained: $______________

  • Jobs Retained: _____________

15) What results do you anticipate achieving within the next three years with the Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration assistance provided during the past 12 months?:








Increased revenues by

Increased U.S. jobs by


16) What information or assistance do you anticipate needing over the next 12-24 months to increase your exports/international outreach? Please check all that apply:

  • Completing export/shipping documentation

  • Complying with foreign (and domestic) regulations, standards, certifications, and licenses

  • Gathering market or competitive intelligence

  • Developing a strategy to begin exporting, enter new markets, and/or expand export sales

  • Modifying your organization’s products/services for foreign markets

  • Obtaining marketing/media exposure overseas

  • Identifying and /or arranging appointments with foreign partners, distributors and buyers

  • Overcoming a market access barrier/unfair trade practice/intellectual property issue

  • Competing for a foreign government procurement

  • Obtaining export financing and insurance; such as working capital loans, foreign buyers, etc.

  • Obtaining export funding and grant opportunities for sales trips overseas, foreign trade missions, etc.

  • Other - Please Specify:________________________________________

17) What foreign country (or countries) are you interested in entering or expanding your exports and international outreach into over the next 12-24 months? (Select multiple countries by holding the "Ctrl" button down on your keyboard):

  • List of countries (see attachment)

  • Other – Please Specify: _______________________________________


18) What did you like best about your experience working with us? How could we better serve you in the future? Other feedback you’d like to share?


19) Please check the boxes below if you would be willing to:

  • Share your survey responses and identity with your DOC / ITA service providers

  • Share your survey responses and identity with DOC / ITA stakeholders

  • Share your survey responses and identity with other DOC / ITA partners (SBA, Export Import Bank, etc.)

  • Participate in discussion groups or in a personal interview

Thank you very much for the time you took from your busy schedule to provide us with your feedback. Unless authorized by you, we will keep your individual / organization’s identity private and will only use the information provided to report on our organization’s overall performance and to improve our assistance to U.S. organizations such as yours.

This information collection contains requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The estimated response time for this collection is 10 mins. The response time includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the length of this questionnaire, to the International Trade Administration, Attn: Reports Clearance Officer, via email at [email protected] or telephone (202) 482-4011.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJoe Carter
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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