1625-0038 Stat/A


Plan Approval & Records for Tank, Passenger, Cargo & Miscellaneous Vessels, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Nautical Schools, Oceanographic VSLS & Electrical Engineering

1625-0038 Stat/A

OMB: 1625-0038

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Subpart D—Certificates Under International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974

Subpart A—General

Purpose and definition.
Safety Equipment Certificate.
Safety Construction Certificate.
Exemption certificate.
Safety Management Certificate.

107.01 Purpose of subchapter.
107.01–3 Right of appeal.
107.05 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
107.111 Definitions.
107.113 Industrial personnel.
107.115 Incorporation by reference.
107.117 Coast Guard addresses.

AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
3307; 46 U.S.C. 3316; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1; § 107.05 also
issued under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507.

Subpart B—Inspection and Certification

Subpart A—General

107.201 Purpose.
107.205 Alternate compliance.
107.211 Original Certificate of Inspection.
107.215 Renewal of Certificate of Inspection.
107.219 Permit to proceed to another port
for repairs.
107.223 Temporary Certificate of Inspection:
Period in effect.
107.227 Certificate of Inspection Amendment.
107.231 Inspection for certification.
107.235 Servicing of hand portable fire extinguishers,
extinguishers and fixed fire-extinguishing systems.
107.251 Testing of the fire main.
107.257 Testing of fire hose.
107.258 Crane certification.
107.259 Crane inspection and testing.
107.260 Rated load test for cranes.
107.261 Drydock or special examination.
107.265 Special examination in lieu of
drydocking for column stabilized units or
surface type units when specifically approved by the Commandant.
107.267 Special examination in lieu of
drydocking for self-elevating units.
107.269 Annual inspection.
107.270 Periodic inspection.
107.271 Inspection: Alterations.
107.275 Other inspections.
107.279 Certificate of Inspection: Failure to
meet requirements.
107.283 Certificate of Inspection: Conditions
of validity.

§ 107.01 Purpose of subchapter.
This subchapter prescribes rules for
the design, construction, equipment,
inspection and operation of mobile offshore drilling units operating under
the U.S. flag.

Subpart C—Plan Approval
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107.301 Purpose.
107.305 Plans and information.
107.309 Crane plans and information.
107.317 Addresses for submittal of plans,
specifications, and calculations.

SOURCE: CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4,
1978, unless otherwise noted.

§ 107.01–3 Right of appeal.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast
Guard, may appeal therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
[CGD 88–033, 54 FR 50380, Dec. 6, 1989]

§ 107.05 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
(a) Purpose. This section collects and
displays the control numbers assigned
to information collection and recordkeeping requirements in this subchapter by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast Guard intends that this section comply with the
requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507(f) which
requires that agencies display a current control number assigned by the
Director of the OMB for each approved
agency information collection requirement.
(b) Display.
46 CFR part or section where identified or

Current OMB
control No.

§ 107.305 .....................................................


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§ 107.111

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

46 CFR part or section where identified or
§ 107.309 .....................................................
§ 109.227 .....................................................

Current OMB
control No.

[49 FR 38121, Sept. 27, 1984, as amended by
CGD 89–037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11, 1992; USCG–
2004–18884, 69 FR 58348, Sept. 30, 2004]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 107.111


As used in this subchapter:
Accommodation means a cabin or
other covered or enclosed place intended to carry persons.
Anniversary date means the day and
the month of each year, which corresponds to the date of expiration of
the Certificate of Inspection.
Approval series means the first six
digits of a number assigned by the
Coast Guard to approved equipment.
Where approval is based on a subpart of
subchapter Q of this chapter, the approval series corresponds to the number of the subpart. A listing of approved equipment, including all of the
approval series, is published periodically by the Coast Guard in Equipment
Lists (COMDTINST M16714.3 series),
available from the Superintendent of
Approved means approved by the
Column stabilized unit means a unit
with the main deck connected to the
underwater hull of footings by columns
or caissons.
Commandant means the Commandant
of the Coast Guard or his authorized
District Commander means an officer
of the Coast Guard who commands a
Coast Guard District described in 33
CFR Part 3 or his authorized representative.
Drillship means a surface type unit
with a single shipshape displacement
Embarkation ladder means the ladder
provided at survival craft embarkation
stations to permit safe access to survival craft after launching.
Embarkation station means the place
where a survival craft is boarded.
Float-free launching means the method of launching a survival craft or lifesaving appliance whereby the craft or
appliance is automatically released

from a sinking unit and is ready for
Free-fall launching means the method
of launching a survival craft whereby
the craft, with its full complement of
persons and equipment on board, is released and allowed to fall into the sea
without any restraining apparatus.
Headquarters means Office of the
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C. 20593–0001.
Immersion suit means protective suit
that reduces loss of body heat of a person wearing it in cold water.
Industrial systems and components
means any machinery or equipment except diving systems on board a mobile
offshore drilling unit for use in the industrial function of the unit.
Inflatable appliance means an appliance that depends upon nonrigid, gasfilled chambers for buoyancy and that
is normally kept uninflated until ready
for use.
Inflated appliance means an appliance
that depends upon nonrigid, gas-filled
chambers for buoyancy and that is
kept inflated and ready for use at all
International service means operation
of a mobile offshore drilling unit on an
international voyage or in waters
under the jurisdiction of foreign nations or the United Nations.
Launching appliance or launching arrangement means the method or devices
for transferring a survival craft or rescue boat from its stowed position to
the water. For a launching arrangement using a davit, the term includes
the davit, winch, and falls.
Lifejacket means a flotation device
approved as a life preserver or lifejacket.
Marine evacuation system means an
appliance designed to rapidly transfer
large numbers of persons from an embarkation station by means of a passage to a floating platform for subsequent embarkation into associated survival craft, or directly into associated
survival craft.
Marine inspector means any person
designated by an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, as a marine inspector.
Master or Person in charge means a
person designated under § 109.107.
Mobile offshore drilling unit or unit
means a vessel, except a public vessel


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.113

of the United States, capable of engaging in drilling operations for the exploration or exploitation of subsea resources that is—
(1) Seagoing and 300 or more gross
tons and self-propelled by motor;
(2) Seagoing and 100 or more gross
tons and non-self-propelled; or
(3) More than 65 feet in length and
propelled by steam.
Muster station means the place where
the crew and industrial personnel assemble before boarding a survival
Non-self-propelled unit means a unit
which is not self-propelled.
Novel lifesaving appliance or arrangement means one that has new features
not fully covered by the provisions of
this subchapter but providing an equal
or higher standard of safety.
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
means an officer of the Coast Guard
who commands a Marine Inspection
Zone described in 33 CFR Part 3 or his
authorized representative.
Pilot boarding equipment means a pilot
ladder, accommodation ladder, pilot
hoist, or combination of them as required by this subchapter.
Point of access means the place on
deck of a vessel where a person steps
onto or off of pilot boarding equipment.
Rescue boat means a boat designed to
rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft.
Retrieval means the safe recovery of
Seagoing condition means the operating condition of the unit with the
personnel, equipment, fluids, and ballast necessary for safe operation on the
waters where the unit operates. For
bottom-bearing mobile offshore drilling units (MODU), the term also applies in the bottom-bearing mode, but
the lightest seagoing condition is considered to be the highest anticipated
operating condition.
Self-elevating unit means a unit with
moveable legs capable of raising its
hull above the surface of the sea.
Self-propelled unit means a unit that
has propulsion machinery that provides for independent underway navigation.
Surface type unit means a unit with a
ship shape or barge type displacement
hull of single or multiple hull con-

struction intended for operation in the
floating condition.
Survival craft means a craft capable
of sustaining the lives of persons in distress after abandoning the unit on
which they were carried. The term includes lifeboats and liferafts, but does
not include rescue boats.
Watertight means designed and constructed to withstand a static head of
water without any leakage, except that
watertight equipment means enclosed
equipment so constructed that a
stream of water from a hose (not less
than 1 inch in diameter) under head of
about 35 feet from a distance of about
10 feet, and for a period of 5 minutes,
can be played on the apparatus without
Weathertight means that water will
not penetrate into the unit in any sea
condition, except that weathertight
equipment means equipment so constructed or protected that exposure to
a beating rain will not result in the entrance of water.
Widely-separated locations as the term
applies to the location of lifeboats on
self-elevating units, means locations
on different sides or ends of the unit
separated by sufficient distance or
structure to protect the lifeboats in
one location from a fire or explosion
occurring at or near the lifeboats in
another location on the unit. Locations
across from each other at the apex of a
unit with a triangular deck are not
widely-separated locations unless there
is a substantial solid structure between
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 79–032, 49 FR 25455, June 21,
1984; CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988;
CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25289, May 20, 1996; 63 FR
52814, Oct. 1, 1998; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6503,
Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 107.113

Industrial personnel.

Industrial personnel are all persons,
exclusive of the required crew as set
forth in the Certificate of Inspection,
carried on board a mobile offshore
drilling unit for the sole purpose of carrying out the industrial business or
functions of the unit.


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§ 107.115
§ 107.115

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
Incorporation by reference.

(a) The standards referred to in this
subchapter are incorporated by reference. The incorporation by reference
was approved by the Director of the
Federal Register under the provisions
of 1 CFR Part 51 on November 7, 1978.
(b) The standards are on file in the
FEDERAL REGISTER library and are
available from the appropriate organizations whose addresses are listed
(1) American Bureau of Shipping,
ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive,
Houston, TX 77060.
(2) American National Standards Institute Standards (ANSIS), American
(ASME) International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990.
(3) American Petroleum Institute,
1220 L Street NW., Washington, D.C.
(4) International Cargo Gear Bureau,
Inc., 321 West 44th Street, New York,
New York 10036, on the Internet at
(5) National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
MA 02269-9101.
(6) Underwriters Laboratories, 12
Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27709–3995.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978]
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 107.115, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at www.fdsys.gov.

§ 107.117

Coast Guard addresses.

When approval of the Commandant is
required under this subchapter, the following addresses are to be used:
(a) For approval by Commandant

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Commandant (G-MOC), U.S. Coast Guard,
2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7581, Washington, DC

(b) For approval by Commandant

Commandant (CG–521), U.S. Coast Guard,
2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 82–063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3,
1983; CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988;
CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD
96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–2009–
0702, 74 FR 49232, Sept. 25, 2009]

Subpart B—Inspection and
§ 107.201 Purpose.
This subpart prescribes rules for
(a) Original inspection and issuance
of an original Certificate of Inspection
required by 46 U.S.C. 3301, 3307 and 3309;
(b) Inspection for certification and
renewal of a Certificate of Inspection
required by 46 U.S.C. 3301, 3307, 3309;
(c) Annual and periodic inspections
required by 46 U.S.C. 3308;
(d) Inspection after an accident required by 46 U.S.C. 3308; and
(e) Inspection of repairs or alterations, or both, required by 46 U.S.C.
3308 and 3313;
(f) Amendments to Certificates of Inspection;
(g) Issuance of Temporary Certificate
of Inspection; and
(h) Issuance of Permit to Proceed to
Another Port for Repairs.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 83–067, 49 FR 39161, Oct. 4,
1984; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6503, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 107.205 Alternate compliance.
(a) In place of compliance with other
applicable provisions of this subchapter, the owner or operator of a vessel subject to plan review and inspection under this subchapter for initial
issuance or renewal of a Certificate of
Inspection may comply with the Alternate Compliance Program provisions of
part 8 of this chapter.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a
list of authorized classification societies, including information for ordering copies of approved classification society rules and supplements, is available from Commandant (CG–521), 2100
2nd St. SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC
20593–7126; telephone (202) 372–1372; or
fax (202) 372–1925. Approved classification society rules and supplements are


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.219

incorporated by reference into 46 CFR

§ 107.215 Renewal of Certificate of Inspection.

[CGD 95–010, 62 FR 67536, Dec. 24, 1997, as
amended by USCG–1999–5004, 64 FR 30439,
June 8, 1999; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58348,
Sept. 30, 2004; USCG–2006–25697, 71 FR 55746,
Sept. 25, 2006; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233,
Sept. 25, 2009]

(a) The master, owner, or agent of a
certificated unit may apply for an inspection for the renewal of a Certificate of Inspection by submitting a
completed Application for Inspection
of U.S. Vessel, Form CG–3752, to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in
or nearest to the port where the inspection will be made.
(b) The master, owner, or agent of a
certificated unit operating in international service may apply for renewal
of a Certificate of Inspection by submitting a completed Application for
Inspection of U.S. Vessel Form CG–
3752, to the appropriate Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, at least 30
days before the expiration date that
appears on the unit’s unexpired Certificate of Inspection.
(c) A Certificate of Inspection is renewed if the Coast Guard finds, during
the inspection for certification, that—
(1) A unit contracted for on or after
January 3, 1979 meets the requirements
of this Subchapter; or
(2) A unit contracted for before January 3 1979, and issued a Certificate of
Inspection under Subchapter I of this
chapter, continues to meet the requirements of that subchapter and meets
the applicable requirements of this
subchapter as specified in Navigation
and Vessel Inspection Circular, ‘‘Inspection and Certification of Existing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units’’ (Appendix
(d) A Certificate of Inspection is
valid for 5 years.

§ 107.211 Original Certificate of Inspection.
(a) The owner or builder of a unit applies for an inspection for an original
Certificate of Inspection by submitting
before construction is started:
(1) A completed Application for Inspection of U.S. Vessel, Form CG–3752,
to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, of the marine inspection zone
in which the unit is to be constructed;
(2) Plans and information indicating
the proposed arrangement and construction of the unit to the Coast
Guard in accordance with Subpart C of
this part.
(b) An original Certificate of Inspection is issued if the Coast Guard finds,
during the inspections conducted while
the unit is being constructed, that a
unit contracted for on or after January
3, 1979 meets § 107.231.
(c) An original Certificate of Inspection is issued if the Coast Guard finds
that an uncertificated unit contracted
for before January 3, 1979 meets the applicable requirements of this Subchapter as specified in the Navigation
and Vessel Inspection Circular, ‘‘Inspection and Certification of Existing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units’’ (Appendix
A). Existing structure, arrangements,
materials, equipment, and facilities
will be considered satisfactory so long
as they are maintained in good condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection. Repairs and
minor alterations may be made to the
same standards as originally used.
Major alterations and conversions shall
be in compliance with the provisions of
each subpart of this part to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine
(d) A Certificate of Inspection is
valid for 5 years.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6503, Feb.
9, 2000]

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6503, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 107.219 Permit to proceed to another
port for repairs.
(a) If a unit fails to meet the requirements in § 107.231, and the Coast Guard
withholds reissuance of a Certificate of
Inspection, or suspends an unexpired
Certificate of Inspection, as described
in § 107.279, a Permit to Proceed to Another Port for Repairs (Form CG–948) is
issued by the Coast Guard if—
(1) The owner, master, person in
charge, or agent makes a written request for a permit to the Officer in


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§ 107.223

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Charge, Marine Inspection, that includes—
(i) The reason the permit is requested;
(ii) The port in which the repairs are
to be made; and
(iii) The period of time for the voyage;
(2) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection finds that the unit is seaworthy for the voyage.
(b) A Permit to Proceed to Another
Port for Repairs states the conditions
under which it was issued and is in
force for the period of the voyage to
the port in which the repairs are to be
§ 107.223 Temporary Certificate of Inspection: Period in effect.
A Temporary Certificate of Inspection, issued under 46 U.S.C. 3309 is effective until a Certificate of Inspection
is issued to the unit.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 83–067, 49 FR 39161, Oct. 4,

§ 107.227 Certificate



The Coast Guard issues a Certificate
of Inspection Amendment, Form CG–
858, to a certificated unit if a requirement for equipment and data listed on
the unexpired Certificate of Inspection
is changed.
§ 107.231

(b) The survival craft and rescue boat
launching appliances are in proper condition and operating properly at loads
ranging from light load to full load.
(c) The lifeboats and rescue boats, including engines and release mechanisms are in proper condition and operating properly.
(d) The flotation equipment such as
lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits,
work vests, lifefloats, buoyant apparatus, and associated equipment are in
proper condition.
(e) Each inflatable liferaft and inflatable lifejacket has been serviced as required under this chapter;
(f) Each hydrostatic release unit,
other than a disposable hydrostatic release unit, has been serviced as required under this chapter.
(g) The crew has the ability to effectively carry out abandonment and fire
fighting procedures.

Inspection for certification.

A unit is issued a Certificate of Inspection under § 107.211 or § 107.215(c) if
the inspector finds the following:
(a) The unit and its equipment comply with—
(1) Part 108 of this subchapter;
(2) Subchapter J of this chapter,
Electrical Engineering; 1
(3) Subchapter F of this chapter, Marine Engineering; 2
(4) Subchapter E of this chapter,
Load Lines; 3

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(5) Part 64 or Part 98 of this chapter,
or both, if the unit carries marine portable tanks or portable tanks;
(6) The vessel design and equipment
requirements of the oil pollution regulations (33 CFR Part 155, Subpart B);
(7) The Rules of the Road requirements for the waters in which the unit
navigates, contained in—
(i) 33 U.S.C. Chapters 3, 4, 5, or 21; and
(ii) 33 CFR Parts 80, 85, or 86.
(8) Subchapter S of this chapter.

1 Requirements for industrial systems and
components are in Subpart 111.94 of this
2 Requirements for industrial systems and
components are in Subpart 58.60 of this chapter.
3 Requirements for load lines are not applicable to bottom supported units when they

(h) Each hand portable fire extinguisher and each semiportable fire extinguisher is inspected, and serviced if
§ 107.235(a).
(i) Each fixed fire-extinguishing system is inspected, and serviced if required, in accordance with § 107.235(b).
(j) Each fire main system meets the
testing requirements in § 107.251.
(k) Each fire hose meets the testing
requirements in § 107.257.
(l) The rated load test for cranes in
§ 107.260 is met.
are being supported by, or being lowered to
or raised from the seabed.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.235

(m) Each crane is inspected and tested in accordance with § 107.258.
(n) Each watertight door is operative.
(o) Each valve with a remote control
is operative.
(p) Each means of escape on the unit
is safe for the intended service.
(q) There is not an accumulation of
oil which might create a fire hazard on
tank tops, decks, in drip pans, machinery spaces, and pumproom bilges.
(r) Each accommodation space is sanitary.
(s) The unit meet the drydocking requirement in § 107.261 or the special examination in § 107.265.
(t) The unit meets the equipment and
data information requirements on its
certificate of inspection.
(u) Each record in Subpart D of Part
109 is maintained as prescribed.
(v) Tests and inspections of the lifesaving equipment shall be carried out
during the initial inspection for certification, and whenever any new item of
lifesaving equipment is installed on the
unit. The tests and inspections shall
determine that the installation of each
item of lifesaving equipment is consistent with each condition of its approval, as listed on its Coast Guard
Certificate of Approval. The tests and
inspections shall also demonstrate, as
(1) The proper condition and operation of the survival craft and rescue
boat launching appliances at loads
ranging from light load to 10 percent
(2) The proper condition and operation of lifeboats and rescue boats, including engines and release mechanisms;
(3) The proper condition of flotation
equipment such as lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits, work vests,
and associated equipment;

(4) The proper condition of distress
EPIRB’s, SART’s, and pyrotechnic signaling devices;
(5) The proper condition of linethrowing appliances;
(6) The proper condition and operation of embarkation and debarkation
appliances, including embarkation-debarkation ladders, and alternate means
of escape;
(7) The ability of the crew to effectively carry out abandonment and firefighting procedures; and
(8) The ability to meet the egress and
survival craft launching requirements
of this part.
(w) [Reserved]
(x) Piping for each carbon dioxide extinguishing system meets the installation test in § 108.449 of this chapter.
(y) Each sliding watertight door
meets the installation tests in § 163.001–
6(b) of this chapter.
(z) The unit and its equipment meet
any other test or inspection deemed
necessary by the inspector to determine if they are suitable for the service
in which they are to be employed.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4,
1983; CGD 82–075a, 49 FR 4485, Feb. 7, 1984;
CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25290, May 20, 1996; 63 FR
52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 107.235 Servicing of hand portable
fire extinguishers, semi-portable
fire extinguishers and fixed fire-extinguishing systems.
(a) Each hand portable fire extinguisher and each semi-portable fire extinguisher on board the unit must be
serviced as set out in Table 107.235 and
examined for excessive corrosion and
general condition.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

TABLE 107.235
Type extinguisher

Test and servicing required

Soda Acid ..................................................
Foam ..........................................................
Pump Tank (water or antifreeze) ..............

Discharge, clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
Discharge, clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
Discharge, clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge with clean
water or antifreeze.


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§ 107.251

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
TABLE 107.235—Continued

Type extinguisher

Test and servicing required

Cartridge operated (water, antifreeze or
loaded stream).

Examine pressure cartridge and replace if end is punctured or if cartridge is otherwise determined to have leaked or to be in unsuitable condition. Remove liquid,
clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge with clean water, solution, or antifreeze. Insert charged cartridge.
Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight loss exceeds 10 percent. Inspect hose and
nozzle to be sure they are clear.
Examine pressure cartridge and replace if end is punctured or if cartridge is otherwise determined to have leaked or to be in unsuitable condition. Inspect hose and
nozzle to see if they are clear. Insert charged cartridge. Be sure dry chemical is
free-flowing (not caked) and chamber contains full charge.
See that pressure gage is in operating range. If not, or if seal is broken, weigh or
otherwise determine that full charge of dry chemical is in extinguisher. Recharge if
pressure is low or if dry chemical is needed.

Carbon Dioxide ..........................................
Dry chemical (cartridge-operated type) .....

Dry chemical (stored pressure type) .........

(b) Each fixed fire-extinguishing system must be examined for excessive
corrosion and general condition and be
serviced by—
(1) Recharging the cylinders of each
carbon dioxide system, if the weight
loss is more than 10% of the weight of
the charge;
(2) Testing each foam system, except
premix systems by—
(i) Discharging foam for approximately 15 seconds from a nozzle designated by the marine inspector;
(ii) Discharging water from all other
lines and nozzles; and
(iii) Taking a sample of the foam liquid and submitting it to the manufacturer or his authorized representative
for determination of its specific gravity, PH, percentage of water dilution,
and solid content, and certification as
a suitable firefighting foam;
(3) Removing the pressure cartridge
of each premix aqueous film forming
foam system and replacing the cartridge if the seal is punctured, sampling the premix solution in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and replacing cylinders that are
NOTE: All carbon dioxide cylinders and discharge hoses of semi-portable carbon dioxide
and halon extinguishers must be tested and
marked in accordance with §§ 147.60 and 147.65
of this chapter.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10,

§ 107.251 Testing of the fire main.
Each fire main system must be
opened and the pressure checked at—
(a) The most remote outlet; and
(b) The highest outlet.

§ 107.257 Testing of fire hose.
Each fire hose must be subjected to a
test pressure equivalent to the maximum pressure to which it may be subjected during operation. However, each
fire hose must be subjected to a pressure of at least 100 p.s.i.
§ 107.258 Crane certification.
(a) The Coast Guard may accept current certificates issued by approved organizations as evidence of condition
and suitability of cranes. The following
organizations are approved by the
Coast Guard as crane certifying authorities:
(1) American Bureau of Shipping,
ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive,
Houston, TX 77060.
(2) International Cargo Gear Bureau,
Inc., 321 West 44th Street, New York,
NY 10036, on the Internet at http://
(b) Crane certification must be based
(1) A review of plans submitted under
§ 107.309; and
(2) The continuing program of tests
and inspections in § 107.259.
(c) Each load test and inspection by
the certifying authority must be recorded in the unit’s Crane Record Book
required in § 109.437.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978,
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept.
1996; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58461, Sept.
2000; USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR 53966, Sept.
2007; USCG–2008–0906, 73 FR 56510, Sept.

§ 107.259 Crane inspection and testing.
(a) Each crane must be inspected and
tested in accordance with Section 3 of


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.265

the American Petroleum Institute
(A.P.I.) Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore
Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition (October 1972) with supplement 1, except
that the rated load test must be performed in accordance with § 107.260.
(b) The tests are witnessed and the
inspections are conducted by—
(1) A Coast Guard marine inspector;
(2) The American Bureau of Shipping
(A.B.S.), or the International Cargo
Gear Bureau, Inc. (I.C.G.B.) for cranes
under certification by these organizations.
(c) If the tests and inspections are
conducted by the A.B.S. or the I.C.G.B.,
the surveyor shall certify that the
tests and inspections were conducted in
accordance with the A.P.I. specification; or modified by § 107.260.
§ 107.260

Rated load test for cranes.

(a) To meet the requirements in
§ 107.231(l), each crane must meet the
following rated load test at both the
maximum and minimum boom angles
usually employed in material transfers
over the side of the unit:
Rated load of assembled gear
Less than or equal to 20 tons ...
Greater than 20 tons but less
than or equal to 50 tons.
Greater than 50 tons .................

Proof load
25 pct in excess.
5 tons in excess.
10 pct in excess.

(b) The weight of the hook, hook
blocks, slings, rib, and other rigging,
except the hoist rope, must be considered part of the load for the rated load
(c) The rated load test must be performed—
(1) When the crane is installed;
(2) Each 60 months; and
(3) After repairs or alterations to any
structural component of the crane.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct.
1, 1999; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9,

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 107.261

Drydock or special examina-

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(b), (c), and (d), each unit must be
drydocked in the presence of a Coast
Guard inspector at least once during

each 24 month period after it is issued
a Certificate of Inspection.
(b) If a unit is column-stabilized, it
may be specially examined in lieu of
drydocking in accordance with § 107.265
in the presence of a Coast Guard inspector.
(c) If a unit is self-elevating, it may
be specially examined in lieu of
drydocking in accordance with § 107.267
in the presence of a Coast Guard inspector.
(d) If a unit is a surface type, it may
be specially examined in lieu of
drydocking in accordance with § 107.265
in the presence of a Coast Guard inspector if the examination is specifically approved by the Commandant.
(e) The master, person in charge,
owner, or agent of a certificated unit
must notify the appropriate Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection before the
unit is drydocked, or specially examined.
(f) The master, person in charge,
owner, or agent of a certificated unit
operating in international service must
notify the appropriate Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection at least 60
days before the unit is drydocked or
specially examined under § 107.265 or
§ 107.267.
§ 107.265 Special examination in lieu
of drydocking for column stabilized
units or surface type units when
specifically approved by the Commandant.
(a) A column stabilized unit, or surface type unit when approved by the
Commandant, must be specially examined in accordance with a plan—
(1) Submitted in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section; and
(2) Accepted by the Commandant
(b) To meet the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or
operator of the unit must submit a
plan to the Coast Guard that provides
the methods used to determine the condition of the hull and that contains the
following information:
(1) The planned location where the
unit is to be examined.
(2) The draft at which the unit is to
be examined.
(3) The names of the diver or diving
company selected for the examination.


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§ 107.267

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(4) The method of visual presentation
for the examination.
(5) The method used to clean the underwater portion of the hull.
(6) The method and location of gauging the underwater portion of the hull.
(7) The number of underwater hull
fittings and number of compartments
to be opened.
(8) The underwater high stress areas
and the welds in those areas to be examined.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 107.267 Special examination in lieu
of drydocking for self-elevating
(a) A self-elevating unit must be specially examined in accordance with a
(1) Submitted in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section; and
(2) Approved by the Commandant
(b) To meet the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or
operator of the unit must submit a
plan to the Commandant (G-MOC) that
provides for—
(1) Examination of the unit’s hull
while it is in the elevated position; and
(2) Examination of the supporting
mat, spud cans, or footings while the
unit is afloat.
(c) The plan required in paragraph (b)
of this section must contain the following information:
(1) The planned location where the
unit is to be examined.
(2) The methods to be used to conduct the hull examination.
(3) The method of visual presentation
for examination of the underwater
(4) The methods of determining the
condition of the underwater components.
(5) The underwater high stress areas
and the welds in those areas that are to
be examined.
(6) The names of the diver or diving
company selected for the examination.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 107.269

Annual inspection.

(a) Your mobile offshore drilling unit
(MODU) must undergo an annual inspection within the 3 months before or
after each anniversary date, except as
specified in § 107.270.
(b) You must contact the cognizant
OCMI to schedule an inspection at a
time and place which he or she approves. No written application is required.
(c) The scope of the annual inspection is the same as the inspection for
certification as specified in § 107.231, except § 107.231(x) and (y), but in less detail unless the cognizant OCMI finds
deficiencies or determines that a major
change has occurred since the last inspection. If deficiencies are found or a
major change to the MODU has occurred, the OCMI will conduct an inspection more detailed in scope to ensure that the MODU is in satisfactory
condition and fit for the service for
which it is intended. If your MODU
passes the annual inspection, the OCMI
will endorse your current Certificate of
(d) If the annual inspection reveals
deficiencies in your MODU’s maintenance, you must make any or all repairs or improvements within the time
period specified by the OCMI.
(e) Nothing in this subpart limits the
marine inspector from conducting such
tests or inspections he or she deems
necessary to be assured of the vessel’s
[USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9, 2000, as
amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233,
Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 107.270

Periodic inspection.

(a) Your vessel must undergo a periodic inspection within 3 months before
or after the second or third anniversary of the date of your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection. This periodic inspection will take the place of an annual inspection.
(b) You must contact the cognizant
OCMI to schedule an inspection at a
time and place which he or she approves. No written application is required.
(c) The scope of the periodic inspection is the same as that for the inspection for certification, as specified in


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.305

§ 107.231 except § 107.231(x) and (y). The
OCMI will insure that the MODU is in
satisfactory condition and fit for the
service for which it is intended. If your
MODU passes the periodic inspection,
the marine inspector will endorse your
current Certificate of Inspection.
(d) If the periodic inspection reveals
deficiencies in your MODU’s maintenance, you must make any or all repairs or improvements within the time
period specified by the OCMI.
(e) Nothing in this subpart limits the
marine inspector from conducting such
tests or inspections he or she deems
necessary to be assured of the vessel’s
[USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 107.271 Inspection: Alterations.
After plans are approved for alterations affecting the safety of the unit
the Coast Guard conducts inspections
of the affected—
(a) Hull;
(b) Machinery; or
(c) Equipment.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 107.275 Other inspections.
When the Coast Guard receives the
report required in § 109.411 or § 109.425,
the Coast Guard conducts the following
inspections of a unit to determine if
the unit meets the requirements under
which it was issued its original Certificate of Inspection:
(a) An inspection after an accident.
(b) An inspection after a defect is
found that affects—
(1) The seaworthiness of the unit; or
(2) The safety or efficiency of a lifesaving device, or firefighting device.
(c) An inspection of repairs made because of an accident or a defect.
§ 107.279 Certificate
Failure to meet requirements.
If a unit fails to meet the requirements in § 107.231, the Coast Guard
(a) Withhold issuance of an original
Certificate of Inspection after an original inspection for certification, until
the unit meets the requirements in
§ 107.231;
(b) Withhold renewal of the Certificate of Inspection until the MODU
meets the requirements of § 107.231, except § 107.231(x) and (y).

(c) Suspend a valid Certificate of Inspection after an annual or periodic inspection until the MODU meets the requirements
§ 107.231,
§ 107.231(x) and (y).
(d) Revoke a valid Certificate of Inspection after an annual or periodic inspection if the unit operates without
complying with Coast Guard orders to
correct unlawful conditions.
(e) Revoke or suspend an unexpired
Certificate of Inspection;
(f) Withhold issuance of a safety
equipment certificate;
(g) Withhold renewal of safety equipment certificate;
(h) Suspend an unexpired safety
equipment certificate;
(i) Revoke an unexpired safety equipment certificate; and
(j) Withhold, suspend, or revoke an
exemption certificate.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct.
1, 1999; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9,

§ 107.283 Certificate
Conditions of validity.


To maintain a valid Certificate of Inspection, you must complete your annual and periodic inspections within
the periods specified in §§ 107.269 and
107.270 and your Certificate of Inspection must be endorsed.
[USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9, 2000]

Subpart C—Plan Approval
§ 107.301


This subpart prescribes procedures
for submitting plans and specifications
for plan approval and describes the information that must be submitted.
§ 107.305

Plans and information.

Each applicant for approval of plans
must submit three copies of each of the
following described plans, specifications, and structural calculations concerning the construction, arrangement,
required equipment, and safety features of the unit:
(a) Specifications.


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§ 107.305

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(b) General arrangement plan of
decks, holds, inner bottoms, etc. including inboard and outboard profile.
(c) *Inner bottom plating and framing.
(d) *Midship section.
(e) *Shell plating and framing.
(f) *Stern, stern frame, and rudder.
(g) *Structural deck plans for
strength decks.
(h) *Pillars and girders.
(i) *Watertight and oiltight bulkheads.
(j) *Foundations for main machinery
and boilers.
(k) *Arrangement of ports, doors, and
airports in shell plating.
(l) *Hatch coamings and covers in
weather and watertight decks.
(m) *Details of hinged subdivision
watertight doors and operating gear.
(n) *Scuppers and drains penetrating
shell plating.
(o) Arrangement of cranes.
(p) For self-elevating units, column
stabilized units, and units with special
hull configuration, structural calculations and plans showing special structural features.
(q) The plans and information required by Subchapter S of this chapter.
(r) For vessels of 100 meters (328 feet)
or more in length contracted for on or
after September 7, 1990, a plan must be
included which shows how visibility
from the navigation bridge will meet
the standards contained in § 108.801 of
this subchapter.
(s)–(u) [Reserved]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(v) General arrangement plans showing, for each deck, the control stations,
fire sections enclosed by fire resisting
bulkheads, alarm and extinguishing
systems, fire extinguishers, means of
1 The asterisk (*) indicates items that are
approved by the American Bureau of Shipping for vessels classed by it. Items approved
by the American Bureau of Shipping are generally accepted as satisfactory unless the
law or Coast Guard regulations contain requirements that are not covered by the
American Bureau of Shipping.

access to compartments and other
decks, and the ventilation system, including location of ventilation shutdowns, positions of dampers, and the
numbers identifying each system.
(w) Ventilation diagram, including
dampers and other fire control features.
(x) Details of fire alarm systems.
(y) Details of fixed fire extinguishing
(z) Plans required for marine engineering equipment and systems by
Subchapter F of this chapter.
(aa) Plans required for electrical engineering equipment and systems by
Subchapter J of this chapter.
(bb) The location and arrangement of
each lifesaving system including each
embarkation deck, showing each overboard discharge and clearances from
projections and obstructions in the
way of launching lifeboats, rescue
boats, and liferafts throughout the
range of list and trim angles required
under part 108, subpart E of this chapter.
(cc) The design weight of each lifeboat, rescue boat, and davit-launched
liferaft when fully equipped and loaded.
(dd) Working loads of davits and
(ee) Types and sizes of falls.
(ff) Manufacturer’s name and identification of each item of equipment.
(gg) Arrangement plans showing each
accommodation space, ventilation, and
means of escape.
(hh) A construction portfolio must be
prepared for each unit and must be approved by the Coast Guard. The portfolio must document the location and
extent of application of different
grades and strengths of materials and
include a description of the materials
2 This portfolio may be included in the operating manual required in § 109.121.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 107.317

and welding procedures employed and
any other relevant construction information. The portfolio must contain the
(1) Structural plans showing areas incorporating
strengths of materials. A simplified
plan may be included in the portfolio if
it adequately defines the different
areas of application.
(2) A list of different grades or
strengths of material that conform to
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or
American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications. For materials that do not conform to ABS or
ASTM specifications, complete specifications, including chemical and physical properties, special testing and any
heat treatment.
(3) Each approved weld procedure for
the fabrication of each structure using
different grades or strengths of material and each approved weld test procedure.
(4) Information, restrictions or prohibitions regarding repairs or modifications.
(ii) The operating manual required in
§ 109.121. If an approved manual is
changed, only the pages affected by the
change need be submitted if the manual is bound in such a way as to allow
old pages to be removed easily and new
ones inserted and if the manual has a
record of page changes.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4,
1983; CGD 83–071, 52 FR 6978, Mar. 6, 1987; CGD
85–099, 55 FR 32248, Aug. 8, 1990; CGD 88–032,
56 FR 35826, July 29, 1991; CGD 84–069, 61 FR
25290, May 20, 1996; 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 107.309 Crane plans and information.
(a) Three copies of each of the following must be submitted:
(1) Stress and arrangement diagrams,
bill of materials, and supporting calculations for all structural components
listed in API Spec. 2C, Second Edition,
February 1972 (with supplement 2).
(2) Drawings of foundations and substructures with supporting calculations for support and stability of each
crane under its rated load.
(3) Plans showing the installation of
the safety features required in § 108.601.

(4) Drawings of the means provided to
stop motion and set brakes during a
power failure.
NOTE TO § 107.309(a)(4): These plans must be
submitted to the Coast Guard, if the crane is
not certified. If the crane is to be certified,
four copies must be sent to the American Bureau of Shipping or the International Cargo
Gear Bureau, Inc.

(b) In addition to the plans and information required in paragraph (a), the
following plans and information must
be submitted to the Coast Guard only:
(1) One line diagrams of the electrical
power circuits of the electric power
crane overload protection required in
Subpart 111.50 of this chapter.
(2) Diagrams of the hydraulic or
pneumatic power and control systems,
as required by Subpart 58.30–40 or 58.30–
50 of this chapter, as applicable.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–2008–0906, 73 FR 56510,
Sept. 29, 2008]

§ 107.317 Addresses for submittal of
plans, specifications, and calculations.
The copies of each plan, specification, and calculation required under
§ 107.305 and § 107.309 must be submitted
to one of the following as applicable:
(a) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in the zone in which the unit
is to be built or altered.
(b) By visitors to the Commanding
Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 1900 Half Street, SW., Suite
1000, Room 525, Washington, DC 20024,
or by mail to: Commanding Officer,
U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7102, Washington, DC 20593–7102, in a written or
electronic format. Information for submitting the VSP electronically can be
found at http://www.uscg.mil/HQ/MSC.
(c) The American Bureau of Shipping,
(ABS) ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase
Drive, Houston, TX 77060.
NOTE: For classed vessels, the American
Bureau of Shipping will, upon request by the
submitter, arrange to forward the plans indicated with an asterisk in § 107.305 to the
Coast Guard indicating ABS’s action thereon.

(d) International Cargo Gear Bureau,
Inc., 321 West 44th Street, New York,


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§ 107.401

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

NY 10036, on the internet at http://

costi Island and, on the north side of
Anticosti Island, the 63rd Meridian.

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 85–048b, 51 FR 15498, Apr. 24,
1986; CGD 89–025, 54 FR 19571, May 8, 1989;
CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–
2000–7790, 65 FR 58461, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–
2007–29018, 72 FR 53966, Sept. 21, 2007; USCG–
2008–0906, 73 FR 56510, Sept. 29, 2008; USCG–
2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 90–008, 55 FR 30662, July 26,

International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 107.401

Purpose and definition.

(a) The International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, requires one
or more of the certificates described in
this subpart to be carried on self-propelled vessels of 500 gross tons or over
engaged in international voyages. This
subpart prescribes rules for the
issuance of these certificates to mobile
offshore drilling units.
(b) ‘‘International voyage’’ has the
same meaning as stated in Regulation
2(d) of part A, chapter I in the International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974. (SOLAS 74), which is: ‘‘a
voyage from a country to which the
present Convention applies to a port
outside such country, or conversely.
The Coast Guard has interpreted this
definition to include the following:
(1) A voyage from a country to which
SOLAS 1974 applies, to a port outside
that country or the reverse;
(2) A voyage from any territory, including the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, all possesssions of the United
States, and all lands held by the United
States under a protectorate or mandate, whose international relations are
the responsibility of a contracting
SOLAS 74 government, or which is administered by the United Nations, to a
port outside that territory or the reverse;
The Coast Guard has interpreted this
definition to not include a ‘‘Great
Lakes voyage’’ which means a voyage
solely on the Great Lakes of North
America and the St. Lawrence River
west of a straight line drawn from
Capedes Rosiers to West Point, Anti-

§ 107.405 Safety Equipment Certificate.
(a) A self-propelled unit of at least
500 gross tons that engages in international voyages is issued a safety
equipment certificate if the inspector
issues it a certificate of inspection
under § 107.211 or § 107.215 and it meets
chapter 3 of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.
(b) A Safety Equipment Certificate
expires 60 months after the date of
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 90–008, 55 FR 30662, July 26,
1990; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 107.409 Safety Construction Certificate.
(a) Application for a Safety Construction Certificate is made by indicating
in the space provided on the Application for Inspection Form CG–3752
whether the American Bureau of Shipping or the Coast Guard is to issue the
(b) The American Bureau of Shipping
or the Coast Guard may issue a selfpropelled unit of at least 500 gross tons
that engages on international voyages
a Safety Construction Certificate if the
unit meets the requirements in Regulation 12 (a)(ii), Chapter I of the International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974.
(c) A Safety Construction Certificate
expires 60 months after the date of
(d) If a unit fails to meet the requirements in Regulation 12(a)(ii), the Coast
Guard may—
(1) Suspend an unexpired Safety Construction Certificate; and
(2) Revoke an unexpired Safety Construction Certificate.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 90–008, 55 FR 30662, July 26,

§ 107.413 Exemption certificate.
(a) An owner or operator of a unit
may request an exemption from the requirements of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 108

(SOLAS 74) by writing to the appropriate OCMI.
(b) The Commandant (CG–543) may
exempt a self-propelled unit of at least
500 gross tons on an international voyage from any of the requirements in
the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74) if the
unit meets the conditions of Regulation 4 of Part A, Chapter I, of SOLAS
74 which states the following:
a. A ship which is not normally engaged on
international voyages but which, in exceptional circumstances, is required to undertake a single international voyage may be
exempted by the Administration from any of
the requirements of the present Regulations
provided that it complies with safety requirements which are adequate in the opinion of the Administration for the voyage
which is to be undertaken by the ship.
b. The Administration may exempt any
ship which embodies features of a novel kind
from any of the provisions of Chapters II–1,
II–2, III and IV of these Regulations the application of which might seriously impede
research into the development of such features and their incorporation in ships engaged on international voyages. Any such
ship shall, however, comply with safety requirements which, in the opinion of that Administration, are adequate for the service for
which it is intended and are such as to ensure the overall safety of the ship and which
are acceptable to the Governments of the
States to be visited by the ship. The Administration which allows any such exemption
shall communicate to the Organization particulars of same and the reasons therefor
which the Organization shall circulate to the
Contracting Governments for their information.

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(c) The Commandant (CG–543) may
exempt a self-propelled unit of at least
500 gross tons on an international voyage from the requirements of Chapter
III (Lifesaving Appliances, &C.) of
SOLAS 74 if the unit meets the conditions of Regulation 2 of chapter III
which states in part:
The Administration may, if it considers
that the sheltered nature and conditions of
the voyage are such as to render the application of any specific requirements of this
chapter unreasonable or unnecessary, exempt from those requirements individual
ships or classes of ships which, in the course
of their voyage, do not proceed more than 20
miles from the nearest land.

(d) The Commandant (CG–543) may
exempt a unit from the requirements of
Chapters II–1 (Construction—Subdivi-

sion and stability, machinery and electrical installations) or II–2 (Construction—Fire protection, fire detection
and fire extinction) of SOLAS 74 if the
unit meets the conditions of Regulation 1–4 of Part A Chapter II–1 or Regulation 1–4.1 of Part A Chapter II–2, respectively, of SOLAS 74 which state
the following: The Administration of a
State may, if it considers that the sheltered nature and conditions of the voyage are such as to render the application of any specific requirements of
this chapter unreasonable or unnecessary, exempt from those requirements
individual ships or classes of ships entitled to fly the flag of the State which,
in the course of their voyage, do not
proceed more than 20 miles from the
nearest land.
(e) An Exemption Certificate is in
force for the period of validity of the
certificate to which it refers.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 90–008, 55 FR 30662, July 26,
1990; CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29, 1995;
CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–
2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 107.415 Safety Management Certificate.
(a) All self-propelled mobile offshore
drilling units of 500 gross tons or over
to which 33 CFR part 96 applies, on an
international voyage must have a valid
Safety Management Certificate and a
copy of their company’s valid Document of Compliance certificate on
(b) A Safety Management Certificate
is issued for a period of not more than
60 months.
[CGD 95–073, 62 FR 67515, Dec. 24, 1997]

Subpart A—General
108.101 Incorporation by reference.
108.103 Equipment not required on a unit.
108.105 Substitutes for required fittings,
material, apparatus, equipment, arrangements, calculations, and tests.
108.109 Classification society standards.


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Pt. 108

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Subpart B—Construction and Arrangement
108.113 Structural standards.
108.114 Appliances
weathertight integrity.



Isolation of combustible material.
Storage lockers for combustibles.

108.205 Wash spaces; toilet spaces; and
shower spaces.
108.207 Messrooms.
108.209 Hospital spaces.
108.210 Hospital space not required.
108.211 Miscellaneous
108.213 Heating requirements.
108.215 Insect screens.

108.131 Definitions.
108.133 Hull superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses.
108.135 Boundary bulkheads, decks of galleys, and combustible material lockers.
108.137 Bulkhead and deck separations of
accommodation spaces.
108.139 Boundary bulkheads and decks of a
space containing emergency power.
108.141 Boundary bulkheads and decks between the emergency power source and
service generators.
108.143 Accommodation space.
108.145 Hatches and tonnage openings.
108.147 Certain paints prohibited.


Guardrails and bulwarks.
Storm rails.
Guards on exposed equipment.


Location and size.
Fuel storage facilities.
Fuel transfer equipment.
Visual aids.




Subpart C—Stability


Subpart D—Fire Extinguishing Systems

108.151 Two means required.
108.153 Location of means of escape.
108.155 Restrictions on means of escape utilized.
108.157 Locked doors.
108.159 Stairways and exterior inclined ladders.
108.160 Vertical ladders.
108.161 Dead end corridors.
108.165 Access to lifeboats and liferafts.
108.167 Weather deck ladders.

108.401 Fire main system.
108.403 Fire extinguishing systems: General.
108.403a Fire extinguishing systems: Nonvital services.
108.404 Selection of fire detection system.
108.405 Fire detection system.
108.407 Detectors for electrical fire detection system.
108.409 Location and spacing of tubing in
pneumatic fire detection system.
108.411 Smoke detection system.
108.413 Fusible element fire detection system.

108.170 Definitions.
108.171 Class I, Division 1 locations.
108.173 Class I, Division 2 locations.
108.175 Contiguous locations.
108.177 Electrical equipment in classified locations.
108.181 Ventilation for enclosed spaces.
108.185 Ventilation for enclosed classified
108.187 Ventilation for brush type electric
motors in classified spaces.

108.415 Fire pump: General.
108.417 Fire pump components and associated equipment.
108.419 Fire main capacity.
108.421 Location of fire pumps and associated equipment.
108.423 Fire hydrants and associated equipment.
108.425 Fire hoses and associated equipment.
108.427 International shore connection.
108.429 Fire main system protection.

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108.193 Restrictions.
108.195 Location of accommodation spaces.
108.197 Construction
108.199 Arrangement of sleeping spaces.
108.201 Size of sleeping spaces.
108.203 Berths and lockers.




Carbon dioxide systems: General.
Quantity of CO2: General.


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 108

108.437 Pipe sizes and discharge rates for enclosed ventilation systems for rotating
electrical equipment.
108.439 Quantity of CO2 for protection of
108.441 Piping and discharge rates for CO2
108.443 Controls and valves.
108.445 Alarm and means of escape.
108.447 Piping.
108.449 Piping tests.
108.451 CO2 storage.
108.453 Discharge outlets.
108.455 Enclosure openings.
108.457 Pressure release.

108.553 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements using falls and a
108.555 Lifeboat launching and recovery arrangements.
108.557 Free-fall lifeboat launching and recovery arrangements.
108.560 Rescue boats.
108.565 Stowage of rescue boats.
108.570 Rescue boat embarkation, launching
and recovery arrangements.
108.575 Survival craft and rescue boat equipment.
108.580 Personal lifesaving appliances.
108.595 Communications.
108.597 Line-throwing appliance.

Subpart F—Cranes



108.459 Number and location of outlets.
108.461 Coamings.
108.463 Foam rate: Protein.
108.467 Water supply.
108.469 Quantity of foam producing materials.
108.471 Water pump.
108.473 Foam system components.
108.474 Aqueous film forming foam systems.
108.475 Piping.
108.477 Fire hydrants.
108.486 Helicopter decks.
108.487 Helicopter deck fueling operations.
108.489 Helicopter fueling facilities.
108.491 General.
108.493 Location.
108.495 Spare charges.
108.496 Semiportable fire extinguishers.

Fireman’s outfits.
Fire axes.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart E—Lifesaving Equipment
108.500 General.
108.503 Relationship to international standards.
108.510 Application.
108.515 Requirements for units built before
October 1, 1996.
108.520 Type of survival craft.
108.525 Survival craft number and arrangement.
108.530 Stowage of survival craft.
108.540 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements.
108.545 Marine evacuation system launching
108.550 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements: General.


Crane design.

Subpart G—Equipment Markings and
108.621 Equipment markings: General.
108.623 General alarm bell switch.
108.625 General alarm bell.
108.627 Carbon dioxide alarm.
108.629 Fire extinguishing system branch
line valve.
108.631 Fixed fire extinguishing system controls.
108.633 Fire stations.
108.635 Self-contained breathing apparatus.
108.636 Work vests.
108.637 Hand portable fire extinguishers.
108.639 Emergency lights.
108.641 Instructions for changing steering
108.643 Rudder orders.
108.645 Markings on lifesaving appliances.
108.646 Marking of stowage locations.
108.647 Inflatable liferafts.
108.649 Lifejackets, immersion suits, and
108.650 EPIRBs and SARTs.
108.651 Portable magazine chests.
108.653 Helicopter facilities.
108.655 Operating instructions.
108.657 Unit markings.
108.659 Lifesaving signal instructions.
108.661 Unit markings: Draft marks.
108.663 Unit markings: Load line.
108.665 Appliances for watertight integrity.

Subpart H—Miscellaneous Equipment
108.697 Buoyant work vests.
108.699 Substitution of life preservers.
108.701 Sounding equipment.
108.703 Self-contained breathing apparatus.
108.705 Anchors, chains, wire rope, and
108.707 First aid kit.
108.709 Litter.
108.713 International Code of Signals.


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§ 108.101

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Magnetic compass and gyrocompass.
Pilot boarding equipment.

Subpart I—Navigation Bridge Visibility

Navigation bridge visibility.

Subpart J—Muster List
108.901 Muster list and emergency instructions.
AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3102,
3306; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4,
1978, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 108.101 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.

552(a). To enforce any edition other
than that specified in paragraph (b) of
this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make the material
available to the public. All approved
material is on file at the U.S. Coast
Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG–521, 2100 2nd St.
SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593–
7126 or at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or
ibrllocations.html. All material is
available from the sources indicated in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part and
the sections affected are:

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959.
ASTM D 93–97, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
Closed Cup Tester.
ASTM F 1014–92, Standard Specification for Flashlights on Vessels .................
ASTM F 1121–87 (1993), Standard Specification for International Shore Connections for Marine Fire Applications.
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, United Kingdom
Resolution A.520(13), Code of Practice for the Evaluation, Testing and Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements, 17 November 1983.
Resolution A.649(16), Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code), 19 October 1989 with amendments of
June 1991.
Resolution A.658(16), Use and Fitting of Retro-reflective Materials on Lifesaving Appliances, 20 November 1989.
Resolution A.760(18), Symbols Related to Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements, 17 November 1993.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269–9101.
NFPA 13–1996, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems ...................






wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[88–032, 56 FR 35826, July 29, 1991, as amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50464, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD
84–069, 61 FR 25290, May 20, 1996; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97–057, 62 FR 51046,
Sept. 30, 1997; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG 1999–5151, 64 FR 67182, Dec. 1, 1999;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 108.103 Equipment not required on a
Each item of lifesaving and firefighting equipment carried on board

the unit in addition to equipment of
the type required under this subchapter, must—
(a) Be approved; or


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.114

(b) Be acceptable to the cognizant
OCMI, for use on the unit.

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[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996]

§ 108.105 Substitutes for required fittings, material, apparatus, equipment, arrangements, calculations,
and tests.
(a) Where this subchapter requires a
particular fitting, material, apparatus,
equipment, arrangement, calculation
or test, the Commandant (CG–521) may
accept any substitution that is at least
as effective as that specified. If necessary, the Commandant (CG–521) may
require engineering evaluations and
tests to demonstrate the equivalence of
the substitution.
(b) In any case where it is shown to
the satisfaction of the Commandant
that the use of any particular equipment, apparatus, arrangement, or test
is unreasonable or impracticable, the
Commandant may permit the use of alternate equipment, apparatus, arrangement, or test to such an extent and
upon such condition as will insure, to
his satisfaction, a degree of safety consistent with the minimum standards
set forth in this subchapter.
(c) The Commandant (CG–521) may
accept a novel lifesaving appliance or
arrangement, if it provides a level of
safety equivalent to the requirements
of this part and the appliance or arrangement—
(1) Is evaluated and tested in accordance with IMO Resolution A.520(13),
Code of Practice for the Evaluation,
Testing and Acceptance of Prototype
Novel Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements; or
(2) Has successfully undergone evaluation and tests that are substantially
equivalent to those recommendations.
(d) During a unit’s construction and
when any modification to the lifesaving arrangement is done after construction, the owner must obtain acceptance of lifesaving arrangements
from the Commandant Marine Safety
(e) The OCMI may accept substitute
lifesaving appliances other than those
required by this part, except for—
(1) Survival craft and rescue boats;
(2) Survival craft and rescue boat
launching and embarkation appliances.

(f) Acceptance of lifesaving appliances and arrangements will remain in
effect unless—
(1) The OCMI deems their condition
to be unsatisfactory or unfit for the
service intended; or
(2) The OCMI deems the crew’s ability to use and assist others in the use
of the lifesaving appliances or arrangements to be inadequate.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 108.109 Classification society standards.
(a) Any person who desires to use the
rules of a classification society, other
than the American Bureau of Shipping,
to meet requirements in this Subchapter must request recognition of
that society from the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. The relevant rules must be submitted with the
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29,

Subpart B—Construction and
§ 108.113

Structural standards.

Except as provided in § 108.109, each
unit must meet the structural standards of the American Bureau of Shipping’s Rules for Building and Classing
Offshore Mobile Drilling Units, 1978.
§ 108.114 Appliances for watertight
and weathertight integrity.
(a) Appliances to ensure watertight
integrity include watertight doors,
hatches, scuttles, bolted manhole covers, or other watertight closures for
openings in watertight decks and bulkheads.
(b) Appliances to ensure weathertight
integrity include weathertight doors
and hatches, closures for air pipes, ventilators, ventilation intakes and outlets, and closures for other openings in
deckhouses and superstructures.


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§ 108.123

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(c) Each internal opening fixed with
appliances to ensure watertight integrity which are used intermittently during operation of the unit while afloat
must meet the following:
(1) Each door, hatch, and scuttle
(i) Be remotely controlled from a
normally manned control station, and
be operable locally from both sides of
the bulkhead; or
(ii) If there is no means of remote
control there must be an alarm system
which signals whether the appliance is
open or closed both locally at each appliance and in a normally manned control station.
(2) Each closing appliance must remain watertight under the design
water pressure of the watertight
boundary of which it is a part.
(d) Each external opening fitted with
an appliance to ensure weathertight integrity must be located so that it
would not be submerged below the final
equilibrium waterline if the unit is
subjected simultaneously to—
(1) Damage causing flooding described in § 174.075 through § 174.085 of
this chapter; and
(2) A wind heeling moment calculated in accordance with § 174.055 of
this chapter using a wind velocity of 50
knots (25.8 meters per second).
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4,

§ 108.123 Isolation of combustible material.
Each internal combustion engine exhaust, boiler and galley uptake, and
similar heat source must be separated
or insulated from combustible materials.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.127

Storage lockers for combusti-

Each oil and paint locker must be
made of steel or an equivalent material
or be completely lined with steel or an
equivalent material as described in
§ 108.131(c) of this subpart.

§ 108.131 Definitions.
(a) Standard Fire Test means the test
in which specimens of the relevant
bulkheads or decks, having a surface of
approximately 4.65 square meters (50
square feet) and a height of 2.44 meters
(8 feet) resembling as closely as possible the intended construction and including, where appropriate, at least
one joint, are exposed in a test furnace
to a series of temperature relationships
approximately as follows:
(1) At the end of 5 minutes—538°C.
(2) At the end of 10 minutes—704°C.
(3) At the end of 30 minutes—843°C.
(4) At the end of 60 minutes—927°C.
(b) Bulkheads and decks are defined
and classed as follows:
(1) A class bulkhead or deck means a
bulkhead or deck that—
(i) Is made of steel or other equivalent material; and
(ii) Prevents the passage of flame and
smoke for 60 minutes if subjected to
the standard fire test.
(2) A 60 bulkhead or deck means an A
class bulkhead or deck that—
(i) Is insulated with approved insulation, bulkhead panels, or deck covering;
(ii) If subjected to the standard fire
test for 60 minutes, has an average
temperature rise on the unexposed side
of the insulated bulkhead or deck of
less than 139°C. (250°F.) above the temperature before the standard fire test
and has a temperature rise at any
point on the unexposed surface, including any joint, of less than 180°C.
(325°F.) above the temperature before
the standard fire test.
(3) B class bulkhead or deck means a
bulkhead or deck that—
(i) Is made of approved noncombustible material;
(ii) Prevents flame from passing
through it for 30 minutes if subjected
to the standard fire test.
(4) C class bulkhead or deck means a
bulkhead or deck made of approved
noncombustible material.
(c) Equivalent material means a material that by itself or with insulation


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.143

has smoke and fire retardant properties equal to that of the steel required for ‘‘A’’ or ‘‘B’’ class bulkheads
or decks and has structural qualities
equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable fire exposure.
(d) Approved material means a material approved under one of the following subparts of Subchapter Q of this
(1) Deck coverings, Subpart 164.006.
(2) Structural insulation, Subpart
(3) Bulkhead panel, Subpart 164.008.
(4) Noncombustible materials, Subpart 164.009;
(5) Interior finishes, Subpart 164.012.
(e) Stairtower means a stairway that
penetrates more than one deck within
the same enclosure, or two or more
stairways that—
(1) Are arranged vertically one above
the other; or
(2) Penetrate both the deck and the
overhead within the same enclosure.
(f) Accommodation space includes,
sleeping, mess, hospital, recreational,
toilet, washing and shower spaces, and
§ 108.133 Hull superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses.
Each hull superstructure, structural
bulkhead, deck, and deckhouse must be
made of steel or an equivalent material.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.135 Boundary bulkheads, decks
of galleys, and combustible material
Each boundary bulkhead and deck of
each galley, each combination galley
and messroom, and each combustible
material storage locker must be an A
class bulkhead and A class deck respectively.
§ 108.137 Bulkhead and deck separations of accommodation spaces.
Each boundary bulkhead and deck
that separates an accommodation
space or control station from the following must be an A class bulkhead
and A class deck respectively—
(a) Machinery space;
(b) Galley or combination galley and
(c) Main pantry;
(d) Classified space;

(e) Store room.
§ 108.139 Boundary
decks of a space containing emergency power.
Each boundary bulkhead and deck of
a space containing an emergency electric power source or components of an
emergency electric power source must
be an A class bulkhead and A class
deck respectively. When separate but
adjoining spaces are provided for such
equipment, boundary bulkhead type
construction is not required for the
separating partitions common to each
§ 108.141 Boundary
decks between the emergency
power source and service generators.
Each boundary bulkhead and deck of
a space containing an emergency electric power source or components of an
emergency electric power source that
adjoins a space containing a ship’s
service generator, the components of a
ship’s service generator, or a classified
space must be an A–60 bulkhead and A–
60 deck.
§ 108.143 Accommodation space.
(a) Each corridor bulkhead in an accommodation space must be an A class
or B class bulkhead except if an A class
bulkhead is specifically required by
this part.
(b) No door in a corridor bulkhead in
an accommodation space may have a
louver, except that a stateroom,
lounge, or recreation room door may
have louvers in its lower half.
(c) Each stairtower, elevator, and
dumbwaiter, and other trunk must be
enclosed by A class bulkheads.
(d) Each bulkhead not described
under paragraph (a) of this section
must be either A class, B class, or C
class bulkheads.
(e) At least one opening to each stairway must be enclosed by either A class
or B class bulkheads and doors.
(f) Each stairtower must have doors
at all levels and each must be an A
class door.
(g) Each door required by paragraphs
(e) and (f) of this section—
(1) Must be self-closing;
(2) May not have any means to permanently hold the door open, except


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§ 108.145

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

for magnetic holdbacks that are operated from the bridge or other remote
(h) Interior stairs, including stringers and treads, must be made of steel
or an equivalent material.
(i) Except in washrooms and toilet
spaces, each deck covering in an accommodation space must be made of an
approved material, except an overlay
on a deck for leveling or finishing that
is not more than 9.375 millimeters (3⁄8
inch) thick.
(j) Except as provided in paragraph
(1), each ceiling, lining, insulation, and
pipe and duct lagging in an accommodation space must be made of an approved material that is noncombustible.
(k) Each sheathing, furring, or holding piece used to secure a bulkhead,
ceiling, lining, or insulation in an accommodation space must be made of an
approved material that is non-combustible.
(l) No bulkhead, lining, or ceiling in
an accommodation space may have a
combustible veneer greater than 2 millimeters (1⁄12 inch) in thickness.
(m) Each corridor or hidden space in
an accommodation space may be covered by an approved interior finish or a
reasonable number of coats of paint.
However, no corridor or hidden space
may have combustible veneer, trim, or
decoration except material approved
under Subpart 164.012 of this chapter.

(1) Each accommodation space with a
deck area of at least 27 sq. meters (300
sq. ft.).
(2) Each space, other than an accommodation space, that is continuously
manned or used on a regular working
basis except for routine security
(3) Weather deck areas where personnel may be normally employed.
(b) When two means of escape are required from a space below the main
deck, one the means of escape must
provide for a rapid escape through
openings that are not required to be
watertight by damage stability considerations.
(c) When two means of escape are required from a space above the main
deck, one of the means of escape must
provide for a rapid escape to a weather

§ 108.145 Hatches and tonnage openings.

§ 108.157 Locked doors.
No door to the required means of escape may be designed to lock except—
(a) A crash door or a door that has a
locking device that can be easily
forced, if on both sides of the door a
permanent and easily seen instruction
is placed; or
(b) An outside door to a deckhouse if
the door can be locked by key only and
if the master or person in charge has
control of the key to the door’s lock.

Each hatch, except a hatch between
storage spaces and each tonnage opening closure, must be made of steel or
an equivalent material of the same
class as the bulkhead or deck where
the opening occurs.
§ 108.147

Certain paints prohibited.

No nitrocellulose or other highly
flammable or noxious fume-producing
paint or lacquer may be used on a unit.
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§ 108.151

Two means required.

(a) Each of the following must have
at least 2 means of escape:

§ 108.153 Location of means of escape.
The required two means of escape
must be through exits that minimize
the possibility of having both exits
blocked if a fire or other casualty occurs in the area.
§ 108.155 Restrictions on means of escape utilized.
A required means of escape may not
be a vertical ladder or deck scuttle, except that one of the means of escape
may be a vertical ladder or deck scuttle if a stairway would be impracticable.

§ 108.159 Stairways and exterior inclined ladders.
Each stairway, except a stairway in a
machinery or storage space, and each
exterior inclined ladder must be at
least 70 centimeters (28 inches) wide
with an angle of inclination from the


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.173

horizontal of not more than 50 degrees,
except that special consideration may
be given to the installation if a 70 centimeters (28 inch) width is impracticable.
§ 108.160

Vertical ladders.

(a) Each vertical ladder must have
rungs that are—
(1) At least 41 centimeters (16 inches)
in length;
(2) Not more than 30 centimeters (12
inches) apart, uniform for the length of
the ladder; and
(3) At least 18 centimeters (7 inches)
from the nearest permanent object in
back of the ladder.
(b) Except when unavoidable obstructions are encountered, there must be at
least 11.5 centimeters (41⁄2 inches)
clearance above each rung.
§ 108.540(h)(3)(ii), each exterior vertical
ladder more than 6 meters (20 ft.) in
length must be fitted with a cage or
ladder safety device meeting ANSI
Standard 14.3 (1974) for fixed ladders.
(d) No vertical fixed ladders may be
made of wood.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61279,
Sept. 30, 2002]

§ 108.161

Dead end corridors.

No dead end corridor may be more
than 13 meters (43 feet) long.
§ 108.165 Access to lifeboats and liferafts.
Each unit must be designed to provide direct access to the lifeboat and
liferaft embarkation areas.
§ 108.167

Weather deck ladders.

Each unit must have at least one permanent, inclined ladder between each
weather deck.

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§ 108.170


(a) Classified locations are those in
which flammable hydrocarbon gas or
vapors, resulting from the drilling operations, may be present in quantities
sufficient to produce an explosive or ignitable mixture. Location of these
areas affect the design of the units’

machinery, electrical, and ventilation
systems. (See Notes 1 and 2).
(b) For the purpose of this subpart
‘‘semi-enclosed location’’ means a location where natural conditions of ventilation are notably different from
those on open decks due to the presence of structures such as roofs,
windbreaks, or bulkheads.
NOTES: 1. Further requirements with respect to hazardous locations are contained in
part 111, subpart 111.105, of this chapter.
2. For specific requirements for machinery
and electrical installations on mobile offshore drilling units see Subchapters ‘‘F’’ and
‘‘J’’ of this chapter.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28270, June 4,

§ 108.171 Class I, Division 1 locations.
The following are Class I, Division 1
(a) An enclosed space that contains
any part of the mud circulating system
that has an opening into the space and
is between the well and final degassing
(b) An enclosed or semi-enclosed location that is below the drill floor, and
contains a possible source of gas release.
(c) An enclosed space that is on the
drill floor, and is not separated by a
solid, gas-light floor from the spaces
specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) A space that would normally be
considered a Division 2 location under
§ 108.173 but where combustible or flammable gases might accumulate.
(e) A location in the weather, or a
semi-enclosed location, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section
that is within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of the boundary of any—
(1) Equipment or opening specified in
paragraph (a) of this section;
(2) Ventilation outlet, access, or
other opening to a Class I, Division 1
space; or
(3) Gas vent outlet.
(f) Except as provided in § 108.175, an
enclosed space that has an opening into
a Class I, Division 1 location.
§ 108.173 Class I, Division 2 locations.
The following are Class I, Division 2


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§ 108.175

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(a) An enclosed space that has any
open portion of the mud circulating
system from the final degassing discharge to the mud suction connection
at the mud pit.
(b) A location in the weather that
(1) Within the boundaries of the drilling derrick up to a height of 3 m (10 ft.)
above the drill floor;
(2) Below the drill floor and within a
radius of 3 m (10 ft.) of a possible
source of gas release; or
(3) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of the boundaries of any ventilation outlet, access,
or other opening to a Class I, Division
2 space.
(c) A location that is—
(1) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of a semi-enclosed Class I, Division 1 location indicated in § 108.171(b); or
(2) Within 1.5 m (5 ft.) of a Class I, Division 1 space indicated in § 108.171(e).
(d) A semi-enclosed area that is
below and contiguous with the drill
floor to the boundaries of the derrick
or to the extent of any enclosure which
is liable to trap gasses.
(e) A semi-enclosed derrick to the extent of its enclosure above the drill
floor or to a height of 3 m (10 ft.) above
the drill floor, whichever is greater.
(f) Except as provided in § 108.175 an
enclosed space that has an opening into
a Class I, Division 2 location.

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§ 108.175

Contiguous locations.

An enclosed space that has direct access to a Division 1 or Division 2 location is the same division as that location, except—
(a) An enclosed space that has direct
access to a Division 1 location is not a
hazardous location if—
(1) The access has self-closing gastight doors that form an air lock;
(2) The ventilation causes greater
pressure in the space than in the Division 1 location; and
(3) Loss of ventilation overpressure
activates an alarm at a manned station;
(b) An enclosed space that has direct
access to a Division 1 location can be
considered as a Division 2 location if—
(1) The access has a self-closing, gastight door that opens into the space
and that has no hold-back device;

(2) Ventilation causes the air to flow
with the door open from the space into
the Division 1 location; and
(3) Loss of ventilation activates an
alarm at a manned control station; and
(c) An enclosed space that has direct
access to a Division 2 location is not a
hazardous location if—
(1) The access has a self-closing, gastight door that opens into the space
and that has no hold-back device;
(2) Ventilation causes the air to flow
with the door open from the space into
the Division 2 location; and
(3) Loss of ventilation activates an
alarm at a manned control station.
§ 108.177 Electrical equipment in classified locations.
Electrical equipment and devices installed in spaces made non-hazardous
by the methods indicated in § 108.175
must only be essential equipment.
§ 108.181 Ventilation
(a) Each enclosed space must be vented or ventilated.
(b) There must be a means to close
each vent or ventilating system.
(c) Each fan in a ventilating system
must have remote controls installed in
accordance with part 111, subpart
111.103, of this chapter.
(d) There must be a means to close
each doorway, ventilator, and annular
space around each funnel or other
opening to machinery, stowage, or
working spaces. The means must be located outside the space.
(e) Each intake in a ventilating system must be located so as to prevent,
as far as practicable, the intake of noxious fumes.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28270, June 4,

§ 108.185 Ventilation for enclosed classified locations.
(a) The ventilation system for each
enclosed classified location must be designed to maintain a pressure differential between the enclosed classified location and each non-classified location
adjacent to the enclosed classified location, so as to prevent the discharge


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.201

of ignitable gases into the non-classified adjacent locations.
(b) Each air intake must be outside
of enclosed classified locations.
(c) Each unit must have alarms that
are powered independently of the ventilation motor power and control circuitry and sound at a continuously
manned station when—
(1) Gas is present in an enclosed classified location; or
(2) The ventilation system for the
space is not working.
(d) Each ventilation system for enclosed classified locations must provide
a complete change of air every five
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28270, June 4,

§ 108.187 Ventilation for brush type
electric motors in classified spaces.
Ventilation for brush type electric
motors in classified locations must
meet N.F.P.A. 496–1974 ‘‘Standard for
Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for
Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Locations’’, except audible and visual
alarms may be used if shutting down
the motors may cause unsafe conditions.
§ 108.193


(a) There must be no direct communication between the accommodation
spaces and any chainlocker, stowage,
or machinery space, except through
solid, close-fitted doors or hatches.
(b) No access, vent, or sounding tube
from a fuel or oil tank may open into
any accommodation space, except that
accesses and sounding tubes may open
into corridors.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.195 Location of accommodation
(a) On surface type units, accommodation spaces must not be located forward of a vertical plane located at 5
percent of the unit’s length aft of the
stem, at the designed summer load
(b) On all units, the deckhead of each
accommodation space must be above
the deepest load line.

§ 108.197 Construction of accommodation spaces.
(a) Each sleeping, mess, recreational,
or hospital space that is adjacent to or
immediately above a stowage or machinery space, paint locker, drying
room, washroom, toilet space, or other
odor source must be made odorproof.
(b) Each accommodation space that
is adjacent to or immediately above a
galley, machinery space, machinery
casing, boiler room, or other noise or
heat source, must be protected from
the heat and noise.
(c) Where the shell or an unsheathed
weather deck forms a boundary of an
accommodation space, the shell of deck
must have a covering that prevents the
formation of moisture.
(d) The deckheads of each accommodation space must be a light color.
(e) Each accommodation space in
which water may accumulate must
have a drain scupper located in the
lowest part of the space, considering
the average trim of the unit.
(f) Each public toilet space must be
constructed and located so that its
odors do not readily enter any sleeping,
mess, recreational, or hospital space.
§ 108.199 Arrangement


To the extent practicable, each occupation group must be berthed together
in sleeping spaces arranged to minimize disturbance created by personnel
leaving for or arriving from a working
§ 108.201

Size of sleeping spaces.

(a) No sleeping space may berth more
than four persons, except that a sleeping space for personnel not regularly
employed on a unit may berth up to six
persons if the space meets § 108.199 and
berthing of six persons in that space is
authorized by the Commandant (CG–
(b) Without deducting any equipment
used by the occupants, each sleeping
space must have for each occupant—
(1) 2.8 square meters (approximately
30 square feet) of deck area; and
(2) 6 cubic meters (approximately 210
cubic feet) of volume.
(c) Each sleeping space must have at
least 191 centimeters (approximately 6


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§ 108.203

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

feet 3 inches) of headroom over clear
deck areas.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 82–063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3,
1983; CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50465, Sept. 29, 1995;
CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–
2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 108.203

Berths and lockers.

(a) Each sleeping space must have a
separate berth for each occupant.
(b) No more than one berth may be
placed over another.
(c) Each berth must have a framework of hard, smooth material that is
not likely to corrode or harbor vermin.
(d) Each berth must be arranged to
provide ample room for easy occupancy.
(e) Each berth must be at least 76
centimeters (approximately 30 inches)
wide by 193 centimeters (approximately
76 inches) long.
(f) Adjacent berths must be separated
by a partition that extends at least 46
centimeters (approximately 18 inches)
above the sleeping surface.
(g) The bottom of a lower berth must
be at least 30 centimeters (approximately 12 inches) above the deck.
(h) The bottom of an upper berth
must be at least 76 centimeters (approximately 2 feet 6 inches) from the
bottom of the berth below it and from
the deck or any pipe, ventilating duct,
or other overhead installation.
(i) Each berth must have a berth
(j) Each occupant of a sleeping space
must have a readily accessible locker
of hard, smooth material.
(k) Each locker must be at least .194
square meters (approximately 300
square inches) in cross section and 1.53
meters (approximately 60 inches) high.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.205 Wash spaces; toilet spaces;
and shower spaces.
(a) For the purposes of this section—
(1) ‘‘Private facility’’ means a toilet,
washing, or shower space that is accessible only from one single or double occupancy sleeping space;
(2) ‘‘Semi-private facility’’ means a
toilet, washing or shower space that is
accessible from either of two one-tofour person occupancy sleeping spaces;

(3) ‘‘Public facility’’ means a toilet,
washing, or shower space that is not
private or semi-private.
(b) Each private facility must have
one toilet, one shower, and one washbasin, all of which may be in a single
(c) Each semi-private facility must
have at least one toilet and one shower, which may be in a single space.
(d) Each room adjoining a semi-private facility must have a washbasin if
a washbasin is not installed in a semiprivate facility.
(e) Each unit must have enough public facilities to provide at least one toilet, one shower, and one washbasin for
each eight persons who occupy sleeping
spaces that do not have private or
semi-private facilities.
(f) Urinals may be installed in toilet
rooms, but no toilet required in this
section may be replaced by a urinal.
(g) Each public toilet space and washing space must be convenient to the
sleeping space that it serves.
(h) No public facility may open into
any sleeping space.
(i) Each washbasin, shower, and bathtub must have hot and cold running
(j) Adjacent toilets must be separated
by a partition that is open at the top
and bottom for ventilation and cleaning.
(k) Public toilet facilities and shower
facilities must be separated.
(l) Each public facility that is a toilet space must have at least one washbasin unless the only access to the toilet space is through a washing space.
(m) Each toilet must have an open
front seat.
(n) Each washing space and toilet
space must be so constructed and arranged that it can be kept in a clean
and sanitary condition and the plumbing and mechanical appliances kept in
good working order.
(o) Washbasins may be located in
sleeping spaces.
§ 108.207 Messrooms.
(a) Each messroom that is not adjacent to the galley that serves it must
be equipped with a steamtable.
(b) Each messroom must seat the
number of persons expected to eat in
the messroom at one time.


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Coast Guard, DHS
§ 108.209

§ 108.219

Hospital spaces.

(a) Each unit carrying twelve or
more persons on a voyage of more than
three days must have a hospital space.
(b) Each hospital space must be suitably separated from other spaces.
(c) No hospital space may be used for
any other purpose, when used for care
of the sick.
(d) An entrance to each hospital
space must be wide enough and arranged to readily admit a person on a
(e) Each berth in a hospital space
must be made of metal.
(f) Each upper berth must be hinged
and arranged so that it can be secured
clear of the lower berth.
(g) Each hospital space must have at
least one berth that is accessible from
both sides.
(h) Each hospital space must have
one berth for every 12 persons or portion thereof on board, who are not
berthed in single occupancy rooms, but
the number of berths need not exceed
(i) Each hospital space must have a
toilet, washbasin, and bathtub or shower accessible from the hospital space.
(j) Each hospital space must have
clothes lockers, a table, and seats.
§ 108.210

Hospital space not required.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.213


(a) Each unit must have enough facilities for personnel to wash their own
clothes, including at least one tub or
sink that has hot and cold running

Heating requirements.

(a) Each accommodation space must
be heated by a heating system that can
maintain at least 20°C. (68°F.).
(b) Radiators and other heating
apparatuses must be constructed, located or shielded so as to avoid risk
(1) Fire;
(2) Danger; and
(3) Discomfort
to the occupants of each accommodation space.
(c) Each exposed pipe in an accommodation space, leading to a radiator or
other heating apparatus must be insulated.
§ 108.215

Insect screens.

(a) Accommodation spaces must be
protected against the admission of insects.
(b) Insect screens must be installed
when natural ventilation is provided.
§ 108.217

(a) The hospital space required under
§ 108.209 is not required on a unit if one
single or double occupancy sleeping
space, designated and equipped as a
treatment or isolation room or both is
available for immediate medical use,
and has—
(1) An entrance that is wide enough
and arranged to readily admit a person
on a stretcher;
(2) A single berth or examination
table that is accessible from both sides;
(3) A washbasin in or immediately
adjacent to it.
§ 108.211 Miscellaneous
tion spaces.

(b) Each unit must have enough
equipment or space for the personnel to
dry their own clothes.
(c) Each unit must have an accommodation space that can be used for recreation.

Guardrails and bulwarks.

(a) Each unit must have guardrails or
bulwarks along the edge of the bridge,
of each deck, and of each deck opening.
(b) Each guardrail and bulwark must
extend at least one meter (39.37 inches)
above the deck except where this
height may interfere with the normal
operation of the unit, a lesser height
may be approved.
(c) Removable guardrails may be installed where operating conditions warrant their use.
§ 108.219


(a) Except for exposed peripheries of
a freeboard or superstructure deck,
each guardrail must have at least two
evenly spaced courses.
(b) At exposed peripheries of a
freeboard or superstructure deck, each
guardrail must have at least three
courses not more than 38 centimeters
(15 in.) apart with the lowest course


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§ 108.221

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

not more than 23 centimeters (9 in.)
above the deck.
(c) For a rounded gunwale, the guardrail must be at the edge of the flat of
the deck.
§ 108.221 Storm rails.
Each unit must have a storm rail in
the following locations:
(a) On each deckhouse side that is
normally accessible.
(b) On each side of each passageway
that is wider than 1.83 meters (6 feet).
(c) On at least one side of each passageway that is less than 1.83 meters (6
feet) wide.
§ 108.223 Guards on exposed equipment.
Each unit must have hand covers,
guards, or rails installed on all belts,
gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, flywheels or other reciprocating,
rotating or moving parts of machinery
or equipment normally exposed to contact by personnel.
§ 108.231 Application.
Sections 108.231 through 108.241 apply
to each unit with a helicopter landing
§ 108.233 Location and size.
(a) Each helicopter deck must be—
(1) At least the size of the rotor diameter of the largest single main rotor
helicopter that will be used on the facility; or
(2) If tandem main rotor helicopters
use the facility, at least of a size to
provide a longitudinal axis of 9⁄10 the
overall length of the helicopter, and a
width of 3⁄4 of the overall length of the

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NOTE: For the purpose of paragraph (a)(2)
the overall length is measured across both
main rotors in the fore and aft line.

(b) Each helicopter deck must be located so as to provide clear approach/
departure paths to enable the largest
helicopter using the facility to operate
in all weather conditions which allow
helicopter operations.
§ 108.235 Construction.
(a) Each helicopter deck must be designed to accommodate the loadings

(static and dynamic) imposed by operation and stowage of helicopters intended to use the facility as well as environmental loadings (wind, wave,
water, snow, etc.) anticipated for the
(b) The adequacy of each helicopter
deck for the loadings required in paragraph (a) of this section must be shown
by design calculations. Where the
placement of a load affects the suitability of a structural member, the
load must be evaluated in the most unfavorable position for each member.
(c) The analysis required in paragraph (b) of this section must be based
on the dead load of the structure, existing stresses in the deck when it is an
integral part of a unit’s structure, and
each of the following loading conditions:
(1) Uniform distributed loading. A loading of 2kg/m2 (42 lb/ft2) applied to the
helicopter deck area.
(2) Helicopter landing impact loading.
The limit load established by the limit
drop test in 14 CFR 29.725, or a load of
not less than 75 percent of the helicopter maximum weight taken on a
square area of 0.3×0.3 m (1 ft.×1 ft.)
under each main landing gear unit applied anywhere on the helicopter deck
(3) Stowed helicopter loading. The helicopter maximum weight plus inertial
forces from the helicopter due to anticipated unit motions, and applicable
environmental loadings including wind
(d) The landing area of each helicopter facility must—
(1) Have a non-skid surface;
(2) Have drainage facilities that prevent the collection of liquids and prevent liquids from spreading to or falling on other parts of the unit;
(3) Have recessed tie-down points;
(4) Be free of projections, except that
landing lights or other projections may
be installed around the periphery of
the landing deck provided they do not
interfere with landing and take-off operations.
(e) The unprotected perimeter of
each helicopter facility must have a
safety net at least 1.5 meters (4.92 ft.)
wide. The outer edge of the net must


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.403

not extend more than 15 centimeters (6
in.) above the surface of the deck.
(f) Each helicopter facility must have
both a main and an emergency access/
egress route located as far apart from
each other as practicable.
§ 108.237 Fuel storage facilities.
(a) Helicopter fuel storage tanks
must be installed as far as practicable
(1) The landing area; and
(2) Each source of vapor ignition.
(b) Independent tanks must meet
Subpart 58.50 of this Chapter.
(c) Marine portable fuel stowage
tanks must meet Part 64 of this chapter.
(d) Each marine portable fuel stowage tank must have a means to contain
fuel spills or leaks.

(i) The unit’s identification;
(ii) A continuous line 40 centimeters
(16 in.) wide on the perimeter; and
(iii) Aiming circles as may be appropriate considering deck configuration,
helicopter type, and operational requirements.
(b) All markings must be in a contrasting color to the surface of the

Subpart C—Stability
§ 108.301

[CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51008, Nov. 4, 1983]

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct.
1, 1999]

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§ 108.239 Fuel transfer equipment.
(a) Each nozzle must be a ‘‘deadman’’
(b) Each hose must have a storage
(c) Each hose must have a static
grounding device.
(d) Each electric fuel transfer pump
must have a control with a fuel transfer pump operation indicator light at
the pump.
(e) There must be a fuel pump shut
off at each of the access routes required by § 108.235(f).
(f) Each fuel transfer pump and each
hose reel must have a means to contain
fuel spills or leaks.
(g) Each hose must meet chapter 3
‘‘Aircraft Fueling Hose’’ of National
Fire Protection Association Standard
for Aircraft Fuel Servicing (N.F.P.A.
No. 407–1975).
§ 108.241 Visual aids.
(a) Each helicopter deck must—
(1) Have a wind direction indicator
located in an unobstructed area readily
visible to helicopter pilots approaching
the deck;
(2) Be fitted around the perimeter
with yellow and blue lights in alternate order, not more than 3 meters (10
ft.) apart; and
(3) Be marked with—


Each unit must meet the requirements in Subchapter S of this chapter
that apply to Mobile Offshore Drilling

Subpart D—Fire Extinguishing
§ 108.401

Fire main system.

Each unit must have a fire main system.
§ 108.403 Fire extinguishing systems:
(a) Each of the following on a unit
must have an approved fixed gaseous
type extinguishing system:
(1) Each paint locker, oil room, and
similar space.
(2) Each enclosed space containing
internal combustion or gas turbine
main propulsion machinery.
(3) Each enclosed space containing
internal combustion machinery with
an aggregate power of at least 1000
(4) Each enclosed space containing a
fuel oil unit, including purifiers,
valves, or manifolds for main propulsion machinery or internal combustion
machinery with an aggregate power of
at least 1000 B.H.P.
(5) Each enclosed ventilation system
for electric motors or generators used
for vital services including bilge
pumps, fire pumps, or propulsion.
(b) Each space containing an oil fired
boiler, the fuel oil unit or valves for
the boiler, or manifolds in the line between the fuel settling tanks and the
boiler on a unit must have a fixed gas


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§ 108.403a

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

type, foam, or other approved fire extinguishing system.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26008, May 23,

§ 108.403a Fire extinguishing systems:
Non-vital services.
Each enclosed ventilating system for
electric motors or generators not used
for vital services must have an access
into the system for firefighting or be
protected by a fixed fire protection system.
§ 108.404 Selection of fire detection
(a) If a fire detector is in a space, it
must provide effective detection of
fires most likely to occur in the space.
(b) The fire detection system must be
designed to minimize false alarms.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.405 Fire detection system.
(a) Each fire detection system and
each smoke detection system on a unit
(1) Be approved by the Commandant;
(2) Have a visual alarm and an audible alarm in the pilothouse or at a normally manned control station for the
(b) Each fire detection system must
be divided into zones to limit the area
covered by any particular alarm signal.
(c) Each visual alarm must—
(1) Have a chart or diagram next to
the alarm that shows the location of
the zones in the system and that contains the instructions for operating,
and testing the system;
(2) When activated show the zone in
the system where fire has been detected; and
(3) Be in a noticeable location in the
pilothouse or control station.
§ 108.407 Detectors for electric fire detection system.
(a) Each detector in an electric fire
detection system must be located
(1) No portion of the overhead of a
space protected is more than 3 meters
(10 feet) from a detector;
(2) Beams and girders extending
below the ceiling of the space protected
and any other obstructions do not de-

tract from the effectiveness of the detector; and
(3) Damage to the detector is unlikely to occur if it is not protected.
(b) Each detector must be set to activate at not less than 57 °C (135 °F) and
at not more than 73 °C (165 °F), except
that if a space normally has a high ambient temperature each detector may
be set to activate at not less than 80 °C
(175 °F) and not more than 107 °C (225
§ 108.409 Location and spacing of tubing in pneumatic fire detection system.
(a) All tubing in a pneumatic fire detection system must be on the overhead or within 300 millimeters (12
inches) of the overhead on a bulkhead
in a location where—
(1) No portion of the overhead is
more than 3.6 meters (12 feet) from the
nearest point of tubing;
(2) Beams or girders extending below
the ceiling or other obstructions do not
detract from the effectiveness of the
tubing; and
(3) Damage to the tubing, is unlikely
to occur if it is not protected.
(b) If tubing in a tubing circuit is installed in an enclosed space, at least
5% of the tubing in the circuit must be
exposed in the space, except that at
least 7.6 meters (25 feet) of tubing must
always be exposed in the space.
(c) A pneumatic fire detection system must be set to activate after approximately a 22°C. (40°F.) per minute
increase in temperature at the center
of the circuit in the system.
§ 108.411

Smoke detection system.

Each smoke accumulator in a smoke
detection system must be located on
the overhead of the compartment protected by the system in a location—
(a) Where no portion of the overhead
of the compartment is more than 12
meters (40 feet) from an accumulator;
(b) That is no closer to the opening of
a ventilator than 3 times the diameter
or equivalent size of the opening.
(c) Where damage to the accumulator
is unlikely to occur if it is not protected.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.423

§ 108.413 Fusible element fire detection system.
(a) A fusible element fire detection
system may be installed.
(b) The arrangements for the system
must be acceptable to the Commandant.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.415 Fire pump: General.
A fire main system must have at
least two independently driven fire
pumps that can each deliver water at a
continuous pitot tube pressure of at
least 3.5 kilograms per square centimeter (approximately 50 pounds per
square inch) at least two fire hose nozzles that are connected to the highest
two fire hydrants on the unit. Alternative designs that meet the pressure
requirement of this paragraph will be
considered for column stabilized and
self elevating units.
§ 108.417 Fire pump components and
associated equipment.
(a) Each fire pump in a fire main system must have a relief valve on its discharge side that is set to relieve at 1.75
kilograms per square centimeter (approximately 25 pounds per square inch)
in excess of the pump discharge pressure necessary to meet the pressure required in § 108.415 for the pump or 8.6
kilograms per square centimeters (approximately 125 pounds per square
inch), whichever is greater. A relief
valve may be omitted if the pump operating under shut off condition is not
capable of developing the pressure described in § 108.415 plus 1.75 kilograms
per square centimeter (25 pounds per
square inch).
(b) Each fire pump in a fire main system must have a pressure gauge on its
discharge side.
(c) Fire pumps may be used for other
purposes. One of the required pumps
must be kept available for use on the
fire system at all times. If a fire pump
is used in a system other than the fire
main system, except for branch lines
connected to the fire main for deck
washing, each pipe connecting the
other system must be connected to the
pump discharge through a shut off
valve at a manifold near the pump. If
the fire pump exceeds the pressure in

§ 108.417(a), the pipe leading from the
discharge manifold to other portions of
the fire main system must have a reducing station and a pressure gauge in
addition to the pressure gauge required
by paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) If a fire pump has a reducing station, the relief valve required by paragraph (a) of this section for the pump
and the additional pressure gauge required in paragraph (c) of this section
must not be located on the discharge
side of the reducing station.
(e) An oil line must not be connected
to a fire pump.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30,

§ 108.419 Fire main capacity.
The diameter of the fire main must
be sufficient for the effective distribution of the maximum required discharge from two fire pumps operating
§ 108.421 Location of fire pumps and
associated equipment.
Each fire pump required by § 108.415,
and the source of power, controls, sea
connections for the fire pump, and
booster pumps, if installed, must be installed in locations where, if a fire occurs in an enclosed space, all of the fire
pumps on the unit are not made inoperative, except that if compliance with
this requirement is impracticable, a
gas type extinguishing system may be
installed to protect at least one of the
fire pumps, its source of power, and
§ 108.423 Fire hydrants and associated
(a) A fire main system must have
enough fire hydrants so that each accessible space may be sprayed with at
least two spray patterns of water.
(b) In a main machinery space, except a shaft alley with no assigned
space for stowage of combustibles, each
spray pattern of water must be from
one length of fire hose and each must
be from a separate outlet. In all other
spaces at least one spray pattern of
water must be from one length of fire
(c) No outlet on a fire hydrant may
point above the horizontal.


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§ 108.425

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(d) Each fire hydrant must have at
least one spanner and at least one fire
hose rack or reel.
§ 108.425 Fire hoses and associated
(a) Each length of fire hose in a fire
main system must be—
(1) Of 11⁄2 or 21⁄2 inch nominal hose
size diameter;
(2) Of 50 foot nominal hose size
length; and
(3) Lined commercial fire hose that
meets Standard 19 of the Underwriters’
Laboratories, Inc., (1971 edition) or
Federal Specification ZZ-H-451f.
(b) Fire station hydrant connections
shall be brass, bronze, or other equivalent metal. Couplings shall either:
(1) Use National Standard fire hose
coupling threads for the 11⁄2 inch (38
millimeter) and 21⁄2 inch (64 millimeter)
hose sizes, i.e., 9 threads per inch for
11⁄2 inch hose, and 71⁄2 threads per inch
for 21⁄2 inch hose; or
(2) Be a uniform design for each hose
diameter throughout the vessel.
(c) Each nozzle for a firehose in a fire
main system must be a combination
solid stream and water spray firehose
nozzle that is approve under subpart
162.027. Combination solid stream and
water spray nozzles previously approved under subpart 162.027 of this
chapter may be retained so long as
they are maintained in good condition
to the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection.
(d) A combination solid stream and
water spray firehose nozzle previously
approved under subpart 162.027 of this
chapter, must have a low-velocity
water spray applicator also previously
approved under subpart 162.027 of this
chapter when installed in—
(1) Machinery spaces containing oil
fired boilers, internal combustion machinery or oil fuel units; and
(2) Helicopter decks.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26008, May 23,
1996; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 108.427 International shore connection.
A fire main system on a unit in international service must have—
(a) At least one international shore
connection that meets ASTM F 1121

(incorporated by reference, see § 105.01–
(b) A cutoff valve and check valve for
each connection; and
(c) Facilities available enabling the
connection to be used on either side of
the unit.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35826, July 29,
1991; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58462, Sept. 29,

§ 108.429 Fire main system protection.
(a) Each pipe and fire hydrant in a
fire main system must be installed to
the extent practicable in locations that
are not exposed to damage by materials that are moved on or onto the
(b) Each part of the fire main system
located on an exposed deck must either
be protected against freezing or be
fitted with cutout valves and drain
valves to shut off and drain the entire
exposed system in freezing weather.
§ 108.430 General.
Automatic Sprinkler Systems shall
comply with NFPA 13–1996.
[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 108.431 Carbon dioxide systems: General.
(a) Sections 108.431 through 108.457
apply to high pressure carbon dioxide
fire extinguishing systems.
(b) Low pressure systems, that is,
those in which the carbon dioxide is
stored in liquid form at low temperature, must be approved by the Commandant.
(c) Each carbon dioxide system cylinder must be fabricated, tested, and
marked in accordance with §§ 147.60 and
147.65 of this chapter.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10,

§ 108.433 Quantity of CO2: General.
Each CO2 system must have enough
gas to meet the quantity requirements
of § 108.439 for the space requiring the
greatest amount of CO2.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.443

§ 108.437 Pipe sizes and discharge
rates for enclosed ventilation systems for rotating electrical equipment.
(a) The minimum pipe size for the
initial charge must meet table 108.441
and the discharge of the required
amount of CO2 must be completed
within 2 minutes.
(b) The minimum pipe size for the delayed discharge must be at least 1.25
centimeters (1⁄2 inch) standard pipe.
(c) The pipe used for the initial discharge must not be used for the delayed discharge, except systems having
a volume of less than 57 cubic meters
(2,000 cubic feet).
§ 108.439 Quantity of CO2 for protection of spaces.
(a) The number of pounds of CO2 required to protect a space must be equal
to the gross volume of the space divided by the appropriate factor from
Table 108.439.
(b) If a machinery space includes a
casing, the gross volume of the space
may be calculated using the reductions
allowed in 46 CFR 95.10–5(e).
(c) If fuel can drain from a space to
an adjacent space or if two spaces are
not entirely separate, the requirements
for both spaces must be used to determine the amount of CO2 to be provided
and the CO2 system must be arranged
to discharge into both spaces simultaneously.
TABLE 108.439—CO2 Supply Factors

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[Gross volume of space in cubic feet]

Not over

0 .........................................................
500 .....................................................
1,600 ..................................................
4,500 ..................................................
50,000 ................................................



§ 108.441 Piping and discharge rates
for CO2 systems.
(a) The size of branch lines to spaces
protected by a CO2 system must meet
Table 108.441.
(b) Distribution piping within a space
must be proportioned from the supply
line to give proper distribution to the
outlets without throttling.
(c) The number, type, and location of
discharge outlets must distribute the
CO2 uniformly throughout the space.

TABLE 108.441—CO2 System Pipe Size
CO2 supply in system, kilograms
45 (100) ..........................................
104 (225) ........................................
136 (300) ........................................
272 (600) ........................................
450 (1,000) .....................................
1,110 (2,450) ..................................
1,130 (2,500) ..................................
2,023 (4,450) ..................................
3,229 (7,100) ..................................
4,750 (10,000) ................................
6,818 (15,000) ................................

Minimum pipe size
(inches), millimeters
12.7 (1⁄2).
19.05 (3⁄4).
25.4 (1).
31.75 (11⁄4).
38.10 (11⁄2).
50.80 (2).
63.5 (21⁄2).
76.2 (3).
88.9 (31⁄2).
101.6 (4).
114.3 (41⁄2).

(d) The total area of all discharge
outlets must be more than 35 percent
and less than 85 percent of the nominal
cylinder outlet area or the area of the
supply pipe, whichever is smaller. The
nominal cylinder outlet area in square
centimeters is determined by multiplying the factor 0.0313 by the number
of kilograms of CO2 required. (The
nominal cylinder outlet area in square
inches is determined by multiplying
the factor 0.0022 by the number of
pounds of CO2 required). The nominal
cylinder outlet area must not be less
than 71 square millimeters (0.110 square
(e) A CO2 system must discharge at
least 85 percent of the required amount
within 2 minutes.
§ 108.443

Controls and valves.

(a) At least one control for operating
a CO2 system must be outside the space
or spaces that the system protects and
in a location that would be accessible if
a fire occurred in any space that the
system protects. Control valves must
not be located in a protected space unless the CO2 cylinders are also in the
protected space.
(b) A CO2 system that protects more
than one space must have a manifold
with a stop valve, the normal position
of which is closed, that directs the flow
of CO2 to each protected space.
(c) A CO2 system that protects only
one space must have a stop valve installed between the cylinders and the
discharge outlets in the system, except
on a system that has a CO2 supply of
136 kilograms (300 pounds) or less.
(d) At least one of the control stations in a CO2 system that protects a
machinery space must be as near as


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§ 108.445

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

practicable to one of the main escapes
from that space.
(e) All distribution valves and controls must be of an approved type.
(f) Each CO2 system that has a stop
valve must have a remote control that
operates only the stop valve and must
have a separate remote control for releasing the required amount of CO2
into the space protected by the system.
(g) Each CO2 system that does not
have a stop valve must be operated by
a remote control that releases the required amount of CO2 into the space
protected by the system.
(h) Remote controls to each space
must be in an enclosure.
(i) Each system must have a manual
control at its cylinders for releasing
CO2 from the cylinders, except that if
the system has pilot cylinders, a manual control is not required for other
than pilot cylinders.
(j) If gas pressure is used to release
CO2 from a system having more than 2
cylinders, the system must have at
least 2 pilot cylinders to release the
CO2 from the remaining cylinders.
(k) If the entrance to a space containing the CO2 supply or controls of a
CO2 system has a lock, the space must
have a key to the lock in a break-glass
type box that is next to and visible
from the entrance.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.445 Alarm and means of escape.
(a) Each CO2 system that has a supply of more than 136 kilograms (300
pounds) of CO2, except a system that
protects a tank, must have an alarm
that sounds for at least 20 seconds before the CO2 is released into the space.
(b) Each audible alarm for a CO2 system must have the CO2 supply for the
system as its source of power and must
be in a visible location in the spaces
§ 108.447 Piping.
(a) Each pipe, valve, and fitting in a
CO2 system must have a bursting pressure of at least 420 kilograms per
square centimeter (6,000 pounds per
square inch).
(b) All piping for a CO2 system of
nominal size of 19.05 millimeters (3⁄4
inch) inside diameter or less must be at
least Schedule 40 (standard weight) and
all piping of nominal size over 19.05

millimeters (3⁄4 inch) inside diameter
must be at least Schedule 80 (extra
(c) Each pipe, valve, and fitting made
of ferrous materials in a CO2 system
must be protected inside and outside
from corrosion.
(d) Each CO2 system must have a
pressure relief valve set to relieve between 168 and 196 kilograms per square
centimeter (2,400 and 2,800 pounds per
square inch) in the distribution manifold or other location that protects the
piping when all branch line shut off
valves are closed.
(e) The end of each branch line in a
CO2 system must extend at least 50
millimeters (2 inches) beyond the last
discharge outlet and be closed with a
cap or plug.
(f) Piping, valves, and fittings in a
CO2 system must be securely supported
and protected from damage.
(g) Each CO2 system must have
drains and dirt traps located where dirt
or moisture can accumulate in the system.
(h) Discharge piping in a CO2 system
may not be used for any other purpose
except as part of a fire detection system.
(i) Piping in a CO2 system that passes
through accommodation spaces must
not have drains or other openings within these spaces.
§ 108.449 Piping tests.
(a) Each test prescribed in (b), (c),
and (d) of this section must be performed upon completion of the piping
(b) When tested with CO2 or other
inert gas under a pressure of 70 kilograms per square centimeter (1000
pounds per square inch), with no additional gas introduced into the system,
the leakage in the piping from the cylinders to the stop valves in the manifold must not allow a pressure drop of
more than 10.5 kilograms per square
centimeter (150 pounds per square inch)
per minute for a 2 minute period.
(c) When tested with CO2 or other
inert gas under a pressure of 42 kilograms per square centimeter (600
pounds per square inch), with no additional gas introduced into the system,
the leakage in each branch line must
not allow a pressure drop of more than


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.459

10.5 kilograms per square centimeter
(150 pounds per square inch) per minute
for a 2-minute period. The distribution
piping must be capped within the protected space.
(d) Small independent systems protecting emergency generator rooms,
lamp lockers and similar small spaces
need not meet the tests prescribed in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if
they are tested by blowing out the piping with air at a pressure of at least 7
kilograms per square centimeter (100
pounds per square inch).

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.451

CO2 storage.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each cylinder of a
CO2 system must be outside each space
protected by the system and in a location that would be accessible if a fire
occurred in any space protected by the
(b) A CO2 system that has a CO2 supply of 136 kilograms (300 pounds) or less
may have one or more cylinders in the
space protected by the system if the
space has a heat detection system to
activate the system automatically in
addition to the remote and manual
controls required by this subpart.
(c) Each space that contains cylinders of a CO2 system must be ventilated and designed to prevent an ambient temperature of more than 54 °C.
(130 °F.)
(d) Each cylinder in a CO2 system
must be securely fastened, supported,
protected from damage, in an accessible location, and capable of removal
from that location.
(e) Each unit must have a means for
weighing cylinders of a CO2 system.
(f) A cylinder in a CO2 system may
not be mounted in a position that is inclined more than 30° from a vertical position, except that a cylinder having
flexible or bent siphon tubes may be
mounted in a position that is inclined
up to 80° from the vertical. The bottom
of each cylinder when mounted must be
at least 5 centimeters (2 inches) from
the deck.
(g) If a cylinder does not have a
check valve on its independent cylinder discharge, it must have a plug or

cap to close the outlet when the cylinder is moved.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7749, Mar. 10,

§ 108.453 Discharge outlets.
Each discharge outlet must be of an
approved type.
§ 108.455 Enclosure openings.
(a) Mechanical ventilation for spaces
protected by a CO2 system must be designed to shut down automatically
when the system is activated.
(b) Each space that is protected by a
CO2 system and that has natural ventilation must have a means for closing
that ventilation.
(c) Each space protected by a CO2
system must have the following means
for closing the openings to the space
from outside the space:
(1) Doors, shutters, or dampers for
closing each opening in the lower portion of the space.
(2) Doors, shutters, dampers or temporary means such as canvas or other
material normally on board a unit may
be used for closing each opening in the
upper portion of the space.
§ 108.457 Pressure release.
Each air tight or vapor tight space,
such as a paint locker, that is protected by a CO2 system must have a
means for releasing pressure that accumulates within the space if CO2 is discharged into the space.
§ 108.458 General.
Halogenated gas extinguishing systems may be installed if approved by
the Commandant.
§ 108.459 Number and location of outlets.
(a) A foam extinguishing system in a
space must have enough outlets to
spread a layer of foam of uniform
thickness over the deck or bilge areas
of the space.
(b) A foam extinguishing system in a
space that has a boiler on a flat that is


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§ 108.461

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

open to or can drain into a lower portion of the space must have enough
outlets to spread a layer of foam of
uniform thickness over the—
(1) Flat; and
(2) Deck or bilge areas of the space.
(c) A foam extinguishing system for a
tank must have enough outlets to
spread a layer of foam of uniform
thickness over the surface of the liquid
in the tank.

(2) In a space must have enough foam
producing material to discharge foam
for at least 3 minutes at each outlet.
(b) If a foam system has outlets in
more than one tank or space, the system need have only enough foam producing material to cover the largest
space that the system covers or, if the
liquid surface of a tank covered by the
system is larger, the tank with the
largest liquid surface.

§ 108.461

§ 108.471


Each machinery flat in a space that
has a foam extinguishing system must
have coamings that are high enough to
retain spilled oil and foam on the flat
on all openings except deck drains.
§ 108.463

§ 108.473

Foam rate: Protein.

(a) If the outlets of a protein foam
extinguishing system are in a space,
the foam rate at each outlet must be at
least 6.52 liters per minute for each
square meter (.16 gallons per minute
for each square foot) of area covered by
the systems.
(b) If the outlets of a protein foam
extinguishing system are in a tank, the
foam rate at each outlet must be at
least 4.07 liters per minute for each
square meter (.1 gallon per minute for
each square foot) of liquid surface in
the tank.
§ 108.467

Water supply.

The water supply of a foam extinguishing system must not be the water
supply of the fire main system on the
unit unless when both systems are operated simultaneously—
(a) The water supply rate to the foam
production equipment meets the requirements of this section; and
(b) Water supply rate to the fire hydrants required by § 108.415 of this subpart allows compliance with the pressure requirement in that section.
§ 108.469 Quantity of foam producing

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Water pump.

Each water pump in a foam extinguishing system must be outside each
machinery space in which the system
has outlets and must not receive power
from any of those spaces.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each foam extinguishing system with outlets—
(1) In a tank must have enough foam
producing material to discharge foam
for at least 5 minutes at each outlet;

Foam system components.

(a) Each foam agent, each tank for a
foam agent, each discharge outlet, each
control, and each valve for the operation of a foam extinguishing system
must be approved by the Commandant.
(b) Each foam agent tank and each
control and valve for the operation of a
foam extinguishing system with outlets in a space must be outside the
space and must not be in a space that
may become inaccessible if a fire occurs in the space.
(c) Each control for a foam extinguishing system with outlets in a space
must be near a main escape from the
§ 108.474 Aqueous film forming foam
Aqueous film forming foam systems
may be installed if approved by the
§ 108.475


(a) Each pipe, valve, and fitting in a
foam extinguishing system must meet
the applicable requirements in Subchapter F of this chapter.
(b) Each pipe, valve, and fitting made
of ferrous material must be protected
inside and outside from corrosion.
(c) Each pipe, valve, and fitting must
have support and protection from damage.
(d) Each foam extinguishing system
must have enough—
(1) Dirt traps to prevent the accumulation of dirt in its pipes; and


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.491

(2) Drains to remove liquid from the
(e) Piping in a foam extinguishing
system must be used only for discharging foam.
§ 108.477

Fire hydrants.

(a) If a fixed foam extinguishing system has outlets in a main machinery
space, at least 2 fire hydrants, in addition to the fire hydrants required by
§ 108.423 of this subpart, must be installed outside the entrances to the
space with each at a separate entrance.
(b) Each hydrant must have enough
hose to spray any part of the space.
(c) Each hydrant must have a combination nozzle and applicator.
§ 108.486

Helicopter decks.

At least two of the accesses to the
helicopter landing deck must each
have a fire hydrant on the unit’s fire
main system located next to them.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.487 Helicopter deck fueling operations.
(a) Each helicopter landing deck on
which fueling operations are conducted
must have a fire protection system
that discharges protein foam or aqueous film forming foam.
(b) a system that only discharges
foam must—
(1) Have enough foam agent to discharge foam continuously for at least 5
minutes at maximum discharge rate;
(2) Have at least the amount of foam
agent needed to cover an area equivalent to the swept rotor area of the largest helicopter for which the deck is designed with foam at—
(i) If protein foam is used, 6.52 liters
per minute for each square meter (.16
gallons per minute for each square
foot) of area covered for five minutes;
(ii) If aqueous film forming foam is
used, 4.07 liters per minute for each
square meter (.1 gallons per minute for
each square foot) of area covered for
five minutes; and
(3) Be capable of discharging from
each hose at 7 kilograms per square
centimeter (100 pounds per square inch)

(i) A single foam stream at a rate of
at least 340 liters (90 gallons) per
minute; and
(ii) A foam spray at a rate of at least
190 liters (50 gallons) per minute.
(c) Each system must have operating
controls at each of its hose locations,
be protected from icing and freezing,
and be capable of operation within 10
seconds after activation of its controls.
(d) Each system must have at least
one hose at each of the two access
routes required by § 108.235(f) of this
part. Each hose must be reel mounted
and long enough to cover any point on
the helicopter deck. Each hose that
discharges foam must have a nozzle
that has foam stream, foam spray, and
off positions.
§ 108.489 Helicopter fueling facilities.
(a) Each helicopter fueling facility
must have a fire protection system
that discharges one of the following
agents in the amounts prescribed for
the agents over the area of the fuel
containment systems around marine
portable tanks, fuel transfer pumps and
fuel hose reels:
(1) Protein foam at the rate of 6.52 liters per minute for each square meter
(.16 gallons per minute for each square
foot) of area covered for five minutes.
(2) Aqueous film forming foam at the
rate of 4.07 liters per minute for each
square meter (.1 gallon per minute for
each square foot) of area covered for
five minutes.
(3) 22.5 kilograms (50 pounds) of dry
chemical (B-V semi-portable) for each
fueling facility of up to 27.87 square
meters (300 square feet).
(b) If the fire protection system required by § 108.487 of this subpart is arranged so that it covers both a helicopter fueling facility and a landing
deck, the system must have the quantity of agents required by this section
in addition to the quantity required by
§ 108.487.
§ 108.491 General.
Each hand portable and semiportable
fire extinguisher on a unit must be approved under Subpart 162.028 or 162.039
of this chapter.


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§ 108.493
§ 108.493

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
semiportable fire extinguisher that has
a nameplate which states that it is to
be protected from freezing, must be located where freezing temperatures do
not occur.


(a) Each unit must have the hand
portable and semiportable fire extinguishers prescribed in Table 108.495(a)
of this subpart and installed in the locations prescribed in the table.
(b) Each portable and semi-portable
fire extinguisher must be visible and
readily accessible.
(c) The location, size, and number of
each portable and semiportable fire extinguisher on a unit must be acceptable to the appropriate OCMI. The
OCMI may require extinguishers in addition to those prescribed in Table
108.495(a) if he considers them necessary for fire protection on the unit.

§ 108.495 Spare charges.
(a) Each unit must have enough spare
charges for 50 percent of the hand portable fire extinguishers required under
Table 108.495(a) of this subpart that are
rechargeable by personnel on the unit.
(b) If a unit has extinguishers that
cannot be recharged by personnel on
unit, it must also have at least one
spare extinguisher for each classification and variety of those extinguishers.

Classification (see
table 108.495(b))

Quantity and location

Wheelhouse and control room ...............................................
Stairway and elevator enclosure ............................................
Corridors .................................................................................

C-I .....................
A-II ....................

Lifeboat embarkation and lowering stations ...........................
Radio room .............................................................................

C-I .....................

2 in vicinity of exit.
None required.
1 in each corridor not more than 150 ft
(45 m) apart. (May be located in stairways.)
None required.
2 in vicinity of exit.


None required.



Staterooms, toilet spaces, public spaces, offices, lockers,
small storerooms, and pantries, open decks, and similar

Galleys ....................................................................................

B-II or C-II .........

Paint and lamp rooms ............................................................
Storerooms .............................................................................

B-II ....................
A-II ....................

Work shop and similar spaces ...............................................

C-II ....................

1 for each 2,500 ft 2 (232 m 2 ) or fraction
thereof suitable for hazards involved.
1 outside each room in vicinity of exit.
1 for each 2,500 ft 2 (232 m 2 ) or fraction
thereof located in vicinity of exits, either
inside or outside the spaces.
1 outside each space in vicinity of an exit.


Oil-fired boilers: Spaces containing oil-fired boilers, either
main or auxiliary, or their fuel oil units.
Internal combustion or gas turbine propelling machinery

Motors or generators of electric propelling machinery that do
not have an enclosed ventilating system.
Motors and generators of electric propelling machinery that
have enclosed ventilating systems.

B-II ....................
B-V ...........................
B-II ....................

B-III ...................
C-II ....................

2 required in each space.
1 required in each space.
1 for each 1,000 brake horsepower but
not less than 2 nor more than 6 in each
1 required in each space. See note 1.
1 for each motor or generator.
None required.


wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Internal combustion engines or gas turbine ...........................

B-II ....................

Electric emergency motors or generators ..............................

C-II ....................

Steam driven auxiliary machinery ..........................................
Trunks to machinery spaces ..................................................
Fuel tanks ...............................................................................


Outside the space containing engines or
turbines in vicinity of exit.
1 outside the space containing motors or
generators in vicinity of exit.
None required.


Helicopter landing decks ........................................................

B-V ....................

1 at each access route.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.497

Classification (see
table 108.495(b))

Helicopter fueling facilities ......................................................
Drill floor ..................................................................................
Cranes with internal combustion engines ..............................

B-IV ...................
C-II ....................
B-II ....................

Quantity and location
1 at each fuel transfer facility. See note 2.
2 required.
1 required.

Notes: 1. Not required where a fixed gas extinguishing system is installed.
2. Not required where a fixed foam system is installed in accordance with § 108.489 of this subpart.

TABLE 108.495(b)



Classification: Type and

Water liters

Foam liters

Carbon dioxide

Dry chemical

II ..........................................
I ...........................................
II ..........................................
III .........................................
IV ........................................
V .........................................
I ...........................................
II ..........................................
III .........................................
IV ........................................

9.5 (21⁄2) .........

9.5 (21⁄2) .........
4.7 (11⁄4) .........
9.5 (21⁄2) .........
45.5 (12) .........
7.6 (20) ...........
152 (40) ..........

1.8 (4) .............
6.7 (15) ...........
15.8 (35) .........
22.5 (50) .........
45 (100) 4 ........
1.8 (4) .............
6.7 (15) ...........
15.8 (35) .........
22.5 (50) .........

2.25 (5) 3.
0.9 (2) .............
4.5 (10) ...........
9.0 (20).
13.5 (30).
22.5 (50) 4.
0.9 (2).
4.5 (10).
9.0 (20).
13.5 (30).

Halon 1211
1.1 (21⁄2)
4.5 (10) 5

NOTE: 1. Fire extinguishers are designed by type as follows: (a) ‘‘A’’ for fires in combustible materials such as wood. (b) ‘‘B’’
for fires in flammable liquids and greases. (c) ‘‘C’’ for fires in electrical equipment.
2. Fire extinguishers are designated by size where size ‘‘I’’ is the smallest and size ‘‘V’’ is the largest. Sizes ‘‘I’’ and ‘‘II’’ are
hand-portable extinguishers and sizes ‘‘III’’, ‘‘IV’’, and ‘‘V’’ are semiportable extinguishers.
3. Must be specifically approved as a type A, B, or C extinguisher.
4. For outside use, double the quantity of agent that must be carried.
5. For outside use only.

§ 108.496 Semiportable



(a) The frame or support of each size
III, IV, and V fire extinguisher required
by Table 108.495(a), except a wheeled
size V extinguisher provided for a helicopter landing deck, must be welded or
otherwise permanently attached to a
bulkhead or deck.
(b) If the following semiportable fire
extinguishers have wheels, they must
be securely stowed when not in use to
prevent them from rolling out of control under heavy sea conditions:
(1) Each size V extinguisher required
for a helicopter landing deck.
(2) Each size III, IV, and V extinguisher that is not required by Table
[CGD 77–039, 44 FR 34133, June 14, 1979]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.497

Fireman’s outfits.

Each unit must have at least 2 fireman’s outfits. Each fireman’s outfit on
a unit must consist of—

(a) A pressure-demand, open-circuit,
self-contained breathing apparatus, approved by the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) and by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and having at a
minimum a 30-minute air supply, a full
facepiece, and a spare charge; but a
self-contained compressed-air breathing apparatus previously approved by
MSHA and NIOSH under part 160, subpart 160.011, of this chapter may continue in use as required equipment if it
was part of the vessel’s equipment on
November 23, 1992, and as long as it is
maintained in good condition to the
satisfaction of the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection;
(b) A Type II or Type III flashlight
constructed and marked in accordance
with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see § 108.101).
(c) An oxygen and explosive meter
with the Underwriter’s Laboratories,
Inc. label or the Factory Mutual label;
(d) A lifeline that—
(1) Is attached to a belt or a suitable


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§ 108.499

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) Is made of bronze wire rope, inherently corrosion resistant steel wire
rope, or galvanized or tinned steel wire
(3) Is made up of enough 15.2 meters
(50 foot) or greater lengths of wire rope
to permit use of the outfit in any location on the unit;
(4) Has each end fitted with a hook
with a 16 millimeters (5⁄8 inch) throat
opening for the keeper; and
(5) Has a minimum breaking strength
of 680 kilograms (1,500 pounds).
(e) Boots and gloves that are made of
rubber or other electrically non-conductive material;
(f) A helmet that meets the requirements in ANSI standard Z–89.1–1969;
(g) Clothing that protects the skin
from scalding steam and the heat of
fire and that has a water resistant
outer surface.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 82–042, 53 FR 17705, May 18,
1988; CGD 86–036, 57 FR 48326, Oct. 23, 1992;
USCG 1999–5151, 64 FR 67182, Dec. 1, 1999]

§ 108.499

Fire axes.

Each unit must have at least two fire

Subpart E—Lifesaving Equipment
SOURCE: CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20,
1996, unless otherwise noted.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.500


(a) Each unit, other than a drillship,
must meet the requirements in this
(b) Each drillship must meet the lifesaving system requirements in subchapter W of this chapter for a tank
vessel certificated to carry cargoes
that have a flash point less than 60 °C
as determined under ASTM D 93 (incorporated by reference, see § 108.101).
(c) The OCMI may require a unit to
carry specialized or additional lifesaving equipment other than as required by this part, if the OCMI determines the conditions of the unit’s service present uniquely hazardous cir-

cumstances which are not adequately
addressed by existing requirements.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998; USCG
1999–5151, 64 FR 67182, Dec. 1, 1999]

§ 108.503 Relationship to international
For the purposes of this part, any
unit carrying a valid IMO MODU Safety Certificate, including a listing of
lifesaving equipment as required by the
1989 IMO MODU Code, is considered to
have met the requirements of this subpart if, in addition to the requirements
of the 1989 IMO MODU Code, it meets
the following requirements:
(a) Each new lifeboat and launching
appliance may be of aluminum construction only if its stowage location is
protected with a water spray system in
accordance with § 108.550(d) of this
(b) Each lifejacket, immersion suit,
and emergency position indicating
radiobeacon (EPIRB) must be marked
with the unit’s name in accordance
with §§ 108.649 and 108.650.
(c) Inflatable lifejackets, if carried,
must be of the same or similar design
as required by § 108.580(b).
(d) Containers for lifejackets, immersions suits, and anti-exposure suits
must be marked as specified in
§ 108.649(g).
(e) Each liferaft must be arranged to
permit it to drop into the water from
the deck on which it is stowed as required in § 108.530(c)(3).
(f) Survival craft must be arranged to
allow safe disembarkation onto the
unit after a drill in accordance with
§ 108.540(f).
(g) The requirements for guarding of
falls in §§ 108.553 (d) and (f) must be
(h) The winch drum requirements described in § 108.553(e) must be met for
all survival craft winches, not just
multiple drum winches.
(i) The maximum lowering speed requirements from §§ 108.553 (h) and (i)
must be met.
(j) An auxiliary line must be kept
with each line-throwing appliance in
accordance with § 108.597(c)(2).


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.515

(k) Immersion suits are required on
all units, except those operating between the 32 degrees north and 32 degrees south latitude in accordance with
§ 108.580(c).
(l) All abandonment drills conducted
on units carrying immersion suits
must include immersion suits.
§ 108.510


wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) For the purposes of this subpart—
(1) Similar stage of construction means
the stage at which—
(i) Construction identifiable with a
specific unit begins; and
(ii) Assembly of that unit comprising
at least 50 metric tons (55.1 U.S. tons)
or 1 percent of the estimated mass of
all structural material, whichever is
less, has been achieved.
(2) Unit constructed means a unit, the
keel of which is laid or which is at a
similar stage of construction.
(b) Subject to § 108.515, each unit constructed before October 1, 1996, must
meet the requirements of this subpart,
except for the number, type, and arrangement of lifeboats (including survival capsules), lifeboat davits, winches, inflatable liferafts, liferaft launching equipment, and rescue boats.
(c)(1) If a District Commander determines that the overall safety of the
persons on board a unit will not be significantly reduced, the District Commander may grant an exemption from
compliance with a provision of this
part to a specific unit for a specified
geographic area within the boundaries
of the Coast Guard District. This exemption may be limited to certain periods of the year.
(2) Requests for exemption under this
paragraph must be in writing to the
OCMI for transmission to the District
Commander in the area in which the
unit is in service or will be in service.
(3) If the exemption is granted by the
District Commander, the OCMI will endorse the unit’s Certificate of Inspection with a statement describing the
§ 108.515 Requirements for units built
before October 1, 1996.
(a) Units which were constructed
prior to October 1, 1996, must—
(1) By October 1, 1997, have either—

(i) Lifeboats and liferafts that meet
§ 108.525; or
(ii) Totally enclosed fire-protected
lifeboats of sufficient capacity to accommodate 100 percent of the persons
permitted on board, plus additional totally enclosed lifeboats or davitlaunched liferafts of sufficient capacity
to accommodate 100 percent of the persons permitted on board the unit. The
following exceptions apply:
(A) An open lifeboat may be used instead of davit-launched liferafts as
long as it is in good working order. An
open lifeboat requiring extensive repairs must be replaced with either a totally enclosed fire-protected lifeboat,
or davit-launched liferafts.
(B) A submersible unit constructed
before January 3, 1979, may continue to
use the lifesaving arrangements described on the units Certificate of Inspection in effect on October 1, 1996.
(2) By October 1, 1997, fit retro-reflective material on all floating appliances, lifejackets, and immersion suits.
(3) Except for the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, units may retain the arrangement
of lifesaving appliances previously required and approved for the unit, as
long as the arrangement or appliance is
maintained in good condition to the
satisfaction of the OCMI.
(b) When any lifesaving appliance or
arrangement on a unit subject to this
part is replaced, or when the unit undergoes repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character involving replacement of, or any addition to,
the existing lifesaving appliances or arrangements, each new lifesaving appliance and arrangement must meet the
requirements of this part, unless the
OCMI determines that the unit cannot
accommodate the new appliance or arrangement, except that—
(1) A survival craft is not required to
meet the requirements of this part if it
is replaced without replacing its davit
and winch; and
(2) A davit and its winch are not required to meet the requirements of this
part if one or both are replaced without
replacing the survival craft.


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§ 108.520
§ 108.520

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
Type of survival craft.

§ 108.530

(a) Each lifeboat must be a fire-protected lifeboat approved under approval series 160.035. A lifeboat of aluminum construction in the hull or canopy must be protected in its stowage
position by a water spray system meeting the requirements of part 34, subpart 34.25 of this chapter.
(b) Each inflatable liferaft must be
approved under approval series 160.151.
Each rigid liferaft must be approved
under approval series 160.118. Each liferaft must have a capacity of six persons or more.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG–2006–25697, 71 FR 55746,
Sept. 25, 2006]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.525 Survival craft number and
(a) Each unit must carry the following:
(1) Lifeboats installed in at least two
widely separated locations on different
sides or ends of the unit. The arrangement of the lifeboats must provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the
total number of persons permitted on
board if—
(i) All the lifeboats in any one location are lost or rendered unusable; or
(ii) All the lifeboats on any one side
or end of the unit are lost or rendered
(2) Liferafts arranged for float-free
launching and having an aggregate capacity that will accommodate the total
number of persons permitted on board.
(b) In the case of a self-elevating unit
where, due to its size or configuration,
lifeboats can not be located in the
widely separated locations required
under paragraph (a)(1) of this section,
the OCMI may accept the following
number and arrangement of survival
(1) Lifeboats with an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total number of persons permitted on board.
(2) Liferafts served by launching appliances or marine evacuation systems
of an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total number of persons permitted on board. These liferafts may be
the float-free liferafts under paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, or liferafts in addition to the float-free liferafts.

Stowage of survival craft.

(a) General. Each survival craft required to be served by a launching appliance or marine evacuation system
must be stowed as follows:
(1) Each survival craft must be
stowed as close to the accommodation
and service spaces as possible.
(2) Each survival craft must be
stowed in a way that neither the survival craft nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the embarkation and operation of any other survival craft or rescue boat at any other
launching station.
(3) Each survival craft must be
stowed as near the water surface as is
safe and practicable.
(4) Each survival craft must be
stowed where the survival craft, in the
embarkation position, is above the waterline with the unit—
(i) In the fully loaded condition; and
(ii) Listed up to 20 degrees either
way, or to the angle where the unit’s
weatherdeck edge becomes submerged,
whichever is less.
(5) Each survival craft must be sufficiently ready for use so that two crew
members can complete preparations for
embarkation and launching in less
than 5 minutes.
(6) Each survival craft must be fully
equipped as required under this subpart.
(7) Each survival craft must be in a
secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire and explosion, as far as practicable.
(8) Each survival craft must not require lifting from its stowed position in
order to launch, except that a davitlaunched liferaft may be lifted by a
manually powered winch from its
stowed position to its embarkation position.
(b) Additional lifeboat-specific stowage
requirements. In addition to meeting the
requirements of paragraph (a) of this
section, each lifeboat must be stowed
as follows:
(1) The unit must be arranged so each
lifeboat, in its stowed position, is protected from damage by heavy seas.
(2) Each lifeboat must be stowed attached to its launching appliance.


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.540

(3) Each lifeboat must be provided a
means for recharging the lifeboat batteries from the unit’s power supply at
a supply voltage not exceeding 50 volts.
(c) Additional liferaft-specific stowage
requirements. In addition to meeting the
requirements of paragraph (a) of this
section, each liferaft must be stowed as
(1) Each liferaft must be stowed to
permit manual release from its securing arrangements.
(2) Each liferaft must be stowed at a
height above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, not greater
than the maximum stowage height indicated on the liferaft. Each liferaft
without an indicated maximum stowage height must be stowed not more
than 18 meters (59 feet) above the waterline in the unit’s lightest seagoing
(3) Each liferaft must be arranged to
permit it to drop into the water from
the deck on which it is stowed. A liferaft stowage arrangement meets this
requirement if it—
(i) Is outboard of the rail or bulwark;
(ii) Is on stanchions or on a platform
adjacent to the rail or bulwark; or
(iii) Has a gate or other suitable
opening to allow the liferaft to be
pushed directly overboard.
(4) Each davit-launched liferaft must
be stowed within reach of its lifting
hook, unless some means of transfer is
provided that is not rendered inoperable—
(i) Within the list limits specified in
paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section;
(ii) By unit motion; or
(iii) By power failure.
(5) Each rigid container for an inflatable liferaft to be launched by a
launching appliance must be secured in
a way that the container or parts of it
are prevented from falling into the
water during and after inflation and
launching of the contained liferaft.
(6) Each liferaft must have a painter
system providing a connection between
the unit and the liferaft.
(7) Each liferaft or group of liferafts
must be arranged for float-free launching. The arrangement must ensure that
the liferaft or liferafts when released
and inflated, are not dragged under by
the sinking unit. A hydrostatic release
unit used in a float-free arrangement

must be approved under approval series
§ 108.540 Survival craft muster and
embarkation arrangements.
(a) Each muster station must have
sufficient space to accommodate all
persons assigned to muster at that station. One or more muster stations
must be close to each embarkation station.
(b) Each muster station and embarkation station must be readily accessible from accommodation and work
(c) Each lifeboat must be arranged to
be boarded and launched directly from
the stowed position.
(d) Each lifeboat must be arranged to
be boarded by its full complement of
persons within 3 minutes from the time
the instruction to board is given.
(e) Each davit-launched and free-fall
survival craft muster station and embarkation station for a survival craft
which is boarded before it is launched
must be arranged to enable stretcher
cases to be placed in the survival craft.
(f) Means must be provided for bringing each davit-launched survival craft
against the side of the unit and holding
it alongside to allow persons to be—
(1) Safely embarked in the case of a
survival craft intended to be boarded
over the edge of the deck; and
(2) Safely disembarked after a drill in
the case of a survival craft not intended to be moved to the stowed position with a full complement of persons
on board.
(g) Each davit-launched liferaft
launching arrangement must have a
means to hold the liferaft in the embarkation position that—
(1) Will hold the liferaft securely in
high winds;
(2) Can be rapidly engaged in the
proper position for boarding; and
(3) Can be rapidly released for
launching by one person from within
the loaded liferaft.
(h) Each launching station or each
two adjacent launching stations must
have an embarkation ladder as follows:
(1) Each embarkation ladder must be
approved under approval series 160.117
or be a rope ladder approved under approval series 160.017, and must be installed in a way that—


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.545

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(i) Each embarkation ladder must extend in a single length, from the deck
to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition with the unit listed
not less than up to 15 degrees either
way; or
(ii) Each embarkation ladder may be
replaced by a device approved to provide safe and rapid access to survival
craft in the water, if the OCMI permits
the device, provided that there is at
least one embarkation ladder on each
side of the unit.
(2) An embarkation ladder is not required if—
(i) The distance from the embarkation deck to the unit’s lightest operating waterline is less than 3 meters (10
feet); and
(ii) The unit is not in international
(3) If the embarkation ladders cannot
be supported against a vertical flat surface, the unit must instead be provided
with at least two widely-separated
fixed metal ladders or stairways extending from the deck to the surface of
the water and meet the following:
(i) Each inclined fixed ladder must
meet the requirements under § 108.159.
(ii) Each vertical fixed ladder must
meet the requirements under § 108.160
for fixed ladders, except that the
vertical bars in cages must be open at
least 500 millimeters (20 inches) on one
side throughout the length of the ladder, and cages are not required in the
area subject to wave action or on ladders inside the legs of a self-elevating
(iii) If a fixed ladder cannot be installed, the OCMI may accept an alternate means of embarkation with sufficient capacity for all persons permitted on board to safely descend to
the waterline.
(4) Alternate means of embarkation
under paragraphs (h)(1)(ii) and (h)(3) of
this section, such as portable slides,
safety booms, moveable ladders, elevators, and controlled descent devices,
must be acceptable to the OCMI. An alternate means of embarkation must
have sufficient capacity to permit persons to safely descend to the waterline
at a rate comparable to the device

which the alternate means of embarkation replaces.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.545 Marine evacuation
launching arrangements.

(a) Arrangements. Each marine evacuation system must have the following
(1) Each marine evacuation system
must be capable of being deployed by
one person.
(2) Each marine evacuation system
must enable the total number of persons for which it is designed, to be
transferred from the unit into the inflated liferafts within a period of 10
minutes from the time the signal to
abandon the unit is given.
(3) Each marine evacuation system
must be arranged so that liferafts may
be securely attached to the platform
and released from the platform by a
person either in the liferaft or on the
(4) Each marine evacuation system
must be capable of being deployed from
the unit under unfavorable conditions
of list of up to 20 degrees.
(5) If the marine evacuation system
has an inclined slide, the angle of the
slide from horizontal must be within a
range of 30 to 35 degrees when the unit
is upright and in the lightest seagoing
(6) Each marine evacuation system
platform must be capable of being restrained by a bowsing line or other positioning system that is designed to deploy automatically, and if necessary,
be capable of being adjusted to the position required for evacuation.
(b) Stowage. Each marine evacuation
system must be stowed as follows:
(1) There must not be any openings
between the marine evacuation system’s embarkation station and the
unit’s side at the unit’s waterline in
the lightest seagoing condition.
(2) The marine evacuation system
must be protected from any projections
of the unit’s structure or equipment.
(3) The marine evacuation system’s
passage and platform, when deployed,
its stowage container, and its operational arrangement must not interfere with the operation of any other


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.550

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

lifesaving appliance at any other
launching station.
(4) Where appropriate, the marine
evacuation system’s stowage area must
be protected from damage by heavy
(c) Stowage of associated liferafts. Inflatable liferafts used in conjunction
with the marine evacuation system
must be stowed as follows:
(1) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be close to the system container, but capable of dropping
clear of the deployed chute and boarding platform.
(2) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be capable of individual release from its stowage rack.
(3) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be stowed in accordance with § 108.530.
(4) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be provided with
pre-connected or easily connected retrieving lines to the platform.
§ 108.550 Survival craft launching and
recovery arrangements: General.
(a) Each launching appliance for a
lifeboat must be a davit approved
under approval series 160.132, with a
winch approved under approval series
160.115. Each launching appliance for a
davit-launched liferaft must be approved under approval series 160.163,
with an automatic disengaging apparatus approved under approval series
(b) All lifeboats required for abandonment by the total number of persons permitted on board must be capable of being launched with their full
complement of persons and equipment
within 10 minutes from the time the
signal to abandon the unit is given.
(c) Each survival craft must be arranged to clear each leg, column, footing, brace, mat, and each similar structure below the hull of a self-elevating
unit and clear the upper hull, the columns, and the pontoons of a column
stabilized unit, with the unit in an intact condition.
(1) The survival craft must be arranged to be launched down the

straight side of the unit or be mounted
on a structure intended to provide
clearance from lower structures of the
(2) The OCMI may allow a reduction
in the total number of survival craft
meeting this requirement when the
unit is in the transit mode and the
number of personnel on board is reduced. In such cases, sufficient survival
craft must be available for use by the
total number of personnel remaining
on board.
(d) Each lifeboat of aluminum construction in the hull or canopy, and
each aluminum launching appliance
must be protected in its stowage position by a water spray system meeting
the requirements of part 34, subpart
34.25 of this chapter.
(e) With the exception of the secondary means of launching for free-fall
lifeboats, each launching appliance together with all its lowering and recovery gear must be arranged in a way
that the fully equipped survival craft it
serves can be safely lowered when loaded with its full complement of persons,
and also without persons, against—
(1) A list of up to 20 degrees on the
high side; and
(2) A list of up to 20 degrees or the degree of list where the survival craft becomes waterborne, whichever, is the
greater, on the low side.
(f) When the unit is under any unfavorable condition such as maximum
airgap, lightest transit or operational
condition, or any damaged condition
under part 174, subpart C of this chapter,—
(1) Notwithstanding the requirements
under § 108.550(e), survival craft launching appliances and marine evacuation
systems must be capable of operation;
(2) Falls, where used, must be long
enough for survival craft to reach the
water; and
(3) Lifeboats with an aggregate capacity that will accommodate the total
number of persons permitted on board
must be capable of being launched safely, and clear of any obstruction. The
location and orientation of each lifeboat must be such that the lifeboat is
either headed away from the unit upon
launching, or can be turned to a heading away from the unit immediately
upon launching.


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§ 108.553

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(g) A launching appliance must not
depend on any means other than gravity or stored mechanical power independent of the unit’s power supplies to
launch the survival craft it serves, in
the fully loaded and equipped conditions, and also in the light condition.
(h) Each launching appliance’s structural attachment to the vessel must be
designed, based on the ultimate
strength of the construction material,
to be at least 4.5 times the load imparted on the attachment by the
launching appliance and its fully loaded survival craft under the most adverse combination of list and trim
under paragraph (b) of this section.
(i) Each launching appliance must be
arranged so that—
(1) All parts requiring regular maintenance by the crew are readily accessible and easily maintained;
(2) The launching appliance remains
effective under conditions of icing;
(3) The same type of release mechanism is used for each similar survival
craft carried on board the unit; and
(4) The preparation and handling of
survival craft at any one launching
station does not interfere with the
prompt preparation and handling of
any other survival craft at any other
(j) Each launching mechanism must
be arranged so it may be actuated by
one person from a position on the
unit’s deck, and also from a position
within the survival craft. Each launching and recovery arrangement must
allow the operator on the deck to observe the survival craft at all times
during launching.
(k) Means must be provided outside
the machinery space to prevent any
discharge of water onto survival craft
during abandonment.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.553 Survival craft launching and
recovery arrangements using falls
and a winch.
Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements, in addition to meeting the requirements in § 108.550, must
meet the following requirements:
(a) Each fall wire must be of rotation-resistant and corrosion-resistant
steel wire rope.
(b) The breaking strength of each fall
wire and each attachment used on the

fall must be at least six times the load
imparted on the fall by the fully-loaded
survival craft.
(c) Each fall must be long enough for
the survival craft to reach the water
with the unit in its lightest seagoing
condition, under unfavorable conditions of trim and with the unit listed
not less than 20 degrees either way.
(d) Each unguarded fall must not
pass near any operating position of the
winch, such as hand cranks, payout
wheels, and brake levers.
(e) Each winch drum must be arranged so the fall wire winds onto the
drum in a level wrap, and a multiple
drum winch must be arranged so that
the falls wind off at the same rate
when lowering, and onto the drums at
the same rate when hoisting.
(f) Each fall, where exposed to damage or fouling, must have guards or
equivalent protection. Each fall that
leads along a deck must be covered
with a guard that is not more than 300
millimeters (1 foot) above the deck.
(g) The lowering speed for a fully
loaded survival craft must be not less
than that obtained from the following
(1) S=0.4+(0.02 H), where S is the
speed of lowering in meters per second,
and H is the height in meters from the
davit head to the waterline at the
lightest seagoing condition, with H not
greater than 30, regardless of the lowering height.
(2) S=79+(1.2 H), where S is the speed
of lowering in feet per minute, and H is
the height in feet, with H not greater
than 99.
(h) The lowering speed for a survival
craft loaded with all of its equipment
must be not less than 70 percent of the
speed required under paragraph (g) of
this section.
(i) The lowering speed for a fully
loaded survival craft must be not more
than 1.3 meters per second (256 feet per
(j) If a survival craft is recovered by
electric power, the electrical installation, including the electric power-operated boat winch, must meet the requirements in subchapter J of this
chapter. If a survival craft is recovered
by any means of power, including a
portable power source, safety devices
must be provided which automatically


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.565

cut off the power before the davit arms
or falls reach the stops in order to
avoid overstressing the falls or davits,
unless the motor is designed to prevent
such overstressing.
(k) Each launching appliance must be
fitted with brakes that meet the following requirements:
(1) The brakes must be capable of
stopping the descent of the survival
craft or rescue boat and holding it securely when loaded with it full complement of persons and equipment.
(2) The brake pads must, where necessary, be protected from water and
(3) Manual brakes must be arranged
so that the brake is always applied unless the operator, or a mechanism activated by the operator, holds the brake
control in the off position.
§ 108.555 Lifeboat launching and recovery arrangements.
Lifeboat launching and recovery arrangements, in addition to meeting the
requirements in §§ 108.550 and 108.553,
must meet the following requirements:
(a) Each lifeboat must be capable of
being launched with the unit making
headway of 5 knots in calm water, or
with the unit anchored or bearing on
the bottom in a current of up to 5
knots. A painter may be used to meet
this requirement.
(b) Each lifeboat must be provided
with a launching appliance. The
launching appliance must be capable of
launching and recovering the lifeboat
with its crew.
(c) Each launching appliance arrangement must allow the operator on
the unit to observe the lifeboat at all
times during recovery.
(d) Each launching appliance arrangement must be designed to ensure
persons can safely disembark from the
survival craft prior its stowage.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.557 Free-fall lifeboat launching
and recovery arrangements.
(a) The launching appliance for a
free-fall lifeboat must be designed and
installed so that the launching appliance and the lifeboat it serves operate
as a system to protect the occupants

from harmful acceleration forces and
to effectively clear the unit.
(b) The launching appliance must be
designed and arranged so that in its
ready to launch position, the distance
from the lowest point on the lifeboat it
serves to the water surface with the
unit in its lightest seagoing condition
does not exceed the lifeboat’s certificated free-fall height.
(c) The launching appliance must be
arranged so as to preclude accidental
release of the lifeboat in its unattended
stowed position. If the means provided
to secure the lifeboat cannot be released from inside the lifeboat, the
means to secure the lifeboat must be
arranged as to preclude boarding the
lifeboat without first releasing it.
(d) Each free-fall launching arrangement must be provided with a secondary means to launch the lifeboat by
falls. Such means must comply with
the requirements of §§ 108.550, 108.553,
§ 108.550(e), the launching appliance
must be capable of launching the lifeboat against unfavorable conditions of
list of 5 degrees in any direction and it
need not comply with the speed requirements of §§ 108.553 (g), (h), and (i).
If the secondary launching appliance
is not dependent on gravity, stored mechanical power or other manual means,
the launching arrangement must be
connected both to the unit’s main and
emergency power supplies.
§ 108.560

Rescue boats.

Each unit must carry at least one
rescue boat. Each rescue boat must be
approved under approval series 160.156.
A lifeboat is accepted as a rescue boat
if it also meets the requirements for a
rescue boat.
§ 108.565

Stowage of rescue boats.

(a) Rescue boats must be stowed as
(1) Each rescue boat must be ready
for launching in not more than 5 minutes.
(2) Each rescue boat must be in a position suitable for launching and recovery.
(3) Each rescue boat must be stowed
in a way that neither the rescue boat
nor its stowage arrangements will


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§ 108.570

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

interfere with the operation of any survival craft at any other launching station.
(4) Each rescue boat that is also a
lifeboat, must be in compliance with
§ 108.530.
(b) Each rescue boat must be provided a means for recharging the rescue boat batteries from the unit’s
power supply at a supply voltage not
exceeding 50 volts.
(c) Each inflated rescue boat must be
kept fully inflated at all times.

boat, rapid recovery must be possible
when loaded with its lifeboat equipment and an approved rescue boat complement of at least six persons.
(e) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be fitted with a powered
winch motor.
(f) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be capable of hoisting the
rescue boat when loaded with its full
rescue boat complement of persons and
equipment at a rate of not less than 0.3
meters per second (59 feet per minute).

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.570 Rescue boat embarkation,
launching and recovery arrangements.

§ 108.575 Survival craft and rescue
boat equipment.
(a) All lifeboat and rescue boat equipment must be as follows:
(1) The equipment must be secured
within the boat by lashings, storage in
lockers, or compartments, storage in
brackets or similar mounting arrangements or other suitable means.
(2) The equipment must be secured in
such a manner as not to interfere with
any abandonment procedures or reduce
seating capacity.
(3) The equipment must be as small
and of as little mass as possible.
(4) The equipment must be packed in
a suitable and compact form.
(5) The equipment should be stowed
so the items do not—
(i) Reduce the seating capacity;
(ii) Adversely affect the seaworthiness of the survival craft or rescue
boat; or
(iii) Overload the launching appliance.
(b) Each lifeboat, rigid liferaft, and
rescue boat, unless otherwise stated in
this paragraph, must carry the equipment specified for it in table § 108.575(b)
of this section. A lifeboat that is also a
rescue boat must carry the equipment
in the table column marked for a lifeboat. Each item in the table has the
same description as in § 199.175 of this

(a) Each rescue boat must be capable
of being launched with the unit making
headway of 5 knots in calm water, or
with the unit anchored or bearing on
the bottom in a current of up to 5
knots. A painter may be used to meet
this requirement.
(b) Each rescue boat embarkation
and launching arrangement must permit the rescue boat to be boarded and
launched in the shortest possible time.
(c) If the rescue boat is one of the
unit’s survival craft, the rescue boat
must also be as follows:
(1) The rescue boat must meet the
embarkation arrangement and launching station requirements of § 108.540.
(2) The rescue boat must meet the
launching arrangement requirements
of §§ 108.550 and 108.557, and if the
launching arrangement uses falls and a
winch, § 108.553.
(3) If the launching arrangement uses
a single fall, the rescue boat must have
an automatic disengaging apparatus
approved under approval series 160.170,
instead of a lifeboat release mechanism.
(d) Rapid recovery of the rescue boat
must be possible when loaded with its
full complement of persons and equipment. If the rescue boat is also a life-

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

International service



Other than international service


Rigid liferaft





Bailer 1 ............................................................
Bilge pump 2 ...................................................


Rigid liferaft






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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.580

International service

Boathook .........................................................
Bucket 3 ...........................................................
Can opener .....................................................
Compass .........................................................
Dipper .............................................................
Drinking cup ....................................................
Fire extinguisher .............................................
First-aid kit ......................................................
Fishing kit .......................................................
Flashlight ........................................................
Hatchet ...........................................................
Heaving line ....................................................
Instruction card ...............................................
Jackknife .........................................................
Knife 1,4 ...........................................................
Ladder .............................................................
Mirror, signaling ..............................................
Oars (units) 5,6 ................................................
Paddles ...........................................................
Painter ............................................................
Provisions (units per person) .........................
Pump 7 ............................................................
Radar reflector ................................................
Rainwater collection device ............................
Repair kit 7 ......................................................
Sea anchor .....................................................
Searchlight ......................................................
Seasickness kit (kits/person) ..........................
Signal, smoke .................................................
Signal, hand flare ...........................................
Signal, parachute flare ...................................
Skates and fenders 8 ......................................
Sponge 7 .........................................................
Survival instructions ........................................
Table of lifesaving signals ..............................
Thermal protective aid (percent of persons) 9
Tool kit ............................................................
Towline 10 ........................................................
Water (liters per person) ................................
Whistle ............................................................

Rigid liferaft


Other than international service













Rigid liferaft
















































1 Each liferaft approved for 13 persons or more must carry two of these items.
2 Bilge pumps are not required for boats of self-bailing design.
3 Not required for inflated or rigid/inflated rescue boats.
4 A hatchet counts toward this requirement in rigid rescue boats.
5 Oars not required on a free-fall lifeboat; a unit of oars means the number of oars specified by the manufacturer.
6 Rescue boats may substitute buoyant oars for paddles, as specified by the manufacturer.
7 Not required for a rigid rescue boat.
8 Required if specified by the boat manufacturer.
9 Sufficient thermal protective aids are required for at least 10% of the persons the survival craft is equipped to carry, but not
less than two.
10 Required only if the lifeboat is also the rescue boat.

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.580 Personal



(a) Lifebuoys. Each unit must carry
at least eight lifebuoys approved under
approval series 160.150 as follows:
(1) Stowage. Lifebuoys must be
stowed as follows:
(i) Each lifebuoy must be capable of
being rapidly cast loose.

(ii) Each lifebuoy must not be permanently secured to the unit in anyway.
(iii) Lifebuoys must be so distributed
as to be readily available on each side
of the unit and, as far as practicable,
on each open deck extending to the
side of the unit. The lifebuoys with attached self-igniting lights must be
evenly distributed on all sides of the


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.580

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(iv) At least two lifebuoys, each with
attached self-activating smoke signals,
must be stowed where they can be
quickly released from the navigating
bridge or main control station, or a location readily available to personnel
on board. These lifebuoys should, when
released, fall directly into the water
without striking any part of the unit.
(2) Attachments and fittings. Lifebuoys
must have the following attachments
and fittings:
(i) At least one lifebuoy on each side
of the unit fitted with a buoyant lifeline that is—
(A) At least as long as twice the
height where it is stowed above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 30 meters (100 feet), whichever
is the greater;
(B) Non-kinking;
(C) Not less than 8 millimeters (5⁄16
inch) in diameter;
(D) Of a breaking strength which is
not less than 5 kiloNewtons (1,124
pounds-force); and
(E) Is, if synthetic, a dark color or
certified by the manufacturer to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light.
(ii) At least one-half the total number of lifebuoys on the unit must each
be fitted with a self-igniting light approved under approval series 161.010. A
self-igniting light must not be attached
to the lifebuoys required by this section to be fitted with lifelines.
(iii) At least two lifebuoys on the
unit each must be fitted with a self-activating smoke signal approved under
approval series 160.157. Lifebuoys fitted
with smoke signals must also be fitted
with lights.
(b) Lifejackets. Each unit must carry
lifejackets approved under approval series 160.155, 160.176, or 160.177. If the
unit carries inflatable lifejackets, they
must be of the same or similar design
and have the same method of operation.
(1) General. Each unit must carry a
lifejacket for each person on board and
in addition, a sufficient number of lifejackets must be carried for persons at
each work station and industrial work
(2) Stowage. Lifejackets must be
stowed as follows:

(i) The lifejackets must be readily accessible.
(ii) The additional lifejackets required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be stowed in places readily
accessible to the work stations and industrial work sites.
(iii) Where, due to the particular arrangements of the unit, the lifejackets
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section
could become inaccessible, the OCMI
may require an increase in the number
of lifejackets to be carried, or suitable
alternative arrangements.
(3) Attachments and fittings. Lifejackets must have the following attachments and fittings:
(i) Each lifejacket must have a lifejacket light approved under approval
series 161.112 securely attached to the
front shoulder area of the lifejacket.
On a unit not in international service,
a light approved under approval series
161.012 may be used. However, lifejacket lights bearing Coast Guard approval number 161.012/2/1 are not permitted unless the unit is certificated to
operate only on waters between 32° N
and 32° S latitude.
(ii) Each lifejacket must have a whistle firmly secured by a cord to the lifejacket.
(c) Immersion suits or anti-exposure
suits. Each unit must carry immersion
suits approved under approval series
160.171 or anti-exposure suits approved
under approval series 160.153.
(1) General. Each unit, except units
operating between 32 degrees north
latitude and 32 degrees south latitude,
must carry—
(i) Immersion suits or anti-exposure
suits of suitable size for each person assigned to the rescue boat crew;
(ii) Immersion suits approved under
approval series 160.171 of the appropriate size for each person on board,
which count toward meeting the requirements of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this
section; and
(iii) In addition to the immersion
suits required under paragraph (c)(1)(ii)
of this section, each watch station,
work station, and industrial work site
must have enough immersion suits to
equal the number of persons normally
on watch in, or assigned to, the station


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.621

or site at one time. However, an immersion suit is not required at a station or site for a person whose cabin or
berthing area (and the immersion suits
stowed in that location) is readily accessible to the station or site.
(2) Attachments and fittings. Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits must
have the following attachments and
(i) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must have a lifejacket light
approved under approval series 161.112
securely attached to the front shoulder
area of the immersion suit or anti-exposure suit. On a unit not in international service, a light approved
under approval series 161.012 may be
used. However, lifejacket lights bearing Coast Guard approval number
161.012/2/1 are not permitted on units
certificated to operate on waters where
water temperature may drop below 10
°C (50 °F).
(ii) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must have a whistle firmly
secured by a cord to the immersion
suit or anti-exposure suit.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.595


(a) Radio lifesaving appliances. Radio
lifesaving appliance installations and
arrangements must meet the requirements of 47 CFR part 80.
(b) Distress flares. Each unit must—
(1) Carry not less than 12 rocket
parachute flares approved under approval series 160.136; and
(2) Stow the flares in a portable watertight container carried on the navigating bridge, or if the unit does not
have a bridge, in the control room.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.597

(c) Additional equipment. Each unit
must carry the following equipment for
the line-throwing appliance:
(1) The equipment on the list provided by the manufacturer with the approved appliance; and
(2) An auxiliary line that—
(i) Has a breaking strength of at least
40 kiloNewtons (9,000 pounds-force);
(ii) Is, if synthetic, a dark color or
certified by the manufacturer to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light; and
(iii) Is—
(A) At least 450 meters (1,500 feet)
long, if the line-throwing appliance is
approved under approval series 160.040;
(B) At least 150 meters (500 feet) long,
if the line-throwing appliance is approved under approval series 160.031.

Subpart F—Cranes
§ 108.601 Crane design.
(a) Each crane and crane foundation
on a unit must be designed in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute Specification for Offshore
Cranes, API Spec. 2C, Second Edition,
February, 1972 (with supplement 2).
(b) In addition to the design requirements of paragraph (a), each crane
must have the following:
(1) Each control marked to show its
(2) Instruments with built-in lighting.
(3) Fuel tank fills and overflows that
do not run onto the engine exhaust.
(4) No gasoline engines.
(5) Spark arrestors fitted on engine
exhaust pipes.

Subpart G—Equipment Markings
and Instructions

Line-throwing appliance.

(a) General. Each unit in international service must have a linethrowing appliance that is approved
under approval series 160.040. Each unit
not in international service must carry
a line-throwing appliance approved
under either approval series 160.040 or
(b) Stowage. The line-throwing appliance and its equipment must be readily
accessible for use.

§ 108.621 Equipment markings: General.
Unless otherwise provided, each
marking required in this subpart must
(a) Printed in English;
(b) In red letters with a contrasting
(c) Permanent;
(d) Easy to be seen;


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§ 108.623

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(e) At least 1.3 centimeters (1⁄2 inch)
in height.
§ 108.623

General alarm bell switch.

Each general alarm bell switch must
be marked ‘‘GENERAL ALARM’’ on a
plate or other firm noncorrosive backing.

Work vests.

Each space containing a work vest
must be marked: ‘‘WORK VEST’’.
§ 108.637 Hand



Each general alarm bell must be
identified by marking ‘‘GENERAL
YOUR STATION’’ next to the bell.
§ 108.627

§ 108.639

General alarm bell.

Carbon dioxide alarm.

Each carbon dioxide alarm must be
identified by marking: ‘‘WHEN ALARM
the alarm.
§ 108.629 Fire extinguishing
branch line valve.


Each branch line valve of each fire
extinguishing system must be marked
with the name of the space or spaces it
§ 108.631 Fixed fire extinguishing system controls.
(a) Each cabinet or space that contains a valve, control, or manifold of a
fixed fire extinguishing system must be
marked by one of the following: ‘‘CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE APPARATUS’’,
in letters at least 5 centimeters (2
inches) high.
(b) Instructions for the operation of a
fixed fire extinguishing system must be
posted next to a fire apparatus described in paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 108.633

Fire stations.

Each fire station must be identified
by marking: ‘‘FIRE STATION NO.
ll;’’ next to the station in letters and
numbers at least 5 centimeters (2
inches) high.
§ 108.635 Self-contained breathing apparatus.
Each locker or space containing selfcontained breathing apparatus must be

Emergency lights.

Each emergency
marked: ‘‘E’’.


§ 108.641 Instructions
steering gear.



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Instructions stating, in order, the
different steps to be taken for changing
to emergency and secondary steering
gear must be posted in the steering
gear room and at each secondary steering station in 1.3 centimeters (1⁄2 inch)
letters and numerals of contrasting
color to the background.
§ 108.643

Rudder orders.

At each steering station, the direction which the wheel or steering device
must be moved for right rudder or left
rudder must be marked in letters of
contrasting color to the background on
the wheel or steering device or in a
place that is directly in the helmsman’s line of vision to indicate
§ 108.645 Markings on lifesaving appliances.
(a) Lifeboats and rescue boats. Each
lifeboat and rescue boat must be plainly marked as follows:
(1) Each side of each lifeboat and rescue boat bow must be marked in block
capital letters and numbers with—
(i) The name of the unit; and
(ii) The name of the port required to
be marked on the unit to meet the requirements of subpart 67.123 of this
(2) The number of persons the boat is
equipped for, which may not exceed the
number shown on its nameplate, must


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(a) Each hand portable fire extinguisher must be marked with a number
that identifies it in relation to all
other hand portable fire extinguishers.
(b) The location of each hand portable fire extinguisher must be marked
with the same number that is marked
on the extinguisher.

§ 108.625

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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.649

be clearly marked in permanent characters.
(3) The number of the boat and the
unit’s name, must be plainly marked or
painted so that the markings are visible from above the boat.
(4) Type II retro-reflective material
approved under approval series 164.018
must be placed on the boat and meet
the arrangement requirements in IMO
Resolution A.658(16).
(b) Rigid liferafts. Each rigid liferaft
must be marked as follows:
(1) The name of the unit must be
marked on each rigid liferaft.
(2) The name of the port required to
be marked on the unit to meet the requirements of subpart 67.123 of this
(3) The length of the painter must be
marked on each rigid liferaft.
(4) At each entrance of each rigid
liferaft, the number of persons the
rigid liferaft is equipped for, not exceeding the number shown on its nameplate, must be marked in letters and
numbers at least 100 millimeters (4
inches) high, in a color contrasting to
that of the liferaft.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.646 Marking of stowage locations.
(a) Containers, brackets, racks, and
other similar stowage locations for
lifesaving equipment, must be marked
with symbols in accordance with IMO
Resolution A.760(18), indicating the devices stowed in that location for that
(b) If more than one device is stowed
in that location, the number of devices
must also be indicated.
(c) Survival craft should be numbered.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.647 Inflatable liferafts.
The number of the liferaft and the
number of persons it is permitted to
accommodate must be marked or
painted in a conspicuous place in the
immediate vicinity of each inflatable
liferaft in block capital letters and
numbers. The word ‘‘liferaft’’ or the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution
A.760(18) shall be used to identify the

stowage location. Liferafts stowed on
the sides of the unit should be numbered in the same manner as the lifeboats. This marking must not be on
the inflatable liferaft container.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996]

§ 108.649 Lifejackets, immersion suits,
and lifebuoys.
(a) Each lifejacket must be marked—
(1) In block capital letters with the
name of the unit; and
(2) With type I retro-reflective material approved under approval series
164.018. The arrangement of the retroreflective material must meet IMO
Resolution A.658(16).
(b) The stowage positions for lifejackets, other than lifejackets stowed
in staterooms, must be marked with either the word ‘‘LIFEJACKET’’ or with
the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution A.760(18).
(c) Each immersion suit or anti-exposure suit must be marked to identify
the person or unit to which it belongs.
(d) Immersion suits or anti-exposure
suits must be stowed so they are readily accessible, and the stowage positions must be marked with either the
the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution A.760(18).
(e) Each lifebuoy must be marked—
(1) In block capital letters with the
unit’s name and with the name of the
port required to be marked on the unit
under subpart 67.123 of this chapter;
(2) With type II retro-reflective material approved under part 164, subpart
164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material
must meet IMO Resolution A.658(16).
(f) Each lifebuoy stowage position
must be marked with either the words
‘‘LIFEBUOY’’ or ‘‘LIFE BUOY’’, or
with the appropriate symbol from IMO
Resolution A.760(18).
(g) Each lifejacket, immersion suit,
and anti-exposure suit container must
be marked in block capital letters and
numbers with the minimum quantity,
identity, and if sizes other than adult
or universal sizes are used on the unit,
the size of the equipment stowed inside
the container. The equipment may be


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§ 108.650

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

identified in words or with the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25298, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 108.650


radiobeacons and search and rescue
transponders. Each EPIRB and SART
should have the name of the unit plainly marked or painted on its label, except for EPIRBs or SARTs in an inflatable liferaft or permanently installed
in a survival craft.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996]

§ 108.651

Portable magazine chests.

Each portable magazine chest must
at least 7.5 centimeters (3 inches) high.
§ 108.653

Helicopter facilities.

(a) Each helicopter fueling facility
must be marked adjacent to the fueling
(b) Each storage tank for helicopter
fuel must be marked: ‘‘DANGER—
(c) Each access to a helicopter landing area must be marked: ‘‘BEWARE
(d) Each marking required by this
section must be in letters at least 7.5
centimeters (3 inches) high.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.655

Operating instructions.

Each unit must have posters or signs
displayed in the vicinity of each survival craft and the survival craft’s
launching controls that—
(a) Illustrate the purpose of controls;
(b) Illustrate the procedures for operating the launching device;
(c) Give relevant instructions or
(d) Can be easily seen under emergency lighting conditions; and
(e) Display symbols in accordance
with IMO Resolution A.760(18).
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996]

§ 108.657 Unit markings.
The hull of each unit must be marked
in accordance with Parts 67 and 69 of
this chapter.
§ 108.659 Lifesaving signal instructions.
On all vessels to which this subpart
applies, there must be readily available
to the offshore installation manager,
master, or person in charge a placard
containing instructions for the use of
the lifesaving signals set forth in regulation 16, chapter V, of the International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974. These signals must be used
by vessels or persons in distress when
communicating with lifesaving stations and maritime rescue units.
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996]

§ 108.661 Unit markings: Draft marks.
(a) Each unit must have draft marks
for each foot of immersion—
(1) If the unit is a surface unit, on
both the port and starboard sides of the
stem and the stern-post or rudderpost
or at any other place at the stern of
the unit as may be necessary for easy
(2) If the unit is a self-elevating unit,
near each corner of the hull but not
more than 4 required; and
(3) If the unit is a column-stabilized
unit, on each corner column, continuing to the footing or lower displacement hull.
(b) The bottom of each mark must be
at the draft indicated by that mark.
(c) Each mark must be—
(1) In numerals 15 centimeters (6
inches) high; and
(2) In contrasting color to the background.
(d) For the purposes of this section,
‘‘draft’’ means the distance from the
bottom of the keel or the lowest shell
plate on the outer surface of the unit
to the surface of the water, except that
where a unit has a permanent appendage extending below the bottom of the
keel, ‘‘draft’’ means the distance from
the lowest part of the appendage to the
surface of the water.
(e) In cases where draft marks are obscured due to operational constraints
or by protrusions, the vessel must be
fitted with a reliable draft indicating


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 108.713

system from which the draft can be determined.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 89–037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11,

§ 108.663 Unit markings: Load line.
Each unit that is assigned a load line
must have the load line marked in accordance with Part 42 of this chapter.
§ 108.665 Appliances for watertight integrity.
Each watertight door, scuttle, and
hatch required for watertight integrity, which may be opened during normal operations must be marked in letters of contrasting color to the background ‘‘KEEP CLOSED’’.

Subpart H—Miscellaneous
§ 108.697 Buoyant work vests.
(a) Each buoyant work vest on a unit
must be approved under Subpart 160.053
or Subpart 160.077 of this chapter.
(b) Commercial hybrid PFD’s carried
as work vests must be—
(1) Used, stowed, and maintained in
accordance with the procedures set out
in the manual required for these devices by § 160.077–29 of this chapter and
any limitation(s) market on them; and
(2) Of the same or similar design and
have the same method of operation as
each other hybrid PFD carried on
[CGD 78–174A, 51 FR 4351, Feb. 4, 1986]

§ 108.699 Substitution of life preservers.
A work vest may not be substituted
for a required life preserver—
(a) For the life saving equipment requirements of this part; or
(b) For use during drills and emergencies.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.701 Sounding equipment.
Each self-propelled unit must have a
mechanical or electronic sounding apparatus.
§ 108.703 Self-contained breathing apparatus.
(a) Each unit must be equipped with
a self-contained breathing apparatus

described in § 108.497(a) to use as protection against gas leaking from a refrigeration unit if it is equipped with
any refrigeration unit using—
(1) Ammonia to refrigerate any space
with a volume of more than 20 cubic
feet; or
(2) Fluorocarbons to refrigerate any
space with a volume of more than 1000
cubic feet.
(b) The self-contained breathing apparatus required in § 108.497 may be
used for this purpose.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 86–036, 57 FR 48326, Oct. 23,

§ 108.705 Anchors, chains, wire rope,
and hawsers.
(a) Each unit must be fitted with anchors, chains, wire rope, and hawsers in
agreement with the standards established by the American Bureau of Shipping.
(b) Units which are equipped with anchors used as operational equipment
are not required to have additional anchors if the operational anchors meet
the requirements of paragraph (a) of
this section.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53226, Oct.
1, 1999]

§ 108.707

First aid kit.

Each unit must have a first-aid kit
approved by the Mine Safety and
Health Administration (Formerly Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration) of a size suitable for the number of persons allowed on board the
unit that is stowed in a location that is
accessible to persons on board.
§ 108.709


Each unit must have a litter that is—
(a) Stowed in a location that is accessible to the persons on board; and
(b) Capable of being used on the type
of helicopters serving the unit.
§ 108.713 International


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Each vessel on an international voyage which is required to carry a radiotelegraph or radiotelephone installation in accordance with Chapter IV of
the Safety of Life at Sea Convention,


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§ 108.715

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

1960, must carry the International Code
of Signals.
§ 108.715 Magnetic compass and gyrocompass.
(a) Each self-propelled unit in ocean
or coastwise service must have a magnetic compass.
(b) Each self-propelled unit of 1,600
gross tons and over in ocean or coastwise service must have a gyrocompass
in addition to the magnetic compass
required in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Each unit that is required to have
a gyrocompass must have an illuminated repeater for the gyrocompass
that is at the main steering stand unless the gyrocompass is illuminated
and is at the main steering stand.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 108.717 Radar.
Each self-propelled unit of 1,600 gross
tons and over in ocean or coastwise
service must have—
(a) A marine radar system for surface
navigation; and
(b) Facilities on the bridge for plotting radar readings.
§ 108.719 Pilot boarding equipment.
(a) This section applies to each vessel
that normally embarks or disembarks
a pilot from a pilot boat or other vessel.
(b) Each vessel must have suitable
pilot boarding equipment available for
use on each side of the vessel. If a vessel has only one set of equipment, the
equipment must be capable of being
easily transferred to and rigged for use
on either side of the vessel.
(c) Pilot boarding equipment must be
capable of resting firmly against the
vessel’s side and be secured so that it is
clear from overboard discharges.
(d) Each vessel must have lighting
positioned to provide adequate illumination for the pilot boarding equipment and each point of access.
(e) Each vessel must have a point of
access that has—
(1) A gateway in the rails or bulwark
with adequate handholds; or
(2) Two handhold stanchions and a
bulwark ladder that is securely attached to the bulwark rail and deck.
(f) The pilot boarding equipment required by paragraph (b) of this section

must include at least one pilot ladder
approved under subpart 163.003 of this
chapter. Each pilot ladder must be of a
single length and capable of extending
from the point of access to the water’s
edge during each condition of loading
and trim, with an adverse list of 15°.
(g) Whenever the distance from the
water’s edge to the point of access is
more than 30 feet, access from a pilot
ladder to the vessel must be by way of
an accommodation ladder or equally
safe and convenient means.
(h) Pilot hoists, if used, must be approved under subpart 163.002 of this
[CGD 79–032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]

Subpart I—Navigation Bridge
§ 108.801

Navigation bridge visibility.

Each mobile offshore drilling unit
which is 100 meters (328 feet) or more in
length and contracted for on or after
September 7, 1990, must meet the following requirements:
(a) The field of vision from the navigation bridge, whether the vessel is in
a laden or unladen condition, must be
such that:
(1) From the conning position, the
view of the sea surface is not obscured
forward of the bow by more than the
lesser of two ship lengths or 500 meters
(1,640 feet) from dead ahead to 10 degrees on either side of the vessel. Within this arc of visibility any blind sector
caused by cargo, cargo gear, or other
permanent obstruction must not exceed 5 degrees.
(2) From the conning position, the
horizontal field of vision extends over
an arc from at least 22.5 degrees abaft
the beam on one side of the vessel,
through dead ahead, to at least 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the other side
of the vessel. Blind sectors forward of
the beam caused by cargo, cargo gear,
or other permanent obstruction must
not exceed 10 degrees each, nor total
more than 20 degrees, including any
blind sector within the arc of visibility
described in paragraph (a)(1) of this
(3) From each bridge wing, the field
of vision extends over an arc from at
least 45 degrees on the opposite bow,


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§ 108.901

through dead ahead, to at least dead
(4) From the main steering position,
the field of vision extends over and arc
from dead ahead to at least 60 degrees
on either side of the vessel.
(5) From each bridge wing, the respective side of the vessel is visible forward and aft.
(b) Windows fitted on the navigation
bridge must be arranged so that:
(1) Framing between windows is kept
to a minimum and is not installed immediately in front of any work station.
(2) Front windows are inclined from
the vertical plane, top out, at an angle
of not less than 10 degrees and not
more than 25 degrees.
(3) The height of the lower edge of
the front windows is limited to prevent
any obstruction of the forward view
previously described in this section.
(4) The height of the upper edge of
the front windows allows a forward
view of the horizon at the conning position, for a person with a height of eye
of 1.8 meters (71 inches), when the vessel is at a forward pitch angle of 20 degrees.
(c) Polarized or tinted windows must
not be fitted.
[CGD 85–099, 55 FR 32248, Aug. 8, 1990]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart J—Muster List
§ 108.901 Muster list and emergency
(a) General. Copies of clear instructions must be provided on the unit, detailing the actions that each person on
board should follow in the event of an
(b) Muster list. Copies of the muster
list must be posted in conspicuous
places throughout the unit including
on the navigating bridge, in the control
room, and in accommodation spaces.
The muster list must be posted at all
times while the unit is in service. After
the muster list has been prepared, if
any change takes place that necessitates an alteration in the muster list,
the person in charge must either revise
the muster list or prepare a new one.
Muster lists must provide the following
(1) Each muster list must specify instructions for operating the general
emergency alarm system.

(2) Each muster list must specify the
emergency signals.
(3) Each muster list must specify the
actions to be taken by the crew and industrial personnel when each signal is
(4) Each muster list must specify how
the order to abandon the unit will be
(5) Each muster list must specify the
persons that are assigned to make sure
that lifesaving and firefighting appliances are maintained in good condition
and ready for immediate use.
(6) The muster list must specify the
duties assigned to the different industrial personnel and members of the
crew that include—
(i) Closing the watertight doors, fire
doors, valves, scuppers, sidescuttles,
skylights, portholes, and other similar
openings in the unit’s hull;
(ii) Equipping the survival craft and
other lifesaving appliances;
(iii) Preparing and launching the survival craft;
(iv) Preparing other lifesaving appliances;
(v) Mustering the visitors and other
persons in addition to the crew and industrial personnel;
(vi) Using communication equipment;
(vii) Manning the emergency squad
assigned to deal with fires and other
(viii) Special duties assigned with respect to the use of firefighting equipment and installations;
(ix) Cover the duties of the crew and
industrial personnel in case of collisions or other serious casualties; and
(x) Cover the duties of the crew and
industrial personnel in case of severe
(7) Each muster list must specify the
duties assigned to industrial personnel
and members of the crew in relation to
visitors and other persons on board in
case of an emergency that include—
(i) Warning visitors and other persons on board;
(ii) Seeing that visitors and other
persons on board are suitably dressed
and have donned their lifejackets or
immersion suits correctly;
(iii) Assembling visitors and other
persons on board at muster stations;


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Pt. 109

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(iv) Keeping order in the passageways
and on the stairways and generally
controlling the movements of the visitors and other persons on board;
(8) Each muster list must specify substitutes for key persons if they are disabled, taking into account that different emergencies require different actions.
(c) Emergency instructions. Illustrations and instructions in English and
any other appropriate language, as determined by the OCMI, must be posted
in each cabin used for persons who are
not members of the crew or industrial
personnel. They must be conspicuously
displayed at each muster station and in
other accommodation spaces to inform
personnel of—
(1) The fire and emergency signal;
(2) Their muster station;
(3) The essential actions they must
take in an emergency;
(4) The location of lifejackets, including child-size lifejackets;
(5) The method of donning lifejackets;
(6) If immersion suits are provided,
the location of the immersion suits;
(7) Fully illustrated instructions on
the method of donning immersion

Subpart C—Operation and Stowage of
Safety Equipment
109.301 Operational readiness, maintenance,
and inspection of lifesaving equipment.
109.323 Manning of survival craft and supervision.
109.329 Fire pumps.
109.331 Firehoses and hydrants.
109.333 Fire main cutoff valves.
109.334 Working over water.
109.335 Stowage of work vests.
109.337 Fireman’s outfit.
109.339 Location of fire axes.
109.347 Pilot boarding equipment.

Subpart D—Reports, Notifications, and
109.411 Notice and reporting of casualty.
109.415 Retention of records after casualty.
109.419 Report of unsafe machinery.
109.421 Report of repairs to boilers and pressure vessels.
109.425 Repairs and alterations: Fire detecting and extinguishing equipment.

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

109.431 Logbook.
109.433 Logbook entries.
109.435 Record of fire fighting equipment inspection.
109.437 Crane record book.
109.439 Crane certificates.


Subpart E—Emergency Signals

Subpart A—General
109.101 Applicability.
109.103 Requirements of the International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea,
109.105 Incorporation by reference.
109.107 Designation of master or person in
109.109 Responsibilities of master or person
in charge.
109.121 Operating manual.

Subpart B—Tests, Drills, and Inspections

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

109.223 Fire fighting equipment.
109.227 Verification of vessel compliance
with applicable stability requirements.

109.201 Steering gear, whistles, general
alarm, and means of communication.
109.203 Sanitation.
109.205 Inspection of boilers and machinery.
109.209 Appliances for watertight integrity.
109.211 Testing of emergency lighting and
power systems.
109.213 Emergency training and drills.


Emergency signals.


Cranes: General.
Cranes: Working loads.
Cranes: Operator designation.

Subpart F—Cranes

Subpart G—Miscellaneous
109.555 Propulsion boilers.
109.557 Flammable and combustible liquids:
109.559 Explosives and radioactive materials.
109.563 Posting of documents.
109.564 Maneuvering characteristics.
109.565 Charts and nautical publications.
109.573 Riveting, welding, and burning operations.
109.575 Accumulation of liquids on helicopter decks.
109.577 Helicopter fueling.
109.585 Use of auto pilot.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 109.121

AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
6101, 10104; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428–2959.
ASTM Adjunct F 1626, Symbols for Use in
Accordance with Regulation II–2/20 of the
1974 SOLAS Convention as amended PCN:
12–616260–01 (1996)—109.563

SOURCE: CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4,
1978, unless otherwise noted.

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Subpart A—General

Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment,
London, SE1 7SR United Kingdom.
Resolution A.654.(16), Graphical Symbols for
Fire Control Plans—109.563

§ 109.101


No unit may be operated unless it
complies with the regulations in this
§ 109.103 Requirements of the International Convention for Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974.
No self-propelled unit of more than
500 gross tons may embark on an international voyage unless it is issued the
appropriate Convention certificate as
described in §§ 107.401 through 107.413 of
this subchapter.
§ 109.105

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

American Society for Testing and Materials

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a). To enforce any edition other
than that specified in paragraph (b) of
this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make the material
available to the public. All approved
material is on file at the U.S. Coast
Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG–521), 2100 2nd St.
SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593–
7126 or at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or
ibrllocations.html. All material is
available from the sources indicated in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The material for incorporation by
reference in this part and the sections
affected are:

[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997, as
amended by USCG 1998–4442, 63 FR 52191,
Sept. 30, 1998; USCG 1999–5151, 64 FR 67182,
Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233,
Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 109.107 Designation of master or person in charge.
The owner of a unit or his agent shall
designate an individual to be the master or person in charge of the unit.
§ 109.109 Responsibilities of master or
person in charge.
(a) The master or person in charge
(1) Ensure that the provisions of the
Certificate of Inspection are adhered
to; and
(2) Be fully cognizant of the provisions in the operating manual required
by § 109.121.
(b) Nothing in this subpart shall be
construed as limiting the master or
person in charge, at his own responsibility, from diverting from the route
prescribed in the Certificate of Inspection or taking such steps as he deems
necessary and prudent to assist vessels
in distress or for other emergency conditions.
§ 109.121 Operating manual.
(a) Each unit must have on board an
operating manual approved by the
Coast Guard as meeting the requirements of this section.
(b) The operating manual must be
available to, and written in a manner
that is easily understood by, the unit’s
operating personnel and include the
(1) A table of contents and general
(2) A general description of the unit,
including major dimensions, tonnages,


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§ 109.121

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

dry bulk capacities, damage stability
standard to which designed, hook load
capacity, rotary table capacity, set
back load capacity, drilling derrick capacity, and the identification, the maximum deadweight in pounds and kilograms, and the rotor size in feet and
meters of the helicopter used for the
design of the helicopter deck.
(3) Limiting design data for each
mode of operation, including draft, air
gap, wave height, wave period, wind,
current, temperature, and other environmental factors.
(4) Instructions on the use of the stability data.
(5) Lightweight data with a comprehensive listing of the inclusions and
exclusions of semi-permanent equipment, together with guidance for the
routine recording of lightweight alterations.
(6) Information identifying the type,
location, and quantities of permanent
(7) Hydrostatic curves or tables.
(8) The maximum allowable deck
loadings either listed or shown on a
(9) A capacity plan showing the capacities and the vertical, longitudinal,
and transverse centers of gravity of
tanks and bulk material stowage
(10) Tank sounding tables or curves
showing capacities, the vertical, longitudinal, and transverse centers of gravity in graduated intervals, and the free
surface data of each tank.
(11) Stability information setting
forth the maximum allowable height of
the center of gravity in relation to
draft data, displacement, and other applicable parameters unique to the design of the unit to determine compliance with the intact and damage stability criteria.
(12) Examples of loading conditions
for each mode of operation and instructions for developing other acceptable
loading conditions.
(13) Information concerning the use
of any special crossflooding fitting for
each operating condition which, if
crossflooding for survival (surface
units only) and the location of any
valve that may require closure to prevent progressive flooding (all units).

(14) Guidance for preparing the unit
for the passage of a severe storm and
the specific actions and approximate
length of time to complete them or to
attain a designated level of preparedness.
(15) Guidance for operating the unit
while changing its mode of operation
and for preparing the unit to make a
move and, for self-elevating units in
the transit mode, information for preparing the unit to avoid structural
damage during heavy weather, including the positioning and securing of
legs, cantilever structures, and heavy
cargo or large equipment which might
shift position.
(16) A description of any inherent
operational limitations for each mode
of operation and for each change in
mode of operation.
(17) Guidance for the person in charge
to determine the cause of unexpected
list and trim before taking corrective
(18) For column stabilized units, a description, a schematic diagram, and
guidance for the operation of the ballast system and of the alternate means
of ballast system operation, together
with a description of their limitations,
such as pump capacities at various angles of heel and trim.
(19) A description, a schematic diagram, and guidance for the operation of
the bilge system and of the alternate
means of bilge system operation, together with a description of their limitations, such as spaces not connected
to the bilge system.
(20) General arrangement plans showing the location of: Watertight and
weathertight compartments, and openings in the hull and structure; vents,
closures, and mechanical, ventilating,
and electrical emergency shutdowns;
flooding alarms and fire and gas detectors; and access to different compartments and decks.
(21) A list of emergency shutdowns
and guidance on restarting all mechanical, ventilating, and electrical equipment after activation of the emergency
(22) Procedures for evacuating personnel from the unit.
(23) A plan showing the hazardous locations described in § 111.105–33 of this


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§ 109.213

(24) A schematic diagram of the
emergency power system.
(Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 1625–0038)
[CGD 83–071, 52 FR 6979, Mar. 6, 1987; 52 FR
9383, Mar. 24, 1987, as amended by CGD 95–028,
62 FR 51208, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–2006–25697,
71 FR 55746, Sept. 25, 2006]

Subpart B—Tests, Drills, and
§ 109.201 Steering gear, whistles, general alarm, and means of communication.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that—
(a) Steering gear, whistles, general
alarm bells, and means of communication between the bridge or control
room and the engine room on self propelled units are inspected and tested—
(1) Within 12 hours before getting
under way; and
(2) At least once each week if under
way or on station; and
(b) Whistles and general alarm bells
on all other units are inspected examined and tested at least once each
§ 109.203


(a) The master or person in charge
shall insure that the accommodation
spaces are in a clean and sanitary condition.
(b) The chief engineer, or engineer in
charge if no chief engineer is required,
shall insure that the engineering
spaces are in a clean and sanitary condition.
§ 109.205 Inspection of boilers and machinery.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

The chief engineer or engineer in
charge, before he assumes charge of the
boilers and machinery of a unit shall
inspect the boilers and machinery,
other than industrial machinery, and
report to the master or person in
charge and the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, any parts that are not
in operating condition.
§ 109.209 Appliances for watertight integrity.
(a) Before getting underway, the
master or person in charge shall insure

that each appliance for watertight integrity is closed and watertight.
(b) If existing conditions warrant, the
master or person in charge may permit
appliances for watertight integrity to
be open while afloat.
§ 109.211 Testing of emergency lighting and power systems.
(a) The master or person in charge
shall insure that—
(1) Each emergency lighting and each
emergency power system is tested at
least once each week;
(2) Each emergency generator is tested at least once each month by operating it under load for at least 2 hours;
(3) Each storage battery for emergency lighting and power systems is
tested every six months under actual
connected load for a period of at least
2 hours.
(b) After the 2 hour test period required in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the voltage values under load or
specific gravity of electrolyte must be
measured. Measured values must be extrapolated to approximate the values
that would result following a 12 hour
test period. The test must be extended
if a trend cannot be determined to
allow extrapolation. The capacity of
the battery corresponding to the extrapolated values of voltage or specific
gravity must be sufficient to supply
the actual connected load.
§ 109.213 Emergency


(a) Training materials. Abandonment
training material must be on board
each unit. The training material must
consist either of a manual of one or
more volumes, written in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever
possible, or audiovisual training aids,
or both as follows:
(1) If a training manual is used, a
copy must be made available to each
person on board the unit. If audiovisual
training aids are used, they must be incorporated into the onboard training
sessions described under paragraph (g)
of this section.
(2) The training material must explain, in detail—


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§ 109.213

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(i) The procedure for donning lifejackets, immersion suits, and anti-exposure suits carried on board;
(ii) The procedure for mustering at
the assigned stations;
(iii) The procedure for boarding,
launching, and clearing the survival
craft and rescue boats;
(iv) The method of launching from
within the survival craft;
(v) The procedure for releasing from
launching appliances;
(vi) The method and use of water
spray systems in launching areas when
required for the protection of aluminum survival craft or launching appliances;
(vii) Illumination in launching area;
(viii) The use of all survival equipment;
(ix) The use of all detection equipment for the location of survivors or
survival craft;
(x) With illustrations, the use of
radio lifesaving appliances;
(xi) The use of sea anchors;
(xii) The use of engine and accessories;
(xiii) The recovery of survival craft
and rescue boats, including stowage
and securing;
(xiv) The hazards of exposure and the
need for warm clothing;
(xv) The best use of the survival craft
for survival;
(xvi) The methods of retrieval, including the use of helicopter rescue
gear (slings, baskets, stretchers), and
unit’s line throwing apparatus;
(xvii) The other functions contained
in the muster list and emergency instructions; and
(xviii) The instructions for emergency repair of the lifesaving appliances.
(b) Familiarity with emergency procedures. Each of the crew members and
industrial personnel with assigned
emergency duties on the muster list
must be familiar with their assigned
duties before working on the unit.
(c) Drills—general. (1) Drills must, as
far as practicable, be conducted as if
there were an actual emergency.
(2) Each of the crew members and industrial personnel must participate in
at least one abandonment drill and one
fire drill every month. Drills must take
place within 24 hours of a change in

crew or industrial personnel if more
than 25 percent of the persons on board
have not participated in an abandonment and fire drills on board the unit
in the previous month.
(3) Drills must be held before the unit
enters service for the first time after
modification of a major character, or
when a new crew is engaged.
(d) Abandonment drills. (1) Abandonment drills must include the following:
(i) Each drill must include summoning of industrial personnel and
crew to muster stations with the general alarm, followed by drill announcements on the public address or other
communication system, and ensuring
that all on board are made aware of the
order to abandon ship.
(ii) Each drill must include reporting
to stations and preparing for the duties
described in the muster list.
(iii) Each drill must include checking
that industrial personnel and crew are
suitably dressed.
(iv) Each drill must include checking
that lifejackets or immersion suits are
correctly donned.
(v) Each drill must include lowering
of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching.
(vi) Each drill must include starting
and operating the lifeboat engine.
(vii) Each drill must include operating davits used for launching the liferafts.
(2) Different lifeboats must, as far as
practicable, be lowered in compliance
with the requirements of paragraph
(d)(1)(v) of this section at successive
(3) Each lifeboat must be launched
with its assigned operating crew
aboard, and maneuvered in the water
at least once every 3 months, during an
abandonment drill.
(4) As far as is reasonable and practicable, rescue boats other than lifeboats which are also rescue boats, must
be launched each month with their assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in
the water. In all cases this requirement
must be complied with at least once
every 3 months.
(5) If a unit is fitted with marine
evacuation systems, drills must include an exercising of the procedures
required for the deployment of such a
system up to the point immediately


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§ 109.213

preceding actual deployment of the
system. This aspect of drills should be
augmented by regular instruction
using the on board training aids. Additionally, members of the crew or industrial personnel assigned to duties involving the marine evacuation system
must be further trained by participation in a full deployment of a similar
system into water, either on board a
unit or ashore, at intervals normally
not longer than 2 years, but in no case
longer than 3 years.
(6) Emergency lighting for mustering
and abandonment must be tested at
each abandonment drill.
(7) On a unit carrying immersion
suits or anti-exposure suits, immersion
suits or anti-exposure suits must be
worn by crew members and industrial
personnel in at least one abandonment
drill in any three-month period. If
wearing the suit is impracticable due
to warm weather, the crew members
must be instructed on its donning and
(e) Line-throwing appliance. A drill
must be conducted on the use of the
line-throwing appliance at least once
every 3 months. The actual firing of
the appliance is at the discretion of the
person in charge.
(f) Fire drills. (1) Fire drills must, as
far as practicable, be planned in such a
way that due consideration is given to
regular practice in the various emergencies that may occur depending on
the type of unit.
(2) Each fire drill must include—
(i) Reporting to stations, and preparing for the duties described in the
muster list for the particular fire emergency being simulated;
(ii) Starting of fire pumps and the
use of two jets of water to determine
that the system is in proper working
(iii) Checking the fireman’s outfits
and other personal rescue equipment;
(iv) Checking the relevant communication equipment;
(v) Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, and fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of
ventilation systems in the drill area;
(vi) Checking the necessary arrangements for subsequent abandonment of
the unit; and

(vii) Simulated operation of remote
controls for stopping ventilation and
fuel supplies to machinery spaces.
(3) The equipment used during drills
must immediately be brought back to
its fully operational condition, and any
faults and defects discovered during
the drills must be remedied as soon as
(g) Onboard training and instruction.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(g)(2) of this section, onboard training
in the use of the unit’s lifesaving appliances, including survival craft equipment, and in the use of the unit’s fireextinguishing appliances must be given
to each member of the crew and industrial personnel as soon as possible but
not later than 2 weeks after they join
the unit.
(2) If crew or industrial personnel are
on a regularly scheduled rotating assignment to the unit, onboard training
in the use of the unit’s lifesaving appliances, including survival craft equipment, and in the use of the unit’s fireextinguishing appliances must be given
not later than 2 weeks after the time of
first joining the unit.
(3) The crew and industrial personnel
must be instructed in the use of the
unit’s fire-extinguishing appliances,
lifesaving appliances, and in survival
at sea at the same interval as the
drills. Individual instruction may cover
different parts of the unit’s lifesaving
and fire-extinguishing appliances, but
all the unit’s lifesaving and fire-extinguishing appliances, must be covered
within any period of 2 months.
(4) Crew and industrial personnel
must be given instructions which include, but are not limited to—
(i) The operation and use of the
unit’s inflatable liferafts;
(ii) The problems of hypothermia,
first aid treatment for hypothermia
and other appropriate first aid procedures;
(iii) The special instructions necessary for use of the unit’s lifesaving
appliances in severe weather and severe
sea conditions; and
(iv) The operation and use of fire-extinguishing appliances.
(5) Onboard training in the use of
davit-launched liferafts must take
place at intervals of not more than 4
months on each unit with davit-


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§ 109.213

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

launched liferafts. Whenever practicable this must include the inflation
and lowering of a liferaft. If this liferaft is a special liferaft intended for
training purposes only, and is not part
of the unit’s lifesaving equipment, this
liferaft must be conspicuously marked.
(6) Each of the industrial personnel
without designated responsibility for
the survival of others on board, must
be instructed in at least—
(i) The emergencies which might
occur on that particular type of unit;
(ii) The consequences of panic;
(iii) The location and actuation of
fire alarm controls;
(iv) The location and proper method
of use of firefighting equipment;
(v) Fire precautions;
(vi) The types of all lifesaving appliances carried on the unit and proper
methods of using them, including—
(A) The correct method of donning
and wearing a lifejacket, and if provided an immersion suit;
(B) Jumping into the water from a
height while wearing a lifejacket and,
if provided, an immersion suit;
(C) How to board survival craft from
the unit and from the water;
(D) Operation and use of the unit’s
inflatable liferafts;
(E) Special instructions necessary for
use of the unit’s lifesaving appliances
in severe weather and severe sea conditions;
(F) Swimming while wearing a lifejacket; and
(G) Keeping afloat without a lifejacket.
(vii) Where appropriate, how to survive in the water—
(A) In the presence of fire or oil on
the water;
(B) In cold conditions; and
(C) If sharks may be present.
(viii) Problems of hypothermia, first
aid treatment for hypothermia and
other appropriate first aid procedures;
(ix) The need to adhere to the principles of survival; and
(x) The basic methods of boarding
(7) Each member of the crew and each
of the industrial personnel with designated responsibility for the survival
of others on board must be instructed
in at least the items covered in paragraph (g)(6) of this section, and—

(i) Methods of detection, isolation,
control, and extinguishing of fire;
(ii) Checking and maintaining fire
fighting equipment;
(iii) Marshaling of personnel; and
(iv) Abandonment of the unit, including—
(A) Launching survival craft;
(B) Getting survival craft quickly
and safely clear of the unit; and
(C) Righting a capsized survival
(v) Handling all survival craft and
their equipment, including—
(A) Checking and maintaining their
readiness for immediate use;
(B) Using equipment to the best advantage;
(C) Using the sea anchor;
(D) Remaining, as far as practicable,
in the general vicinity of the unit, well
clear of but not downwind of any hydrocarbons or fire;
(E) Recovering and, as far as practicable, caring for other survivors;
(F) Keeping a lookout;
(G) Operating equipment provided to
aid in the detection of the survival
craft by others, including radio distress
alerting and radio emergency procedures; and
(H) Making proper use of food and
drinking water and using protective
measures in survival craft such as
those for preventing exposure to cold,
sun, wind, rain, and sea, and for preventing seasickness.
(vi) Cautioning on the preservation of
body fluids and the dangers of drinking
(vii) Transferring personnel from survival craft to helicopters or to work
(viii) Maintaining morale; and
(ix) Methods of helicopter rescue.
(h) Records. (1) When musters are
held, details of abandonment drills, fire
drills, other lifesaving appliances, and
onboard training must be recorded in
the unit’s official logbook. Logbook entries must include the following:
(i) Logbook entries must identify the
date and time of the drill, muster, or
training session.
(ii) Logbook entries must identify
the survival craft and fire-extinguishing equipment used in the drills.
(iii) Logbook entries must identify
the inoperative or malfunctioning


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 109.301

equipment and the corrective action
(iv) Logbook entries must identify
crew members and industrial personnel
participating in drills or training sessions.
(v) Logbook entries must identify the
subject of the onboard training session.
(2) If a full muster, drill, or training
session is not held at the appointed
time, an entry must be made in the
logbook stating the circumstances and
the extent of the muster, drill, or
training session held.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25299, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52815, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 109.223

Fire fighting equipment.

The master or person in charge shall
insure that each hand portable fire extinguisher, semi-portable fire extinguisher, and fixed fire-extinguishing
system is tested and inspected at least
once each twelve months.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 109.227 Verification of vessel compliance with applicable stability requirements.
(a) The master or person-in-charge
shall determine that the vessel complies with all applicable stability requirements in the vessel’s trim and
stability book, operating manual, stability letter, Certificate of Inspection,
and Load Line Certificate, as the case
may be, and then enter an attestation
statement of the verification in the log
book, at the following times:
(1) Prior to transitioning from the
transit condition to the operating condition;
(2) Prior to transitioning from the
operating condition to the transit condition;
(3) Prior to significant changes in
deck load or ballast;
(4) At other times as required by the
vessel’s trim and stability book or operating manual; and
(5) At all other times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel.
(b) When determining compliance
with applicable stability requirements
the vessel’s draft, trim, and stability
must be determined as necessary and
any stability calculations made in support of the determination must be retained on board the vessel for a one

month period or until a change of location, if shorter.
[CGD 89–037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11, 1992]

Subpart C—Operation and
Stowage of Safety Equipment
§ 109.301 Operational readiness, maintenance, and inspection of lifesaving equipment.
(a) Operational readiness. Except as
provided in § 109.301(b)(3), each lifesaving appliance must be in good working order and ready for immediate use
at all times when the unit is in operation.
(b) Maintenance. (1) The manufacturer’s instructions for onboard maintenance of lifesaving appliances must be
onboard and must include the following
for each appliance—
(i) Checklists for use when carrying
out the inspections required under
§ 109.301(e);
(ii) Maintenance and repair instructions;
(iii) A schedule of periodic maintenance;
(iv) A diagram of lubrication points
with the recommended lubricants;
(v) A list of replaceable parts;
(vi) A list of sources of spare parts;
(vii) A log for records of inspections
and maintenance.
(2) In lieu of compliance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, The OCMI
may accept a planned maintenance
program that includes the items listed
in that paragraph.
(3) If lifeboats, rescue boats or rigid
liferafts are maintained and repaired
while the unit is in operation, there
must be a sufficient number of lifeboats and liferafts remaining available
for use to accommodate all persons on
(c) Spare parts and repair equipment.
Spare parts and repair equipment must
be provided for each lifesaving appliance and component subject to excessive wear or consumption and that
needs to be replaced regularly.
(d) Weekly inspections and tests. (1)
Each survival craft, rescue boat, and
launching appliance must be visually
inspected to ensure its readiness for


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§ 109.301

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) Each lifeboat engine and rescue
boat engine must be run ahead and
astern for a total of not less than 3
minutes, unless the ambient air temperature is below the minimum temperature required for starting the engine. During this time, demonstrations
should indicate that the gear box and
gear box train are engaging satisfactorily. If the special characteristics of
an outboard motor fitted to a rescue
boat would not allow the outboard
motor to be run other than with its
propeller submerged for a period of 3
minutes, the outboard motor should be
run for such period as prescribed in the
manufacturer’s handbook.
(3) The general alarm system must be
(e) Monthly inspections. (1) Each lifesaving appliance, including lifeboat
equipment, must be inspected monthly
using the checklists required under
paragraph (b) of this section to make
sure it is complete and in good working
order. A report of the inspection, including a statement as to the condition
of the equipment, must be recorded in
the unit’s official logbook.
(2) Each EPIRB and each SART other
than an EPIRB or SART in an inflatable liferaft, must be tested monthly.
The EPIRB must be tested using the
integrated test circuit and output indicator to determine that it is operative.
(f) Annual inspections. Annual inspection and repair must include the following:
(1) Each survival craft, except for inflatable liferafts, must be stripped,
cleaned, and thoroughly inspected and
repaired, as needed, at least once in
each year, including emptying and
cleaning each fuel tank, and refilling it
with fresh fuel.
(2) Each davit, winch, fall and other
launching appliance must be thoroughly inspected and repaired, as needed, once in each year.
(3) Each item of survival equipment
with an expiration date must be replaced during the annual inspection
and repair, if the expiration date has
(4) Each battery clearly marked with
an expiration date, that is used in an
item of survival equipment must be replaced during the annual inspection

and repair, if the expiration date has
(5) Except for a storage battery used
in a lifeboat or rescue boat, each battery without an expiration date that is
used in an item of survival equipment
must be replaced during the annual inspection and repair.
(g) Servicing of inflatable lifesaving appliances, inflated rescue boats, and marine evacuation systems. (1) Each inflatable lifesaving appliance and marine
evacuation system must be serviced—
(i) Within 12 months of its initial
packing; and
(ii) Within 12 months of each subsequent servicing, except when servicing
is delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the unit, provided the delay
does not exceed 5 months.
(2) Each inflatable lifejacket must be
serviced in accordance with servicing
procedures meeting the requirements
of part 160, subpart 160.176 of this chapter. Each hybrid inflatable lifejacket
must be serviced in accordance with
the owners manual and meet the requirements of part 160, subpart 160.077
of this chapter.
(3) An inflatable liferaft must be
serviced at a facility specifically approved by the Commandant for the particular brand, and in accordance with
servicing procedures meeting the requirements of part 160, subpart 160.151,
of this chapter—
(i) No later than the month and year
on its servicing sticker affixed under 46
CFR 160.151–57(n), except that servicing
may be delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the unit, provided
that the delay does not exceed 5
months; and
(ii) Whenever the container is damaged or the container straps or seals
are broken.
(4) Each inflated rescue boat must be
repaired and maintained in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
All repairs to inflated chambers must
be made at a servicing facility approved by the Commandant, except for
emergency repairs carried out on board
the unit.
(h) Periodic servicing of hydrostatic release units. Each hydrostatic release
unit, other than a disposable hydrostatic release unit, must be serviced—


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§ 109.323

(1) Within 12 months of its manufacture and within 12 months of each subsequent servicing, except when servicing is delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the unit, provided
the delay does not exceed 5 months;
(2) In accordance with repair and
testing procedures meeting the requirements of part 160, subpart 160.062 of
this chapter.
(i) Periodic servicing of launching appliances and release gear. (1) Launching
appliances must be serviced at the intervals recommended in the manufacturer’s instructions, or as set out in
the shipboard planned maintenance
(2) Launching appliances must be
thoroughly examined at intervals not
exceeding 5 years and upon completion
of the examination, the launching appliance must be subjected to a dynamic
test of the winch brake.
(3) Lifeboat and rescue boat release
gear must be serviced at the intervals
recommended in the manufacturer’s instructions, or as set out in the planned
maintenance program.
(4) Lifeboat and rescue boat release
gear must be subjected to a thorough
examination by properly trained personnel familiar with the system at
each inspection for certification.
(5) Lifeboat and rescue boat release
gear must be operationally tested
under a load of 1.1 times the total mass
of the lifeboat when loaded with its full
complement of persons and equipment,
whenever overhauled, or at least once
every 5 years.
(j) Maintenance of falls. (1) Each fall
used in a launching appliance must be
turned end-for-end at intervals of not
more than 30 months and must be renewed when necessary due to deterioration or at intervals of not more than 5
years, whichever is earlier.
(2) As an alternative to paragraph
(j)(1) of this section, each fall may be
inspected annually and renewed whenever necessary due to deterioration or
at intervals of not more than 4 years,
whichever is earlier.
(k) Rotational deployment of marine
evacuation systems. In addition to or in
conjunction with the servicing intervals of marine evacuation systems required by paragraph (g)(1) of this sec-

tion, each marine evacuation system
must be deployed from the unit on a
rotational basis. Each marine evacuation system must be deployed at least
once every 6 years.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25301, May 20, 1996, as
amended by CGD 85–205, 62 FR 35392, July 1,
1997; CGD 84–069, 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998;
USCG–2001–11118, 67 FR 58541, Sept. 17, 2002]

§ 109.323 Manning of
and supervision.


(a) There must be a sufficient number
of trained persons on board the survival craft for mustering and assisting
untrained persons.
(b) There must be a sufficient number
of deck officers, able seamen, or certificated persons on board to operate the
survival craft and launching arrangements required for abandonment by the
total number of persons on board.
(c) There must be one person placed
in charge of each survival craft to be
used. The person in charge must—
(1) Be a deck officer, able seaman, or
certificated person. The OCMI, considering the number of persons permitted
on board, and the characteristics of the
unit, may permit persons practiced in
the handling and operation of liferafts
or inflatable buoyant apparatus to be
placed in charge of liferafts or inflatable buoyant apparatus;
(2) Have another person designated
second-in-command of each lifeboat
permitted to carry more than 40 persons. This person should be a deck officer, able seaman, or certificated person; and
(3) Have a list of the survival craft
crew and must see that the crewmembers are acquainted with their duties. The second-in-command of a lifeboat must also have a list of the lifeboat crew.
(d) There must be a person assigned
to each motorized survival craft who is
capable of operating the engine and
carrying out minor adjustments.
(e) The person in charge must make
sure that the persons required under
paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section are equitably distributed among
the unit’s survival craft.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25302, May 20, 1996]


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§ 109.329

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

§ 109.329 Fire pumps.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that at least one of the fire
pumps required in § 108.415 is ready for
use on the fire main system at all
§ 109.331 Firehoses and hydrants.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that—
(a) At least one length of firehose
with a combination nozzle is connected
to each fire hydrant required by this
subchapter, at all times, except that
during heavy weather a firehose in an
exposed location may be temporarily
removed from the fire hydrant and
stowed in an accessible, nearby location;
(b) A fire hose required by this subchapter is not used for any purpose
other than firefighting, fire drills, and
(c) Access to each fire hydrant is not
(d) Each firehose, except a firehose
temporarily removed from an exposed
location, is stowed on a rack or reel required by this subchapter; and
(e) Each low velocity spray applicator for a fire hose nozzle is attached
to the nozzle or stowed next to the fire
hydrant to which the fire hose is attached.
§ 109.333 Fire main cutoff valves.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that each fire main cutoff valve
is open and sealed to prevent closing,
except that a cutoff valve may be
closed to protect the portion of the fire
main system on an exposed deck from

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 109.334 Working over water.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that each person working over
the water is wearing a life preserver or
a buoyant work vest.
§ 109.335 Stowage of work vests.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that no work vest is stowed
where life preservers are stowed.
§ 109.337 Fireman’s outfit.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that—

(a) At least 2 persons who are trained
in the use of the fireman’s outfit are on
board at all times; and
(b) Each fireman’s outfit and its
spare equipment is stowed in a separate and accessible location.
(c) A fireman’s outfit is not used for
any purpose other than fire fighting except as provided in § 108.703.
§ 109.339

Location of fire axes.

The master or person in charge shall
insure that the fire axes required in
§ 108.499 of this subchapter are located
in the enclosures for fire hoses marked
in accordance with § 108.633 of this subchapter, if the fire axes are not located
in plain view.
§ 109.347

Pilot boarding equipment.

(a) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that pilot boarding equipment is maintained as follows:
(1) The equipment must be kept clean
and in good working order.
(2) Each damaged step or spreader
step on a pilot ladder must be replaced
in kind with an approved replacement
step or spreader step, prior to further
use of the ladder. The replacement step
or spreader step must be secured by the
method used in the original construction of the ladder, and in accordance
with manufacturer instructions.
(b) The master or person in charge
shall ensure compliance with the following during pilot boarding operations:
(1) Only approved pilot boarding
equipment may be used.
(2) The pilot boarding equipment
must rest firmly against the hull of the
vessel and be clear of overboard discharges.
(3) Two man ropes, a safety line and
an approved lifebuoy with an approved
water light must be at the point of access and be immediately available for
use during boarding operations.
(4) Rigging of the equipment and embarkation/debarkation of a pilot must
be supervised in person by a deck officer.
(5) Both the equipment over the side
and the point of access must be adequately lit during night operations.
(6) If a pilot hoist is used, a pilot ladder must be kept on deck adjacent to


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 109.431

the hoist and available for immediate
[CGD 79–032, 49 FR 25455, June 21, 1984]

Subpart D—Reports, Notifications,
and Records
§ 109.411 Notice and reporting of casualty.
The requirements for providing notice and reporting of marine casualties
are contained in Part 4 of this chapter.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 84–099, 52 FR 47536, Dec. 14, 1987]

§ 109.415 Retention of records after
(a) The owner, agent, master, or person in charge of a unit for which a report of casualty is made under § 109.411
shall insure that all records maintained on the unit are retained on
board the unit for at least 3 months
after the report of casualty is made or
until advised by the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, that records need
not be retained on board.
(b) The records which must be retained in accordance with paragraph
(a) of this section include:
(1) Rough and smooth deck log.
(2) Rough and smooth engine room
(3) Tour reports.
(4) Bell books.
(5) Navigation charts in use at the
time of casualty.
(6) Navigation work books.
(7) Compass deviation cards.
(8) Gyrocompass records.
(9) Storage plans.
(10) Record of drafts.
(11) Notices to mariners.
(12) Radiograms sent and received.
(13) The radio log.
(14) Personnel list.
(15) Crane record book.
(c) The owner, agent, master, or person in charge shall, upon request, make
the records described in this section
available for examination by any Coast
Guard official authorized to investigate the casualty.
§ 109.419 Report of unsafe machinery.
If a boiler, unfired pressure vessel, or
other machinery on a unit is unsafe to

operate, the master or person in charge
shall report the existence of the unsafe
condition to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§ 109.421 Report of repairs to boilers
and pressure vessels.
Before making repairs, except normal repairs and maintenance such as
replacement of valves or pressure seals,
to boilers or unfired pressure vessels in
accordance with § 50.05–10 of this chapter, the master or person in charge
shall report the nature of the repairs to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§ 109.425 Repairs and alterations: Fire
detecting and extinguishing equipment.
(a) Before making repairs or alterations, except for routine maintenance,
minor repairs, or emergency repairs or
alterations to fire detecting and extinguishing equipment, the master or person in charge must report the nature of
the repairs or alterations to the OCMI.
(b) When emergency repairs or alterations, other than minor emergency repairs, have been made to fire-detecting
or fire-extinguishing equipment, the
master or person in charge must report
the nature of the repairs or alterations
to the OCMI.
[CGD 84–069, 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 109.431 Logbook.
(a) The master or person in charge of
a unit, that is required by 46 U.S.C.
11301 to have an official logbook, shall
maintain the logbook on Form CG–706.
When the voyage is completed, the
master or person in charge shall file
the logbook with the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection.
(b) The master or person in charge of
a unit that is not required by 46 U.S.C.
11301 to have an official logbook, shall
maintain, on board, an unofficial logbook for making the entries required
by this subpart. This logbook must be
retained on board until the unit’s next
reinspection or inspection for certification.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1, 1999]


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§ 109.433
§ 109.433

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
Logbook entries. 1

The master or person in charge shall
insure that the following applicable entries are made in the logbook required
by this subpart:
(a) The date of each test of the steering gear, whistle, general alarm, and
communications equipment and the
condition of the equipment.
(b) The time and date of each opening
and closing, while the unit is afloat, of
each required appliance for watertight
integrity not fitted with a remote operating control or alarm system and the
reasons for the action.
(c) The date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and
the condition and performance of the
(d) The logbook must include information on emergency training drills
required in § 109.213(h).
(e) Prior to getting underway, the
fore and aft drafts, the position of the
loadline marks in relation to the surface of the water, and the density of
the water in which the vessel is floating, if in fresh or brackish water.
(f) After loading and prior to getting
underway and at all other times necessary to assure the safety of the vessel, a statement verifying vessel compliance with applicable stability requirements as required by § 109.227.
(g) The date of each inspection of
each accommodation space.
(h) The date of each inspection required in § 109.573 if performed by the
master or person in charge.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 83–067, 49 FR 39162, Oct. 4,
1984; CGD 89–037, 57 FR 41824, Sept. 11, 1992;
CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25303, May 20, 1996]

§ 109.435 Record of fire fighting equipment inspection.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that a record of each test
and inspection required in § 109.223 is
maintained on board, until the unit is
reinspected or inspected for certification.
1 NOTE: 46 U.S.C. 11301 requires that certain
entries be made in an official logbook, in addition to the entries required by this section;
and 46 U.S.C. 11302 prescribes the manner of
making those entries.

(b) The record required in paragraph
(a) of this section must show—
(1) The date of each test and inspection;
(2) The number or other identification of each item of equipment tested
or inspected; and
(3) The name of the person, and the
company he represents if any, who conducts the test or inspection.
§ 109.437 Crane record book.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that the following are maintained in a crane record book:
(a) Descriptive information which
will identify each crane including—
(1) The API name plate data required
by Section 11 of API Spec. 2C, Second
Edition, February 1972; and
(2) The rates load chart for each line
reeving and boom length which may be
(b) Information required by Section 3
of the American Petroleum Institute
Recommended Practice for Operation and
Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, API RP
2D, First Edition (October 1972) with
supplement 1.
(c) Dates and results of frequent inspections and tests required in paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Dates and results of periodic inspections and tests required in paragraph (b) of this section.
(e) Date and result of each rated load
(f) Date and description of each replacement or renewal of wire rope,
hooks, and other load components.
(g) Date and description of each failure of the crane, or any component or
safety feature.
(h) Date and description of each repair to the crane structure, boom, or
§ 109.439 Crane certificates.
The master or person in charge shall
insure that the following certificates
and records for each crane are maintained on the unit:
(a) Each certificate issued by a crane
certifying authority.
(b) Each record and original certificate, or certified copy of a certificate,
or manufacturers or testing laboratories, companies or organizations


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§ 109.557

(1) Loose gear;
(2) Wire rope; and
(3) The annealing of wrought iron

Subpart E—Emergency Signals
§ 109.503 Emergency signals.
(a) Emergency stations signals are
established as follows:
(1) The signal to man emergency stations is a rapid succession of short
soundings of both the general alarm
bell and the whistle, if a whistle is installed, for a period of not less than 10
(2) The signal to secure from emergency stations is the sounding of both
the general alarm bell and the whistle,
if a whistle is installed, three times.
(b) The abandon unit stations signals
are established as follows:
(1) The signal to man abandon unit
stations is a continuous sounding of
both the general alarm and the whistle,
if a whistle is installed.
(2) If whistle signals are used to direct the handling of lifeboats and
davit-launched liferafts, they must
(i) One short blast to lower the lifeboats and davit-launched liferafts; and
(ii) Two short blasts to stop lowering
the lifeboats and davit-launched liferafts.
(3) The signal to secure from abandon
unit stations is the sounding of both
the general alarm bell and the whistle,
if a whistle is installed, three times.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25303, May 20,

§ 109.527



§ 109.521 Cranes: General.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that each crane is operated and
maintained in accordance with the API
Recommended Practice for Operation and
Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, API RP
2D, First Edition (Oct. 1972) with supplement 1.
§ 109.525 Cranes: Working loads.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that tables indicating the maximum safe working loads for the var-

(a) The master or person in charge
shall designate, in writing, each crane
(b) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that only designated operators operate cranes.
(c) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that each designated operator is familiar with the provisions of
the API Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore
Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition (Oct.
1972) with supplement 1.

Subpart G—Miscellaneous
§ 109.555

Propulsion boilers.

The master or person in charge and
the engineer in charge shall ensure
(a) Steam pressure does not exceed
that allowed by the certificate of inspection; and
(b) The safety valves, once set, are
not tampered with or made inoperative.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30,

The master or person in charge shall
ensure that—
(a) Flammable and combustible liquids in bulk are not carried, except as
allowed by endorsement to the Certificate of Inspection;
(b) Portable tanks are handled and
stowed in accordance with subparts
98.30 and 98.33 of this chapter and the
provisions of 49 CFR parts 171 through
179 that apply to portable tanks; and
(c) Grades B and lower liquids are—
(1) Authorized, by the Commandant,
to be carried; and


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§ 109.557 Flammable and combustible
liquids: Carriage.

Subpart F—Cranes

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ious working angles of the boom, where
the boom is rated at varying capacities
depending on the radius, and the maximum and minimum radius at which
the boom may be safely used, are conspicuously posted near the controls and
are visible to the operator when working the crane.

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§ 109.559

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) Carried only in fixed independent
or integral tanks.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37413, Sept. 11,

§ 109.559 Explosives and radioactive
Except as authorized by the master
or person in charge, no person may use
explosives or radioactive materials and
equipment on a unit.
§ 109.563 Posting of documents.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that the following are posted
under glass in the pilot house or control center:
(a) General arrangement plans for
each deck showing—
(1) Each fire retardant bulkhead;
(2) Each fire detecting, manual
alarm, and fire extinguishing system;
(3) Each fire door;
(4) Each means of ingress to compartments; and
(5) Each ventilating system, including the location of each damper, fan,
and remote means of stopping the fans.
(6) For units constructed on or after
September 30, 1997, and for existing
units which have their plans redrawn,
the symbols used to identify the aforementioned details shall be in accordance with IMO Assembly resolution
A.654(16). The identical symbols can be
found in ASTM Adjunct F 1626 (incorporated by reference, see § 109.105).
(b) The stability letter issued by the
Coast Guard.
(c) Each SOLAS and Coast Guard certificate issued to the unit.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51208, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58462, Sept. 29,

§ 109.564 Maneuvering characteristics.
(a) The master or person in charge of
each self-propelled unit of 1,600 gross
tons and over shall ensure that a maneuvering information fact sheet is
prominently displayed in the pilothouse.
(b) For surface type units, the maneuvering information in Subpart 97.19
of this chapter must be displayed.
(c) The maneuvering information requirements for column stabilized, self-

elevating, and other units of unusual
design will be specified on a case by
case basis.
§ 109.565 Charts and nautical publications.
The master or person in charge of a
self-propelled unit shall ensure that
the unit has the following adequate, up
to date, and appropriate items for the
intended voyage:
(a) Charts.
(b) Sailing directions.
(c) Coast pilots.
(d) Light lists.
(e) Notices to mariners.
(f) Tide Tables.
(g) Current Tables.
(h) All other nautical publications
necessary. 1
§ 109.573 Riveting, welding, and burning operations.
Except as allowed by this section—
(a) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that there is no riveting,
welding, or burning—
(1) In a fuel tank;
(2) On the boundary of a fuel tank;
(3) On pipelines, heating coils, pumps,
fittings, or other appurtenances connected to fuel tanks; or
(4) On the boundary of spaces adjacent to tanks carrying Grades A, B, or
C flammable liquids in bulk.
(b) The operations prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section may be allowed if—
(1) An inspection conducted in accordance with the ‘‘Standard for the
Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels to be
Repaired,’’ N.F.P.A. No. 306–1974, is
(i) In ports or navigable waters of the
United States, its territories and possessions, by—
(A) A marine chemist certified by the
National Fire Protection Association;
(B) If a certified marine chemist is
not available, a person designated by
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection; or
(ii) In all other locations by—
(A) A marine chemist certified by the
National Fire Protection Association;
1 NOTE: For U.S. units in or on the navigable waters of the United States. See 33
CFR 164.33.


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Pt. 109, App. A

(B) If a certified marine chemist is
not available, a person designated by
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection; or
(C) If the persons required in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) (A) and (B) of this section are not available, the master or
person in charge; or a welding supervisor designated, in writing, by the
master or person in charge; and
(2) A certificate is issued by the person conducting the inspection stating—
(i) That he conducted the inspection
in accordance with the standard in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section;
(ii) The operations that may be conducted; and
(iii) A list of precautions to be followed during the operations;
(c) The master or person in charge
shall ensure that the precautions in
paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section are
§ 109.575 Accumulation of liquids on
helicopter decks.
The master or person in charge shall
ensure that no liquids are allowed to
accumulate on the helicopter decks.
§ 109.577 Helicopter fueling.
(a) The master or person in charge
shall designate persons to conduct helicopter fueling operations.
(b) Portable tanks are handled and
stowed in accordance with subparts
98.30 and 98.33 of this chapter and the
provisions of 49 CFR parts 171 through
179 that apply to portable tanks; and

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37413, Sept. 11,

§ 109.585 Use of auto pilot.
Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15,
when the automatic pilot is used in
areas of high traffic density, conditions
of restricted visibility, and all other
hazardous navigational situations, the
master or person in charge shall ensure
(a) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the unit’s
(b) A competent person is ready at all
times to take over steering control;
(c) The changeover from automatic
to manual steering and vice versa is

made by, or under the supervision of,
the officer of the watch.
1. Purpose. To promulgate instructions for
the inspection and certification of existing
mobile offshore drilling units. This NVIC is
also being published as appendix A of 46 CFR
Subchapter IA.
2. Background. Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units are recognized internationally through
the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization as being a ‘‘special purpose ship’’ designed and operated to carry
out an industrial function at sea. Contemporary U.S. Vessel regulations in Title 46
CFR do not adequately cover the safety considerations which are unique to the hull and
structural designs, industrial equipment and
operating procedures incorporated in drilling
vessels. To provide appropriate and adequate
standards, the Coast Guard with the assistance of the National Offshore Operations Advisory Committee, and following the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act,
developed Subchapter IA, Regulations for
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR Parts
107–109 and amendments to 46 CFR Subchapters ‘‘F’’, Marine Engineering Regulations, and ‘‘J’’, Electrical Engineering Regulations. These regulations, published in FEDERAL REGISTER (43 FR 56788 December 4, 1978)
will apply to all units contracted for on or
after the effective date of the regulations.
3. Discussion. a. This NVIC elaborates the
‘‘grandfather provisions’’ of 46 CFR 107.211
and 107.215 in applying Subchapter IA to the
approximately 150 existing ocean-going U.S.
flag mobile offshore drilling units. ‘‘Existing’’ Mobile Offshore Drilling Units are those
vessels which have been contracted for before the effective date of the regulations including:
(1) Units in Service.
(2) Units under construction.
(3) Units contracted for which are to be
constructed and delivered prior to January 1,
b. Existing uncertificated mobile drilling
units of which there are approximately 92 of
the bottom bearing configuration, i.e., jackup and submersible types, have not previously been required to comply with vessel
inspection regulations. Some units have met
the load line requirements of Subchapter
‘‘E’’ for International Voyages. Many of the
older units are not classed by a classification
society. Bottom bearing units operating on
the Outer Continental Shelf of United States


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Pt. 109, App. A

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

have been required to meet the safety requirements of 33 CFR Subchapter ‘‘N’’ as artificial islands. On January 3, 1979, existing
bottom bearing units are subject to the
‘‘grandfather provisions’’ in § 107.211(c) of
Subchapter IA.
c. Existing certificated mobile offshore
drilling units, for the purposes of this NVIC,
are column-stabilized and ship-shape types
of which approximately 58 are currently certificated, or have made application for an
original Certificate of Inspection or intend
to make application for an original inspection for certification under 46 CFR Subchapter ‘‘I’’ on the basis of the unit being
contracted for prior to the effective date of
the new regulations. These units may continue to meet the structural, equipment, material and arrangement standards which
were applicable to the hull, engineering,
electrical and industrial systems when the
units were contracted for. In addition they
must meet the provisions of d.(1), d.(4)(d),
d.(7)(b), d.(8), d.(9), d.(10)(b), d.(11) and d.(12)
of paragraph 3 of this NVC in accordance
with § 107.215(c)(2) of Subchapter IA.
Uncertificated Units. The intent of the
‘‘grandfather’’ provisions of this NVIC for existing uncertificated units is to ascertain
through inspection that the material condition of the unit and its equipment meet reasonable levels of safety. To this end, the following determinations will be made:
• The design, construction and arrangements of the hull, machinery electrical and
industrial systems do not reveal manifestly
unsafe aspects.
• There is no excessive deterioration of the
hull structure or equipment foundations.
• There are no intrinsic fire or explosion
• There are no personnel hazards such as
unguarded moving machinery, potential
electrical shock conditions or lack of handrails.
• The unit is seaworthy and exhibits satisfactory stability.
(1) General. (a) Repairs and minor alterations to hull structure or equipment may be
made to the same standards as the original
installation. However, new installations or
major alterations which affect vessel or personnel safety shall meet the applicable
standards of Subchapter IA.
(b) Existing items of safety equipment not
meeting the applicable specifications or requirements set forth in Subchapter IA may
be continued in service as long as they are
maintained in good working order to the satisfaction of the OCMI. Such safety equipment and installations requiring extensive
repairs shall be replaced and shall meet the
applicable specifications and requirements of
Subchapter IA.
(c) The OCMI has discretion to accept alternatives or equivalents which meet the es-

tablished standards, and to give special consideration to departures from the regulations when it can be shown that special circumstances warrant such departures.
(2) Plan Submittal. (a) For units not classed
by the American Bureau of Shipping or other
recognized classification society, (see 46 CFR
108.109) the OCMI must have sufficient plans
and information submitted to him which will
describe such things as the unit’s size, construction, configuration, arrangement of
tanks, decks and spaces; and the machinery
and electrical installation. In addition, the
OCMI may require submittal of any additional data he considers necessary in order
to proceed with the original inspections.
(b) For units classed by the American Bureau of Shipping or other recognized classification society, the plans and information
described in Subchapter IA § 107.305 (a), (b),
(v), and (ii) and a general description of the
machinery and electrical installation shall
be submitted to the OCMI for information.
The OCMI may accept continued classification as proof of structural, mechanical, and
electrical sufficiency. However, the OCMI
may require additional plans and information if necessary.
(3) Hull Structure. (a) No structural changes
will be required unless manifestly unsafe
conditions exist.
(b) Existing uncertificated units must be
drydocked or have a special examination in
lieu of drydocking as required by 46 CFR,
(c) Achievement of one compartment subdivision is not required where extensive
modification of the original design would be
necessary; however, watertight integrity of
the hull and structural boundaries must be
maintained. Bulkheads and decks designed
to be watertight must be maintained as such
where they are penetrated by pipes, electrical cable, reach rods, ventilation systems,
(4) Stability. (a) The stability of each existing unit will be reviewed by the Coast Guard.
The plans indicated in 46 CFR Subchapter IA
§ 107.305(q) through (u-l) must be submitted
to the cognizant OCMI or Merchant Marine
Technical Office.
(b) Lightship data from a Coast Guard witnessed and approved stability test is required
for each existing, uncertificated unit. Alternatively other evidence of lightship values
will be considered on a case by case basis.
(c) In general, compliance with the intact
stability standards of 46 CFR Subchapter IA,
§§ 108.303 through 108.309 is required. Where
existing units were designed to a lesser
standard of stability than that specified in
§§ 108.303 through 108.309, some relaxation
based on proven past performance may be
granted at the discretion of the OCMI and
limiting conditions, if any, set forth in the


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 109, App. A

operating manual. In no case will the minimum wind speed for adequate stability be
reduced below 50 knots.
(d) An operating manual shall be prepared
for each unit. Each operating manual must
contain the information indicated in 46 CFR
Subchapter IA, § 109.121(d) and be submitted
to the cognizant OCMI or Merchant Marine
Technical Office for review.
(5) Load Line. (a) All units are required to
obtain and maintain a valid Load Line Certificate. The structure and stability of the
unit must be proven adequate for the voyages and areas of operation intended.
(b) The American Bureau of Shipping or
other recognized classification society will
issue Load Line Certificates and conduct initial and annual load line surveys. Coast
Guard and the American Bureau of Shipping
inspections may be conducted simultaneously, but it is the owner’s responsibility
to arrange coordinated inspection schedules.
(c) The structural review conducted by the
American Bureau of Shipping or other recognized classification society for load line assignment may be accepted by the Coast
Guard as proof of structural adequacy of the
(d) The stability review must be completed
prior to issuance of a Load Line Certificate.
The Coast Guard will inform the American
Bureau of Shipping or other recognized classification society of the results of the stability review, and will indicate any stability
limitations to be placed on the Load Line
(e) Freeboard calculations for self-elevating units with barge type hulls will be
made in accordance with 46 CFR, Part 42.
The bow height requirements of 46 CFR 42.20–
70 may be relaxed to approximately 33% of
the normal requirement for barge shapes
moving at speeds less than 6 knots. No relaxation of the addition to freeboard for deficiency in sheer is allowed. The freeboard for
units other than self-elevating units with
barge type hulls will be based upon compliance with the intact and damage stability
standards applicable at the time the unit
was contracted for.
(f) All units delivered after the date of this
NVIC regardless of contract date, must obtain a Load Line Certificate as soon as operationally feasible.
(6) Route and Operating Area Limitations. (a)
Units classed by the American Bureau of
Shipping or other recognized classification
society for ocean service generally will be
certificated by the Coast Guard for ocean
(b) Unclassed units which have proven
structural and stability adequacy by continued safe operation in a specific geographic
area, such as the Gulf of Mexico, will be limited by the Certificate of Inspection and
Load Line Certificate to that area. To qualify for an unlimited oceans route, such a

unit must be reviewed for adequacy of the
structure and stability by the Coast Guard
and meet the Load Line requirements of d.
(5) above.
(c) Any unit which intends to move or operate outside the geographical area indicated
on the Certificate of Inspection must receive
prior approval from the OCMI.
(7) Fire Protection. (a) Structural fire protection. All units must meet the provisions of
§ 108.123, Insulation of Combustible Materials
and § 108.127, Storage Lockers for Combustibles. All existing interior stairways which
are open at each end must be enclosed at one
level. On units where wood was utilized in
the construction of accommodation spaces,
each space must be equipped with a smoke or
heat detector either battery powered or operating on the AC power supply. All detectors
must have the Underwriters Laboratories,
Inc., label (UL) or the Factory Mutual Laboratories (FM) label.
(b) Fire Extinguishing Systems. Systems and
equipment must be provided which will meet
or be equivalent to the applicable specifications and provisions required by Subchapter
IA. Installed fire extinguishing systems,
which provide equivalent or greater protection than systems required by Subpart E,
Subchapter IA may be continued in use as
long as they are in good material condition
and will function as designed. Where practicable, existing washdown systems may be
utilized as the firemain. Where wood was utilized in the construction of accommodation
spaces, the applicable requirements of 46
CFR Subchapter IA, Table 108.495(a) should
be doubled.
(8) Lifesaving Equipment. (a) Each unit must
have lifesaving equipment (lifeboats and
davit launched liferafts) for 200 percent of
the total persons allowed on board. Except
for submersible type units, the installation
of lifeboats for 100 percent of the persons (on
board) is required in accordance with 46 CFR
108.503 of Subchapter IA. Consideration will
be given to those units where existing arrangement and structure do not provide sufficient room for installation of the lifeboats
or where the added weight of the lifeboats,
davits and winches will materially reduce
the variable load capacity of the unit. In
such cases, davit launched inflatable liferafts with a combined personnel capacity of
the required lifeboats, and a rescue boat approved by the OCMI may be acceptable
equivalents. Submersible type units may
substitute Coast Guard approved throw over
type inflatable liferafts and an approved rescue boat for the required lifeboats.
(b) For the second part of the total 200 percent primary lifesaving requirement, lifeboats installed in accordance with 33 CFR,
Subchapter ‘‘N’’ Part 144 or Coast Guard approved life floats may be retained as provided for in 3.d(1)(b) of this Circular. They
will be considered collectively with the


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Pt. 109, App. A

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Coast Guard approved liferafts for calculating the amount of equipment to provide
for 100 percent of personnel on board.
(c) Adequate access to all lifesaving equipment must be provided.
(9) Cranes. (a) Plan approval will not normally be required of any crane which conforms to the specifications of the manufacturer as originally installed. A rated load
test as described in § 107.260 of Subchapter IA
will be required unless the crane has been
load tested while under certification by an
approved certifying authority as provided for
in 46 CFR 107.258. Prior to the rated load
test, the crane should be identified by manufacturer and model number to determine
that the correct load rating chart is being
used. The owner must submit to the OCMI
details and calculations of any alterations to
a crane which were accomplished without
manufacturer’s documentation in order to
verify the rated load of the crane.
(10) Electrical. (a) Multiple power sources do
not require an emergency generator; however, storage batteries or approved relaycontrolled battery operated lanterns are required to be installed for the emergency
lighting system and provide 12 hours of
(b) Electrical equipment installed in Class
I, division 1 and 2 locations, as defined in
Subchapter IA, § 108.170 must be of a suitable
type and in good material condition.
(11) Unfired Pressure Vessels. (a) Unfired
pressure vessels built and stamped in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME Code
may be continued in service as long as they
remain in satisfactory condition. At the
original and subsequent inspections for certification, ASME Code pressure vessels must
be tested and examined in accordance with
the requirements in 46 CFR 61.10–5.
(b) Unfired pressure vessels which cannot
be identified as being constructed to any recognized standard may be continued in service provided that no obvious defects are
noted. These pressure vessels shall be
hydrostatically tested to one and one half
times the working pressure. For pressure
hydrostatically tested, nondestructive testing may be used to verify the pressure vessels condition for continued serviceability.
These pressure vessels will then be stamped
with a Coast Guard identification number
and periodically tested and examined in accordance with the requirements in 46 CFR
(12) Marine Sanitation Devices. (a) All units
must meet the provisions of 33 CFR Part 159,
Coast Guard Marine Sanitation Devices Regulations. The discharge requirements are
compatible with the OCS Orders of the U.S.
Geological Survey.
4. Action. a. The owner of each existing certificated unit must provide the cognizant
OCMI a proposed plan to accomplish the re-

quirements in paragraph 3. c. of this NVIC
within 60 days from the effective date of the
regulations. Most items should be approved
at the unit’s next inspection for certification; however, where major equipment installations are concerned, the owner may be
allowed up to two years to comply with the
requirements from the time the OCMI completes his assessment of the proposals.
b. Application for Original Inspection for Certification. Not later than sixty days from
January 3, 1979, application for original inspection for certification of all existing
uncertificated units, shall be submitted to the
appropriate OCMI. The plans or descriptive
data specified in paragraph 3.d(2) of this
NVIC along with a proposed plan to bring the
unit into compliance should, if possible, be
submitted with the application for inspection. If not feasible to assemble all required
information in this time frame, an estimated
date of submittal shall be indicated on the
application. Arrangements should be made
to commence the original inspection for certification with due consideration for the
unit’s operating situation.
c. To the extent possible the same inspection team will conduct the inspection of all
existing uncertificated units in a geographical area. It may be advantageous to
conduct the original inspection in conjunction with an impending special or periodic
survey, drydocking or availability period.
Units under construction will receive primary consideration by the OCMI for the allocation of time and personnel so that any
problems can be identified while the unit is
in the most advantageous situation to apply
d. The variety of designs and arrangements
presented by existing uninspected MODU’s
makes it impractical to prescribe detailed
standards for all existing units. The procedures followed to implement this NVC must
provide the necessary flexibility. Items
which must be taken into consideration in
applying this NVIC are listed below. Categorizing units into groups to which the same
items apply will be of value during the inspection process. These items are:
• Type
• Builder
• Model
• Date build
• Classed by ABS or other classification
• Load Line assignment
• Operating
geographical areas)
• Present location
e. Issuance of the Original Certificate of Inspection. The intent of the original inspection of existing uncertificated units is to identify and commence correction of any unsafe
conditions and/or equipment deficiencies and
to issue the unit an original Certificate of
Inspection. A reasonable period of time will


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 109, App. A

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

be permitted to correct minor deficiencies.
Those items directly affecting personnel
safety and health will require immediate attention to correct the unsafe condition. Extensive deficiencies, such as those involving
structural aspects or equipment may require
up to two years to remedy. Additional times
may be allowed if repair facilities are not
available to coastal areas adjacent to the
unit’s area of operation. Where manifestly
unsafe conditions are found, the OCMI may

require that the unit discontinue operations
until such conditions are corrected. If the
owner or operator feels aggrieved by the decision of the OCMI, the appeals procedures of
46 CFR 2.01–70 are applicable.
f. Questions concerning this NVIC should
be referred to the Commandant (CG–543).
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56828, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50730, Sept. 27,
1996; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49233, Sept. 25,


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