Site Security Plan (SSP) & Alternative Security Program (ASP)

Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT)

CSAT SSP Instructions

Site Security Plan (SSP) & Alternative Security Program (ASP)

OMB: 1670-0007

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CSAT Site Security Plan

May 2009
Version 1.0

Version 1.0


Table of Contents
Note to Users ................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
SSP Instructions: The SSP Process ................................................................................................. 2
Organization of these Instructions.................................................................................................... 3
CSAT User Access Roles................................................................................................................ 4
Preparing to Begin the SSP: Relevant Information and Resources................................................ 5
Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information............................................................................. 6
Getting Additional Help ............................................................................................................... 6
1.0 Getting Started............................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Sign-in Screen ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.1.1 Manage User Roles ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 Update Facility Information ........................................................................................... 9
1.2 Navigating within the Tool.................................................................................................. 11
1.2.1 Saving the Data ............................................................................................................. 13
1.2.2 Validating Data ............................................................................................................. 13
1.3 “Pre-population” from SVA ................................................................................................. 14
2.0 General Facility Information..................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Update Facility Info ............................................................................................................. 15
2.1.1 Parent Company Information ....................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Information on Co-located Entities............................................................................... 16
2.1.3 Security Vulnerability Assessment ................................................................................ 16
2.1.4 Additional Facility Information .................................................................................... 16
2.1.5 Latitude and Longitude................................................................................................. 17
2.2 Security/Vulnerability Issues ............................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Security/Vulnerability Issues From Final Notification Letter ........................................ 17
2.2.2 Additional Security Issues and Other COI ..................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Summary of Security/Vulnerability Information.......................................................... 18
2.3 CSAT Submissions................................................................................................................ 19
3.0 Facility Operations ................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Facility Description .............................................................................................................. 21
3.2 Facility Security Information................................................................................................ 21
3.3 On-site Emergency Response Capabilities............................................................................ 22
3.3.1 On-site Emergency Response Capabilities..................................................................... 22
3.4 Emergency Management Information.................................................................................. 22
3.4.1 Police Information........................................................................................................ 22
3.4.2 Fire Department Information ....................................................................................... 23
3.4.3 Emergency Management Team (EMT) Information ..................................................... 23
3.4.4 Local Mutual Assistance Groups (MAG) ....................................................................... 24
3.5 Special Response Capability ................................................................................................. 25
3.5.1 Other Response Agencies with Special Capabilities Not Included in the Previous List .. 25
3.6 Facility Personnel Staffing .................................................................................................... 26
3.7 Facility Work-force Staffing ................................................................................................. 26
3.8 Chemical Operations............................................................................................................ 27
3.8.1 COI - Chemical Operations – cont’d ............................................................................ 27

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3.9 Alternative Security Program................................................................................................ 29
3.9.1 ASP Documents ............................................................................................................ 29
3.9.2 Upload ASP Documents................................................................................................ 30
3.9.3 ASP Submission ............................................................................................................ 30
3.9.4 ASP Completion............................................................................................................ 31
3.10 Upload Facility Schematics................................................................................................. 31
3.9.5 Upload Facility Schematics and Photographs................................................................ 31
4.0 Facility Security ........................................................................................................................ 33
4.1.1 Addressing RBPS........................................................................................................... 33
4.1.2 Planned and Proposed Security Measures ..................................................................... 35
4.2 Completing Facility-wide RBPS............................................................................................ 36
5.0 Asset Security Measures ............................................................................................................ 37
5.1 Identification of Assets......................................................................................................... 37
5.1.1 Describing Assets.......................................................................................................... 38
5.1.2 RBPS Questions ............................................................................................................ 39
5.1.3 Planned and Proposed Security Measures ..................................................................... 39
5.2 Completing RBPS for All Assets............................................................................................ 41
6.0 SSP Completion ........................................................................................................................ 42
List of Acronyms Used in the Site Security Plan Instructions .......................................................... 46

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Note to Users
This document provides instructions to facilities for completing and submitting the Chemical Security
Assessment Tool (CSAT) Site Security Plan (SSP) in accordance with requirements of the Department of
Homeland Security’s (DHS or the Department) Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), 6 CFR
Part 27. The CFATS rule authorizes DHS to collect information from chemical facilities on a broad range of
topics related to the potential consequences of, or vulnerabilities to, a terrorist attack or incident. The CSAT
SSP is one method DHS uses, as provided by 6 CFR § 27.225, to gather such information from high-risk
Any facility that receives a Final Notification Letter from DHS, designating it a high-risk facility, must
complete an SSP or an Alternative Security Program (ASP) in lieu of an SSP. The CSAT SSP tool collects
information from covered facilities regarding existing and - if a covered facility so chooses - planned and
proposed security measures related to the CFATS Risk-Based Performance Standards (RBPS). See 6 CFR §
27.230. Facilities are required to list and/or describe existing security measures as part of their CSAT SSP
submissions. Existing and planned security measures which each covered facility describes or lists in its
CSAT SSP submission may become enforceable components of that facility’s final SSP upon approval of the
SSP by DHS. However, the CSAT SSP tool will also provide facilities the opportunity to identify certain
security measures in the SSP but then exclude them from evaluation of the SSP. Of course, if a facility
chooses not to provide information about an existing or planned measure that is relevant to the satisfaction
of one or more CFATS RBPS, it is possible that the facility’s SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable
Under CFATS, any high-risk facility (assigned to Tier 1, 2, 3, or 4) may choose to submit an ASP in lieu of
an SSP, as provided in 6 CFR § 27.235. This document also provides instructions on submitting an ASP.
Even if a facility plans to upload an ASP, the facility must answer all questions in the General and Facility
Operations sections of the SSP before uploading its ASP. The General and Facility Operations sections
address basic details of a facility’s operations as well as its on-site and off-site response capabilities.
All examples in these instructions are illustrative and merely intended to highlight specific points within the
CSAT SSP tool. Each facility must carefully consider its own unique characteristics and circumstances to
determine the relevance and appropriateness of each example. DHS will not disapprove an SSP based on the
presence or absence of a particular security measure.
CSAT users may call the CSAT Help Desk with questions regarding the CSAT SSP tool. Contact information
for the CSAT Help Desk is provided in the “Getting Additional Help” section of these instructions. CSAT
users may also click on the left-hand menu bar button labeled Help on the menu on the left where the SSP
tool provides links for additional guidance material, including the DHS RBPS Guidance Document when

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Section 550 of the DHS Appropriations Act of 2007, Pub. L. 109-295 (Sec. 550 or the Act), authorizes DHS
to regulate the security of high-risk chemical facilities. The CFATS Interim Final Rule (IFR), 6 CFR Part 27,
was published on April 9, 2007, to implement the Act. See 72 FR 17688. In addition, on November 20,
2007, DHS published a final Appendix A to CFATS. See 72 FR 65396.
Under CFATS, any facility that possesses any chemical of interest (COI) in an amount at or above the
applicable Screening Threshold Quantity (STQ) for that chemical, as listed in Appendix A to CFATS, must
complete and submit certain screening information, called a Top-Screen, to DHS. To do so, the facility
must first register with DHS for access to CSAT. After reviewing the Top-Screen, the Department will notify
the facility in writing of its initial determination as to whether the facility is considered high-risk.
If the Department initially determines that the facility is high-risk, the Department also will notify the
facility of its preliminary placement in a risk-based tier (Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4) pursuant to 6 CFR § 27.220(a).
Facilities initially determined to be high-risk are required to complete a Security Vulnerability Assessment
(SVA) to identify the critical assets at the facility and to evaluate the facility’s security vulnerabilities in light
of the security issues identified in its preliminary tier notification letter from DHS. Each facility
preliminarily placed into Tier 1, 2 or 3 must use the CSAT SVA tool to complete its SVA. See
6 CFR § 27.215. Each Tier 4 facility may use the CSAT SVA tool to complete an SVA or may submit an
Alternative Security Program (ASP) in lieu of an SVA, as provided by 6 CFR § 27.235.
Following submission and analysis of its SVA or ASP, DHS will either confirm that the facility is high-risk or
inform the facility that it is not high-risk and is no longer subject to CFATS, barring a change in the
facility’s circumstances. For facilities confirmed to be high-risk, DHS will provide each facility a Final
Notification Letter specifying the final facility tier, applicable COI and security/vulnerability issue(s). The
facility then must complete and submit an SSP under 6 CFR § 27.225 (or an ASP in lieu of a SSP, as
provided by 6 CFR § 27.235) that satisfies the applicable RBPS by the date specified in its Final Notification
These instructions apply only to the CSAT SSP tool.

SSP Instructions: The SSP Process
The CSAT SSP tool follows a logical data collection process. First, a facility provides basic facility
information. Second, a facility describes its security measures applicable across the entire facility. If a
facility also implements specialized security measure for particular assets, the facility then describes such
assets and their unique security measures. As a starting point for describing asset-specific security
measures, the asset-specific portions of the SSP tool will be pre-populated with any facility-wide security
measures already selected by the user. By collecting information on facility-wide and asset-specific
security, DHS will obtain an accurate picture of all the security measures a high-risk facility employs or
plans to employ in satisfying the CFATS RBPS.
The SSP tool will automatically pre-populate certain data fields.
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CSAT SSP Instructions

Organization of these
These instructions are generally organized in the same order as the questions and sections appearing in the
CSAT SSP tool itself.
Section 1 covers Getting Started.
This includes instructions on signing into the SSP tool, instructions on navigating the SSP
tool, and instructions on saving and validating facility data.
Section 2 covers General Facility Information.
The instructions provided in Section 2 will assist you in completing the tab marked General
found in the Navigation Menu. In this section, DHS requests information on facility name,
address, SVA completion information, North American Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) code, Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number, Environmental Protection Agency Risk
Management Plan (EPA RMP) facility identification number, as well as owner and operator
Section 3 covers Facility Operations.
The instructions provided in Section 3 will assist you in completing the tab marked Facility
Operations found in the Navigation Menu. In this section, DHS requests information on
facility personnel contact information, including phone numbers, emergency management
and response information, total number of personnel working at each facility, and hours of
Section 4 covers Facility Security Measures.
The instructions provided in Section 4 will assist you in completing the tab marked Facility
Security Measures found in the Navigation Menu. This includes addressing those RBPS that
always apply at the facility-wide level and then answering questions about existing security
measures relevant to those RBPS and any other RBPS that the facility wishes to address at
the facility-wide level. The facility may also provide information on any planned or
proposed security measures relevant to each RBPS. (Only planned security measures are
considered in the formal evaluation of the facility’s submitted SSP. Proposed security
measures are not considered as part of formal evaluation.) This section will also provide
facilities the opportunity to propose that certain existing and/or planned security measures
not be considered by DHS in evaluating their SSPs for approval. Of course, if a facility
chooses not to provide information about an existing or planned measure that is relevant
to satisfaction of one or more CFATS RBPS, it is possible that the facility’s SSP, as
submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
Section 5 covers Asset Security.
The instructions provided in Section 5 will assist you in completing the tab marked Asset
Security found in the Navigation Menu. A facility may apply specialized security to a
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CSAT SSP Instructions
particular asset (which may include restricted areas and critical/target assets) or group of
assets at the facility. This section will provide instructions to enable a facility to identify
existing asset-level security measures relevant to a particular RBPS. The facility may also
provide information on any asset-specific planned or proposed security measures. (Only
planned security measures are considered in the formal evaluation of the facility’s
submitted SSP. Proposed security measures are not considered as part of formal
evaluation.) This section will also provide facilities the opportunity to propose that certain
existing and/or planned security measures not be considered by DHS in evaluating their
SSPs for approval. Of course, if a facility chooses not to provide information about an
existing or planned measure that is relevant to satisfaction of one or more CFATS RBPS, it is
possible that the facility’s SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
Section 6 provides instructions for validating, reviewing, and submitting the SSP to DHS.
For easy identification of questions, each question number appearing in brackets in the text below
corresponds to the same question number in the SSP tool. For example, “[Q:3.0-13871]” appears below
the question in the SSP tool requesting Facility Type. This question number also appears in the associated
explanation in these instructions. Question numbers are also useful references for users contacting the
CSAT Help Desk. 1

CSAT User Access Roles
In order to access the CSAT tools, a facility must register with DHS. Facilities that have submitted CSAT
Top-Screens have already registered and been assigned the user roles listed below. For preparation of the
CSAT SSP, individuals retain the user access roles previously assigned to them for completion of the TopScreen and SVA.
For each facility, a variety of individuals can be authorized to use CSAT. Each registered individual will be
assigned a specific role, with access rights and privileges based on that role unless roles are transferred as
indicated below. The roles (Preparer, Submitter, Authorizer, and Reviewer) are defined in the CSAT User
Registration Guide. Facilities may assign and/or transfer responsibility among individuals through the
CSAT system. Information on how to assign and/or transfer or consolidate roles is available in the CSAT
User Registration Guide and Account Management Guide available at Beyond the access rights and
privileges outlined in the CSAT User Registration Guide, it is each facility’s responsibility to organize and
manage the individuals and teams of individuals contributing to its CFATS compliance. This is especially
true during the completion and submission of the SSP, which will likely involve multiple users.
Given that the SSP tool allows multiple Preparers to enter information, it is important to note that when the
Preparer sends the SSP to the Submitter for review, the Preparer will no longer be able to edit the
information in the SSP unless the SSP is returned to the Preparer by the Submitter for revision. When the
Submitter has access to the SSP, he/she may revise the information contained therein. Once the Submitter

The CSAT Help Desk has a toll-free number that CSAT users can call with questions regarding CSAT, including the
CSAT SSP tool. The CSAT Help Desk can be reached at 866-323-2957 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. (Eastern Standard
time), Monday through Friday. The CSAT Help Desk is closed on Federal holidays.


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CSAT SSP Instructions
transmits the SSP to DHS, it is no longer accessible to the facility or its designated Preparer, Authorizer,
Reviewer, or Submitter. The Authorizer has no role in the on-line review of the SSP unless he or she is also
the Preparer or Submitter. The CSAT Help Desk can provide further information on users and user roles for
purposes of completing the SSP.
If DHS rejects an SSP that a facility has submitted or if a facility needs to repeat the SSP process, the
facility must re-enter all the information into the SSP tool, because the system currently does not
retain the SSP after submission. Therefore, a facility should retain a copy of its completed SSP. See
Section 6 for directions on how to save and/or print a copy of the SSP before it is submitted to DHS.

Preparing to Begin the SSP: Relevant Information and
Prior to beginning an SSP, the facility may wish to collect and review the information below. Verifying the
accuracy and completeness of such data prior to starting the SSP will allow for quicker completion.

The CSAT SSP instructions;
A copy of the CFATS regulation, 6 CFR Part 27, including Appendix A (the DHS COI list), available
A copy of the DHS Final Notification Letter;
A copy of the Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) Procedures Manual regarding
protection of CVI, available at;
A copy of the Risk-Based Performance Guidance Document when available;
A copy of any recent SVA or SSP completed by the facility;
Any existing facility security plan, including facility and asset level security measures, procedures,
or policies;
Any security measures in the planning, procurement and/or proposal stages;
Any existing facility emergency response plans;
Off-site emergency response contact and capabilities information;
Local and Federal law enforcement contact and capabilities information;
Any security drill and exercise records;
Any special security and response capabilities:
Any existing mutual assistance group(s) (MAG) and mutual aid agreement(s) information;
Number of full- and part-time employees and contractors, and number and duration of work
Facility diagram;
Information on any facility personnel background check or company background check
Information on any “Know Your Customer” or customer validation procedures.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information
Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) refers to the information protection requirements and
procedures established by the CFATS rule to protect sensitive information submitted for purposes of
complying with CFATS. See 6 CFR § 27.400. Each completed SSP or ASP (and every copy of each SSP or
ASP) is a CVI document. In addition, each partially completed SSP is CVI. Therefore, every CSAT user must
be a CVI Authorized User (i.e., must complete CVI training) prior to entering information into the CSAT
SSP tool. CVI training addresses how to protect information submitted through the CSAT SSP tool, and to
whom and under what circumstances such information may be disclosed. The DHS CVI training is
available from a link on this page (Training for Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information): A user will not have access to the
CSAT SSP tool until the user has completed CVI training and is a CVI authorized user.
For more details regarding what information is and is not CVI and regarding the procedures for protecting
CVI, please refer to the DHS CVI Procedures Manual, which is available at

Getting Additional Help
More details on 6 CFR Part 27, information regarding CVI, and other related information is available on the
DHS website at
For answers to specific technical or substantive questions related to the CSAT SSP, individuals may contact
the CSAT Help Desk. The CSAT Help Desk has a toll-free number that a CSAT user can call with questions
regarding CSAT, including the SSP tool. The CSAT Help Desk can be reached at 866-323-2957 between
7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. The CSAT Help Desk is closed
on Federal holidays.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

1.0 Getting Started
1.1 Sign-in Screen
The Final Notification Letter that DHS sends to each facility will have instructions for accessing the CSAT
SSP tool. The CSAT tool will prompt the user to enter his or her username and password.
Once you have logged in, a screen will appear which lists each registered facility and the associated
documents to which you have access (including Top-Screens and SVAs). At this point, you have three
options: (1) access the SSP tool for a given facility, (2) manage user roles for any of the facilities displayed;
and/or (3) update facility information with a new name or address.
To access the SSP tool for a given facility, click the Edit/Review button.

Figure 1-1 – Choose Facility

1.1.1 Manage User Roles
To manage the user roles, Submitters, Preparers, and Authorizers can add Reviewers or Additional Preparers
to an SSP by clicking on the Manage User Roles button.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-2 – Manage User Roles

Add/Delete Reviewer
Each reviewer added during the Top-Screen or SVA completion process for a given facility will be able to
view the SSP for the same facility. To delete a reviewer, click the Delete button. To add a reviewer, click on
the Add Reviewer button to the right of the survey for which you would like to add the reviewer. After
clicking the Add Reviewer button, you will be directed to a screen asking whether you would like to grant
reviewer access to an existing CSAT user or to a new CSAT user. Select the appropriate choice by clicking on
the blue bar and entering the requested information.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-3 – Granting Reviewer Access

Note: Do not grant yourself Reviewer privileges if you are an Authorizer, Submitter, or
Preparer. Doing so will disable all editing privileges.

To remove a Reviewer, the Authorizer will need to contact the Help Desk.

Add Preparer
To add additional preparers for an SSP, click the Add Preparer to SSP button. After clicking the button, you will
be directed to a screen asking whether you would like to grant preparer access to an existing CSAT user or a
new CSAT user. Select the appropriate choice by clicking on the blue bar and entering the requested
information. Both options generate a PDF form that you will need to return the Help Desk for approval.
When multiple preparers are updating the same SSP, changes made by one will be visible to the others as
soon as those changes are saved (by clicking Save, Next or Back).

1.1.2 Update Facility Information
To update facility information, including changing facility name or address, click on the Update Facility Info
button. The address information presented on the Update Facility Information page is populated from the
SVA application. Use the Update Facility Information button here, or in the SSP tool, to complete other facility
information changes. See the Update Facility Information section later in these instructions for further
description of the applicable fields.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-4 – Update Facility Information

Facility information can be updated from this screen. Do not use this screen to create a new facility. If a
new facility needs to be registered, click the register a new facility text at the top of the screen. New facilities
will be required to complete the entire CSAT process as outlined in the Introduction to these SSP tool
instructions. Review for accuracy all of the information on this page, including the section on Security

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CSAT SSP Instructions
Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) and enter any corrections in the appropriate boxes and click OK. A facility's
coordinates (latitude/longitude) cannot be changed from within the SSP application. Contact the Help
Desk to process a latitude/longitude change.

1.2 Navigating within the Tool
Navigation within the SSP tool is straightforward. You can navigate to the next and previous screens by
using the Next and Back buttons on the screen.

Figure 1-5 – SSP Back, Save, and Next Buttons

Using the Next and Back buttons will automatically save the information entered on the current page. If you
are entering information and not leaving the page, click the Save button to retain the information.
Warning: Do not use the Back button (or arrows) in your web browser. Using the
browser’s navigation buttons can result in the loss of data.
A navigational menu appears on the left side of the screen (see Figure 1-6). You can also navigate through
the SSP by clicking on the desired topic in that menu. Sections of the SSP will be highlighted (and become
selectable) only after each section has been sequentially accessed (i.e., you can move backward through the
system by selecting previously completed sections, but cannot jump forward). Please note that if you
return to a section of the SSP that you previously completed, you will need to review all the
subsequent pages of the SSP (using the Next button on each page). That is, when you jump back to a
previous section, all preceding sections will become un-highlighted and you will be required to page
through all the subsequent pages of the SSP tool. This is necessary because the SSP tool adapts the pages
presented for completion based on answers on previous pages and a change within one section might
require you to answer additional/different questions later.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-6 – SSP Navigational Menu

On some screens, you may need to include additional rows of text to complete the response to a question.
If you need more than one text field, you should use the Add button to add a row. The Delete button can
be used to delete a row or an entry.

Figure 1-7 – SSP Add Button

Where further explanation of a response is required, a Describe button is provided. When a Describe button
appears, click it to answer additional questions specific to that item. At the conclusion of these additional
questions, you will be asked if the description is complete (via a check box). When you indicate that the
questions are complete, you will return to the list of items. If you marked the item complete and all
required questions were answered for that item, the item will be displayed with a green check mark icon.
If you do not check the box to indicate that the questions are complete, or if any required questions were
not answered, the item will be displayed with a yellow warning icon as a reminder that the item is
incomplete. Figure 1-8 shows both a complete and an incomplete icon.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-8 – SSP Describe Button

Your session will “time out” after 20 minutes if the system is not in use. You will need to log back in to
restart the session. Data that has been entered and saved by clicking the Next or Save button will not be
lost and the session will reopen on the same screen where the session “timed out.”

1.2.1 Saving the Data
All data input in the SSP tool is saved automatically when you click the Next, Save or Back button. If you click
the back or forward arrows in the Web browser, information may be lost. You can exit the program
and return multiple times until the tool is complete, with data that has been saved during previous sessions
available upon reentry into the SSP. As noted previously, if a session “times out” after 20 minutes, all data
that has been entered will be saved if the Next, Save or Back button has been clicked.
Warning: Only use the Next and Back buttons in the SSP tool for navigation. This will help avoid losing
information that has been entered.

1.2.2 Validating Data
Data validation is done at two different times. Some basic validation is completed before you can leave the
screen and a more complete validation is done when you select Validate Report (this validation is also done
automatically before submission).
Screen validation consists only of basic verification that entries have the correct format (e.g., that a phone
number is numeric and formatted correctly).
Using the Validate Report option on the navigation menu will provide a more complete validation check. A
validation error message will be displayed if required data input fields are skipped or completed incorrectly.
The system allows you to return to the error and correct it. For example, if the facility security officer
name and phone number are not entered, the following error report will be displayed. (See Figure 1-9). A
link will direct you to the input area for correction.
The validation function will not find and highlight errors other than missing required data or logical errors
(e.g., unrecognized characters such as commas or percent signs). Accordingly, the validation function
should not be relied upon to ensure the SSP has been completed without errors. The Submitter is
responsible for submitting accurate and correct information to the best of his or her knowledge.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 1-9 – Error Report Screen

1.3 “Pre-population” from SVA
If a facility is required to complete an SSP, some required information will be pre-populated from the
facility’s SVA. That means that CSAT will provide answers to certain questions based on information that
the facility previously submitted to DHS in its SVA. If pre-populated information is inaccurate, the facility
must phone the Help Desk and update the information in the SSP tool using the Update Facility button. (See
Section 2.0 below.) The facility may also want to consider reviewing previous documents.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

2.0 General Facility Information
To begin an SSP, the facility must provide the information requested on the General screens wherever the
answers to the questions have not been pre-populated.
As appropriate, facility information in the SSP tool will be pre-populated using data from the facility’s TopScreen and SVA. This information should be reviewed. If updates are necessary, click on the Update Facility
Info button.

Figure 2-1 – General Facility Information

2.1 Update Facility Info
Facility Information can be entered or updated.
Facility Location Address. Update the facility’s address, if needed. The address should be for its physical
location including the street, city, state, and ZIP code (including the four-digit extension, if applicable).
This address might not be the same as a facility’s mailing address. Use local street and road designations,
not post office or rural box numbers.

2.1.1 Parent Company Information
Parent Company Name(s) and DUNS number(s). Enter the name and DUNS number of the
corporation(s) or other business entity(ies), if any, that controls at least 50 percent of the voting stock of
the company that owns or operates the facility. If a facility is owned by a joint venture, enter the name and
DUNS number of the first of the two major owners. If a facility does not have a parent company or is not
owned or operated by a joint venture, please click Other and describe the facility’s ownership situation.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
2.1.2 Information on Co-located Entities
Choose the appropriate description of a facility’s relationship to other entities, operations or businesses, if
any, on its property (i.e., hosts a tenant on-site; is a tenant on another entity’s facility; is the sole occupant
of the property). A facility that is co-located shares a site with another company's facility through either a
host or a tenant agreement. If a facility does not share a site with another facility, it is the sole tenant and
you should select Not applicable.
If the facility is host to a co-located tenant facility or is a co-located tenant facility, please provide the name
and EPA RMP facility ID for each other host/tenant facility, if applicable. Add additional rows if necessary.
If the facility does not share its property with another facility, leave this field blank.

2.1.3 Security Vulnerability Assessment
Has a security vulnerability assessment been conducted for this facility? If an SVA has been conducted for
this facility, provide the methodology and completion date for the most recent SVA.

2.1.4 Additional Facility Information
Facility NAICS. Provide the five- or six-digit NAICS code that corresponds most closely to the primary
activity of the facility as a whole. The first three digits of the code define a major business sector (e.g., 325
represents chemical manufacturing), and the last two or three digits indicate an establishment’s specialty
within the major sector (e.g., 325131 represents Inorganic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing). NAICS codes
are maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau and can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau website at
Facility DUNS. The nine-digit DUNS number is a unique identifier that allows facility information to be
cross-referenced with other business information. If a facility has a DUNS number, it should be available
from your financial officer or corporate headquarters. It can also be located through Dun and Bradstreet at
EPA RMP Facility ID. If your facility conducts EPA RMP-covered processes, fill in the unique 12-digit
number assigned to the facility by the RMP Reporting Center. The RMP Reporting Center includes this
number in its acknowledgment letter to the facility. If a facility does not operate an RMP-covered process,
leave this field blank.
Owner Name. This may be a person, company, cooperative, state, municipality, or other entity. It may or
may not be the same as the name entered for the facility operator.
Operator Name. Enter the name of the person or entity that has responsibility for the daily operations of
the facility. This may be a person, company, cooperative, state, municipality, or other entity, and may or
may not be the same as the name entered for the facility owner. If the owner and operator are the same,
enter the same information in both data fields.
Number of Full Time Employees. Enter the number that represents the typical maximum number of
employees/full-time contractors on-site at any given time. Do not include occasional times of a higher onsite workforce, such as turnarounds, in this estimate. Do not use commas when entering data.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
2.1.5 Latitude and Longitude
Verify that the latitude/longitude is correct. It is a KEY piece of information and is essential in evaluating
the risk level for a given facility. There are a variety of commercial websites available on the internet that
you can use to verify latitude and longitude. Latitude and longitude cannot be changed from this screen;
contact the Help Desk to modify incorrect latitude or longitude.

2.2 Security/Vulnerability Issues
In the CSAT Top-Screen and SVA, the facility answered a number of questions pertaining to one or more
security and/or vulnerability issues. Based on the facility’s responses, none, some, or all of these
security/vulnerability issues may be identified in the DHS Final Notification Letter. Any
security/vulnerability information from the facility’s Final Notification Letter will be pre-populated here.
You must confirm the accuracy of this pre-populated information. The SSP tool will allow you to
demonstrate how your facility will address these security/vulnerability issue(s). Additionally, in section
2.2.2 the SSP tool allows you to identify other security/vulnerability issues and associated COI, which are
not listed in the Final Notification Letter, that your facility believes to present significant security concerns.

2.2.1 Security/Vulnerability Issues From Final Notification Letter
You should review the list of security/vulnerability issues and COI and compare it to the DHS Final
Notification Letter. Security/vulnerability issue(s) may include:


Release-toxic, release-flammable, and/or release-explosive chemicals with the potential for offsite
Theft-EXP/IEDP (explosive/improvised explosive device precursor) chemicals, theft-WME
(Weapons of Mass Effect) chemicals, and theft-CW/CWP (chemical weapons/chemical weapon
precursor) chemicals;
Sabotage/contamination chemicals; and/or
Other security/vulnerability information specified in the Final Notification Letter

If no security/vulnerability issues appear in the SSP tool at this point, please contact the Help Desk.
Is the pre-populated information listed above consistent with the information found on the facility's
DHS Final Notification Letter? [Q:1.9-13848] If the security/vulnerability issues listed are correct and
complete, select Yes to the question. If the security/vulnerability issues listed are not consistent with the
facility’s Final Notification Letter, select No to be directed to a help screen with instructions to contact the
Help Desk. The facility must satisfy the applicable RBPS for the security/vulnerability issues, COI, and any
other chemicals identified in its Final Notification Letter.

2.2.2 Additional Security Issues and Other COI
In this section, the SSP tool allows you to provide information about any other security/vulnerability issues
of significance to your facility. This section of the SSP tool pre-populates the information from the facility’s
Final Notification Letter. You may then choose to provide information on additional security/vulnerability

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CSAT SSP Instructions
issues and associated COI that concern the facility from a security standpoint. To do so, the tool presents
you with a list of CFATS security/vulnerability issues, and related COI, to assist in identifying any
security/vulnerability issues that DHS has not already identified but that your facility believes to be of
concern. The information you provide in this section may be considered in DHS’ evaluation of your
facility’s SSP.
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to release-toxic COI? [Q:2.0-13720]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to release-flammable COI? [Q:2.0-13722]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to release-explosive COI? [Q:2.0-13724]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to theft-EXP/IEDP COI? [Q:2.0-13726]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to theft-WME COI? [Q:2.0-13728]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to theft-CW/CWP COI? [Q:2.0-13730]
Does the facility have security/vulnerability issues related to sabotage/contamination COI?
If additional security issues are selected, you will be asked to identify the COI, if any, associated with those
additional security/vulnerability issues.
If no additional security/vulnerability issues or COI are selected, you will continue to the Summary section.

2.2.3 Summary of Security/Vulnerability Information
After you have identified all of the security/vulnerability issue(s), COI, and any other chemical(s) listed in
your facility’s Final Notification Letter, a summary page is shown, highlighting the information provided.
This list should be carefully reviewed for accuracy before continuing.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 2-3 – Summary of Facility Information
Once you review the summary, you must answer Yes or No to the following question.
Have all of the COI and current security/vulnerability issues been entered? [Q:2.9-18424]
If you answer No, then you should return to the Facility Security Issues page of the CSAT SSP. If you answer
Yes, then you will continue with CSAT information submission.

2.3 CSAT Submissions
Is this the initial CSAT SSP Submittal? [Q:2.95-18411]
The response format is mm/dd/yyyy. (e.g. May 1, 2006 is entered as 05/01/2006.)
On what date did the facility submit its most recent CSAT Top Screen? [Q:2.95-18409]
On what date did the facility submit its most recent CSAT SVA? [Q:2.95-18410]

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CSAT SSP Instructions
If you indicated that this was not the initial SSP submittal, on what date did the facility submit its most
recent CSAT SSP? [Q:2.95-18412]
Click Next to continue to the Facility Operations section.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

3.0 Facility Operations
3.1 Facility Description
This section of the SSP tool is designed to collect information that will provide DHS with a clearer
understanding of the type of facility and its surrounding environment.
What is the facility type? [Q:3.0-13871] Choose the facility type that best describes the facility. Use the
drop down box to select a facility type. If no answer accurately describes the facility type, select Other and
enter a description in the text box [Q:3.0-14051].
What is the local Office of Emergency Management (OEM)? [Q:3.0-13934] Use the drop down box to
select the OEM with jurisdiction in the area where the facility is located. If the facility operates under
multiple OEM authorities, enter the primary responding jurisdiction here, and then select Other and enter a
description in the text box for additional organizations. If no answer accurately describes the facility type,
select Other and enter a description in the text box. [Q:3.0-14052]. Enter the name of the local
jurisdiction [Q:3.0-13935].
What is the locale setting of the facility? [Q:3.0-13936] Choose the locale setting that best describes the
facility. If no answer accurately describes the setting, select Other and enter a description in the text box
What is the construction type of the facility? [Q:3.0-14053] Choose the construction type that best
describes the facility. If no answer accurately describes the construction type, select Other and enter a
description in the text box [Q:3.0-14054].
When the Facility Description page is complete, click Next to move to the Facility Contact Information

3.2 Facility Security Information
The following questions request information about the facility’s main security personnel and request
information about whether the facility implements other security plans recommended by other agencies.
Provide the contact name and phone number for the individuals listed below. The phone number format is
Facility Security Officer [Q:3.1-13939], [Q:3.1-13940]
Assistant Facility Security Officer [Q:3.1-13941], [Q:3.1-13942]
Corporate Security Officer [Q:3.1-13943], [Q:3.1-13944]
Cyber Security Officer [Q:3.1-13945], [Q:3.1-13946]
Does the facility implement security plans required or recommended by the following agencies?
[Q:3.1-18675] Select Yes or No, as appropriate, for each of the listed agencies. If the facility implements

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CSAT SSP Instructions
security plans/procedures required or recommended by any agency or agencies not listed here, select Other
and then describe that agency or those agencies in the Other box. [Q:3.1-18676]

3.3 On-site Emergency Response Capabilities
This section of the SSP tool provides the facility with the opportunity to submit information related to any
existing on-site emergency response capabilities.
Does the facility have a fire department? [Q:3.9-18433] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility have a HAZMAT team? [Q:3.9-18434] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility share any of its emergency response capabilities with other facilities or entities?
[Q:3.9-18435] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility have an emergency management team available? [Q:3.9-18436] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility have any Special Response Capabilities? [Q:3.9-18437] Select Yes or No.
For any Yes responses, more detailed questions will be presented. If all responses are No, the SSP tool will
direct you to the Emergency Management Information section.

3.3.1 On-site Emergency Response Capabilities
Identify the other facilities or entities with which this facility shares emergency response capabilities.
[Q:3.91-18442] For each entry, type the name in the text box and click Add. A new box will appear. Add
all other facilities or entities in the additional text boxes.
Enter the number of on-site emergency management team members. [Q:3.91-18444]
Choose the special response capability available on-site. Select all capabilities that apply. [Q:3.9118445] Use the radio buttons to select all the response capabilities available on-site.

3.4 Emergency Management Information
The following sections of the SSP tool collect information on the facility’s local emergency management
resources. The facility is responsible for obtaining as much of this information as possible. The
Department recognizes that the answers to the following questions may vary by day or time. Therefore,
where applicable, average response times are acceptable responses to these questions.
Is the facility able to shelter-in-place? [Q:4.0-18738] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility have a community notification system? [Q:4.0-18749] Select Yes or No.

3.4.1 Police Information
Name of the local police jurisdiction [Q:4.0-13949] and phone number [Q:4.0-13950]. The phone
number format is (xxx)xxx-xxxx.
Number of full-time police officers [Q:4.0-13951] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local police SWAT team available? Q:4.0-13952] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
Local police bomb squad available? [Q:4.0-13953] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local police HAZMAT team available? [Q:4.0-13954] Select Yes, No, or Unknown
Local police Emergency Management Capabilities available? [Q:4.0-17899] Select Yes, No, or Unknown
Distance to nearest police station (miles) [Q:4.0-13955] Round distance up to nearest tenth of a mile.
(For example, for 0.25 miles enter 0.3 miles)
Time for first response officer to reach facility (average) [Q:4.0-13957] Use the drop down box to
select the average number of minutes.
Minimum time needed for police to mount tactical response [Q:4.0-13959] Use the drop down box to
select the number of minutes, if known.
Was tactical response time tested? [Q:4.0-13960] Select Yes or No. If Yes, then complete the date of
tactical response test [Q:4.0-13961].
Does the police department conduct response tests outside of a facility drill or exercise? [Q:4.0-18750]
Select Yes, No or Unknown.

3.4.2 Fire Department Information
Number of full-time on-site fire fighters [Q:4.1-19181]
On-site fire department foam truck available? [Q:4.1-19182] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
On-site fire department HAZMAT team available? [Q:4.1-19183] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
On-site fire department EMT available? [Q:4.1-19184] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Name of the local fire jurisdiction [Q:4.1-13968] and phone number [Q:4.1-13969]. The phone
number format is (xxx)xxx-xxxx.
Number of full-time fire fighters [Q:4.1-13970]
Local fire department foam truck available? [Q:4.1-13972] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local fire department HAZMAT team available? [Q:4.1-13973] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local fire department EMT available? [Q:4.1-13971] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Distance to nearest fire dept. station (miles) [Q:4.1-13974] Round distance up to nearest tenth of a mile.
(For example, for 0.25 miles, enter 0.3 miles).
Time for first response apparatus to reach facility (average) [Q:4.1-13975] Use the drop down box to
select the average number of minutes.
Minimum time needed for fire department to set up and respond once on-site at the facility [Q:4.113976] Use the drop down box to select the number of minutes.
Was the response time tested? [Q:4.1-13977] Select Yes or No. If Yes, then complete the date of response
test [Q:4.1-13978].

3.4.3 Emergency Management Team (EMT) Information
The questions in this section collect information related to emergency medical response capabilities. The
term EMT is used in these questions to mean Emergency Medical Technician but can also mean paramedics
or other emergency medical personnel.
Number of full-time EMT staff on-site [Q:4.2-19185]

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On-site EMT life support unit available? [Q:4.2-19186] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
On-site EMT water rescue available? [Q:4.2-19187] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
On-site EMT HAZMAT team available? [Q:4.2-19188] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Name of the local EMT jurisdiction [Q:4.2-13979] and phone number [Q:4.2-13980]. The phone
number format is (xxx)xxx-xxxx.
Number of full-time EMT staff [Q:4.2-13981]
Local EMT life support unit available? [Q:4.2-13982] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local EMT water rescue available? [Q:4.2-13983] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Local EMT HAZMAT team available? [Q:4.2-13984] Select Yes, No, or Unknown.
Distance to nearest Trauma Center (miles) [Q:4.2-13985] Round distance up to nearest tenth of a mile.
(For example, for 0.25 miles, enter 0.3 miles)
Time for first response EMT to reach facility (average) [Q:4.2-13986] Use the drop down box to select
the average number of minutes.
Minimum time needed to transport casualties to Trauma Center [Q:4.2-13987] Use the drop down box
to select the number of minutes.
Was the response time tested? [Q:4.2-13988] Select Yes or No. If Yes, then complete the date of response
test [Q:4.2-13989]

3.4.4 Local Mutual Assistance Groups (MAG)
Enter a MAG name, if any, and click the Add button. A new box will appear for additional MAGs. Continue
adding MAGs until all applicable groups have been provided. Then click Describe for each MAG and provide
the requested information.
If the facility is not a member of a MAG, answer Yes to question number [Q:4.3-17722] and continue to
the next section on Special Response Capability.
Short description of the local mutual assistance group [Q:4.31-13990] and phone number [Q:4.3113991]. The phone number format is (xxx)xxx-xxxx.
How many groups/facilities are included in the MAG? [Q:4.31-18839]
Number of MAG member companies [Q:4.31-13994]
Time for capable response to reach facility (average) [Q:4.31-13999] Use the drop down box to select
the average number of minutes.
Does the facility conduct drills or exercises to include the MAG? [Q:4.31-18840] Select Yes or No.
Minimum time needed for MAG to begin on-scene response [Q:4.31-14000] Use the drop down box to
select the number of minutes.
Was the response time tested? [Q:4.31-14001] Select Yes or No. If Yes, then complete the date of response
test [Q:4.31-14002]
When all MAG information has been entered and completed, answer Yes to question number [Q:4.317722] and continue to the Special Response Capability section.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

3.5 Special Response Capability
This section of the SSP tool collects information on special response capabilities around high-risk facilities.
The facility may provide information about Special Response Capabilities whether of not there is currently
an agreement or expectation that the specific capability will respond in the event of a relevant chemical
security incident. In this section, you should list any capabilities not already included in the previous
sections on police, fire and emergency management technician. For example, a military base or hostage
negotiation team in the facility’s community should be noted here.
Are other special response capabilities available? [Q:4.4-14030] Select Yes, No or Unknown. If the answer is
Yes, list the agencies with special response capabilities below.
Responding Agency [Q:4.4-14031] Enter a responding agency name and click the Add button. A new box
will appear for additional agencies. Continue adding agencies until all applicable agencies have been
provided. Then click Describe for each agency and provide the requested information.
What is the government level? [Q:4.41-14056] Use the drop down box to select the government level of
the responding agency. If Other is selected, enter a description [Q:4.41-14067]
What is the distance from the responding agency (miles)? [Q:4.41-14057] Round distance from the
facility to the responding agency up to nearest tenth of a mile. (For example, for 0.25 miles, enter 0.3
What is the average arrival time for the response? [Q:4.41-14058] Use the drop down box to select the
average time in minutes.
Is there a formal, written agreement with the responding agency? [Q:4.41-14060] Select Yes or No.
Choose the special response capability. Select all capabilities that apply. [Q:4.41-14059]
Click Next to return to the Capabilities Section.
Are there special response capabilities available not included in the list? [Q:4.4-14037] If there are
other types of special response capabilities not included in the drop-down list, select Yes to describe the
other capabilities on the next page.

3.5.1 Other Response Agencies with Special Capabilities Not Included in the
Previous List
Other Response Agencies with Special Capabilities Not Included in The Previous List [Q:4.5-14038]
Enter a responding agency name and click the Add button. A new box will appear for additional agencies.
Continue adding agencies until all applicable agencies have been provided. Then click Describe for each
agency and provide the requested information.
What is the government level? [Q:4.51-14062] Use the drop down box to select the government level of
the responding agency. If Other is selected, enter a description [Q:4.51-14069]

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CSAT SSP Instructions

What is the distance from the responding agency (miles)? [Q:4.51-14063] Round distance from the
facility to the responding agency up to nearest tenth of a mile. (For example, for 0.25 miles, enter 0.3
What is the average arrival time for the response? [Q:4.51-14064] Use the drop down box to select the
average time in minutes.
Is there a formal, written agreement with the responding agency? [Q:4.51-14066] Select Yes or No.
Choose the special response capability. Select all capabilities that apply. [Q:4.51-14065]
Click Next to return to the Other Capabilities Section.
When all special response agencies have been entered, answer Yes to the question: Have all other special
response capabilities been entered? [Q:4.5-14044]

3.6 Facility Personnel Staffing
The following questions in the SSP tool are related to the facility’s employee staffing. For each question,
provide the current number of employees for each category.
Enter the Number of Employees.
What number are full-time? [Q:4.6-14076]
What number are part-time? [Q:4.6-14077]
What number typically are contractors? [Q:4.6-14078]
What number are other types? [Q:4.6-14079] The facility should include any other types of employees or
other facility personnel (such as interns, seasonal workers, or volunteers) not accounted for in the prior
Enter the Number of Security Officers.
What number are full-time? [Q:4.6-14080]
What number are part-time? [Q:4.6-14081]
What number typically are contractors? [Q:4.6-14082]
What number are other types? [Q:4.6-14083] The facility should include any other types of security
officers (such as interns or volunteers) not accounted for in the prior questions.

3.7 Facility Work-force Staffing
Provide a name or short description for each work shift or period. Add as many work shifts as necessary to
account for different starting/ending times and numbers of employees present. Click the Add button to add
a work shift [Q:4.8-18510] and then use the Describe button to answer the detailed questions.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
For each day of the week, enter the starting and ending time of day of facility operations [Q:4.8118512], [Q:4.81-18513], [Q:4.81-18514], [Q:4.81-18515], [Q:4.81-18516]
Enter the number of employees present during each period.
If a work shift does not apply on a particular day, enter NA for the times and 0 for the number of
Click Next to return to the Workforce Operations Section.
Have all the work shifts been entered? [Q:4.8-18511] When all work shifts have been described, answer
Yes to this question.

3.8 Chemical Operations
The following questions cover the facility’s chemical operations. When answering these questions, you
should only answer with respect to the COI and any other chemicals included in the summary described in
Section 2.2.3. This section combines the information on security/vulnerability issues and COI identified in
the DHS Final Notification Letter with any information the facility chooses to provide about other
security/vulnerability issues that raise security/vulnerability issues.
Does the facility ship COI? [Q:5.0-14120] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility ship other chemicals identified on the facility's DHS Final Notification Letter? [Q:5.018466] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility sell COI? [Q:5.0-14121] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility sell other chemicals identified on the facility's DHS Final Notification Letter? [Q:5.018467] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility receive COI? [Q:5.0-14119] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility receive other chemicals identified on the facility's DHS Final Notification Letter?
[Q:5.0-18468] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility manufacture COI? [Q:5.0-18586] Select Yes or No.
Does the facility manufacture other chemicals identified on the facility's DHS Final Notification
Letter? [Q:5.0-18587] Select Yes or No.
If the facility answers Yes to manufacturing, shipping, selling, and/or receiving any COI, answer the
additional questions described in Section 3.8.1 below. If the facility does not ship, sell, receive and/or
manufacture any COI, continue to Section 3.9 (ASPs).

3.8.1 COI - Chemical Operations – cont’d
Chemicals of Interest Shipments
For each of the listed COI or other chemicals listed on the facility’s DHS Final Notification Letter, indicate
the shipping method by clicking the appropriate Yes/No radio button.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
By Truck [Q:5.1-14203, 5.1-14208, 5.1-14213, 5.1-14218, 5.1-14223, 5.1-14228, 5.1-14233,
By Rail [Q:5.1-14204,5.1-14209, 5.1-14214, 5.1-14219, 5.1-14224, 5.1-14229, 5.1-14234,
By Barge [Q:5.1-14205,5.1-14210, 5.1-14215, 5.1-14220, 5.1-14225, 5.1-14230, 5.1-14235,
By Pipeline [Q:5.1-18917, 5.1-18919, 5.1-18920, 5.1-18921, 5.1-18922, 5.1-18923, 5.1-18924,
For other shipping methods, enter the method in the By Other Method text box [Q:5.1-14206,
5.1-14211, 5.1-14216, 5.1-14221, 5.1-14226, 5.1-14231, 5.1-14236, 5.1-22369].
Chemicals of Interest Sales
Indicate whether any of the listed COI or any other chemicals listed on the facility’s DHS Final Notification
Letter are sold by the facility by clicking the appropriate Yes/No radio buttons [Q:5.2-14245, 5.2-14247,
5.2-14249, 5.2-14251, 5.2-14253, 5.2-14255, 5.2-14257, 5.2-22489].
Select All Industries that the Facility Supplies [Q:5.2-14258] Use the radio buttons to select all the types
of industrial clients that apply. If needed, select Other and enter other client industries in the Other text box
Chemicals of Interest Received
For each of the listed COI or other chemicals listed on the facility’s DHS Final Notification Letter, indicate
the appropriate receiving method by clicking the appropriate Yes/No radio button.
By Truck [Q:5.3-14152, 5.3-14171, 5.3-14175, 5.3-14179, 5.3-14183, 5.3-14187, 5.3-14191,
By Rail [Q:5.3-14153, 5.3-14172, 5.3-14176, 5.3-14180, 5.3-14184, 5.3-14188, 5.3-14192,
By Barge [Q:5.3-1415,5.3-14173, 5.3-14177, 5.3-14181, 5.3-14185, 5.3-14189, 5.3-14193,
By Pipeline [Q:5.3-22496, 5.3-22497, 5.3-22499, 5.3-22500, 5.3-22501, 5.3-22502, 5.3-22503,
For other receiving methods, enter it in the By Other Method text box [Q:5.3-14566, 5.3-14174,
5.3-14178, 5.3-14182, 5.3-14186, 5.3-14190, 5.3-14194].
Chemicals of Interest Manufactured
Indicate whether any of the listed COI or any other chemicals listed on the facility’s DHS Final Notification
Letter are manufactured by the facility by clicking the appropriate Yes/No radio buttons [Q:5.4-18598,
5.4-18603, 5.4-18608, 5.4-18613, 5.4-18618, 5.4-18623, 5.4-18628, 5.4-22495].

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CSAT SSP Instructions

3.9 Alternative Security Program
CFATS provides all high-risk facilities with the option of submitting an ASP in place of the SSP. DHS may
approve an ASP in whole or in part, or subject to revisions or supplements, if the ASP meets the
requirements of 6 CFR § 27.225. If a facility elects to submit an ASP rather than submit the CSAT SSP, this
section describes the process for uploading the relevant ASP files into the CSAT SSP tool. Before deciding
whether to proceed with that option, a high-risk facility should be familiar with the requirements of
6 CFR § 27.225.
Alternative Security Program [Q:5.6-17939] Do you want to upload an ASP in lieu of using the CSAT
SSP? If the user plans to upload an ASP and not complete the CSAT SSP, answer Yes, and follow the
remaining instructions. If the user does not plan to upload an ASP, select No, and the user will be prompted
to continue the CSAT SSP.

3.9.1 ASP Documents
Before uploading an ASP, the user will be asked questions related to the factors (see 6 CFR §§ 27.225,
27.235) for submitting an ASP in lieu of an SSP and otherwise related to the Department’s determination of
whether to approve an ASP.
Does the ASP address each security/vulnerability issue identified in the facility’s SVA, and identify and
describe security measures to address each such security/vulnerability issue? [Q:5.61-18413] Select Yes
if the ASP addresses each security/vulnerability issue and identifies and describes the security measures
addressing each security/vulnerability issue.
Does the ASP identify and describe how security measures selected by the facility will address the riskbased performance standards and potential mode of terrorist attack? [Q:5.61-18414] Select Yes if the
ASP identifies and describes how the security measures address the risk-based performance standards and
potential mode of terrorist attack.
Does the ASP identify and describe how security measures selected and utilized by the facility will
address each applicable performance standard for the appropriate risk-based tier for the facility?
[Q:5.61-18415] Select Yes if the ASP identifies and describes how the security measures will meet the
applicable performance standard for the appropriate risk-based tier.
Does the ASP provide other information that the Assistant Secretary has deemed necessary, through the
DHS Final Notification Letter or other means, regarding facility security? [Q:5.61-18416] Select Yes if
the ASP specifies other information deemed necessary by the Assistant Secretary regarding chemical facility
If you answer Yes to all of these questions, you will continue with the ASP uploading procedure. If you
answer No to any of these questions, you will be provided with the following question: [Q:5.62-18453]
The ASP does not address all pertinent factors in 6 CFR 27. Do you wish to continue to upload an ASP
in lieu of the CSAT SSP? By selecting the Yes radio button, you will continue with the ASP questions and
the ASP uploading procedure. By selecting the No radio button, you will return to entering information
into the CSAT SSP starting at Section 3.10 of this document.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
3.9.2 Upload ASP Documents
Each facility that elects to continue uploading an ASP after answering the questions described in the
previous section shall continue on to this section to answer additional ASP questions and to upload the ASP
If facility did submit a non-CSAT SVA, what is the date of that submittal? [Q:5.7-18182] The response
format is mm/dd/yyyy.
To upload the ASP files, enter each file name and click the Add button. The application will then provide a
button for detailed information. Click the Describe button and then browse to select a file on your computer
or network to submit. Upload all documents associated with the ASP.

Figure 3-1 – ASP Upload Screen
When all ASP documents have been uploaded, answer Yes to the question asking if all the documents have
been provided: Have you uploaded all ASP documents and provided detailed ASP information in your
uploads? [Q:5.7-17819].

3.9.3 ASP Submission
If you have answered the above questions and uploaded an ASP in lieu of an SSP, as instructed, you have
completed your use of the CSAT SSP tool. The CSAT system will upload this information to DHS, and DHS
will contact your facility with the results of its review of the facility’s ASP, and with the next steps, if any,
under CFATS.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
3.9.4 ASP Completion
Instructions on final validation, including validation of the fact that the facility submitted an ASP, and
instructions on final submission are detailed in Section 6.

3.10 Upload Facility Schematics
The SSP Tool provides the facility with the ability to upload a facility schematic. The facility schematic
could include the locations of main site features, could show a facility’s assets (as defined in Section 5 of
these SSP instructions), and could show security features such as perimeter fencing. There could be more
than one facility schematic (i.e., an overall facility site map followed by more detailed maps that show
groups of buildings, process areas, storage areas, etc.) that a facility would like to share with DHS. The
schematic(s) should be current and reflect the existing operations at the facility.
Facility Schematics Upload [Q:5.9-22809] Do you want to upload facility schematics or photographs
that support the SSP? If the facility plans to upload a schematic, answer Yes, and follow the remaining
instructions. If the facility does not plan to upload a schematic, select No, and the facility will be prompted
to continue the CSAT SSP.

3.9.5 Upload Facility Schematics and Photographs
For a facility that elects to upload facility schematics and photograph files, enter each file name
[Q:5.81-22818] and click the Add button. The application will then provide a button for detailed
information. The user will click the Describe button and then browse to select a file on his/her computer or
network to submit. Upload all documents associated with the schematic(s) and/or photograph(s).

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 3-2 – Facility Schematic(s) Upload Screen
When all files have been uploaded, answer Yes to Have you uploaded all the facility schematic files and
provided detail information? [Q:5.81-22819], and the facility will be prompted to continue the CSAT

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CSAT SSP Instructions

4.0 Facility Security
DHS recognizes that a facility typically administers most security measures on a facility-wide basis.
However, facilities also often customize security for certain assets within a facility. The SSP tool enables a
facility to describe both its facility-wide security, as well as security measures unique to particular assets,
such as cyber systems, raw material warehouses, or research and development laboratories.
In this section, the facility will describe its existing and – if the facility so chooses - its planned and
proposed facility-wide security measures. Where security is administered uniformly across a facility and its
assets, a facility need only address the RBPS at the facility level. In that case, the information provided
about the facility-wide security measures is understood to cover all of the facility’s assets.
However, a facility that administers some of its security on a facility-wide basis, but also has specialized
security to protect certain assets that are relevant to satisfying certain RBPS (e.g., cyber systems) must also
address those RBPS on an asset-specific basis by naming, describing and distinguishing the asset-specific
security measures. This approach is explained in Section 5.0, the Asset Security section, of these
For more detailed discussion of how the terms ‘facility’ and ‘assets’ are related to the RBPS, refer to DHS’
Risk-Based Performance Standards Guidance, which will be available at While a facility can always be identified by a geographical
location (latitude and longitude), in some cases, facilities may include assets, such as a cyber-security
system, outside the physical boundary of the facility.

4.1.1 Addressing RBPS
Each high-risk facility that receives a final tier designation must select, develop in its SSP, and implement
appropriate risk-based measures designed to satisfy the RBPS established in 6 CFR §27.230. In this section
each facility must address every RBPS by indicating whether or not it implements or – if the facility so
chooses - plans to implement security measures for that RBPS. However, not all facilities will need to
implement security measures for every RBPS. Rather, a facility must have security measures satisfying those
RBPS that DHS determines apply to the facility. Failure to provide information about security measures
relevant to a given RBPS may result in the need to submit a revised SSP and, in some cases, ultimately could
lead to disapproval of a facility’s SSP.
DHS expects certain RBPS typically to be applicable to virtually every facility, at least at the
facility-wide level. These RBPS include:

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Restrict Area Perimeter;
Screen and Control Assets;
Deter, Detect, and Delay;
Shipping, Receipt, and Storage;
Cyber Security;


CSAT SSP Instructions
RBPS 10 RBPS 11 RBPS 12 RBPS 13 RBPS 14 RBPS 15 RBPS 16 RBPS 17 RBPS 18 -

Personnel Surety;
Elevated Threats;
Specific Threats, Vulnerabilities, or Risks;
Reporting of Significant Security Incidents;
Significant Security Incidents and Suspicious Activities;
Officials and Organization; and

DHS expects that RBPS 2 (Secure Site Assets) typically will be applicable to all facilities at either the
facility-wide level or the asset level (or both). However, a facility must address RBPS 2 for each asset
whether or not facility-wide security measures were previously entered. A facility will describe any
asset-specific security measures in Section 5.
DHS also expects that the following RBPS typically will be applicable only to facilities that have certain
security/vulnerability issues:

Theft and Diversion; and

For facilities that have a Theft-Diversion and/or Sabotage security/vulnerability issue(s), the user will have
the option in the SSP tool to address RBPS 6 and/or 7 at the facility-wide or asset level (or both).
Addressing Individual RBPS and Entering Security Measures
To start addressing the RBPS, click each RBPS box in turn, as shown in Figure 4-2, and answer Yes or No as
to whether or not the facility has existing, planned or proposed security measures for that RBPS. If the
facility selects No, the facility has addressed the RBPS but has indicated that it has no security measures for
satisfying that RBPS, if applicable. The facility will then be directed to the next RBPS.

Figure 4-2 – RBPS Questions
If the facility selects Yes for any RBPS, the SSP tool will then direct the facility to enter its facility-wide
security measures for that RBPS. The facility should select the security measures that most accurately and
completely describe its existing facility-wide security measures. Where the facility believes the security
measures provided by the SSP tool do not accurately or completely depict its security measure, the facility
should select Yes for Other and describe/explain this security feature in the Other text box provided.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

For RBPS 2, 3, 5, 6, and, 7 only, the facility will be asked two additional questions; does the facility have
facility-wide security measures for this RBPS, and does the facility also have asset-specific security measures
for this RBPS that are different from the facility-wide security measures.

4.1.2 Planned and Proposed Security Measures
At the end of each RBPS section, the facility is able to provide information on any Planned and/or Proposed
security measures relative to the facility and/or its asset(s). A planned security measure may be considered
by DHS in determining whether an SSP satisfies an applicable RBPS, for example, if the measure:

Is in the process of being installed; or
Is in the design phase but has an approved and documented capital budget; or
Is in the bid process and has been placed for bid or bids have been received and are under review;
Is in a pilot phase or is in execution as a demonstration project, and has some sort of documented
implementation budget and schedule.

If a facility chooses to provide information about a planned security measure for consideration, DHS may
subsequently ask the facility to produce documentation confirming the planned measure. While planned
measures are considered in the SSP approval process, a proposed measure is one that is under consideration
by the facility but is not yet a planned measure, and will not be considered by DHS in determining whether
to approve an SSP.
Proposed Measures
A facility can provide three types of information using this section of the SSP tool: 1) Proposed Security
Measures the facility wants to share with DHS; 2) Existing Security Measures the facility is proposing to
eliminate or remove; and 3) Existing or Planned Security Measures the facility does not want DHS to
consider during the evaluation of the facility’s SSP.
Entering Proposed Security Measures
If a facility chooses to share its proposed security measures with DHS, then the facility should enter a
description of the proposed security measure. The facility should label each proposed security measure
using “Proposed Security Measure X” where the X would be a number for the Proposed Security Measure.
A sample entry for a Proposed Security Measures could be: “Proposed Security Measure 1 – Install new 8
feet high chain link fence with one (1) foot high barbed wire topping; Proposed Security Measure 2 –
Install 2 CCTV cameras at the facility’s main gate.” The facility can provide as much detail as necessary to
convey each Proposed Security Measure to DHS.
Entering Proposals to Eliminate Security Measures
Facilities are required to list and/or describe existing security measures as part of Section 4 of their CSAT
SSP submissions. Existing security measures which each covered facility describes or lists in its CSAT SSP
submission may become enforceable components of that facility’s final SSP upon approval of the SSP by
DHS. However, this section of the CSAT SSP tool will provide facilities the opportunity to disclose that

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CSAT SSP Instructions
certain existing security measures are proposed to be removed or eliminated in the future. Of course, if a
facility chooses to eliminate an existing security measure that is relevant to one or more CFATS RBPS, it is
possible that the facility’s SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
If a facility chooses to share its proposals to eliminate security measures with DHS, then the facility should
enter a description of the proposed security measure that will be eliminated and include a timeframe for
when that security measure will be eliminated. The facility should label each proposed security measure to
be eliminated using “Proposed Elimination X” where the X would be a number for the proposed security
measure to be eliminated. A sample entry could be: “Proposed Elimination 1 – Remove existing chain link
fence by September 2012; Proposed Elimination 2 – Remove 2 CCTV cameras from the facility’s main gate
by December 2015.” The facility can provide as much detail to DHS as necessary to convey each proposed
security measure to be eliminated.
Entering Proposals for Specific Security Measures Not to be Included in SSP
The SSP tool asks facilities to list and/or describe existing security measures as part of Section 4 of their
CSAT SSP submissions. Existing and planned security measures which each covered facility describes or lists
in its CSAT SSP submission may become enforceable components of that facility’s final SSP upon approval
of the SSP by DHS. However, this section of the CSAT SSP tool will provide facilities the opportunity to
propose that certain existing and/or planned security measures identified in this tool not be considered by
DHS in evaluating its SSP for approval. Of course, if a facility chooses not to include an existing or planned
measure that is relevant to satisfaction of one or more CFATS RBPS in its SSP, it is possible that the facility’s
SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
If a facility would like to identify existing or planned security measures in the CSAT SSP tool for a specific
RBPS, but does not want DHS to consider those measures during its evaluation of the facility’s SSP, the
facility should make a note of the question numbers that correspond to those particular security measures.
The facility should use this text box to enter a description of the security measures the facility does not
want DHS to consider. The facility should label each security measure not to be included by using “Security
Measure Not to be Included in SSP X [Q:#.#-#####]” where the X would be a number for the specific
security measure not to be included and [Q:#.#-#####] is the question number found in the SSP tool
that is related to the specific security measure not to be included. A sample entry could be, “Security
Measure Not to be Included in SSP 1 – [Q:7.01-14429] Facility does not want its perimeter fence
considered by DHS during evaluation of its SSP; Security Measure Not to be Included in SSP 2 –
[Q:7.03-14443] Facility does not want its clear zone considered by DHS during evaluation of its SSP.

4.2 Completing Facility-wide RBPS
When the facility has addressed all RBPS and entered its related security measures by RBPS, choose Yes for
the question Have all Risk-based Performance Standards at the facility level been addressed and
security measures entered? [Q:6.6-14422] Answering Yes will take the user to the asset level security
measures section described in Section 5 below.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

5.0 Asset Security Measures
The Assets section is for the facility to identify and describe customized security measures provided for
specific assets.
A facility should complete this section if it has identified an asset or assets for special security treatment
relevant to satisfying an RBPS and did not provide information about all relevant security measures for that
RBPS in the facility-wide section. The security measures unique to an asset in this section should be clearly
distinguishable from facility-wide security measures. However, a facility that provided information about
all its relevant security measures at the facility-wide level may rely on its facility-wide security measures
and need not identify any assets or asset-specific measures in this section.
A facility should begin this section by indicating whether it is identifying any assets, as described in section
5.1 below. A facility with no assets to identify or describe should leave the Asset Name [Q. 26.1-14664]
blank and answer Yes to the question Have all assets been listed and details provided? [Q: 26.1-14665]
The user is then directed to confirm its completion of the SSP. Refer to Section 6 for instructions on
submitting the SSP.

5.1 Identification of Assets
This portion of the tool recognizes that a facility may administer certain aspects of security at the facility
level (e.g., personnel surety) while also applying distinct security measures to specific assets within a
facility (e.g., shipping, receipt and storage area). For instance, a building where COI is packaged may be
monitored with specialized surveillance equipment. This asset-specific approach to security is distinct from
the facility-wide security. Given the prevalence of specialized security at chemical facilities, this section
enables a facility to describe asset-specific security measures, as needed. The SSP tool is designed to provide
DHS with a complete picture of a facility, as well as any asset level security measures and how the facility,
and asset-specific security measures (if any) function to satisfy the RBPS.
For more detailed discussion of how the terms “facility”, “assets”, and “critical assets” are related to RBPS,
refer to DHS’ Risk-Based Performance Standards Guidance, which will be available at For example, a facility may provide information on security
measures related to assets, such as:
(1) Physical security infrastructure, procedures, personnel or measures that comprise all or part of the
facility’s system for managing security risks.
(2) Physical safety infrastructure, procedures, personnel or measures that comprise all or part of the
facility’s system for managing process safety and emergency response measures,
(3) Cyber systems involved in the management of processes, process safety, security, product or material
stewardship, or business management and control
(4) Vessels, process equipment, piping, transport vessels or any container or equipment used in the
processing or holding of chemicals
(5) Onsite and off-site response protocols,
(6) Warehouses, vaults, storage bays, and similar infrastructure,
(7) Specially-trained, qualified personnel who are engaged in the management of security and safety risk.
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CSAT SSP Instructions

In this section, the facility is to provide answers only for existing security measures at the facility.

5.1.1 Describing Assets
Begin the Asset Security Measures section by naming each asset. The asset name should be distinct enough
to track over subsequent screens. This field can be up to 34 characters in length.
Click the Add button after entering each asset name. A new entry line will appear for additional assets.
Continue adding entries until all applicable assets have been provided. Then click Describe for each asset and
provide the requested information.

Figure 5-1 – Asset Security Measures
Describe Asset [Q:26.2-14666] Provide a brief description of the asset, including the primary function. If
the asset is associated with a chemical (e.g., a hazardous material or a potentially dangerous chemical that
may be subject to RBPS 5 or 6, respectively) that is not a COI or a chemical identified in the DHS final
notification letter, the name of that chemical and the security/vulnerability issue (e.g., release, theft,
sabotage) associated with the asset should be provided here.
Is this a critical asset? [Q:26.2-22738] For more detailed discussion of how the term ”critical asset” is
related to the RBPS, refer to DHS’ Risk-Based Performance Standards Guidance, which will be available at
Is a COI or other chemical from the DHS final notification letter associated with this
asset? [Q:26.2-17940] If the asset is related to a COI, answer Yes. If the asset is not related to a COI, answer
No. If the answer is No, the facility must also answer No to all of the security/vulnerability issues listed
below, and will then be directed to the next series of questions related to the RBPS.
Select All Security/Vulnerability Issues associated with this Asset. [Q:26.2-14668, 26.2-14669,
26.2-14670, 26.2-14671, 26.2-14673, 26.2-14674, 26.2-18554] Using the list of security/vulnerability

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CSAT SSP Instructions
issues provided on the screen, select the ones associated with the asset. Then select any COI listed that are
associated with the asset.

5.1.2 RBPS Questions
The facility will be presented with a list of the RBPS for which it indicated it had asset-specific security
measures that are different from the facility-wide security measures. Select Yes or No as to whether or not
there are security measures related to the RBPS for this asset. If the facility answers Yes to having assetspecific security measures for a particular RBPS, then the facility must answer the questions related to that
A facility must address RBPS 2 for each asset whether or not the facility previously entered facility-wide
security measures. This is where a facility should identify security measures specific to each asset.
When identifying security measures, select the security measures that most accurately and completely
describe the existing asset level security measures. Where the facility believes the security measures
provided by the SSP tool do not accurately or completely depict its security measures, the facility should
select Yes for Other and describe/explain this security feature in the Other text box provided.

5.1.3 Planned and Proposed Security Measures
At the end of each RBPS section, the facility is able to provide information on any Planned and Proposed
security measures for the facility and any other assets the facility may identify. DHS may consider a
planned security measure in determining whether an SSP satisfies an applicable RBPS if the measure:
• Is in the process of being installed; or
• Is in the design phase but has an approved and documented capital budget; or
• Is in the bid process and has been placed for bid or bids have been received and are under review;
• Is in a pilot phase or is in execution as a demonstration project, and for which there is a general
but documented implementation budget and schedule.
If a facility provides information about a planned security measure for consideration by DHS, the facility
should also expect to produce documentation that supports the planned measure, such as evidence there is
funding. DHS will consider planned measures during the SSP approval process. A proposed measure is one
that is under consideration by the facility for implementation but is not yet a planned measure, and will not
be considered by DHS in determining whether to approve an SSP.
Proposed Measures
A facility can provide three types of information using this section of the SSP tool: Proposed Security
Measures the facility wants to share with DHS; Existing Security Measures the facility is proposing to
eliminate or remove; and Existing or Planned Security Measures the facility does not want DHS to consider
during the evaluation of the facility’s SSP.
Entering Proposed Security Measures
If a facility chooses to share its proposed security measures with DHS, then the facility should enter a
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CSAT SSP Instructions
description of the proposed security measure for this asset. The facility should label each proposed security
measure using “Proposed Security Measure X” where the X would be a number for the Proposed Security
Measure. A sample entry for a Proposed Security Measures could be: “Proposed Security Measure 1 – Install
new 8 feet high brick wall with 1 foot of barbed wire topping at Asset 1; Proposed Security Measure 2 –
Install an anti-vehicle wedge with a Department of State Rating of 4 at Asset 1's main entry gate.” The
facility can provide as much detail as necessary to convey each Proposed Security Measure to DHS.
Entering Proposals to Eliminate Security Measures
Facilities may list and/or describe existing asset-specific security measures as part of Section 5 of their CSAT
SSP submissions. Existing security measures which each covered facility describes or lists in its CSAT SSP
submission may become enforceable components of that facility’s final SSP upon approval of the SSP by
DHS. However, this section of the CSAT SSP tool will provide facilities the opportunity to disclose that
certain existing security measures are proposed to be removed or eliminated in the future. Of course, if a
facility chooses to eliminate an existing security measure that is relevant to one or more CFATS RBPS, it is
possible that the facility’s SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
If a facility chooses to share its proposals to eliminate security measures with DHS, then the facility should
enter a description of the proposed security measure that will be eliminated from this asset and include a
timeframe for when that security measure will be eliminated. The facility should label each proposed
security measure to be eliminated using “Proposed Elimination X” where the X would be a number for the
proposed security measure to be eliminated. A sample entry could be: “Proposed Elimination Measure 1 –
Remove existing 4 feet high chain link fence around Asset 1 by September 2012; Proposed Elimination
Measure 2 – Remove magnetic locks to the main gate for Asset 1 by December 2015.” The facility can
provide as much detail to DHS as necessary to convey each proposed security measure to be eliminated.
Entering Proposals for Specific Security Measures Not to be Included in SSP
Facilities may list and/or describe existing asset-specific security measures as part of Section 5 of their CSAT
SSP submissions. Existing and planned security measures which each covered facility describes or lists in
the asset-specific portions of its CSAT SSP submission may become enforceable components of that facility’s
final SSP upon approval of the SSP by DHS. However, this section of the CSAT SSP tool will provide
facilities the opportunity to propose that certain existing and/or planned security measures identified in
this tool not be considered by DHS in evaluating their Saps for approval. Of course, if a facility chooses not
to include an existing or planned measure that is relevant to satisfaction of one or more CFATS RBPS in its
SSP, it is possible that the facility’s SSP, as submitted, may not satisfy the applicable RBPS.
If a facility would like to identify existing or planned security measures in the CSAT SSP tool for a specific
RBPS, but does not want DHS to consider those measures during its evaluation of the facility’s SSP, the
facility should make a note of the question numbers that correspond to those particular security measures.
The facility should use this text box to enter a description of the security measures the facility does not
want to be considered by DHS. The facility should label each specific security measure not to be included
by using “Security Measure Not to be Included in SSP X [Q:#.#-#####]” where the X would be a
number for the specific security measure not to be included and [Q:#.#-#####] is the question number
found in the SSP tool that is related to the specific security measure not to be included. A sample entry
could be, “Security Measure Not to be Included in SSP 1 – [Q:28.04-16034] Facility does not want its
fence barrier around Asset 1 considered by DHS during evaluation of its SSP; Security Measure Not to be

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CSAT SSP Instructions
Included in SSP 2 – [Q:28.05-16037] Facility does not want its 1 feet high barbed wire top guard at Asset 1
considered by DHS during evaluation of its SSP.
Completing the Asset-Specific Security Measures Section. When the facility is finished entering the security
measures for an asset, the user will return to the Asset Screen where he/she will be able to provide
information on additional Assets, if needed.

5.2 Completing RBPS for All Assets
When the facility has entered all of the asset-specific security measures by RBPS for an asset, the user is
directed back to the original Asset Screen. A facility may name and describe additional assets at this point.
If the facility has entered the specific security measures for all of its assets, answer Yes to the question Have
all assets been listed and details provided?

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CSAT SSP Instructions

6.0 SSP Completion
Preparer: After entering all of the relevant data, the user will see the SSP Completion screen. At this point,
the Preparer is advised to both validate the information and review it for completeness and accuracy.
Validate Report. A validation check for basic logical errors is done by clicking on Validate Report on the menu
on the left. Information that is missing or incorrectly formatted will be listed and highlighted in red and a
link will be provided to take the user to the affected area to fix the error or add the missing information.
Once the information has been corrected, click Validate Report again to check for any additional errors.

Figure 6-1 – SSP Completion
The SSP tool will not find and highlight errors other than missing required data or logical errors (e.g.,
unrecognized characters such as commas or percent signs). Users are advised to print a Summary
Report and review all of the information for accuracy even if no validation errors appear on the
Validation Report.
View Summary Report. Click on View Summary Report on the menu on the left and the SSP tool will generate
a report showing the questions and the data entered. This report is a PDF and can be printed or saved.

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 6-2 Summary Report
When the report has been successfully validated and reviewed, click Next to continue the completion
Note: If the Preparer is also the Submitter and has only one username, the screen presentation will be
similar to the Submitter screens detailed below. The Preparer will not have the option to transfer the
account to the Submitter; instead, the CSAT system will direct the Preparer to submit the completed SSP
directly to DHS.
Transferring Answers to Submitter. Click the Transfer to Submitter for Review button to transmit the SSP to the
Submitter for review. The Preparer can also choose to have a copy of the letter acknowledging receipt of the
SSP sent to the submitter as well. [Q:1.92-13719] A Yes answer will send an email notifying the Preparer
that the survey has been transmitted to the Submitter for review. Once the SSP is sent to the Submitter, the
Preparer has read-only access to the data unless the Submitter sends the SSP back for revision (at which
point the Preparer may again edit and enter data).

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CSAT SSP Instructions

Figure 6-3 – DHS Communications
Submitter Review: Once the Preparer has submitted the completed SSP, the Submitter will receive an email
notifying him/her that the SSP is ready for review. When the Submitter enters the CSAT system, the system
will display the facility or facilities that the Submitter is authorized to review. The Submitter will see, on
the CSAT landing page (Figure 1-1), the facility’s status in the process (In Review will be listed for completed
surveys awaiting final review and submission). Click the name of the facility to review.
The Submitter may now page through the SSP and view and edit the answers supplied by the Preparer.
After reviewing all of the information, the Completion Screen will be displayed. The Submitter can now
return the survey to the Preparer for modifications (click the Transfer to Preparer for Modifications button) or
proceed to the Final Validation.
If the SSP is returned to the Preparer, its status will return to In Progress on the initial sign-in screen and the
Preparer and Submitter will receive emails to that effect with instructions on next steps for continuing the
SSP completion and submission process.
To finish the SSP, click Final Validation and correct any errors or omissions. When the validation is complete,
click Continue.

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CSAT SSP Instructions
The Submitter must retain a copy of the completed SSP for the facility’s record as specified in
6 CFR §27.255(b). Once the facility submits the SSP to DHS, a facility no longer has access to it. A
submitted copy of the SSP will be helpful in case the data needs to be re-entered. This printed or electronic
record is CVI and must be protected as CVI. Users can create a copy of the completed SSP by clicking on the
button Print Version of SSP. The user can then choose to print the PDF (File>Print) and to save it electronically
(File>Save). After saving and printing a copy for your files (and checking that the copy is legible), the
Submitter should click Submit to DHS to officially submit the completed SSP. [NOTE: Be sure to read
carefully and understand the Submission Statement on this page of the SSP tool before submitting the

Figure 6-4 – Finish

SSP Tool Complete

Version 1.0


List of Acronyms Used in the Site
Security Plan Instructions

Version 1.0

Alternate Security Program
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Closed-Circuit Television
Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
Code of Federal Regulations
Chemical(s) of Interest
Chemical Security Assessment Tool
Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information
Chemical Weapons/Chemical Weapons Precursor
Distributed Control Systems
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency
Explosive/Improvised Explosive Device Precursor
Frequently Asked Question
Industrial Control Systems
Improvised Explosive Device
Improvised Explosive Device Precursor
Interim Final Rule
Intrusion Monitoring System
Information Technology
North American Industrial Classification System
Process Control Systems
Risk-Based Performance Standards
Risk Management Plan
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
Site Security Plan
Screening Threshold Quantity
Security Vulnerability Assessment
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
Weapon of Mass Effect


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleChemical Security Assessment Tool: Site Security Plan Instructions
AuthorU.S. Department of Homeland Security
File Modified2014-09-16
File Created2009-03-25

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