Form BIS-645P International Import Certificate

International Import Certificate

BIS-645 Fillable Rev 20140812

International Import Certificate

OMB: 0694-0017

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General Instructions
The International Import Certificate, BIS-645P form is available on the BIS Web site. BIS requires only one
signed copy to be submitted via mail. Once the IIC is signed with the authorized signature, the original and a
copy(s) will be returned to you.
The IIC’s, BIS-645P form should be mailed to the following address.
Via Courier or Regular mail:
Bureau of Industry and Security
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue,
N.W. Room 2705
Washington, D.C. 20230
Attn: “IIC enclosed”

FORM BIS-645P/ATF-4522 (REV 6/14)

Bureau of Industry and Security
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,
and Explosives

NOTE: Read instructions on the reverse side before completing and submitting this
form. (Lire les instructions au verso avant de remplir et de presenter la présente formule.)


U.S. Importer/lmportateur (Name and address—Nom et adresse)


Exporter/Exportateur (Name and address—Nom et adresse)


Form Approved: OMB No. 0694-0017- Modele approuve: OMB No. 0694-0017


Certificate Number

FOR U.S. GOVERNMENT USE (Réservé pour le Gouvernment des Etats­ Unis)

If this form has been approved by the Department of Commerce, it is not valid unless the official seal of
the Department of Commerce, appears in this space. If this form is approved by the Justice Department, a
seal is not required. (Si ce formulaire a été approuvé par le Ministére du Commerce, il n'est pas valide à
moins qu'un sceau officiel du Ministére du Commerce soit apposé sur le document. Si ce formulaire est
approuvé par le Ministére des Ju st ice, un sceau officiel n'est pas nécessaire.)
TSUSAnno. No.
(Numéro de la liste)

Description of goods
(Désignation de la Marchandise)


(FOB, CIF, etc.)

4. Representation and undertaking of U.S. importer or principal
The undersigned hereby represents that he has undertaken to import into the United States of America under a U.S. Consumption Entry or U.S. Warehouse Entry the commodities in quantities described above, or, if the
commodities are not so imported into the United States of America, that he will not divert, transship, or reexport them to another destination except with explicit approval of the Department of Commerce, the Department
of State, or the Department of Justice, as appropriate. The undersigned also undertakes to notify the appropriate Department immediately of any changes of fact or intention set forth herein. If a delivery verification
is required, the undersigned also undertakes to obtain such verification and make disposition of it in accordance with such requirement. Any false statement willfully made in this declaration is punishable by
fine and imprisonment. (See experts from U.S. Code on reverse side.)
Déclaration et engagement de l'importateur ou du commettant des Etats-Unis
Le soussigné déclare par la présente qu'il a pris l'engagement d'importer aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, en vertu d'une Déclaration américaine de Mise en Consommation, ou d'une Déclaration américaine d'Entrée en entrepôt, la
quantité de produits ci-dessus et que, dans le cas ou ces produits ne seraient pas ainsi importés aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, il ne le détounera, ne les transbordera, ni les réexportera a destination d'un autre lieu, si ce n'est
avec l'approbation explicite du Ministére du Commerce, du Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres ou du Ministére des Finances, comme il est requis. Le soussigné prend é galement l'engagement d'aviser le Ministére intéressé
des Etats-Unis de tous changements survenus dans les actes ou les intentions é noncés dans la présente déclaration. Si demande est faite d'une confirmation de la livraison le soussigné prend également l'engagement d'obtenir
cette confirmation et d'en disposer de la maniére prescrite par cette demande. Toute fausee déclaration faite intentionnellement espose l'auteur aux pénalités prévues par Ia loi. (Voir Extrait du Code des
Etats-Unis au verso.)
Type or Print
(Priére d'ecrire a
la machine ou en

Type or Print (Priére
d'ecrire a la machine
ou en caractéres
d imprimerie)
Name and Title of Authorized Official
(Nom et titre de l'agent ou employé autorisé)

Name of Firm or Corporation
(Nom de la Firme ou de la Societé)

Date of Signature
(Date de la Signature)

Signature of Authorized Official
(Signature de l'agent ou employé autorisé)

This document ceases to be valid unless presented to the competent foreign authorities within 12 months from its date of issue. (Le présent document perd sa validité s'il n'est pas remis aux autorités é trangéres
compétentes dans un délai de 12 mois à compter de sa délivrance.)
No permanent import certification may be obtained unless this International Import Certificate has been completed and filed with the appropriate U.S. Government agency (Department of Commerce: 50 U.S.C. app.
§2411, E.O. 12214 15 C.F.R. §748; Department of Justice; 22 U.S.C. §2778, E.O. 13637, 27 C.F.R. §447). Information furnished herewith is subject to the provisions of Section 12(c) of the Export Administration Act of
1979, 50 U.S.C. app. 2411(c), and its unauthorized disclosure is prohibited by law.
FOR U.S. GOVERNMENT USE (Réservé au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis)
Certification: This is to certify that the above declaration was made to the U.S. Department of
Commerce, or J u s t i c e through the undersigned desig­nated official thereof and a copy of this
certification is placed in the official files.

Certification: II est certifié par la présente que la déclaration ci-dessus a été faite au Ministére du
Commerce, ou des J u s t i c e des Etats-Unis par l'intermédiaire du fonctionnaire autorisé sousssigné de ce
Ministére et qu'une copie de ce certificat a été conservée dans les archives officielles.


Designated Commerce or Justice Official (Fonctionnaire competent du Ministére du Commerce; ou du Justice)


USCOMM DC 8924414

In accordance with an agreement between the Departments of Commerce and J u s t i c e , Import Certificates issued to facilitate international cooperation in export control matters have been standardized. Under this
standardization these agencies will use the same form. The U.S. Department of Just ice issues the form for articles enumerated on the U.S. Munitions Import List in connection with the issuance of a Justice
Department Import Permit. The U.S. Department of Commerce issues the form for all other commodities subject to an Import Certificate requirement.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information, and an
additional l minute per response for recordkeeping. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the
Director of Administration, Bureau of Industry and Security, Room 3889, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, Washington,
D.C. 20503.
Submit this form in triplicate - 3 copies (submit in quadruplicate - 4 copies for "special nuclear material,"
"source material," "by-product material," "production or utilization facilities," and "nuclear equipment" and
"nuclear material" as defined in the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission). The
quadruplicate copy of this form should be retained by the importer for record purposes, and after the
original is signed and numbered by the designated U.S. Commerce or Justice Department official, the
International Import Certificate Number should be entered on the record copy. This will facilitate
entering the correct International Import Certificate Number on a Delivery Verification Certificate if a
delivery verification is requested by the foreign exporter. (If the form is required to be submitted in
quadruplicate, the importer should use a separate blank form to provide his record copy.)

*TSUS - Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated may be purchased from
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, local
CustomsOffices, or ITA District Offices located in principal cities.

Import Certificates will be issued only when required by the government of a foreign country for the
commodities specified above which are subject to the Atomic Energy Act, for the N.S.-controlled
commodities on the Commodity Control List (Supplement No. 1to 774 of the U.S. Department of Commerce
Export Administration Regulations), and for articles enumerated on the U.S. Munitions List and U.S.
Munitions Import List.


Issuance by U.S. Department of Commerce
Requests for certification and validation of Import Certificates or requests for amendments of Import
Certificates may be filed with the Bureau of Industry and Securit y; U.S. Department of Commerce;,
14t h St reet and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.; Ro o m 2705; Washington, D.C. 20230; Att n: “IIC
enclo sed”.
(Blank forms are obtainable at the same offices or any other District Offices.)
(See Supplement No.5 to Part 748 of the Export Administration Regulations, for Special instructions to be
followed when foreign excess property is involved.)
Issuance by U.S. Department of J u s t i c e
In the case of articles enumerated in the U.S. Munitions Import List (27 Code of Federal Regulations 447)
covering arms, ammunition, and implements of war, communicate with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and E x p l o s i v e s , Department of Justice, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405.
Communication with U.S. Department of State
concerning Foreign Transfers
This form does not apply to the foreign trade transfer by a U.S. entity of U.S. Munitions List articles (22 Code of
Federal Regulations 121). For such foreign transfers, communicate with the Directorate of Defense Trade
Controls, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20520.
Item 1 - The full name and the address of the U.S. importer or U.S. principal in the transaction must be
shown. (The U.S. principal in the transaction is that person subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States who is in a position to make the representation and undertakings set forth in Item 4.)
Item 2 - Name and full address of foreign exporter must be shown.
Item 3 - Description of goods must be shown in normal commercial terms, and should include composition,
type, size, gauge, grade, horsepower, manufacturer's name, serial number, as well as brand or trade names,
catalog numbers, or other trade characteristics which will aid in exact recognition of commodities. Indicate
also status of equipment or material such as new or used.
The Tariff Schedules of the United States (TSUS) Annotated* number and the quantity must be shown in
accordance with the Tariff Schedules and/or normal commercial terms.
Values must be shown in customary form of quotation, such as: f.o.b. (named port), c.i.f., or other form.
Item 4 - Where the representation is made that the commodities will be brought into the United States
under a U.S. Consumption or Warehouse Entry, the temporary unlading of goods in a foreign trade
zone which are intended for subsequent entry into the economy of the United States is not precluded.
The U.S. Department of Commerce and/or Department of Justice, shall be notified immediately of any
changes of fact or intention set forth on this form. Such notification shall be in writing and should
include the International Import Certificate Number. There must be shown in the name of firm or
corporation on whose behalf this document is filed If signed by an agent of the Importer, such agency
must be indicated in the space marked "Type or Print Name and Title of Authorized Official."
Where the commodities are not imported into the U.S. under such Customs entries, permission to
divert, transship or reexport the commodities must be obtained from the Department of Commerce, or
Department of Justice.

The Department of Commerce regulation covering U.S. Import Certificates and Delivery Verification
Certificate is set forth in Supplement No. 5 to Part 748 of the Export Administration Regulations,
which is available for reference at any ITA District Office.

(a) Administrative- Provided in the Export Administration Regulations. The enforcement
provisions of Part 764 of the Export Administration Regulations, the conduct of Business
provisions of Supplement No. 2 to Part 736, and the denial or suspension of export privileges and
imposition of civil penalties provisions of Part 766 shall apply to transactions involving imports into
the United States covered by Supplement No. 2 to Part 736. The International Emergency
Economic Powers Act provides a civil penalty not to exceed $250,000 or twice the amount of the
transaction that is the basis of the violation that may be imposed for each violation of the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act or any regulation, order, or license issued under the Act. Any
provisions of Part 764 and Supplement No.2 to Part 736 which by their terms relate to "exports" or
"exports from the United States" are also deemed to apply and extend to imports into the United
States, applications for International Import Certificates, International Import Certificates and
Delivery Verifications, dealt with in Part 748. (A form BIS- 645P, International Import Certificate,
when presented to the U.S. Department of Commerce for certification or validation, is an
application for an International Import Certificate.)
Any person, either in the United States or abroad, who violates the Export Administration
Regulations or any order or license issued thereunder, including the provisions of Part 748,
is subject to administrative action which may result in disqualification from eligibility to obtain a
certified Import Certificate from the Office of Exporter Services, in suspension, revocation and
denial of export privileges under the Export Administration Regulations; and in exclusion from
practice before the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce on
behalf of another, in connection with any export control matter, as provided in Part 766.
(b) Administrative - Provided in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. Part 127 of the
International Traffic in Arms Regulations provides that a violator of these regulations may, through
administrative action described in Part 128, be debarred (prohibited) from exporting all U.S. Munitions
List articles or technical data from the United States. Part 127 also subjects such a violator to a civil
penalty not to exceed that authorized by law.
(c) Criminal. [1] The False Statements Act makes it a criminal offense to make a willfully false
statement or conceal a material fact or knowingly use a document containing a false statement, in any
matter within the jurisdiction of a United States department or agency. Maximum penalties under the
provision are a $10,000 fine or imprisonment for five (5) years, or both. [2] The International Emergency
Economic Powers Act provides that whoever willfully violates any provision of this Act or any
regulation, order, or license issued thereunder, shall be fined not more than $1,000,000, or
imprisoned not more than twenty (20) years, or both. (See also §764.3 of the Export Administration
Regulations.) [3] Any person who willfully violates any provision of section 38 of the Arms Export
Control Act, or any rule or regulation issued under that section is subject, upon conviction, to a
maximum fine of $1,000,000 or a maximum of twenty (20) years imprisonment or both (also see
§127.l et.seq. of the International Traffic In Arms Regulations).
Applications for Import Certificates and Delivery Verifications, as specified in Part 748, are included
within the definition of export control documents set forth in Part 772 of the Export Administration

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-08-12
File Created2014-07-14

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