Confirmation, Portfolio Reconciliation, and Portfolio Compression Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants 77 FR 55094 (Dec. 28, 20102)
ICR 201605-3038-001
OMB: 3038-0068
Federal Form Document
⚠️ Notice: This information collection may be outdated. More recent filings for OMB 3038-0068 can be found here:
Confirmation, Portfolio
Reconciliation, and Portfolio Compression Requirements for Swap
Dealers and Major Swap Participants 77 FR 55094 (Dec. 28,
Section 731 of Title VII of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(Dodd-Frank Act, Pub L. No. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010)) amended
the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) by adding sections 4s(f), 4s(g),
and 4s(i), among others. Pursuant to this authority, the Commission
promulgated regulations 23.500-23.505, which obligate swap dealers
and major swap participants to develop and retain written swap
trading relationship documentation. The final regulations also
establish requirements for swap dealers and major swap participants
regarding swap confirmation, portfolio reconciliation, and
portfolio compression. Confirmation, portfolio reconciliation, and
portfolio compression are important, post-trade processing
mechanisms for reducing risk and improving operational efficiency.
Under the regulations, swap dealers and major swap participants are
obligated to maintain records of the policies and procedures
required by the rules. Swap dealers and major swap participants
also are required to maintain records of their swap trading
relationship documentation; acknowledgements and confirmations for
swap transactions; portfolio reconciliations; and portfolio
compression exercises. The final regulations are essential to
ensuring that swap dealers and major swap participants document
their swaps, reconcile their swap portfolios to resolve
discrepancies and disputes, and wholly or partially terminate some
or all of their outstanding swaps through regular portfolio
compression exercises. On September 22, 2015, the Commission
proposed to streamline portfolio reconciliation exercises by
reducing the number of terms that must be resolved for
discrepancies. The Commission is now finalizing amendments to the
definitions of “material terms” and “portfolio reconciliation” to
make portfolio reconciliation exercises more efficient and less
burdensome to SDs, MSPs, and their counterparties by removing 24
specified data fields from portfolio reconciliation exercises. The
Commission is doing so because the 24 excluded data fields do not
impact the valuation of swaps or the mutual obligations of the
The Commission notes that
reducing the number of data fields that need to be exchanged during
portfolio reconciliation exercises by 24 reduced the burden hours
associated with complying with the regulations by 8 hours annually
per registrant. Also, the Commission has revised its estimate
because the amendments that are being made to the Commission’s
regulations reduce the number of SDs and MSPs.
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