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pdfAttachment 4: Protocols for Home Assessments
4a. Height and weight
4b. Waist circumference
4c. Blood pressure
4d. Blood sample (finger stick)
OMB No.:0925-0610
Expiration Date: April 30, 2016
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD
20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0610). Do not return the completed form to this address.
Attachment 4a
Privacy screens
SECA 882 Scale from SECA Corporation
3’x3’ plywood boards to place beneath the scale and the stadiometer (if you know that
the floor is hard and level where the equipment is located at the school site, you do not
need to have this board)
Carpenters level, at least 3’ in length
Alcohol or Clorox wipes to wipe off scale after each participant
Baskets or bags for participants’ extra clothing and other items
Small stepstool, if needed, because there is the possibility that some staff may be
shorter than participating participant are
12” ruler
Comment logs for any necessary private notes about participants measured
Research assistants trained and certified in measuring height and weight according to
study protocol
Procedures for Weight
1. Keep the battery unit unplugged from the scale unless it is being used on a daily basis.
2. The SECA 882 Scale does not give accurate weights above 400 lb (180 kg) maximum
according to the manufacturer. Weighing such participants using these scales may
damage the scale. Prior to undertaking the screening, check with the school nurse or
coach to be certain that there is no participant greater than 400 lb in the school. For
participants over 350 lb (160 kg), the SECA 634 Scale must be used to obtained an
accurate weight measurement. For other special circumstances, see the section on
Special Circumstances below.
3. The scale should be calibrated monthly and checked daily for correct calibration. See
the section on Equipment Calibration and Maintenance below for instructions.
4. Move scale CAREFULLY as electronic sensors are easily damaged.
5. Make sure control cable is locked into control box.
6. Place a 3’x3’ plywood board beneath the scale prior to leveling unless the floor is hard
and level.
7. Adjust scale feet so that (1) scale wheels are off carpet and (2) scale is level (use a
carpenter’s level to check).
8. Plug the scale in as required.
9. Turn scale on by pressing ON button.
10. If low battery signal appears, change batteries immediately (scale may not be accurate
on low batteries).
11. Switch to kilogram display (light above that button will be ON to indicate kg measure).
12. Make sure you have a reading of ZERO before having subject step onto platform. Press
Tare/Reweigh if you do not have a zero reading.
Attachment 4a
1. Explain what you are going to do.
2. Ask the participant to remove any excess clothing (sweatshirts, sweaters, or jackets), to
remove shoes, and place any items from pockets in baskets provided.
3. If the participant has refused to remove excess clothing, do not take a measurement,
and note the refusal on data collection form.
4. Have the participant step up onto the scale, placing feet next to one another over the
center of the scale. If the participant’s feet are longer than the scale, then heels and
balls of feet should be on the scale and toes hanging off front. Make sure body weight is
distributed evenly over both feet. Arms should hang freely by the sides of the body,
head held up and facing forward.
5. Make sure the subject is not leaning to one side or forward or backward, and that the
head is held stationary, looking straight ahead.
6. If the measurement drastically fluctuates, first make sure the participant is still standing
in the exact middle of the scale base with feet right next to each other. The further the
center of weight is from the exact center of the base, the more likely the scale reading
will fluctuate. This is more likely to happen with heavier and/or taller individuals. You
may also need to check that the scale is still level.
7. When the readout is stable, record weight on data collection form to the nearest 0.1 kg.
The participant may want to know his/her value. DO NOT switch the scale to ‘pounds’
and re-measure—the opportunity for error due to forgetting to switch back is too great.
Either use a calculator to multiply (kg x 2.2 = lb) or refer to a conversion chart (see
appendix). Use a low voice that cannot be overheard.
8. Have the participant step off the scale. Repeat procedures in steps 4 through 7 either
immediately or after collecting a first height reading.
9. Record second weight on data collection form. If the first two measurements are ≤ + 0.2
kg of each other, stop and circle both measurements.
10. If the first two measurements are not ≤ + 0.2 kg of each other, repeat the procedures in
steps 4-7, having the participant step off the scale between each measurement until two
values are ≤ 0.2 kg of each other. Record each measurement on data collection form—
space is left for up to 4 measurements, although it is not expected to take that many.
Circle the two measurements which are within 0.2 kg of each other and which are to be
data entered. If you cannot obtain two measures within 0.2 kg of each other by the third
try, check the battery reading on the scale and summon the experienced measurer to
conduct the final measure.
11. If the scale registers maximum weight of 400 pounds (180 kg) or a valid weight
measurement cannot be made for some other reason, then check the box for item 9 on
data collection form if at Baseline Data Collection or check the box for use of the heavy
duty scales and measure the subject again on the SECA 634 Scale. If a valid weight
cannot be measured on either scale, then check the invalid weight box and make note of
the reason why the measurement could not be made. See the section on Invalid or
Missing Weight/Height Data Due to Special Circumstances for more details.
12. Either send the participant with the clipboard to the next station, or take participant to
next station and give clipboard with forms to study staff there.
13. Take notes on a separate log (not data collection form which the kids will be carrying
around) with ID and observations about kids whose weight measures may come under
review, for example, ‘very tall and skinny boy’, ‘short stocky girl’, ‘girl had recent growth
spurt in height and has been on diet for weight’.
Attachment 4a
Procedures for Larger Weight Capacity Scales
1. There are multiple stations for taking measurements, each surrounded by privacy
screens. All stations have a regular scale. In addition, one station has the heavy duty
scale--let's call it station X.
2. The participants are directed to a station in a seemingly 'random' order, but all heavy
kids are sent to station X, interspersed with normal kids.
3. All kids at station X are first put on the regular scale and weight is recorded, then on the
heavy duty scale and weight is recorded. We explain that we are doing this to compare
weights from the two scales as part of our study. For participants weighed at station X,
the procedures for the HD scale are identical to the regular scale, that is, continue to
have the participant step off the scale and repeat the steps until two measures within 0.2
kg are recorded. Record each measurement on data collection form—space is left for
up to 4 measurements, although it is not expected to take that many. Circle the two
measurements which are within 0.2 kg of each other and which are to be data entered.
If you cannot obtain two measures within 0.2 kg of each other by the third try, check the
battery reading on the scale and summon the experienced measurer to conduct the final
Procedures for Height
Stadiometer Set-up
1. Position the base vertically on the floor.
2. Place a 3’x3’ plywood board beneath the stadiometer unless the floor is hard and level.
Make sure board surface is level using a carpenter’s level.
3. Head/foot piece may be secured at any location along stature extension using small
wing nut in back of piece.
1. When possible, locate unit in a corner so that the chance of someone walking into the
unit from either side is minimized. However, be sure that there is sufficient space for a
participant to stand comfortably upright without touching the lateral walls (at least 2 feet
away from the lateral wall should be sufficient for even the largest participant).
2. Do not leave participants unattended around unit in vertical configuration with stature
extension in place.
1. Introduce yourself and explain what you are going to do.
2. Ask the participant to sit and remove shoes. Participant may keep on socks or hose.
3. If the participant refuses to comply with procedures, then he/she is not measured and no
height is recorded on data collection form. Indicate that a valid measurement is not
available and make note of the reason why a valid measurement is not available.
4. Refer to the diagram below (from National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey
Anthropometry Procedures Manual, 2002). Have the participant stand erect with the
mid-axillary line perpendicular to the floor, weight distributed evenly on both feet, arms
hanging freely by the sides of the body with the palms facing the thighs.
Attachment 4a
5. Ask the participant to place ankles or knees together, whichever come together first. If
the participant has knock-knees, the feet are separated so that the medial borders of the
knees are in contact but not overlapping.
6. The scapula and buttocks are in contact with the vertical board if possible, or whichever
part of the body touches the board first.
Attachment 4a
7. Verify position on the right side of the body. If the heels, buttocks, scapula, and
posterior aspect of the head cannot be placed in one vertical place while maintaining a
reasonable natural stance, position the participant so that only the buttocks and heels or
the head are in contact with the vertical board. If the participant’s buttocks are large
enough that sliding the heels all the way to board back causes irregular or very unnatural
posture, allow participant to stand with feet under hips.
8. Ask for permission to touch the participant, and, if given, position the participant's head
in the Frankfort horizontal plane. In this position an imaginary line parallel to the floor
can be drawn from the bottom of the eye socket (orbital margin) to the external opening
of the ear (external auditory canal) – which is also equivalent to drawing a line from the
corner of the eye where the upper and lower lid meet to the top of where the ear
attaches to the head. If necessary, ask the participant’s permission to reposition head.
Reposition by gently placing one hand under the chin and the other on top of the head
and tilt the head up or down until proper alignment is achieved with eyes looking straight
ahead. If the participant does not give permission, then use verbal instructions for the
participant to position head.
9. Ask the participant to inhale deeply and maintain a fully erect position without altering
the load on the heels. Holding a deep breath makes the individual stand up straighter
and taller, and allows for a more stable and reliable reading. If the participant is
breathing heavily enough to cause oscillations in the level, you must wait until the
participant settles down or ask the participant to exhale and hold his/her breath.
10. Position the headboard firmly on top of the head with sufficient pressure to compress the
hair to the scalp (see notes below regarding interfering hair styles).
11. Some participants have hairstyles that may interfere with measurement of height. In this
circumstance there are two possible ways to deal with this, dependent on the preference
of the participant.
a. If the participant gives permission and the hairstyle is easy to modify, then make the
modification (e.g., remove ponytails on top of head).
b. If a hairstyle is not easy to undo (or the participant refuses to undo it), leave the hair
as is and obtain the height as described (net height). Then ask the participant to be
seated and using a small clear ruler measure the distance from the scalp to the top
of the hairstyle (interference height). Note the interference height (in cm) in the
margin of the form and subtract this value from the net height to get the actual height
12. Get eye-level with the headboard—stand on a stool or bend down as necessary.
13. Read from the side of stadiometer to the nearest 0.1 centimeter. Use the SIDE
measuring scale, not the front scale, so you are better able to judge the participant's
14. Record height (to scalp, not to top of hair) on data collection form.
15. Have the participant step off the stadiometer. Repeat procedures in steps 4 through 13
either immediately or after collecting a weight reading.
16. Record second height on the data collection form. If the first two measurements are ≤ +
1.0 cm of each other, stop and circle both measurements on Form ST3.
17. If the first two measurements are not ≤ + 1.0 cm of each other, repeat the procedures in
steps 4-13, having the participant step off the stadiometer between each measurement
until two values are ≤ + 1.0 cm of each other. Record each measurement on the data
collection form—space is left for up to 4 measurements, although it is not expected to
take that many. Circle the two measurements which are within 1.0 cm of each other and
which are to be data entered. If you cannot obtain two measures within 1.0 cm of each
other by the third try, summon the experienced measurer to conduct the final measure.
Attachment 4a
18. Height is measured and recorded once. The participant may want to know his/her value.
Read off the ‘feet-inches’ side of the stadiometer or use a calculator to multiply (cm x
.3937 = in) or refer to a conversion chart (see appendix). Use a low voice that cannot be
19. Either send the participant with the clipboard to the next station, or take participant to
next station and give clipboard with forms to study staff there.
20. Take notes on a separate log (not on data collection form which the kids will be carrying
around) with ID and observations about kids whose height measures may come under
review, for example, ‘very tall and skinny boy’, ‘short stocky girl’, ‘girl had recent growth
spurt in height and has been on diet for weight’.
Invalid or Missing Weight/Height Data Due to Special Circumstances
There are going to be cases of participants coming to health screening from whom we
cannot get a reliable or valid height or weight:
• They may have a permanent condition such as using a wheelchair, using leg braces,
twisted spine, etc.
• They may have a temporary condition such as a cast or other substantial wrap around
an injury or are verifiably pregnant.
• They may refuse to be measured or take off heavy layers of clothing or jewelry.
• They may weigh more than the maximum capacity of the scale.
Other situations may arise that cause us to be unable to provide legitimate height and
weight measurements. We do not want to exclude any participant from participating, but we
do not want to use invalid data.
• If the participant has a temporary condition, such as a cast or wrap around an injury, try
to make arrangements on a case-by-case basis to get height and weight under fasting
conditions at a later date when the injury has healed.
• If the participant uses a wheelchair or is otherwise permanently unable to provide height
and weight measures, study staff needs to judge whether to explain to the participant
that we won’t need to measure height and weight or whether to proceed with the
measurement procedures in order to maintain good relations. If recorded, check the
flag(s) to indicate not to use the height and/or weight.
Attachment 4b.
Privacy screens
Waist measuring tapes (G-tape) with tension device
Colored small adhesive dots or water-based color marker
Alcohol wipes (to clean the skin if using water-based color marker)
Large binder clips or elastic bands for holding participants’ shirts above the waist
Health researchers trained and certified in measuring waist circumference according to
study protocol (NOTE: It helps to have 2 people perform this measurement—one to hold
the tape in place and one to record)
1. Explain what you are going to do. NOTE that females are permitted to measure girls
and either males or females are permitted to measure boys unless the participant
objects. It is preferable to have more than one staff person working behind the screen
so that the participant is not left alone with an adult.
2. Ask permission to touch the participant. If the participant refuses, do not take the
measurement. If the participant either refuses or the measurement can’t be taken for
some reason, note the reason on the data collection form.
3. Have participant stand in normal posture, breathing regularly. The measurement is
made at a normal minimal respiration.
4. Ask the participant to push down elastic waist or unzip jeans/pants if needed so the
crests of the ilium (hip bone) are exposed. Ask the participant to tuck shirttail under the
armpits and then drop arms to sides. If the participant refuses to alter clothing, do not
complete the measurement.
5. To define the level at which waist circumference is measured, a bony landmark is first
located and marked. (NOTE: Be careful not to poke or scrape the participant with your
fingernails.) Position at the right side of the subject and palpate the upper crest of the
hipbone to locate the right iliac crest (see figure below from NHLBI Clinical Guidelines on
the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: the
Evidence Reported, page 59). Place a small adhesive dot (or mark with a colored waterbased marker) at the point where the uppermost lateral border of the right iliac crest
meets the mid-axillary line which is an imaginary vertical line from armpit. The iliac
crest can be marked on both sides of the body in order to line up the measuring tape.
Attachment 4b.
6. Standing in front of the participant’s right side, wrap the measuring tape in a horizontal
plane around the abdomen at the level of the colored dot/mark on the right side of the
trunk. This horizontal plane is parallel to the floor.
7. The bottom of measuring tape should be at level of dot/mark for measurement purposes.
Ensure that the tape is wrapped parallel to the ground and front and back are at same
level. The tape should be snug but not compressing the skin.
8. While holding the tape with one hand and the body of the tensioning device with the
other, pull the tensioning device until red mark can be seen emerging from the end of the
tensioning device. Do not pull on the end of the tape that does not have the tensioning
9. Read the scale adjacent to the end of the measuring tape and measure to nearest 0.1
10. Record first waist circumference on the data collection form.
11. Remove tape and repeat procedures in steps 5-9.
12. Record second waist circumference on the data collection form. If the first two
measurements are ≤ + 1 cm of each other, stop and circle both measurements on the
13. If the first two measurements are not ≤ + 1 cm of each other, repeat the procedures in
steps 5-9, removing the tape between each measurement until two values are ≤ + 1 cm
of each other. Record each measurement on the data collection form—space is left for
up to 5 measurements, although it is not expected to take that many. Circle the two
measurements which are within 1 cm of each other and which are to be data entered.
14. Remove the adhesive dot or wipe marker spot with an alcohol wipe from the participant’s
skin and ask the participant to return clothing to normal.
Attachment 4c
Omron HEM-907 or HEM-907XL blood pressure machines
Cuffs in small, medium, large, and extra-large sizes
Tape measure (and an extra for back-up)
Laminated cuff size chart
List from Omron IntelliSense™ Blood Pressure Monitor manual for error codes and other
problems and their possible solutions
Extra batteries for BP machine
Health Researchers trained and certified in taking blood pressure according to study
1. To set up the Omron HEM-907 or HEM-907XL blood pressure machine, see the Users
Manual. Set the machine to AVG function of F1 (number of measurements) = 3 times, F2
(waiting time until the start of 1st measurement) = 5 minute initial wait time, F3
2. Explain what you are going to do and how the machine works.
3. Ask participant to remove outer layers of clothing if necessary.
4. Direct the child to take a seat.
5. Blood pressure is normally measured on the right arm. If there is a mechanical obstruction
or problem with the right arm, then the left arm may be used. If for some reason the blood
pressure cannot be measured on either arm, make a note on data collection form.
6. Measure upper arm circumference on bare skin approximately half-way between the
shoulder and the elbow using a tape measure.
7. Choose appropriate cuff size using the chart:
Blood Pressure Machine and Cuff Size Chart
upper arm circumference
cuff size
17-22 cm (7-9 in)
22-32 cm (9-13 in)
32-42 cm (13-17 in)
42-50 cm (17-20 in)
8. If the participant is between sizes, choose the larger size. Check cuff size used on data
collection form.
9. Palpate the brachial artery. Place cuff with ART marking on brachial artery.
10. Wrap the cuff snuggly using both hands and securely fasten it with the Velcro™ tape. The
white triangle marked “INDEX” should meet up with the white bar marked “RANGE,”
between “MIN” and “MAX.” At this time, the lower edge of the cuff must be placed 1/2 ” to 1”
above the inner side of the elbow joint.
11. Rest the participant’s arm on table (or other appropriate surface) so that the cuff is at about
his/her heart level. The inside of the forearm should be facing upwards.
Adapted from the HEALTHY Study
Attachment 4c
12. Connect the cuff to the blood pressure machine’s air tube. Make sure it is a tight
13. Remind the participant to sit upright with both feet flat on the floor and to remain still for 5
minutes. Sometimes it is helpful to tell the participant to pick something to look at for the
entire time you are taking the measurement. This keeps the participant from moving and
causing extraneous noises during measurement.
14. Check that the MODE selector is set on AVG and PSET is set on AUTO.
15. Press START to begin the 5-minute timer and measurement procedure.
16. If the participant moves excessively during the 5-minute rest time, the timer must be reset.
Do this by pushing the STOP button. Then reset the timer by pushing the START button
17. At the end of the 5-minute waiting period, the BP machine automatically begins to inflate the
cuff to take the first blood pressure measurement. The cuff squeezes briefly and the
participant should continue to remain still and quiet. Then the cuff begins to slowly deflate
as it takes their first blood pressure measurement. Record on data collection form.
18. After the cuff completely deflates, the machine automatically times a 1-minute interval and
inflates again for their second blood pressure measurement. Record on data collection
form. Remind the participant to remain still and quiet.
19. Again the machine will repeat the 1-minute timer and take the third and final blood pressure
measurement. Record on data collection form. Remind the participant to remain seated
until you can check the blood pressure readings and remove the blood pressure cuff from
the arm.
20. At the end of the 3 blood pressure measurements, the machine displays the average values.
Press the DEFLATION/Avg/1st/2nd/3rd button to view the first blood pressure
measurements. Check these against your recorded numbers. Press the DEFLATION
button again and the 2nd blood pressure measurement appears. Again, check these values
against your recorded numbers. Press the DEFLATION button one last time to check the
third blood pressure measurement values.
21. Monitor values as they are collected.
a. In general, after the 3 machine readings have been made, if any 2 of the 3 systolic
measures OR any 2 of the 3 diastolic measures differ by > 20 mm Hg, then redo the
entire BP measurement procedures (5-1-1) and record those values on the data
collection form.
b. If the values are not > 20 mm Hg apart but do seem suspicious or indicate machine
malfunction, also re-do the entire BP measurement procedures and record them on data
collection form.
c. Use the comments section to make note of these situations, and to record manual
measurements if taken. Always make sure the cuff on firmly and securely before
Attachment 4d
Materials Needed
A disposable lancet device. Blade depth: 2.0mm; blade width: 1.5mm retractable sharps
to reduce the possibility of inadvertent needle stick;
A microcontainer that hold 200 – 500 uL whole blood.with K2 EDTA additive
Capillary tubes kits
A dropper-like apparatus that holds the capillary tube for sample collection and releases
it into the microtainer;
Alcohol swabs. If a surgical or other disinfectant soap is used, alcohol swabs can be
Sterile cotton balls or gauze pads;
Examination gloves;
Adhesive bandages;
Trash bags suitable for medical waste and containers for sharps. Bags containing
medical waste should be clearly identified as such;
Storage and mailing containers (provided by the Boston Children’s Hospital central lab).
Since specimens require shipment, follow the FedEx or other appropriate regulations for
the transport of body fluids;
There will be a label placed upon the microtainer which will note the subject’s study ID#, and
date of collection.
Overview of Procedures
The procedure for (centralized) capillary sample collection involves the following:
1. Prepare supplies by getting a capillary tube, microtainer, and dropper device from kit.
2. Place the capillary tube into the tweezer-like end of the dropper device.
3. Clean the finger with an alcohol pad
4. Allow finger to dry in order to avoid stinging related to fingerstick puncture with alcohol
on the tip of the finger
5. Ready the disposable lancet.
6. Prick the fingerstick and wipe off the first drop of blood with a gauze pad
Attachment 4d
7. Lightly squeeze the finger to allow a second drop to form and apply any end of the
micro liter capillary tube tip to the drop. The blood will enter the tube by capillary
8. Open the microtainer and release the capillary tube into the microtainer.
9. Close the microtainer top and gently shake
10. Apply label to the microtainers.
11. Refrigerate the microtainer prior to mailing to the central laboratory
12. Mail the samples within 5 days of collection to the Boston Children’s Hospital laboratory
by overnight mail delivery, preferably with morning delivery, as noted on the lab form
13. Include a cool pack in the sample box in order to ensure stability of the sample during
the mailing procedure
14. Mailings should be done Monday through Thursday only and NOT before any legal
15. Sample labels and packing slips denoting the date and the subject number will be
provided by the home office.
Step-By Step Procedures
Prepare the Participant's Finger
1) Select examination gloves. If necessary, rinse them to remove powder.
2) Wash the participant’s hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, and then dry them
with an appropriate towel (NOT NEEDED IF THE ALCOHOL PAD IS USED).
3) Make sure the hand and finger are warm to the touch. If not, rub gentle, ask participant
to swing arm around, run in warm water again, whatever is necessary to promote blood
4) Grasp the finger that has been selected for puncture between your thumb and index
finger with the palm of the participant’s hand facing up.
5) If not done during washing (see preceding notes), massage the fleshy portion of the
finger gently.
6) Clean the ball or pad of the finger to be punctured with the alcohol swab. Dry the
fingertip using the sterile gauze or cotton ball.
Attachment 4d
Puncture the Finger and Form Drops of Blood
1) Grasp the finger and quickly puncture it with a sterile lancet in a position slightly lateral to
the center of the fingertip.
2) Wipe off the first droplet of blood with a sterile gauze or cotton ball.
3) If blood flow is inadequate, the lancet may not have been held sufficiently close to the finger
so the procedure will need to be repeated with a new lancet. Try to gently message the
proximal portion of the finger and then press firmly on the distal joint of the finger.
4) A tiny drop of blood should form at the puncture site.
5) Do not let the blood run down the finger or onto the fingernail.
Fill the Collection Container
1) Continuing to grasp the finger, touch the tip of the collection capillary tube to the beaded
drop of blood.
2) Draw the blood into the capillary tube.
3) When the tube is full, place it in the microtainer provided.
4) When possible, repeat steps 1 through 3 to fill a second capillary tube.
5) Mildly agitate the specimens.
6) Check that the container is properly labeled, and place it in an appropriate storage area.
7) Stop the bleeding, and cover the finger with an adhesive bandage. Bleeding should stop
quickly. If bleeding is slow to stop, apply pressure to the puncture site with a sterile
gauze or a cotton ball.
8) Place collected and labeled blood samples back into a Styrofoam rack (to provide
stability during shipment). When packaging samples, please wrap the tubes with
absorbent material (i.e., blue hospital pads or newspaper) and secure with tape.
9) Samples, either in microtainers or tubes, should be placed in leak-proof container (“ziplock” type bag) and then stored with cool gel-pack – NO ICE. The sample should not
freeze. Samples can be refrigerated until time of mailing when they are then placed in
the Styrofoam mailing kits.
10) Check with your shipping vendor for specifications and limitations.
11) Specify overnight mail with first morning delivery. Shipments can only be sent MondayThursday and NOT before any holiday or weekend.
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Haynie, Denise (NIH/NICHD) [E] |
File Modified | 2016-03-07 |
File Created | 2016-03-01 |