Changes to Wave 7 Survey


NEXT Generation Health Study - NICHD

Changes to Wave 7 Survey

OMB: 0925-0610

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Attachment 8: Changes to the Wave 7 Survey

Summary Table of Noteworthy Changes to the NEXT Survey
Topic Area (Question
Major Area of Study (1)
Personal Earning (3)
Eating habits (47)

Desired weight (51)

Life satisfaction (57)
Suicide Ideation (66-69)

Items ADDED to the Wave 7 Survey


Your major area of study, concentration or track: _________
What is your best guess of your personal earnings before taxes for the past
In the past 12 months (Never – 4 or more times daily)
a) I find myself continuing to consume certain foods even though I am no
longer hungry.
b) I worry about cutting down on certain foods.
c) I feel sluggish or fatigued from overeating.
d) I have spent time dealing with negative feelings from overeating certain
foods, instead of spending time in important activities such as time with
family, friends, work, or recreation.
e) I have had physical withdrawal symptoms such as agitation and anxiety
when I cut down or stopped eating certain foods. (Do NOT include
withdrawal symptoms caused by cutting down on caffeinated beverages
such as soda pop, coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.)
f) My behavior with respect to food and eating causes significant distress
g) I experience significant problems in my ability to function effectively
(daily routine, job/school, social activities, family activities, health
difficulties) because of food and eating.
What is your desired (ideal) weight (in pounds)?
Please answer the following about yourself by indicating the extent of your
agreement (Strongly agree – Strongly disagree)
a) In uncertain times I usually expect the best.
b) It is easy for me to relax.
c) If something can go wrong for me it will.
d) I am always optimistic about my future.
e) I enjoy my friends a lot.
f) It is important for me to keep busy.
g) I hardly ever expect things to go my way.
h) I don’t get upset easily.
i) I rarely count on good things happening to me.
j) Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.
In general, how happy are you with how your life is going? (Very happy – Very
Have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide? (Yes, No, I don’t
know)? How old were you the first time this happened ______
Have you seriously thought about committing suicide in the past 12 months?
(Yes, No, I don’t know) How old were you the last time this happened? _____
Are you now having any problems with these suicidal thoughts? (Yes, No, I
don’t know)
Have you ever made a plan for committing suicide? (Yes, No, I don’t know)
How old were you the first time this happened? ________
Have you ever attempted suicide? (Yes, No, I don’t know) How many times
have you attempted suicide in your life? _____ How old were you the first

Alcohol Use (84-85)

Pedestrian Behavior (90)

time this happened? _______? How old were you the last time?
During the last 12 months, what was the largest number of drinks that you
drank in a single day? _______
About how often in the past 12 months did you drink that amount in a single
day? (Every day – 1-2 times in the last year)
As a pedestrian, how often to you do the following behaviors? (Never/almost
never – Always/almost always)
a) I cross an intersection diagonally (outside a pedestrian crossing).
b) I cross outside the pedestrian crossing even if there is one less than 100
feet away.
c) I cross the street against the pedestrian light (while red or indicates do
not walk).
d) I cross the street while the traffic light for vehicles is green.
e) I cross the street between parked cars.
f) I start to cross in a pedestrian crossing and finish crossing diagonally
(outside a pedestrian crossing.
g) I cross between vehicles stopped on the roadway (i.e. traffic jam or at a
red light).
h) I forget to look before crossing because I am thinking about something
i) I forget to look before crossing because I want to join someone on the
sidewalk on the other side.
j) I forget to look before crossing because I am talking with someone.

Items DELETED from Previous Survey

Topic Area
Motivations for health behaviors
Sedentary behavior
The amount of free time I spend watching TV and videos, playing video games,
and using computers is because:
 It fits with the person I am
 I enjoy it
 It is something my friends approve of
 I feel guilty if it do otherwise
 It is personally important to me
 I have the opportunity or it is part of how my day is structure
I eat the way I do most days is because:
 It fits with how I see myself
 I enjoy it
 My parents, other family members or friends tell me to do it
 I feel guilty if I do otherwise
 It is personally important to me
 I am required to do it
Substance use (each
I decide whether or not to smoke tobacco/ drink alcohol/smoke marijuana
substance was asked
 It is a decision I make on my own
 It makes me feel good
 My friends will like me better
 I feel pressured to
 It is personally important to me

 It depends on how easily I can get it
Social Influences (asked separately for 3 closest male and 3 closest female friend; Yes, No)
Relationship quality

Social Media
Physical Activity
Sedentary Behavior
Substance Use

Alcohol Use
Age of initiation of alcohol

Frequency of specific
alcoholic drinks

Dating Violence
Sexual attraction

Dating Violence in the last
12 months (Victimization
and Perpetration were
asked separately)

You met him/her after school or work to hang out or go somewhere in the last
seven days.
You spent time with him/her last weekend.
You talked with him about a problem in the last seven days.
You talked with him on the telephone in the last seven days.
You ate a meal with him/her in the last seven days.
You e-mailed, text messaged or tweeted him/her in the last seven days.
You and he/she are linked through your online network profile (e.g. “friend on
Facebook, “follower” on Twitter).
You exercised or played sports with him in the last seven days.
You played computer games with him/her in the last seven days.
You watched television or videos/DVDs with him/her in the last seven days.
You smoked tobacco with him in the last 30 days.
You drank alcohol with him/her in the last 30 days.
You got drunk with him/her in the last 30 days.
How old were you the first time you had a drink of an alcoholic beverage?
Please do not include any time when you only had a sip or two from a drink. I
was _____ years old.
Now think about the first time you drank 5 or more drinks on a single
occasion? I was _____ years old.
At present, how often do you drink anything alcoholic, such as beer, wind or
hard liquor, like rum or vodka? (Everyday – Never)
a) Beer
b) Wine
c) Liquor or spirits (for example gin, vodka, )
d) Pre-mixed drinks (for example, Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Breezer, Mike’s
Hard lemonade
e) Any other drinks that contain alcohol
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? Attracted to
(opposite sex, same sex, both sexes, questioning)
In the last 12 months, have you had a romantic relationship with anyone? (Yes,
Age of the partner in your most recent romantic relationship _____
Gender of partner (Male, Female)
Is this a past or current relationship? (Past, Current)
How long have you been (or were you) together? _____
How happy were you in this relationship (Very much – Not at all)
How important is (was) this relationship to you (Very much – Not at all)
Do you feel your partner was (Very underweight – Very overweight)
This person did this to me/I did this to him/her (Never – 10 or more times)
a) Threatened to hurt me (him/her).
b) Would not let me (him/her) do things with other people.
c) Insulted me (him/her) in front of other people.
d) Hurt my (his/her) feelings on purpose.
e) Said mean things to me (him/her) to make me feel bad about myself.



Slapped or scratched me (him/her).
Physically twisted my (his/her) arm or bent back my (his/her) fingers.
Pushed, grabbed, shoved, or kicked me (him/her).
Hit me (him/her) with a fist or something else hard.
Assaulted me (him/her) with a knife or gun.
Kissed me (him/her) when I did not want him/her (me) to.
Showed me (him/her) pictures of naked people that I (he/she) did not
want to see.
m) Showed me (him/her) his/her (my) private parts when I (he/she) did not
want him/her (me) to.
n) Put his/her (my) hand on one of my (his/her) private parts when I
(he/she) did not want me (him/her) to.
o) Forced me (him/her) to have sex or do sexual things when I (he/she) did
not want to do.
This person hit you/you hit this romantic partner out of self-defense (Never –
10 or more times)
Because of things this person did to you/you did to them (Never – 10 or more
a) Have you (he/she) been injured (e.g. a bruise, a cut, a burn, a broken
b) Have you (he/she) had an injury that had to be treated by a doctor or

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorHaynie, Denise (NIH/NICHD) [E]
File Modified2016-03-03
File Created2016-03-03

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