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pdfNative American Library Services Basic Grants– FY16 Notice of Funding Opportunity
Federal Awarding Agency:
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Funding Opportunity Title:
Native American Library Services Basic Grants Program
Announcement Type:
Notice of Funding Opportunity
Funding Opportunity Number:
Catalog of Federal Financial Assistance (CFDA)
Due Date:
Submit through by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
on April 1, 2016
Anticipated Date of Notification of Award
September 2016 (subject to the availability of funds and IMLS
Beginning Date of Period of Performance:
Not earlier than October 1, 2016
Equal Opportunity
IMLS-funded programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, or age. For further information, email the Civil Rights
Officer at [email protected] or write to the Civil Rights Officer, Institute of
Museum and Library Services, 1800 M Street, NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC
Program Description
Federal Award
Eligibility Information
Application and
Submission Information
Application Review
A. Program Description
What is this grant program?
F. Award Administration
The Native American Library Services Basic Grant is noncompetitive and
distributed in equal amounts among eligible applicants. Basic Grants are
available to support existing library operations and to maintain core library
G. Contacts
services. The Education/Assessment Option is supplemental to the Basic
H. Other Information
Grants. It is also noncompetitive and must be requested. The purpose of the
Education/Assessment Option is to provide funding for library staff to attend
continuing education courses and training workshops on- or off-site, for library staff to attend or give presentations at
conferences related to library services, and/or to hire a consultant for an on-site professional library assessment.
For FY2016, Basic grants are only available for a one year period. Three year continuation grants are no longer
offered. If you received a continuation grant in FY14, those grants will continue to their expiration, subject to the
availability of funds and the terms and conditions of those grants.
What are the characteristics of successful projects?
Basic Grant funds may be used to support existing library operations and to maintain core library services, particularly
as they relate to the following goals in the updated Museum and Library Services Act (20 U.S.C. §9141):
(1) Expanding services for learning and access to information and educational resources in a variety of formats, in all
types of libraries, for individuals of all ages in order to support such individuals’ needs for education, lifelong learning,
workforce development, and digital literacy skills;
(2) Establishing or enhancing electronic and other linkages and improved coordination among and between libraries
and entities, as described in 20 U.S.C. §9134(b)(6), for the purpose of improving the quality of and access to library
and information services;
(3) (A) Providing training and professional development, including continuing education, to enhance the skills of the
current library workforce and leadership, and advance the delivery of library and information services;
(B) Enhancing efforts to recruit future professionals to the field of library and information services;
(4) Developing public and private partnerships with other agencies and community-based organizations;
(5) Targeting library services to individuals of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to
individuals with disabilities, and to individuals with limited functional literacy or information skills;
(6) Targeting library and information services to persons having difficulty using a library and to underserved urban
and rural communities, including children (from birth through age 17) from families with incomes below the poverty
line (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with section 9902(2) of
title 42) applicable to a family of the size involved;
(7) Developing library services that provide all users access to information through local, State, regional, national, and
international collaborations and networks; and
(8) Carrying out other activities consistent with the purposes of the Library Services and Technology subchapter of
the IMLS statute (20 U.S.C. §9121).
What are the IMLS Agency-level goals?
The mission of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is to inspire libraries and museums to advance
innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. We provide leadership through research, policy
development, and grant making.
U.S. museums and libraries are at the forefront in the movement to create a nation of learners. As stewards of
cultural and natural heritage with rich, authentic content, libraries and museums provide learning experiences for
everyone. In FY2016, each award under this program will support one of the following three goals of the IMLS
strategic plan for 2012-2016, Creating a Nation of Learners:
IMLS places the learner at the center and supports engaging experiences in libraries and museums that
prepare people to be full participants in their local communities and our global society.
IMLS promotes museums and libraries as strong community anchors that enhance civic engagement,
cultural opportunities, and economic vitality.
IMLS supports exemplary stewardship of museum and library collections and promotes the use of
technology to facilitate discovery of knowledge and cultural heritage.
The goals focus on achieving positive public outcomes for communities and individuals; supporting the unique role of
museums and libraries in preserving and providing access to collections and content; and promoting library, museum,
and information service policies that ensure access to information for all Americans.
What are the funding categories and project categories for this program?
The estimated Basic Grant award for FY 2016 is $6,000. The estimated Basic Grant with Education/Assessment
Option award amount is $7,000, which includes the $6,000 Basic Grant and the supplemental amount of $1,000 for
eligible education and assessment activities.
How much money can my institution apply for?
Basic Grant Award - $6,000
Basic Grant with Education/Assessment Option - $7,000
The supplemental Education/Assessment Option is also non-competitive and must be requested. The purposes of
the Education/Assessment Option are to provide funding for library staff to attend library-related continuing education
courses and training workshops on- or offsite; for library staff to attend or give presentations at conferences related to
library services; and to hire a consultant for an onsite professional library assessment.
Where can I find additional examples of projects funded by this program?
Click here to search awarded grants by program, category, and/or key word.
Where can I find the Authorizing Statute and Regulations for this Funding Opportunity?
Statute: 20 U.S.C. §9101 et seq., in particular §9161 (Services for Native Americans)
Regulations: 45 CFR Chapter XI and 2 CFR Chapter XXXI
You are required to follow the IMLS regulations that are in effect at the time of the award.
PLEASE NOTE: The recent Office of Management and Budget (OMB) final guidance on Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Grant Reform) has streamlined and
consolidated grant requirements. The Grant Reform can be found at 2 CFR Part 200. With certain IMLS-specific
additions, IMLS regulations at 2 CFR Part 3187 formally adopt the 2 CFR Part 200 Grant Reform. The Grant Reform
as adopted by IMLS at 2 CFR Part 3187 will be effective for all awards made after December 26, 2014.
B. Federal Award Information
Total amount of funding expected to be awarded
Anticipated number of awards
Range of awards
Average amount of funding per award
Type of assistance instrument
Anticipated start date
Projects must begin on October 1, 2016.
Anticipated period of performance
October 2016-October 2017. Project activities last just
one year.
The funding in the above Federal Award Information is subject to the availability of funds and IMLS discretion.
C. Eligibility Information
What are the eligibility requirements for this program?
Indian tribes are eligible to apply for funding under the Native American Library Services Basic Grant program.
Entities such as libraries, schools, tribal colleges, or departments of education are not eligible applicants, although
they may be involved in the administration of this program and their staff may serve as project directors, in
partnership with an eligible applicant.
For purposes of funding under this program, "Indian tribe" means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group
or community, including any Alaska native village, regional corporation, or village corporation (as defined in, or
established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.)), which is recognized by
the Secretary of the Interior as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians
because of their status as Indians. A list of eligible entities is available from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
What are the minimum requirements of library service?
To be eligible for this program you must be able to document an existing library that meets, at a minimum, three basic
criteria: (1) regularly scheduled hours, (2) staff, and (3) materials available for library users.
Note to applicants: In order to receive an IMLS award, you must be in compliance with applicable
requirements and be in good standing on all active IMLS awards.
What are the requirements for cost sharing?
There are no requirements for cost sharing in this program.
How many applications can we submit to this program?
If eligible, you may apply for one Basic Grant in a fiscal year. The same population cannot be served by more than
one Basic Grant.
What if I fail to meet the eligibility requirements?
We will not review or make awards to ineligible applicants. In order to receive an IMLS award, you must be eligible
and in compliance with applicable requirements and be in good standing on all active IMLS awards.
D. Application and Submission Information
Are there registration requirements in order to submit an application?
Before submitting an application, your organization must have a current and active D-U-N-S® Number,
registration, and registration. Check your materials and registrations well in advance of the application
deadline to ensure that they are accurate, current, and active.
If your D-U-N-S® and registrations are not active and current at the time of submission, your application will
be rejected; if they are not active and current at the time of an award, your application cannot be funded.
What is a D-U-N-S® Number and how do I get one?
Before submitting an application, your organization must have a current and active D-U-N-S® Number,
registration, and registration. Check your materials and registrations well in advance of the application
deadline to ensure that they are accurate, current, and active.
Click here to learn more about getting a D-U-N-S® Number.
What is the System for Award Management ( and how do I register?
Click here to learn more about Registration.
If your DUNS and registrations are not active and current at the time of submission, your application will be
rejected; if they are not active and current at the time of an award, your application cannot be funded.
What is is your place to FIND and APPLY for federal grants.
The program management office was established, in 2002, as a part of the President's Management
Agenda. Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, is an E-Government initiative
operating under the governance of the Office of Management and Budget.
Under the President's Management Agenda, the office was chartered to deliver a system that provides a centralized
location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. Today, the system houses
information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for 26 federal grant-making agencies.
How can I find the application package on
Use one of the following identifiers to locate the Native American Library Services Basic Grant Program package in
CFDA No: 45.311, or
Funding Opportunity Number: NAG-BASIC-FY16
You must register with prior to submitting your application package. The multi-step registration
process generally cannot be completed in a single day. If you are not already registered, you should allow at
least two weeks for completing this one-time process. Do not wait until the day of the application
deadline to register.
You do not need to complete the registration process to download the application package and begin to prepare your
material. However, you will need your User ID and password that you obtain during the registration
process to submit your application when it is complete.
We require all applicants to apply through Please note that the entire completed application must be
submitted online through
Click here to learn more about registration and Tips for Using
Can I request an audio recording of this publication?
Upon request, we will provide an audio recording of this publication. Use Teletype (TTY/TDD) (for persons with
hearing difficulty): 202-653-4614
Can I request a paper copy of this publication?
If needed because of difficulty using Internet or for other accessibility reasons, you may also request paper copies of
the materials. Use the Native American Library Services Basic Grant Program web page for IMLS contact
information. We are available by phone at 202-653-4700.
What federal laws do I agree to comply with when I submit my application?
Click here to read the IMLS Assurances and Certifications
When and where must I submit my application?
For the Native American Library Services Basic Grant Program, will accept applications through 11:59
p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on April 1, 2016.
We strongly recommend that you REGISTER EARLY for DUNS and and COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE
APPLICATION EARLY. We make grants only to eligible applicants that submit complete applications, including
attachments, through, on or before the deadline.
Contact the help line (1-800-518-4726) for assistance with hardware and software issues, registration
issues, and technical problems. The help line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for federal
holidays, on which it is closed.
What happens after I submit my application to
Once has received your submission, will send email messages regarding the progress of your
application through the system. Over the next two business days, you should receive two emails. The first will confirm
receipt of your application by the system and the second will indicate that the application has either been
successfully validated by the system prior to transmission to the grantor agency (IMLS) or has been rejected due to
errors. Once your submission is retrieved by the grantor agency, you will receive a third email. You can check the
status of your application(s) after submission in, by using the "Track My Application" feature. You may
also check the status of a submission by logging into your account using the Applicant Login and clicking
on the "Check Application Status" link.
What documents are required to make a complete application?
The Table of Application Components below will help you prepare a complete and eligible application. You will find
links to more information and instructions for completing each application component in the table. Applications
missing any Required Documents or Conditionally Required Documents from this list will be considered incomplete
and will be rejected from further consideration.
How should the application components be formatted, named, and sequenced?
Document format: Aside from the SF424 listed below which is created in, all application
components must be submitted as PDF documents.
Page limits: Note page limits listed below. We will remove any pages above the limit.
Naming convention: Use the naming conventions indicated in the table. IMPORTANT: You are limited to
using the following characters in all attachment file names: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore (_), hyphen (-), space,
period. If you use any other characters when naming your attachment files, your application will be rejected.
Document order: In, attach all application components in the sequence listed below. Use all
available spaces in the "Mandatory Documents for Submission" box first. Attach any remaining application
components using the "Optional Documents for Submission" box.
Complete applications: Use the table below as a checklist to ensure that you have created and attached all
necessary application components.
Any document you create must be converted to PDF format before submitting it. Click here for assistance in
converting documents to PDF. Do not send secured or password-protected PDFs; we cannot process these files.
Note that IMLS does not permit the authorized representative to be the same person as the project director
on the SF-424-S.
Table of Complete Application Components
File name to use
Required Documents
The Application for Federal Assistance/Short Organizational Form (SF424S)
Abstract (one page, max.)
PDF document
IMLS Program Information Sheet
Library Services Plan (three pages, max.)
PDF document
Part A – Project Budget for Basic Grant
Part B – Project Budget for Supplemental Education/Assessment Options
PDF document
Conditionally Required Documents
Digital Stewardship Supplementary Information Form
Required Documents
The Application for Federal Assistance/Short Organizational Form (SF-424S)
Click here for instructions on:
How to Fill Out the SF-424S
A project abstract must be no more than one page and address the following:
Who is the lead applicant and, if applicable, who are the partners?
What do you plan to accomplish and why?
What is the time frame for the project?
What community needs will the project address?
Who is the intended audience for the activities?
What will be the specific project activities, performance goals, outcomes, results, and tangible products?
What are the intended outcomes for audience members in terms of measurable changes in knowledge,
attitudes, or behavior?
This abstract may be used for public information purposes, so it should be informative to other persons working in the
same or related fields, as well as to the lay reader. The abstract must not include any proprietary or confidential
IMLS Program Information Sheet
Download IMLS Program Information Sheet:
Adobe® PDF (318 KB)
1. Applicant Information:
Legal Name: From 5a on the SF424S.
Organizational D-U-N-S® Number: From 5f on the SF424S.
Expiration date of your registration: Enter the expiration date of your registration in the
fill-in field. Please note that before submitting an application, your organization must have a current registration.
Organizational Unit Name: Do not complete.
Organizational Unit Address: Do not complete.
Organizational Unit Type: Select Native American Tribe/Native Hawaiian Organization.
2. Organizational Financial Information: Do not complete.
3. Grant Program Information: Select Basic Grant Only or Basic Grant with Education/Assessment Option under c.
Native American/Native Hawaiian Library Services.
4. Performance Goals: Select one of the three IMLS agency-level goals (a – c). Check at least one of the
performance goals listed beneath it. Note: If you select a performance goal(s) under agency-level goals a) Learning
or b) Community, click on the link below it to review the specific performance measure statement choices and the
information you will be required to collect and report on throughout the award period of performance.
5. Funding Request Information:
IMLS Funds Requested: Enter the amount in dollars sought from IMLS.
Cost Share Amount: Enter the amount of non-federal funding you are providing.
No cost share is required in the Basic Grant program. Click here for further information on cost sharing.
6. Population Served: Check the boxes that reflect the population(s) to be served by your project.
7. and 8. Skip this section, as it pertains only to Museums for America and National Leadership Grants for Museums
Applicants Only.
Library Services Plan
Write a narrative that addresses the components listed below. Limit the narrative to three single-spaced, numbered
pages. We will remove any pages above the three-page limit. Address the questions in the same order in which they
are listed below.
What are you focusing on during the year?
Why is it important?
How will you carry out your plan successfully?
What results do you anticipate?
Incorporating Evaluation into Your Project
Click here for helpful information about evaluation.
In addition to following the instructions above, research project applications should also address each of the following
questions within the three sections of the Narrative portion.
What are the specific research questions this investigation will attempt to answer?
What is the relevance of the proposed research for current practice?
What research method(s) will be used to conduct the research?
What type of data will be gathered?
How will the data be analyzed?
How will the information be reported?
How will the research data be managed and made available for future use (as applicable)?
If an electronic dataset will be created as a result of the proposed research, you should complete the Digital
Stewardship Supplementary Information Form and include this form as part of your application. This form asks you to
summarize the dataset’s original purpose and scope; provide technical information about the dataset’s format,
structure, and content; explain what metadata will be created about the dataset and what standards and formats will
be used for the metadata; list any relevant hardware, software, or other dependencies for using the data; identify a
repository where the data and metadata will be archived, managed, and made accessible (if applicable); and describe
the long-term preservation plan for the dataset. If you do not expect your project to generate data, please state this
clearly in your narrative Click here to learn more about the elements of an effective research application.
Budget Forms
Part A—Project Budget for Basic Grant
We anticipate that the IMLS Basic Grant award amount for FY 2016 will be $6,000. Therefore, prepare a Basic Grant
project budget based on an anticipated total award amount of $6,000. Spending categories include 1) Library
personnel; 2) Materials, supplies, and equipment; 3) Services; and 4) Other (to be described). No indirect costs are
allowed. See the sample project budget at the bottom of the budget form for guidance.
Download Part A—Project Budget for Basic Grant
Adobe® PDF (75 KB)
Microsoft® Word Document (46 KB)
Part B—Project Budget for Supplemental Education/Assessment Option
We anticipate that the Education/Assessment Option award amount for FY 2016 will be $1,000. Therefore, if the
Education/Assessment Option is requested, prepare an Education/Assessment Option project budget based on an
anticipated total award amount of $1,000 (in addition to the anticipated project budget of $6,000 for the Basic Grant).
Spending categories include 1) Library-related continuing education and training; 2) Travel to conferences, continuing
education, and other library-related training, and costs to cover temporary staff during the absence of regular staff;
and 3) Services of a professional librarian or technology consultant to conduct an onsite library assessment. No
indirect costs are allowed. See the sample project budget at the bottom of the budget form for guidance.
Download Part B—Project Budget for Education/Assessment Option
Adobe® PDF (73 KB)
Microsoft® Word Document (39 KB)
How do I construct my application budget?
Are there funding restrictions?
You may only use IMLS funds, and your cost sharing, for allowable costs as found in IMLS and OMB governmentwide cost-principle rules.
PLEASE NOTE: The recent Office of Management and Budget (OMB) final guidance on Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Grant Reform) has streamlined and
consolidated grant requirements. The Grant Reform can be found at 2 CFR Part 200. With certain IMLS-specific
additions, IMLS regulations at 2 CFR Part 3187 formally adopt the 2 CFR Part 200 Grant Reform. The Grant Reform
as adopted by IMLS at 2 CFR Part 3187 will be effective for all awards made after December 26, 2014.
What are some examples of allowable and unallowable costs?
The following list includes some examples of allowable costs, both for IMLS funds and for cost share (if applicable), in
this grant program. Please consult 2 CFR Part 200 for additional guidance on allowable costs.
Library personnel:
o salary and benefits for library staff
Materials, supplies, and equipment:
o books, journals, magazine subscriptions, electronic resources
library supplies
library automation software and related equipment
library furnishings
computers and software
o presenter fees related to public programs
o after-school tutoring services
o library-related consultants
o technology consultants
o digitization projects
Other (for example):
o Internet access charges
o fees for participation in networks and consortia that provide the library with direct services
o E-Rate consulting
Examples of allowable expenses for the Education/Assessment Option include the following:
costs for library staff to attend library-related continuing education courses and training workshops on- or
offsite, including registration fees, travel, hotel, and per diem
costs for library staff to attend or give presentations at conferences related to library services, including
registration fees, travel, hotel, and per diem
costs to cover temporary staff when regular staff are attending courses, workshops, or conferences related
to the Education/Assessment Option
costs to hire a consultant for an onsite professional library assessment, including library technology
assessments and digitization expertise
You must explain all proposed expenses in your Project Budget.
The following list includes some examples of unallowable costs, both for IMLS funds and for cost share (if applicable),
in this grant program. Please consult the appropriate cost principles for additional guidance on unallowable costs.
contributions to endowments
social activities; ceremonies; receptions; or entertainment, including food, gifts, and promotional items
construction or renovation of facilities
pre-award costs
indirect costs
(Note: If you have questions about the allowability of specific activities, call IMLS staff for guidance.)
Are partner-related costs allowable?
Yes. Click here to learn more information about incorporating partners into your project.
Subawards and Contracts
In addition to the activities that you carry out directly, some project activities may be carried out by utilizing IMLS
funds for either subawards or contracts. It is your responsibility to make a case-by-case determination as to whether
each agreement you make for the disbursement of federal program funds casts the party receiving the funds in the
role of a subrecipient or a contractor. (See 2 CFR 200.330 (Subrecipient and contractor determinations)).
There are particular requirements for subawards that you must follow as a pass-through entity (a non-federal entity
that provides a subaward to a subrecipient to carry out part of a federal program). (See 2 CFR 200.74 (Pass-through
entity) and 2 CFR 200.331 (Requirements for pass-through entities)). There are other requirements that you must
follow if you contract for activities. (See sections 200.317 through 326 (Procurement Standards))
Please Note: You may not make a subaward unless expressly authorized by IMLS. (See 2 CFR 200.3187
See 2 CFR Part 200 (in particular, sections 200.330 through 332 (Subrecipient Monitoring and Management) and
sections 200.317 through 326 (Procurement Standards) and 2 CFR Part 3187 for further information.
What are the requirements regarding costs for foreign travel?
All air transportation of persons or property that is paid in whole or in part with IMLS funds must be performed in
accordance with applicable law, including but not limited to the Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. §40118) (see also 41 CFR
301-10.131 through 10.143). Each separate foreign trip must be itemized in the budget approved by IMLS. Foreign
travel that is not included in the approved project budget must be specifically approved in writing by the appropriate
IMLS program officer.
Conditionally Required Documents
Please consult the table below to determine if the Digital Stewardship Supplementary Information Form is required. If
any of the conditions in the left column apply to your project, then the document described in the right column is
required. If you do not provide this form, your application will be considered incomplete and will be rejected from
further consideration.
If your project involves …
Then you must include …
A digital product (IMLS defines digital products very
broadly. If you are developing anything through the use
of information technology, you should assume that you
need to complete this form.)
A Digital Stewardship Supplementary Information
Form; click here for Requirements for Projects that
Develop Digital Content
E. Application Review Process
What is the review and selection process?
Basic Grants are non-competitive awards available to eligible applicants to support existing library operations and to
maintain core library services. We make awards only to eligible applicants that submit complete applications,
including attachments, through, on or before the deadline.
There are no requirements for cost sharing in this program.
When will awards be announced?
We will not release information about the status of an application until September 2016. Funded projects may not
begin earlier than October 1, 2016.
F. Award Administration Information
How will we be notified about the results of the grant process?
Official Award Notifications for Grants and Cooperative Agreements will be sent electronically. The award packet sent
to the Authorized Representative/Authorizing Official will contain the following:
cover letter(s)
the Official Award Notifications for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
links to the applicable documents, including general terms and conditions, reporting forms, etc.
The Project Director will receive the following:
copies of the cover letter(s)
a copy of the Official Award Notifications for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
links to the applicable documents, including general terms and conditions, reporting forms, etc.
Applicants who do not receive awards will be notified at the same time.
What is the award period of performance?
The award period of performance will run from the first day of the month in which project activities are undertaken and
will end on the last day of the month in which these activities are completed.
What are the administrative and national policy requirements?
Organizations that receive IMLS grants or cooperative agreements are subject to the IMLS General Terms and
Conditions for IMLS Discretionary Awards and the IMLS Assurances and Certifications. Organizations that receive
IMLS funding must be familiar with these requirements and comply with applicable law.
As an applicant for federal funds, you must certify that you are responsible for complying with certain
nondiscrimination, debarment and suspension, drug-free workplace, and lobbying laws. These are set out in more
detail, along with other requirements, in the Assurances and Certifications. By signing the application form, which
includes the Assurances and Certifications, you certify that you are in compliance with these requirements and that
you will maintain records and submit any reports that are necessary to ensure compliance. Your failure to comply with
these statutory and regulatory requirements may result in the suspension or termination of your grant and require you
to return funds to the government.
What are the reporting requirements?
Reports are due according to the reporting schedule that accompanies your Official Award Notification for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements. Please note that recipients must submit performance reports in the format defined by the
IMLS; both interim and final performance reports may be accessible on the IMLS website to support the agency’s
commitment to open government, to engage the public in communities of practice and to inform application
development and grant making strategies.
For details and forms, please see:
What do I need to know about acknowledgement of IMLS support?
Read more about acknowledgement of IMLS support.
What do I need to know about sharing IMLS-supported work products and copyright, and management of
digital assets produced with IMLS support?
Read more about sharing IMLS-supported work products and copyright, and management of digital assets produced
with IMLS support.
G. Contacts
How can I contact program staff?
See the Native American Library Services Basic Grants web page for IMLS contact information. We are available by
phone and through e-mail to discuss general issues relating to Native American Library Services grants.
How can I participate in a webinar?
We invite you to participate in a pre-application web conference to learn more about the program, ask questions, and
listen to the questions and comments of other participants. See the Native American Library Services Basic Grants
web page for more information.
H. Other Information
What are the requirements regarding conflict of interest?
You must comply with IMLS’ conflict of interest requirements. These requirements include disclosing in writing to
IMLS or pass-through entity any potential conflict of interest.
How long should it take to complete this application?
We estimate the average amount of time needed for one applicant to complete the narrative portion of this application
to be 30 hours. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and writing and reviewing the answers.
We estimate that, in addition to the time needed for you to answer the narrative questions, it will take you an average
of 15 minutes per response for the IMLS Program Information Sheet and three hours per response for the IMLS
Budget Form.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Institute of Museum and Library Services at 1800 M Street, NW, 9th
Floor, Washington, DC 20036-5802, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project
(3137-0029), Washington, DC 20503.
How can I become a reviewer?
If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, you may submit your information through our online reviewer
application at Please remember to attach your resume. Your information will
be considered and, if accepted, your name will be entered into our reviewer database. You will be contacted prior to
the next deadline regarding your availability to serve as a reviewer.
There are many benefits to reviewing applications, including enhancing your professional knowledge and serving the
museum and library communities. If you are selected to serve, you will be helping IMLS and strengthening our grant
review process.
Office of Management and Budget Clearance Numbers
Notices of Funding Opportunity: OMB No. XXXXX; Expiration Date: XXXXX.
Forms: OMB No. XXXXX; Expiration Date: XXXXX.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-05-26 |
File Created | 2015-05-26 |