Approved OMB
No. 0923-0051 Exp.
Date 03/31/2018
Reviewer Name: ________________________ Date of Review: ___ / ___ / ____ Data entered: ___ / ___ / ____
Facility: ___________________________________________ ID: _________
Patient Name: ___________________________________________ Patient Phone Number_____________
Address: Street: ___________________________ City: ___________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________
Patient Demographics
DOB: ____ / ____ / _______ Sex: □ Male □ Female □ N/A Occupation: ____________________________________
MM DD YYYY Ethnicity: □ Hispanic □ Not Hispanic
Insurance: Race: (check all that apply)
□ Private □ Medicare/Medicaid/Government program □ American Indian/ Alaskan Native □ Asian □ Black
□ None □ N/A □ Other: ___________________ □ Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander □ White
Visit Information
Date of Visit: ____ / ____ / ______ Time of arrival: ____:____ □ am □ pm
Chief Complaint: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Initial Vital Signs: Height: _________ □ cm □ in Weight: ________ □ kg □ lb
Temp (°F): ________ Heart Rate: _______ Respiratory Rate: _______ BP (mmHg): ______ / _______
Current Signs and Symptoms (check all that apply)
Location Onset Date End Date Size(in)
□ Rash □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Hives □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Raised bumps □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Itchy Skin □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Painful Skin □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Eczema □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Psoriasis □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Erythema/Redness □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Numbness/Tingling □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___
□ Hair Loss/Alopecia Description: _________ Location: ___________ __/__/___ __/__/___
(e.g. patchy, strands, etc) (e.g. right side, crown, hairline etc)
□ Tooth loss Quantity: ___________ Location: ___________ __/__/___ __/__/___
□ Fever __/__/___ __/__/___
□ Diarrhea __/__/___ __/__/___
□ Eye Irritation __/__/___ __/__/___
Notes/other symptoms: _________________________________________________________________________
Medical History (check all that apply)
□ Asthma □ Congestive heart failure Current Medications:
□ Shortness of Breath □ COPD _____________________________________
□ Pregnant □ Breastfeeding □ Depression _____________________________________
□ Wheezing □ Stress Screening: __________ Medications Prescribed as a Result of Visit:
□ Diabetes □ Tobacco use: _________________ ____________________________________
□ Allergies: __________ □ Other: ______________________ _____________________________________
□ Hypertension _______________________
reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to
average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information including suggestions for reducing this
burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE,
MS E-11 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0923-0051)
Skin History (check all that apply)
Location Onset Date End Date Size(in)
□ Rash □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Hives □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Raised bumps □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Itchy Skin □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Painful Skin □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Eczema □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Psoriasis □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Erythema/Redness □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___ _____
□ Numbness/Tingling □ Face □ Arms □ Legs □ Feet □ Neck □ Other_____ __/__/___ __/__/___
□ Hair Loss/Alopecia Quantity: _______ Location: _________ __/__/___ __/__/___
Notes/other skin history: _________________________________________________________________________
Diagnosis: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Treatment/Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |