Diary January 2017 CAPI Inst. Req’ts
Diary Section |
Diary CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201501 Wording/Specification |
201701 Wording/Specification |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
To update the Diary outcome code(s) enter the current password for this function. Note: Diary outcome code(s) should only be updated in special circumstances (e.g. households were temporarily absent, laptop or instrument problem, etc.)
Skip Instructions: <if correct password is entered> [goto UPDDATE] [else goto UPDWARN] |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Failed Attempt The password you have entered is incorrect. Check NumLock and/or Caps Lock Keys and try again. To update the Diary outcome codes enter the current password for this function. Note: Diary outcome code(s) should only be updated in special circumstances (e.g. households were temporarily absent, laptop or instrument problem, etc.)
Skip Instructions: <1> [go back to UPDPWD] <2> [quit] |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Enter the corresponding date for the previous Diary visit. (The EPD and LPD listed below are for your reference only) EARLIEST PLACEMENT DATE: ^EPD LATEST PLACEMENT DATE: ^LPD Store Instructions: store UPDDATE in INTDATE Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: [goto UPDVISIT] |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Enter the visit number for the Diary entries you would like to adjust. (The EPD and LPD listed below are for your reference only) EARLIEST PLACEMENT DATE: ^EPD LATEST PLACEMENT DATE: ^LPD
Store Instructions: store UPDVISIT in VISITNUM Skip Instructions: <1> [(If UPDDATE lt EPD-1 and EPD eq "Sunday") OR (If UPDDATE lt EPD and EPD ne "Sunday") OR (if UPDDATE gt LPD) then goto ERR_UPD] [else goto UPDRSN] <2> [If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and UPDDATE le LPD) OR (If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 eq 201 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT1+14) OR (If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and UPDDATE gt LPD+7) then goto ERR_UPD] [else goto UPDRSN] <3> [(If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT2 eq 201 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT2+14) OR (If DPLC_CHK eq 1 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT1+21) then goto ERR_UPD] [else goto UPDRSN] |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Universe: [(UPDDATE lt EPD-1 and EPD eq "Sunday") OR (UPDDATE lt EPD and EPD ne "Sunday") OR (UPDVISIT eq 1 and UPDDATE gt LPD) OR (UPDVISIT eq 2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and UPDDATE le LPD) OR (UPDVISIT eq 2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 eq 201 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT1+14) OR (UPDVISIT eq 2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and UPDDATE gt LPD+7) OR (UPDVISIT eq 3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT2 eq 201 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT2+14) OR (UPDVISIT eq 3 and DPLC_CHK eq 1 and UPDDATE gt PLCEDAT1+21) or (UPDVISIT eq 2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 eq 201 and UPDDATE lt PLCEDAT1+8) or UPDVISIT eq 2 and DPLC_CHK eq 1 and UPDDATE le LPD) or (UPDVISIT eq 3 and UPDDATE lt EPD + 15)]
Universe Description: The date entered is out of range for the visit number selected.
The date you have entered for this visit number is invalid. Please enter a date within the appropriate time frame.
Check Instructions: list UPDVISIT and UPDDATE as jumping points Type: Hard Skip Instructions: go back to UPDVISIT or UPDDATE |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Universe: UPDVISIT eq (1, 2, 3) AND ERR_UPD eq EMPTY Question Text: Enter the reason for making this change.
Skip Instructions: <1-4> [goto START] <5> [goto UPDSPEC] |
Delete |
Delete Ctrl-U password function |
Skip Instructions: [goto START] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
*Were there any expenditures recorded in the Week 1 Diary at pick up?
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in ANYENTR1
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [goto F10RECALL] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
*Were any expenditures added to the Week 1 Diary at pick up through recall?
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in ANYRECAL1
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto F10RECPT] <2> [goto If F10ENTRY=2, goto F10BUY] [else, goto F10RESP] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10BUY |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
Did [fill: YOU_ANY] have any expenses or purchases last week? *Do not include any expenses while away overnight? *If NO, make sure all 7 none boxes are checked on the Diary.
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in ANYBUY1
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D,R> [goto F10RESP] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
*Were receipts used for the majority of these recalled items?
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in ANYRECP1
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [goto F10RESP] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
Universe: F10RECALL=2 OR F10RECPT=1or 2 OR (F10BUY=1,2,D, or R)
Special Instructions:
If F10ENTRY = 1 and F10RECALL =1 and F10RECPT= 1, store 2 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 1 and F10RECALL =1 and F10RECPT= 2, store 3 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 2 and F10RECALL =1 and F10RECPT= 1, store 4 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 2 and F10RECALL =2 and F10RECPT= "blank", store 5 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 2 and F10RECALL=2 and F10BUY=1, D or R, store 5 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 2 and F10RECALL =1 and F10RECPT=2, store 6 in RESPONS1 If F10ENTRY = 2 and F10RECALL=2 and F10BUY=2, store 7 in RESPONS1
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto F10RULE] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
Universe: (F10RECALL=2) OR (F10RECPT=1 or 2) OR (F10BUY=1,2,D or R)
[fill: Week 1 Diary is an interview/The Week 1 Diary is a Type A, Refusal. Do recall on the Week 2 Diary for the days between the end of Week 1 and the placement of the Week 2 Diary./ The Week 1 Diary is a Type B. Do recall on the Week 2 Diary for the days between the end of Week 1 and the placement of the Week 2 Diary./ The Week 1 Diary is a Type A/ The Week 1 Diary is a Type B./ The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 1 Diary by recall/ The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for the days between the end of Week 1 Diary and placement of Week 2 Diary]
Special Instructions: 1. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=5, store “blank” in PICK_UP1 2a. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 2b. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDAT2 + 9 <= PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2 + 14) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 and F10_PICKUP 3. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, store “blank” in PICK_UP1 4a. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 4b. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 5. All others, store 201 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1> [If DPLC_CHK ne 1, and RESPONS1=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto F10APPT] [If RESPONS1=5, goto F10RFRN] [If PICK_UP1=326, goto F10NAME] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter type of refusal
Special Instructions:
IF F10RFRN is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF F10RFRN is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF F10RFRN is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [Else, goto F10APPT] <4> [goto F10RSNS] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Specify type of refusal
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto F10APPT] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter contact person's name
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in CP1TITL_PK1 STRING[42]
Skip Instructions: <42 characters> [goto F10TITLE] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter Contact person's title
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in CP1TITL_PK1 STRING[43]
Skip Instructions: <43 characters> [goto F10PHONE] |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter contact person's phone number
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <10 digits> [goto F10EXT] <Empty, D, R> [goto F10ADD1] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10EXT |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter contact person's phone number extension
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <0000-9999, D, R, Empty> [goto F10ADD1 |
Delete |
F10 |
F10ADD1 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter contact person's street address
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <54 characters> [goto F10ADD2] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10ADD2 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter second line of address if necessary
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <54 characters> [goto F10PO] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10PO |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter city
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <20 characters> [goto F10ST] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10ST |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter state
Special Instructions:
2 characters state code, DK, RF
Skip Instructions: <2 Digit State codes, D, R> [goto F10ZIP5] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10ZIP5 |
Delete F10 variables for week 1 pickup since it will not be possible to pick up week 1 separately (all pickup will happen at the same time) |
* Enter zipcode
Special Instructions:
5 digits
Skip Instructions: <5 characters,D,R> [goto F10APPT] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10_ST1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 1 AND NOCONTACT = zero and SECTCOMP(CC)=1
^Q1_F10_ST1 RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Week Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) 01 ^Q2_F10_ST1
Fills: Q1_F10_ST1 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "This is a WEB DIARY case. Instruct the respondent on how to use the Web Diary and provide the respondent with the user guide." Else fill "Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 1 Diary, and attempt to leave the Diary form with the respondent."
Fills: Q2_F10_ST1 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Did the respondent agree to complete the Web Diary?" Else fill "Was the Week 1 Diary placed?"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> if QTYPE=1 go to F10APPT else go to F10_DCK1 <2> go to F10APPT |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND NOCONTACT = zero and SECTCOMP(CC)=1
Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 1 and Week 2 Diaries, and attempt to leave the Diary forms with the respondent.
RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Week Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) 01 Were the Diaries placed?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: go to F10APPT |
F10 |
F10_DCK1 |
Delete variables referencing double placement (since all cases will be double-placed) |
Universe: F10_ST1 is 1 and QTYPE ne 1
*The ideal date for picking up the Week 1 Diary is between [fill: PLCEDAT1+8] and [fill: PLCDAT1+14]. * Double place the Diary if: *You traveled 50 miles or more to place Diary *Respondent will NOT be available for scheduled Week 1 pick up *CU will require an interpreter *You have been assigned 3 or more Diary cases *Respondent is reluctant/hesitant/too busy to do daily recordings BUT will save receipts
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto F10_DCHK] |
Delete |
F10 |
F10_DCHK |
Delete variables referencing double placement (since all cases will be double-placed) |
Universe: F10_DCK1=2
Was this a Week 1 and Week 2 double placement?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> goto F10DRES <2> goto F10APPT |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete variables referencing double placement (since all cases will be double-placed) |
Universe: F10_DCHK is 1
Why were both diaries placed?
Skip Instructions: <1,2,3> goto F10APPT <4> goto F10DSPC |
Delete |
F10 |
Delete variables referencing double placement (since all cases will be double-placed) |
Universe: F10DRES is 4 and QTYPE ne 1
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> goto F10APPT |
Delete |
F10 |
F10_ST2 |
Delete variable since diaries will be placed together (no separate placement for Week 2) |
Universe: (VISITNUM=2 AND NOCONTACT = zero and SECTCOMP(CC)=1 AND PICK_UP1 ne Type C)
^Q1_F10_ST2 RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Week Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) 02 ^Q2_F10_ST2
Fills: Q1_F10_ST2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "This is a WEB DIARY case. Instruct the respondent on how to use the Web Diary and provide the respondent with the user guide." Else fill "Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 2 Diary, and attempt to leave the Diary form with the respondent."
Fills: Q2_F10_ST2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Did the respondent agree to complete the Web Diary?" Else fill "Was the Week 2 Diary placed?"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1,2> goto F10APPT |
Delete variable |
F10 |
Universe: F10 function key is selected
[fill: *DO NOT place ^Web Diary. Roster section not complete] * Missing Sections: Press shift-F5 to view the status table I'd like to schedule a DATE to [Fill: conduct/complete] the interview. May I return on * Diary must be picked up within this range. 0. Battery problem 1. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +8/PLCEDAT2 +8/PLCEDAT1+15] 2. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1 +9/PLCEDAT2 +9/PLCEDAT1+16] 3. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +10/PLCEDAT2 +10/PLCEDAT1+17] 4. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +11/PLCEDAT2 +11/PLCEDAT1+18] 5. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +12/PLCEDAT2 +12/PLCEDAT1+19] 6. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +13/PLCEDAT2 +13/PLCEDAT1+20] 7. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +14/PLCEDAT2 +14/PLCEDAT1+21] [fill: 8. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+15] 9. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+16] 10. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+17] 11. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+18] 12. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+19] 13. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1+20] 14. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+21] ]
Fills: Web Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Web" else leave blank.
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1-7> [goto F10BSTI] <B,R> [goto DONE] |
Universe: F10 function key is selected
[fill: *DO NOT place Diaries. Roster section not complete] * Missing Sections: Press shift-F5 to view the status table I'd like to schedule a DATE to [Fill: conduct/complete] the interview. May I return on * Diary must be picked up within this range. 0. Battery problem 1. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+15] 2. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1+16] 3. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+17] 4. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+18] 5. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+19] 6. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+20] 7. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+21]
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1-7: goto F10BSTI 0,R: goto DONE |
Replace VISITNUM with whether PLACED=1 to determine which date from the training file to use. (Changes in red) |
Description: SCIF: 8500 record ***needed for Training/Testing***
Question Text: ** NON-DISPLAYED FIELD ** Documentation of 8500 Record layout
Special Instructions:
8500 Layout: Name Length Positions Record_type 2 1-2 Sub_type 2 3-4 TRAINDT1 8 5-12 (MMDDYYYY) TRAINDT2 8 13-20 (MMDDYYYY) TRAINDT3 8 21-28 (MMDDYYYY)
For training/testing SCIF where RT1000.SURVTYPE = T, These dates will become the "current date" basically overwritting the systems date in the instrument. TRAINDAT1 and RT2500.EPD need to be the same date unless you are trying to test the placement date errors.
IF VISITNUM = 1, use TRAINDT1 as the current date IF VISITNUM = 2, use TRAINDT2 as the current date IF VISITNUM = 3, use TRAINDT3 as the current date (See BFRONT.Datamodel_ck for specific instructions.) |
Description: SCIF: 8500 record ***needed for Training/Testing***
Question Text: ** NON-DISPLAYED FIELD ** Documentation of 8500 Record layout
Special Instructions:
8500 Layout: Name Length Positions Record_type 2 1-2 Sub_type 2 3-4 TRAINDT1 8 5-12 (MMDDYYYY) TRAINDT2 8 13-20 (MMDDYYYY) TRAINDT3 8 21-28 (MMDDYYYY)
For training/testing SCIF where RT1000.SURVTYPE = T, These dates will become the "current date" basically overwritting the systems date in the instrument. TRAINDAT1 and RT2500.EPD need to be the same date unless you are trying to test the placement date errors.
IF PLACED ne 1, use TRAINDT1 as the current date IF PLACED=1, use TRAINDT2 as the current date (See BFRONT.Datamodel_ck for specific instructions.) |
Special Instructions:
(If the 2nd position of the CASEID is A, B, . . ., Z then store 1 in NEWCU and S in NEWUNIT)
(Note: Set FIRFRCDE for first contact only)
if VISITNUM is empty and the 3rd position of the CASEID is R, set VISITNUM=2 else if VISITNUM is empty, set VISITNUM=1 else if VISITNUM=1 AND entry in PLCEDAT1 AND DPLC_CHK=1, set VISITNUM=3 else if VISITNUM=1 AND entry in PLCEDAT1, set VISITNUM=2 else if VISITNUM=2 AND entry in PLCEDAT2, set VISITNUM=3
(VISITNUM is used for pathing so place this variable so it will not cause repathing due to re-execution)
If RT1000.SURVTYPE=T and VISITNUM=1, store RT8500.TRAINDT1 in current date If RT1000.SURVTYPE=T and VISITNUM=2, store RT8500.TRAINDT2 in current date If RT1000.SURVTYPE=T and VISITNUM=3, store RT8500.TRAINDT3 in current date Else if RT1000.SURVTYPE ne T, store current date in current date
Skip Instructions: [goto SETBASIC] |
Special Instructions:
(If the 2nd position of the CASEID is A, B, . . ., Z then store 1 in NEWCU and S in NEWUNIT)
(Note: Set FIRFRCDE for first contact only)
If RT1000.SURVTYPE=T and PLACED ne 1, store RT8500.TRAINDT1 in current date If RT1000.SURVTYPE=T and PLACED=1, store RT8500.TRAINDT2 in current date Else if RT1000.SURVTYPE ne T, store current date in current date
Skip Instructions: [goto SETBASIC] |
Question Text: *CHECK ITEM*
Special Instructions:
If EPD= “Sunday” and current date is "Saturday", then set PLCEDAT1=current date +1
Skip Instructions: (too early to place)
(late place wk 1)
(late plc w2, wk 1= interview)
(late plc w2, wk 1 ne interview)
(late pickup w1)
(late pkup w2)
(late pkup w2)
(late pickup 2X)
[Else, goto START] |
Question Text: *CHECK ITEM*
Skip Instructions: IF [current date before EPD (too early to place)] OR [current date after LPD AND PLACED ne 1 (late placement)] OR [PLACED=1 and current date gt PLCEDAT1+21 (late pickup)]
Universe: [If current date before EPD and EPD ne "Sunday"] or [If VISITNUM =1 and current date after LPD] or [If VISITNUM =2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 = 201 and current date > PLCEDAT1+14] or [If VISITNUM =2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and entry in PICK_UP1 and LPD => current date > LPD + 7] or [If VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 current date gt PLCEDAT2+14 or [If VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK=1 and current date gt PLCEDAT1+21]
PLACEMENT/PICKUP ERROR Diary Survey Visit Number: [Fill: VISITNUM] Earliest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.EPD] Date is: [Fill: current date] Latest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.LPD] ^PLACEDATE
Fills: PLACEDATE Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [If current date before EPD and EPD ne "Sunday", goto DONE] [If VISITNUM =2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and current date <=LPD, goto DONE] [If VISITNUM =1 and current date after LPD, goto RACRF_W1] [If VISITNUM =2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 = 201 and current date >PLCEDAT1+14, goto RACRF_W2] [If VISITNUM =2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and current date > LPD + 7, goto RACRF_W2] [If VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_UP1=empty and INSTAT2=201 and current date gt PLCEDAT2+14, goto DONE] [If VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT2=201 and current date gt PLCEDAT2+14, goto DONE] [If VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK=1 and current date gt PLCEDAT1+21, goto DONE] |
Universe: [If current date before EPD] or [If PLACED ne 1 and current date after LPD] or [If PLACED=1 and current date gt PLCEDAT1+21]
PLACEMENT/PICKUP ERROR Diary Survey Diaries Placed: [Fill: ^YES/NO] Earliest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.EPD] Date is: [Fill: current date] Latest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.LPD] ^PLACEDATE
Fills: YES/NO Instructions: IF PLACED=1 fill “Yes” ELSE fill “No”
Fills: PLACEDATE Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: IF PLACED ne 1 AND current date after LPD, goto RACRF_W1 ELSE goto DONE
Universe: If outcome is 200, 202, 205, 208 or 0 (Zero) OR PLPRDERR ne 1
CENSUS CATI/CAPI SYSTEM [Date instrument changed] Consumer Expenditure Surveys Diary Survey Case status is: ^STATUS Earliest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.EPD] Latest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.LPD] Date is: [Fill: current date] Time is: [Fill: time] VISIT NUMBER: [Fill: VISITNUM]
Fills: STATUS Instructions: If Mark is 2, fill status with "New Case"; If Mark is 3, fill status with "Unreached household"; If Mark is 7, fill status with "Household reached"; If Mark is 9, fill status with "Household refusal"; If Mark is 10-15, fill status with "Partial"
Special Instructions: 1. If START= 3, set QUIT_FLAG = Yes (quit) 2. If START= 4, set NONINT_FLAG = Yes (noninterview) 3. If START=3, store 3 in MARK
Skip Instructions: <1>
Universe: If outcome is 200, 202, 205, 208 or 0 (Zero) OR PLPRDERR ne 1
CENSUS CATI/CAPI SYSTEM [Date instrument changed] Consumer Expenditure Surveys Diary Survey Case status is: ^STATUS Earliest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.EPD] Latest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.LPD] Date is: [Fill: current date] Time is: [Fill: time] Diaries Placed: [^YES/NO]
Fills: STATUS Instructions: If Mark is 2, fill status with "New Case"; If Mark is 3, fill status with "Unreached household"; If Mark is 7, fill status with "Household reached"; If Mark is 9, fill status with "Household refusal"; If Mark is 10-15, fill status with "Partial"
Fills: YES/NO Instructions: IF PLACED=1 fill “Yes” ELSE fill “No”
Special Instructions: 1. If START= 3, set QUIT_FLAG = Yes (quit) 2. If START= 4, set NONINT_FLAG = Yes (noninterview) 3. If START=3, store 3 in MARK
Skip Instructions: 1: IF PLACED=1 AND current date less than PLCEDAT1+15, goto PICK_CHK ELSEIF PLACED=1 goto SHOW_NOTES ELSEIF PLACED ne 1 and NEWCU=1 goto SHOWROS ELSE goto GENINTRO
2: goto GENINTRO
4: IF PLACED=1 goto NTYP_PK1 (pickup) ELSE goto NTYPE_W1 (placement)
5: goto VERRSGN |
Universe: [(LATEPK1_FLAG= Yes) and (VISITNUM=2) and (INSTAT1=201) and (PICK_UP1=empty) and (current date less than PLCEDAT1+8) and (DPLC_CHK ne 1)] or [(VISITNUM=3) and (INSTAT2=201) and (PICK_UP2=empty) and (current date less than PLCEDAT1+15) and (DPLC_CHK ne 1)] or [(VISITNUM=3) and (INSTAT1=201) and (PICK_UP1=empty) and (current date less than PLCEDAT1+8) and (DPLC_CHK = 1)] or [(VISITNUM=3) and (INSTAT1=201) and (PICK_UP1 ne empty or Type C) and (INSTAT2=201) and (PICK_UP2=empty) and (current date less than PLCEDAT1+15) and (DPLC_CHK = 1)]
The 7-day pickup period for the Diary is from ^PICKCHK1 to ^PICKCHK2 . The Diary should not be picked up prior to this period. Do you want to continue with early pickup?
Special Instructions: 1. If PICK_CHK= 2, set QUIT_FLAG = Yes (quit)
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PICKREAS] <2> [goto DONE] |
Universe: [(PLACED=1) and (PICK_UP1=empty) and (current date less than PLCEDAT1+15)]
The 7-day pickup period for the Diaries is from ^PLCEDAT1+15 to ^PLCEDAT1+21. The Diaries should not be picked up prior to this period. ^Earlyweek2 Do you want to continue with early pickup?
Fill: Earlyweek2 Instructions: IF current date is less than PLCEDAT1+8, fill “The Week 2 Diary will be coded as a Type A.” ELSE leave blank.
Special Instructions: 1. If PICK_CHK= 2, set QUIT_FLAG = Yes (quit)
Skip Instructions: 1: goto PICKREAS 2: goto DONE |
Change “diary” to “diaries” |
Universe: PICK_CHK=1
Why is early pickup being performed?
Skip Instructions: <1-4> [goto VISIT_SHOW] <5> [goto PICKSP] |
Universe: PICK_CHK=1
Why is early pickup being performed?
Skip Instructions: 1-4: goto VISIT_SHOW 5: goto PICKSP |
Replace VISITNUM with PLACED |
Universe: (START=1 and VISITNUM=2 or 3 and NEWCU ne 1) and QUIT_FLAG ne yes and NONINT_FLAG ne yes
Fills: BESTTIME Instructions: IF BESTTIME is 1 then fill "Morning (9am-12 noon)" IF BESTTIME is 2 then fill "Noon/lunchtime (11am-1pm)" IF BESTTIME is 3 then fill "Afternoon (12 noon-4pm)" IF BESTTIME is 4 then fill "Suppertime/early evening/dinnertime (4pm-7pm)" IF BESTTIME is 5 then fill "Evening (6pm-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 6 then fill "Anytime (9am-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 7 then fill "Late evening/night (7pm-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 8 then fill "Daytime (9am-4pm)" IF BESTTIME is 9 then fill "After 5pm"
Fills: NOSUNDAY Instructions: IF NOSUNDAY is 1 then fill "No Sunday interview" ELSE fill "Sunday okay"
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto VISIT_SHOW] |
Universe: (START=1 and PLACED=1 and NEWCU ne 1) and QUIT_FLAG ne yes and NONINT_FLAG ne yes
Fills: BESTTIME Instructions: IF BESTTIME is 1 then fill "Morning (9am-12 noon)" IF BESTTIME is 2 then fill "Noon/lunchtime (11am-1pm)" IF BESTTIME is 3 then fill "Afternoon (12 noon-4pm)" IF BESTTIME is 4 then fill "Suppertime/early evening/dinnertime (4pm-7pm)" IF BESTTIME is 5 then fill "Evening (6pm-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 6 then fill "Anytime (9am-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 7 then fill "Late evening/night (7pm-9pm)" IF BESTTIME is 8 then fill "Daytime (9am-4pm)" IF BESTTIME is 9 then fill "After 5pm"
Fills: NOSUNDAY Instructions: IF NOSUNDAY is 1 then fill "No Sunday interview" ELSE fill "Sunday okay"
Skip Instructions: goto VISIT_SHOW |
Universe: (START=1 and VISITNUM=2 or 3 and NEWCU ne 1) and QUIT_FLAG ne yes and NONINT_FLAG ne yes
Diary Placement Status: Week 1 First Placement Date: ^PLCEDAT1 Status: ^INSTAT1 First Pick up Date: ^PICKDTE1 Status: ^PICK_UP1 Week 2 Second Placement Date: ^PLCEDAT2 Status: ^INSTAT2 Second Pickup Date: ^PICKDTE2 Status: ^PICK_UP2 ^CP1NAME ^CP1TITL ^CP1PHONE ^CP1ADD1 ^CP1ADD2 ^CP1ADD3 ^CP1EXT ^BYOBSV Use CNTRL+F7 to view case level notes.
Fills: PLCEDAT1 Instructions: PLCEDAT1
Fills: INSTAT1 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for INSTAT1 description
Fills: PICKDTE1 Instructions: PICKDTE1
Fills: PICK_UP1 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for PICK_UP1 description
Fills: PLCEDAT2 Instructions: PLCEDAT2
Fills: INSTAT2 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for INSTAT2 description
Fills: PICKDTE2 Instructions: PICKDTE2
Fills: PICK_UP2 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for PICK_UP2 description
Fills: CP1NAME Instructions: IF CP1NAME isn’t blank then fill "BC NAME: (CP1NAME)" Else fill blank
Fills: CP1TITL Instructions: IF CP1TITL isn’t blank then fill "BC TITLE: (CP1TITL)" Else fill blank
Fills: CP1PHONE Instructions: IF CP1PHON isn’t blank then fill "BC PHONE NUMBER: ((CP1AREA))(CP1PREF) - (CP1SUFF)" Else fill blank
Fills: CP1ADD1 Instructions: IF CP1ADD1 isn’t blank then fill "BC ADDRESS: (CP1ADD1)", etc. Else fill blank
Fills: CP1ADD2 Instructions: IF CP1ADD2 isn’t blank then fill "BC ADDRESS: (CP1ADD2)", etc. Else fill blank
Fills: CP1ADD3 Instructions: IF CP1PO, CP1ST, CP1ZP5 aren’t blank then fill "BC ADDRESS: (CP1PO, CP1ST, CP1ZP5)", etc. Else fill blank
Fills: CP1EXT Instructions: IF CP1EXT isn’t blank then fill "BC EXT: (CP1EXT)" Else fill blank
Fills: BYOBSV Instructions: IF BCOBSR is 1 then fill "BC OBSERVATION: "Yes" IF BCOBSR is 2 then fill "BC OBSERVATION: "No" Else fill blank
Special Instructions: 1. Screen text should be in blue.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHOWROS] |
Universe: (START=1 and PLACED=1 and NEWCU ne 1) and QUIT_FLAG ne yes and NONINT_FLAG ne yes
Diary Placement Status: Placement Date: ^PLCEDAT1 Week 1 Status: ^INSTAT1 Week 2 Status: ^INSTAT2 Pick up Date: ^PICKDTE1
Use CNTRL+F7 to view case level notes.
Fills: PLCEDAT1 Instructions: PLCEDAT1
Fills: INSTAT1 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for INSTAT1 description
Fills: PICKDTE1 Instructions: PICKDTE1
Fills: PICK_UP1 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for PICK_UP1 description
Fills: INSTAT2 Instructions: See Variable OUTCOME for INSTAT2 description
Fills: PICKDTE2 Instructions: PICKDTE2
Special Instructions: 1. Screen text should be in blue.
Skip Instructions: goto SHOWROS |
Universe: (NONINT_FLAG ne yes and QUIT_FLAG ne yes) and ( START is 1 and VISITNUM is 1 and ROSTERINFO ne "YES") or ( START is 1 and VISITNUM is 2 and ROSTERINFO ne "YES" and LATEPK1_FLAG ne Yes) or (VISITNUM is 1 or 3 and SHOWROS=1) or (VISITNUM is 2 and SHOWROS=1 and LATEPK1_FLAG ne Yes) or (VISITNUM=2 and NEWUNIT=S and LATEPK1_FLAG ne Yes) ]
o ^GENINTRO If unavailable use Shift-F1 for HH roster. o Introduce survey - adjust introduction to last interview's status and respondent o The Household address is: ^GENADDRS ^GENADDRS2 Read if necessary I am (your name) from the US Census Bureau. Here is my identification card. We are conducting a Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I have some questions I would like to ask you. ^LETTER ^GENINTRO2
Fills: GENINTRO Instructions: IF RESPLINE is not 0 or blank then fill "Ask to speak to: (name)" ELSE fill "Ask for eligible respondent"
Fills: GENADDRS2 Instructions: UNITDES
Fills: LETTER Instructions: If VISITNUM=1, then fill " Did you receive our letter?"
Fills: GENINTRO2 Instructions: If VISITNUM= 1 fill "1. Yes 2. No 3. Noninterview” Else fill "1. Enter 1 to Continue”
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RECVDEBT] <2> [goto GIVE_LETTER] |
Universe: (NONINT_FLAG ne yes and QUIT_FLAG ne yes) and (START is 1 and PLACED=1 and ROSTERINFO ne "YES") or (SHOWROS=1)]
o ^GENINTRO If unavailable use Shift-F1 for HH roster. o Introduce survey - adjust introduction to last interview's status and respondent o The Household address is: ^GENADDRS ^GENADDRS2 Read if necessary I am (your name) from the US Census Bureau. Here is my identification card. We are conducting a Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I have some questions I would like to ask you. ^LETTER ^GENINTRO2
Fills: GENINTRO Instructions: IF RESPLINE is not 0 or blank then fill "Ask to speak to: (name)" ELSE fill "Ask for eligible respondent"
Fills: GENADDRS2 Instructions: UNITDES
Fills: LETTER Instructions: If PLACED ne 1, then fill " Did you receive our letter?"
Fills: GENINTRO2 Instructions: If PLACED ne 1 fill "1. Yes 2. No 3. Noninterview” Else fill "1. Enter 1 to Continue”
Skip Instructions: 1: goto INTRO 2: goto GIVE_LETTER |
Bincentives |
Delete block |
Delete block. |
Delete variable. |
Universe: VISITNUM = 1 and GENINTRO = 1 or GIVE_LETTER = 1
[Fill1: The letter you received should have included a debit card, which was a gift from the Census Bureau.] [Fill2: You should have also received a debit card as a gift from the Census Bureau.] [Fill3: Did anyone living at this address receive the debit card?] [Fill4: Did (READ NAMES) receive a debit card?] [Display roster for this CU]
Special Instructions: 1. If GENINTRO = 1 and case is not spawn (NEWCU ne 1), then use Fill1 and Fill3. 2. If GENINTRO = 1 and case is a spawn, then use Fill1 and Fill4. 3. If GIVE_LETTER = 1 and case is not spawn (NEWCU ne 1), then use Fill2 and Fill3. 4. If GIVE_LETTER = 1 and case is spawn, then use Fill2 and Fill4. 5. If case is a spawn (NEWCU = 1), names from SHOWROS. 6. If Fill4 is used, display SHOWROS for the CU.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto USEDEBT] <2, D> [goto NOTRECVD] <R> [goto INTROB] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
The debit card was a gift for you to use immediately. Has anyone used the debit card?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PROBUSE] <2> [goto NOTUSED] <D> [goto DONTUSE] <R> [goto INTROB] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
Why haven't you tried to use the debit card? FR Instruction - Mark all that apply, separate with commas.
Skip Instructions: <9> [goto NOTRECVD] <10> [goto NOTUSDSP] <R> [goto INTROB] Else goto DONTUSE |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
FR Instruction -- Specify other reason
Skip Instructions: 30 character text field [goto DONTUSE] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
Were there any problems using the debit card?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WHATPROB] <2> [goto INTROB] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
What problems did you have using the debit card? FR Instruction -- Mark all that apply, separate with commas.
Skip Instructions: <7> [goto NOTRECVD] <8> [goto PRBLMSP] <R> [goto INTROB] Else goto ABLTOUSE |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
FR Instruction -- Specify other problem
Skip Instructions: 30 character text field [goto ABLTOUSE] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
Were you able to cash the debit card anyway?
Skip Instructions: <1,R> [goto INTROB] <2,D> [goto DONTUSE] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
Please wait until the end of the two-week survey period to spend the $[fill incentive amount]. This is so the gift does not affect your spending during the two-week survey period.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INTROB] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. |
[Fill1: I'm sorry that you did not receive the debit card. My office will send you another card in the amount of $[fill incentive amount] as soon as possible.] [Fill2: I'm sorry that the original debit card we sent to you was misplaced. My office will send you a replacement card in the amount of $[fill incentive amount] as soon as possible.] After you receive the card, please wait until the end of the two-week survey period to collect and spend the $[fill incentive amount]. This is so the gift does not affect your spending during the two-week survey period. FR Instruction - Instruct the respondent to destroy the original card if it is found/received.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INTROB] |
Delete variable. |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of incentives block |
Hand the respondent the letter Allow time to read
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RECVDEBT] |
Hand the respondent the letter Allow time to read
Skip Instructions: 1 goto INTROB |
Universe: (RECVDEBT= R or USEDEBT = R or NOTUSED =R or PROBUSE = 2,D, or R or WHATPROB =R or ABLTOUSE =1,R or DONTUSE = 1 or NOTRECVD = 1) and NONINT_FLAG ne yes and QUIT_FLAG ne yes
Is Respondent ready to complete the interview?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [If VISITNUM =2 or 3 and NEWCU ne 1, goto PLACEWK2] [If VISITNUM=1 and Newly spawned CU, goto MAILAD] [Else goto VERDADD] <2,4> [If VISITNUM=1, goto PHONENUM] [If VISITNUM is 2 or 3 , goto VERIFY_INFO] <3> [ If VISITNUM is 1, goto NTYPE_W1] (w1 place) [If VISITNUM is 2 and INSTAT1=201, goto NTYP_PK1] (w1 pickup) [If VISITNUM is 2 and INSTAT1 ne 201, goto NTYPE_W2] (w2 place) [If VISITNUM is 3 and DPLC_CHK is 1, goto NTYP_PK1] (w1 pickup) [If VISITNUM is 3 , goto NTYP_PK2] (w2 pickup) <5> [goto DONE] <6> [goto APPTOTH] |
Universe: (GENINTRO=1 or 2) and NONINT_FLAG ne yes and QUIT_FLAG ne yes
Is Respondent ready to complete the interview?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1: IF PLACED ne 1 and Newly spawned CU, goto MAILAD ELSE goto VERDADD 2,4: IF PLACED=1, goto VERIFY_INFO ELSE goto PHONENUM 3: If PLACED=1, goto NTYP_PK1 (pickup) ELSE goto NTYPE_W1 (placement) 5: goto DONE 6: goto APPTOTH |
Delete variable |
Universe: (START = continue or START = skip notes) and (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_UP1=blank and REASSIGN_FLAG <> yes and INTROB = continue)
Are you picking up the Week 1 Diary and placing the Week 2 Diary or placing the Week 2 Diary only?
Special Instructions: 1. If PLACEWK2 is 2, Set LATEPK1_FLAG= Yes
Skip Instructions: <1> [If (current date less than PLCEDAT1+8, goto PICK_CHK] [Else, goto ANYENTR1] <2> [goto WK2_ST2] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable |
Universe: (INTROB is 1 and INSTAT1 =201 and (VISITNUM=2 or 3)
Is this a Replacement Household?
Special Instructions: NOTE: Can not spawn a replacement household from a newly spawned CU, extra or additional. Can not spawn a repalcement household from a newly spawned replacement case. Can not spawn a replacement household from a previous noninterview that has no household roster.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto REPLACE_VER] <2> [goto VERDADD] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: REPLACE_HH is 1
A replacement household means that there are no members of the original household living at this address. Are you sure that this is a replacement household?
Special Instructions:
If entry of 2 store 'No' in REPLACESPAWN
Skip Instructions: <1> [if VISITNUM=3, goto DONE] [If TOTALCU is 1, goto ONE_CU] [IF TOTALCU equals CU_COUNT then go to MULTI_CU3] [ALL Others go to MULTI_CU4] <2> [goto VERADD] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable |
Universe: REPLACE_VER is 1 AND TOTALCU is 1 (Only one CU from last visit) AND VISITNUM ne 3
A Replacement Household Case will be spawned. You will need to exit this case and pull up the New Case in order to interview the replacement household. The case you are currently in will automatically become a type C.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
A Replacement Household Case will be spawned. You will need to exit this case and pull up the New Case in order to interview the replacement household. This case is part of a Multi-CU Address. The case you are currently in will automatically become a Type C, but you MUST manually Type C all other Cases. (There are [Fill: TOTALCU] cases that must be Type C'd.)
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: REPLACE_VER is 1 AND TOTALCU is not equal to CU_COUNT AND VISITNUM ne 3
ALL cases are not located on your laptop.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto MULTI_CU6] <2> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: MULTI_CU4 is 1
* A Replacement Household Case will be spawned. You will need to exit this case and pull up the New Case in order to interview the replacement household. This case is part of a Multi-CU Address. All the associated CU's are NOT on your laptop. The case you are currently in will automatically become a type C, but you MUST manually Type C all other cases. There are [Fill: TOTALCU] cases that must be Type C'd, but you only have [Fill: cu_count] on your laptop. You must alert the other FR that he/she needs to Type C the cases.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Delete reference to independent placement/pickup |
Universe: ALL except [newly spawned CU (2nd position of CASEID=A,B…)] AND (VISITNUM=2 AND LATEPK1_FLAG =Yes)
^VDDEND I have your address listed as * READ ADDRESS BELOW. Is this your exact address? [Fill: HNO HNOSUF STRNAME] [Fill: UNITDES] [Fill: PO, ST, ZIP5-ZIP4] Phys des: [Fill: PHYSDES] GQ unit: [Fill GQUNITINFO] Non-City : [Fill NONCITYADD] Building: [Fill BLDGNAME]
Fills: VDDEND Instructions: If VERDADD ne blank, fill "Press END to move to the next appropriate question"
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto MAILAD] <2> [goto NADDST1] <3>[ (same as INTROB precode5 ) goto DONE] <R> [goto PHONENUM] |
Universe: ALL except [newly spawned CU (2nd position of CASEID=A,B…)]
^VDDEND I have your address listed as * READ ADDRESS BELOW. Is this your exact address? [Fill: HNO HNOSUF STRNAME] [Fill: UNITDES] [Fill: PO, ST, ZIP5-ZIP4] Phys des: [Fill: PHYSDES] GQ unit: [Fill GQUNITINFO] Non-City : [Fill NONCITYADD] Building: [Fill BLDGNAME]
Fills: VDDEND Instructions: If VERDADD ne blank, fill "Press END to move to the next appropriate question"
Skip Instructions: 1: goto MAILAD 2: goto NADDST1 3: goto DONE R: goto PHONENUM |
Replace VISITNUM with PLACED |
Universe: VERDADD = 1 or (VISITNUM is 1 and newly spawned CU) or entry in NADDZP
Fills: MAILAD Instructions:
Fills: NONCITYADD Instructions: fill: NONCITYADD
Fills: BLDGNAME Instructions: Fill with BLDNAME, ELSE leave blank.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PHONENUM] <2> [goto NMAILST1] |
Universe: VERDADD = 1 or (PLACED ne 1 and newly spawned CU) or entry in NADDZP
Fills: MAILAD Instructions:
Fills: NONCITYADD Instructions: fill: NONCITYADD
Fills: BLDGNAME Instructions: Fill with BLDNAME, ELSE leave blank.
Skip Instructions: 1: goto PHONENUM 2: goto NMAILST1 |
Universe: (VISITNUM=1 and Entry in MAILAD) or (VISITNUM=1 and VERDADD= R) or (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and entry in MAILAD) OR (VISITNUM=1 AND START=2) OR (VISITNUM=1 AND INTROB=2 or 4)
What is your telephone number? Enter 0 for none.
Skip Instructions: <15 characters> [goto PHONENUMBER2] <0, D, R> [EMAILADDRESS] |
Universe: (PLACED ne 1 and Entry in MAILAD) or (PLACED ne 1 and VERDADD= R) OR (PLACED ne 1 AND START=2) OR (PLACED ne 1 AND INTROB=2 or 4)
What is your telephone number? Enter 0 for none.
Skip Instructions: 15 characters: goto PHONENUMBER2 0, D, R goto EMAILADDRESS |
Universe: VISITNUM =1 and PHONENUM >0 or (VISITNUM=2 and Entry in MAILAD)
Ask or verify, if necessary. Do you have another phone number where I can reach you? Enter 0 for none.
Skip Instructions: <15 characters, 0, D, R> [goto EMAILADDRESS] |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 and PHONENUM >0
Ask or verify, if necessary. Do you have another phone number where I can reach you? Enter 0 for none.
Skip Instructions: goto EMAILADDRESS |
Verify/change any of the information listed below. Phone Number: ^VFYINFO
Skip Instructions: <1> [If LANGUAGE=1-3, goto END_FRONT] <2> [goto V_PHONE] |
Verify/change any of the information listed below. Phone Number: ^VFYINFO
Skip Instructions: 1: goto END_FRONT 2: goto V_PHONE |
Universe: VISITNUM=1 and Entry in PHONENUM OR VISITNUM= 2 or 3 and Entry in VERIFY_INFO
Skip Instructions:
Universe: PLACED ne 1 and Entry in PHONENUM OR PLACED=1 and Entry in VERIFY_INFO
Skip Instructions: IF (PLACED=1 AND NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") goto FM_SALES ELSEIF [PLACED=1 AND (RT2500.URRAL is R AND RT2500.GQTYPE is 901 or 902) AND (FRAME is 2] goto FM_SALES ELSEIF PLACED=1 goto ANYENTR1 ELSE goto DONE
Delete variable |
Question Text: **OUT VARIABLE**
Skip Instructions: <1,2,3> |
Delete |
Question Text: ** OUT VARIABLE **
Special Instructions: NOTE: Outcome codes for a case Outcome Description 200 Case not started 201 Week 1 and Week 2 interview 202 Case started, no interview status Week 1 Note: Can become anything 203 Week 1 interview, Week 2 Type A 204 Week 1 interview, Week 2 Type B/C 205 Case started, interview Week 1, no interview status Week 2 Note: Can become 201, 203, 204 206 Week 1 Type A, Week 2 interview 207 Week 1 Type B/C, Week 2 interview 208 Week 1 noninterview, no interview status Week 2 Note: Can become 206, 207, or any of the Type A, B, C outcome codes 210 Type A one week, Type B/C the other week 216 Type A - No home (unable to contact) 217 Temporarily Absent (counted as a Type B noninterview for ROSCO) 321 Type A - Refused, Hostile respondent 322 Type A - Refused, Time- related excuses 323 Type A - Refused, Language problems 324 Type A - Refused, Other - specify 325 Type A -Diary Placed Too Late 219 Type A - Other - specify 224 Type B - All persons under 16 225 Type B - Occupied by persons URE 226 Type B - Vacant for Rent 326 Type B - Blank Diary with recall, without receipts(counted as a Type B noninterview for ROSCO) 331 Type B - Vacant for sale 332 Type B - Vacant other - specify 228 Type B - Unfit, to be demolished 229 Type B - Under construction 231 Type B - Unoccupied tent/trailer site 232 Type B - Permit granted, construction not started 233 Type B - Other - specify 240 Type C - Demolished 241 Type C - House or trailer moved 243 Type C - Converted to permanent nonresidential use 244 Type C - Merged units within the same structure 245 Type C - Condemned 247 Type C - Unused serial number on listing sheet 248 Type C - Other - specify 252 Type C - Located on military base or post 258 Type C - Unlocatable Sample Address 259 Type C - Unit does not exist or unit is out of scope 290 Type C - Spawned in error 341 Type C - CU Moved 342 Type C - CU merged with CE CU 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 216, 217, 219, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 224, 225, 226, 326, 331, 332, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 252, 258, 259, 290, 341, 342 |
Question Text: ** OUT VARIABLE **
Special Instructions: NOTE: Outcome codes for a case Outcome Description 200 Case not started 201 Week 1 and Week 2 interview 202 Case started, no interview status Week 1 Note: Can become anything 203 Week 1 interview, Week 2 Type A
206 Week 1 Type A, Week 2 interview
216 Type A - No home (unable to contact) 217 Temporarily Absent (starting January 2017 treated as Type A noninterview in ROSCO) 320 Type A – Week 2 Diary Picked Up Too Early 321 Type A - Refused, Hostile respondent 322 Type A - Refused, Time- related excuses 323 Type A - Refused, Language problems 324 Type A - Refused, Other - specify 325 Type A -Diary Placed Too Late 219 Type A - Other - specify 224 Type B - All persons under 16 225 Type B - Occupied by persons URE 226 Type B - Vacant for Rent 326 Type B - Blank Diary with recall, without receipts (counted as a Type B noninterview for ROSCO) 331 Type B - Vacant for sale 332 Type B - Vacant other - specify 228 Type B - Unfit, to be demolished 229 Type B - Under construction 231 Type B - Unoccupied tent/trailer site 232 Type B - Permit granted, construction not started 233 Type B - Other - specify 240 Type C - Demolished 241 Type C - House or trailer moved 243 Type C - Converted to permanent nonresidential use 244 Type C - Merged units within the same structure 245 Type C - Condemned 247 Type C - Unused serial number on listing sheet 248 Type C - Other - specify 252 Type C - Located on military base or post 258 Type C - Unlocatable Sample Address 259 Type C - Unit does not exist or unit is out of scope 290 Type C - Spawned in error 341 Type C - CU Moved 342 Type C - CU merged with CE CU 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 216, 217, 219, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 224, 225, 226, 326, 331, 332, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 252, 258, 259, 290, 341, 342 |
Update universe |
Universe: (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT1=201 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") and ANYENTR1=empty OR [(VISITNUM is 3 and DPLC_CHK is 1) OR (VISITNUM is 3 and LATEPK1_FLAG=Yes)
Question Text: ^Q_ANYENTR1
Fills: Q_ANYENTR1 Instructions: if QTYPE1=1 fill question text "Did you record any expenses in the Web Diary during the first week?" else fill interviewer instruction "*Were there any expenditures recorded in the Week 1 Diary at pick up?"
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [goto ANYRECAL1] |
Universe: (INSTAT1=201 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") and ANYENTR1=empty OR [(PLACED=1)]
Question Text: *Were there any expenditures recorded in the Week 1 Diary at pick up?
Skip Instructions: goto ANYRECAL1 |
Remove fills related to Web Diary (return to pre-2013 language) |
Universe: ANYENTR1=1 or 2
Fills: Q_WDRECALINQ Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill FR instruction: Remember to probe for any purchases not entered in the web diary because the respondent was too busy, forgot, or didn't think should be included.
Fills: Q_RECAL1 Instructions: Were any expenditures added to the Week 1 Diary at pick up through recall?
Fills: Q_RECALWD1 Instructions: Will any expenditures be added (including receipts) to the Receipts/Recall tab for Week 1?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ANYRECP1] <2> [If ANYENTR1=2, goto ANYBUY1] [else, goto RESPONS1] |
Universe: ANYENTR1=1 or 2
Question Text: * Were any expenditures added to the Week 1 Diary at pick up through recall?
Skip Instructions: 1: goto ANYRECP1 2: IF ANYENTR1=2, goto ANYBUY1 ELSE goto RESPONS1 |
Question Text: Did ^YOU_ANY have any expenses or purchases ^Q1_ANYBUY1? Do not include any expenses while away overnight. ^Q2_ANYBUY1
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Fills: Q1_ANYBUY1 Instructions: if QTYPE = 1 fill "during the first week" else fill "last week"
Fills: Q2_ANYBUY1 Instructions: if QTYPE ne 1 fill interviewer instruction "If NO, make sure all 7 'none' boxes are checked on the Diary." else leave blank.
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D,R> [goto RESPONS1] |
Question Text: Did ^YOU_ANY have any expenses or purchases during the first week (^PLCEDAT1+1 through ^PLCEDAT1+7)? Do not include any expenses while away overnight. If NO, make sure all 7 'none' boxes are checked on the Diary.
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Skip Instructions: goto RESPONS1 |
INFORULE1(old) |
Delete variable (since this is “old,” it should not be listed) |
Universe: (ANYRECAL1=2) OR (ANYRECP1=1 or 2) OR (ANYBUY1=1,2,D or R)
Question Text: ^INFORULE1
Fills: INFORULE1 Instructions: 1. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=5, fill "The Week 1 Diary is a Type A, Refusal. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for days between the end of Week 1 Diary and the placement of Week 2 Diary." 2a. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 1 Diary by recall." 2b. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDAT1 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is a Type B. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for days between the end of Week 1 Diary and the placement of Week 2 Diary." 3. Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, fill "Week 1 Diary is a Type A noninterview". 4a. Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement or on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8 OR PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 1 Diary by recall." 4b.Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day after placement or the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PLCEDAT1+9 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "Week 1 Diary is a Type B noninterview" 5. No double placement, placed during the normal placment period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day, respons1 is 1,2,3,4, or 7. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDAT1 +14 >= PICKDTE1 >= PLCEDAT1+9) AND RESPONS1=1,2,3,4 or 7, fill "Week 1 Diary is an interview. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for the days between the end of Week 1 Diary and placement of Week 2 Diary" 6. All others, fill " Week 1 Diary is an interview"
Special Instructions: 1. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=5, store blank in PICK_UP1 2a. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 2b. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDATE 1 + 9 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 3. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, store blank in PICK_UP1 4a. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8 OR PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 4b. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PLCEDAT1+9 <=PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 5. All others, store 201 in PICK_UP1 Skip Instructions: <1> [If DPLC_CHK=1 and RESPONS1=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto ANYENTR2] [If DPLC_CHK ne 1, and RESPONS1=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto END_PICKUP] [If RESPONS1=5, goto RFRN_PK1] [If PICK_UP1=326, goto CP1NAM_PK1] |
Delete variable (since this is “old,” it should not be listed) |
Universe: (ANYRECAL1=2) OR (ANYRECP1=1 or 2) OR (ANYBUY1=1,2,D or R)
Question Text: ^INFORULE1
Fills: INFORULE1 Instructions: 1. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=5, fill "The Week 1 Diary is a Type A, Refusal. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for days between the end of Week 1 Diary and the placement of Week 2 Diary." 2a. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 1 Diary by recall." 2b. No double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDAT1 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is a Type B. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for days between the end of Week 1 Diary and the placement of Week 2 Diary." 3.Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, fill "Week 1 Diary is a Type A noninterview". 4a. Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement or on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8 OR PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "The Week 1 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 1 Diary by recall." 4b.Double placement, placed during the week 1 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day after placement or the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PLCEDAT1+9 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, fill "Week 1 Diary is a Type B noninterview" 5. No double placement, placed during the normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day, respons1 is 1,2,3,4, or 7. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDAT1 +14 >= PICKDTE1 >= PLCEDAT1+9) AND RESPONS1=1,2,3,4 or 7, fill "Week 1 Diary is an interview. Do recall on Week 2 Diary for the days between the end of Week 1 Diary and placement of Week 2 Diary" 6. All others, fill " Week 1 Diary is an interview"
Special Instructions: 1. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=5, store blank in PICK_UP1 2a. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 2b. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND (PLCEDATE 1 + 9 <= PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+14) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 3. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, store blank in PICK_UP1 4a. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+8 OR PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 4b. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PLCEDAT1+9 <=PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1> [If DPLC_CHK=1 and RESPONS1=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto ANYENTR2] [If DPLC_CHK ne 1, and RESPONS1=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto END_PICKUP] [If RESPONS1=5, goto RFRN_PK1] [If PICK_UP1=326, goto CP1NAM_PK1] |
Universe: (ANYRECAL1=2) OR (ANYRECP1=1 or 2) OR (ANYBUY1=1,2,D or R)
Question Text: ^INFORULE1
Fills: INFORULE1 Instructions:
Special Instructions: 1. If (PICKDTE1<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=5, store blank in PICK_UP1 2a. If (PICKDTE1= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS1=6, store 201 in PICK_UP1 2b. If (PLCEDAT1+9 <=PICKDTE1<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS1=6, store 326 in PICK_UP1 3. All others, store 201 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: IF RESPONS1=5, goto RFRN_PK1 ELSEIF RESPONS1=6, goto CP1NAM_PK1 ELSEIF current date less than PLCEDAT1+8 goto INFORULE2 ELSE goto ANYENTR2]
Delete variable |
Universe: VISITNUM=3 AND DPLC_CHK=1 AND current date <=PLCEDAT1+14
Are you also picking up the Week 2 Diary?
Skip Instructions: <1, 2> [goto ANYENTR2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: ((INTROB=3 or START=4) AND VISITNUM=2 AND INSTAT1 = 201) OR ((INTROB=3 or START=4) AND VISITNUM is 3 and DPLC_CHK is 1)
What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal Type B = Temporarily absent, Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved^Q_NTYP_PK1^Q_NTYP_PK2
Fills: Q_NTYP_PK1 Instructions: if INTPER = 201313, 201314, 201315 then fill ", Web Diary Spawn"
Fills: Q_NTYP_PK2 Instructions: if INTPER = 201313, 201314, 201315, then fill ", Web Diary Language Barrier"
Special Instructions: 1. Set PICK_UP1, PICKDTE1, INSTAT2, PLCEDAT2, PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 =empty.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TYPA_PK1] <2> [goto TYPB_PK1] <3> [goto TYPC_PK1] |
Universe: ((INTROB=3 or START=4) AND PLACED=1)
What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal, Temporarily absent Type B = Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved
Special Instructions: 1. Set PICK_UP1, PICKDTE1, INSTAT2, PLCEDAT2, PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 =empty.
Skip Instructions: 1: goto TYPA_PK1 2: goto TYPB_PK1 3: goto TYPC_PK1 |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is a 1
Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [If DPLC_CHK =1, goto ANYENTR2] [Else, goto END_PICKUP] <2> [goto RFRN_PK1] <3> [goto TPAS_PK1] |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is a 1
Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1, 3: goto END_PICKUP 2: goto RFRN_PK1 4: goto TPAS_PK1 |
Skip instructions should reflect that this type A code will apply to both weeks. Therefore, the instrument should next goto END_PICKUP |
Universe: TYPA_PK1 is 3
Specify other TYPE A
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [If DPLC_CHK =1, goto ANYENTR2] [Else, goto END_PICKUP] |
Universe: TYPA_PK1 is 4
Specify other TYPE A
Skip Instructions: goto END_PICKUP |
Universe: TYPA_PK1 is 2 OR [(RESPONS1=5) and PICK_UP1 ne 201) and (VISITNUM=2)] OR [(RESPONS1=5) and (PICK_UP1 ne 201) and (VISITNUM=3) and (DPLC_CHK=1)]
Question Text: Enter type of refusal
Special Instructions:
IF RFRN_PK1 is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_PK1 is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_PK1 is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [If DPLC_CHK =1, goto ANYENTR2] [Else, goto END_PICKUP] <4> [goto RSNS_PK1] |
Universe: TYPA_PK1 is 2 OR [(RESPONS1=5) and (PICK_UP1 ne 201) and (PLACED=1)]
Question Text: Enter type of refusal
Special Instructions:
IF RFRN_PK1 is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_PK1 is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_PK1 is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1
IF TYPA_PK1=2 and RFRN_PK1 is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPA_PK1=2 and RFRN_PK1 is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPA_PK1=2 and RFRN_PK1 is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: 1-3: IF TYPA_PK1=2 goto END_PICKUP ELSEIF current date less than PLCEDAT1+8 goto INFORULE2 ELSE goto ANYENTR2 4: goto RSNS_PK1 |
Add skip instructions for when Type As are coded from the non-interview screen (and not the pickup questions) – same code should be applied to both weeks and Type A variables for week 2 should be skipped |
Universe: RFRN_PK1 is a 4
Specify type of refusal
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [If DPLC_CHK =1, goto ANYENTR2] [Else, goto END_PICKUP] |
Universe: RFRN_PK1 is a 4
Specify type of refusal
Skip Instructions: IF TYPA_PK1=2 goto END_PICKUP ELSEIF current date less than PLCEDAT1+8 goto INFORULE2 ELSE goto ANYENTR2 |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is 2
Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPB_PK1 is 2 then store 331 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 3 then store 332 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 4 then store 225 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 5 then store 229 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 6 then store 224 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 7 then store 228 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 8 then store 231 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 9 then store 232 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 10 then store 217 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPB_PK1 is 11 then store 233 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-10> [goto BYOBS_PK1] <11> [goto TPBS_PK1] |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is 2
Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPB_PK1 is 2 then store 331 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 3 then store 332 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 4 then store 225 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 5 then store 229 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 6 then store 224 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 7 then store 228 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 8 then store 231 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 9 then store 232 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK1 is 10 then store 233 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-9: goto BYOBS_PK1 10: [goto TPBS_PK1 |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is 3
Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 , fill 14 and 15 on answer list TTYPEC
IF TYPC_PK1 is 1 then store 240 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 2 then store 241 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 3 then store 243 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 4 then store 244 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 5 then store 245 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 6 then store 252 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 7 then store 247 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 8 then store 341 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 9 then store 342 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 11 then store 259 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in PICK_UP1, else leave blank IF TYPC_PK1 is 13 then store 248 in PICK_UP1 IF TYPC_PK1 is 14 then store 249 in PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-12, 14> [goto BYOBS_PK1] <13> [goto TPCS_PK1] |
Universe: NTYP_PK1 is 3
Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPC_PK1 is 1 then store 240 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 2 then store 241 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 3 then store 243 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 4 then store 244 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 5 then store 245 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 6 then store 252 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 7 then store 247 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 8 then store 341 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 9 then store 342 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 11 then store 259 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK1 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2, else leave blank IF TYPC_PK1 is 13 then store 248 in PICK_UP1 and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-12: goto BYOBS_PK1 13: goto TPCS_PK1 |
Update universe |
Universe: (TYPB_PK1=1-10) OR (Entry in TPBS_PK1) OR (TYPC_PK1=0-9) OR (Entry in TPCS_PK1)
Did you classify this unit by observation only?
Special Instructions: 1. Store 1 in CP1TYPE if BYOBS_PK1 is 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto END_PICKUP] <2> [goto CP1NAME_PK1] |
Universe: (TYPB_PK1=1-9) OR (Entry in TPBS_PK1) OR (TYPC_PK1=1-12) OR (Entry in TPCS_PK1)
Did you classify this unit by observation only?
Special Instructions: 1. Store 1 in CP1TYPE if BYOBS_PK1 is 2
Skip Instructions: 1: goto END_PICKUP 2: goto CP1NAME_PK1 |
Delete variable |
Universe: DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND VISITNUM=2 AND INSTAT1=201 AND (PICK_UP1 ne 201 or Type C or blank) AND (SCR_PLC2_FLAG has not been set) AND (RESPONS1 ne 5 ) AND (RESPONS1 ne 6]]
The Week 1 Diary was a noninterview at pickup. Did you attempt to place the Week 2 Diary?
Special Instructions: If 2 selected, then set SCR_PLC2_FLAG to "yes"
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WK2_ST2] <2> [goto THANK_W1] |
Delete variable |
Universe: (VISITNUM=3 and INSTAT2=201 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") OR (VISITNUM=3 AND DPLC_CHK=1 AND current date <=PLCEDAT1+14 AND SCR_PK2=1 or 2)
Fills: Q_ANYENTR2 Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 fill interviewer text "Did you record any expenses in the Web Diary during the second week?" else fill interviewer instruction "Were there any expenditures recorded in the Week 2 Diary at pick up?"
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [goto ANYRECAL2] |
Universe: (PLACED=1 and INSTAT2=201 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes")
Skip Instructions: goto ANYRECAL2 |
Remove fills for Web Diary and return question wording to original (pre-2013) wording |
Fills: Q_WDRECALINQ Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill FR instruction: Remember to probe for any purchases not entered in the web diary because the respondent was too busy, forgot, or didn't think should be included.
Fills: Q_RECAL2 Instructions: Were any expenditures added to the Week 2 Diary at pick up through recall?
Fills: Q_RECALWD2 Instructions: Will any expenditures be added (including receipts) to the Receipts/Recall tab for Week 2?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ANYRECP2] <2> [if ANYENTR2=2, goto ANYBUY2] [else, goto RESPONS2] |
Skip Instructions: 1: goto ANYRECP2 2: IF ANYENTR2=2, goto ANYBUY2 ELSE goto RESPONS2 |
Did ^YOU_ANY have any expenses or purchases ^Q1_ANYBUY2? Do not include any expenses while away overnight. ^Q2_ANYBUY2
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Fills: Q1_ANYBUY2 Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 fill question text "during the second week" else fill question text "last week".
Fills: Q2_ANYBUY2 Instructions: If QTYPE ne 1 fill interviewer instruction "If NO, make sure all 7 none boxes are checked on the Diary." Else leave blank.
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D,R> [goto RESPONS2] |
Did ^YOU_ANY have any expenses or purchases during the second week (^PLCEDAT1+8 through ^PLCEDAT1+14)? Do not include any expenses while away overnight. If NO, make sure all 7 none boxes are checked on the Diary.
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Skip Instructions: goto RESPONS2 |
Universe: (ANYRECAL2=2) OR (ANYRECP2=1or 2) OR (ANYBUY2=1,2,D or R)
Fills: INFORULE2 Instructions: 1. No double placement, week 1 diary =noninterview, week 2 diary placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 ne 201 AND (PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2+ 14) AND RESPONS2=5, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type A, Refusal" 2a. No double placement, week 1 diary =noninterview, week 2 diary placed during normal placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall , no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 ne 201 AND (PICKDTE2 = PLCEDAT2+ 8) AND RESPONS2=6, fill "The Week 2 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 2 Diary by recall ". 2b. No double placement, week 1 diary = noninterview, week 2 diary placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal placement period but AFTER the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and PLCEDAT2 + 9 <= PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2 + 14 AND RESPONS2 = 6, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type B." 3. No double placement, week 1 diary =interview, week 2 diary placed during normal week 2 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT = 201 AND (PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2+13) AND RESPONS2=5, fill Week 2 Diary is a Type A, Refusal" 4a. No double placement, week 1 diary =interview, week 2 diary placed during normal week 2 placement period, picked up on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1=201 AND (PICKDTE2 = PLCEDAT2+8) AND RESPONS2=6, fill The Week 2 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 2 Diary by recall " 4b. No double placement, week 1 diary =interview, week 2 diary placed during normal week 2 placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 8th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1=201 AND (PLCDAT2+9 <= PICKDTE2 <=PLCEDAT2+14) AND RESPONS2=6, fill Week 2 Diary is a Type B" 5. Double placement, both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=5, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type A, Refusal." 6a. Double placement, both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS2=6, fill "The Week 2 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 2 Diary by recall" 6b. Double placement, both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=6, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type B " 7. All others, fill "Week 2 Diary is an interview"
Special Instructions: 1. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 ne 201 AND (PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2+ 14) AND RESPONS2=5, store "blank" in PICK_UP2 2a. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 ne 201 AND (PICKDTE2 = PLCEDAT2+ 8) AND RESPONS2=6 and SEC4BFLG="yes", store 201 in PICK_UP2 2b. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 ne 201 AND (PLCEDAT2 + 9 <= PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2 + 14) AND RESPONS2=6, store 326 in PICK_UP2 3. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1 = 201 AND (PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2+13) AND RESPONS2=5, store "blank" in PICK_UP2 4a. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1=201 AND (PICKDTE2= PLCEDAT2+8) AND RESPONS2=6 and SEC4BFLG="yes", store 201 in PICK_UP2 4b.If DPLC_CHK ne 1 AND INSTAT1=201 AND (PLCDAT2+9 <= PICKDTE2 <= PLCEDAT2+14) AND RESPONS2=6, store 326 in PICK_UP2 5. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=5, store "blank" in PICK_UP2 6a. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS2=6 and SEC4BFLG="yes", store 201in PICK_UP2 6b. If DPLC_CHK = 1 AND (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=6, store 326 in PICK_UP2 7. All others , if SEC4BFLG="yes", store 201 in PICK_UP2 Else, store 'blank' in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <1> [If RESPONS2=1,2,3, 4 or 7, goto END_PICKUP] [If RESPONS2=5, goto RFRN_PK2] [If PICK_UP2=326, goto CP1NAM_PK2] |
Universe: (ANYRECAL2=2) OR (ANYRECP2=1or 2) OR (ANYBUY2=1,2,D or R) OR [current date is less than PLCEDAT1+8]
Fills: INFORULE2 Instructions: 1. Both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period, no entries, no recall If (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=5, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type A, Refusal." 2a. Both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If (PICKDTE2= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS2=6, fill "The Week 2 Diary is an interview. Complete the Week 2 Diary by recall" 2b. Both diaries placed during normal placement period, picked up during the normal pick up period but not on the 15th day after placement, no entries, recall, no receipts If (PICKDTE2<= PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=6, fill "Week 2 Diary is a Type B " 3. Both diaries placed during normal placement period, diaries picked up prior to Week 2 beginning. IF PICKDTE1 less than PLCEDAT1+8, fill “Week 2 Diary is a Type A“ 4. All others, fill "Week 2 Diary is an interview"
Special Instructions: 1. If (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=5, store "blank" in PICK_UP2 2a. If (PICKDTE2= PLCEDAT1+15) AND RESPONS2=6 and SEC4BFLG="yes", store 201 in PICK_UP2 2b. If (PICKDTE2<=PLCEDAT1+21) AND RESPONS2=6, store 326 in PICK_UP2 3. If PICKDTE2 < PLCEDAT1+8, store 320 in PICK_UP2 4. All others store 201 in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: IF RESPONS2=5, goto RFRN_PK2 IF RESPONS2=6, goto CP1NAM_PK2 ELSE goto END_PICKUP
Delete variable. For non-interviews that are not refusals coded through the diary week pickup questions, PICK_UP2 and PICKDTE2, and associated variables will be set by their week 1 counterparts |
Universe: VISITNUM=3 AND (START=3 or INTROB=3)
What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal Type B = Temporarily absent, Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved
Special Instructions: 1. Set PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 = empty.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TYPA_PK2] <2> [goto TYPB_PK2] <3> [goto TYPC_PK2] |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable. For non-interviews that are not refusals coded through the diary week pickup questions, PICK_UP2 and PICKDTE2, and associated variables will be set by their week 1 counterparts |
Universe: NTYP_PK2 is a 1
Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto END_PICKUP] <2> [goto RFRN_PK2] <3> [goto TPAS_PK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: TYPA_PK2 is 3
Specify other TYPE A
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto END_PICKUP] |
Delete variable |
Update universe to reflect that this question will only be accessed for week 2 diaries with RESPONS2=5 |
Universe: NTYP_PK2 is a 2 OR RESPONS2=5
Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRN_PK2 is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_PK2 is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_PK2 is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto END_PICKUP] <4> [goto RSNS_PK2] |
Universe: RESPONS2=5
Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRN_PK2 is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_PK2 is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_PK2 is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-3: goto END_PICKUP 4: goto RSNS_PK2 |
Delete variable. For non-interviews that are not refusals coded through the diary week pickup questions, PICK_UP2 and PICKDTE2, and associated variables will be set by their week 1 counterparts |
Universe: NTYP_PK2 is 2
Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPB_PK2 is 2 then store 331 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 3 then store 332 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 4 then store 225 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 5 then store 229 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 6 then store 224 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 7 then store 228 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 8 then store 231 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 9 then store 232 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 10 then store 217 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPB_PK2 is 11 then store 233 in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <1-10> [goto BYOBS_PK2] <11> [goto TPBS_PK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: TYPB_PK2 is 11
Specify other TYPE B
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_PK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable. For non-interviews that are not refusals coded through the diary week pickup questions, PICK_UP2 and PICKDTE2, and associated variables will be set by their week 1 counterparts |
Universe: NTYP_PK2 is a 3
Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions: If QTYPE = 1, fill 14 and 15 on answer list TTYPEC
IF TYPC_PK2 is 1 then store 240 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 2 then store 241 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 3 then store 243 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 4 then store 244 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 5 then store 245 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 6 then store 252 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 7 then store 247 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 8 then store 341 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 9 then store 342 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 11 then store 259 in PICK_UP2 IF TYPC_PK2 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in PICK_UP1, else leave blank IF TYPC_PK2 is 13 then store 248 in PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <0-9> [goto BYOBS_PK2] <10> [goto TPCS_PK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: TYPB_PK2 is 11
Specify other TYPE C
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_PK2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: ALL
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions:
Universe: ALL
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: IF PICK_UP1=201 or PICK_UP2=201 goto PRE_01 ELSEIF PICK_UP2=240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 252, 256, 257, 258, 259, 290, OR 341 goto DONE ELSE goto THANKYOU |
Universe: [ (REPLACE is 1) AND (INTROB is not 3 or START=3)
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions: 1. [If Rural and Group Quarters units not coded 92-N or 93-N (RT2501.URRAL is R AND FRAME is 3 AND RT2501.GQTYPE not blank or 901 or 902) then store 2 in FM_SALES
Skip Instructions:
Universe: [ (REPLACE is 1) AND (INTROB is not 3 or START=3)
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions: 1. [If Rural and Group Quarters units not coded 92-N or 93-N (RT2501.URRAL is R AND FRAME is 3 AND RT2501.GQTYPE not blank or 901 or 902) then store 2 in FM_SALES
Skip Instructions:
Universe: [[If (VISITNUM=1) or (VISITNUM=2 and 3rd position in CASEID is R)] AND (RT2501.URRAL is R) AND (RT2501.FRAME is not 3 or RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902) AND NONINT_FLAG ne "yes"] OR[(VISITNUM=2 and (INSTAT1 =216,217,219, 321-325) and RT2501.URRAL is R) AND (RT2501.FRAME is not 3 or RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902) AND NONINT_FLAG ne "yes"]
Question Text: During the past 12 months did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to $1,000 or more?
Special Instructions: If RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902 prefill FM_SALES = 2
Skip Instructions: <1, 2> [goto GQ_UNIT] |
Universe: [[If PLACED ne 1] AND (RT2501.URRAL is R) AND (RT2501.FRAME is not 3 or RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902) AND NONINT_FLAG ne "yes"]
Question Text: During the past 12 months did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to $1,000 or more?
Special Instructions: If RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902 prefill FM_SALES = 2
Skip Instructions: goto GQ_UNIT |
Universe: (FM_SALES=1 or 2) OR [(VISITNUM=1) OR (VISITNUM=2 AND 3rd position in CASEID is R)] AND (RT2501.URRAL is U) AND (NONINT_FLAG ne "yes")] OR [[(VISITNUM=1) OR (VISITNUM=2 AND 3rd position in CASEID is R)] AND (RT2501.URRAL is R) AND (FRAME is 3) AND (RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902) AND (NONINT_FLAG ne "yes")]
Indicate if the unit is:
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in GQCHECK
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DESCRIP] <2, D> [goto DIRACC] |
Universe: (FM_SALES=1 or 2) OR [PLACED ne 1] AND (RT2501.URRAL is U) AND (NONINT_FLAG ne "yes")] OR [[PLACED ne 1] AND (RT2501.URRAL is R) AND (FRAME is 3) AND (RT2501.GQTYPE = 901 or 902) AND (NONINT_FLAG ne "yes")]
Indicate if the unit is:
Special Instructions: 1. Store entry in GQCHECK
Skip Instructions: 1: goto DESCRIP 2, D: goto DIRACC |
Universe: DIRACC is 2 or D
Is this a merged unit?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1,D> [goto DESCRIP] <2> [goto ERR_MERGE] |
Universe: DIRACC is 2 or D
Is this a merged unit?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1,D: goto DESCRIP 2: goto ERR_MERGE |
Remove skip instructions related to Web Diary |
Universe: DESCRIP is 1-6, 8,9 or D OR Entry in DESCRSP
Ask if not apparent How many housing units, both occupied and vacant, are there in this structure?
Skip Instructions: If INTPER = 201301, 201302, 201303, 201313, 201314, 201315 goto HM_NET, else if INTPER= 201507, 201508, 201509 goto INT_HOME else goto END_COVERAGE |
Universe: DESCRIP is 1-6, 8,9 or D OR Entry in DESCRSP
Ask if not apparent How many housing units, both occupied and vacant, are there in this structure?
Skip Instructions: goto END_COVERAGE |
Delete variable |
Universe: IF ((VISITNUM = 1) AND (START NE 3,4,5) AND INTROB =1) AND (INTPER in 201507, 201508, 201509) AND (UNITQ = 1-10)) OR ((VISITNUM = 2) AND (INSTAT1 <> 201) AND (START NE 3,4,5) AND (INTROB =1) AND (INTPER in 201507, 201508, 201509) AND (UNITQ = 1-10 or (instat1_ = 216 or instat1_ = 217 or instat1_ = 321 or instat1_ = 322 or instat1_ = 323 or instat1_ = 324 or instat1_ = 325 or instat1_ = 219 or instat1_ = 224 or instat1_ = 225 or instat1_ = 226 or instat1 = 331_ or instat1_ = 332 or instat1_ = 228 or instat1_ = 229 or instat1_ = 231 or instat1_ = 232 or instat1_ = 233))
Does this home have high-speed internet access, such as DSL, cable, broadband, or FiOS? Do not include dial-up.
Skip Instructions: goto INT_PHON |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: INT_HOME dne EMPTY
Do you or anyone in this household have high-speed internet access through a smartphone with a data plan?
Skip Instructions: goto END_COVERAGE |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable |
Universe: IF ((VISITNUM = 1) AND (START NE 3,4,5) AND INTROB =1) AND (qtype = '1' or INTPER = '201301' OR INTPER = '201302' OR INTPER = '201303' OR INTPER = '201313' OR INTPER = '201314' OR INTPER = '201315') AND (UNITQ = 1-10)) OR ((VISITNUM = 2) AND (INSTAT1 <> 201) AND (START NE 3,4,5) AND (qtype = '1' or INTPER = '201301' OR INTPER = '201302' OR INTPER = '201303' OR INTPER = '201313' OR INTPER = '201314' OR INTPER = '201315') AND (UNITQ = 1-10 or (instat1 = 216 or instat1 = 217 or instat1 = 321 or instat1 = 322 or instat1 = 323 or instat1 = 324 or instat1 = 325 or instat1 = 219 or instat1 = 224 or instat1 = 225 or instat1 = 226 or instat1 = 331 or instat1 = 332 or instat1 = 228 or instat1 = 229 or instat1 = 231 or instat1 = 232 or instat1 = 233) AND NONINT_FLAG <> YES ))
Does this household have internet access at home? Internet access via mobile phone also applies.
Store Instructions: If QTYPE=1 and HM_NET=2,D,RF store 249 in INSTAT1 and PICK_UP1, INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2.
Skip Instructions: <1> goto EM_ACCS <2,D,R> and QTYPE=1 goto THANK_W1, else go to END_COVERAGE |
Delete variable. |
Delete variable |
Universe: if HM_NET=1
Is this through –
Store Instructions: If QTYPE=1 and EM_ACCS=3 only, store 249 in INSTAT1 and PICK_UP1, INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2.
Skip Instructions: if <1>,<1,2>,<1,2,3>, <1,3>, D, R goto END_COVERAGE if <3> only and QTYPE=1 goto THANK_W1 |
Delete variable. |
Universe: (VISITNUM=1)
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Skip Instructions: [if VISITNUM=1 AND NTYPE_W1= 1 or 2, goto THANK_W1] [if VISITNUM=1 AND NTYPE_W1= 3, goto THANKYOU] [else, goto PRE_01] {Section 1} |
Universe: (PLACED ne 1)
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Skip Instructions: IF PLACED ne 1 AND NTYPE_W1 ne blank goto THANKYOU ELSE goto PRE_01 {Section 1} |
If new outcome code 320 is added, it will need to be added here |
Question Text: **OUT VARIABLE**
Special Instructions: 1. See OUTCOME for code description <201, 216,217,219, 224-226, 228-229, 231-233, 240, 241, 243-248, 252, 258, 259, 290, 321-325, 331, 332, 341, 342> |
If new outcome code 320 is added, it will need to be added here |
If new outcome code 320 is added, it will need to be added here |
Question Text: **OUT VARIABLE**
Special Instructions: 1. See OUTCOME for code description <201, 216,217,219, 224-226, 228-229, 231-233, 240, 241, 243-248, 252, 258, 259, 290, 321-325, 331, 332, 341, 342> |
If new outcome code 320 is added, it will need to be added here |
Section 1 |
BSect1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 1, or newcu is 1 OR for variables MEMAWYW1 AND GUESTSW1, VISITNUM = 2 OR for variables MEMAWYW2 AND GUESTSW2, VISITNUM = 3
Block Instructions: 1. Max # of grid lines: 30 2. Output Block Name: 3. Section Label: Household Roster 4. NOTE: Active household member = person with HH_MEM and PERSTAT ne 99 AND ST_CODE ne 1 |
Universe: PLACED ne 1, or newcu is 1 OR for variables MEMAWYW1, MEMAWYW2, PLACED=1
Block Instructions: 1. Max # of grid lines: 30 2. Output Block Name: 3. Section Label: Household Roster 4. NOTE: Active household member = person with HH_MEM and PERSTAT ne 99 AND ST_CODE ne 1 |
Section 1 |
PRE_01 |
Inherited Universe: VISITNUM is 1, or newcu is 1 OR for variables MEMAWYW1 AND GUESTSW1, VISITNUM = 2 OR for variables MEMAWYW2 AND GUESTSW2, VISITNUM = 3 Universe: START is not 3 or 4 AND INTROB is 1 AND REPLACE_SPAWN is 'No' and VERADD is not R and OUTCOME < 214 and TOTSPAWN < 4
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: [If VISITNUM is 1 or replacement household (3rd position of CASEID = R) goto FNAME] [If VISITNUM is 2 OR if VISITNUM is 3 AND double placement go to MEMAWYW1] [If VISITNUM is 3 go to MEMAWYW2] |
Inherited Universe: PLACED ne 1, or newcu is 1 OR for variables MEMAWYW1, MEMAWYW2, PLACED=1 Universe: START is not 3 or 4 AND INTROB is 1 AND REPLACE_SPAWN is 'No' and VERADD is not R and OUTCOME < 214 and TOTSPAWN < 4
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: IF PLACED=1 go to MEMAWYW1 ELSE goto FNAME
Section 1 |
Universe: (BACKING-UP in a new interview.) VISITNUM =1 OR REPLACE = 1
Question Text: Use up/down arrows to move to the correct row for membership change. Use left/right arrows to move to REVIEW/Update demographics. When done, REVIEW/Update demographics and Press END key. 7. Delete person 8. CU Member deceased 9. Reinstate person 99. Error - Person should not have been listed
Special Instructions: 1. For new cases do not bring this item on path until after the first name field has been entered. 2. If 99 is entered then gray this line in the grid
Skip Instructions: <7,8,9,99> |
Universe: (BACKING-UP in a new interview.) PLACED ne 1
Question Text: Use up/down arrows to move to the correct row for membership change. Use left/right arrows to move to REVIEW/Update demographics. When done, REVIEW/Update demographics and Press END key. 7. Delete person 8. CU Member deceased 9. Reinstate person 99. Error - Person should not have been listed
Special Instructions: 1. For new cases do not bring this item on path until after the first name field has been entered. 2. If 99 is entered then gray this line in the grid
Skip Instructions: <7, 8, 9, 99> |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM = 1 OR REPLACE = 1
Question Text: ^FNAME Enter 999 if no more persons
Fills: FNAME Instructions: If this is the first name field on the grid then fill "What are the names of all persons living or staying here?" Start with the name of the person, or one of the persons, who owns/rents this home/ What is the name of the next person living or staying here? Else fill "What is the name of the . . ."
Special Instructions: 1. Assign line numbers starting with 01 for the first person using the variable MEMBNO 2. if entry of 999 then delete any data on this line and below of the grid.
Skip Instructions: <16 characters> [goto LNAME] <999> [goto CHECKS] |
Universe: PLACED ne 1
Question Text: ^FNAME Enter 999 if no more persons
Fills: FNAME Instructions: If this is the first name field on the grid then fill "What are the names of all persons living or staying here?" Start with the name of the person, or one of the persons, who owns/rents this home/ What is the name of the next person living or staying here? Else fill "What is the name of the . . ."
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 16 characters: goto LNAME 999: goto CHECKS |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM = 1 OR REPLACE = 1 AND Entry in LNAME AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent What is ^YOUR_NAMES relationship to ^YOU_REFPER? If this is the Reference Person, Enter 1 (The Reference person is one of the persons who owns or rents this home.)
Fills: YOUR_NAMES Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "your" ELSE fill "^NAME's"
Fills: YOU_REFPER Instructions: If MEMBNO = the reference person (REFPER) then fill "you" ELSE IF no reference person has been selected yet, fill "the owner/renter" ELSE fill "^NAME[REFPER]"
Store Instructions:
ELSE if NEWUNIT is S then store 9 in HH_CODE1 {What if the parent cu that we base the HH_CODE1 off of gets deleted}
Special Instructions: 1. Reference person does not have to be listed on line 1
Skip Instructions: <1-10, D, R> [goto SEX] <Empty>
Sponsor Edits: If CU_CODE1=10, store 0 in CU_CODE1 |
Universe: PLACED ne 1AND Entry in LNAME AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent What is ^YOUR_NAMES relationship to ^YOU_REFPER? If this is the Reference Person, Enter 1 (The Reference person is one of the persons who owns or rents this home.)
Fills: YOUR_NAMES Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "your" ELSE fill "^NAME's"
Fills: YOU_REFPER Instructions: If MEMBNO = the reference person (REFPER) then fill "you" ELSE IF no reference person has been selected yet, fill "the owner/renter" ELSE fill "^NAME[REFPER]"
Store Instructions:
ELSE if NEWUNIT is S then store 9 in HH_CODE1 {What if the parent cu that we base the HH_CODE1 off of gets deleted}
Special Instructions: 1. Reference person does not have to be listed on line 1
Skip Instructions: goto SEX
Sponsor Edits: If CU_CODE1=10, store 0 in CU_CODE1 |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM =1 OR REPLACE = 1 AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName male or female?
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: goto AWAY_COL |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName male or female?
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: goto AWAY_COL |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM = 1 OR REPLACE = 1 AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName living away at college?
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> If CU_CODE1 = 1 goto AWAY_COL_CK ELSE goto FNAME for next person on grid <2, D, R> [goto HH_MEM] <empty> |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName living away at college?
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1: IF CU_CODE1 = 1 goto AWAY_COL_CK ELSE goto FNAME for next person on grid 2, D, R: goto HH_MEM
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM = 1 OR REPLACE = 1 AND FNAME is not 999 AND AWAY_COL is 2, D or R AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: ^Doyou_Doesname usually live here? Probe if usual place of residence elsewhere.
Fills: Doyou_Doesname Instructions: IF MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Do you" ELSE fill "Does ^NAME"
Special Instructions: If CU_CODE1 = 1 goto HH_MEM_CK; ELSE goto next line of grid.
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R> [goto next line of grid] <empty> |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 FNAME is not 999 AND AWAY_COL is 2, D or R AND PERSTAT ne 99
Question Text: ^Doyou_Doesname usually live here? Probe if usual place of residence elsewhere.
Fills: Doyou_Doesname Instructions: IF MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Do you" ELSE fill "Does ^NAME"
Special Instructions: If CU_CODE1 = 1 goto HH_MEM_CK; ELSE goto next line of grid.
Skip Instructions: goto next line of grid |
Section 1 |
Universe: HHRESP is 1-30 or 95 AND (VISITNUM is 1 OR REPLACE = 1] AND less than 30 persons on the household roster OR (VISITNUM=2 and NEWCU=1)
Question Text: So I have (number of people listed on roster ) ^PEOPLEPERSON living or staying here now. [Fill names from roster screen] Is there anyone else living or staying here now -- any babies, small children, non-relatives or anyone else? Please verify that the information on the screen is correct. You will not be able to alter the list of household members after this screen.
Fills: PEOPLEPERSON Instructions: IF there is more than one person in the household, fill "people" ELSE fill "person"
Special Instructions: Read Names should be in blue. Skip Instructions: <1> go to ADD_PERSON <2, D, R> go to CK_SUBFAMILY |
Universe: (HHRESP is 1-30 or 95) AND (PLACED ne 1) AND less than 30 persons on the household roster
Question Text: So I have (number of people listed on roster ) ^PEOPLEPERSON living or staying here now. [Fill names from roster screen] Is there anyone else living or staying here now -- any babies, small children, non-relatives or anyone else? Please verify that the information on the screen is correct. You will not be able to alter the list of household members after this screen.
Fills: PEOPLEPERSON Instructions: IF there is more than one person in the household, fill "people" ELSE fill "person"
Special Instructions: Read Names should be in blue. Skip Instructions: 1: go to ADD_PERSON 2, D, R: go to CK_SUBFAMILY |
Section 1 |
Remove fill related to Web Diary |
Universe: UPDATE_SUBFAMILY is complete with all CUs defined AND CUNUMBER is greater than 1
Fills: Q_CONSUMER_UNITS Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill interviewer instruction "*This is a WEB DIARY case. Be sure to interview only CU 01. Any additional CUs should be coded as "Type C – Web Diary Spawn" in Case Management. Else leave blank.
Special Instructions: After CU(s) established, store number of persons in current CU in variable NUMHOUSE (for the case). Set ROSTERINFO = "Yes"
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CU_INTRO] |
Universe: UPDATE_SUBFAMILY is complete with all CUs defined AND CUNUMBER is greater than 1
Question Text: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS BROKEN INTO APPROPRIATE CU's [Fill: TOTAL_CU] have been determined.
Special Instructions: After CU(s) established, store number of persons in current CU in variable NUMHOUSE (for the case). Set ROSTERINFO = "Yes"
Skip Instructions: goto CU_INTRO |
Section 1 |
Universe: Entry in CONSUMER_UNITS
Question Text: [fill: *Read if necessary] During this interview, I will refer to the (fill: person/people) on your list. (If household has more than one CU, read: This is the person or group of related people in this household who are independent of everyone else in the household for payment of their major expenses.) The (fill: person/people I'm including on your list is/are (READ NAME(S)) [Fill: CU LIST ] *Transcribe the name(s) to the ^Q_CU_INTRO. 1. Enter 1 to continue
Fills: Q_CU_INTRO Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Web Diary user guide". Else, fill "Diary".
Special Instructions: 1. For the next table/grid, gray the rows for persons not in this CU, (persons whose CUNUMBER does not equal (I_CU 1 or REPLACE = 1 or NEWCU is 1 AND NEWUNIT is not S)) and for persons with HH_MEM = 2 or PERSTAT = 99 or NONMEMB = 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto AGE] |
Universe: Entry in CONSUMER_UNITS
Question Text: [fill: *Read if necessary] During this interview, I will refer to the (fill: person/people) on your list. (If household has more than one CU, read: This is the person or group of related people in this household who are independent of everyone else in the household for payment of their major expenses.) The (fill: person/people I'm including on your list is/are (READ NAME(S)) [Fill: CU LIST ] *Transcribe the name(s) to the Diaries. 1. Enter 1 to continue
Special Instructions: 1. For the next table/grid, gray the rows for persons not in this CU, (persons whose CUNUMBER does not equal (I_CU 1 or NEWCU is 1 AND NEWUNIT is not S)) and for persons with HH_MEM = 2 or PERSTAT = 99 or NONMEMB = 1
Skip Instructions: goto AGE |
Section 1 |
As of today, how old ^is_are ^YOU_NAME?
Fills: IS_ARE Instructions: If MEMBNO= the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill with "are" ELSE fill with "is"
Fills: YOU_NAME Instructions: If MEMBNO = the reference person (REFPER) then fill "you", ELSE fill NAME
Special Instructions:
" * Reference person MUST be 16 years of age or older If all members under 16, make case a Type B non-interview (List CU_CODE, row 1 and INTROB as jumping points)
" * Respondent MUST be 16 years of age or older If all members under 16, make case a Type B non-interview (List HHRESP and INTROB as jumping points)
Skip Instructions: <00-200> [goto HORIGIN] <D,R> [goto AGE2] <Empty> |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND CU MEMBER AND HH_MEM is 1, D or R AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99 AND (NONMEMB ne 1)
As of today, how old ^is_are ^YOU_NAME?
Fills: IS_ARE Instructions: If MEMBNO= the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill with "are" ELSE fill with "is"
Fills: YOU_NAME Instructions: If MEMBNO = the reference person (REFPER) then fill "you", ELSE fill NAME
Special Instructions:
" * Reference person MUST be 16 years of age or older If all members under 16, make case a Type B non-interview (List CU_CODE, row 1 and INTROB as jumping points)
" * Respondent MUST be 16 years of age or older If all members under 16, make case a Type B non-interview (List HHRESP and INTROB as jumping points)
Skip Instructions: 00-200: goto HORIGIN D,R: goto AGE2 |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 1 OR REPLACE = 1 AND CU MEMBER AND HH_MEM is 1, D or R AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99 AND (NONMEMB ne 1)
^AreYou_IsName Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HISPANIC] <2, D, R> [goto RACE] <Empty> |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND CU MEMBER AND HH_MEM is 1, D or R AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99 AND (NONMEMB ne 1)
^AreYou_IsName Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish?
Skip Instructions: 1: goto HISPANIC 2, D, R: goto RACE |
Section 1 |
What is ^YOUR_NAMES race? Probe if necessary Enter all that apply, separate with commas Examples of "Other Pacific Islander" include - Fijian, Tongan
Fills: YOUR_NAMES Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "your" ELSE fill "^NAME's"
Special Instructions:
If RACE is 2 , then store 2 in RC_BLACK If RACE is 3 , then store 3 in RC_NATAM If RACE is 4 , then store 4 in RC_ASIAN If RACE is 5 , then store 5 in RC_HAWAI If RACE is 6 , then store 6 in RC_GUAM If RACE is 7 , then store 7 in RC_SAMOA If RACE is 8 , then store 8 in RC_PACIL If RACE is 9 , then store 9 in RC_OTHER If RACE is 10 , then store 10 in RC_DK If RACE is R (refused), then store 11 in all the above variables.
1 . . 10, RF (Mark-all, so allow for 9 positions of 1)
Skip Instructions: <1-3, 5-8, R> [goto MARITAL1] <4> [goto ASIAN] <9> [goto RACESP] <Empty> |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND CU MEMBER AND HH_MEM is 1, D or R AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99 AND NONMEMB ne 1
What is ^YOUR_NAMES race? Probe if necessary Enter all that apply, separate with commas Examples of "Other Pacific Islander" include - Fijian, Tongan
Fills: YOUR_NAMES Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "your" ELSE fill "^NAME's"
Special Instructions:
If RACE is 2 , then store 2 in RC_BLACK If RACE is 3 , then store 3 in RC_NATAM If RACE is 4 , then store 4 in RC_ASIAN If RACE is 5 , then store 5 in RC_HAWAI If RACE is 6 , then store 6 in RC_GUAM If RACE is 7 , then store 7 in RC_SAMOA If RACE is 8 , then store 8 in RC_PACIL If RACE is 9 , then store 9 in RC_OTHER If RACE is 10 , then store 10 in RC_DK If RACE is R (refused), then store 11 in all the above variables.
1 . . 10, RF (Mark-all, so allow for 9 positions of 1)
Skip Instructions: 1-3, 5-8, R: goto MARITAL1 4: goto ASIAN 9: goto RACESP
Section 1 |
Question Text: * Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName now -
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
If CU_CODE1 = 1 and there is a member with CU_CODE = 2, pre-fill MARITAL1 = 1 If AGE lt 14 OR AGE2 = 1, pre-fill MARITAL1 = 5
Skip Instructions: <1-5,D,R> [if AGE ge 14 or Agerng is 8 or 9 goto EDUCA] [goto AGE for next member] <Empty>
Sponsor Edits: If AGE less than 14 or AGERNG = 1, set MARITAL1 = 5 |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND CU MEMBER AND HH_MEM is 1, D or R AND FNAME is not 999 AND PERSTAT ne 99 AND NONMEMB ne 1
Question Text: * Ask if not apparent ^AreYou_IsName now -
Fills: AreYou_IsName Instructions: If MEMBNO = the current respondent (RESPLINE) then fill "Are you" ELSE fill "Is ^NAME"
Special Instructions:
If CU_CODE1 = 1 and there is a member with CU_CODE = 2, pre-fill MARITAL1 = 1 If AGE lt 14 OR AGE2 = 1, pre-fill MARITAL1 = 5
Skip Instructions: 1-5,D,R: IF AGE ge 14 or Agerng is 8 or 9 goto EDUCA ELSE goto AGE for next member
Sponsor Edits: If AGE less than 14 or AGERNG = 1, set MARITAL1 = 5 |
Section 1 |
Replace VISITNUM with PLACED |
Universe: VISITNUM is 1 AND [ TOTAL_CU >1]
Does more than one person in this household regularly contribute to the expense of items such as food, cleaning supplies, or paper products?
Skip Instructions: <1> [ go to PURCH] <2> [go to BUS_RENT] |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND [ TOTAL_CU >1]
Does more than one person in this household regularly contribute to the expense of items such as food, cleaning supplies, or paper products?
Skip Instructions: 1: go to PURCH 2: go to BUS_RENT |
Section 1 |
Universe: TOTAL_CU = 1 OR PURCHASR = 1-30, D,R OR PURCH = 2,D,R
Are these living quarters used partly for business or rented to others?
Skip Instructions: <1> go to BSNSTYPE <2,D,R> [If VISITNUM = 2 [OR IF VISITNUM is 3 AND double placement] goto MEMAWAYW1] [If VISITNUM = 3 go to MEMAWAYW2], else [go to SEC01FLG] |
Universe: TOTAL_CU = 1 OR PURCHASR = 1-30, D,R OR PURCH = 2,D,R
Are these living quarters used partly for business or rented to others?
Skip Instructions: 1: go to BSNSTYPE 2,D,R: IF PLACED=1 goto MEMAWAYW1 ELSE go to SEC01FLG |
Section 1 |
Universe: BSNSTYPE = <1,2, or 3>
What percent of the expenses is counted as a business expense? Enter percentage
Skip Instructions: <"range" (000 -100)> [go to MEMAWAYW1 if VISITNUM is 2 OR if VISITNUM is 3 AND double placement] [If VISITNUM is 3, go to MEMAWAYW2], else go to SEC01FLG |
Universe: BSNSTYPE = <1,2, or 3>
What percent of the expenses is counted as a business expense? Enter percentage
Skip Instructions: IF PLACED=1 go to MEMAWAYW1 ELSE go to SEC01FLG |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 2 AND PICK_UP1 = 201 OR VISITNUM is 3 AND double placement AND PICK_UP1 = 201 OR VISITNUM is 3 AND INSTAT1 = 201 AND PICK_UP1 is blank
^Q1_MEMAWYW1 Were ^YOU_ANY away overnight for one day or more ^Q2_MEMAWYW1?
Fills: Q1_MEMAWYW1 Instructions: If QTYPE ne 1 fill interviewer instruction "(Week 1 Pickup)" Else leave blank.
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Fills: Q2_MEMAWYW1 Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 fill question text "during the first week (of the diary reference period)" Else fill question text "last week (during the diary reference period)"
Skip Instructions: <1,2, D, R> go to GUESTSW1 |
Universe: PLACED=1 AND PICK_UP1 = 201
(Week 1 Pickup) Were ^YOU_ANY away overnight for one day or more during the first week (from ^PLCEDAT1+1 to ^PLCEDAT1+7)?
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Skip Instructions: go to MEMAWYW2 |
Section 1 |
Delete variable |
Universe: VISITNUM is 2 AND PICK_UP1 = 201 AND MEMAWYW1 is 1,2,D,R OR VISITNUM is 3 AND double placement AND PICK_UP1 = 201 AND MEMAWYW1 is 1,2,D,R
Did anyone else, such as visitors, stay overnight for one day or more ^Q_GUESTSW1?
Fills: Q_GUESTSW1 Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 fill question text "during the first week of the diary reference period" Else fill "last week (during the diary reference period)"
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R> if VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK=1 go to MEMAWYW2 else go to SEC01FLG |
Delete variable |
Section 1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 3 AND RESPONS2 = 1,2,3,4 OR 7
^Q1_MEMAWYW2 Were ^YOU_ANY away overnight for one day or more ^Q2_MEMAWYW2?
Fills: Q1_MEMAWYW2 Instructions: if QTYPE ne 1 fill interviewer instruction "(Week 2 Pickup)" Else leave blank
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Fills: Q2_MEMAWYW2 Instructions: If QTYPE =1 fill question text "during the second week (of the diary reference period)" Else fill "last week (during the diary reference period)"
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D,R> go to GUESTSW2 |
Universe: PLACED=1 AND RESPONS2 = 1,2,3,4 OR 7
(Week 2 Pickup) Were ^YOU_ANY away overnight for one day or more during the last week (from ^PLCEDAT1+8 to ^PLCEDAT1+14)?
Fills: YOU_ANY Instructions: If NUMHOUSE = 1 then fill "you" ELSE fill "you or any of the people on your list"
Skip Instructions: go to SEC01FLG |
Section 1 |
Delete variable |
Universe: VISITNUM is 3 AND RESPONS2 = 1,2,3,4 OR 7 AND MEMAWYW2 is 1,2,D,R
Did anyone else, such as visitors, stay overnight for one day or more ^Q_GUESTSW2?
Fills: Q_GUESTSW2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill question text "during the second week of the diary reference period" Else fill "last week (during the diary reference period"
Skip Instructions: <1,2, D,R> go to SEC01FLG |
Delete variable |
Section 1 |
Update universe due to deletion of GUESTS variables (and only one pickup visit) |
Universe: BSNS_YN = 2,D,R OR GUESTSW1 = 1,2,D,R OR GUESTSW2 = 1,2,D,R
Special Instructions: Section complete flag for Section 1.
Skip Instructions: Go to Section 2 |
Universe: BSNS_YN = 2,D,R OR MEMAWYW2 = 1,2,D,R
Special Instructions: Section complete flag for Section 1.
Skip Instructions: Go to Section 2 |
Section 2 |
Universe: VISITNUM =1 or Replacement =yes or SEC2FLAG =no
Now I am going to ask about expenditures for your living quarters, food expenses and vehicles.
Special Instructions: 1. Make the second part of the question text (the probe) a op-up window that is activated when '3' is entered.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ST_HOUS] |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 or SEC2FLAG =no
Now I am going to ask about expenditures for your living quarters, food expenses and vehicles.
Special Instructions: 1. Make the second part of the question text (the probe) a op-up window that is activated when '3' is entered.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ST_HOUS] |
Section 3A |
Universe: (VISITNUM= 1 and INSTAT1= 201) or (VISITNUM= 2 and PICKUP1= 201 and INSTAT2 does not equal Type C) or (VISITNUM=2 and PICKUP1 does not equal 201 or Type C and INSTAT2= 201) or (VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK does not equal 1 and PICKUP2= 201) or (VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK= 1 and PICKUP1 = 201) and SEC4BFLG= empty
This the normal end of the first visit. The income questions are normally asked at the final visit, but you may continue with those questions now if needed.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FOUR_RS] <2> [goto AFTERMID] |
Universe: INSTAT1=201 AND PLACED ne 1 AND SEC3BFLG=empty
This the normal end of the first visit. The income questions are normally asked at the final visit, but you may continue with those questions now if needed.
Skip Instructions: 1: goto S3A_INTRO 2: goto AFTERMID |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
Universe: FOUR_CK =1
Why is this section being completed at this time?
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto WKS_WRKD] <4> [goto FOUR_SP] |
Delete variable |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
Universe: FOUR_RS =4
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto WKS_WRKD] |
Delete variable |
Section 3A |
Update universe due to replacing VISITNUM with PLACED and deletion of FOUR_RS and FOUR_SP variables
Universe: VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK does not equal 1 and PICKUP2=201) or (VISITNUM =3 and DPLC_CHK =1 and PICKUP1 or PICKUP2 =201) or (FOUR_RS =1-3 or FOUR_RS =4 and FOUR_SP does not equal empty) AND AGE >=14 OR if AGE =D,R and AGE2 =2 and AGE is NOT blank OR CU_CODE1 = 1, 2, or 10 AND AGE = D or R
The next few questions are about income. We know people aren't used to discussing their income, but please be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WKS_WRKD] |
Universe: (PLACED=1 and PICKUP1 or PICKUP2 =201) or (FOUR_CK=1) AND AGE >=14 OR if AGE =D,R and AGE2 =2 and AGE is NOT blank OR CU_CODE1 = 1, 2, or 10 AND AGE = D or R
The next few questions are about income. We know people aren't used to discussing their income, but please be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Skip Instructions: goto WKS_WRKD |
Section 3A |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects total wages and salaries for ALL JOBS during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-11,D,R> [goto GROSPAYX] |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects total wages and salaries for ALL JOBS during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: goto GROSPAYX |
Section 3A |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of FEDTX, FEDTXX, STATX, and STATXX |
Skip instructions: goto FEDTX |
Skip instructions: goto PVT |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
Was there any money deducted from ^YOUR_NAMES pay for - Federal income tax?
Skip instructions: 1: if PAYSTUB ne 2 goto FEDTXX else goto STATX 2, DK, REF: goto STATX |
Delete question |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
How much?
Skip instructions: goto STATX |
Delete question |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
Was there any money deducted from ^YOUR_NAMES pay for - State or local income tax?
Skip instructions: 1: if PAYSTUB ne 2 goto STATXX else goto PVT 2, DK, REF: goto PVT |
Delete question |
Section 3A |
Delete variable |
How much?
Skip instructions: goto PVT |
Delete question |
Section 3A |
Remove special instructions for greying question text |
Was there any money deducted from ^YOUR_NAMES pay for- Private pension fund?
Special instructions:
Skip instructions: 1: goto PVTX 2, DK, RF: goto GV |
Was there any money deducted from ^YOUR_NAMES pay for- Private pension fund?
Skip instructions: 1: goto PVTX 2, DK, RF: goto GV |
Section 3A |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YOUR_NAMES income or loss from self-employment during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <0-11, D, R> go to SOCSRRET |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YOUR_NAMES income or loss from self-employment during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to SOCSRRET |
Section 3A |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_NAME received in Supplemental Security Income during the past 12 months?
Skip instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to IRA |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_NAME received in Supplemental Security Income during the past 12 months?
Skip instructions: go to IRA |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_ANY received in interest or dividends during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to NETRENT |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_ANY received in interest or dividends during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to NETRENT |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total net rental income or loss during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <0-12, D, R> go to ROYEST |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total net rental income or loss during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to ROYEST |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in royalty income or income from estates and trusts during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to RETSURV |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in royalty income or income from estates and trusts during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to RETSURV |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in retirement, survivor, or disability pensions during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to OTHREG |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in retirement, survivor, or disability pensions during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to OTHREG |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in Veteran's Administration (VA) payments, unemployment compensation, child support, or alimony during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to LUMP |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in Veteran's Administration (VA) payments, unemployment compensation, child support, or alimony during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to LUMP |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total lump sum payments during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to OTHIN |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total lump sum payments during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to OTHIN |
Section 3B |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of FEDREF, FEDREFX, STATREF, STATREFX, EITC, ADDFED, ADDFEDX, ADDSTA, and ADDSTAX |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY receive any other money income, including money received from cash scholarship and fellowship, stipends not based on working, or from the care of foster children, not already reported?
Special Instructions: 1. If LUMP equals 1, bold-black the first part of the question text "DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS" 2. If LUMP equals 2,D,R grey-out the first part of the question text "DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS"
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto OTHINX] <2,D,R> [goto FEDREF] |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY receive any other money income, including money received from cash scholarship and fellowship, stipends not based on working, or from the care of foster children, not already reported?
Special Instructions: 1. If LUMP equals 1, bold-black the first part of the question text "DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS" 2. If LUMP equals 2,D,R grey-out the first part of the question text "DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS"
Skip Instructions: 1: goto OTHINX 2,D,R: goto ADDOTH |
Section 3B |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of FEDREF, FEDREFX, STATREF, STATREFX, EITC, ADDFED, ADDFEDX, ADDSTA, and ADDSTAX |
What was the total amount received ^BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: <1-99999999> [goto FEDREF] |
What was the total amount received ^BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: goto ADDOTH |
Section 3B |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of other money income received during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D,R> [goto FEDREF] |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of other money income received during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: goto ADDOTH |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY receive any REFUNDS from any of the following - Federal income tax?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FEDREFX] <2,D,R> [goto STATREF] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
What was the total amount received ^BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: <1-99999999,D,R> [goto STATREF] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY receive any REFUNDS from - State and local income tax?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto STATREFX] <2,D,R> [goto EITC] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
What was the total amount received ^BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: <1-99999999, D, R> go to EITC |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
The Earned Income Tax Credit is a benefit for certain people who work and have low to moderate wages. A tax credit means more money in your pocket. It reduces the amount of tax you owe and may also give you a refund. During the past 12 months, did ^YOU_ANY claim an Earned Income Tax Credit on your federal income tax return?
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R> go to ADDFED |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any of the following - Federal income tax in addition to that withheld from earnings?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ADDFEDX] <2,D,R> [goto ADDSTA] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
What was the total amount PAID ^BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: <1-99999999,D,R> [goto ADDSTA] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any- State and local income tax in addition to that withheld from earnings?
Skip Instructions: <1> go to ADDSTAX <2, D, R> go to ADDOTH |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Delete question |
What was the total amount PAID ^ BY_ALL?
Skip Instructions: <1-99999999,D,R> [goto ADDOTH] |
Delete question |
Section 3B |
Replace special instructions with a new special instruction(s) |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any - Other taxes such as inheritance or estate taxes?
Special Instructions: Please note, DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS should be greyed-out. 1. If ADDSTA equals 1, bold-black the second part of the question text "Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any of the following-" 2. If ADDSTA equals 2,D,R grey-out the second part of the question text "Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any of the following-"
Skip Instructions: <1> go to ADDTHX <2, D, R> go to OCCEXPN |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS - Did ^YOU_ANY PAY any - Other taxes such as inheritance or estate taxes?
Special Instructions: IF OTHIN = 1, bold-black the first line (“DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS – ”) ELSE gray out the first line
Skip Instructions: 1: go to ADDTHX 2, D, R: go to OCCEXPN |
Section 3B |
Change the 0 to 1 on response item #1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from cash assistance from state or local government welfare programs during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: <1-12, D, R> go to FREEMEAL |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from cash assistance from state or local government welfare programs during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip Instructions: go to FREEMEAL |
Remove instructions related to replacement households |
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions: 1. Store 0 (zero) in NOCONTACT If (START is 2) OR (INTROB is 2, 4-6) OR (REPLACE_VER is 1) OR (VERADD is R) then store 1 in NOCONTACT 2. If Control Card not complete through CU determination, goto APPTOTH |
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions: 1. Store 0 (zero) in NOCONTACT If (START is 2) OR (INTROB is 2, 4-6) OR (VERADD is R) then store 1 in NOCONTACT 2. If Control Card not complete through CU determination, goto APPTOTH |
Delete variable |
Universe: [If VISITNUM=2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1=201 and current date < PLCEDAT1+8]
Question Text: PLACEMENT/PICKUP ERROR Diary Survey Visit Number: [Fill: VISITNUM] Earliest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.EPD] Date is: [Fill: current date] Latest Placement Date: [Fill: 2500.LPD] TOO EARLY TO PLACE THE WEEK 2 DIARY
Special Instructions: 1. Set WK2PL_FLAG = Yes (plc/pickup error) 2. Text should be in regular blue
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
WK1_ST1 |
Universe: VISITNUM is 1 AND NOCONTACT = zero and SECTCOMP(CC)=1
Question Text: ^Q1_WK1_ST1 RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Week Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) 01 ^Q2_WK1_ST1 ^Q3_WK1_ST1: ^Q_WDUSER ^Q_WDPIN
Fills: Q1_WK1_ST1 Instructions: If QTYPE = 1 fill interviewer instruction "This is a Web Diary case. Instruct the respondent on how to use the Web Diary and provide the respondent with the User Guide." Else fill "Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 1 Diary, and attempt to leave the Diary form with the respondent."
Fills: Q2_WK1_ST1 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill interviewer instruction "Did the respondent agree to complete the Web Diary?" Else fill "Was the Week 1 Diary placed?"
Fills: Q3_WK1_ST1 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Transcribe the following Web Diary username and password onto the user guide for the respondent." Else, leave blank.
Fills: Q_WDUSER Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill value from production SCIF RT8500, pos 50-55 Else, leave blank
Fills: Q_WDPIN Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill value from production SCIF RT8500, pos 61-66 Else, leave blank
Special Instructions: 1. If WK1_ST1=1, store 201 in INSTAT1 and store current date in PLCEDAT1 2. The numbers in parentheses represent position numbers in CTRLNUM 3. If (QTYPE=1 AND WK1_ST1=1) set DPLC_CK1=1, DPLC_CHK=1, DPLCRES=5, and DPLCSPC=”Web Diary”
Skip Instructions: <1> [if QTYPE=1 goto THANK_W1, else goto DPLC_CK1] <2> [goto NTYPE_W1] |
Universe: PLACED ne 1 AND NOCONTACT = zero and SECTCOMP(CC)=1
Question Text: Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 1 and Week 2 Diaries, and attempt to leave the Diary forms with the respondent. RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) Were the diaries placed?
Special Instructions: 1. If WK1_ST1=1, store 201 in INSTAT1 and INSTAT2 and store current date in PLCEDAT1 and PLCEDAT2 2. The numbers in parentheses represent position numbers in CTRLNUM
Skip Instructions: 1: goto THANK_W1 2: goto NTYPE_W1 |
Delete variable |
Universe: WK1_ST1 is 1
Question Text: The ideal date for picking up the Week 1 Diary is between [fill: PLCEDAT1+8] and [fill: PLCDAT1+14]. Double place the Diary if: -You traveled 50 miles or more to place the Diary -Respondent will NOT be available for scheduled Week 1 pick up -CU will require an interpreter -You have been assigned 3 or more Diary cases -Respondent is reluctant/hesitant/too busy to do daily recordings BUT will save receipts
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DPLC_CHK] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: DPLC_CK1= 1
Question Text: Was this a Week 1 and Week 2 double placement?
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DPLCRES] <2> [goto THANK_W1] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: DPLC_CHK is 1 AND VISITNUM = 1
Question Text: Why were both diaries placed?
Skip Instructions: <1-7> [goto THANK_W1] <8> [goto DPLCSPC ] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: DPLCRES is 5
Question Text: Specify:
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto THANK_W1] |
Delete variable |
Universe: (VISITNUM=1 and START=3 ) or (VISITNUM=1 and INTROB=3 ) or WK1_ST1=2
Question Text: What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal Type B = Temporarily absent, Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved^Q_NTYPE_W1
Fills: Q_NTYPE_W1 Instructions: If INTPER = 201313, 201314, 201315 fill ", Web Diary Language Barrier" Else leave blank.
Special Instructions: 1. Set INSTAT1, PLCEDAT1, PICK_UP1, PICKDTE1, INSTAT2, PLCEDAT2, PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 = empty.
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TYPEA_W1] <2> [goto TYPEB_W1] <3> [goto TYPEC_W1] |
Universe: (PLACED ne 1 and START=3 ) or (PLACED ne 1 and INTROB=3 ) or WK1_ST1=2
Question Text: What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal, Temporarily absent Type B = Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved
Special Instructions: 1. Set INSTAT1, PLCEDAT1, PICK_UP1, PICKDTE1, INSTAT2, PLCEDAT2, PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 = empty.
Skip Instructions: 1: goto TYPEA_W1 2: goto TYPEB_W1 3: goto TYPEC_W1 |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is a 1
Question Text: Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1,4> [goto RACRF_W1] <2> [goto RFRSN_W1] <3> [goto TYPAS_W1] |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is a 1
Question Text: Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1,3: goto RACRF_W1 2: goto RFRSN_W1 4: goto TYPAS_W1 |
Universe: TYPA_W1 is 3
Question Text: Specify other TYPE A
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto RACRF_W1] |
Universe: TYPEA_W1 is 4
Question Text: Specify other TYPE A
Store instructions: Store TYPAS_W1 in TYPAS_W2
Skip Instructions: goto RACRF_W1 |
Add store instructions for INSTAT2, PICK_UP2, PLCEDAT2, and PICKDTE2 |
Universe: TYPA_W1 is a 2
Question Text: Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRSN_W1 is 2 then store 322 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF RFRSN_W1 is 3 then store 323 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF RFRSN_W1 is 4 then store 324 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto RACRF_W1] <4> [goto RSN_S_W1] |
Universe: TYPEA_W1 is a 2
Question Text: Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRSN_W1 is 2 then store 322 in INSTAT1,PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF RFRSN_W1 is 3 then store 323 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, , INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF RFRSN_W1 is 4 then store 324 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-3: goto RACRF_W1 4: goto RSN_S_W1 |
RSN_S_W1 |
store the value in both the week 1 and week 2 versions. |
Universe: RFRSN_W1 is a 4
Question Text: Specify type of refusal
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto RACRF_W1] |
Universe: RFRSN_W1 is a 4
Question Text: Specify type of refusal
Store instructions: Store RSN_S_W1 in RSN_S_W2
Skip Instructions: goto RACRF_W1 |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is 2
Question Text: Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEB_WK1 is 2 then store 331 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 3 then store 332 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 4 then store 225 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 5 then store 229 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 6 then store 224 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 7 then store 228 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 8 then store 231 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 9 then store 232 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 10 then store 217 in INSTAT1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEB_WK1 is 11 then store 233 in INSTAT1 and PICK_UP1
Skip Instructions: <1-10> [goto BYOBS_W1] <11> [goto TYPBS_W1] |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is 2
Question Text: Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEB_W1 is 2 then store 331 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 3 then store 332 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 4 then store 225 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 5 then store 229 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 6 then store 224 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 7 then store 228 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 8 then store 231 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 9 then store 232 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W1 is 10 then store 233 in INSTAT1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-9: goto BYOBS_W1 10: goto TYPBS_W1 |
Universe: TYPEB_W1 is a 11
Question Text: Specify other TYPE B
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_W1] |
Universe: TYPEB_W1 is a 10
Question Text: Specify other TYPE B
Store instructions: Store TYPBS_W1 in TYPBS_W2
Skip Instructions: goto BYOBS_W1 |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is a 3
Question Text: Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEC_W1 is 1 then store 240 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 2 then store 241 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 3 then store 243 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 4 then store 244 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 5 then store 245 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 6 then store 252 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 7 then store 247 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 8 then store 341 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 11 then store 259 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1, else leave blank IF TYPEC_W1 is 13 then store 248 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 14 then store 291 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1 IF TYPEC_W1 is 15 then store 289 in INSTAT 1 and PICK_UP1
Store current date in PICKDTE1, PLCEDAT2, and PICKDTE2
Skip Instructions: <0-9> [ goto BYOBS_W1] <10> [goto TYPCS_W1] |
Universe: NTYPE_W1 is a 3
Question Text: Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEC_W1 is 1 then store 240 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 2 then store 241 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 3 then store 243 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 4 then store 244 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 5 then store 245 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 6 then store 252 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 7 then store 247 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 8 then store 341 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 11 then store 259 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W1 is 13 then store 248 in INSTAT 1, PICK_UP1, INSTAT2, and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: 1-12: [goto BYOBS_W1 13: goto TYPCS_W1 |
Universe: TYPEC_W1 is a 8
Question Text: Specify other TYPE C
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_W1] |
Universe: TYPEC_W1 is a 13
Question Text: Specify other TYPE C
Store instructions: Store TYPCS_W1 in TYPCS_W2
Skip Instructions: goto BYOBS_W1 |
Universe: (TYPEB_W1=1-10) OR (Entry in TYPBS_W1) OR (TYPEC_W1=0-9) OR (Entry in TYPCS_W1)
Question Text: Did you classify this unit by observation only?
Special Instructions: 1. Store 1 in CP1TYPE 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [if TYPEB_W1=10, goto RACRF_W1] [if TYPEB_W1=1-9,11, goto THANK_W1] [if NTYPE_W1=3, goto DONE] <2> [goto CP1NAM_W1] |
Universe: (TYPEB_W1=1-9) OR (Entry in TYPBS_W1) OR (TYPEC_W1=1-12) OR (Entry in TYPCS_W1)
Question Text: Did you classify this unit by observation only?
Special Instructions: 1. Store 1 in CP1TYPE if BYOBS_W1=2
Skip Instructions: 1: goto DONE 2: goto CP1NAM_W1 |
CP1ZIP5_W1 |
Update and simplify skip instructions – All non-interviews that get this question (all Type B/Cs that are picking up contact info) will go to THANKYOU |
Universe: Entry in CP1ST_W1
Question Text: Enter zip code
Skip Instructions: <5 characters,D,R> [if TYPEB_W1=10, goto RACRF_W1] [if TYPEB_W1=1-9,11, goto THANK_W1] [if NTYPE_W1=3, goto DONE] |
Universe: Entry in CP1ST_W1
Question Text: Enter zip code
Skip Instructions: goto THANKYOU |
Universe: (TYPEA_W1 is 1-3) OR (VISITNUM=1 and current date after LPD) OR (TYPEB_W1=10)
Question Text: Race of individual
Skip Instructions: <1-8,D> [goto HH_MM_W1] |
Universe: (TYPEA_W1 is 1-4) OR (PLACED ne 1 and current date after LPD)
Question Text: Race of individual
Store instructions: Store RACRF_W1 in RACRF_W2
Skip Instructions: goto HH_MM_W1 |
HH_MM_W1 |
Add store instructions to also store the value of HH_MM_W1 in HH_MM _W2 |
Universe: RACRF_W1 is 1-5,D
Question Text: Number of household members:
Skip Instructions: <1-30,D> [goto TENUR_W1] |
Universe: RACRF_W1 is 1-5,D
Question Text: Number of household members:
Store instructions: Store HH_MM_W1 in HH_MM_W2
Skip Instructions: goto TENUR_W1 |
Universe: HH_MM_W1 is 1-30 or D
Question Text: Tenure code
Skip Instructions: <1-2,D> [goto THANK_W1] |
Universe: HH_MM_W1 is 1-30 or D
Question Text: Tenure code
Store instructions: Store TENUR_W1 in TENUR_W2
Skip Instructions: goto THANKYOU |
WK2_ST2 |
Delete variable |
Universe: If (((cover.scr_plc2=yes) or (LATEPK1_FLAG=yes and VISITNUM=2) or ((VISITNUM=2 and NONINT_FLAG ne Yes and NOCONTACT = no and SEC01FLAG=yes) AND (PICK_UP1<> 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, 258, 259, 290) and INSTAT2=EMPTY) OR ((VISITNUM=1 and NONINT_FLAG = Yes and NOCONTACT = no and SEC01FLG=yes AND PICK_UP1 ne Type C and INSTAT2=EMPTY))) AND (REASSIGN_FLAG<>Yes and PLPRD_FLAG<>Yes and WK2PL_FLAG<>Yes)
Question Text: ^Q1_WK2_ST2 RO Survey PSU PSU Frame Sample Sequence #1 Sequence #2 HH CU Spinoff Week Code State County Designation No. No. Indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE (1-2) (3-4) (5-7) (8) (9-11) (12-15) (16-17) (18) (19-21) (22-23) 02 ^Q2_WK2_ST2 ^Q3_WK2_ST2: ^Q_WDUSER ^Q_WDPIN
Fills: Q1_WK2_ST2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill interviewer instruction "This is a WEB DIARY case. Instruct the respondent on how to use the Web Diary and provide the respondent with the user guide." Else fill "Instruct the respondent on how to complete the Week 2 Diary, and attempt to leave the Diary form with the respondent.
Fills: Q2_WK2_ST2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill interviewer instruction "Did the respondent agree to complete the Web Diary?" Else fill "Was the Week 2 Diary placed?"
Fills: Q3_WK2_ST2 Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Transcribe the following Web Diary username and password onto the user guide for the respondent." Else, leave blank.
Fills: Q_WDUSER Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill value from production SCIF RT8500, pos 50-55 Else, leave blank
Fills: Q_WDPIN Instructions: If QTYPE=1, fill value from production SCIF RT8500, pos 61-66 Else, leave blank
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto THANK_W1] <2> [goto NTYPE_W2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: (WK2_ST2 = 2) OR [(VISITNUM = 2) and (PICK_UP1 ne 201 or empty) and (NONINT_FLAG = yes) and (WK2_ST2 ne 1) and (SCR_PLC2 ne 2) and INSTAT2 ne 325] or ((INTROB= 3 or START = 3) and (VISITNUM = 2) and NTYP_PK1 ne 3) and (WK2_ST2 = 2))
Question Text: What type of non-interview do you have? Type A = No one home, Refusal Type B = Temporarily absent,vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE Type C = Demolished, House moved, Merged, Condemned, Located on base, CU moved^Q_NTYPE_W2
Fills: Q_NTYPE_W2 Instructions: If INTPER = 201313, 201314, 201315 fill ", Web Diary Language Barrier" Else leave blank.
Special Instructions: 1. Set INSTAT2, PLCEDAT2, PICK_UP2, and PICKDTE2 = empty
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TYPEA_W2] <2> [goto TYPEB_W2] <3> [goto TYPEC_W2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: NTYPE_W2 is a 1
Question Text: Enter TYPE A noninterview
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1,4> [goto RACRF_W2] <2> [goto RFRSN_W2] <3> [goto TYPAS_W2] |
Delete variable |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPAS_W1. |
Universe: TYPEA_W2 is 3
Question Text: Specify other TYPE A
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto RACRF_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPAS_W1. |
Delete variable |
Universe: TYPEA_W2 is a 2
Question Text: Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRSN_W2 is 2 then store 322 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF RFRSN_W2 is 3 then store 323 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF RFRSN_W2 is 4 then store 324 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto RACRF_W2] <4> [goto RSN_S_W2] |
Delete variable |
RSN_S_W2 |
Turn into an output only variable set by RSN_S_W1. |
Universe: RFRSN_W2 is a 4
Question Text: Specify type of refusal
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto RACRF_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable set by RSN_S_W1. |
Delete variable |
Universe: NTYPE_W2 is 2
Question Text: Enter TYPE B noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEB_W2 is 2 then store 331 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 3 then store 332 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 4 then store 225 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 5 then store 229 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 6 then store 224 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 7 then store 228 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 8 then store 231 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 9 then store 232 in INSTAT2and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 10 then store 217 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEB_W2 is 11 then store 233 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2
Skip Instructions: <1-10> [goto BYOBS_W2] <11> [goto TYPBS_W2] |
Delete variable |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPBS_W1. |
Universe: TYPBS_W2 is a 11
Question Text: Specify other TYPE B
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPBS_W1. |
Delete variable |
Universe: NTYPE_W2 is a 3
Question Text: Enter TYPE C noninterview
Special Instructions:
IF TYPEC_W2 is 1 then store 240 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 2 then store 241 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 3 then store 243 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 4 then store 244 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 5 then store 245 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 6 then store 252 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 7 then store 247 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 8 then store 341 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 11 then store 259 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 12 and IMPADD=1 then store 258 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2, else leave blank IF TYPEC_W2 is 13 then store 248 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 14 then store 291 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2 IF TYPEC_W2 is 15 then store 289 in INSTAT 2 and PICK_UP2
Store current date PICKDTE2
Skip Instructions: <1-12, 14> [goto BYOBS_W2 ] <13> [goto TYPCS_W2] |
Delete variable |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPCS_W1. |
Universe: TYPEC_W2 is a 10
Question Text: Specify other TYPE C
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [goto BYOBS_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable set by TYPCS_W1. |
Delete variable |
Universe: (TYPEB_W2=1-10) OR (Entry in TYPBS_W2) OR (TYPEC_W2=0-9) OR (Entry in TYPCS_W2)
Question Text: Did you classify this unit by observation only?
Special Instructions: 1. Store 1 in CP1TYPE
Skip Instructions: <1> [if TYPEB_W2=10, goto RACRF_W2] [if TYPEB_W2=1-9,11, goto THANK_W1] [if NTYPE_W2=3, goto DONE] <2> [goto CP1NAM_W2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: BYOBS_W2 is 2
Question Text: Enter contact person's name
Skip Instructions: <42 characters> [goto CP1TITL_W2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: Entry in CP1NAM_W2
Question Text: Enter Contact person's title
Skip Instructions: <43 characters> [goto CP1PHON_W2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: Entry in CP1TITL_W2
Question Text: Enter contact person's phone number Enter 0 for none.
Special Instructions: 1. Use the telephone mask " ( ___ ) ___ - ____ " 2. Allow "0" for no phone number.
Skip Instructions: <10 digits> [goto CP1EXT_W2] <Empty, D, R> [goto CP1ADD1_W2] |
Delete variable |
Universe: Entry in CP1NUM_W2
Question Text: Enter contact person's phone number extension
Skip Instructions: <0000-9999, D, R, Empty> [goto CP1ADD1_W2] |
Delete variable |
CP1ADD1_W2 |
Universe: Entry in CP1EXT_W2 OR CP1TITL_W2 is empty, D OR R
Question Text: Enter contact person's street address
Skip Instructions: <54 characters> [goto CP1ADD2_W2] |
Delete variable |
CP1ADD2_W2 |
Universe: Entry in CP1ADD1_W2
Question Text: Enter second line of address if necessary
Skip Instructions: <54 characters, empty> [goto CP1PO_W2] |
Delete variable |
CP1PO_W2 |
Universe: Entry in CP1ADD2_W2
Question Text: Enter city
Skip Instructions: <20 characters> [goto CP1ST_W2] |
Delete variable |
CP1ST_W2 |
Universe: Entry in CP1PO_W2
Question Text: Enter state
Special Instructions: 1. F1 help for state codes
Skip Instructions: <2 Digit State codes, D, R> [goto CP1ZIP5_W2] |
Delete variable |
CP1ZIP5_W2 |
Universe: Entry in CP1ST_W2
Question Text: Enter zip code
Skip Instructions: <5 characters,D,R> [if TYPEB_W2=10, goto RACRF_W2] [if TYPEB_W2=1-9,11, goto THANK_W1] [if NTYPE_W2=3, goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by RACRF_W1 |
Universe: NTYPE_W2 = 1 OR (VISITNUM=2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 = 201 and current date gt PLCEDAT1 + 14) OR (VISITNUM=2 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne 201 and current date gt LPD+7) OR (TYPEB_W2=10)
Question Text: Race of individual
Skip Instructions: <1-5,D> [goto HH_MM_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by RACRF_W1 |
HH_MM_W2 |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by HH_MM_W1 |
Universe: RACRF_W2 is 1-5,D
Question Text: Number of household members:
Skip Instructions: <1-30,D> [goto TENUR_W2] |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by HH_MM_W1 |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by TENUR_W1 |
Universe: HH_MM_W2 is 1-30,D
Question Text: Tenure code
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D> [goto THANKYOU] |
Turn into an output only variable that is filled by TENUR_W1 |
TA_CK1 |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: (VISITNUM=1 and INSTAT1=217) or (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_UP1=217) or (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT2=217) or (VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and PICK_UP2=217) or (VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK =1 and PICK_UP1=217 or PICK_UP2=217)
Question Text: Did the respondent refuse to participate at any time?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RFRN_TA] <2> [goto TA_CK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: TA_CK1 is 1
Question Text: Enter type of refused
Special Instructions:
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in INSTAT1and PICK_UP1 Store current date in PLCEDAT1 Store current date in PICKDTE1
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1 Store current date in PICKDTE1
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in INSTAT2 and PICK_UP2 Store current date in PLCEDAT2 and PICKDTE2
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP2 Store current date in PICKDTE2
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP1 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP1 Store current date in PICKDTE1
IF RFRN_TA is 1 then store 321 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 2 then store 322 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 3 then store 323 in PICK_UP2 IF RFRN_TA is 4 then store 324 in PICK_UP2 Store current date in PICKDTE2
Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto RACRF_TA] <4> [goto RSN_S_TA] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: RFRN_TA is a 4
Question Text: Specify type of refusal
Special Instructions:
IF VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_UP1=324 store entry in RSNS_PK1 IF VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT2=324 store entry in RSN_S_W2 IF VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK ne 1 and PICK_UP2=324 store entry in RSNS_PK2 IF VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK =1 and PICK_UP1=324 store entry in RSNS_PK1 IF VISITNUM=3 and DPLC_CHK =1 and PICK_UP2=324 store entry in RSNS_PK2
Skip Instructions: <45 characters> [if VISITNUM=1 AND INSTAT1=217, goto RACRF_TA] [if VISITNUM=2 AND INSTAT2=217, goto RACRF_TA] [else, goto TA_CK2] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: (VISITNUM=1 and RACRF_W1 is blank and TA_CK1 =1) or (VISITNUM=2 and RACRF_W2 is blank and TA_CK1 =1)
Question Text: Race of individual
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1-5,D> [goto HH_MM_TA] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: RACRF_TA is 1-5,D
Question Text: Number of household members:
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1-30,D> [goto TENUR_TA] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: HH_MM_TA is 1-30 or D
Question Text: Tenure code
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1-2,D> [goto TA_CK2] |
Delete variable |
TA_CK2 |
Delete variable (since TA is now a Type A, there is no longer a need for these TA checks) |
Universe: TA_CK1=2
Question Text: ^ContactSourceRem ^ContactConfirm absent the entire diary reference week?
Fills: ContactSourceRem Instructions: If TA_CK1=2 and (BYOBS_W1=2 or BYOBS_W2=2), then fill: Always be sure that your contact person is a knowledgeable source before coding noninterviews. Knowledgeable sources might include neighbors, postal workers, house-sitters, etc. Else, leave blank.
Fills: ContactConfirm Instructions: if TA_CK1 = 2 AND (BYOBS_W1 = 2 OR BYOBS_W2 = 2), then fill "Did the contact person confirm that the respondent was" else fill "Was the respondent"
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [IF VISITNUM=1, goto THANK_W1] [IF VISITNUM=2 or 3, goto THANKYOU] |
Delete variable |
Universe: (INTROB ne 5 or 6 or VERADD ne 3) AND [(VISITNUM=1 and INSTAT1 is 201, Type A or Type B) OR (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT2=201) OR (VISITNUM=1 and SECTCOMP(cc) ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne Type C) or (ta_ck2 = no and visitnum = 1) or (ta_ck3 = response and visitnum = 1) ] OR (visitnum = 2 and QTYPE = '1' and (HM_NET.ord = 2 or HM_NET = DK or HM_NET = RF))
Question Text: ^THANKWK11 ^THANKWK2 Thank you. ^THANKWK3 ^THANKWK4 ^THANKWK5 ^THANKWD [fill: 2. Select another date]
Fills: THANKWK11 Instructions:
Fills: THANKWK2 Instructions:
Fills: THANKWK3 Instructions:
Fills: THANKWK4 Instructions:
Fills: THANKWK5 Instructions:
Fills: THANKWD Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1> [if INSTAT1 ne 201, goto DONE] [if INSTAT1 = 201, goto BSTTI] [if INSTAT2 = 201 , goto BSTTI] <2> [goto APPTOTH] |
Universe: (INTROB ne 5 or 6 or VERADD ne 3) AND [(PLACED ne 1 and INSTAT1 is 201) or (PLACED ne 1 and SECTCOMP(cc) ne 1 and INSTAT1 ne Type A, B, or C])
Question Text: ^THANK_INSTRUCT ^THANK_DATE Thank you. ^THANK_RETURN [fill: 2. Select another date]
Fills: THANK_INSTRUCT Instructions: IF INSTAT1= 201, then fill "Instruct respondent to begin filling out the diaries tomorrow." ELSE leave blank.
Fills: THANK_DATE Instructions: IF INSTAT1=201, then fill “Pickup {fill: PLCEDAT1+15]“ ELSE leave blank.
Fills: THANK_RETURN Instructions: IF INSTAT=201, then fill “I will return on PLCEDAT1+15 to pick up both Diaries and complete the interview.“ ELSE leave blank.
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1: IF INSTAT1 ne 201, goto DONE ELSE goto BSTTI 2: goto APPTOTH |
Universe: (THANK_W1= 2) OR (THANK_W2=2) OR (SECTCOMP(CC) ne 1 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") OR (INTROB= 6)
Question Text: [fill: *DO NOT place Diary. Roster section not complete] * Missing Sections: Press shift-F5 to view the status table I'd like to schedule a DATE to [Fill: conduct/complete] the interview. May I return on * Diary must be picked up within this range. 0. Battery problem 1. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +8/PLCEDAT2 +8/PLCEDAT1+15] 2. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1 +9/PLCEDAT2 +9/PLCEDAT1+16] 3. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +10/PLCEDAT2 +10/PLCEDAT1+17] 4. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +11/PLCEDAT2 +11/PLCEDAT1+18] 5. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +12/PLCEDAT2 +12/PLCEDAT1+19] 6. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +13/PLCEDAT2 +13/PLCEDAT1+20] 7. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1 +14/PLCEDAT2 +14/PLCEDAT1+21] [fill: 8. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+15] 9. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+16] 10. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+17] 11. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+18] 12. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+19] 13. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1+20] 14. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+21] ]
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: <1-14> [goto BSTTI] <0,R> [goto DONE] |
Universe: (THANK_W1= 2) OR (SECTCOMP(CC) ne 1 and NONINT_FLAG ne "yes") OR (INTROB= 6)
Question Text: [fill: *DO NOT place Diary. Roster section not complete] * Missing Sections: Press shift-F5 to view the status table I'd like to schedule a DATE to [Fill: conduct/complete] the interview. May I return on * Diary must be picked up within this range. 0. Battery problem 1. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+15] 2. [fill: DayName] fill: PLCEDAT1+16] 3. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+17] 4. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+18] 5. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+19] 6. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+20] 7. [fill: DayName] [fill: PLCEDAT1+21]
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: 1-7: goto BSTTI 0,R: goto DONE |
Update universe |
Universe: (APPTOTH is 1-14) OR (THANK_W1=1 and INSTAT1=201) OR (THANK_W2=1 and INSTAT2=201)
Question Text: When is the best time to contact you? Do not read categories
Special Instructions: 1 . Store BSTTI in BESTTIME - right justified and zero filled
Skip Instructions: <1-9> [goto BSTTI_SP] <10> [goto DONE] |
Universe: (APPTOTH is 1-7) OR (THANK_W1=1 and INSTAT1=201) OR (THANK_W2=1 and INSTAT2=201)
Question Text: When is the best time to contact you? Do not read categories
Special Instructions: 1 . Store BSTTI in BESTTIME - right justified and zero filled
Skip Instructions: 1-9: goto BSTTI_SP 0: goto DONE |
Universe: (VISITNUM=2 and INSTAT2=Type A or Type B) OR (VISITNUM= 3 and entry in PICK_UP1 and entry in PICK_UP2)
Question Text: Fill: If the respondent has provided receipts to enter expenses into the Recall Tab, Press F10 now to exit this case. Re-enter the case after leaving the respondent's home to enter any receipts/recall expenditures before wrapping up the case.
^THANKYOU Thank you for your patience, and for taking the time to answer our questions.
Let me remind you that the information you provide is very valuable because ^Q_THANKYOU.
* NOTE: Inform the respondent that a supervisor may call them to conduct re-interview. Explain re-interview as needed.
Fills: THANKYOU Instructions: 1. If DPLC_CHK =1 and (PICK_UP1=201 or PICK_UP2=201), fill "This concludes the interview...." 2. If DPLC_CHK ne 1 and PICK_UP2=201, fill "This concludes the interview..." 3. Else, fill "Read if necessary. Thank you for your time. You've been very helpful"
Fills: Q_THANKYOU Instructions: If Q_TYPE=1, fill "it will be used to improve the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey"
Special Instructions: Fill FR instruction when: QTYPE=1 and (PICK_UP1=201 or PICK_UP2=201)
Skip Instructions: <1> [PICK_UP1=201 or PICK_UP2 =201, goto TELPV] [Else, goto NUMCALL] |
Universe: (INSTAT1=Type A, Type B, or Type C) OR (PLACED=1 and PICK_UP1 ne blank and PICK_UP2 ne blank)
Question Text: ^THANKYOU Thank you for your patience, and for taking the time to answer our questions.
Let me remind you that the information you provide is very valuable because it will be used to improve the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey.
* NOTE: Inform the respondent that a supervisor may call them to conduct re-interview. Explain re-interview as needed.
Fills: THANKYOU Instructions: 1. If PICK_UP2=201, fill "This concludes the interview...." 2. Else, fill "* Read if necessary. Thank you for your time. You've been very helpful"
Skip Instructions: IF PICK_UP1=201 or PICK_UP2 =201, goto TELPV ELSE goto NUMCALL |
Delete variable |
Universe: If QTYPE = '1' and visitnum = 3 AND START ne = 3,4,5 AND INTROB = 1 AND pick_up1 <> empty AND pick_up2 <> empty AND MULTI_CU3 <>1
Question Text: We're almost done with the survey. I just have a few questions before we wrap up.
Skip Instructions: <1> goto WD_R1 |
Delete variable |
WD_R1 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_INTRO=1
Question Text: What did you like about the Web Diary?
Skip Instructions: goto WD_R2 |
Delete variable |
WD_R2 |
Delete variable |
Universe: QTYPE=1 and WD_R1 ne EMPTY
Question Text: How easy or difficult was it to log in? Would you say –
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-5,D,R> goto WD_R3 |
Delete variable |
WD_R3 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R2 ne EMPTY
Question Text: How easy or difficult was it to record your expenses? Would you say-
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-5,D,R> goto WD_R4 |
Delete variable |
WD_R4 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R3 ne EMPTY
Question Text: Did you use any records or online statements when recording your expenses?
Skip Instructions: <1,2,D,R> goto WD_R5 |
Delete variable |
WD_R5 |
Delete variable |
Universe Description: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R4 ne EMPTY
Question Text: How could we improve the process of recording your expenses?
Skip Instructions: goto WD_R6 |
Delete variable |
WD_R6 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R5 ne EMPTY
Question Text: During the first visit, we provided you with a User's Guide. Please let me know any changes or suggestions you have for that document.
Skip Instructions: goto WD_R7 |
Delete variable |
WD_R7 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R6 ne EMPTY
Question Text: When using the Web Diary to record your expenses, how secure do you feel that your data is? Would you say –
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-5,D,R> goto WD_R8 |
Delete variable |
WD_R8 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R7 ne EMPTY
Question Text: Which internet browser do you typically use at home?
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-4,D,R> goto WD_R9 <5> goto WD_R8SP |
Delete variable |
WD_R9 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R8 ne EMPTY
Question Text: What operating system does your home computer run on?
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-4,D,R> goto WD_R10 <5> goto WD_R9SP |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R8=5
Question Text: *Specify:
Skip Instructions: goto WD_R9 |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R9=5
Question Text: *Specify:
Skip Instructions: goto WD_R10 |
Delete variable |
WD_R10 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R9 ne EMPTY
Question Text: On average, about how many hours do you spend on the Internet per day, including for work or personal use?
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-6,D,R> goto WD_R11 |
Delete variable |
WD_R11 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R10 ne EMPTY
Question Text: In your opinion, how experienced are you with computers? Would you say –
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-4,D,R> goto WD_R12 |
Delete variable |
WD_R12 |
Delete variable |
Universe: if QTYPE=1 and WD_R11 ne EMPTY
Question Text: In your opinion, how experienced are you with using the Internet? Would you say –
Special Instructions: Bold answer categories Skip Instructions: <1-4,D,R> goto THANKYOU |
Delete variable |
Update universe by replacing VISITNUM with PLACED and removing reference to independent pickup (visit 2) |
Universe: (VISITNUM=3 and PICK_UP1=201) OR (VISITNUM=3 and PICK_UP2=201) OR (VISITNUM=2 and PICK_UP1=201 and INSTAT2 ne 201)
Question Text: How did you collect MOST of the data for this case? (Include follow-ups)
Skip Instructions: <1,2> [goto CONVREF] |
Universe: (PLACED=1 and PICK_UP1=201) OR (PLACED=1 and PICK_UP2=201)
Question Text: How did you collect MOST of the data for this case? (Include follow-ups)
Skip Instructions: goto CONVREF |
Update universe by replacing VISITNUM with PLACED and removing reference to independent pickup (visit 2) |
Universe: (VISITNUM=3 and INSTAT1=201) OR (VISITNUM=3 and INSTAT2=201) OR (VISITNUM=2 and PICK_UP1 ne 201 and INSTAT2 ne 201)
Question Text: Enter the total number of visits that were made to pick-up or place diary.
Special Instructions:
ELSE store INTID in FINFRCDE (Note:Set FRCODE for final contact )
If ERR1 is suppressed, store A1 in NUMVIS_T
Skip Instructions: <1-30> [goto OTHVISIT] |
Universe: (PLACED=1 and INSTAT1=201) OR (PLACED=1 and INSTAT2=201)
Question Text: Enter the total number of visits that were made to pick-up or place diary.
Special Instructions:
ELSE store INTID in FINFRCDE (Note: Set FRCODE for final contact)
If ERR1 is suppressed, store A1 in NUMVIS_T
Skip Instructions: goto OTHVISIT |
Universe: (VISITNUM=3 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_CHK ne 1) OR (VISITNUM=3 and INSTAT2=201 and PICK_CHK ne 1) OR (VISITNUM=2 and PICK_UP1 ne 201 and INSTAT2 ne 201)
Question Text: Enter the number of phone calls that were made to collect data.
Skip Instructions: <0> [goto OTHCALL] <1-30> [goto CALLRESN] |
Universe: (PLACED=1 and INSTAT1=201 and PICK_CHK ne 1)
Question Text: Enter the number of phone calls that were made to collect data.
Skip Instructions: 0: goto OTHCALL 1-30: goto CALLRESN |
Update skip instructions due to deleting REC_TR, ENTR_Q, ENTR_QSP, FR_COOP |
Universe: NUMCALL is 1 – 30
Question Text: Enter the number of other Phone calls that were made?
Skip Instructions: <0-30> [ If RESPONS2 = 4 or 7 OR TIME_REC = 1,2,3,4,D,R goto REC_TR] [Else goto DONE] |
Universe: NUMCALL is 1 – 30
Question Text: Enter the number of other Phone calls that were made?
Skip Instructions: goto DONE |
Delete variable |
Universe: VISITNUM= 3 AND RESPONS2 = 4 or 7 OR TIME_REC = 1,2,3,4,D,R and NONINT_FLAG ne Yes
Question Text: POST FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ASSESSMENTS (Week 2) DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT Did the respondent give you receipts to transcribe?
Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ENTR_Q] <2> [goto FR_COOP] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: REC_TR is 1
Question Text: POST FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ASSESSMENTS (Week 2) DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT Of the total entries in the diary, how many were made by you using the reciepts?
Skip Instructions: <1-4> [go to DONE] <5> [goto ENTR_QSP] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: ENTR_Q=5
Question Text: Specify
Skip Instructions: <30 characters> [goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: (WD_R12 ne EMPTY) and (QTYPE=1)
Question Text: ^Q_FR_COOP Fills: Q_FR_COOP Instructions: If QTYPE=1 fill "Was this web diary respondent more cooperative, about the same, or less cooperative than paper diary respondents in terms of recording expenses?" Else fill "Was this respondent more cooperative, about the same, or less cooperative than other respondents in keeping the diary?"
Skip Instructions: goto WD_FR |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Universe: ALL
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM ** **Back fills the pick up code for the Week 1 Diary when the FR indicated that he/she was placing the week 2 diary only but then marks it as a noninterview, thus ending the Diary case.**
Special Instructions:
Skip Instructions: [Goto DONE] |
Delete variable |
Universe: ALL
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions:
If INTROB = 2 OR VERADD = RF and mark ge 9, store 15 in mark If INTROB = 2 OR VERADD = RF and mark lt 9, store 9 in mark If INTROB = 1 and mark lt 10, store 10 in mark If the control card has been started and mark lt 11, store 11 in mark If SECTCOMP(25) = 1 and mark lt 14, store 14 in mark
Skip Instructions: [Goto SHOFINAL] |
Universe: ALL
Question Text: ** CHECK ITEM **
Special Instructions:
If INTROB = 2 OR VERADD = RF and mark ge 9, store 15 in mark If INTROB = 2 OR VERADD = RF and mark lt 9, store 9 in mark If INTROB = 1 and mark lt 10, store 10 in mark If the control card has been started and mark lt 11, store 11 in mark If SECTCOMP(25) = 1 and mark lt 14, store 14 in mark
Skip Instructions: Goto SHOFINAL |
New flag PLACED |
New flag to indicate whether a case has been placed |
N/A |
blank = diaries have not yet been placed 1 = diaries have been placed This flag will be set at DONE |
Universe: Everyone
Question Text: OUTCOME: [Fill: OUTCOME] WEEK CODES Week 1 Placement: [Fill: INSTAT1] Week 1 Pick up: [Fill: PICK_UP1] Week 2 Placement: [Fill: INSTAT2] Week 2 Pick up: [Fill: PICK_UP2] DATES Week 1 Place Date [fill: PLCEDAT1] Week 1 Pick up Date [fill: PICKDTE1] Week 2 Place Date [fill: PLCEDAT2] Week 2 Pickup Date [fill: PICKDTE2]
Skip Instructions: <1> |
Universe: Everyone
Question Text: OUTCOME: [Fill: OUTCOME] WEEK CODES Week 1 Placement: [Fill: INSTAT1] Week 1 Pick up: [Fill: PICK_UP1] Week 2 Placement: [Fill: INSTAT2] Week 2 Pick up: [Fill: PICK_UP2] DATES Place Date [fill: PLCEDAT1] Pick up Date [fill: PICKDTE1]
Skip Instructions: <1> |
Response option #7 will need to be reworded to remove “/pickup” since the interview will only be partial at placement (since there is no longer a visit 2) |
Universe: CTTYPE =2,3
Question Text: PARTIAL INTERVIEW OR UNABLE TO CONDUCT INTERVIEW Select the categories that describe why you were not able to conduct the interview during this contact attempt. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Skip Instructions: <4> goto LANGUAGE <6> goto TALKEDTO <7> goto CTOTHER <else> goto RSPNDENT |
Universe: CTTYPE =2,3
Question Text: PARTIAL INTERVIEW OR UNABLE TO CONDUCT INTERVIEW Select the categories that describe why you were not able to conduct the interview during this contact attempt. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Skip Instructions: <4> goto LANGUAGE <6> goto TALKEDTO <7> goto CTOTHER <else> goto RSPNDENT |
Response option #20 will need to be deleted since all cases will be double placed – it will no longer be a special strategy |
Universe: All
Question Text: CONTACT STRATEGIES ATTEMPTED Select the categories that describe the strategies used on this contact attempt. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Special Instructions: STRATEGS is stored as an array STRATCODE_[23]
Skip Instructions: if STRATEGS =23 goto STRATOTH else exit CHAI |
Universe: All
Question Text: CONTACT STRATEGIES ATTEMPTED Select the categories that describe the strategies used on this contact attempt. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Special Instructions: STRATEGS is stored as an array STRATCODE_[22]
Skip Instructions: if STRATEGS =22 goto STRATOTH else exit CHAI |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | brattland_j |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |