Initial Privacy Assessment
OneCPD Technical Assistance Needs Assessment
May 24, 2016
The Initial Privacy Assessment (IPA) is use to determine whether a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is required under the E-Government Act of 2002. The IPA is also used to determine if a System of Records Notice (SORN) is required under the Privacy Act of 1974.
The IPA is an administrative form created by the Privacy Branch to efficiently and effectively identify the use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) across the Department. The IPA focuses on three areas of inquiry:
Business data and business processes within each HUD program.
Potential connections with individuals including the use of PII – any use of social security numbers must be specifically identified.
HUD’s program and support offices should ensure that its respective IPA is completed and sent to the Privacy Branch for approval. If SSNs are to be used, the IPA specifically identifies the justification and authority for using SSNs. Upon receipt of the IPA, the Privacy Branch determines the applicability of other privacy compliance requirements including the PIA and SORN. The IPA is complete when the Privacy Branch signs it and sends the final copy back to the identified point of contact.
Please complete this form and send it to the HUD Privacy Branch staff.
Janice Noble
Acting, Branch Chief
Privacy Branch
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
If a PIA or SORN is required, a copy of the Privacy Impact Assessment and System of Records Notice form is available on the HUD Privacy Branch website, http://hudatwork.hud.gov/HUD/cio/po/i/privacy, on HUD@Work or directly from the HUD Privacy Branch via email: [email protected] to complete and return.
Date Submitted for Review: April 4, 2016
Name of System or Project: Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program NOFA
System Name in CSAM: <Please enter the name.>
Name of Program Office: Office of Technical Assistance and Management - Technical Assistance Division
Name of Project Manager or System Owner: Kenneth Rogers
Email for Project Manager or System Owner: [email protected]
Phone Number for Project Manager or System Owner: 202-402-4396
Type of Project:
☐ Information Technology and/or System
☐ A Notice of Proposed Rule Making or a Final Rule:
☒ Form or other Information Collection:
☐ Other: <Please describe the type of project including paper based Privacy Act system of records.>
Describe the project and its purpose:
Application information is needed to determine competitions winners, i.e., the technical assistance providers best able to develop efficient and effective programs and projects that increase the supply of affording housing units prevent and reduce homelessness, improve data collection and reporting, and use coordinated neighborhood and community development strategies to revitalize and strengthen their communities.
2. Status of Project:
☐ This is a new development effort.
☒ This is an existing project.
Date first developed: Aug 29, 2012
Date last updated: Aug 29, 2012
<Please provide a general description of the update.>
With the exception of a minor name change from OneCPD to Community Compass.
From whom do you collect, process, or retain information on: (Please check all that apply)
☐ HUD Employees
☒ Contractors working on behalf of HUD
☒ The Public
☐ The System does not contain any such information.
Do you use or collect Social Security Numbers (SSNs)? (This includes truncated SSNs)
☒ No.
☐ Yes. Why does the program collect SSNs? Provide the function of the SSN and the legal authority to do so:
<Please explain the purpose of the collection, the function and the legal authority to collect, maintain or transmit the SSN.>
What information about individuals could be collected, generated or retained?
Names, email address, work contact phone numbers, work addresses.
If this project is a technology/system, does it relate solely to infrastructure? [For example, is the system a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN)]?
☒ No. Please continue to the next question.
☐ Yes. Is there a log kept of communication traffic?
☐No. Please continue to the next question.
☐ Yes. What type of data is recorded in the log? (Please choose all that apply.)
☐ Header
☐ Payload Please describe the data that is logged.
<Please list the data elements in the log.>
Does the system connect, receive, or share Personally Identifiable Information with any other HUD systems?
☒ No.
☐ Yes. Please list the systems:
Is this external sharing pursuant to new or existing information sharing access agreement (MOU, MOA, LOI, etc.)?
Does the system meet all of the following requirements?
There will be a group of records under the control of an agency that contains a personal identifier (such as a name, date of birth, SSN, Employee Number, fingerprint, etc.) of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents;
Contains at least one other item of personal data (such as home address, performance rating, blood type, etc.); and
The data about the subject individual IS retrieved by the name or unique identifier assigned to the individual.
☒ No.
☐ Yes.
If yes is there an existing System of Record Notice?
☐ No.
☐ Yes.
Is there an Authorization to Operate record within OCIO’s FISMA tracking system CSAM?
☐ Unknown
☒ No
☐ Yes. Please indicate the determinations for each of the following:
Confidentiality: ☐ Low ☐ Moderate ☐ High
Integrity: ☐ Low ☐ Moderate ☐ High
Availability: ☐ Low ☐ Moderate ☐ High
Date reviewed by the HUD Privacy Branch: <Insert Date.>
Name of the HUD Privacy Branch Reviewer: <Please enter name of reviewer.>
☐ This is NOT a Privacy Sensitive System – the system contains no Personally Identifiable Information.
☐ This IS a Privacy Sensitive System
Category of System
☐ IT System
☐ Legacy System
☐ HR System
☐ Rule
☐ Other: ____________________________
☐ IPA sufficient at this time
☐ Privacy compliance documentation determination in progress
☐ PIA is not required at this time
☐ PIA is required
☐ System covered by existing PIA:
☐ New PIA is required
☐ PIA update is required
☐ SORN not required at this time
☐ SORN is required
☐ System covered by existing SORN:
☐ New SORN is required
By signing below you attest that the content captured in this document is accurate and complete and meet the requirements of applicable federal regulations and HUD internal policies.
SYSTEM OWNERLauren S. Deigh |
Date |
Acting Director, Technical Assistance Division |
Date |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | h04105 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |