3135-0112 Art Works: Creativity Connects Projects Grant Applicatio

Blanket Justification for NEA Funding Application Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

Art Works Creativity Connects Projects Grant Application Form

Blanket Justification for NEA Funding Application Guidelines and Reporting Requirements for Nonprofit Organizations

OMB: 3135-0112

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Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018


View Application Data

The data below is from the application you submitted through Grants.gov. It is for review only; this information
cannot be edited here. If changes are needed, contact the NEA.

Applicant Organization Name

Organization Address

Organization Address 2
Applicant Organization City
Applicant Organization State
Organization Zipcode
Organization Website



1000 characters remain

Project Start Date
Project End Date
Project Director Prefix Name
Project Director First Name
Project Director Middle Name
Project Director Last Name
Project Director Title

Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018



Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018


Part 1a: Organizational Information


Please refer to the NEA's website for instructions on how to fill out the Grant Application Form, as well as what
items to upload, in "Step 2: Submit Materials to NEA-GO." See here for more information:


OMB Number: 3135-0112
Expiration Date: TBD
NOTE: All red asterisked (*) items on this form are required and must be completed before you will be able to
submit the form.


Legal Name (per your IRS Determination Letter): *


Popular Name (if different):


For this application, are you serving as the Parent of an Independent Component: *
Mission of your organization:



Briefly summarize the mission of your organization. For non-arts organizations (e.g., universities, human service
agencies), summarize your mission as it pertains to your cultural programs or services. *
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Sit maiestatis mnesarchum honestat ◢ 789 characters to remove • • Please enter required value or fix the error. Briefly summarize the background/history of your organization. * ◢ 2000 characters remain • • Organization Budget: Complete this section using figures from completed fiscal years. If you are a parent organization, this information should refer to the component on whose behalf you are applying. Please see the instructions for filling out the Organization Budget in "Step 2: Submit Materials to NEA-GO." See here for more information: https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/fy17-creativity-connects- step2-instructions.pdf 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 4 Most Recently Complete Previous FY Two FYs Prior 12/31/15 12/31/14 12/31/13 Earned $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 Contributed $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 TOTAL INCOME $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 Artistic Salaries $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 Production / Exhibition $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 Administrative Expenses $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 325,000 $ 240,000 $ 160,000 Operating Surplus / Def ($ 125,000 ) ($ 90,000 ) ($ 60,000 ) FY End Date (MM/DD/YYY Income Expenses • • • ADD ROW FOR CUMULATIVE SURPLUS/DEFICIT 08/31/16 • Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 In the space below, discuss the fiscal health of your organization. In addition, you must explain: 1) any changes of 15% or more in either your income or expenses from one year to the next, and 2) plans for reducing any deficit (include the factors that contributed to the deficit and its amount). * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit in fe
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Sit maiestatis mnesarchum honestat ◢ 33 characters remain • 5 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Part 1b: Lead Prog. Activities/Partner Info. • Lead Applicant Programmatic Activities Submit representative examples of your programmatic activities for the past three years/seasons (up to 5 examples per year/season). Note: You can't change the years/seasons. If you need to provide information for different years/seasons, please note the years you are using in the "Programmatic Activity notes" section below. These examples should demonstrate eligibility (i.e., your organization's three-year history of programming) and the artistic excellence and merit of your organization. For projects that involve touring, list your organization’s touring activities for the past three years/seasons. If you do not have touring information, leave the section blank (i.e., do not type "N/A"). • Year 1 • Representative examples: REQUIRED FIELD REQUIRED FIELD (3,500 Character Limit, including spaces) • Year 2 • Representative examples: REQUIRED FIELD REQUIRED FIELD 6 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 (3,500 Character Limit, including spaces) • Year 3 • Representative examples: REQUIRED FIELD REQUIRED FIELD (3,500 Character Limit, including spaces) • Programmatic Activity notes: Provide any notes about your programmatic activity. 7 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 8 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit in feugiat imperdiet, alterum iudicabit cu pri. Quem idque doctus vix te, liber Eu dicit option percipitur eos. Nec volutpat eloquentiam eu. Duo at unum appetere, eu eum consequat pert Sit maiestatis mnesarchum honestatis in. Quo cu liber nullam dissentias. Ut wisi commodo adversarium mei, Te patrioque definitionem vix. Eos soluta erroribus ei, ea sed omittam dignissim. Ea percipit principes pro. Ad Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit in feugiat imperdiet, alterum iudicabit cu pri. Quem idque doctus vix te, liber Eu dicit option percipitur eos. Nec volutpat eloquentiam eu. Duo at unum appetere, eu eum consequat pert -3878 characters remain • • Non-Arts Partner Information • Non-Arts Partner Legal Name * • Non-Arts Partner Popular Name (if different) ABC Organization A Organization Non-Arts Partner Sector: Select the non-arts sector that describes your partner’s organization. (Drop down, single select) • Agriculture • Business and Economic Development • Science • Technology • Healthcare • Community • Education • Environment • Military • Transportation • Mission/purpose of non-arts partner organization: Briefly summarize the mission and purpose of your non-arts partner's organization. 1500 character limit 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 as adk kajjk ioui kasfjk. aksdfkl lkajkl; jakfk, kajdfkl. ajfd lk kadfjakd kjikjk l. alkj a.alkjf kd.: kajdfk aldf. 1384 characters remain • • Non-Arts Partner Proposed Role: Describe your non-arts partner organization’s involvement in planning and executing the project including programming, management, finances, and any responsibilities for matching the Arts Endowment’s grant. Be specific; do not provide a general statement of support for the project. 1500 character limit 1500 characters remain • 9 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 10 Part 2: Project Information NEA Discipline for Proposed Project: This refers to the artistic discipline associated with your project, not necessarily your organization as a whole. MODIFY THEATER & MUSICAL THEATER TO THEATER; ADD MUSICAL THEATER; UPDATE CODES; NOTIFY ITM FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Project Activities Project Title If your project title has changed since you submitted your SF-424 through Grants.gov, provide a new project title in the text field below. Text cannot be formatted (e.g., bold, italics). If you have no changes, leave the text as is. Do not type "N/A" as this will replace the previously submitted project title. 200 character limit • Project Description If your project description has changed since you submitted your SF-424 through Grants.gov, provide a new description in the text field below. Text cannot be formatted (e.g., bold, italics). If you have no changes, leave the text as is. Do not type "N/A" as this will replace the previously submitted project description. 1000 characters remain • Major Project Activities: This serves as the project narrative. Describe the proposed project. Be as thorough and specific as possible about the activities that will take place during the allowable project period. Where relevant, include information on any additional public components such as educational or outreach activities associated with the project. Do not describe unrelated organizational programming. If applicable, identify any works of art that will be central to the project and the reason for their selection. * 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 ◢ 4000 characters remain • Selection of Other Key Organizational Partners: If your project involves other organizational partners in addition to the required non-arts partner, describe the process and criteria for the selection of key organizations. Where relevant, describe their involvement in the development of the project to date. Where they remain to be selected, describe the selection procedures that you plan to follow and the qualifications that you seek. An organizational partner is an outside entity that will provide resources (other than money) to support the project. Because all NEA projects require matching resources from non-federal sources, organizations that only provide money are not considered partners. Funders are not excluded from being partners, but hey must also supply human resources or information capital, or actively participate in another way. ◢ 1000 characters remain Description of Other Key Organizational Partners: Include brief, current descriptions of the key organizational partners and their proposed role in the project. You may include up to 10. Organization Name Select Proposed or committed? • Description of the Organization ◢ 500 characters remain Organization Name 11 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Select Proposed or committed? • Description of the Organization ◢ 500 characters remain Organization Name Select Proposed or committed? • Description of the Organization ◢ 500 characters remain Organization Name Select Proposed or committed? • Description of the Organization ◢ 500 characters remain Organization Name Proposed or committed? Select 12 08/31/16 • Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Description of the Organization ◢ 500 characters remain Add more Organizations? Select • ◢ 500 characters remain • ◢ 500 characters remain • ◢ 500 characters remain • 13 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 ◢ 500 characters remain • ◢ 500 characters remain • Selection of Key Individuals: Briefly describe the process and criteria for the selection of key individuals who will be involved in this project (e.g. primary artist(s), project director, artistic director, executive director, teaching artist, curator, editor, folklorist, conductor). Where relevant, name the key individuals and describe their involvement in the development of the project to date. Where they remain to be selected, describe the procedures that you plan to follow and the qualifications that you seek. * ◢ 1000 characters remain Bios of Key Individuals: Include brief, current biographies of the key individuals. You may include up to 5. First Name Last Name (use this field for artistic group names or single names) Proposed or committed? • Bio including Select the proposed role in the project 14 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 ◢ 1000 characters remain First Name Last Name (use this field for artistic group names or single names) Proposed or committed? • Bio including Select the proposed role in the project ◢ 1000 characters remain Add more Individuals? Select • ◢ 1000 characters remain • 15 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 ◢ 1000 characters remain • ◢ 1000 characters remain • Schedule of key project dates: Describe the significant dates in the project. If you include activities that occur before June 1, 2018, indicate by adding an asterisk (*) and make sure that those activities and costs are not included on the Project Budget form. * ◢ 1500 characters remain • Promotion & Publicity: Briefly describe your plans for promoting and/or publicizing the project. * ◢ 1000 characters remain • Performance Measurement: How will you measure the success of your project? Describe any plans you have for program evaluation, for working collaboratively with researchers, strategic consultants, program evaluators, and/or 16 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 any other plans for performance measurement related to the project. Please see "Program Evaluation Resources" (http://arts.gov/grants-organizations/art-works/program-evaluationresources) for additional information. * ◢ 1000 characters remain Intended Beneficiaries (Field/Audience/Participants/Community) • How will the arts sector benefit from the project? Who are these beneficiaries? * ◢ 1000 characters remain • How will the non-arts sector benefit from the project? Who are these beneficiaries?. * ◢ 1000 characters remain • 17 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 18 Part 3: Project Budget REDUCE SALARIES/WAGES TO 7 LINES REDUCE TRAVEL TO 5 LINES REDUCE OTHER TO 14 LINES • • Please see the instructions for filling out the Project Budget in "Step 2: Submit Materials to NEA-GO" for your discipline. Budget descriptors should not exceed 100 characters each. See here for more information: https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/fy17-creativity-connects-step2-instructions.pdf Expenses 1. Direct Costs: Sala TITLE AND/OR TYPE NUMBER OF PERSO ANNUAL OR AVERA % OF TIME DEVOTE AMOUNT 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Total Salaries and w $0 Fringe Benefits Total fringe benefi Total salaries and f $0 2. Direct Costs: Trav # OF TRAVELERS 19 FROM TO AMOUNT 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Total Travel 3. Direct Costs: Oth $0 AMOUNT 20 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 21 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 Total other expens $0 4. Total Direct Cost $0 5. Indirect Costs (if Federal Agency: Rate (.0000): Base: Total Indirect Costs $ 0.00 6. Total Project Cos $0 22 08/31/16 • Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 23 Income 1. Amount Requested fr 2. Total Cost Share/Matc Cash Cash Amount Total cash (a): 0 In-kind In-kind Amount 08/31/16 • • Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 24 Total In-Kind (b): 0 Total cost/share match f 0 3. Total project income ( 0 The amounts below will populate from what you have entered after clicking Save at the bottom. Total Project Income MUST equal Total Project Costs. If they do not equal, you must adjust your figures in your budget above and Save. If you included an Indirect Cost Rate, the figures may not exactly match. In this case, click Save and continue. • Amount Requested from the NEA (1) • Total Cost Share/Match (2a + 2b) • TOTAL PROJECT INCOME (3) • TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (4 + 5) 0 0 $0 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 25 Part 4: Upload Docs, Work Samples Upload your required work samples and statement of support here. Please refer to the NEA's website for instructions for documents and work samples to upload in "Step 2: Submit Materials to NEA-GO." See here for more information: https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/fy17-creativity- connects-step2-instructions.pdf Panelists will not review more than 20 minutes of work samples. Upload files here. DO NOT click the Manage Folders button. Simply click Upload and reorder or edit your files if necessary: Folder is Empty. Folder Name: FY17 CC-Creativity Connects FY17 Folder Size: 0.00 MB User Storage: 120.723MB out of 250MB Used, 129MB Available Upload requirements Min # Max # Max File Size Uploaded Images 0 20 20 MB Videos 0 5 250 MB Documents 0 20 40 MB Audios 0 5 20 MB 08/31/16 Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 26 Part 5: Organization and Project Profile The National Endowment for the Arts collects basic descriptive information about all applicants and their projects. The information that follows will help the NEA to comply with government reporting requirements, and will be used to develop statistical information about the organizations and projects it funds to report to Congress and the public. Your responses will not be a factor in the review of your application. Applicant Organization Discipline: Select the primary discipline that is most relevant to your organization and, optionally, up to two additional disciplines. This refers to the primary artistic emphasis of your organization. This selection will not be used in the review of your application. See Part 2: Project Information: NEA Discipline to choose the discipline that you would like to review your project. * DISCUSS WITH ORA CHANGING THEATER & MUSICAL THEATER TO MUSICAL THEATER AND THEATER; CODING IMPLICATIONS; IF CODING IMPLICATIONS NOTIFY ITM FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Applicant Organization Discipline: Optionally, choose up to two additional disciplines. (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) DISCUSS WITH ORA CHANGING THEATER & MUSICAL THEATER TO MUSICAL THEATER AND THEATER; CODING IMPLICATIONS; IF CODING IMPLICATIONS NOTIFY ITM FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Applicant Organization Description: Select the primary description that is most relevant to your organization and, Select optionally, up to two additional descriptions. * Applicant Organization Description: Optionally, choose up to two additional descriptions. (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) Select Artists' Community, Arts Institute, or Camp Arts Center Arts Council / Agency Project Activity Type: * Additional Project Activity Type Optionally, choose up to two additional activity types. Select (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) Select Apprenticeship Arts Instruction - Includes lessons, classes and other means to teach knowledge of and/or skills in the arts Artwork Creation - Includes media arts, design projects, and commissions Audience/Participants/Communities If known, select all descriptors that best describe the intended audience/participants/communities that the project aims to reach. Race/Ethnicity (choose all that apply) (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) o Race/Ethnicity - U.S. federal government agencies must adhere to standards issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in October 1997, which specify that race and Hispanic origin (also known as ethnicity) are two separate and distinct concepts. These standards generally reflect a social definition of race and ethnicity recognized in this country, and they do not conform to any biological, anthropological, or genetic criteria. Origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s ancestors before their arrival in the United States.  American Indian or Alaskan Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.  Asian - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.  Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.  Hispanic or Latino - People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race.  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 08/31/16  Creativity Connects GAF, FY 2018 27 White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Select American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Age Ranges (choose all that apply) (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) Select Children/Youth (0-18 years) Young Adults (19-24 years) Adults (25-64 years) Underserved/Distinct Groups (choose all that apply) (To select more than one option on Windows, hold down the CTRL key and select multiple options. To select more than one option on Mac, hold down the Command key and select multiple options.) Select Individuals with Disabilities Individuals in Institutions (include people living in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, assisted care facilities, correcti Individuals below the Poverty Line Be sure to click Save before clicking Submit. You must click Submit to finalize your application for NEA review. Don't forget to hit the "Submit" button when you are ready to submit your application. If you do not hit the "Submit" button, your application will not be received. After submitting your application, you may log back into NEA-GO and make modifications to your submission up until the system closes on the day of the deadline. Remember to hit the "Save" and "Submit" button again prior the deadline. You will receive confirmation of your successful submission in two ways: 1) a pop up on your screen, and 2) an email from [email protected]. Maintain documentation of your successful submission (take a screenshot and/or keep the email). If you modify your application after you submit, you will not receive additional confirmations. You also can confirm that your application was received when you log in to NEA-GO. On the first screen it will say “Received” if your application has been received. If your application has not yet been received, it will say “In Progress.”
File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJillian Miller
File Modified2016-08-31
File Created2016-08-31

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