Survey (content)

CDC/ATSDR Formative Research and Tool Development

RMM Att 5 Survey Questionnaire Minority Male FINAL (7.1.2019)

Reaching Minority Men Where They Are – Formative Research to Build Capacity for Enrollment in Diabetes Prevention and Management Programs

OMB: 0920-1154

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OMB No.: 0920-1154

Exp. Date: 1/31/2020



Reaching Minority Men Where They Are

Survey Questionnaire

Your participation in this survey is part of a study about programs that are supposed to make you healthier and is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in the research or exit the survey at any time without penalty. You are agreeing to participate in this study by completing this survey.

CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-1154).

First, we have a few questions to help us determine which questions to ask you.

  1. What is your sex?

  • Male

  • Female [Terminate]

Use: Screening

  1. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

  • Yes, of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

  • No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Use: Screening and classification

  1. What is your race? (Select all that apply)

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Use: Screening and classification

Terminate if respondent selects “No” to #2 and ONLY “White” to #3

  1. What is your age?

  • Less than 18 years old [Terminate]

  • 18 – 24

  • 25 – 34

  • 35 – 44

  • 45 – 54

  • 55 – 64

  • 65 – 74

  • 75 or older

Use: Screening and classification

  1. Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever told you that you have type 2 diabetes?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

Use: Screening and classification

Display if respondent does NOT select “Yes” to #5

  1. Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have prediabetes or borderline diabetes?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

Use: Screening and classification

Display if respondent does NOT select “Yes” to #5

  1. Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had hypertension, also called high blood pressure?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

Use: Screening and classification

Display if respondent does NOT select “Yes” to #5

  1. Has your mother, father, brother, or sister been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

Use: Screening and classification

  1. Do you usually engage in physical activity for at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) per week? Physical activity is any activity that speeds up your heart rate and breathing, such as walking at a brisk pace, running, cycling, playing basketball, swimming, etc.

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t know

Use: Screening and classification

  1. About how tall are you without shoes?

____ feet {accept integers 4 – 7}

____ inches {accept integers 0 - 11}

Use: Screening and classification

  1. About how much do you weigh without shoes?

____ pounds. {accept integers 75 – 1000)

Use: Screening and classification

Qualified respondents:

  1. Male, AND

  2. Minority Race/Ethnicity, AND

  3. Aged 18+

  4. Disease status

    1. Diagnosed with diabetes, OR

    2. Diagnosed with prediabetes, or

    3. Diagnosed with hypertension, OR

    4. Has a family history (parent or sibling) of type 2 diabetes, OR

    5. Is physically inactive, OR

    6. Aged 45 or older, OR

    7. BMI >23 for Asian, BMI > 25 for all other races

  1. Do you speak a language other than English at home?

  • Yes

  • No

Use: Classification

Now, we’d like to ask a few questions about your current level of physical activity.

Display if respondent indicated that they are physically active regularly in Q9

  1. What helps you to maintain your physical activity routine? (select all that apply)

  • I have a personal trainer

  • I work out with a friend, partner, or group

  • I have people around me that encourage me to exercise regularly

  • Being able to exercise when it is convenient for me

  • I pay for classes/sessions ahead of time

  • I like the way I look and feel afterwards

  • I pay for a gym membership and I want to get my money’s worth

  • I don’t have to pay anything to exercise

  • I’ve just done it so frequently that it has become a habit

  • I have a health condition that requires me to exercise

  • My work requires me to be physically active while on the job

  • I receive benefits through my insurance provider if I exercise

  • I have fitness or weight loss goals that I am trying to achieve

  • Other (please specify)

Use: Gather insight into exercise motivations

Display if respondent indicated that they are not physically active in Q9

  1. What factors are keeping you from participating in physical activity for at least 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours) each week? (select all that apply)

  • I don’t have enough time

  • I don’t know how to exercise properly

  • I am not physically able to exercise regularly, due to injury or other limitations

  • I’m not comfortable in a gym

  • I don’t have support from my family or friends

  • I can’t afford it

  • I don’t have access to a gym/equipment

  • I don’t like to do it

  • I don’t feel motivated

  • I don’t see the benefit of it

  • The weather (either too cold or too hot)

  • It isn’t safe for me to exercise outdoors

  • Other (please specify)

U se: Gather insight into exercise barriers

  1. How comfortable would you feel exercising in a public space? (Exercising includes things like running, walking, stretching, and playing sports)

  • Very comfortable

  • Somewhat comfortable

  • Somewhat uncomfortable

  • Very uncomfortable

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions

Now we have some questions about what types of activities and programs might be interesting to you.

  1. Would you be interested in participating in a group session on healthy living? (Assume the sessions are free and held at a time when you are available)

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

  1. Men with diabetes are three times more likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED). Knowing this, would you be interested in participating in a group session on healthy living that provides information about ways to prevent or delay ED? (Assume the sessions are free and held at a time when you are available)

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

  1. Would you be interested in working with a personal health coach, that is, someone that can help you identify ways to incorporate healthy living in your life? (Assume the health coach is free)

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions

Display if BMI > 23 for Asian, BMI > 25 for all other races

  1. Would you be interested in participating in a program where you competed in a team to lose weight? (Assume this program is free to participate and at a time when you are available)

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions

  1. Would you be interested in participating in a program that offered incentives (non-financial or financial) for losing and/or maintaining your weight?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions

  1. Would you be interested in participating in a healthy eating program with your family, children, and/or those that live with you?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions

Display if respondent selected “yes, definitely” or “yes, probably” to at least two of Q16 - Q21

  1. Below are the programs or activities that you said you might be interested in participating. Drag and drop the items below to rank them in order of interest, #1 being the one that you are most interested in.

  • [Insert list of programs they selected “yes, definitely” or “yes, probably” in Q16 - Q21]

Use: Gather insight into perceptions of potential interventions; force ranking of level of interest in the various interventions

Display if respondent selects “Yes, definitely” or “Yes, probably” from Q16

  1. How often would you be willing to participate in a group session on healthy living?

  • Up to once a week

  • Up to twice a month

  • Up to once a month

  • Less than once a month

  • No preference

  1. Would you be interested in participating in a group session on healthy living that is held online?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Display if respondent selects “Yes, definitely” or “Yes, probably” from Q16

  1. Would you prefer to participate in a group session on healthy living that is structured and set up like a class or informal and discussion-based?

  • Structured and set up like a class

  • Informal and discussion-based

  • No preference

Display if respondent selects “Yes, definitely” or “Yes, probably” from Q16

  1. Would you prefer to participate in a group session on healthy living that is held in a classroom or another gathering space such as a community center, barbershop, or coffee shop? (Assume you are able to easily access either option)

  • Held in a classroom

  • Held in an existing gathering space (a community center, a barbershop, a coffee shop, etc.)

  • No preference

  1. Would you be more likely to participate in a group session on healthy living, if the group was led by a man?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

  1. Would you be more likely to participate in a group session on healthy living, if the group was led by someone from your racial/ethnic group?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Display if respondent selects “yes” to Q12

  1. Would you be more likely to participate in a program to improve your health, if the program materials, such as flyers or videos, were provided in the language you speak at home?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

  1. Would you be more likely to participate in a program to improve your health, if the program materials, such as flyers or videos, used examples and images of people from your racial/ethnic group?

  • Yes, definitely

  • Yes, probably

  • I’m not sure

  • No, probably not

  • No, definitely not

Use: Gather insight into importance of creating program materials with particular images

Display if respondent selects “Yes, definitely” or “Yes, probably” from Q16

  1. What is the farthest you would be willing to travel to attend a group session on healthy living? (Assume the program is free and offered at a time you are available)

  • Not applicable (I would not be willing/able to travel for this at all)

  • Up to 3 miles

  • Between 3 and 5 miles

  • Between 5 and 20 miles

  • Between 20 and 60 miles

  • More than 60 miles

Use: Gather insight into willingness to travel to inform intervention requirements

  1. Have you ever participated in any formal programs aimed at improving your health? A formal program could include a group education course, one-on-one sessions with a health coach, a team weight loss competition, or another similar program.

  • Yes

  • No

Use: Classification and for skip logic for next question

Display if selected “yes” to #32

  1. Thinking of the formal programs you have previously participated in that have to do with improving your health, what problems or issues did you encounter with these programs? (Select all that apply)

  • They seemed geared more to women than men

  • They were too expensive

  • They were too far away

  • The people in charge couldn’t relate to me

  • The hours were inconvenient

  • The suggestions/solutions did not apply to my lifestyle

  • The suggestions/solutions did not apply to my culture/background

  • They felt like a waste of time

  • I just wasn’t motivated to stick with it

  • I just didn’t have the time to devote to it

  • Other (please specify)

  • None of the above

Use: Gather insight into barriers to participation in interventions in order to inform design

Finally, we have a few more questions for classification purposes only.

  1. Where do you get information about health-related activities? Health-related activities might include things like healthy eating, exercise, illnesses, etc. (select all that apply)

  • A doctor or doctor’s office

  • Pharmacy or pharmacist

  • Church

  • A friend, family member, or relative

  • Television

  • Radio or podcasts

  • School

  • A community organization

  • Your gym or health club

  • Your barbershop or hair salon

  • The local government

  • The internet or social media

  • Medicine men

  • Sweat lodges

  • Somewhere else

  • None of the above

Use: Gather insight into best places to disseminate information

  1. About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?

  • Within the last 3 months

  • Between 3 and 6 months ago

  • Between 6 and 9 months ago

  • Between 9 and 12 months ago

  • Between 1 and 2 years ago

  • Between 2 and 5 years ago

  • More than 5 years ago

  • I don’t know

Use: Classification

  1. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?

  • Never attended school or only attended kindergarten

  • Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary)

  • Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school)

  • Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate)

  • College 1 year to 3 years (Some college or technical school)

  • College 4 years or more (College graduate)

Use: Classification

  1. Are you currently…?

  • Employed for wages

  • Self-employed

  • Out of work for 1 year or more

  • Out of work for less than 1 year

  • A homemaker

  • A student

  • Retired

  • Unable to work

Use: Classification

  1. Are you…?

  • Never married

  • Married

  • Member of an unmarried couple

  • Widowed

  • Divorced

  • Separated

Use: Classification

Display if selected “married” or “member of an unmarried couple” in Q38

  1. Is your spouse or partner supportive of you living a healthy lifestyle?

  • Yes

  • No

Use: Classification

  1. Which of the following best describes the location of your primary residence? Is it in a…?

  • Large city

  • Small city, suburban area or large town

  • Village or rural area

  • A reservation

Use: Classification

  1. Is your annual household income from all sources…?

  • Less than $10,000

  • $10,000 to $14,999

  • $15,000 to $19,999

  • $20,000 to $24,999

  • $25,000 to $34,999

  • $35,000 to $49,999

  • $50,000 to $74,999

  • $75,000 to $99,999

  • $100,000 to $124,999

  • $125,000 to $149,999

  • $150,000 or more

Use: Classification

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorLeavitt Partners
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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