Form 1 Site Visit Interview DEI General Domain Protocol ver 1.0

Disability Employment Initiative Evaluation

Site Visit Interview DEI General Domain Protocol ver 1.0.xls

Site Visit Staff Interviews

OMB: 1230-0010

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Instrument 1
State Lead
WIB Director
1-Stop Managers
1-Stop Staff
Partner Agency Managers
Adult Customers
Youth Customers
Career Pathways

Sheet 1: Instrument 1

OMB Number 1230-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/2020

Public Burden Statement. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this project is 1230-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per respondent, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to

Sheet 2: State Lead


SL1 What are the roles and responsibilities of the DEI State Lead?
SL2 What are the roles and responsibilities of the DRC?
SL3 What are the differences between the roles of the DPN and the DRC? Only for state/LWIB that still have Disability Program Navigators (DPNs)
SL4 Describe the interaction between the DEI state lead and the DRCs. PROBES: How do they work together for the benefit of customers with disabilities? What is the nature and frequency of their collaborations? (3rd year) How has this evolved over the project period?

SL5 Walk me through the process of your DEI site(s) becoming (an) EN(s). What was difficult? Why? What was easy? Why? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
SL6 Is there any thing in particular that helped you through the EN application process? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
SL7 What challenges, if any, does the One-Stop experience in participating in Ticket To Work?

SL8 What partnerships and collaborations that supported the employment of people with disabilities, existed in your state prior to DEI? PROBE: Describe the involvement of stakeholders, partners, and collaborators and how they helped shape the services provided.
SL9 Since DEI began, what partnerships have been developed? PROBE: Required WIA partners? State and local programs/agencies? Faith-based and community organizations?
SL10 How does the region define who is a partner? PROBE: what about less traditional partners, like Medicaid, small business development centers, work incentive coordinators for Social Security, economic development programs, etc.
SL11 Are there mechanisms in place at the state-level that stimulate or provide an incentive for partnerships collaboration or teamwork?
SL12 Have the partners changed over time? Why? Not for year 1.
SL13 What are the challenges the workforce system encounters in collaborating with other agencies? PROBE: w/ general assistance agencies (transportation, housing, etc.)? w/ local workforce development agencies (e.g. community college work initiatives, Job Corps, etc.)? w/ disability-specific agencies? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
SL14 How much are the VR agencies integrated with the LWIB and one-stop centers? PROBES: Are they co-located? Is there a full time VR staff member on-site? How is co-enrollment handled?
SL15 How has the initiative improved the coordination and delivery of services and the level of alignment between agencies and service providers? Not year 1.
SL16 How have the partnerships been coordinated to ensure sustainability now that the funding will be ending? PROBE: Sharing, leveraging, of expertise and funds. Not year 1.
SL17 What elements of this collaboration will extend beyond the life of the grant? SUBQUESTION: What have you done to ensure that these elements are sustained? Not year 1.

SL18 Does the state Workforce Investment Agency have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
SL19 Do the LWIBs have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
SL20 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI. Not year 1.

SL21 How are you leveraging resources and being creative with your funding to improve your services for CWDs? PROBES: Blending and braiding…systems leveraged…amount/type of funds/resources? What are the possibilities for (for example) leveraging technology resources (tech act programs, revolving funds...) or transportation (state transportation...united we ride...)etc.?
SL22 What are some of the lessons you've learned about leveraging your resources? What has worked? What has not worked?
SL23 How do IRTs facilitate services for CWDs across your multiple service delivery systems? SUBQUESTIONS: What challenges have IRTs helped address? In what ways have IRTs contributed to the leveraging of resources? Not for year 1. Relevant to states using BOTH the IRT and B&B strategies only.

SL24 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
SL25 What programs and/or services were offered to people with disabilities prior to the DEI project? PROBES: Benefits Counseling, ticket to work, customized employment, DPN (how many? How long? roles?
SL26 Before DEI did your WIB/LWIBs employ any of the seven strategies outlined in the SGA? SUBQUESTIONS: What were they? Which of the seven strategies were chosen to implement for DEI and why were they chosen?
SL27 What services and strategies that haven't been covered are used by DEI grantees to help CWD improve their employability, or become employed? PROBE: Transportation, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, self-employment, customized employment etc.
SL28 How are social and professional networks for youth identified and developed? PROBES: How are they engaged? How are the youth involved in this process? Talked about dropping or getting clarification…
SL29 How do you monitor One-Stops' compliance with Section 188? SUBQUESTIONS: What systems are in place to monitor physical, programmatic, and communications accessibility (e.g. compliance with Section 188)? What role does the EEO Officer have in this process? What are ways that DEI sites have incorporated universal design?
SL30 What kind of outreach has been done to potential customers with disabilities?
SL31 Do you have any reports, proposals, self-evaluations, or examples of products we can have? PROBE: Including reports on outreach efforts? This information should be accessible from Quarterly reports

Sheet 3: DRC


DRC1 What are the challenges that you encounter with serving CWDs? How are these challenges handled? Could be a good opening question so OK if it is a little generic
DRC2 Could you walk me through some of your main responsibilities? What does your day consist of? PROBES: What kinds of workshops and other educational activities (e.g. financial literacy, asset development, employment related training, skill-development, job seeking, benefits eligibility) do you coordinate for the LWIB(s)? How do you coordinate services for CWDs? How do other One-Stop staff help coordinate services? How do you and other One-Stop staff help CWDs with taking advantage of employment and educational opportunities?
DRC3 What are the differences between the roles of the DPN and the Disability Resource Coordinator (DRC)? Only for state/LWIB that still have Disability Program Navigators (DPNs)
DRC4 Describe the interaction between the DEI state lead and the DRCs. PROBES: How do they work together for the benefit of clients with disabilities? What is the nature and frequency of their collaborations? (3rd year) How has this evolved over the project period?

DRC5 Walk me through the process of your DEI site(s) becoming (an) EN(s). What was difficult? Why? What was easy? Why? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
DRC6 Is there any thing in particular that helped you through the EN application process? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
DRC7 What challenges, if any, does the One-Stop experience in participating in Ticket To Work?

DRC8 Does the state Workforce Investment Agency have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
DRC9 Do the LWIBs have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
DRC10 How is the DEI program being communicated to One-Stop staff, mandated partners, job seekers?
DRC11 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI. Not year 1.

DRC12 What partnerships and collaborations that supported the employment of people with disabilities, existed at the LWIB prior to DEI? PROBE: Describe the involvement of stakeholders, partners, and collaborators and how they helped shape the services provided.
DRC13 Since DEI began, what partnerships have been developed? PROBE: Required WIA partners? State and local programs/agencies, faith-based and community organizations?
DRC14 How does the region define who is a partner? PROBE: what about less traditional partners, like Medicaid, small business development centers, work incentive coordinators for Social Security, economic development programs, etc.
DRC15 Are there mechanisms in place at the state-level that stimulate or provide an incentive for partnerships collaboration or teamwork?
DRC16 Have the partners changed over time? Why? Not for year 1.
DRC17 What impact has do your partnerships have on serving CWDs who are co-enrolled with WIA?
DRC18 What are the challenges LWIBs encounter in collaborating with other agencies? PROBES: w/ general assistance agencies (transportation, housing, etc.)? w/ local workforce development agencies (e.g. community college work initiatives, Job Corps, etc.)? w/ disability-specific agencies? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
DRC19 How do DRCs or other staff engage the school systems and incorporate their learning plans into the VR services they provide youth with disabilities?
DRC20 How much are VR agencies integrated with the LWIB and one-stop centers? PROBES: Are they co-located? Is there a full time VR staff member on-site? How is co-enrollment handled?
DRC21 How has the initiative improved the coordination and delivery of services and the level of alignment between agencies and service providers? Not year 1.
DRC22 How have the partnerships been coordinated to ensure sustainability now that the funding will be ending? PROBE: Sharing, leveraging, of expertise and funds. Not year 1.
DRC23 What elements of this collaboration will extend beyond the life of the grant? SUBQUESTION: What have you done to ensure that these elements are sustained? Not year 1.

DRC24 How are you leveraging resources and being creative with your funding to improve your services for CWDs? PROBES: Blending and braiding…systems leveraged…amount/type of funds/resources? What are the possibilities for (for example) leveraging technology resources (tech act programs, revolving funds...) or transportation (state transportation...united we ride...)etc.?
DRC25 What are some of the lessons you've learned about leveraging your resources? What has worked? What has not worked?
DRC26 How do IRTs facilitate services for CWDs across your multiple service delivery systems? SUBQUESTIONS: What challenges have IRTs helped address? In what ways have IRTs contributed to the leveraging of resources? Not for year 1. Relevant to states using BOTH the IRT and B&B strategies only.
DRC27 How have you and the One-Stop staff used the DEI TA Center? SUBQUESTIONS: What has been helpful about the DEI TA Center? What do you think could be improved?

DRC28 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBES: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
DRC29 How do DRCs and other staff involve family members and others in the service process? PROBES: What is the nature of their involvement?
DRC30 What programs and/or services were offered to people with disabilities prior to the DEI project? PROBES: Benefits Counseling, ticket to work, customized employment, DPN (how many? How long? roles?
DRC31 Before DEI did your WIB/LWIBs employ any of the seven strategies outlined in the SGA? SUBQUESTIONS: What were they? Which of the seven strategies were chosen to implement for DEI and why were they chosen?
DRC32 What services and strategies that haven't been covered are used by DEI grantees to help CWD improve their employability, or become employed? PROBE: Transportation, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, self-employment, customized employment etc.
DRC33 What trainings did you, other DRCs, Case Managers, and other One-Stop staff complete that relate to the implementation of DEI and working with CWDs? SUBQUESTIONS: Were any of these sponsored by NDI? What other ways did staff prepare for the implementation of DEI?
DRC34 Describe the customer intake process. In what way has the project changed the intake process at the One-Stop Career Center? PROBE: new materials, forms, VR's role in intake? SUBQUESTION: Will these changes be made permanent? How? Only ask to DRCs who work on the local level.
DRC35 How are customers' disability-related service needs identified? By whom? SUBQUESTION: Is there anything you do to encourage someone to disclose their disability?
DRC36 How do DRCs and other One-Stop staff work with customers with disabilities in exploring their vocational options, assessing their existing occupational skills, training needs, and job seeking skills?
DRC37 How are social and professional networks for youth identified and developed? PROBE: How are they engaged? How are the youth involved in this process? Talked about dropping or getting clarification…
DRC38 How do you monitor One-Stops' compliance with Section 188? SUBQUESTIONS: What systems are in place to monitor physical, programmatic, and communications accessibility (e.g. compliance with Section 188)? What role does the EEO Officer have in this process? What are ways that DEI sites have incorporated universal design?
DRC39 What kind of outreach has been done to potential customers with disabilities?
DRC40 Which services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?
DRC41 Do you have any reports, proposals, self-evaluations, or examples of products we can have? PROBE: Including reports on outreach efforts? This information should be accessible from Quarterly reports

Sheet 4: WIB Director


WIB1 How does your role in the DEI initiative mesh with the State Lead's role and the DRC's role?

WIB2 Walk me through the process of your DEI site(s) becoming (an) EN(s). What was difficult? Why? What was easy? Why? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
WIB3 Is there any thing in particular that helped you through the EN application process? Only for states that had non-EN sites.
WIB4 What challenges, if any, does the One-Stop experience in participating in Ticket To Work?

WIB5 What partnerships and collaborations that supported the employment of people with disabilities, existed at the LWIB prior to DEI? PROBE: Describe the involvement of stakeholders, partners, and collaborators and how they helped shape the services provided.
WIB6 Since DEI began, what partnerships have been developed? PROBE: Required WIA partners? State and local programs/agencies? Faith-based and community organizations?
WIB7 How does the region define who is a partner? PROBE: what about less traditional partners, like Medicaid, small business development centers, work incentive coordinators for Social Security, economic development programs, etc.
WIB8 Are there any mechanisms in place that stimulate or provide an incentive for partnerships collaboration or teamwork? SUBQUESTION: Please describe.
WIB9 Have the partners changed over time? Why? Not for year 1.
WIB10 What are the challenges LWIBs encounter in collaborating with other agencies? PROBES: w/ general assistance agencies (transportation, housing, etc.)? w/ local workforce development agencies (e.g. community college work initiatives, Job Corps, etc.)? w/ disability-specific agencies? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
WIB11 How do DRCs or other staff engage the school systems and incorporate their learning plans into the VR services they provide youth with disabilities?
WIB12 How much are the VR agencies integrated with the LWIB and one-stop centers? PROBES: Are they co-located? Is there a full time VR staff member on-site? How is co-enrollment handled?
WIB13 How has the initiative improved the coordination and delivery of services and the level of alignment between agencies and service providers? Not year 1.
WIB14 How have the partnerships been coordinated to ensure sustainability now that the funding will be ending? PROBE: Sharing, leveraging, of expertise and funds. Not year 1.
WIB15 What elements of this collaboration will extend beyond the life of the grant? SUBQUESTION: What have you done to ensure that these elements are sustained? Not year 1.

WIB16 Does the state Workforce Investment Agency have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
WIB17 Do the LWIBs have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
WIB18 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI. Not year 1.

WIB19 How are you leveraging resources and being creative with your funding to improve your services for CWDs? PROBES: Blending and braiding…systems leveraged…amount/type of funds/resources? What are the possibilities for (for example) leveraging technology resources (tech act programs, revolving funds...) or transportation (state transportation...united we ride...)etc.?
WIB20 What are some of the lessons you've learned about leveraging your resources? What has worked? What has not worked?
WIB21 How do IRTs facilitate services for CWDs across your multiple service delivery systems? SUBQUESTIONS: What challenges have IRTs helped address? In what ways have IRTs contributed to the leveraging of resources? Not for year 1. Relevant to states using BOTH the IRT and B&B strategies only.
WIB22 How have you used the DEI TA Center? SUBQUESTIONS: What has been helpful about the DEI TA Center? What do you think could be improved?

WIB23 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
WIB24 What programs and/or services were offered to people with disabilities prior to the DEI project? PROBES: Benefits Counseling, ticket to work, customized employment, DPN (how many? How long? roles?
WIB25 Before DEI did your WIB/LWIBs employ any of the seven strategies outlined in the SGA? SUBQUESTIONS: What were they? Which of the seven strategies were chosen to implement for DEI and why were they chosen?
WIB26 What services and strategies that haven't been covered are used by DEI grantees to help CWD improve their employability, or become employed? PROBE: Transportation, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, self-employment, customized employment etc.
WIB27 How do you monitor One-Stops' compliance with Section 188? SUBQUESTIONS: What systems are in place to monitor physical, programmatic, and communications accessibility (e.g. compliance with Section 188)? What role does the EEO Officer have in this process? What are ways that DEI sites have incorporated universal design?
WIB28 Have you generated any reports, proposals, or self-evaluations of the efficacy of your outreach efforts? SUBQUESTION: How can we get copies of these?
WIB29 Do you have any reports, proposals, self-evaluations, or examples of products we can have? PROBE: Including reports on outreach efforts? This information should be accessible from Quarterly reports

Sheet 5: 1-Stop Managers


1SM1 What are the challenges that your One-Stop encounters in serving CWDs? How have you tried to resolve these challenges?
1SM2 Before DEI, what challenges did you face related to starting programs and partners? Related to leveraging resources?
1SM3 Since DEI began, what challenges have you faced related to starting programs and partners? Related to leveraging resources?
1SM4 How do the DEI State Lead and DRC(s) support your efforts?
1SM5 What trainings did you and your One-Stop staff complete that relate to the implementation of DEI and working with CWDs? SUBQUESTIONS: Were any of these sponsored by NDI? What other ways did staff prepare for the implementation of DEI?

1SM6 What challenges, if any, has your One-Stop faced in participating in Ticket To Work?
1SM7 Does the state Workforce Investment Agency have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTIONS: What are they and how do they affect DEI?
1SM8 Does your LWIB have any policies that specifically impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTIONS: What are they and how do they and how do they affect DEI?
1SM9 How is the DEI program being communicated to One-Stop staff, mandated partners, job seekers?
1SM10 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI. Not year 1.

1SM11 What partnerships and collaborations that supported the employment of people with disabilities, existed here prior to DEI? PROBE: Describe the involvement of stakeholders, partners, and collaborators and how they helped shape the services provided.
1SM12 Since DEI began, what partnerships have been developed? PROBE: Required WIA partners? State and local programs/agencies, faith-based and community organizations?
1SM13 How does the region define who is a partner? PROBE: what about less traditional partners, like Medicaid, small business development centers, work incentive coordinators for Social Security, economic development programs, etc.
1SM14 Have the partners changed over time? Why? Not for year 1.
1SM15 What impact has do your partnerships have on serving CWDs who are co-enrolled with WIA?
1SM16 What are the challenges the One-Stop encounters in collaborating with other agencies? PROBE: w/ general assistance agencies (transportation, housing, etc.)? w/ local workforce development agencies (e.g. community college work initiatives, Job Corps, etc.)? w/ disability-specific agencies? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
1SM17 How much are VR agencies integrated with Center? PROBES: Are they co-located? Is there a full time VR staff member on-site? How is co-enrollment handled?
1SM18 How has the initiative improved the coordination and delivery of services and the level of alignment between agencies and service providers? Not year 1.
1SM19 How have the partnerships been coordinated to ensure sustainability now that the funding will be ending? PROBE: Sharing, leveraging, of expertise and funds. Not year 1.
1SM20 What elements of this collaboration will extend beyond the life of the grant? SUBQUESTION: What have you done to ensure that these elements are sustained? Not year 1.

1SM21 How do IRTs facilitate services for CWDs across your multiple service delivery systems? SUBQUESTIONS: What challenges have IRTs helped address? In what ways have IRTs contributed to the leveraging of resources? Not for year 1. Relevant to states using BOTH the IRT and B&B strategies only.
1SM22 How have you and your staff used the DEI TA Center? SUBQUESTIONS: What has been helpful about the DEI TA Center? What do you think could be improved?

1SM23 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
1SM24 How do DRCs and other staff involve family members and others in the service process? PROBES: What is the nature of their involvement?
1SM25 What programs and/or services were offered to people with disabilities prior to the DEI project? PROBE: Benefits Counseling, ticket to work, customized employment, DPN (how many? How long? roles?
1SM26 What services and strategies are now used by DEI grantees to help CWD improve their employability, or become employed? PROBE: Transportation, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, self-employment, customized employment etc.
1SM27 How do you monitor One-Stops' compliance with Section 188? SUBQUESTIONS: What systems are in place to monitor physical, programmatic, and communications accessibility (e.g. compliance with Section 188)? What role does the EEO Officer have in this process? What are ways that DEI sites have incorporated universal design?
1SM28 What kind of outreach has been done to potential customers with disabilities?
1SM29 Which services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?
1SM30 Do you have any reports, proposals, self-evaluations, or examples of products we can have? PROBE: Including reports on outreach efforts? This information should be accessible from Quarterly reports

Sheet 6: 1-Stop Staff


1SS1 Could you walk me through some of your main responsibilities? What does your day consist of? PROBE: What kinds of workshops and other educational activities (e.g. financial literacy, asset development, employment related training, skill-development, job seeking, benefits eligibility) do you participate in? How do you coordinate services for CWDs? How does your work overlap with other One-Stop staff? How do you and other One-Stop staff help CWDs with taking advantage of employment and educational opportunities?
1SS2 What are the challenges that you encounter with serving CWDs? How are these challenges handled? Could be a good opening question so OK if it is a little generic
1SS3 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
1SS4 Describe the client intake process. In what way did the project change the intake process at the One-Stop Career Center (e.g., new materials, forms, VR's role in intake)? Will these changes be made permanent? How?
1SS5 How are disability-related service needs identified? By whom? SUBQUESTION: Is there anything you do to encourage someone to disclose their disability?
1SS6 How do you involve family members and others in the service process? PROBE: What is the nature of their involvement?
1SS7 How do you work with customers with disabilities in exploring their vocational options, assessing their existing occupational skills, training needs, and job seeking skills?
1SS8 How are social and professional networks for youth identified and developed? PROBE: How are they engaged? How are the youth involved in this process?
1SS9 What approaches does the One-Stop employ to reach out to CWDs?

1SS10 How are the One Stop staff being informed about the DEI changes or implementation?
1SS11 What trainings did One-Stop staff complete that relate to the implementation of DEI and working with CWDs? SUBQUESTIONS: Were any of these sponsored by NDI? In what other ways did you prepare for DEI?
1SS12 What challenges have you and other One-Stop staff had in implementing DEI?
1SS13 Are there any LWIB policies that impact the implementation of DEI? SUBQUESTION: What are they? How do they impact the implementation?
1SS14 What are the challenges do you encounter in collaborating with other agencies? PROBE: w/ general assistance agencies (transportation, housing, etc.)? w/ local workforce development agencies (e.g. community college work initiatives, Job Corps, etc.)? w/ disability-specific agencies? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
1SS15 How do DRCs or other staff engage the school systems and incorporate their learning plans into the VR services they provide youth with disabilities?
1SS16 Which services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?
1SS17 How have you used the DEI TA Center? SUBQUESTIONS: What has been helpful about the DEI TA Center? What do you think could be improved?

Sheet 7: Partner Agency Managers


PA1 What are the challenges that you encounter with serving CWDs? How are these challenges handled? Could be a good opening question so OK if it is a little generic
PA2 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: Those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
PA3 What type of services and or supports does your organization provide to assist customers with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment (e.g. on-the-job training, apprenticeship, self-employment, customized employment etc.)?
PA4 Has DEI changed the services you provide or the way you work with people with disabilities? Changed for relevance

PA5 How would you define "being a partner" with the DEI site/LWIB(s)?
PA6 Describe how you came to be a collaborative partner in the DEI project? PROBE: How was the partnership developed and formalized/not formalized?
PA7 What is the nature of the relationship between your agency and the LWIB/One Stop? PROBES: What is the extent to which your agency is integrated into the LWIB/One-Stop centers? Describe how co-enrollment is handled.
PA8 How are changes in strategies and service processes being communicated to the One-Stop Career Center staff, mandated partners, other systems, and job seekers?
PA9 How are services for CWDs coordinated between your agency and the One-Stop(s)? PROBES: What does the process typically look like? Are customers referred to you? Co-enrolled?
PA10 What are the challenges that you and your agency staff have encountered with the partnership? SUBQUESTION: How has your agency and the One-Stop staff tried to resolve these challenges?
PA11 How does being in partnership with the One-Stop(s) change your agency's order of business? PROBE: In what ways have your agency's procedures changed as a result of working with the One-Stop(s)?
PA12 Are there any policies in your agency or the One Stop that have hindered the partnership? SUBQUESTION: Have there been any efforts to resolve this?
PA13 How are disability-related service needs identified? By whom? SUBQUESTION: Is there anything you do to encourage someone to disclose their disability?
PA14 How do you think the relationship between your agency and the LWIB/One-Stop has impacted amount or quality of services for your CWDs?
PA15 Which DEI services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?
PA16 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI.
PA17 How has your partnership with the LWIB(s) changed over time? What were the reasons for the changes? Not in year 1.
PA18 How have the developed or preexisting partnerships been coordinated so as to ensure sustainability now that the funding will be ending? PROBE: on sharing, leveraging, and exploitation of expertise and funds. Later site visit
PA19 What elements of this collaboration will extend beyond the life of the grant? What have you done to ensure that these elements are sustained? Later site visit

Sheet 8: Employers

E1 What services or interaction did you have with your local WIB or one-stops prior to DEI? Changed for relevance.
E2 What are the challenges your company has encountered working with people with disabilities?
E3 What are the unique challenges of serving youth with disabilities? PROBE: those in the foster system? Juvenile Justice system?
E4 What is the nature of the relationship between your company and the One-Stop(s)? SUBQUESTIONS: How has this collaboration affected your business? What has been its impact/results thus far?
E5 What services or approaches did your local one-stop, DRC, or WIB provide to help match your company needs with potential workers with disabilities? Changed for relevance
E6 Did the Local one-stop, DRC or WIB provide any supports or services to facilitate your hiring of, or subsequent employment of an individual with disabilities? SUBQUESTION: If so how? Please describe Changed for relevance
E7 Describe any structural changes (i.e., organizational structure, policies, and procedures) that are being made or should be made to improve service delivery and integration under DEI.
E8 How has your partnership with the LWIB/One-Stop enhanced your ability to employ individuals with disabilities?
E9 What challenges has your company encountered in collaborating with the One-Stop(s)? SUBQUESTION: How have these challenges been addressed?
E10 Which DEI services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?

Sheet 9: Adult Customers

AC1 How did you hear about the DEI program? Can you describe your initial experiences coming to your local one-stop?
AC2 How do One-Stop staff help you or people you know find employment? PROBES: Exploring vocational options, assessing existing occupational skills, identifying training needs, teaching job seeking skills…
AC3 What kind of workshops and activities do they have? PROBES: Financial literacy, asset development, employment related training, skill-development, job seeking, benefits eligibility...
AC4 Please walk us through your experience when you first came to this Center. If you can, try to tell us what happened in the order of when it happened. PROBES: Describe the intake process. How did you go about getting assistance from the One-Stop Career Center? Combined with CE question
AC5 How do One-Stop staff help determine your disability-related service needs? WE NEED A PROMPT/EXAMPLE FOR THIS ONE.
AC6 What has been the result of your experience with this Center? CE question
AC7 In general, are you satisfied with the help you receive from the Center? CE question
AC8 Do you feel like you have a say in the help you received? CE question
AC9 Which DEI services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?

Sheet 10: Youth Customers

YC1 How did you hear about the DEI program? Can you describe your initial experiences coming to your local one-stop?
YC2 Please walk us through your experience when you first came to this Center. If you can, try to tell us what happened in the order of when it happened. PROBES: Describe the intake process. How did you go about getting assistance from the One-Stop Career Center? Combined with CE question
YC3 How do One-Stop staff help you or people you know find employment? PROBES: Exploring vocational options, assessing existing occupational skills, identifying training needs, teaching job seeking skills…
YC4 What kind of workshops and activities do they have? PROBES: Financial literacy, asset development, employment related training, skill-development, job seeking, benefits eligibility, Youth Council...
YC5 Can you describe how staff addressed you and your needs upon your interest in their services? PROBES: How did they explore your career goals? Did you feel your options were evaluated adequately?
YC6 Did you work with your one-stop to identify social and professional networks that would help you with your education or career goals? Changed for appropriateness
YC7 How was your family involved in the services you were provided?
YC8 What has been the result of your experience with this Center? CE question
YC9 In general, are you satisfied with the help you receive from the Center? CE question
YC10 Do you feel like you have a say in the help you received? CE question
YC11 Which DEI services do you think are most effective for CWDs? SUBQUESTION: Why?

Sheet 11: Career Pathways

Career Pathways Questions

A. What collaborative relationships were needed to be in place to design and implement the career pathways program?

·         It what ways is the existing career pathways system accessible in terms of needed accommodations, including assistive technology, flexible scheduling, and universal design for learning?

·         It what ways is it inclusive?

·         In what ways does it accommodate people with disabilities?

B.     Accommodations

How does the career pathways program accommodate the following groups?

·         At the secondary level (such as local education agencies, high schools, alternative high schools, Job Corps programs, YouthBuild program, career academies, and secondary career technical education programs)

·         At the postsecondary level (such as occupational certificate programs offered by community colleges, registered apprenticeship programs, and associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs)

·         With workforce agencies, business and other community stakeholders

o   Workforce Investment Board(s) and local job centers

o   Secondary Education staff;

o   Adult Basic Education providers

o   Transitional Assistance for Needy Families (TANF )providers and Human Service agencies

o   Economic Development agencies

o   Business/Employer representative(s)

o   Vocational Rehabilitation specialists

o   Other community-based organizations

o   State agencies:

·         State Departments of Labor

·         Adult Basic and Postsecondary Education

·         Economic Development

·         Human Services

·         Rehabilitation

·         Corrections/Juvenile Justice

·         Mental Health

·         Intellectual/Development Disabilities

o   Other Stakeholders/Services

·         Medicaid

·         Social Security/Ticket to Work Employment Networks

·         Transportation

·         Housing

·         Registered apprenticeship programs

·         Asset development entities

·         Carl D. Perkins Act providers

·         Career and Technical Education (CTE) providers

·         Are there written agreements that clearly define the agreed upon roles and responsibilities of partnership members?

·         Has a leadership or steering committee for the DEI collaborative partnership been established to guide the process of making the existing career pathways system inclusive of people with disabilities?

PROBE: Please describe the structure of this committee, or alternative governance structure, and its role in the development of the DEI career pathways initiative.

PROBE: Who are the specific sector/industry partners for your DEI career pathways

C.    Service Delivery

What role does the Disability Resource Coordinator(s) play in the context of the career pathway program in terms of design? What about in terms of local level implementation?

What role does the DEI State Lead play in the context of the career pathway strategic design at the state level?

What steps or supports are in place to follow the individual through the various components of a career pathway process (i.e. enrollment, completion, support services, transportation, advisory services, counseling services, completion, lattice (vertical movement) and ladders (vertical) and horizontal (lattices) movement?

How are the stakeholders, including the American Job Centers, involved in assisting the individual progress of participants?

PROBE: In what ways do they provide comprehensive support that leads to employment and career advancement?

Are there specific strategies or supports being used, such as the following:

·         Integrated Resource Team (IRT)

·         Integrated Resources (blended and braided funds), and leveraging resources across multiple service delivery systems;

·         Participating in the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Ticket to Work

Program to access training and employment resources;

·         Fostering partnerships and collaborations at the state and local levels;

·         Implementing the "Guideposts for Success”;

·         Implementing customized employment;

·         Hiring a dedicated staff person, at the local level, with workplace and disability experience and expertise (Disability Resource Coordinators or Disability Program Navigators);

·         Using Universal Design Principles;

·         Aligning adult and youth career pathways programs with the use of Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs).

D.    Employer Engagement –

·         Are there state industry organizations, business associations, or local employers involved in the design of curriculum and/or work-based learning opportunities (such as on-the-job training, summer youth employment, registered apprenticeships, internships, and other paid and unpaid work experiences)?
o   Describe the role they have in any of these activities:

·         Determining which occupations within targeted industries and sectors should be included within the career pathways system.

·         Vetting the set of foundational academic, work readiness, and technical skills, abilities, and knowledge that are chosen as required for key occupations.

·         Vetting the certificates and credentials that are required for key occupations.
·         Collaborating with training institutions to design education and training
·         Participating as instructors or training sites in the skill training programs.
·         Providing training funds for individuals through tuition reim­bursement or
·         Participating in the skill certification/credentialing process.
·         Serving as mentors.
·         Serving as a job shadowing site.

·         Providing paid or unpaid internship positions for students.

·         Hiring individuals who have obtained the required certificates and credentials.

E.     Professional development –

Are there professional development opportunities that support the design, implementation, and maintenance of CP, foster innovative teaching and learning strategies, and are available for administrators, teachers, faculty, and other education professionals?

PROBE: Is career pathways service delivery to youth inclusive, integrated, and based upon and consistent with the “Guideposts for Success?”
·         How is the Guidepost for Success, School-Based Preparatory Experiences integrated into your career pathway service delivery model for youth with disabilities?

·         How is the Guidepost for Success, Career Preparation & Work-Based Learning Experiences integrated into your career pathway service delivery model for youth with disabilities?

·         Describe how the Guidepost for Success, Youth Development & Leadership, is integrated into your career pathway service delivery model for youth with disabilities.

·         How is the Guidepost for Success, Connecting Activities integrated into your career pathway service delivery model for youth with disabilities?

·         How is the Guidepost for Success, Family Involvement & Supports integrated into your career pathway service delivery model for youth with disabilities?

F.     Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and teaching and learning strategies–

Is UDL used in the design of career pathways program? What kinds of innovative and creative instructional approaches are being used, that enable teachers to integrate academic and technical instruction?

Secondary and post-secondary curriculum –

·         Is the secondary and post-secondary curriculum sequenced so students do not duplicate coursework?

·         Are formal agreements in place between secondary and postsecondary systems that allow students to earn postsecondary academic or career and technical education (CTE) credit while in secondary school?

·      Guidance counseling and advising – Is there guidance support and academic advisement that assists students in planning for their careers by mapping a complete sequence of coursework that ensures secondary graduation and preparation for a postsecondary training/education program?

·      PROBE: Is there a “disability coordinator” or office at the various post-secondary entities involved in the workforce or regional career pathway model?

G.    Wraparound services –

Does the program provide wraparound and support services (such as child care, transportation, case management, academic and career counseling, college adjustment and retention services, financial aid, employment assistance/job retention assistance)?

Services may also include such supportive services as:
·         job coaching;

·         social support;

·         financial literacy training;

·         drop-out prevention services;

·         life skills;

·         financial capability counseling;

·         Using the Integrated Resource Team (IRT) approach to integrate resources and services, blend and braid funds, and leverage resources across multiple service delivery systems;

·         Participating in the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Ticket to Work

Program to access training and employment resources;

·         Fostering partnerships and collaborations at the state and local levels;

·         Implementing the "Guideposts for Success”;

·         Implementing customized employment;

·         Hiring/designating a dedicated staff person, at the local level, with workplace and disability experience and expertise (Disability Resource Coordinators or Disability Program Navigators);

·         Using Universal Design Principles; and

·         Aligning adult and youth career pathways programs with the use of ILPs.

·         PROBE: Please describe each component of the wraparound services that are being provided.

·         PROBE: What role, if any, do the DRCs and integrated resource teams have in connecting the individual to career pathways services? What about the AJC and its partners more broadly?

·         PROBE: Is active resource coordination being used in conjunction with Integrated Resource Teams to facilitate access to wraparound services?

H.    Academic/technical skills, standards, and assessment –

Are content standards clearly defined and are assessments used to ensure students meet them?

·         Have accommodation procedures been incorporated into the assessment process?

·         What actions have been taken to assure that technical skill assessments do not “screen out” individuals with disabilities?

I.       Competency model –

Are there competency models that define successful performance in a defined work setting or the career pathways programs that are provided?

·         A competency model is a clear description of what a person needs to know and be able to do – the knowledge, skills, and abilities – to perform well in a specific job, occupation, or industry.

PROBE: Have the education, training, and skill needs of employers in the state/region been analyzed and gaps identified?

PROBE: Has pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship been considered for the career pathway, industry sectors or employers identified in the DEI grant (or regional or local workforce area approach)?

PROBE: Has work experience, on-the-job training, and internships been incorporated into the DEI (or career pathway) strategic design?

Are these used to assist individuals in identifying preferable career paths?

PROBE: Do any of the career paths incorporate paid employment into the academic experience? Which ones?

PROBE: Has a plan been put in place to support working with business associations and employers during various phases of the project (design, launch, operation, and evaluation)?

J.      Develop career ladders (vertical movement between jobs) and lattices (horizontal movement between jobs) -

Are there career ladders and lattices that students can pursue after completing an initial certificate? Please describe the career lattices that are available through your career pathways program.

PROBE: Are programs stackable and articulate to progressively higher-level credentials or degrees.

PROBE: Do the programs have multiple entry points and exit points (on-ramps and off-ramps)?

PROBE: Are curricula “chunked” or organized in progressive modules, with each level clearly articulated to the next?

PROBE: Please describe how contextualized learning and, accelerated integrated education and training strategies are being used to facilitate attaining positive employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

These strategies may include:

·                     compressed training

·                     awarding credit for prior learning

·                     dual enrollment

·                     hybrid learning approaches

·         Are individuals provided opportunities for self and career exploration prior to choosing a career pathway?

·         Describe how individualized career plans or ILPs are used to support an individual through the pathway.

·         Who is responsible for developing them and supporting the individual in implementing them?

·         PROBE: Describe the assessment tools used to determine placement and advancement including credit for prior learning.

·         Are accommodations available when using these assessments?

K. Employer validation –

Have your career pathways programs been reviewed by employer and industry personnel that can validate the competencies and pathways for each of your programs? Please describe this process.

L.     Flexible scheduling –

Does your career pathways programs provide flexible scheduling or attendance via technologies such as video conferencing for students that may not be able to attend class on a regular basis? Please describe your flexible scheduling and/or attendance policies.

·         Are alternate methods of demonstrating proficiency in course/training materials available to students?

·         Describe how course/syllabus modifications techniques such as universal design, alternate assessments, individual learning and planning tools, and other strategies are being used to effectively integrate and accommodate individuals with disabilities in the existing career pathways system?

Career Pathways Participant Focus Group Questions

M.  Enrollment and Onboarding

·         Is there guidance and support available for you from your school or training site? Is there guidance and support available for your family from the school or training site?

·         Is there help available for course work (e.g., tutoring, mentoring, etc.)? What help have you received? Who provided the help? Was it useful?

·         Did you get any kind of academic counseling on planning your career or selecting a career path? Tell me about the kinds of academic counseling you received. What help have you received? Who provided the help? Was it useful?

·         When you first registered for the career pathways program, did you take any kind of assessment to determine your academic skill level or career interests? Tell me about this assessment? Did you find it useful? Why/Why not?

·         Does your program include any instruction related to developing soft skills?

·         Does your program include any instruction related to developing self-advocacy skills?

·         PROBE: Did you have an opportunity to explore work environments through an internship, work experience, or on-the-job training? Did you find it helpful?

·         PROBE: Describe how you feel about getting school or training site staff to listen to you when you have a concern about something? How responsive are these staff to your needs?

·         Were you offered or did you request an accommodation and was it provided?

·         When you enrolled in your program, did you use an individualized career plan to help you in identifying your career path? If so, who helped you in developing your plan? Was self-exploration and career exploration part of the process?

·         Did you get services at your local American Job Center or through a rehabilitation counselor?

PROBE: Did the American Job Center staff or vocational rehabilitation specialist stay in touch with you?

·         Are there other programs or services you are involved with in the community that are helping you progress on your career pathway?

·         PROBE: Did somebody help you with this process? What help have you received? Who provided the help? Was it useful?

·         Why did you select this career pathway? What do you think about the career path you chose?

·         How hard are the courses you are enrolled in? Are you working harder than you thought you would?

·         What types of services and supports being provided are most helpful to your being successful in completing your coursework/training program?

·         Are there other types of services and supports that you need that you are not receiving?

N.    Class Experience

·         Is the information you receive in class presented in a way that you understand? What would you change about the way the information is presented?

·         Do you have access to a person at the college who can work with you individually to help you with administrative issues and other issues, like managing your time and work, and getting any accommodations you may need?

·         How did you meet this person? Is this person a staff at the school, friend or colleague? If you do not have access to a person at the college, who can help you? What can you do to find out what resources are available?

·         Are the standards or expectations for your program clearly defined by the instructor?

·         Are the expectations reasonable? Why or why not?

·         Do you believe the experiences you are having in your program are adequately preparing you for the career you have chosen?

·         Are there additional experiences that you believe would enhance your preparation?

·         PROBE: Does your program provide flexible scheduling, or means of attendance such as video conferencing or recorded lectures, so you can attend to other things such as work, family and errands? What happens if you miss a class or two? Can the work be made up?

·         PROBE: Do you have difficulty getting transportation to your school or training site? If so, how has it been addressed?

·         Is the course material you receive provided in an accessible way? Can you access it as needed?

·         PROBE: Once you receive your certificate, does the program provide ways of building on your existing skill level to higher levels of skills and credentials or degrees?

·         PROBE: About how much reading and writing are you asked to do outside of class?

·         What do you think about the amount of school work you are asked to do outside of class?

·         Do you ever contact your instructor to ask questions about the coursework?

·         PROBE: Do you feel that you get the information you need from your instructor? Is it helpful?

·         PROBE: Do you use email to communicate with your instructor?

·         Is the instructor responsive?

·         Has the American Job Center or educational institution assisted you with obtaining employment?

·         PROBE: Have you been linked with any employers for mentoring, work experience, or other counseling?

O.    Outside of Class

·         Do you ever work with your classmates outside of class on course assignments?

·         PROBE: What’s it like working with your classmates on course material?

·         Do you discuss ideas from readings or class discussions with other students or your instructors after class?

·         PROBE: How do you feel about these discussions? Do you learn anything from other students? Do you find these discussions enjoyable? Is your instructor helpful when you talk with him/her outside of class?

·         Has it been difficult to juggle school and others things in your life?

·         What things have been difficult to juggle?

·         How long does it take you to get to campus?

·         How, if at all, does your disability impact your participation and success in the career pathways program?

·         If so, what types of supports and strategies work best for you in these situations?

·         Are you able to access them as part of your training program?

·         Do you feel you are benefiting from your training program?

·         Are there additional supports that you believe would help you to obtain more

·         PROBE: Did you request an accommodation? How did the educational entity handle your request?

File Typeapplication/
Last Modified ByPerryman, Seleda M - OASAM OCIO
File Modified2016-11-15
File Created2011-01-31

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