Q#15 Breakout

0191- Rev Q-15 Breakout 12-7-16.xls

National Organic Program

Q#15 Breakout

OMB: 0581-0191

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Sheet 1: Sheet1 (2)




205.101(c) Exempt producers & handlers -compliance &maintain records (3 yrs). Inc. in recordkeepers 6,200.00 7,650.00 1,450.00 ADJ.

205.103 Recordkeeping by certified operations. Inc. recordkeepers. 2,000,000.00 2,480,000.00 480,000.00 ADJ.

Subpart C - Production & Handling -- Operators submit initial or updated Organic Plan


205.400(b) 205.406(a)(1)(i), 205.201(a)(1)
Operators list practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (application) Inc.in respondents and hrs per response
3,150.00 32,300.00 29,150.00 ADJ.

205.201(a)(1) Operators practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (update). Incr. in hours per response 425,000.00 527,000.00 102,000.00 ADJ.

205.201(a)(2) Operators list substances used (application). Inc.in respondents 700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ.

205.201(a)(2) Operators list substances used (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ.

205.201(a)(3) Operators list monitoring practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (application). Inc.in respondents 1,400.00 7,600.00 6,200.00 ADJ.

205.201(a)(3) Operators list monitoring practices & procedures performed & maintained (update) Inc.in respondents 175,000.00 217,000.00 42,000.00 ADJ

205.201(a)(4) Operators describe recordkeeping system implemented to comply with 205.103 (initial) Inc.in respondents 700.00 3800.00 3,100.00 ADJ

205.201(a)(4) Operators describe recordkeeping system implemented to comply with 205.103 (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ

205.201(a)(5) Operators list practices & procedures to prevent commingling & contact with prohibited substances (initial). Inc.in respondents 700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ

205.201(a)(5) Operators list practices & procedures to prevent commingling & contact with prohibited substances (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ

Operators provide additional information as necessary (initial) Inc.in respondents
700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ

205.201(a)(6) Operators provide additional information as necessary (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ

205.237, 205.103 Pasture Practice Standards (Documentation) Inc.in respondents 18,400.00 37,600.00 19,200.00 ADJ

205.237, 205.103 Pasture Practice Standards (Documentation) Inc.in recordkeepers 2,300.00 4,700.00 2,400.00 ADJ

Subpart D - Labels and Labeling

Certified handlers-composition of products to be labeled Inc.in respondents
216,560.00 262,680.00 46,120.00 ADJ

205.301 Exempt handlers determine composition of products to be labeled. Inc.in respondents 1,000.00 1,215.00 215.00 ADJ

205.303- 205.311 Certified handlers design labels in accordance with requirements for products to be labeled. Inc.in respondents 162,420.00 2,626,800.00 2,464,380.00 ADJ

Subpart E - Appli. for Cert. of Operations Annual Update as Appropriate

205.406(a)(2), 205.401(b) Operators submit names, business names, addresses, & phone numbers of cert. applicants & persons authorized to act on appli. behalf. Inc.in respondents 12,500.00 15,500.00 3,000.00 ADJ

205.401d 205.406(a)(3) Operators submit other information as needed for certification, annual (initial). Inc.in respondents 350.00 1,700.00 1,350.00 ADJ

205.401(d) 205.406(a)(3) Operators submit other information as needed for certification (update) Inc.in respondents 25,000.00 31,000.00 6,000.00 ADJ

Review of Application

JonesKing, Stacy - AMS: This form only shows the differences, so the 2010 one starts at 205.102 because there were changes there. 205.402 Agents review applications; communicate findings; sched. on-site inspec. Decr. in respondents 150,192.00 141,252.00 -8,940.00 ADJ

205.402(b)(2) Agents provide copy of on-site inspec. reports. Dec. in respondents 6,258.00 5,885.50 -372.50 ADJ

205.402(b)(3) Agents provide copy of test results of any samples. Dec. in respondents. 1,677.69 1,577.83 -99.86 ADJ

205.403 205.406(b) Inspectors provide on-site inspection reports to certifying agent, (annual). Inc. in respondents 251,450.00 267,500.00 16,050.00 ADJ

205.404(b), 205.406(d) Agents issue certificates of operation; annual & updated certificates. Decr. in respondents 12,499.20 11,755.20 -744.00 ADJ

Denial of Certification of Operators

205.405(a); 205.406(c); 205.662(a) Agents provide written notification of non-compliances. Dec. in # of respondents; . 1,680.00 1,580.00 -100.00 ADJ

205.405(b)(1) & (b)(3) Operators describe corrective actions taken or rebut the non-compliance.Dec. in # of respondents; . 1,680.00 1,580.00 -100.00 ADJ

205.405(c)(1)(i) Agents apprv. Corrective action & issue certificates of operation to operator. Dec. in respondents; 378.00 355.50 -22.50 ADJ

205.405(c)(1)(ii) Agents deny certification when applicants noncompliance is not corrected; notification of applicants rights. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ

205.405(c)(2) Agents deny certification if applicants fail to respond. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ

205.405(c)(3) and 205.501(a)(15)(i) Agents send Administrator notification of approvals/denials & adverse actions Dec. in respondents 420.00 395.00 -25.00 ADJ

Subpart F - Accreditation of Certifying Agents

205.500(c)(2) EU Import Certificate (NOP 2110-1) Inc. in respondents 2,171.89 2,825.09 653.20 ADJ

205.500(c)(2) EU Import Certificate (NOP 2110-1) Increase in recordkeepers. 85.12 110.72 25.60 ADJ

205.501(a)(2) & (a)(3) Agents demonstrate ability to comply with & implement requirmts. for accrediation. Dec. in respondents. 840.00 790.00 -50.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(4), 205.501(a)(6) Agents conduct & provide results of performance evaluations of inspectors & other personnel.Dec. in respondents. 1,344.00 1,264.00 -80.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(7) Agents have prog. Evaluations conducted of certfication activities (annual). Dec. in respondents. 672.00 632.00 -40.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(8) Agents provide info to applicants seeking certification. Dec. in respondents. 2,856.00 2,686.00 -170.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(11)(v) 205.504(c)(2) Agents provide procedures to prevent conflict of interes & req. emp. To compleete conflict of interest disclosure repts. (annual) Dec. in respondents. 210.00 197.50 -12.50 ADJ

205.501(a)(15)(ii) 205.504(d)(1) Agents provide & send lists of currently certified operations w/application (annual) Dec. in respondents. 168.00 158.00 -10.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(18) Agents notify insp. Of certifying agents decision - granting or denying certification of operation that inspector evaluated. Dec. in respondents. 4,200.00 3,950.00 -250.00 ADJ

205.501(a)(21) Agents comply with other terms & conditions. Decrease in respondents; inc. in responses per respondent; inc. in response time 84.00 632.00 548.00 ADJ

Application for Accreditation (Annual Update if Applicable)

205.503(a), 205.510(a)(1) Agents provide info about their primary location. Dec. in respondents. TM-10CG 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADK

205.503(b) Agents provide info about their organization units. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADK

205.503(c), 205.501(a)(15), 205.642 Agents identify areas of certification (crops, livestock, handling) & file certification fee sched. w/Secretary. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADK

205.503(d)(1) State agents document their official authority 3.75 4 0.25 ADK

205.503(d)(2) Private agents identify their organizational purpose. Dec. in respondents. 20.50 19.50 -1.00 ADK

205.503(e) Agents list States/foreign countries where they operate or intend to operate. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADK

Evidence of Expertise and Ability

205.504(a)(1) Agents list personnel policies & procedures. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADK

205.504(a)(2) Agents list names & position descriptions of personnel they intend to use. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADK

205.504(a)(3) Agents list qualifications of insp. & emp. Who review/evaluate applications. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADK

205.504(a)(4) Agents list training provided to personnel. Dec. in respondents. 168.00 158.00 -10.00 ADK

205.504(b)(1) Agents provide procedures to evaluate applicants, make decisions, issue certificates. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

205.504(b)(2) Agents provide procedures to rev. compliance & report violations. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.504(b)(3) Agents provide procedures to comply w/recordkeeping requirements.Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.504(b)(4) Agents provide procedures to maintain confidentiality. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.504(b)(5) Agents provide procedures to make inf. Available to the public & provide the info. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

205.504(b)(6) Agents provide procedures to sample & do residue testing. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.504(c)(1) Agents provide procedures to prevent conflicts of interest. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.504(d)(2) Agents provide inspec. Repts. & evaluation documents for operations certified - prev. yr. Decr. In respondents 24,998.40 23510.40 -1,488.00 ADJ

205.504(e) agents provide other info they feel will assist in evaluating application. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

Export Certificates

205.504 Agents issue & make copies available.(TM-11) Dec. in respondents.. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ

205.505(b) private agents provide additional assurances with statements of agreement. Dec. in respondents.. 20.50 19.50 -1.00 ADJ

Annual Report, Recordkeeping

205.510(a)(2) Agents rept. changes in areas and duration of accreditation (annual). Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

205.510(b)(1), 205.501(a)(9) Agents maintain records recd. From certified operators for not less than 5 yrs. Dec. in record. keepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

205.510(b)(2) Agents maintain rec. they create regarding certified operators for not less than 10 yrs. Dec. in recordkeepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

205.510(b)(3) Agents maintain records pursuant to accrediation for not less than 5 yrs. Dec. in recordkeepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

Noncompliance Procedure for Certified Operations

205.662(b) Agents notify operators of noncompliance resolution. Decr. in respondents 420.00 395.00 -25.00 ADJ


205.670(e) State officials or agents submit lab results to residue testing to Adminstrator or governing State officials. Decr. in respondents 315.00 296.25 -18.75 ADJ

205.670(e) Recordkeeping hours. Decr. in recordkeepers 315.00 296.25 -18.75 ADJ

7239708.78 0.00
205.670(f) States & agents rept. to health agencies any findings of pesticide residues that exceed regulatory tolerances. Decr. in respondents 50.40 47.40 -3.00 ADJ

205.670(f) Recordkeeping hours. Decr. In recordkeepers 12.60 11.85 -0.75 ADJ

Total of all line items that had no change in burden hours between previous submission and this renewal 4654.79 4654.79 0.00 No Change

Transfer of two Orangic Certification Cost-Share Programs to FSA 16270.00 0.00 -16270.00 PC

3,939,496.84 7239708.78 3,300,211.94

4,658.79 Confirmation Breakout

* NOTE: There is an overall increase of 3,300,212 burden hours from the last submission. This adjustment increase is due to the following 2 changes: (1) an increase in the reporting and recordkeeping burden associated with a 24 percent increase in certified operations (25,000 to 31,000) since the last submission; and (2) an increase in the reporting burden due to the comment received in response to the notice published in the Federal Register (81 FR 17133) requesting an extension and a revision of a currently approved information collection and request for comments.




























Sheet 2: Sheet2



205.101(c) Exempt producers & handlers -compliance &maintain records (3 yrs). Inc. in recordkeepers 6,200.00 7,650.00 1,450.00 ADJ
205.103 Recordkeeping by certified operations. Inc. recordkeepers. 2,000,000.00 2,480,000.00 480,000.00 ADJ

Subpart C - Production & Handling -- Operators submit initial or updated Organic Plan

205.400(b) 205.406(a)(1)(i), 205.201(a)(1)
Operators list practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (application) Inc.in respondents and hrs per response
3,150.00 32,300.00 29,150.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(1) Operators practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (update). Incr. in hours per response 425,000.00 527,000.00 102,000.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(2) Operators list substances used (application). Inc.in respondents 700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(2) Operators list substances used (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(3) Operators list monitoring practices & procedures to be performed & maintained (application). Inc.in respondents 1,400.00 7,600.00 6,200.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(3) Operators list monitoring practices & procedures performed & maintained (update) Inc.in respondents 175,000.00 217,000.00 42,000.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(4) Operators describe recordkeeping system implemented to comply with 205.103 (initial) Inc.in respondents 700.00 3800.00 3,100.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(4) Operators describe recordkeeping system implemented to comply with 205.103 (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(5) Operators list practices & procedures to prevent commingling & contact with prohibited substances (initial). Inc.in respondents 700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(5) Operators list practices & procedures to prevent commingling & contact with prohibited substances (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ
Operators provide additional information as necessary (initial) Inc.in respondents
700.00 3,800.00 3,100.00 ADJ
205.201(a)(6) Operators provide additional information as necessary (update) Inc.in respondents 100,000.00 124,000.00 24,000.00 ADJ
205.237, 205.103 Pasture Practice Standards (Documentation) Inc.in respondents 18,400.00 37,600.00 19,200.00 ADJ
205.237, 205.103 Pasture Practice Standards (Documentation) Inc.in recordkeepers 2,300.00 4,700.00 2,400.00 ADJ

Subpart D - Labels and Labeling

Certified handlers-composition of products to be labeled Inc.in respondents
216,560.00 262,680.00 46,120.00 ADJ
205.301 Exempt handlers determine composition of products to be labeled. Inc.in respondents 1,000.00 1,215.00 215.00 ADJ
205.303- 205.311 Certified handlers design labels in accordance with requirements for products to be labeled. Inc.in respondents & Inc. in time per response) 162,420.00 2,626,800.00 2,464,380.00 ADJ

Subpart E - Appli. for Cert. of Operations Annual Update as Appropriate

205.406(a)(2), 205.401(b) Operators submit names, business names, addresses, & phone numbers of cert. applicants & persons authorized to act on appli. behalf. Inc.in respondents 12,500.00 15,500.00 3,000.00 ADJ
205.401d 205.406(a)(3) Operators submit other information as needed for certification, annual (initial). Inc.in respondents 350.00 1,700.00 1,350.00 ADJ
205.401(d) 205.406(a)(3) Operators submit other information as needed for certification (update) Inc.in respondents 25,000.00 31,000.00 6,000.00 ADJ

Review of Application

JonesKing, Stacy - AMS: This form only shows the differences, so the 2010 one starts at 205.102 because there were changes there. 205.402 Agents review applications; communicate findings; sched. on-site inspec. Decr. in respondents 150,192.00 141,252.00 -8,940.00 ADJ
205.402(b)(2) Agents provide copy of on-site inspec. reports. Dec. in respondents 6,258.00 5,885.50 -372.50 ADJ
205.402(b)(3) Agents provide copy of test results of any samples. Dec. in respondents. 1,677.69 1,577.83 -99.86 ADJ
205.403 205.406(b) Inspectors provide on-site inspection reports to certifying agent, (annual). Inc. in respondents 251,450.00 267,500.00 16,050.00 ADJ
205.404(b), 205.406(d) Agents issue certificates of operation; annual & updated certificates. Decr. in respondents 12,499.20 11,755.20 -744.00 ADJ

Denial of Certification of Operators

205.405(a); 205.406(c); 205.662(a) Agents provide written notification of non-compliances. Dec. in # of respondents; . 1,680.00 1,580.00 -100.00 ADJ
205.405(b)(1) & (b)(3) Operators describe corrective actions taken or rebut the non-compliance.Dec. in # of respondents; . 1,680.00 1,580.00 -100.00 ADJ
205.405(c)(1)(i) Agents apprv. Corrective action & issue certificates of operation to operator. Dec. in respondents; 378.00 355.50 -22.50 ADJ
205.405(c)(1)(ii) Agents deny certification when applicants noncompliance is not corrected; notification of applicants rights. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ
205.405(c)(2) Agents deny certification if applicants fail to respond. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ
205.405(c)(3) and 205.501(a)(15)(i) Agents send Administrator notification of approvals/denials & adverse actions Dec. in respondents 420.00 395.00 -25.00 ADJ

Subpart F - Accreditation of Certifying Agents

205.500(c)(2) EU Import Certificate (NOP 2110-1) Inc. in respondents 2,171.89 2,825.09 653.20 ADJ
205.500(c)(2) EU Import Certificate (NOP 2110-1) Increase in recordkeepers. 85.12 110.72 25.60 ADJ
205.501(a)(2) & (a)(3) Agents demonstrate ability to comply with & implement requirmts. for accrediation. Dec. in respondents. 840.00 790.00 -50.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(4), 205.501(a)(6) Agents conduct & provide results of performance evaluations of inspectors & other personnel.Dec. in respondents. 1,344.00 1,264.00 -80.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(7) Agents have prog. Evaluations conducted of certfication activities (annual). Dec. in respondents. 672.00 632.00 -40.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(8) Agents provide info to applicants seeking certification. Dec. in respondents. 2,856.00 2,686.00 -170.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(11)(v) 205.504(c)(2) Agents provide procedures to prevent conflict of interest & req. emp. To complete conflict of interest disclosure repts. (annual) Dec. in respondents. 210.00 197.50 -12.50 ADJ
205.501(a)(15)(ii) 205.504(d)(1) Agents provide & send lists of currently certified operations w/application (annual) Dec. in respondents. 168.00 158.00 -10.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(18) Agents notify insp. Of certifying agents decision - granting or denying certification of operation that inspector evaluated. Dec. in respondents. 4,200.00 3,950.00 -250.00 ADJ
205.501(a)(21) Agents comply with other terms & conditions. Decrease in respondents; inc. in responses per respondent; inc. in response time 84.00 632.00 548.00 ADJ

Application for Accreditation (Annual Update if Applicable)

205.503(a), 205.510(a)(1) Agents provide info about their primary location. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ
205.503(b) Agents provide info about their organization units. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.503(c), 205.501(a)(15), 205.642 Agents identify areas of certification (crops, livestock, handling) & file certification fee sched. w/Secretary. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.503(d)(1) State agents document their official authority (Inc. in respondents). 3.75 4.00 0.25 ADJ
205.503(d)(2) Private agents identify their organizational purpose. Dec. in respondents. 20.50 19.50 -1.00 ADJ
205.503(e) Agents list States/foreign countries where they operate or intend to operate. Dec. in respondents. 21.00 19.75 -1.25 ADJ

Evidence of Expertise and Ability

205.504(a)(1) Agents list personnel policies & procedures. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(a)(2) Agents list names & position descriptions of personnel they intend to use. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.504(a)(3) Agents list qualifications of insp. & emp. Who review/evaluate applications. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.504(a)(4) Agents list training provided to personnel. Dec. in respondents. 168.00 158.00 -10.00 ADJ
205.504(b)(1) Agents provide procedures to evaluate applicants, make decisions, issue certificates. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.504(b)(2) Agents provide procedures to rev. compliance & report violations. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(b)(3) Agents provide procedures to comply w/recordkeeping requirements.Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(b)(4) Agents provide procedures to maintain confidentiality. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(b)(5) Agents provide procedures to make inf. Available to the public & provide the info. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.504(b)(6) Agents provide procedures to sample & do residue testing. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(c)(1) Agents provide procedures to prevent conflicts of interest. Dec. in respondents. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.504(d)(2) Agents provide inspec. Repts. & evaluation documents for operations certified - prev. yr. Decr. In respondents 24,998.40 23,510.40 -1,488.00 ADJ
205.504(e) agents provide other info they feel will assist in evaluating application. Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

Export Certificates

205.504 Agents issue & make copies available.(TM-11) Dec. in respondents.. 42.00 39.50 -2.50 ADJ
205.505(b) private agents provide additional assurances with statements of agreement. Dec. in respondents.. 20.50 19.50 -1.00 ADJ

Annual Report, Recordkeeping

205.510(a)(2) Agents rept. changes in areas and duration of accreditation (annual). Dec. in respondents. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.510(b)(1), 205.501(a)(9) Agents maintain records recd. From certified operators for not less than 5 yrs. Dec. in record. keepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.510(b)(2) Agents maintain rec. they create regarding certified operators for not less than 10 yrs. Dec. in recordkeepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ
205.510(b)(3) Agents maintain records pursuant to accrediation for not less than 5 yrs. Dec. in recordkeepers. 84.00 79.00 -5.00 ADJ

Noncompliance Procedure for Certified Operations

205.662(b) Agents notify operators of noncompliance resolution. Decr. in respondents 420.00 395.00 -25.00 ADJ


205.670(e) State officials or agents submit lab results to residue testing to Adminstrator or governing State officials. Decr. in respondents 315.00 296.25 -18.75 ADJ
205.670(e) Recordkeeping hours. Decr. in recordkeepers 315.00 296.25 -18.75 ADJ
205.670(f) States & agents rept. to health agencies any findings of pesticide residues that exceed regulatory tolerances. Decr. in respondents 50.40 47.40 -3.00 ADJ
205.670(f) Recordkeeping hours. Decr. In recordkeepers 12.60 11.85 -0.75 ADJ
205.681(a) Applicants for certification or certified operators appeal adverse decisions to Administrator. Inc. in respondents. 200.00 370 170.00

Cost Share Program (previously approved OMB 0581-0266 merged into 0581-0191 Feb. 2016)


Face Page (Agreement Face Sheet AMS-33) 0.00 14.00 14.00 ADJ

Narrative Report (No Form) 0.00 112.00 112.00 ADJ

Spreadsheet of Operations Reimbursed (No Form) 0.00 4,144.00 4,144.00 ADJ

Producer/Handler Application (including proof of USDA organic certification, itemized invoice of certification fees paid, and W-9 tax form) 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Combined totals of line items whose burden figures did not change between previous and this submission.

3,918,772.05 7,251,693.99 3,332,921.94


* NOTE: All changes (increase or decrease) were due to adjustments in previous burden estimates. We have received more accurate reporting.
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
AuthorToni Strother
Last Modified ByPish, Marylin - AMS
File Modified2016-12-08
File Created2003-12-30

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