Revised 2345t04

2345t04 amended 1-26-16.xlsx

New Marine Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 30 Liters per Cylinder (Renewal)

Revised 2345t04

OMB: 2060-0641

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Tbl2-SI Cert
Tbl6-Agency Burden
Resp Tally

Sheet 1: Tbl2-SI Cert

Table 2 - Annual Respondent Burden and Cost for Marine CI Category 3 Engine Certification & Special Provisions

Hours and Cost per Application Total Hours and Cost
Information Collection Activity Engineer $62.94/hr Manager $98.05/hr Legal $117.33/hr Clerical $31.41/hr Respondents hr/yr Labor Cost/yr Capital Startup Cost O&M Cost, Annualized (1) Applications/Respondent (2) Number of Respondents Total hr/yr Total Cost/yr
Review of regulations and guidance documents 18.0 9.0 10.0 1.0 38 $3,220.08 $0.00 $15.56 1.0 4 152 12,943
Developing eng families groups 15.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 20 $1,386.99 $0.00 $0.00 1.0 4 80 5,548
Testing/Gathering emission data on test engines 30.0 14.0 0.0 14.0 58 $3,700.64 $0.00 $0.00 1.0 2 116 7,401
Cert & Durability Testing(1)

For exhaust certification

$11,266.86 1.0 2 0 22,534
For IMO certification

$3,755.62 1.0 2 0 7,511
Analyze data to determine compliance 6.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 12 $918.58 $0.00 $0.00 1.0 2 24 1,837
Preparing and submitting certification application 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 5 $323.65 $0.00 $6.23 1.0 2 9 660
Preparing and submitting "carry over" applications 1.0 0.5 0.0 2.0 4 $174.79 $0.00 $3.11 1.5 2 11 534
Paying Certification Fee 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 3 $96.20 $0.00 $1.10 1.25 4 15 487
Certification Fee (3)

$563.00 1.25 4 0 2,815
Preparing and supporting running changes 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 8 $565.07 $0.00 $6.23 1.50 4 48 7,427
Preparing and Submitting Annual Production Report 5.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 10 $690.95 0 $3.11 1.25 4 50 3,470
Prepare and submit request for special provisions, exemptions 8 0 0 0 8 $503.52 $0 $10.38 0.6 1 5 $308
Label engines 1 0 0 0 1 $62.94 $0 $31.13 15.0 4 60 $5,644
Store, file and maintain records 3.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 12 $624.07 $0.00 $20.75 1.0 4 48 2,579

Total per respondent 92.5 36.5 16 31.5 178.0 $12,267 0 varies varies N/A N/A N/A
Total for the industry N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $42,739 0 $34,959 varies 4.0 617.3 $81,698
(1) See section 6(b)ii for details.

(2) See section 6(d) for details.

(3) See section 6(b)(ii) for details.

Sheet 2: Tbl3-SI PLT

Table 3 - Annual Respondent Burden and Cost - Marine CI Category 3 Production Line Testing Program

Hours and Cost per Engine Family Total Hours and Cost
Information Collection Activity Engineer $62.94/hr Manager $98.05/hr Legal $117.33/hr Clerical $31.41/hr Respondents hr/yr Labor Cost/yr Capital Startup Cost O&M Cost(1) Frequency (2) Number of Respondents Total hr/yr Total Cost/yr
Review of instructions and regulations 45 5 8 0 58 $4,261.19 $0.00 $0.00 1.0 4 232 $17,044.76
Training 8 0 0 0 9 $503.52 $0.00 $41.51 1.0 4 36 $2,180.12
Projecting testing needs and planning test schedules 11 1 0 1 13 $821.80 $0.00 $21.00 1.0 4 52 $3,371.20
Engine inspection 1 0 0 0 7 $62.94 $0.00 $0.00 15.0 4 420 $3,776.40

$11,266.86 15.0 4 0 $676,011.60
Data entry and analysis 8 0 0 1 9 $534.93 $0.00 $31.13 15.0 4 540 $33,963.60
Other tasks (test equipment calibration, engine repair, etc.) 4 0 0 0 64 $251.76 $0.00 $103.77 15.0 4 3,840 $21,331.80
Preparing and submitting report 8 1 1 2 12 $781.72 $0.00 $6.00 2.8 4 132 $8,664.92
Store, file and maintain records 2 0 0 3 6 $220.11 $0.00 $51.88 1.0 4 24 $1,087.96

Total per manufacturer 101 8 11 9 214 $8,745.08 $0.00 varies varies N/A N/A N/A
Total for the industry N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $82,803.20 $0.00 $684,629.16 N/A 4 5,276 767,432
(1) Includes phone calls and testing costs. See section 6(b)(iii) for details.

(2) Explanation of frequencies: 1.0 = One time task

2.8 = Estimated number of PLT reports submitted per manufacturer per year. While PLT reports are due quarterly for each engine family, most engine families do not have enough production to cover all quarters.

Five out of eight engine families only have a projected production between 1 and 4 engines. Therefore, PLT testing for those families is completed in less than 4 quarters.

15.0 = Number of engines tested per manufacturer (average).

Sheet 3: Tbl4-SEA

Table 4 - Annual Respondent Burden and Cost - Selective Enforcement Auditing (SEA) Program

Hours and Cost per Application Total Hours and Cost
Information Collection Activity Engineer $62.94/hr Manager $98.05/hr Legal $117.33/hr Clerical $31.41/hr Respondent hr/yr Labor Cost/yr Capital Startup Cost O&M Cost(1) Frequency (2) Number of Respondents (3) Total hr/yr Total Cost/yr
Provide Pre-audit information 20 10 2 5 37 $2,631.01 $0 $0 0.3 2 22 $1,579
Review of instructions and regulations 7 1 1 0 9 $655.96 $0 $0 0.3 1 3 $197
Training 3 1 0 0 4 $286.87 $0 $33 0.3 1 1 $96
Plan activities 16 0 0 0 16 $1,007.04 $0 $33 0.3 1 5 $312
Testing 8 0 0 0 8 $503.52 $0 $11,266.86 0.3 1 2 $3,531
Data entry and analysis 22 0 0 5 27 $1,541.73 $0 $1 0.3 1 8 $463
Preparing and submitting report 18 1 1 1 21 $1,379.71 $0 $3 0.3 1 6 $415
Store, file and maintain records 8 0 0 1 9 $534.93 $0 $1 0.3 1 3 $161
Total per manufacturer 95 5 2 8 131 $6,955 $0 varies varies N/A N/A N/A
Annualized totals = total for the industry N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $3,352 $0 $3,401 N/A 2 50 $6,753
(1) Includes CDs, photocopying, postage expenses, phone calls, and testing costs. See section 6(b)(iii) for details.

(2) Frequency: A frequency of 0.3 has been used to annualize the burden and costs over a 3-year period. Refer to Section 6(d)(ii) for further details.

(3) EPA estimates it will audit 1 manufacturer over the next 3 years. It might, however, request pre-audit information from more than one manufacturer.

Sheet 4: Tbl5-Owners,etc

Table 5 - Annual Respondent Burden and Cost - Vessel Owners, Operators & Engine Rebuilders

Hours and Cost per Application Total Hours and Cost
Information Collection Activity Engineer $62.94/hr Manager $98.05/hr Legal $117.33/hr Clerical $31.41/hr Respondent hr/yr Labor Cost/yr Capital Startup Cost O&M Cost(1) Frequency (2) # of Respondents (3) Total hr/yr Total Cost/yr
Review of instructions and regulations 3 1 1 0 5 $404.20 $0 $10 1.0 192 960 $79,526
Owners & Operators


Inform EPA of malfunctions & other special events 4 1 1 2 8 $529.96 $0 $10 1.0 187 1,496 $100,973
Conduct Annual Records Review 10 3 3 5 21 $1,432.59 $0 $100 1.0 187 3,927 $286,594
Prepare and submit report 3 1 1 5 10 $561.25 $0 $30 1.0 187 1,870 $110,564
Owners, Ops & Rebuilders: Store, file and maintain records 15 5 5 30 55 $2,963.30 $0 $50 1.0 192 10,560 $578,554
Total per manufacturer 95 5 2 8 99 $6,955 $0 varies varies N/A N/A N/A
Annualized totals = total for the industry N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1,118,511 $0 $37,700 N/A 192 18,813 $1,156,211
(1) Includes CDs, photocopying, postage expenses, phone calls, and testing costs.

(2) Frequency: A frequency of 1 has been used to denote an annual event.

(3) EPA estimates it will audit 1 manufacturer over the next 3 years. It might, however, request pre-audit information from more than one manufacturer.

Sheet 5: Tbl6-Agency Burden

Table 6 - Annual Agency Burden and Cost
Marine CI Category 3 Program
Employee Hours and Labor Cost
Level Rate Rate Increase by 1.6 Number of Employees Full time hours % of Time Total hr/yr Total Labor cost/yr

Engineer GS-13/10 $57.40 $91.84 1 2080 0.5% 10.40 $827
Contracts/Compliance GS-13/9 $55.93 $89.49 1 2080 0.1% 2.08 $165
Attorney GS-13/10 $57.40 $91.84 1 2080 0.1% 2.08 $170
Managers GS-15/1 $61.37 $98.19 1 2080 0.1% 4.16 $394
SES-1 (estimated) SES - 1 $96.01 $153.62 1 2080 0.1% 2.08 $320
IT Support GS-13/10 $57.40 $91.84 1 2080 0.3% 2.08 $165
6 N/A N/A 23 $85,042

O&M Costs
Testing (for one in-use test or confirmatory testing, one in three years, annualized)


SEE Support

Contract Support


Subtotal: $16,467

TOTAL: $101,509

Sheet 6: Resp Tally

Table 7
Respondent Burden Tally

Program Number of Respondents Number of Responses (cert applications + reports) Number of Activities Total Hours Per Year Total Labor Cost Per Year Total Annual Capital Costs Total Annual O&M Costs Total Costs
Certification 4 20 13 617 42,739 - 34,959 81,698
PLT 4 11 9 5,276 82,803 - 684,629 767,432
SEAs 1 1 8 50 3,352 - 3,401 6,753
Owners, Ops & Rbldrs 192 192 5 18,813 1,118,511 - 37,700 1,156,211
Totals: 201 224 35 24,757 1,247,405 - 760,690 2,012,094

Hours per respondent:


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