Survey - Private Companies

FERC-733, Demand Response/Time-Based Rate Programs and Advanced Metering

IC13-22 (FERC-733) Instructions Issued

Survey - Private Companies

OMB: 1902-0271

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OMB No. 1902-XXXX

Expires: MM/DD/YYYY

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FERC-733 Demand Response/Time-Based Rate Programs
and Advanced



The Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 1252(e)(3) requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to prepare an annual report, by appropriate region, that assesses demand response resources, including those available from all consumer classes. The FERC-733 survey provides the Commission with information needed for this report.


FERC-733 is a voluntary survey to be completed by electric industry participants, including: electric utilities, wholesale power marketers (registered with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), energy service providers (registered with the states), electric power producers, unregulated retailers, independent system operators, regional transmission organizations, curtailment service providers and wholesale program customers.


May 1, 2014


File your electronic reply by emailing the completed survey file to FERC will also accept survey responses that are completed in paper format. Mail the paper version of your completed survey to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Michael P. Lee, Office of Energy Policy and Innovation FERC-733, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington DC 20426.


Refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) document at: for answers to questions most often asked in previous surveys. If after consulting the FAQ document you still have questions, call the survey help line at 1-888-XXX-XXXX Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern Time, or send your questions in an email to


Definitions of terms in blue appear in the glossary. A file containing the glossary and these instructions is available at response/2014/survey.asp


Report information for calendar year 2013.


The public reporting burden for FERC-733 is estimated to average three and a half hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding these burden estimates or any aspect of these information collections, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to [email protected], or to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington DC 20426 (Attention: CIO Information Clearance Officer). Comments should also be sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) at [email protected]. No person shall be subject to any penalty if any collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)).


Information reported in the FERC-733 is considered public and may be publicly released in identifiable form.




Enter the full legal name of the industry participant (entity) for which you are completing the survey. The entity’s ID was included in the email you received. If you do not have the entity ID, please contact the help line at 1-888-XXX-XXXX.

Choose from the drop-down menu, the type of entity for which you are filing.

Enter the date you are submitting the survey to FERC in the Date Saved field

Enter the full name and title of the person FERC should contact for follow-up information regarding data and responses, as well as his/her daytime telephone and fax number (including area codes), and email address. If the contact does not have an email address, please enter “no email address” in that space. Enter the mailing address for the survey contact.

Enter the same information for the survey contact’s supervisor.



Please provide retail electric meter information for each NERC region/state combination in which the entity operated in the year 2013.

Step 1. Choose a NERC region in which your entity operated from the drop- down menu provided. If your entity operates in Alaska or Hawaii, choose Alaska or Hawaii.

Step 2. For the selected NERC region, choose a state in which your entity operated from the drop-down list.

Step 3. For each NERC region/state combination, report by customer class (1) the number of the entity’s AMI meters operated as AMI meters, (2) the number of AMI meters operated as AMR meters, and (3) the total number of meters, including standard (electric) meters, operated by the entity. Refer to the glossary and Question 2 for definitions of AMI, AMR, and standard (electric) meter. Report the data as of the end of calendar year 2013.

Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for each combination of NERC region and state in which your entity operated during 2013. For example, if your entity operated in the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) in the states of North Dakota and Minnesota, fill in one row with MRO and ND, then fill in another row with MRO and MN.

Paper filers note: please list the appropriate combinations in rows on a copy of this page, using additional pages if needed.




Please provide the method used to inform retail customers served by advanced meters information concerning the amount and frequency of their electricity use. Please enter the number of customers, by customer sector, who may receive these data (whether or not they do so) under each of the following methods:

  • Presented on the entity website

  • Downloadable from the entity website

  • Green Button

  • Smart phone/device application

  • Email or mail

  • Other

A “Comments” section is included at the end of the question. Respondents may provide additional information not identified in the above sections.

Notice Page

If the entity for which you are providing information DOES NOT offer any demand response or time-based rates/tariffs, YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THIS SURVEY after completing Question 3.

Please submit it to FERC as specified in the instructions.



For each NERC Region, list the state in which the entity operates, and the associated number of retail customers by customer class.

Step 1. Choose a NERC Region in which the entity operated from the drop- down menu provided. If the entity operates in Alaska or Hawaii, choose Alaska or Hawaii.

Step 2. For the selected NERC Region choose a state in which the entity operated from the drop-down list.

Step 3. For each NERC Region/state combination, report the entity’s number of retail electric customers by customer class as of the end of calendar year 2013.

Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for each NERC Region/State combination in which your entity operated. For example, if the entity operated in the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) in the states of North Dakota and Minnesota, fill in one row with MRO and ND, then fill in another row with MRO and MN.

Paper-filers note: please list the appropriate combinations in rows on a copy of this page, using additional pages if needed.




At the top of the page, enter a NERC Region/state combination where the entity offered a demand response program or time-based rate/tariff directly to RETAIL customers during calendar year 2013. The NERC Region/state combination entered should be one of the combinations entered in Q4. Enter additional RETAIL programs, if any, on additional copies of this page created with the [Add Page] button.

Customer Sector - From the drop-down list provided choose the customer sector to which the program is offered. The remaining requested data for Q5 should be associated with the customer sector selected in this row. (If the program is offered to more than one customer sector, complete Q5 for the selected sector, then click the [Add Page] button at the bottom of the form. On the new page, enter the program information for another customer sector).

Paper-filers note: please make copies of this page and complete one page for each customer sector/program combination offered by the entity.

Program name - Enter a short name for the program that identifies the program/tariff for which you are providing information.

Program description - Provide a short description of the program/tariff, for example: “Critical peak pricing for large residential customers with central A/C with smart thermostats. If available, please also enter the address of a website that describes the program.

Program type – From the drop-down list provided, choose the program type that most closely matches this program/tariff offered by the entity. (If the entity offers more than one program for the selected customer sector, complete Q5, then click the [Add Page] button at the bottom of the form. On the new page, enter the information for another program).

Paper-filers note: Please see the program types listed on the last page of the glossary.

Number of participants - Enter the number of participants, from the customer sector selected in the first row, enrolled in this program/tariff.

Maximum demand of participants (MW) - Report demand in megawatts attributable to the group of customers reported in the preceding row. One megawatt equals 1,000 kilowatts. To convert kilowatts to megawatts, divide by 1,000. This may be reported as it is tracked by the entity, such as hourly, 30- minute demand, 15-minute demand, or 5-minute demand.

Potential peak reduction (MW) - Provide the potential peak reduction in megawatts attributable to the group of customers, from the customer sector reported on the first row, in this program/tariff. For utilities, this is the sum of potential demand reduction capability achieved by the program participants at the time of their annual peak load. For Curtailment Service Providers, it is the sum of the coincident reduction capability sponsored by the Curtailment Service Provider and achieved by demand response program participants at the time of the peak for the region in which they aggregate customer load.

(Q5 instructions continue on next page)





Realized demand reduction attributed to program (MW) - Provide the largest hourly actual change in megawatts (MW) (show a demand reduction as positive and a demand increase as negative) that occurred when the Program was called or due to the Program/Tariff in calendar year 2013.

Number of times Program was called or activated – Enter the number of times during 2013 that this demand response program was called or activated. If the program was not called or activated in 2013, enter zero. If the program does not involve activation (for example, a time-of-use tariff that is always in effect), enter “na.

Are participants in the Program excluded from taking part in other demand response or time-based rates/tariffs? - Indicate whether or not participants in the program you are reporting are prohibited from participating in other demand response programs.

Participation – From the list provided, please select whether participation in the program, or taking service under the rate/tariff, is mandatory, voluntary opt-out, or voluntary opt-in. Please see the glossary for definitions of mandatory participation, opt-in and opt-out.

End-Use equipment affected – if the program primarily affects specific end uses (for example, direct load control of central air conditioners or water heaters) please list the end use(s). Enter “na” for time-based rate/tariff programs.

Are resources under this program enrolled in an RTO or ISO demand response program?

Please indicate if the retail program/tariff resources are enrolled in an RTO or ISO demand response program. If the retail resources are enrolled in an RTO or ISO demand response:

  • Select the name of RTO/ISO from the drop-down list,

  • Report the name of the RTO/ISO demand response program, and

  • Report the amount of Potential Peak Reduction (MW) enrolled in an RTO and/or ISO demand response program(s).

Other Comments (please specify) – If you have any other comments that you would like to add regarding this retail demand response and time-based rate program/tariff, please enter them in the space provided.

To add information about another RETAIL program/tariff, click on the [Add Page] button to create a new blank RETAIL program/tariff page.

To delete the page, click on the [Del Page] button. Note that the [Del Page] button will not delete this page if it is the only RETAIL program/tariff page in the form.




At the top of the page, enter a NERC Region/state combination where the entity offered a demand response program or time-based rate/tariff to WHOLESALE customers and curtailment service providers during calendar year 2013. The NERC Region/state combination entered should be one of the combinations entered in Q4. Enter additional WHOLESALE programs, if any, on copies of this page created with the [Add Page] button.

Program name - Enter a short name for the program that identifies the program/tariff.

Program description - Provide a short description of the program/tariff for example, “Customer Load Control for high load factor industrial customers.” If available, please also enter the address of a website that describes the program.

Program type - Choose from the drop-down list provided, the program that most closely matches to the one offered by the entity.

Potential peak reduction (MW) - Provide the potential peak reduction in megawatts attributable to the group of customers in this program/tariff. For utilities, this is the sum of potential demand reduction capability achieved by the program participants at the time of their annual peak load. For an RTO or ISO, it is the sum of coincident reduction capability achieved by participants at the time of system peak of the RTO or ISO.

Realized demand reduction attributed to program (MW) - Provide the largest hourly actual change in megawatts (MW) (show a demand reduction as positive and a demand increase as negative) that occurred when the Program was called or due to the Program/Tariff in calendar year 2013.

Program start date (MM/YYYY) - Enter the month and year the program/tariff started.

Program end date (MM/YYYY) - Enter the month and year the program/tariff ended, or is scheduled to end, if applicable. If not applicable, leave blank.

Are participants in the Program excluded from taking part in other demand response programs? - Indicate whether or not participants in the program/tariff are prohibited from participating in other demand response programs.

Number of times Program was called or activated – Enter the number of times during 2013 that this demand response program was called or activated. If the program was not called or activated in 2013, enter zero. If the program does not involve activation enter “na. To add information about another WHOLESALE program/tariff, click on the [Add Page] button to create a new blank WHOLESALE program/tariff page.

To delete the page, click on the [Del Page] button. Note that the [Del Page] button will not delete this page if it is the only WHOLESALE program/tariff page in the form.




Provide the entity’s demand response or time-based rates/tariffs that were not in use during 2013 but that are planned to begin during calendar periods 2014 and 2015-2016 for each program type listed.

Enter the number of programs planned to begin for each time period, and their expected potential peak reduction or, for the periods that span more than one year, the average expected potential peak reduction in megawatts. Only list programs in the year in which they are planned to begin. Do not list a program in more than one time period.

If the program type is not listed, select “Other (describe below)” and briefly describe the “other” program type and provide the expected potential peak reduction or, for the periods that span more than one year, the average expected potential peak reduction in megawatts.

Optionally, describe the method(s) used to estimate the Potential Peak Reduction (MW) you entered for the planned programs.

If you have entered all of the programs offered by your entity in each of the NERC Region/state combinations in which it operates, YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THE SURVEY. Please submit it to FERC as specified in the HOW TO FILE section (page 1 above).


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorOmar Aslam
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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