IPM System - Not For Profit Institutions

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) System

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IPM System - Not For Profit Institutions

OMB: 1845-0149

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Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Volume 1, Version 0.5 ● 03/29/2017

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Table of Contents
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
INTENDED AUDIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION................................................................................................................................................... 5
USING THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

SECTION 2 OPENING THE APPLICATION ................................................................................................................................ 7
SECTION 3 SYSTEM NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................................. 8

HEADER SECTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
TOP MENU BAR SECTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
PARTNER SUMMARY SECTION .............................................................................................................................................. 10
APPLICATION STATUS SECTION ............................................................................................................................................ 10
LEFT MENU SECTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
BODY SECTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
FOOTER SECTION.................................................................................................................................................................. 12

SECTION 4 COMPLETE THE PRE-ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 13

PRE-ELIGIBILITY SCREEN FEATURES AND CONVENTIONS ...................................................................................................... 14
PRE-ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (QUESTIONNAIRE) ............................................................................................................ 16
Institution (Partner) Type ......................................................................................................................................... 16
State Authorization ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Accreditation ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Financial Responsibility ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Educational Programs.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Two Year Rule .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Congratulations – Eligible or Non-Eligible ............................................................................................................. 22

SECTION 5 COMPLETE THE PRE-ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION ...................................................................................... 23

PRE-ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION............................................................................................................................................. 24
Gateway.................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Partner Information.................................................................................................................................................. 25
Application Administrator ........................................................................................................................................ 26
eSign Authority ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Accreditation/Authorization ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Congratulations – Pre-Eligibility Application.......................................................................................................... 29


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
SECTION 6 COMPLETE ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION ......................................................................................................... 30

COMPLETE GENERAL QUESTIONS SECTION ........................................................................................................................... 31
COMPLETE MERGER SECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 33
COMPLETE OFFICIALS SECTION ............................................................................................................................................ 35
COMPLETE DPA SECTION .................................................................................................................................................... 37
COMPLETE STATE AUTHORIZATION AND ACCREDITATION SECTION ...................................................................................... 39
COMPLETE CONTROL AND STRUCTURE SECTION ................................................................................................................... 42
COMPLETE OWNERSHIP SECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 48
COMPLETE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS SECTION .................................................................................................................... 52
COMPLETE LOCATIONS SECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 56
COMPLETE ADDITIONAL FACTORS SECTION .................................................................................................................... 59
COMPLETE TITLE IV PROGRAMS SECTION ....................................................................................................................... 60
COMPLETE MORE DETAILS SECTION ............................................................................................................................... 61
COMPLETE FOREIGN SCHOOLS SECTION .......................................................................................................................... 62
COMPLETE FOREIGN MEDICAL SCHOOLS SECTION........................................................................................................... 65
COMPLETE FOREIGN VETERINARY SCHOOLS SECTION ..................................................................................................... 70
COMPLETE THIRD PARTY SERVICER SECTION .................................................................................................................. 73
COMPLETE ADMINISTRATIVE CAPABILITY SECTION ......................................................................................................... 75
COMPLETE ADDITIONAL CONTACTS SECTION .................................................................................................................. 76
COMPLETE FOREIGN GIFTS SECTION ............................................................................................................................... 78
COMPLETE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SECTION ............................................................................................................. 79
COMPLETE UPLOAD DOCUMENTS SECTION...................................................................................................................... 80
COMPLETE FOREIGN NURSING SCHOOLS ......................................................................................................................... 82
ELIGIBILITY REPORTING FOR FOREIGN SCHOOLS ............................................................................................................. 87
SUBMIT SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION .................................................................................................................... 89


PARTNER ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................... 91

NOTIFICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE ...................................................................................................................................... 91
PARTNER INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 93




SUBMIT CLOSEOUT AUDIT .................................................................................................................................................. 100
SUBMIT ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND COMPLIANCE AUDITS ............................................................................... 105
EXEMPTION NOTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................. 115
SUBMIT WAIVER OR FOREIGN SCHOOL MYCA REQUEST ................................................................................................... 120
SUBMIT CHANGE IN FISCAL YEAR END REQUEST................................................................................................................ 127
REQUEST EXTENSION LINK................................................................................................................................................. 130
SUBMIT NEW INSTITUTION OR REINSTATEMENT.................................................................................................................. 134
Submit New Institution for Domestic Public Schools ............................................................................................. 134
Submit New Institution for Domestic For Profit Schools........................................................................................ 138
Submit New Institution for Domestic Non Profit Schools ....................................................................................... 143
Submit New Institution for Foreign Public Schools................................................................................................ 148
Submit New Institution for Foreign For Profit Schools .......................................................................................... 153
Submit New Institution for Foreign Non Profit School........................................................................................... 158
Submit Reinstatement – Domestic Public ............................................................................................................... 163
Submit Reinstatement – Domestic Non-Profit ........................................................................................................ 169
Submit Reinstatement – Foreign Public ................................................................................................................. 175
Submit Reinstatement – Foreign Not-For Profit..................................................................................................... 180
Submit Reinstatement – Domestic & Foreign For Profit........................................................................................ 184
7.8 SUBMIT MERGER- CHANGE OWNERSHIP ............................................................................................................................. 190
Merger – Change in Ownership ............................................................................................................................. 190
Merger – Change in Ownership – Domestic For Profit ......................................................................................... 193
Merger – Change in Ownership – Domestic Non Profit......................................................................................... 196
7.9 SUBMIT FOREIGN SCHOOLS ANNUAL REPORTING ANNUAL SUBMISSION ............................................................................. 199
RESUBMIT PREVIOUSLY INCOMPLETE OR REJECTED SUBMISSIONS ................................................................................. 204
PARTNER GROUP SUBMISSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 207
Partner Group Submissions – Consolidated........................................................................................................... 207
Partner Group Submissions – Unconsolidated....................................................................................................... 214


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
SECTION 9 SUBMIT FINANCIAL PARTNERS ELIGIBILITY APPLICATIONS .............................................................. 221

SUBMIT INITIAL LENDER’S APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................ 222
Guaranty Agency Initiates Lender Application ...................................................................................................... 222
Lender Submits Application.................................................................................................................................... 226
Portfolio Administrator Initiates Lender, Guaranty Agency, Guaranty Agency Servicer, or ED Servicer ............. 235
Portfolio Administrator Edits Records ................................................................................................................... 238
Lender Edits Records ............................................................................................................................................. 243
3.2 SUBMIT WITHDRAWAL FROM TITLE IV AND/OR FINANCIAL REPORTING.............................................................................. 253
3.3 SUBMIT NOTIFICATION FOR MERGER/ACQUISITION ............................................................................................................ 255
SECTION 10. OTHER SUBMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 259
CREATE SPECIAL APPLICATION STANDARDS ................................................................................................................. 259
PARTNER UPLOADS DPM PLAN FILES ........................................................................................................................... 262
PARTNER SUBMITS ZONE REPORTING EVENTS ............................................................................................................... 264
PARTNER SUBMITS APPEAL ........................................................................................................................................... 266
LOG SUBMISSION OF REQUEST FOR FUNDS .................................................................................................................... 268
Domestic and Foreign Schools Automated 270 Form Submittal ............................................................................ 269
eSign User Authorizes 270 Form........................................................................................................................... 271
Domestic and Foreign Schools Student Disbursement Spreadsheet Submittal....................................................... 272
Foreign School Master Roster Submittal................................................................................................................ 273
Domestic and Foreign Schools Upload Institutional Documents ........................................................................... 274
APPENDIX A – USER LOGIN PROCESS .................................................................................................................................. 275
APPENDIX B – DEBARMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 278
APPENDIX C - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................................ 282
APPENDIX D – TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................... 283
APPENDIX E – TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................... 284

List of Figures
Figure 1: Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Header ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Top Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Partner Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 5: Application Status ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Left Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7: Body ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8: Footer .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

List of Tables
Table 1 Intended Audience and Document Uses .......................................................................................................................... 4
Table 2 Screen Features and Conventions .................................................................................................................................. 14


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 1 Introduction
The Integrated Partner Management (IPM) system user guide ensures the delivery of timely, accurate, and responsive services for U.S.
Department of Education, Federal Student Aid (FSA) Partners. The IPM user guide provides step-by-step guidance that:


Allows for timely completion of the Partner eligibility and enrollment process;
Delivers a seamless repository for information access and retention;
Establishes a base of secure and accessible information;
Offers efficient processes that meet internal and external reporting requirements;
Improves the overall quality of program compliance by reducing errors, conducting more; complete analysis and receiving
timely results;
Assures flexibility in structuring the program compliance function.


This User Guide is a user-friendly, non-technical document that communicates IPM system processes and provides step-by-step
instructions to both internal and external users in order to complete required tasks in the system.



This document is a high quality detailed How-To guide that is simple to use, consistent in format, and navigates the users through the
IPM application step-by-step, effectively communicating system processes in a reader-friendly narrative.


Intended Audience
Table 1 Intended Audience and Document Uses


External Partner



To obtain step-by-step instructions on completing and submitting each application type
(i.e., Eligibility and Enrollment, Initial, Recertification)

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Document Organization

This document comprises the following sections:
Section 1 - Introduction: This section provides the background, purpose and scope for this document.
Section 2 – Opening the Application: This section provides instructions on how to access the IPM Portal.
Section 3 – System Navigation: This section describes the screen navigations for the IPM Portal; focusing on navigation for the
following sections: header, top menu bar, application status, left menu, partner summary, body and footer
Section 4 – Complete the Pre-Eligibility Requirements: This section describes how users will progress through the steps required to
complete the Pre-Eligibility Requirements questionnaire.
Section 5 – Complete the Pre-Eligibility Application: This section describes how users will progress through the steps required to
complete the Pre-Eligibility Application.
Section 6 - Complete Eligibility Application: This section describes how users will progress through the steps required to complete
the Eligibility Application.
Section 7 – Partner Account Management: This section describes how users may access and edit Partner Account information.
Section 8 – Submit Partner Financial Statements & Compliance Audits: This section describes how users will progress through
the steps required to submit and maintain their eligibility information including Financial Statements and Compliance
Section 9 - Submit Financial Partners Eligibility Applications: This section describes how users will progress through the steps
required to submit the Financial Partners Eligibility Application.
Section 10 – Other Submissions: This section describes how users will process and review other submissions required by FSA.
Appendix A – User Login Process
Appendix B – Debarment Process
Appendix C – Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix D – Troubleshooting
Appendix E – Technical Support


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Using this document

Please note that many of the pages in this document are landscape orientation. The pages have steps to follow in the left hand
columns and sample images in the right-hand columns. The images are dependent on your selections and interactions with the
application. We encourage you to have this manual open beside your computer as you familiarize yourself with the application.
Also, please note that many of the pages and sections are hyperlinked. You may simply press the control key and left-click on the
hyperlinked text in order to quickly navigate the document.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 2 Opening the Application
For a new Partner to gain access to the system, FSA needs to confirm that the organization is not an existing partner, and it meets the
minimum eligibility requirements. Therefore, the new Partner will go through the Pre-Eligibility process of agreeing to the PreEligibility Requirements and submitting the Pre-Eligibility Application.
Returning partners, who have gone through the Pre-Eligibility process can Sign In and skip to Section 6, Complete Eligibility
Application of this User Guide.
To login into the IPM application, type https://ipm.ed.gov into an Internet browser, the IPM Home Screen appears. This Home Screen
is available to the public and appears once the user enters the IPM application URL into their Internet browser. On the Home Screen,
the user can Sign In as a Guest or Returning Partner.

1. Navigate to IPM Home on your browser.
2. Click the Sign In link located at the top of the screen.
3. Navigate through the Security pages listed in
Appendix A.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 3 System Navigation
This section describes the screen navigation of the system. It focuses on navigation for the following sections: header, top menu bar,
application status, left menu, partner summary, body and footer.
S Y S T E M N A V I GA T I O N –



Header Section
Top Menu Bar Section
Partner Summary Section

Application Status Section
Left Menu Section

Body Section
Footer Section


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Header Section

The header section will appear at the top of every IPM
screen. The Header section includes -- the FSA logo on
the top right side; and on the left side, the Welcome user
note, the Login/Logout button and the name of the
Institution the user represents.


Top Menu Bar Section

When a user has logged into IPM successfully, the top
menu will change, that is-- now the menu being displayed
is based on user’s role/privilege. Throughout the IPM
application, menu bars are based on assigned role(s) and
Select the down arrow to expand the menu to view
sub-menu items.



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Partner Summary Section

The Partner Summary Section, by default, displays a


summarized, read-only
view of the Partner’s
information. Only a few lines of information is displayed, to view
more information, select




Application Status Section

The Application Status will display the progress of the application
in terms of the percentage complete. The Partner can submit the
application only after the application is 100% complete.



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Left Menu Section

The left menu allows the user to navigate through the application
screens. Figure 6 depicts the menu and submenu views.


to expand the menu to view sub-menu items.

Based on the Partner type selected in Pre-Eligibility requirements,
a different set of menu/submenu items will be displayed.
Partner Types include: Public, Private Non-Profit 501 (c)(3),
Institution, For-Profit Proprietary, Foreign Public, Foreign Private
Non-Profit, Foreign For-Profit
The following is the Legend for the menu and sub-menu status:
The Red
“X” symbol means this section of the application
has not yet started (or) is in progress.
The Green
check mark symbol means this section of the
application has been Completed.
Whenever a menu item is selected by the user and is being
worked on, it is considered active.




Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Body Section

The Body Section allows users to enter information associated
with the selections made from the left menu. For example, in
Figure 7, the user selected

from the left menu.



Footer Section

The Footer section appears at the bottom of every IPM screen.
This section provides easy access to important FSA links and
Government websites:


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 4 Complete the Pre-Eligibility Requirements
System Navigation

Pre-Eligibility Application

The Federal Student Aid (FSA) verifies that an organization is not a current partner. New Partners must meet the minimum eligibility
requirements, agree to the Pre-Eligibility Requirements, and submit the Pre-Eligibility Application.
Once the user begins the Pre-Eligibility Requirements (Questionnaire) the questionnaire has to be completed. The user
cannot start, save and return at a later time/date to complete the Pre-Eligibility Requirements (Questionnaire).
All Partners can contact FSA via telephone or email requesting information on how to apply for Title IV funds; however, the Partner
will be directed to use the Federal Student Aid’s Integrated Partner Management System (FSA-IPM) to submit and/or update their
New Partners and/or Institutions that are seeking Title IV Certification for the first time or Reinstatement can skip to
Section 6, Complete Eligibility Application.
After selecting the appropriate Partner Type, the system will select the proper Pre-Eligibility Requirements screens needed to
The system performs validation checks on the data submitted in the Pre-Eligibility application. If the Partner is identified as
previously existing in the system or if the DUNS number is invalid, the Partner is notified to contact FSA.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Pre-Eligibility Screen Features and Conventions

The Pre-Eligibility screens include certain features and conventions that are repeated throughout the Pre-Eligibility process. For your
convenience, we have provided a description of some of the most common screen elements in the table below.
Table 1 Screen Features and Conventions




A red asterisk (*) appears next to each required question.

Help icon

Click to view more detailed information on any topic.

Cancel Button
Print Button

School Handbook Link

Click to end the session.
Click to print a copy of your Pre-Eligibility information.
When selected, the system opens the latest Domestic or Foreign
School Handbook and provides the user with the ability to view and
print the Handbook.

A D O B E P DF S C R E E N F E A T U R E S A N D C O N V E N T I O N S *

Previous Page

Click to view previous page

Next Page

Click to view next page

Zoom Out

Click to Zoom Out

Zoom In

Click to Zoom In

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide




Click to Save a file


Click to Print a file

*To view more detailed information regarding navigating Adobe Acrobat PDF pages, click


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Pre-Eligibility Requirements (Questionnaire)

The Pre-Eligibility Requirements (Questionnaire) allows Partners to request approval to be certified to participate in Title IV
This section describes the set of questions that are presented to the Institutions. All Domestic School Institution Types (Non-Profit,
For-Profit (Proprietary), and Public) are presented with the same set of questions; however, the Two Year rule is optional for Non
Profit and Public Institutions. All Foreign School Institution Types (Public, Private Non-Profit and For-Profit) are presented with the
same Institution Type questions and results pages as the Domestic Partners; however, the only additional question Foreign Partners are
required to answer is the Country Authorization question. Foreign schools are prefixed by the word Foreign.
To complete the Pre-Eligibility Requirements (Questionnaire), the user is presented with the following screens:

4.2.1 Institution (Partner) Type
1. Select an Institution Type from the list.
2. Click Next. Based on the Institution Type selected, the
system presents a set of questions. The first question for the
Public (Domestic) Institution Type, which is the State
Authorization question, appears.

The system will not allow you to navigate to the next
screen if you have not selected an Institution Type.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.2 State Authorization
1. On the State Authorization screen, select Yes or No in
response to the question presented.
2. Click Previous to return to the previous question.
3. Click Next. The Accreditation screen appears.

The system will not allow you to navigate to the next step
until you have answered each question.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.3 Accreditation
1. On the Accreditation screen, select Yes or No in response
to the question presented.
2. Click Previous to return to the previous question.
3. Click Next. The Financial Responsibility screen appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.4 Financial Responsibility
1. On the Financial Responsibility screen, select Yes or No
in response to the question presented.
2. Click Previous to return to the previous question.
3. Click Next. The Educational Program screen appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.5 Educational Programs
1. On the Educational Programs screen, select Yes or No in
response to the question presented.
2. Click Previous to return to the previous question.
3. Click Next. The Two Year Rule screen appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.6 Two Year Rule
1. On the Two Year Rule screen, select Yes or No in
response to the question presented.
2. Click Previous to return to the previous question.
3. Click Next, the system displays the Congratulations
screen informing you that you have completed the PreEligibility requirements; or the Non-Eligible screen
informing you that you do not meet the Pre-Eligibility

The Two Year Rule is optional for Non Profit and Public


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4.2.7 Congratulations – Eligible or Non-Eligible
4. On the Congratulations screen, click Continue.
5. The Pre-Eligibility Application screen appears.
6. To complete the Pre-Eligibility Application, proceed to
Section 5.0.
7. If you would like to obtain a copy of your Pre-Eligibility
Requirements questions, click Print.

If the system determines the Partner is Eligible, the system
will prompt you to advance to section 5.0 to complete the
pre-eligibility application


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 5 Complete the Pre-Eligibility Application
Pre-Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Application

Once the user begins the Pre-Eligibility Application, the application has to be completed from end-to-end. The user cannot
start, save and return at a later time/date to complete the Pre-Eligibility Application.
For a new Partner to gain access to the system, FSA needs to confirm that the organization is not an existing partner, and has not been
disbarred. Once the Partner meets the minimum eligibility requirements and respond to the requirements questionnaire in Section 4,
they can complete the Pre-Eligibility application process.
After successfully completing and submitting the Pre-Eligibility Application, the system performs several validations to determine if
the Partner is eligible to begin the eligibility application process, and a new Partner Profile is created. The system generates a unique
Integrated Partner Identification (IPI) Number and sends an email to the Partner’s Application Administrator (AA) and the eSign
Authority indicated in the Pre-Eligibility application, with a link to submit their PII to complete the Debarment Check.
The system performs validation checks on the data submitted in the Pre-Eligibility application and if the Partner is
identified as previously existing in the system or if the DUNS number is invalid, the Partner is deemed ineligible and
notified to contact FSA.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Pre-Eligibility Application

This section describes the set of questions that are presented to the Institutions. All Foreign School Institution Types (Public, Private
Non-Profit and For-Profit) are presented with the same application questions and results pages as the Domestic Partners (Non-Profit,
For-Profit (Proprietary), and Public); however, the only additional question Domestic Partners are required to answer is the
Accreditation/Authorization question.
To complete the Pre-Eligibility Application, the user is presented with the following screens:

5.1.1 Gateway
1. On the Gateway screen, select Yes or No in response
to the questions presented.
2. Click Next. The Partner Information screen appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5.1.2 Partner Information
1. On the Partner Information screen, enter the requested
2. Make a selection from the list of Countries provided.
3. Enter a date in the Date text box.
4. Click Previous to return to the previous screen.
5. Click Next. The Application Administrator screen


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5.1.3 Application Administrator
1. On the Application Administrator screen, enter the
requested information.
2. Make selections from the lists provided.
3. Click Previous to return to the previous screen.
4. Click Next. The eSign Authority screen appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5.1.4 eSign Authority
1. On the eSign Authority screen, enter the requested
2. Make selections from the lists provided.
3. Click Previous to return to the previous screen.
4. Click Next. The Accreditation Authorization screen


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5.1.5 Accreditation/Authorization
1. On the Accreditation/Authorization screen, enter the
requested information.
2. Make selections from the list provided.
3. Enter a date in the Date text box.
4. Click Previous to return to the previous screen.
5. Click Submit. The Congratulations screen appears,
thanking you for completing the Pre-Eligibility


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5.1.6 Congratulations – Pre-Eligibility Application
1. On the Congratulations screen, click Home to return to
the Gateway screen. The Pre-Eligibility Application is
submitted and the Debarment process begins.

Debarment Process: The system checks the user data
against the debarment list and watch list on SAM.gov. If
the user passes the debarment check, the system creates
a permanent profile and an email is sent to the user with
their user name and password.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 6 Complete Eligibility Application
Pre-Eligibility Requirements

Pre-Eligibility Application

Now that you have successfully completed and submitted the Pre-Eligibility application, your New Partner profile has been created.
Or, if you have an existing account, you start the rest of the process at this step.
The system has set you up with a User account and assigns the role of Application Administrator and eSign Authority to the person(s)
indicated in the Pre-Eligibility application. Users may also be assigned a Basic User role and have the ability to access one or more
If the user is a new institution or seeking re-instatement, the Application Administrator may log in to complete the Eligibility
Application. For existing institutions, the Destination Point Administrator (DPA), is responsible for completing the application. Once
the application is complete, the eSign authority should complete Section 6.24, Submit School Eligibility Application and submit the


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete General Questions Section

The General Questions section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide basic information about their
institution, such as the institution Name, DUNS Number, and Award Year. The system will display the appropriate questions based on
the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Based on the Partner Type and the Application Purpose, the General Questions section of the School Eligibility application displays
appropriate questions. The Partner is prompted to provide basic information about their institution, and the system includes “help”
text for each question.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click General Questions on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Application Purpose screen.
3. If you would like to view each definition, click on the
Application Purpose Definitions link.
4. Select the purpose for your application, then click Save And
5. IPM system displays the School Information screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. Provide the requested information on the School
Information screen, then click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to Merger on the Left Menu.
Name cannot be in uppercase. The word “The”
cannot be used before the Name. The Partner Name
cannot include “Corporation” or “District” without
FSA approval.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Merger Section

The Merger Section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to report the merger of its institution with another, or
several other, participating School Partner(s). The submission of this type of application allows the surviving School Partner to
request approval to continue as certified to participate in Title IV programs, along with the merged locations.

1. Click Merger on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Merger screen.
3. Click Add New Merger.
4. IPM displays the Merger Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5. Provide the requested information.
6. Click Update.
7. IPM adds the information to the Merger Summary table.
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM moves to Officials on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Officials Section

The Officials section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information about the officials at their
institution, such as the President, Chief Financial Officer, and Financial Aid Director (FAD). The system will display the appropriate
questions based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click Officials on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Officials screen.
3. Click Add Officials.
4. IPM displays the Officials Details screen.
5. Individuals must be identified for each of the following

Chief Executive Officer/President/Chancellor
Chief Financial Aid Director
Chief Fiscal/Financial Officer
Financial Aid Director – up to 2 may be identified


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10. Select the applicable role in the box, and provide the
requested information.
11. Click Update.
12. IPM adds the information to the Official Summary table.
13. Repeat Steps 1 – 5 until information has been entered for all
of the required roles.
14. Click Save And Next.
15. IPM moves to DPA on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete DPA Section

The DPA section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information about their institution’s Destination
Point Administrator (DPA). The DPA is the individual(s) representing a Partner involved in the administration of Title IV student
financial aid programs (such as a postsecondary institution, FFEL lender, and FFEL guaranty agency or third-party servicer). Partners
can have several DPAs, but only one (1) Primary DPA. The Primary DPA is the only individual who can add users for a Partner and
request services for these additional users. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the
application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click DPA on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the DPA screen.
3. Select a Prefix from the list provided.
4. The IPM System displays a list of available DPAs.
5. Provide the requested information on the DPA screen.
6. Correct or confirm all answers, then click Save And Next.
7. PM moves to Accreditation/State Authorization on the
Left Menu.
For initial Eligibility and Reinstatement applications
the Application Administrator is responsible for the
tasks listed below. Upon approval of the initial
Eligibility or Reinstatement applications the
Application Administrator user is deleted and the

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
DPA is responsible for the tasks listed below:

The primary official who will interact with the Eligibility
Application and the IPM system for Federal Student Aid
Only individual who can add Users for a Partner and
request services for Partner Users.
The primary official who can create or delete Partner
affiliations with other entities such as Lenders, ThirdParty Servicers and Auditors.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete State Authorization and Accreditation Section

The State Authorization and Accreditation section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information
about any state agency and Title IV gatekeeper Accrediting Agency within the United States that provides accreditation or
authorization to their institution to provide postsecondary education programs. The system will display the appropriate questions
based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click Accreditation/State Authorization on the

Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the U.S. Accreditation screen.
3. Click Add Accreditor on the U.S. Accreditation

4. IPM displays the U.S. Accreditation Summary

screen. Provide the requested information on the
5. Correct or confirm all answers, then click Update.
6. IPM adds the information to the U.S. Accreditation

Summary table.
7. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
At least one Accrediting Agency must be added. At
least one Accrediting Agency must be designated
as the Primary Accreditor.
8. IPM displays the State Authorization screen.
9. Answer Yes or No on the screen.
10. If Yes, enter the Federal Government/Indian Tribe

Name in the space provided.
11. Click Save And Next.
12. If No, click Save And Next.
13. IPM expands the State Authorization Summary

screen to include the State Authorization table.
14. Provide the answers to the required questions, then

click Add State Agency.
15. IPM displays the State Authorization Details



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Provide the answers to the required questions on
the State Authorization Details screen.


Correct or confirm all answers, then click


IPM adds the information to the State
Authorization table.


Click Save And Next.


IPM moves to Control and Structure on the
Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Control and Structure Section

The Control and Structure section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information about the structure of
their institution such as their institution type (For-Profit, Non Profit, Public), their Board of Trustees or Directors, and if their
institution has had, or will have, a change in ownership. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner’s type
and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Control and Structure from the Left Menu.

2. The IPM displays the Institutional Structure screen.
3. Select the applicable Institutional Structure from the
choices provided, then click Save and Next.
Based on prior approved application submission(s),
the system automatically selects the appropriate type
of Institutional Structure.
4. If Domestic Public Institution is selected, IPM moves to
Educational Programs on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5. If Domestic Private Non-Profit 501I(3) Institution is
selected, IPM moves to the Board of Trustees on the
Left Menu.
6. IPM displays the Board of Directors/Trustees screen.
7. Select Yes or No on the Board of Directors/Trustees
8. If No is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
9. If Yes is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM expands the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen to include a Board Members table.
10. Click Add Board Member and IPM displays the Board
of Directors-Board Member screen.
11. Provide the requested information in the Board of
Directors-Board Member screen, then click Update.
12. IPM adds the Board Member information to the Board
of Directors/Trustees table.
13. Click Save And Next.
14. IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.

15. If Domestic Private For-Profit Institution is selected,
IPM moves to Board of Trustees of Control and
Structure on the Left Menu.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
16. IPM displays the Board of Directors/Trustees screen.
17. Select Yes or No on the Board of Directors/Trustees
18. If No is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
19. If Yes is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM expands the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen to include a Board Members table.
20. Click Add Board Member and IPM displays the Board
of Directors-Board Member screen.
21. Provide the required information on the Board of
Directors-Board Member screen, then click Update.
22. IPM adds the Board Member information to the Board
of Directors/Trustees table.
23. Click Save And Next.
24. IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
For Foreign Schools Only
1. Select the applicable Institutional Structure from among
these choices, then click Save And Next.
2. If Foreign Public Institution is selected, IPM moves to
Board of Trustees of Control and Structure on the Left
3. IPM displays the Board of Directors/Trustees screen.
4. Select Yes or No on the Board of Directors/Trustees
5. If No is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
6. If Yes is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM expands the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen to include a Board Members section.
7. Click Add Board Member and IPM displays the Board
of Directors-Board Member screen.
8. Provide the required information on the Board of
Directors-Board Member screen, then click Update.
9. IPM adds the Board Member information to the Board of
Directors/Trustees table.
10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
12. If Foreign Private Non-Profit Institution is selected, IPM
moves to Board of Trustees of Control and Structure on
the Left Menu.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

13. IPM displays the Board of Directors/Trustees screen.
14. Select Yes or No on the Board of Directors/Trustees
15. If No is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
16. If Yes is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM expands the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen to include a Board Members section.
17. Click Add Board Member and IPM displays the Board
of Directors-Board Member screen.
18. Provide the requested information on the Board of
Directors-Board Member screen, then click Update.
19. IPM adds the Board Member information to the Board of
Directors/Trustees table.
20. Click Save And Next.
21. IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
22. If Foreign Private For-Profit Institution is selected, IPM
moves to Board of Trustees of Control and Structure on
the Left Menu.
23. IPM displays the Board of Directors/Trustees screen.
24. Select Yes or No on the Board of Directors/Trustees
25. If No is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
26. If Yes is selected on the Board of Directors/Trustees
screen, IPM expands the Board of Directors/Trustees

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
screen to include a Board Members section.
27. Click “Add Board Member” and IPM displays the
Board of Directors-Board Member screen.
28. Provide the required information on the Board of
Directors-Board Member screen, then click Update.
29. IPM adds the Board Member information to the Board of
Directors/Trustees table.
30. Click Save And Next.
31. IPM moves to Ownership on the Left Menu.
“Foreign Written Agreement” requires the institution to
add to the table any programs they offer through an
arrangement with another institution (e.g. study-abroad,
joint-degree, etc.)


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Ownership Section

The Ownership section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information about their institution’s
owner(s). The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic and Foreign

1. Click Ownership on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Ownership Summary screen.
3. Select Yes or No on the Ownership Summary screen.
4. If No is selected, click Save And Next.
5. IPM moves to Ownership Activity Summary on the Left
6. If Yes is selected, IPM expands the Ownership Summary
screen to include the Ownership Summary table.

The following steps apply to Domestic, Private and
Individual Owners.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
7. Click Add Person Owner.
8. IPM displays the [Person] Ownership Structure screen.
9. Provide the necessary information on the [Person]
Ownership Structure screen, then click Update.
10. IPM adds the information to the Ownership Summary
11. Click Save And Next.
12. IPM moves to Ownership Activity on the Left Menu.
The following steps apply only to Private, Entity


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
13. If Yes is selected, IPM expands the Ownership Summary
screen to include the Ownership Summary table.
14. Click Add Entity Owner.
15. IPM displays the [Entity] Ownership Structure screen.
16. Provide the necessary information in the Ownership Data
section on the [Entity] Ownership Structure screen, then
click Continue.
17. IPM displays the Contact section of the [Entity]
Ownership Structure screen.
18. Provide the requested information, then click Update.
19. IPM adds the information to the Ownership Summary
20. Click Save And Next.
21. IPM moves to Ownership Activity on the Left Menu.
“Add Entity Owner” applies to a private entity. Each
qualifying private entity must be added to the
Ownership Summary table.
22. IPM displays the Ownership Activity Summary screen.
23. Select Yes or No on the Ownership Activity Summary
24. If No is selected, click Save And Next.
25. IPM moves to Educational Programs on the Left Menu.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
26. If Yes is selected, the Ownership Activity Summary
screen expands to include the Ownership Activity
Summary table.
27. Click “Add”.
28. IPM displays the Ownership Activity screen.
29. Provide the requested information, then click Update.
30. IPM adds the information to the Ownership Activity
Summary table.
31. Click Save And Next.
32. IPM moves to Educational Programs on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Educational Programs Section

The Educational Programs section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to identify the types of programs, and the
details about each program identified, that the institution currently offers. The system will display the appropriate questions based on
the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic and Foreign
1. Click Educational Programs on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Educational Program Type screen.
3. Check at least one box on the Educational Program Type
screen. More than one may be checked.
4. Click Save And Next.
5. IPM displays the Program Summary screen.
6. Click Add, and IPM displays the Program Details screen.
7. Provide the required information on the Program Details
8. To Search for an SOC Code, click the link provided. IPM
opens an additional browser window to the O*NET OnLine
website where the correct SOC Code can be found.
9. Correct or confirm all answers on the Program Details
screen, then click Update.
10. IPM adds the information to the Program Summary table.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
11. Click Save And Next.
12. IPM displays the General Program Information screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

13. Select the applicable answer on the General Program
Information screen from among the choices provided (only
one may be selected).
14. Correct or confirm the selection on the General Program
Information screen, then click Save And Next.
15. IPM displays the Program Contracting Summary screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
16. Select Yes or No on the Program Contracting Summary
17. If No is selected, click Save And Next.
18. IPM moves to Locations on the Left Menu.
19. If Yes is selected, click Save And Next
20. IPM displays the Program Contracting Details screen.
21. Provide the requested information on the Program
Contracting Details screen, including the Business Address
of the ineligible institution or organization.
22. Correct or confirm all of the answers on the Program
Contracting Details screen, then click Update.
23. IPM adds the information to the Program Contracting
Summary table.
24. Click Save And Next.
25. IPM moves to Locations on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Complete Locations Section

The Locations section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to identify the location(s) where their institution
currently operates. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click Location on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Principal Location screen.
3. Provide the information requested.
4. Correct or confirm all answers, then click Save and Next.
5. IPM displays the Additional Location Summary screen.
6. Information about any location in addition to the primary
location must be provided.

The Principal Location does not need to be the same as
the mailing address; however, if they are different, both
addresses must be provided.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7. Click Add Location, and IPM displays the Additional
Locations screen.
8. Provide the information requested on the Additional
Locations screen— for both Basic Location Information and
Location Business Address.
9. Click Continue to go from the Basic Location Information
to the Location Business Address.
10. Once all information has been provided, click Update, IPM
adds the information to the Additional Locations table.
11. Click Save And Next.
12. IPM displays the Domestic School Foreign Location
Enrollment screen.

The total number of students at each location who are
eligible for Title IV funding must be provided –Foreign
and Domestic.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

13. Select Yes or No.
14. If No, Click Save and Next and IPM moves to Title IV
Programs on the Left Menu.
15. If Yes, IPM expands the Domestic School Foreign
Location Enrollment screen to include 2 fields.
16. Provide the applicable number of students in each field, then
click Save And Next.
17. IPM moves to Title IV Programs on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.10 Complete Additional Factors Section
The Additional Factors section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide information about the institution’s
Ability to benefit students, incarcerated students, correspondence students, and correspondence courses. The system will display the
appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic

1. Click Additional Factors on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Additional Factors Screen.
3. Select Yes or No for each question.
4. Once each question is answered, click Save and Next.
5. IPM moves to Title IV Programs on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.11 Complete Title IV Programs Section
The Title IV Programs section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to indicate the Title IV Programs for which the
Partner is requesting eligibility. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Title IV Programs on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Title IV Programs screen.
3. Check each box next to the program(s) for
which Eligibility Application is being made.
4. Click Save And Next, and IPM moves to More
Details on the Left Menu.

At least one Title IV program must be selected.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.12 Complete More Details Section
The More Details section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide additional information about their
institution, such as information about the financial aid staff and about the number of students who currently attend their institution.
The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click More Details on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the More Details screen.
3. Provide the required information.
4. Click Save And Next.
5. IPM moves to Vocational Programs on the Left Menu, and
displays the Vocational Programs screen.
6. Check the box for each program. The selected programs have
to have been provided continuously for the most recent 24
7. Click Save And Next.
8. IPM moves to Third Party Servicer on the Left Menu.
This information is required to help determine if the Institution
is eligible for Title IV funding. Only Domestic Schools move to
Third Party Servicer, following Vocational Programs.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.13 Complete Foreign Schools Section
The Foreign Schools section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide specific information about their
foreign institution. This section is visible only to and required to be answered by Foreign School Partner types only. The system will
display the appropriate questions based on the application purpose once the Partner has accessed their homepage and has opened the
School Eligibility Application.
Partner Type: Foreign

1. Click Foreign Schools on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Foreign School Initial Questions screen.
3. Answer each question with Yes or No.
4. Once all questions are answered, click Save And Next.

5. IPM displays the Foreign School Program screen.
6. Answer Yes or No to the question on the screen.
7. If Yes selected, IPM expands the Foreign School Program
screen to include the Validating Institution table and follow
up questions.
8. Click Add, and IPM displays the Validating Institution


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide the requested information, then click Update.
10. IPM adds the information to the Validating Institution table.
11. Click Save And Next.
12. IPM displays the Foreign Schools – U.S. Administrative
Offices & Accrediting Agencies screen.

13. Answer each question with Yes or No.
14. If the answer is Yes to either question or both, additional
information will need to be provided.
15. Click Add to provide the required additional information.
16. IPM displays the Accrediting Agency(s) screen.

A copy of the legal authorization document from the
Institution’s home country will need to be uploaded
— this document must meet the Department of
Education requirements. This task will be completed
in the Upload Documents section.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

17. Provide the required information on the Accrediting
Agency(s) screen, then click “Update”.
18. IPM adds the information to the Accrediting Agency(s) table.
19. Click Save And Next.
20. IPM displays Foreign Schools – Title IV for Medical,
Veterinary and Nursing screen.

21. Answer Yes or No, click Save And Next.
22. If Yes to Medical Program, IPM moves to the Foreign
Medical menu item on the Left Menu.
23. If Yes to Veterinary Program, IPM moves to the Foreign
Veterinary menu item on the Left Menu.
24. If Yes to Nursing Program, IPM moves to the Foreign
Nursing menu item on the Left Menu.
25. If Yes to any program, but not seeking Title IV, IPM moves
to the next appropriate menu item on the Left Menu. This
applies to any of the programs.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.14 Complete Foreign Medical Schools Section
The Foreign Medical Schools section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide specific information about
their foreign medical school for which the Partner is seeking eligibility to participate in federal student financial aid programs. This
section is visible only to and required to be answered by Foreign School Partner types only. The system will display the appropriate
questions based on the application purpose once the Partner has accessed their homepage and has opened the School Eligibility
Partner Type: Foreign

1. Click Foreign Medical Schools on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Foreign Medical Schools-Accreditors
3. Click Add.
4. IPM displays the Medical Accreditors screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5. Provide the Medical Accreditor information. At least one
Medical Accreditor must be added.
6. Click Update, and IPM adds the information to the Medical
Accreditors table.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM displays the Foreign Medical Schools – Locations

9. Click “Add”.
10. IPM displays the Foreign Medical Schools - Locations
11. Provide the Foreign Medical Schools – Locations


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
12. Click Yes or No to the questions at the bottom of the screen.
At least one location must be added, and all locations must be
13. Click Update, and IPM adds the information to the Foreign
Medical Schools Locations table.
14. Click Save And Next.
15. IPM displays the Foreign Medical Additional Question


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

16. Check and select appropriate boxes and “Yes” or “No” to the
requested information.
17. Click “Add New Record”.
18. IPM displays the Add New Records screen.

19. Provide the requested information, then click “Add”.
20. IPM adds the information to the Graduation table.
21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM displays the USMLE Exemptions screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

23. Click Yes or No to the questions on the screen. Reporting
whether any of the Institution’s locations have been
continually operating for such a period as to cause exemption
under USMLE is Required.
24. Click Save And Next, and IPM moves to Foreign
Veterinary Schools on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.15 Complete Foreign Veterinary Schools Section
The Foreign Veterinary Schools section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to provide specific information
about their foreign veterinary school for which the Partner is seeking eligibility to participate in federal student financial aid programs.
This section is visible only to and required to be answered by Foreign School Partner types only. The system will display the
appropriate questions based on the application purpose once the Partner has accessed their homepage and has opened the School
Eligibility Application.
Partner Type: Domestic

1. Click Foreign Veterinary Schools on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Foreign Veterinary Schools – Accreditors
and Graduation Dates screen.
3. Select Yes or No for the first question on the screen. If
currently accredited, at least one accrediting agency must be
4. Click Add, and IPM displays the Accreditor Detail screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the information, then click “Update”.
6. IPM adds the accrediting agency detail to the Veterinary
Accreditors table.
7. Continue on to the next questions.
8. Click Add New Record, and IPM displays the Accrediting
(Foreign Nursing)-Detail screen.
9. Provide the information. Information about all graduations
within the last two 12-month periods must be provided.
10. Once finished providing the information, Click Update.

11. IPM adds the graduation information to the Foreign
Veterinary Schools Graduation table.
12. Click Save and Next.
13. IPM displays the Foreign Nursing Schools – Locations
screen. Information for at least one location and all locations
must be provided.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
14. Click “Add”, and IPM displays the Foreign Veterinary
Schools-Locations screen.
15. Provide the requested information, paying special attention to
“Required” items.
16. Once finished providing the information, click Update.
17. IPM adds the location to the Foreign Veterinary SchoolsLocations table.
18. Click Save and Next.
19. IPM moves to Foreign Nursing Schools on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.16 Complete Third Party Servicer Section
The Third Party Servicer section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to provide information about any third party
that performs Title IV services for their institution. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and
the application purpose once the Partner has accessed their homepage and has opened the School Eligibility Application.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Third Party Servicer on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Third-Party Servicer screen.
3. Click Add. IPM displays the Third-Party Servicer


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the required information on the screen.
5. Correct or confirm all answers, then click Update.
6. IPM adds the information to the Third-Party
Servicer table.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to Administrative Capability on the
Left Menu.
Third Party Servicer information must be added
if one is contracted with the Institution.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.17 Complete Administrative Capability Section
The Administrative Capabilities section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide additional information
about their institution’s policies and procedures. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the
application purpose.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Administrative Capability on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Administrative Capability screen.
3. Check each appropriate box on the screen.

If any item is not completed, IPM requires an explanation.

4. Provide the explanation(s) in each comment box provided
below each of the listed items.
5. Once items are checked and/or explanations are provided,
click Save and Next.
6. IPM moves to Additional Contacts on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.18 Complete Additional Contacts Section
The Additional Contacts section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to provide contact information for any other
individuals at their institution. The system will display the appropriate questions based on the Partner Type and the application
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click Additional Contacts on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Additional Contacts screen.
3. Click Add Contact.
4. IPM displays the Additional Contact Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5. Provide the requested information then, click Update.
6. IPM adds the information to the Additional Contact table.
Click Save and Next.
7. IPM moves to Additional Information on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.19 Complete Foreign Gifts Section
The Foreign Gifts section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to provide information about gifts, contracts, or
ownership interests that their institution has received from a foreign entity. This section starts once the Partner has accessed their
homepage and has opened the School Eligibility Application.
Partner Type: Domestic
1. Click Foreign Gifts on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Foreign Gifts screen.
3. Click on Report Gift, Contract or Relationship.
4. IPM displays the Foreign Gift Details screen.
5. Provide the requested information on that screen, then
click on Update.
6. IPM adds the information to the Foreign Gifts table.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to Additional Information on the Left Menu.

If the Institution receives gifts from a foreign entity,
reporting them is required. Similarly, if the Institution
contracts with a foreign entity, or has an
ownership/control relationship with a foreign entity,
reporting those relationships is required.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.20 Complete Additional Information Section
The Additional Information section of the School Eligibility Application allows the Partner to provide any information about the
application being submitted. Based on the questions answered by the Partner, some information is required to be entered in this
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Additional Information on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Additional Information screen.
3. Provide additional information which may be helpful in
the evaluation of your application, then click Save and
4. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.

Enter additional information relative to the
Institution’s Eligibility Application that has not
otherwise been provided.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.21 Complete Upload Documents Section
The Upload Documents section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to upload any supporting documentation
based on the questions answered in the application. This section can be completed once the Partner has accessed their homepage,
opened the School Eligibility Application, and answered each of the required questions.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Click Upload Documents on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Upload Documents screen, which includes
the Upload Documents Summary portion of the screen.
3. Click Upload Other Documents.
4. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen. For
detailed instructions about required documents, please read
the text located at the top of the Upload Documents screen.
5. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. Provide the requested information on the Upload Document
Details screen, and select Yes or No for the PII data question.
Select Yes if the document being uploaded contains PII data.
7. Once all information has been provided, click Upload.
8. IPM adds the information to the Upload Documents Summary
9. Click Save And Next.
10. IPM moves to Application Validation on the Left Menu.

A different document must be uploaded for each
document type listed in the detailed instructions on the
Upload Documents screen; i.e., no document should be
the same.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.22 Complete Foreign Nursing Schools
This section provides the requirements for each question currently in the Foreign Nursing Schools section of the School Eligibility
Application. The Partners are required to identify all locations in which instruction pertaining to their nursing program is provided.
Partner Type: Foreign

1. Click Foreign Nursing Schools on the Left Menu.

2. IPM displays the Foreign Nursing Schools-Locations
3. Click Add.
4. IPM displays the Locations screen.
5. Provide the requested information. At least one location
and all locations must be added.
6. Once all requested information has been provided, click
7. IPM adds the information to the Locations table.
8. Click Save and Next.
9. IPM displays the Foreign Nursing Schools-Licensing and
Accreditation screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10. Provide the requested information. At least one location
and all locations must be added.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

11. Click Add to enter the relevant Licensing information.
12. IPM displays the Licensing (Foreign Nursing)-Detail
13. Provide the information, then click Update.
14. IPM adds the information to the Licensing (Foreign
Nursing) table.
15. Click Add to enter relevant accrediting information.
16. IPM displays the Accrediting (Foreign Nursing)-Detail
17. Provide the information, then click Update.
18. IPM adds the information to the Accrediting (Foreign
Nursing) table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

19. Click Save And Next.
20. IPM displays the Foreign Nursing Schools-Additional
Questions screen.
21. Check the appropriate boxes, then click Add New
22. IPM displays the Add New Record screen.
23. Provide the information. Information pertaining to all
graduations within the last two 12-month periods must be
24. Once all information has been provided, click Add.
25. IPM adds the information to the Graduation table.
26. Click Save And Next.
27. IPM moves to the Eligibility Reporting for Foreign
Schools on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.23 Eligibility Reporting for Foreign Schools
The Eligibility Reporting for Foreign Schools section of the School Eligibility Application requires the Partner to provide specific
information about their Foreign Medical and Nursing school for which the Partner is seeking eligibility to participate in federal student
financial aid programs. This section is visible only to and required to be answered by Foreign School Partner types.
Partner Type: Foreign
1. Click Eligibility Reporting on the Left Menu.

2. IPM moves to Medical School Reporting on the Left Menu,
and displays the Medical School Additional Eligibility
Criteria screen.
3. Select the applicable year, and then click Add Row.
4. IPM adds the Reporting Year to the Medical School
Application Additional Eligibility Criteria table.
5. Click Save And Next. IPM moves to Nursing School
Reporting on the Left Menu and displays the Nursing School
Additional Eligibility Criteria screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. Select the applicable year, and then click Add Row on the
Nursing School Additional Eligibility Criteria screen.
7. IPM adds the Reporting Year to the Nursing School
Application Additional Eligibility Criteria table.
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM moves to Third-Party Servicer on the Left Menu.

Medical and Nursing Schools, both Foreign and
Domestic, are required to report information regarding
their programs to FSA annually.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6.24 Submit School Eligibility Application
The Submit School Eligibility Application section allows the Partner submit an application for the following purpose types:
• Initial Certification
• Recertification
• Change in Ownership (CIO)
• Merger
• Designated as Eligible Only (Eligibility Only/Deferment)
• Reinstatement
• Update
For each purpose type listed above, the Partner completes the information required by Federal Student Aid. Before the application is
submitted, the Partner must upload any documents determined to be required by the system based on the questions answered and
correct any application errors identified by the system. Once the application is ready for submission, the individual designated with
eSign authority for the Partner reviews, signs, and submits the application as follows:
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Click Submit on the Left Menu.
2. IPM displays the Signature screen. The eSign Authority’s
information should be visible in the Signature table.
3. Please review the information on the Signature screen for
4. If the eSign Authority is unavailable, that needs to be
indicated by checking the relevant box.
5. If an Authority has been designated by the eSign Authority,
that needs to be indicated by checking the relevant box.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. If the Eligibility Application is not complete, click Save to
finish the submission another time.
7. Click Submit.
8. IPM displays the View PDF screen.
9. Click Generate Eligibility Report.
10. IPM displays the View PDF screen that now includes the
Download Eligibility Report button.
11. Click Download Eligibility Report.

An authority designated by the eSign Authority must
sign the application if the eSign authority is
unavailable. Click “Download Acrobat Reader”, if the
Reader is needed to view the document.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 7 Partner Account Management


This section describes the activities of viewing the correspondence between the Workbench and Desktop users. The following
activities are described:

Partner users view the history of their communications with Federal Student Aid (FSA)
FSA users view the history of communications with Partner users

1. Navigate to Notifications on the top menu and select
Correspondence Diary.
2. IPM displays the Correspondence Diary screen.
Correspondence between the Partner and FSA will be
displayed in the table on the screen.
3. To view a notification, select the notification link under the
Title column in the table.
4. IPM displays the Notification Details screen.
5. View the information in the notification.
6. Click Cancel to return to the Correspondence Diary
7. To add a response, select Add Response under the Actions
column in the table.
8. IPM displays the Add External Response screen.

Enter relevant information into the required fields.
Click Submit.
IPM displays the Correspondence Diary screen.
To view the response you added, select the
notification link under the Title column in the table.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Partner Information

This section describes the means by which Partners may review information submitted and approved by FSA as it pertains to previous
submissions and/or information entered and saved in IPM. For example, Partners interested in seeing their FSCA submission history
would select Submission History on the Left Menu. All Partners will navigate to Partner Information on the Top Menu.

1. IPM displays the Eligibility Summary screen.
2. Partners may click Next or select items directly from
the Left Menu.
• Upon clicking Next, each relevant screen will
display in the same order as those on the Left


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 8 Submit Partner Financial Statements and Compliance Audits
In order to participate in Federal Student Aid Title IV Programs, partners must submit and maintain eligibility information including
their audited Financial Statements (FA) and Compliance Audits (CA) or 305 submissions (Financial Partners). This information may
be submitted by the partner or by partner affiliates such as Third Party Servicers or Auditors.
The user (DPA or non-DPA with authority to submit FS & CA) from the partner organization logs into IPM to complete and submit
various applications, for example, Annual Financial Statements and Compliance Audit, Closeout Audit, Change in Fiscal Year End,
etc. The applications are completed with supporting documents attached with the submission wherever applicable and required.
Some Submissions are partner initiated. i.e., not required by Federal Student Aid. Other submissions are Federal Student Aid
mandated and therefore initiated i.e. Federal Student Aid requires the partner to submit those mandated submissions to maintain their
Title IV eligibility.
This section covers original submissions of information; and when Partners access an incomplete submission in order to make changes
or resubmit. During the resubmission process, the partner can also submit additional documentation.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Submit Closeout Audit

This submission allows Partners to document the process flow and requirements for submission of Stub or Closeout Audits. Closeout
or Stub Audits are submitted only at the request of Federal Student Aid. Federal Student Aid will notify the partner of this required
submission via the IPM system and the Partner will send the Audit through the IPM.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Select Closeout Audit on the Partner FSCA
Submissions screen, then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to CA Details on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Closeout Audit Submission screen.
4. Provide the information on the Closeout Audit
Submission screen.
5. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. IPM moves to Compliance Contact Information
on the Left Menu.
7. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for the
Closeout Audit submission.
8. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen
• Point-of-contact regarding questions pertinent
to the Closeout Audit submission
9. Click Save And Next.
10. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
11. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.
12. Click Upload New.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
13. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
14. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select
the type of document to be uploaded, then click
15. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click “Upload Other Documents” on
the Checklist And Upload screen.

Additional document(s) pertaining to the
Closeout Audit

b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded, then
click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Upload table.
16. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
17. IPM displays the Submit screen.
18. Click Submit.
19. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Closeout Audit submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Submit Annual Financial Statements and Compliance Audits

This submission allows Partners to submit their annual financial statements and compliance audit. This is a Federal Student Aid
initiated submission. “Submit annual FS and CA” must allow foreign school to submit compliance audit without financial statement,
and vice versa.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Select Annual Submission on the Partner FSCA
Submissions screen, then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left
3. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the information on the Annual FSCA
Submission screen.
5. Click Save And Next.
6. IPM moves to 90/10 Attestation on the Left
7. IPM displays the Home Country screen that
includes Numerator and Denominator sections on
the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

8. Provide the information on the Home Country
9. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10. IPM moves to Balance Sheet/Income Statements
on the Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the Balance Sheet screen that
includes an Income Statement section on the
12. Provide all required information on the Balance
Sheet screen.
13. Click Save And Next.
14. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information on
the Left Menu.
15. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
16. Provide the required contact information on the
Contact Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Financial Statement

17. Click Save And Next.
18. IPM moves to CA Details on the Left Menu.
19. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
20. Provide the necessary information on the Annual
FSCA Submission screen.

Relevant information regarding the
Compliance Audit

21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
the Compliance Audit submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
23. Provide the required contact information on the
Contact Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Compliance Audit

24. Click Save And Next.
25. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
26. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.
27. Click Upload New.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
28. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
29. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded.
30. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
31. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
e. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.

Additional document(s) pertaining to the
Annual Submission

f. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
g. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded, and
then click Upload.
h. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
32. Click Save And Next.
33. IPM displays the Submit screen.

34. Click Submit.
35. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Annual Submission was received on
the date and time of the submission.

One document may be submitted for both;
however, one document may not be uploaded
twice. In the case of one document for both,
both Compliance Audits and Financial
Statements should be checked on the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Exemption Notification

This submission allows public and private non-profit Partners to notify Federal Student Aid that a Domestic Partner is exempt from
submitting audited Financial Statements and/or Compliance Audits and to determine whether a Foreign School Partner is eligible to
submit a request for Multi Year Compliance Audit.
Partner Type: Domestic

1. Select Exemption on the Partner FSCA Submission
screen, then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to Exemption of Financial
Statements/Compliance Audits on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Request Exemption Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the necessary information on the Request
Exemption Details screen.
5. Select Yes or No for both questions at the bottom of the
Request Exemption Details screen.
a. Are your financial statements ready for submission?

If “No” is selected, proceed to the 2nd question.

b. Are your financial statements audited?

Select No, then click “Save And Next”.


IPM moves to Contact Information of Financial
Statements/Compliance Audits on the Left

c. Are your financial statements ready for submission?

If Yes is selected, proceed to the 2nd question.


Financial Statements will need to be uploaded
via the Upload Document Details screen.

d. Are your financial statements audited?

Select Yes or No as applicable, then click Save
And Next.


IPM moves to Contact Information of
Financial Statements/Compliance Audits on
the Left Menu.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
6. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for the
Exemption Notification submission.

7. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen.
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
10. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.

11. Click Upload New.
12. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
13. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded, then click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
14. IPM adds the uploaded document(s) to the Checklist And
Upload table.

Optional: click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.


Additional document(s) pertaining to the Exemption
Notification submission


IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.


Choose the document file to be uploaded and select
the type of document to be uploaded then click

15. IPM adds the uploaded document(s) to the Checklist And
Upload table.
16. Click Save And Next.
17. IPM displays the Submit screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

18. Click Submit.
19. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Exemption Notification submission was receiving on
the date and time of the submission.

To qualify for an exemption, the institution’s total
federal expenditures must not be more than
$500,000 if FYE is prior to 12/26/2014. Or, the
institution’s total federal expenditures must not be
more than $750,000 if FYE is on or after 12/26/2014.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Submit Waiver or Foreign School MYCA Request

This submission allows Partners to submit a Waiver Request for For-Profit domestic institutions along with Multi-Year Compliance
Audits and the omission of US GAAP/ GAGAS financial statements.
Partner Type: Domestic
1. Select Waiver on the Partner FSCA Submissions
screen, then click Save And Next.
2. IPM displays the Request Waiver screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3. Select Yes on the Request Waiver screen.

If No is selected, IPM displays a message in red
on the Request Waiver screen. Click Cancel.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. IPM expands the Request Waiver screen to include
the Self-Assessment section on the screen.
5. Select Yes or No for each question in the SelfAssessment section on the screen, then click Save
And Next.
6. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Submit Waiver.
7. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM displays the Submit screen.
10. Click Submit.
11. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Waiver submission was received on
the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Multi-Year Compliance Audit – Foreign Public and Non-Profit Schools
1. Select Multi-Year Compliance Audit on the Partner
FSCA Submissions screen.
2. Provide the Title IV, HEA program funding amount.
3. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for MultiYear Compliance Audit submission.
5. Select a Title to populate the contact information.

6. If Other is chosen as Title, provide required contact

Point-of-contact regarding questions pertinent to
the Multi-Year Compliance Audit submission

7. Click Save And Next.

8. IPM displays the Submit screen.
9. Click Submit.
10. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Multi-Year Compliance Audit submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Submit Change in Fiscal Year End Request

This submission allows Partners to submit a notification of a change in the fiscal year end month. Partners may need to change their
fiscal year end date for various reasons and need to notify Federal Student Aid of this change to ensure accuracy in the timing of
financial statement and audit submissions, and of future reporting.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

1. Select Change in FYE from the list of FSCA Submission
Types, then click “Save And Next”.
2. IPM displays the Change in Fiscal Year End screen.
3. Provide the new Fiscal Year End.

4. Click Save And Next.
5. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for Change
in Fiscal Year End.
6. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7. Point-of-contact for questions regarding the Change of
FYE submission
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.

10. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.
11. Document(s) pertaining to the Change of FYE submission
12. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded.
13. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

14. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
15. Click Save And Next.
16. IPM displays the Submit screen.
17. Click Submit.
18. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Change of FYE submission was received on the date
and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Request Extension Link

This submission allows Partners to request an extension of the due date for submitting annual financial statements and compliance
audits (FS/CA) due to a natural disaster, federally declared disaster or any other catastrophic event affecting the Partner.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign
1. Select Extension on the Partner FSCA Submission screen,
then click Save And Next.
2. IPM displays the Extension screen.

3. Provide the anticipated date of the audit and provide a reason
for the Extension Request.
4. Select Yes or No regarding uploading supporting documents.

If Yes, uploading document(s) will be required


If No, uploading document(s) will be optional

5. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

6. IPM moves to Contact Information on the Left Menu.
7. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for Request
8. Provide the contact information on the Contact Information
9. Click Save And Next.

10. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.
12. If No in Step 4, click Save and Next.
13. If Yes in Step 4, IPM displays the Checklist And Upload
screen, click Upload New.
14. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

15. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the type
of document to be uploaded, then click “Upload”.
16. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
17. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on the Checklist
And Upload screen.
18. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
19. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the type
of document to be uploaded, then click “Upload”.
20. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Update table
21. Click Save And Next.

22. IPM displays the Submit screen.
23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Request Extension submission was received on the date
and time and time of the submission.
25. IPM shows the actual date and time.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Submit New Institution or Reinstatement

This submission allows a Partner to prepare and submit a New Institution or Reinstatement submission in support of an Eligibility
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

7.7.1 Submit New Institution for Domestic Public Schools

1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen.
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM displays the New Institution screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the required previous and current Fiscal Year End
5. Provide the information on the institution’s auditor, if the
information is pre-populated, indicate whether the
information is correct or not with the option to edit.
6. Provide basic information about their 90/10 attestation.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to the Contact Information screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Click Save and Next.
10. IPM moves to Compliance Contact Information on the
Left Menu.
11. Provide required contact information for a person FSA
could contact with questions regarding the compliance
12. Click Save and Next.
13. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the Left Menu.

14. Click Upload New.
15. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
16. Select the document to be uploaded and choose the
document type.
17. Click Upload.
18. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check List And
Upload table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
19. Click on Upload Other Documents to upload additional
documents that may be useful for FSA review of financial
statements or compliance audits.
20. Follow steps 16 through 19 above.
21. The user cannot upload the same document for two
different document types.
22. Click Save and Next.
23. IPM moves to the Submit screen.

24. Click Submit.
25. IPM displays a Submit screen with a message that the
Annual Submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.2 Submit New Institution for Domestic For Profit Schools

1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen.
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM displays the New Institution screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the required previous and current Fiscal Year End
5. Provide the information on the institution’s auditor, if the
information is pre-populated, indicate whether the
information is correct or not with the option to edit.
6. Provide basic information about their 90/10 attestation.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to the Balance Sheet/Income Statement on
the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide all required information.
10. Click Save and Next.
11. IPM moves to Compliance Contact Information on the
Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
12. Provide required contact information for a person FSA
could contact with questions regarding the compliance
13. Click Save and Next.
14. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the Left Menu.

15. Click Upload New.
16. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
17. Select the document to be uploaded and choose the
document type.
18. Click Upload.
19. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check List And
Upload table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
20. Click on Upload Other Documents to upload additional
documents that may be useful for FSA review of financial
statements or compliance audits.
21. Follow steps 16 through 19 above.
22. The user cannot upload the same document for two
different document types.
23. Click Save and Next.
24. IPM moves to the Submit screen.

25. Click Submit.
26. IPM displays a Submit screen with a message that the
Annual Submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.3 Submit New Institution for Domestic Non Profit Schools

1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen.
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM displays the New Institution screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the required previous and current Fiscal Year End
5. Provide the information on the institution’s auditor, if the
information is pre-populated, indicate whether the
information is correct or not with the option to edit.
6. Provide basic information about their 90/10 attestation.
7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to the Statement of Financial
Position/Statement of Activities on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide all required information.
10. Click Save and Next.
11. IPM moves to Contact Information.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
12. Provide required contact information for a person FSA
could contact with questions regarding the compliance
13. Click Save and Next.
14. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the Left Menu.

15. Click Upload New.
16. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
17. Select the document to be uploaded and choose the
document type.
18. Click Upload.
19. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check List And
Upload table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
20. Click on Upload Other Documents to upload additional
documents that may be useful for FSA review of financial
statements or compliance audits.
21. Follow steps 16 through 19 above.
22. The user cannot upload the same document for two
different document types.
23. Click Save and Next.
24. IPM moves to the Submit screen.

25. Click Submit.
26. IPM displays a Submit screen with a message that the
Annual Submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.4 Submit New Institution for Foreign Public Schools

1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements-Financial
Statements Foreign GAAP on the Left Menu.
4. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the necessary information on the
Financial Statements screen.

Relevant information regarding previous
and current Fiscal Year End dates

6. Click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the Left Menu.

8. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement Submissions.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

9. Provide the necessary contact information on the
Contact Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the New Institution

10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
12. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.

13. Click Upload New.
14. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
15. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type.
16. Click Upload.
• Each relevant document file must be
uploaded in this manner.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

17. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.

Additional document(s) pertaining to the
New Institution Submission

b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded,
then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

18. Click Save And Next.
19. IPM moves to the Submit screen.
20. Click Submit.
21. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
that the Annual Submission was received on the
date and time of the submission

One document may be submitted; however, the
same document may not be submitted more than


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.5 Submit New Institution for Foreign For Profit Schools

1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements-Financial
Statements Foreign GAAP on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the relevant information for the dates of
financial statement audit.
5. Provide the information for the institution’s
auditor, if the information is pre-populated
indicate whether the information is correct or not,
with the option to edit.
6. Click Save and Next.
7. IPM moves to Balance Sheet/Income Statement
on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
8. Provide all required information.
9. Click Save and Next.
10. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
11. Provide required contact information for a person
FSA could contact with questions regarding the
financial audit.
12. Click Save and Next.
13. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the left
14. Click Upload New.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

15. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
16. Select the document to be uploaded and choose
the document type.
17. Click Upload.
18. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check
List And Upload table.
19. Click Upload Other Documents to upload
additional documents that may be useful for FSA
review of financial statements.
20. Follow steps 15 through 18 above.

21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM moves to the Submit screen.
23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays a Submit screen with a message
that the Annual Submission was received on the
date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.6 Submit New Institution for Foreign Non Profit School
1. Select Initial on the Partner FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements-Financial
Statements Foreign GAAP on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
4. Provide the relevant information for the dates of
financial statement audit.
5. Provide the information for the institution’s
auditor, if the information is pre-populated
indicate whether the information is correct or not,
with the option to edit.
6. Click Save and Next.
7. IPM moves to Balance Sheet/Income Statement
on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
8. Provide all required information.
9. Click Save and Next.
10. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the left menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
11. Provide required contact information for a person
FSA could contact with questions regarding the
financial audit.
12. Click Save and Next.
13. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the left
14. Click Upload New.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
15. IPM displays Upload Document Details screen.
16. Select the document to be uploaded and choose
the document type.
17. Click Upload.
18. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check
List And Upload table.
19. Click Upload Other Documents to upload
additional documents that may be useful for FSA
review of financial statements.
20. Follow steps 15 through 18 above.
21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM moves to the Submit screen.
23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays a Submit screen with a message
that the Annual Submission was received on the
date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.7 Submit Reinstatement – Domestic Public

1. Select Reinstatement on the FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left
4. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the necessary information on the
Financial Statements screen.

Relevant information pertinent to the
Reinstatement Financial Statement

6. Click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to the 90/10 to Attestation on the
Left Menu.
8. IPM displays the Home Country screen that
includes Numerator and Denominator sections on
the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide the requested information on the Home
Country screen.
10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the Left Menu.
12. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
13. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Reinstatement submission.

If the screen is pre-populated and the
auditor information is the same as the
current auditor, then select Yes.

14. Click Save And Next.
15. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
16. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

17. Click Upload New.
18. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
19. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type.
20. Click Upload.
21. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded,
then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.
22. IPM displays the Submit screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Reinstatement Submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.8 Submit Reinstatement – Domestic Non-Profit

1. Select Reinstatement on the FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left
4. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the necessary information on the
Financial Statements screen.

Relevant information pertinent to the
Reinstatement Financial Statement

6. Click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to the 90/10 to Attestation on the
Left Menu.
8. IPM displays the Home Country screen that
includes Numerator and Denominator sections on
the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide the requested information on the Home
Country screen.
10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the Left Menu.
12. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
13. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Reinstatement submission.

If the screen is pre-populated and the
auditor information is the same as the
current auditor, then select Yes.

14. Click Save And Next.
15. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
16. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

17. Click Upload New.
18. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
19. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type.
20. Click Upload.
21. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.
22. IPM displays the Submit screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Reinstatement Submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.9 Submit Reinstatement – Foreign Public

1. Select Reinstatement on the FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left
4. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the necessary information on the
Financial Statements screen.
6. Click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the Left Menu.
8. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement Submissions.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Reinstatement Submission

10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
12. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.

13. Click Upload New.
14. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
15. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select document type .
16. Click Upload.

Each relevant document file must be
uploaded in this manner.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
17. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.

Additional document(s) pertaining to the
Reinstatement Submission

b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.
e. Click Upload.
18. Click Save And Next.
19. IPM displays the Submit screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
20. Click Submit.
21. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Reinstatement Submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.
One document may be submitted; however, the
same document may not be submitted more
than once.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.10 Submit Reinstatement – Foreign Not-For Profit
1. Select Reinstatement on the Partner FSCA
Submissions screen.
2. IPM moves to Financial Statements Foreign
GAAP on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the required information on the
Financial Statements screen.
5. Click Save And Next.
6. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement Submissions.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
7. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen
8. Click Save And Next.
9. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
10. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.

11. Click Upload New.
12. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
13. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type.
14. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

15. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.
e. Click Upload.
16. Click Save And Next.
17. IPM displays the Submit screen.
18. Click Submit.
19. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Reinstatement Submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.7.11 Submit Reinstatement – Domestic & Foreign For Profit
1. Select Reinstatement on the FSCA Submissions
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left
4. IPM displays the Financial Statements screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
5. Provide the necessary information on the
Financial Statements screen.

Relevant information pertinent to the
Reinstatement Financial Statement

6. Click Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to the 90/10 to Attestation on the
Left Menu.
8. IPM displays the Home Country screen that
includes Numerator and Denominator sections on
the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Provide the requested information on the Home
Country screen.
10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information
on the Left Menu.
12. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Financial Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
13. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen.

Point-of-contact regarding questions
pertinent to the Reinstatement submission.

If the screen is pre-populated and the
auditor information is the same as the
current auditor, then select Yes.

14. Click Save And Next.
15. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
16. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
17. Click Upload New.
18. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
19. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type.
20. Click Upload.
21. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
e. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on
the Checklist And Upload screen.
f. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
g. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
h. IPM adds the uploaded document to the
Checklist And Update table.
22. IPM displays the Submit screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

23. Click Submit.
24. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Reinstatement Submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.8 Submit Merger- Change Ownership
This submission allows the Partner to prepare and submit a Merger/Change in Ownership (CIO) Financial Statements submission in
support of the applicable Eligibility Application. A single Financial Statements submission is used to support both the Merger
Eligibility Application and the Change in Institutional Ownership Eligibility Application.
Partner Type: Domestic & Foreign

7.8.1 Merger – Change in Ownership
1. Select Merger on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen,
then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to Contact Information on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for MergerChange in Ownership.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen including the Date of One Day
Balance Sheet.

Point-of-contact regarding questions pertinent to
the Merger-Change in Ownership submission

5. Click Save and Next.
6. IPM displays the Checklist and Upload screen

7. Click Upload New.
8. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
9. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
document type.
10. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
11. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
12. Click Save And Next.
13. IPM displays the Submit screen.

14. Click Submit.
15. Merger-Change in Ownership submission as received on
the date and time of the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.8.2 Merger – Change in Ownership – Domestic For Profit
1. Select Merger on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen,
then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to Balance Sheet Merger on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Balance Sheet screen.

4. Provide the information on the Balance Sheet screen.
5. Click Save And Next.
6. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for MergerChange in Ownership.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen including the Date of One Day
Balance Sheet.

Point-of-contact regarding questions pertinent to
the Merger-Change in Ownership submission

8. Click Save and Next.
9. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen

10. Click Upload New.
11. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
12. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
document type.
13. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

14. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
a. Optional: click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.

Additional document(s) pertaining to the MergerChange in Ownership Submission

b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the document type, then click Upload.
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist
And Upload table.
15. Click Save And Next.
16. IPM displays the Submit screen.

17. Click Submit.
18. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Merger-Change in Ownership submission was
received on the date and time of the submission.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.8.3 Merger – Change in Ownership – Domestic Non Profit
1. Select Merger on the Partner FSCA Submissions
screen, then click Save And Next.
2. IPM moves to the Statement Activities Merger on
the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Statement of Financial Position

4. Provide the information on the Statement of
Financial Position screen.
5. Click “Save And Next”.
6. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for
Merger-Change in Ownership.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
7. Provide the contact information on the Contact
Information screen including the Date of One Day
Balance Sheet.

Point-of-contact regarding questions pertinent
to the Merger-Change in Ownership

8. Click Save and Next.
9. IPM displays Checklist And Upload screen

10. Click Upload New.
11. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
12. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select
the document type.
13. Click Upload.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
14. IPM adds the file to the Checklist And Upload table.
15. Click Save And Next.
16. IPM displays the Submit screen
17. Click Submit.

18. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message
indicating the Merger – Change in Ownership
Submission was received on the date and time of the


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.9 Submit Foreign Schools Annual Reporting Annual Submission
This submission allows a Foreign Partner to prepare and submit a submission based on periodic reporting requirements. The amount
of Title IV, HEA program funds the institution received during FYE in the funding ranges will determine the reports required.
Partner Type: Foreign
1. Select Annual Submission on the Partner FSCA
2. Answer the Gateway Question, then click Save And Next.
3. IPM moves to Financial Statements-Financial Statements
Foreign GAAP on the Left Menu.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the relevant information for the dates of financial
statement audit.
5. Provide the information for the institution’s auditor, if the
information is pre-populated indicate whether the information
is correct or not, with the option to edit.
6. Click on Save And Next.
7. IPM moves to 90/10 Attestation on the Left Menu.
8. Provide the 90/10 attestation information and USGAAP
information from the financial statement.

The numerator is drawn from the institution’s Student
Title IV Revenue
The denominator is drawn from the institution’s Student
Non-Title IV Revenue.

10. Click Save And Next.
11. IPM moves to Statement of Financial Position/Statement of
Activities on the Left Menu; and displays the Home Country


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
12. Provide all required information relevant to the current
financial position.
13. Click Save And Next.
14. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information on the left
15. Provide required contact information for a person FSA could
contact with questions regarding the financial statement.
16. Click Save and Next.
17. IPM moves to Compliance Audits-CA Details on the Left
18. Provide the relevant information for the dates of compliance
19. Provide the information for the institution’s auditor, if the
information is pre-populated indicate whether the information
is correct or not, with the option to edit.
20. Click Save and Next.
21. IPM moves to Compliance Contact Information on the Left
Menu; and displays the Contact Information screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
22. Provide required contact information for a person FSA could
contact with questions regarding the compliance audit.
23. Click Save and Next.
24. IPM moves to Upload Documents in the Left Menu; and
displays the Upload Documents screen.
25. Click Upload New.
26. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.

27. Select the document to be uploaded and choose the document
28. Click Upload.
29. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Check List and
Upload table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
30. Click Upload Other Documents to upload additional
documents that may be useful for FSA review of financial
statements or compliance audits.

Follow steps 25 through 28 above.
The user cannot upload the same document for two
different document types.

31. Click Save And Next.
32. The Submit screen appears.

33. Click Submit.
34. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message that the
Annual Submission was received on the date and time of the


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.10 Resubmit Previously Incomplete or Rejected Submissions
This submission allows the Partner to correct a submission that has been marked incomplete or rejected and returned to them by the
Acceptability Review Team. The data of the original submission is pre-populated into the resubmission and is editable for portions of
the submission that were designated as incomplete and read-only for portions of the submission that were designated as complete. In
addition, the attached documents from the previous submission that were in a category of documents marked complete are attached to
the resubmission and displayed on the upload page.
Partner Type: Foreign
1. Select Waiver on the Partner FSCA Submissions screen.
2. Click Save And Next.
3. IPM displays the Request Waiver screen.
4. Select Yes on the Request Waiver screen.
5. If No is selected, IPM displays a message in red on the
Request Waiver screen.
6. Click Cancel.
7. IPM expands the Request Waiver screen to include the SelfAssessment section on the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

8. Select Yes or No for each question in the Self-Assessment
section on the screen.

Click Save And Next.

10. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for Submit


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

11. Edit previously provided contact information.
12. Click Save And Next.
13. IPM displays the Submit screen.

14. Click Resubmit.
15. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Waiver submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

7.11 Partner Group Submissions
All Partner Groups are structure with a Locator (or leader) and one or more Members. The Locator can always submit on behalf of
each of the members as well as completing their own submission pieces. A member user can only submit the member portion of the
Group Submission. The Group Submission will not be received by Federal Student Aid, i.e. it will not be considered submitted until
the Locator and all Member submission pieces are completed. This submission allows a Partner Group user to makes a submission
using the Partner Group submission screens, in IPM, for an equivalent non-group submission.


Partner Group Submissions – Consolidated

1. Select Annual Submission on the Partner FSCA
Submissions screen, then click “Save And Next”.
2. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission screen
including the Group Partner table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the information on the Annual FSCA Submission
5. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
6. IPM moves to 90/10 Attestation on the Left Menu.
7. IPM displays the Home Country screen that includes
Numerator and Denominator sections on the screen.
8. Provide the required information on the Home Country
9. Click Save And Next.
10. IPM moves to Balance Sheet/Income Statements on the
Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the Balance Sheet screen that includes an
Income Statement section on the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

12. Provide all required information on the Balance Sheet
13. Click Save And Next.
14. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information on the Left
15. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for Financial
Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

16. Provide the contact information on the Contact Information
17. Click Save And Next.
18. IPM moves to CA Details on the Left Menu.
19. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission screen.

20. Provide the required information on the Annual FSCA
Submission screen.
21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for the
Compliance Audit submission.
23. Provide the contact information on the Contact Information
24. Click Save And Next.
25. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
26. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
27. Click Upload New.
28. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
29. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the type
of document to be uploaded.

30. Click Upload.
31. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
a. Optional: Click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select
the type of document to be uploaded, then click
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Update table.
32. Click Save And Next.
33. IPM displays the Submit screen.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
34. Click Submit.
35. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Annual Submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Partner Group Submissions – Unconsolidated

1. Select Annual Submission on the Partner FSCA
Submissions screen, then click S A V E A N D N E X T .
2. IPM moves to Financial Statements on the Left Menu.
3. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission screen
including the G R O U P P A R TN E R table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

4. Provide the information on the Annual FSCA Submission
5. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
6. IPM moves to 90/10 Attestation on the Left Menu.
7. IPM displays the Home Country screen that includes
Numerator and Denominator sections on the screen.
8. Provide the required information on the Home Country
9. Click Save And Next.
10. IPM moves to Balance Sheet/Income Statements on the
Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the Balance Sheet screen that includes an
Income Statement section on the screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

12. Provide all required information on the Balance Sheet
13. Click Save And Next.
14. IPM moves to Financial Contact Information on the Left
15. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for Financial
Statement submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

16. Provide the contact information on the Contact Information
17. Click Save And Next.
18. IPM moves to CA Details on the Left Menu.
19. IPM displays the Annual FSCA Submission screen.

20. Provide the required information on the Annual FSCA
Submission screen.
21. Click Save And Next.
22. IPM displays the Contact Information screen for the
Compliance Audit submission.
23. Provide the contact information on the Contact Information
24. Click Save And Next.
25. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
26. IPM displays the Checklist And Upload screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
27. Click Upload New.
28. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
29. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the type
of document to be uploaded.

30. Click Upload.
31. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Upload table.
a. Optional: Click Upload Other Documents on the
Checklist And Upload screen.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
c. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select
the type of document to be uploaded, then click
d. IPM adds the uploaded document to the Checklist And
Update table.
32. Click Save And Next.
33. IPM displays the Submit screen.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
34. Click Submit.
35. IPM displays the Submit screen with a message indicating
the Annual Submission was received on the date and time of
the submission.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 9 Submit Financial Partners Eligibility Applications
The Guaranty Agency (GA) will provide the necessary information to sign-up a Lender or Lender Servicer. Once the information is
submitted and validated by the system the Lender or Lender Servicer is given the user information necessary to log into the IPM
system to complete their application and to sign the Organization Participation Agreement (OPA).
This section provides the steps taken by Financial Partners (Lenders and Lender Servicers) to complete the following applications:

Initial Lender’s Application
Withdrawal from Title IV
Notify for Merger/Acquisition


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

9.1 Submit Initial Lender’s Application
Each new Guaranty Agency (GA)/Lender affiliation requires an Initial Lender Application (LAP) to be completed and submitted. This
process starts with the GA initiating the LAP on behalf of the Lender or the Portfolio Administrator initiating an application on behalf
of the Lender/GA/ED Servicer or GA. The GA or the Portfolio Administrator accesses their IPM Partner Portal to initiate a LAP.
Once the GA or the Portfolio Administrator submits their portion of the LAP, if the Lender or the Lender/GA/ED Servicer or GA
currently does not exist in the IPM system, the system assigns this organization a unique Integrated Partner Identifier (IPI). Once the
Team Lead has approved the GA’s submission, a notification goes out to the Lender’s Destination Point Administrator (DPA) to
access IPM to complete and submit the LAP. Once the Team Lead has approved the Lender/GA/ED Servicer or GA’s application, a
notification goes out to the DPA to inform them to access IPM to verify their information is accurate and complete

3.1.1 Guaranty Agency Initiates Lender Application
This section provides the step-by-step procedures that allow the GA User or Portfolio Administrator the ability to enter demographic
information about a Lender or Lender/GA/ED Servicer or GA.

Navigate to Eligibility Application on the Top Menu.


Click Initiate Lender Application.


IPM displays the Partner screen.


Select an existing Lender on the Partner screen or click
Add New Partner.


IPM moves to the Initiation Information on the Left


IPM displays the GA Initiates Application screen.


Provide the requested information on the GA Initiates

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Application screen.

Click Save and Next.


IPM moves to DPA Details on the Left Menu.


IPM displays the Partner’s DPA screen.


Provide all of the required information.


Select Yes.


A copy of a Lender Agreement must be uploaded from the
Upload Documents screen.


Click Save and Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


IPM moves to Upload and Submit on the Left Menu.


IPM displays the Upload Documents screen, which
includes the Upload Documents Summary table.


Click Upload New.
For detailed instructions regarding required documents,
please read the text above the Upload Other Documents


IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.


Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded.


Select Yes or No for the PII data question.
Yes must be selected if the document to be uploaded
contains PII data.


Click Upload.


IPM adds the information to the Upload Documents
Summary table.


Click Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


IPM displays the Application Complete screen
indicating successful submission of the application.


Click View Form. O PT I ON A L


Print Lender Application O PT I O N A L

The DPA’s address does not need to be the same as
the Lender’s address; however, if they are different,
provide both addresses.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.1.2 Lender Submits Application
This section details the procedures needed to successfully submit a Lender application. The following screens will be presented once
the Lender selects the Lender Application after logging into IPM:

1. Navigate to Eligibility Application.
2. Click Submit Eligibility Application.
3. IPM moves to Application Purpose on the Left Menu.
4. IPM displays the Lender- Initial Certification screen.
5. Select Initial on the Lender- Initial Certification screen.
6. By default, Initial is already selected.
7. Click Save And Next.
8. IPM moves to Partner Profile on the Left Menu.
9. IPM displays the Partner Profile – Initial Certification
10. Provide the requested information on the Partner Profile
– Initial Certification screen.
11. Information relevant to the Lender Application
12. Select Yes or No for the Trustee for Beneficial Holder
13. If Yes is selected, one of the two Interest Calculation
Methods must be selected, and Trustee for Beneficial
Holder information will need to be provided.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Actual (365/366 Days)


365.25 Days

14. Click Save and Next.
15. IPM moves to Officials on the Left Menu.
16. IPM displays the Officials – Initial Certification screen.
17. Click Add Official.
18. IPM displays the Officials Details screen.
19. Provide the required information on the Officials Details
20. Check the box You must check here for eSign
21. Click Update.
22. IPM adds the information to the Officials Summary table.
23. Click Save and Next.
24. IPM moves to DPA on the Left Menu.
25. IPM displays the DPA – Initial Certification screen.

26. Provide the required information on the DPA – Initial
Certification screen.

Information relevant to the Lender Application

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
27. Click Save and Next.
28. IPM moves to Payment Information on the Left Menu.
29. IPM displays the Payment Information – Initial
Certification screen.
30. If the Bank Name and Bank Address are the same as the
Name and Address provided in Partner Profile, check
the box on the Payment Information – Initial
Certification screen.
a. The Bank Name and Bank Address are automatically
added to the relevant fields on the Payment
Information – Initial Certification screen.
31. If the Bank Name or Bank Address is different, provide
the correct information on the Payment Information –
Initial Certification screen.
32. Provide the Bank Account Number and the Bank Routing
33. Click Save and Next.
34. IPM moves to Trustee For Beneficial Holder on the
Left Menu.
35. IPM displays the Trustee For Beneficial Holder – Initial
Certification screen.
36. Provide the required information on the Trustee For

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Beneficial Holder – Initial Certification screen.
37. Click Save and Next.
38. IPM moves to Lender Servicer Functions on the Left
39. IPM displays the Lender Servicer – Initial Certification
40. Click Add.
41. IPM displays the Lender Servicer Details screen.
42. Provide the requested information on the Lender
Servicer Details screen.
43. Click Update.
44. IPM adds the information to the Lender Servicer – Initial
Certification Summary table.
45. Click Save and Next.
46. IPM moves to OPA Confirmation on the Left Menu.
47. IPM displays the OPA Confirmation-Initial
Certification screen.
48. Check the box I Agree, after having read the terms.
49. Click Save and Next.
50. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
51. IPM displays the Upload Documents – Initial
Certification screen that includes the Upload Documents

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Summary table.
52. Click Upload New.
53. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
54. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded.
55. Select Yes or No for the PII data question.

Yes must be selected if the document to be
uploaded contains PII data.

56. Click Upload.
57. IPM adds the document information to the Upload
Documents Summary table.
58. Click Save And Next.
59. IPM displays the eSign and Submit screen.
60. Click eSign and Submit.
61. IPM displays the Application Complete screen indicating
successful submission of the application.
62. Click View Form.


63. Print Lender Application


The DPA’s address does not need to be the same as the
Lender’s address; however, if they are different, provide
both addresses.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.1.3 Portfolio Administrator Initiates Lender, Guaranty Agency, Guaranty Agency Servicer, or ED Servicer
A Portfolio Administrator can initiate a Lender, Lender Servicer, GA Servicer, ED Servicer and GA record. Those entities can access
IPM directly to update their records as well. The Portfolio Administrator can initiate records as follows:

1. Navigate to and click Eligibility Application on the
Top Menu.
2. IPM displays the Portfolio Admin Initiates Application
3. Provide the requested information on the Portfolio
Admin Initiates Application screen.

Information relevant to the Partner’s institution.

4. Click Save and Next.
5. IPM moves to the Partner’s DPA screen.
6. Provide the requested information.

Information relevant to the DPA.

7. Click Save and Next.
8. IPM moves to Upload and Submit on the Left Menu.
9. IPM displays the Upload Documents screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10. Click Upload Other Documents.
11. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
12. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded.
13. Select Yes or No for the PII data question.

Yes must be selected if the document to be
uploaded contains PII data.

14. Click Upload.

15. IPM adds the information to the Upload Documents
Summary table.
16. Click Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

17. IPM displays the Application Complete screen with a
message indicating receipt of the Application
submission, including the date and time of the
18. Click View Form.


19. Print Lender Application.


If the DPA’s address differs from the Lender’s address,
provide both addresses.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.1.4 Portfolio Administrator Edits Records
A Portfolio Administrator can add or update a Lender, Lender Servicer, GA Servicer, ED Servicer and GA record. Those entities can
access IPM directly to update their records as well. The Portfolio Administrator can edit records as follows:

1. Navigate to Manage Financial Partners on the
Top Menu and click Update Partner.
2. IPM displays the Partner Search screen.
3. Enter Partner name, then click Search.
4. IPM expands the Partner Search screen to
include the Partner Search table.
5. Select the relevant Partner Name.
6. IPM moves to Partner Profile on the Left
7. IPM displays the Partner Profile screen.
8. Update any required information on the Partner
Profile screen.
9. Click Save and Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10. IPM moves to Officials on the Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the Officials screen, which
includes the Officials Summary table.
12. If applicable, click Delete to remove any
existing official from the Officials Summary
13. Click Edit to edit an Official.
14. If applicable, click Add Official.
15. IPM displays the Officials Details screen.
16. Update any required information on the
Officials Details screen.
17. Click Update.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

18. IPM adds the information to the Officials
Summary table.
19. Click Save and Next.
20. IPM moves to DPA on the Left Menu.
21. IPM displays the DPA screen.
22. Update any required information on the DPA
23. Click Save And Next.
24. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
25. IPM displays the Upload Documents screen,
which includes the Upload Documents
Summary table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

26. If applicable, click Delete to remove previously
uploaded documents.
27. Click Upload Other Documents.

For detailed instructions about required
documents, please read the text above
the Upload Other Documents button.

28. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
29. Choose the document file to be uploaded and
select the type of document to be uploaded.
30. Select Yes or No in response to the PII data

Yes must be selected if the document to
be uploaded contains PII data.

31. Click Upload.
32. IPM adds the information to the Upload
Documents Summary table.
33. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

34. IPM displays the eSign and Submit screen.
35. Select the eSignature check box to confirm the
36. Click eSign and Submit.
37. IPM displays the Application Complete screen
indicating successful submission of the
38. Click View Form.


39. Print Lender Application



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.1.5 Lender Edits Records
These screens will be presented once the Lender, Lender Servicer, Guarantor Servicer, ED Servicer or Guarantor logs into the IPM
Partner’s Portal. The main screen will consist of pre-populated fields organized by tabs. This screen will be blank when the Portfolio
Administrator has selected to add a new record. This screen will be pre-populated with the information of the appropriate entity
selected by the Portfolio Administrator from the search result.
Lender Edits Records – Only for Domestic
1. Navigate to and click Eligibility Application on the
Top Menu.

2. Click Submit Eligibility Application.
3. IPM displays the Lender- Update screen.
4. Select Update Only.
5. Click Save And Next.
6. IPM moves to Partner Profile on the Left Menu.
7. IPM displays the Partner Profile-Update screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

8. Update any required information on the Partner
Profile-Update screen.
9. Select Yes or No for the question “Is this a
Lender acting as a Trustee on behalf of a
Beneficial Holder?”
a. If Yes is selected, one of the two Interest
Calculation Methods must be selected.

Actual (365/366 Days)


365.25 Days

10. Click Save and Next.
11. IPM moves to Officials on the Left Menu.
12. IPM displays the Officials – Update screen,
which may or may not include an Officials –
Update Summary table.

If applicable, click Delete to remove
any existing official from the Officials
Summary table.

13. Click Edit to edit an Official.
14. (OR) Click Add Official.
15. IPM displays the Officials Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
16. Update any required information on the Officials
Details screen.
17. Click Update.
18. IPM adds the information to the Officials
Summary table.
19. Click Save and Next.
20. IPM moves to DPA on the Left Menu.
21. IPM displays the DPA – Update screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

22. Update any required information on the DPA –
Update screen.
23. Click Save And Next.
24. IPM moves to Payment Information on the Left
25. IPM displays the Payment Information – Update
26. Update any required information on the Payment
Information – Update screen.
a. If the Bank Name and Bank Address are the
same as the Name and Address provided in
Partner Profile, check the box on the
Payment Information – Update screen.

The Bank Name and Bank Address are
automatically added to the relevant
fields on the Payment Information Update screen.

b. If the Bank Name or Bank Address is
different, provide the correct information on
the Payment Information - Update screen.
27. Provide the Bank Account Number and the Bank

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
Routing Number.
28. Click Save and Next.
29. IPM moves to Trustee for Beneficial Holder on
the Left Menu.
30. IPM displays the Trustee For Beneficial Holder Update screen.
31. Update any required information on the Trustee
For Beneficial Holder - Update screen.
32. Click Next.
33. IPM moves to Lender Servicer Functions on the
Left Menu.
34. IPM displays the Lender Servicer – Update
35. Click Add.
36. IPM displays the Lender Servicer Details screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

37. Update any required information on the Lender
Servicer Details screen.

Information relevant to the Lender

38. Click Update.
39. IPM adds the information to the Lender Servicer
Summary table.
40. Click Save and Next.
41. IPM moves to OPA Confirmation on the Left
42. IPM displays the OPA Confirmation -Update
43. Check the box I Agree, after having read the
44. Click Save and Next.
45. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left
46. IPM displays the Upload Documents - Update
screen which includes the Upload Documents
Summary table.
a. Click Delete to remove previously uploaded

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
47. Click Upload Other Documents.

For detailed instructions about required
documents, please read the text above the
Upload Other Documents button.

48. IPM displays the Upload Document Details


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

49. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and
select the type of document to be uploaded.
50. Select Yes or No for the PII data question.

Yes must be selected if the document to be
uploaded contains PII data.

51. Click Upload.
52. IPM adds the information to the Upload
Documents Summary table.
53. Click Save And Next.
54. IPM displays the eSign and Submit - Update
55. Check the eSignature box to confirm the
56. Click eSign and Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

57. IPM displays the Application Complete screen
indicating successful submission of the application.

58. Click View Form.


59. Print Lender Application




Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.2 Submit Withdrawal from Title IV and/or Financial Reporting
When a Lender or a Lender Servicer currently eligible and participating in Title IV FFEEL programs decides to withdraw from
participation because of one of the following reasons: (1) No Portfolio, (2) Sold Portfolio, or (3) Other; the Lender or Lender Servicer
submits a withdrawal application to notify Federal Student Aid of their withdrawal from Title IV Programs. This section documents
the process of requesting to withdraw from Title IV programs. Federal Student Aid must approve this request.
1. IPM displays the Lender- Merger screen.
2. Select Withdraw from Title IV on the Lender- Merger
3. Click Save And Next.
4. IPM moves to Withdrawal from Title IV on the Left
5. IPM displays the Withdrawal From Title IV screen.
6. Select the reason for Withdrawal.

No Portfolio


Sold Portfolio



7. If Other is selected on the Withdrawal From Title IV
screen, provide information pertinent to that selection in
the Comments section on the screen.
8. Provide the Date of Withdrawal.

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
9. Click Save and Next.
10. IPM moves to eSign and Submit on the Left Menu.
11. IPM displays the eSign and Submit-Withdrawal From Title
IV screen.

Fields are pre-populated

12. Check eSignature on the eSign and Submit-Withdrawal
from Title IV screen.
13. Click eSign and Submit.
14. IPM displays the Application Complete screen with a
message indicating the application has been successfully
15. Click View Form.


16. Print Lender Application



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3.3 Submit Notification for Merger/Acquisition
Lenders or Lender Servicer Partner may acquire or merge with another Lender or Lender Servicer. For both mergers and acquisitions,
the Lender or Lender Servicer Partner has to notify Federal Student Aid. The acquiring lender will be required to enter the following

Effective Date
LID/IPI will be used to represent the entity
LID or IPI or Name of target lender

The Notification Merger-Acquisition feature will be available as long as the Lender or Lender Servicer Partner is deemed as Eligible
in IPM system. The authorized official of the Lender or Lender Servicer with an eSign capability has the privilege to submit the
application. This section provides the steps needed to complete the process for allowing a Lender to report an acquisition or merger.
1. Navigate to and click on Eligibility Application on the
Top Menu.

IPM displays the Lender- Merger screen.

3. Select Merger/Acquisitions on the Lender- Merger
4. Click Save And Next.
5. IPM moves to Acquisition Application on the Left
6. IPM displays the Acquisition Application – Merger


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
7. Provide the required information on the Acquisition
Application- Merger screen.
8. Select the Effective Date of the transaction.
9. Select Yes or No to the question regarding the existing
Partner ID.
a. If Yes is selected,
b. If No is selected,
10. Search by LID or by Partner Name to provide the
names of the entity included in the acquisition.

11. Click Save and Next.
12. IPM moves to Upload Documents on the Left Menu.
13. IPM displays the Upload Documents - Merger screen
and includes the Upload Documents Summary table.

Instructions about required documents is available
in the text above the Upload Other Documents


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

14. Click Upload Other Documents.
15. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
16. Choose the document file to be uploaded, and select the
type of document to be uploaded.
17. Select Yes or No for the PII data question.

Yes must be selected if the document to be
uploaded contains PII data.

18. Click Upload.
19. IPM adds the information to the Upload Documents
Summary table.
20. Click Save And Next.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

21. IPM displays the eSign and Submit-Merger screen.
22. Click Submit.
23. IPM displays the Application Complete screen indicating
successful submission of the application.
24. Click View Form.


25. Print Lender Application



Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Section 10. Other Submissions
Congress introduces legislation that provides FSA Partners and Lenders some form of regulatory relief from the normal eligibility
compliance requirements in exchange for a more intensive and streamlined process focusing efforts in particular areas. Based on the
current legislation, FSA requires the functionality to transfer the regulatory statutes into a comprehensive application that Partners will
submit to see if they qualify for the relief. FSA will need the ability to create the application standards as well as review those
applications to determine if the Partners are eligible for the special program.

10.1 Create Special Application Standards
Partners can apply to participate in special programs like new experiments and other programs that offer regulatory relief from
specified student and/or institutional eligibility requirements. This section describes the process FSA Users will utilize to create the
application for the Partners to complete in order to qualify for the special program.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide
1. Navigate to Other Submissions on the Top Menu, and
select Special Applications.
2. Click Create Special Program Application.
3. IPM displays the Create Special Program Application
4. In the Name field, select the type of Special Application.
5. Complete the requested information, including the
Contact Information.
6. Upload any relevant documents.


a. Click Upload.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details
c. Select the file to be uploaded, then click Upload.
7. Click Submit.
8. IPM displays the Special Program Applications
Summary screen that includes “Application Submitted
9. IPM adds the information to the Special Program
Application Summary table.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.2 Partner Uploads DPM Plan Files
This section describes the functionality that a Default Prevention and Management Analyst Assistance (DPMAA) needs to review a
school’s Default Prevention and Management Plan (DPM Plan), after an Eligibility Analyst (EA) creates and forwards a work item,
asking them to perform this activity. The process begins when the DPMAA opens the work item from their work queue and begins
reviewing the school’s DPM Plan (DPMP).
1. Select Notification Summary under Notifications from the
Top Menu Items.
2. Click Request for CDR DPMP notification.
3. Click the link in the message text in the Notification Details
4. IPM moves to Partner Upload DPMP screen.
5. Review all information.
6. Click Upload Documents.
7. IPM moves to Upload Document Details screen.
8. Select the document and click Upload.
9. IPM moves back to Partner Upload DPMP screen and adds
the documents to the table.
10. Click Save.
11.Click Send to FSA.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.3 Partner Submits Zone Reporting Events
This process starts when a Zone Event Notification is received from a Partner. Since multiple event notifications may be received,
each event notification is processed separately. The FA reviews the event notification submitted by the Partner and determines the
event(s) disclosed. Each event notification may include several events and the system determines the activities required based on the
event(s) selected by the FA. If the event is extremely serious, such as an Adverse Action or Bankruptcy, the case is referred to an
Eligibility Analyst (EA). The presence of an Adverse Action or Bankruptcy event may preclude the need to process any other event(s).
1. Select Zone Reporting under FSCA from the Top Menu
2. IPM displays Zone Reporting Event Submission.
3. Select all the applicable event types.
4. Provide the date of events selected.
5. In the documents, table click Upload New.
6. IPM moves to Upload Document Details screen.
7. Select the document and click Upload.
8. IPM moves back to the Zone Reporting Event
Submission screen and adds the document to the table.
9. Click Save.
10.Click Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.4 Partner Submits Appeal
This section describes the need for Partners and AAASG staff to submit Appeal Cases in IPM. This section also describes what is
needed for Outside Offices to submit referrals to AAASG for possible adverse action. Outside Offices may include offices within
Federal Student Aid or the Department of Education or other state or federal government entities.

1. After log in select Submit Appeal/Referral under Other
Submissions from the top menu items.
2. Select Type of Information and click Save.
3. Select an Appeal Type and provide all required information.
4. Click Upload if additional documents are required.
5. IPM moves to Upload Document Details screen.
6. Select the document and click Upload.
7. IPM adds the document to the table.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5 Log Submission of Request for Funds
This section allows the Partners, both Domestic and Foreign Schools, to submit a Request for Funds package requested from Federal
Student Aid. This process starts when a Change Method of Payment package is received electronically by the Partner from Federal
Student Aid and enters requested information to process this request. The Partner submits requested information back to FSA for
review. The user will be able to perform the following when logging a Request for Funds package:

Enter data elements related to the Request for Funds package
Upload documents related to the Request for Funds package
Route a Request for Funds package to a Payment Analyst


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5.1 Domestic and Foreign Schools Automated 270 Form Submittal
1. Partner clicks Add Award Year and receives a screen to
enter the Award Year Details.
2. Complete all requested information and click Save.
3. Click Print to print form screen.
4. Click Send for eSign to authorize automated 270 form.
5. Click Save And Next to save form and go to next screen.

All foreign schools except those with Method of Payment type
HCM1-Extended Eligibility will complete this form.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5.2 eSign User Authorizes 270 Form

The eSign user has three options:
1) Review the page and authorize the form and click Submit
2) Delegate to another eSign User. When the ESign
Checkbox is selected a list of eSign users appears.
3) Upload wet signature. When the Delegated ESign
checkbox is selected, an Upload button appears.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5.3 Domestic and Foreign Schools Student Disbursement Spreadsheet Submittal
1. Complete Award Year, Student Disbursement Type, and
Partner ID.
2. Click Add to populate and Print the table.
3. Upload relevant documents if necessary.
4. If Student Total is 100 or less is Yes upload student files as
a. Click Upload.
b. IPM displays the Upload screen.
c. Provide information and click Upload.
d. IPM displays the added information on the Upload
Student Files table.
5. If this is not a first submittal click Submit to send the
package. If this is a first submittal click Save And Next to go
the screen.
The Submit button will not appear until the eSign users have
authorized the Automated 270 Form.
All foreign schools except those with Method of Payment type
HCM1-Extended Eligibility will complete this form.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5.4 Foreign School Master Roster Submittal
1. Click Upload to load a document into the form. You will see
a screen that says Does this Document contain PII data?
Answer Yes or No.
2. Click Browse to select the document.
3. If this is not a first submittal click Submit to send the
package. If this is a first submittal click Save And Next to go
the next screen.
Only schools with Method of Payment type HCM1-Extended
Eligibility will submit this form.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

10.5.5 Domestic and Foreign Schools Upload Institutional Documents
1. Upload all relevant documents for each item.
a. Click Upload.
b. IPM displays the Upload Document Details screen.
c. Provide required information and select the document to
be uploaded.
d. Click Upload.
2. Click Submit.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Appendix A – User Login Process
The IPM System interfaces with the Access and Identity Management System (AIMS) for the purpose of creating new user accounts,
updating user information, and deactivating users. Once a user clicks the Sign In link located at the top of the IPM Home screen, they
can navigate through AIM Security pages as follows:

1. Read and Privacy Act and click the Continue located at
the bottom of the screen.

2. Read the Rules of Behavior then select the check box to
acknowledge completion of the training and click Accept.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

3. Click Proceed to Training. The system displays the
Security Training pages.

4. Navigate through the Security pages by clicking Next,
located at the bottom of the pages.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

5. On the final page, click the check box to acknowledge
completion of the Security Training.
6. Then, click Submit.
7. The system displays the Training Completed Page. Click
Proceed to Application.
8. The system displays the Pre-Eligibility Requirements


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Appendix B – Debarment Process
A debarment check is performed on specific individuals or entities entered in the School Pre-Eligibility and Eligibility Application
submitted by School Partner types and on users added in User Management. Two types of automated checks are performed by the
system, an automated weak debarment check and an automated strong debarment check. In addition, the system provides space to
record the results of a manual debarment check.
SAM.gov is used to perform the debarment checks. The Automated Weak Debarment Check involves the system checking the user’s
first and last name against SAM.gov. The Automated Strong Debarment Check involves the system checking the user’s Social
Security Number (SSN) against SAM.gov. The Manual Debarment Check involves a manual search of SAM.gov for other possible
matches (performed on individuals without an SSN that fail the Automated Weak Debarment Check).
If an individual or entity is identified on SAM as an excluded party, then the individual or entity is restricted from doing business with
Federal Student Aid.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

1. IPM sends an email to the user that includes a link requesting
that the user provide a Social Security Number.
2. Select the link.
3. IPM displays the User Profile and PII screen.
4. On the User Profile and PII screen, review the information
and select Yes or No in response to the questions provided.
5. If you do not have a SSN or a Pseudo SSN select No in
response to the questions provided.
6. Click Generate Pseudo SSN.
7. IPM generates a Pseudo SSN and inserts the number into the
Pseudo SSN field.
8. Click Submit.
9. IPM displays the Overall Debarment Status screen, review
the information.
10. Click Enter Results.
11. IPM displays the Enter Results screen.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Click the link to go to the sam.gov website.

12. On the Enter Results screen, select Pass or Fail from the list
13. Click Save.
14. IPM displays the Overall Debarment Status screen, click
Complete Debarment Check.

15. IPM displays the Confirmation for Complete screen with a
message asking if you would like to complete the Debarment
Check review.
16. Click Yes.
17. The Status screen appears with a message indicating that the
Debarment Check was completed successfully.


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide


Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Appendix C - Acronyms and Abbreviations



Application Administrator


Access and Identity Management System


Change in Ownership


Detailed Design Document


Destination Point Administrator


Data Universal Number System


Final Audit Determination


Federal Family Education Loan


Federal Student Aid


Integrated Partner Identifier


Integrated Partner Management


Standard Industry Classification


Standard Occupational Code


Social Security Number

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Appendix D – Troubleshooting
[This section provides a list of common problems that the user may encounter when using the application. These problems may
include error messages, starting up the system, what to do if the system hangs, erroneous results, etc. For each problem, a solution
should be provided to allow the user to recover and resume use of the application.]

Integrated Partner Management (IPM) User Guide

Appendix E – Technical Support
[This section provides a list of resources that can help the user better use the application. A list of technical support people or a help
desk line should be included in addition to a website or other materials that provides answers to common questions.

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File Modified2017-04-27
File Created2017-04-27

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