National Center for Education Statistics
National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAEP Pretesting of Survey and Cognitive Items for Pilot in 2017 and 2018 Updated Revised
Communications Materials
OMB# 1850-0803 v.179
Revision to a previously approved package (1850-0803 v.155)
October 2015
Revised April 2016 (1) and October 2016 (2)
Table of Contents
Appendices – Survey Questions Cognitive Interviews 1
Appendix B: E-mail Recruiting Teachers and Principals 3
Appendix D: Recruitment E-mail/Letter to Parent-Teacher-Student Associations 5
Appendix E: Recruitment E-mail/Letter to Youth Organizations 6
Appendix F: EurekaFacts Recruitment Internet/Newspaper Advertisement/Flyer 7
Appendix G: Text for Information Brochure 8
Appendix H: Text for Informational Bookmarks 9
Appendix J: E-mail/Letter Confirmation to Teachers and Principals 11$
Appendix K: Thank You Letter to Parent or Legal Guardian of Student (Under Age 18) Participants 12
Appendix L: Thank You Letter to Teachers and Principals 13
Appendices – Cognitive Items Playtesting 14
Appendix N: ETS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Reading and Mathematics Playtesting 16
Appendices – Cognitive Items Playtesting and Cognitive Interviews 27
Appendices – Cognitive Items Cognitive Interviews 29
Appendix AG: ETS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Reading and Mathematics Cognitive Interviews 39
Appendices – Cognitive Items Tryouts 62
Appendix BK: EurekaFacts Text for Information Brochure: Reading and Mathematics Tryouts 73
Appendix BL: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Reading and Mathematics Tryouts 74
Appendix BM: EurekaFacts Text for Informational Bookmarks: Reading and Mathematics Tryouts 76
Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grade 8
Dear <NAME>:
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts (<>), a local research company. We are administering an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting eighth-grade students to participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas). (More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
NCES needs to know if the survey questions are clear. Student feedback will help NCES improve the survey so students like your child understand all the questions. During the interview, your child will receive a printed copy of multiple-choice questions that he or she will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why your child selected each answer. The purpose of these interviews is not to test or grade students. NCES wants to hear their thoughts to improve the survey questions and make the questions easier to understand.
The interview for your child will take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. The interview can be scheduled at the convenience of you and your child. Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will their names be linked to any of their answers. Your child’s answers will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
Your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the conclusion of the session for his or her time and effort. If you provide transportation (whether via car, train, bus, or some other transportation) to the location of the interview for your child to participate in the cognitive interview session, you, the parent/legal guardian, will receive a $25 gift card as well. In addition, you will receive a thank you letter/e-mail for allowing your child to participate in the study.
If your child is interested in participating in this voluntary research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or e-mail <CONTACT E-MAIL>. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Thank you,
Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Teachers and Principals
Dear <NAME>:
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts (<>), a local research company. We are administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
We are recruiting teachers and principals to participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas). (More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
NCES needs to know if the survey questions are clear. Your feedback will help NCES improve the survey so educators like you understand all the questions. During the interview, you will receive a printed copy of multiple-choice questions that you will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why you selected each answer.
The interviews will take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. A limited number of interviews may be conducted via phone or WebEx. The interview can be scheduled at your convenience. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
These voluntary research interviews are an important stage of the NAEP survey development process. Your comments, along with the comments of other educators, will help NCES improve the survey. You will receive a $40 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the conclusion of the session for your time and effort.
If you are interested in participating in this voluntary research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or e-mail <CONTACT E-MAIL>. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Thank you,
Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grade 8
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. You are receiving this <E-MAIL/LETTER> because you have previously given us your contact information in order to receive information regarding upcoming research opportunities.
If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who is currently in eighth-grade, or if you know anyone who is, we would like you to know that we are currently administering an important research study on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). This study supports the development of new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas).
We are conducting research interviews to explore how students work through sample survey questions to ensure that the questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. All interviews will be scheduled for no more than 90 minutes. Students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) for participating in the research interview. Parents or legal guardians (one per participating student) will also receive a $25 gift card for providing transportation (whether via car, train, bus, or some other transportation) to the location of the interview. In addition, you will receive a thank you letter/e-mail for allowing your child to participate in the study.
Students’ interview responses or materials will not be graded or shared with their school or anyone other than the researchers. These research interviews are an important stage of the NAEP survey development process. By sharing their feedback with us, students can directly impact the future of this national assessment by helping NCES create the best survey possible.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will their names be linked to any of their answers. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573]. The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. No one else will hear the recording.
I have included a brochure with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project or our company.
Attachment: Brochure <Appendix G >
Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grade 8
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). As a local <NAME OF ORGANIZATION> member, we are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are recruiting students who are currently in eighth-grade to participate in research interviews supporting the development of new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas). The research interviews will explore how students work through the sample survey questions to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. All interviews will be scheduled for no more than 90 minutes. Students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) for participating in the research interview. The student’s parent or legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for providing transportation (whether via car, train, bus, or some other transportation) to the location of the interview. In addition, students parent or legal guardian will receive a thank you letter/e-mail for allowing their child to participate in the study.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will their names be linked to any of their answers. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573]. The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. No one else will hear the recording.
We would like to ask for your assistance in letting parents/legal guardians and students know how they can help shape this national assessment. The feedback we receive from students on these survey questions will help to evaluate the questions and instructions and create the best survey possible.
I have included a brochure with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project or our company.
Attachment: Brochure <Appendix G >
Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grade 8
Dear <NAME>,
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Because you are a leader in youth outreach, we are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are recruiting students who are currently in eighth-grade to participate in research interviews supporting the development of new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP (the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas). The research interviews will explore how students work through the sample survey questions to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. All interviews will be scheduled for no more than 90 minutes. Students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) for participating in the research interview. The student’s parent or legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank him or her for bringing their child to and from the interview site.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will their names be linked to any of their answers. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573]. The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. No one else will hear the recording.
We would like to ask for your assistance in letting parents/legal guardians and students know how they can help shape this national assessment. The feedback we receive from students on these survey questions will help to evaluate the questions and instructions and create the best survey possible.
I have included a brochure with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project or our company.
Attachment: Brochure <Appendix G >
EurekaFacts, a local research company, is administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). If your child is currently in grade 8, we need his or her help to evaluate new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey for middle school students. Students’ input will help evaluate the survey by ensuring that the questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/legal guardian who brings their child to and from the interview location (one interview per student). Interviews will begin this <SPECIFY SESSION OR MONTH> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends. The interviews will last no more than 90 minutes. Please call, text, or e-mail us now for more information about this opportunity!
Call or text: <CONTACT PHONE> or
E-mail: <E-MAIL ADDRESS> or
Visit our website for more information about EurekaFacts: <WEBSITE>
EurekaFacts is a local research company administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). If your child is currently in grade 8, we need his or her help to evaluate new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey for middle school students. Students’ input will help evaluate the survey by ensuring that the questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/legal guardian who brings their child to and from the interview location (one interview per student). Interviews will begin this <SPECIFY SESSION OR MONTH> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends. The interviews will last no more than 90 minutes. Please call, text, or e-mail us now for more information about this opportunity!
Call or text: <CONTACT PHONE> or
E-mail: <E-MAIL ADDRESS> or
Visit our website for more information about EurekaFacts: <WEBSITE>
Participate! EurekaFacts, a local research company, is administering an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Help evaluate new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to improve the survey. Call or text <CONTACT NUMBER>. Students in grade 8 wanted—paid research study. Visit our website for more information about EurekaFacts: <WEBSITE>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>:
Thank you for agreeing to allow your child, <STUDENT NAME>, to participate in this voluntary research interview to provide feedback on survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). All the information your child provides will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
Your child has been scheduled for a research interview at <TIME> on <DATE>. The interview will last no more than 90 minutes. Your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the conclusion of the session for <HIS/HER> time and effort. If you provide transportation (whether via car, train, bus, or some other transportation) to the location of the interview for your child to participate in the cognitive interview session, you, the parent/legal guardian, will receive a $25 gift card as well. In addition, you will receive a thank you letter/e-mail for allowing your child to participate in the study.
The interview will take place at <LOCATION>:
We have <ATTACHED/INCLUDED> a consent form <TO/WITH> this confirmation. Please sign, date, and return the form when you bring your child to the interview, granting consent for your child to participate in the voluntary NAEP research. Without your consent, your child will not be able to particpate in the interview.
We look forward to having <STUDENT NAME> participate in this very important research study. If you or your child has any questions, please contact <CONTACT INFORMATION>.
Attachment: Consent Form <Appendix BY >
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>:
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this voluntary research interview to provide feedback on survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). All the information you provide will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C. § 9573].
You have been scheduled for a research interview at <TIME> on <DATE>. The interview will last no more than 90 minutes. You will receive a $40 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the conclusion of the session for your time and effort.
[TEXT FOR IN-PERSON INTERVIEW] The interview will take place at <LOCATION>:
[TEXT FOR PHONE/WEBEX INTERVIEW] The interview will take place via <PHONE/WEBEX> at:
We have <ATTACHED/INCLUDED> a consent form <TO/WITH> this confirmation.
[TEXT FOR IN-PERSON INTERVIEW] Please sign, date, and return the form when you come to the interview, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research.
[TEXT FOR PHONE/WEBEX INTERVIEW] Please sign, date, and return the form prior to the interview via e-mail at <E-MAIL> or fax at <FAX NUMBER>, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research.
We look forward to having you participate in this very important research study. If you have any questions, please contact <CONTACT INFORMATION>.
Attachment: Consent Form <Appendix BZ >
Dear <NAME>:
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, I would like to thank you for allowing your child to participate in our survey research study.
The assistance provided by your child helped us to better understand how students approach the survey questions. Your child’s input, combined with input from other students, is incredibly useful and informative, and is helping us develop the best possible survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Again, thank you for your assistance.
Dear <NAME>:
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, I would like to thank you for your participation in our survey research study. Thanks to you, we are better able to develop the best possible survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your assistance helped us better understand how <TEACHERS/PRINCIPALS> approach the survey questions. Your open, candid, and insightful comments were very valuable. Your input, combined with input from other <TEACHERS/PRINCIPALS> like you, is incredibly useful and informative.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered reading and mathematics items. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. It is vital for us to have student feedback to develop the best ways of assessing students’ skills in reading and mathematics.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to work through reading or mathematics items and then provide feedback about their experiences with the items. If selected to participate, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as appreciation for the participant’s time. In addition, if transportation to the session site is involved, the student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the student to and from the site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests, and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included an informational fact sheet and a flyer in the hope that you might pass them along to anyone who may be interested.
We appreciate you considering this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachments: FAQs for Playtesting <Appendix N > and Flyer <Appendix W>
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NAEP Research Study
What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting informal interviews, called Playtesting, with students currently in grades 4, 8 and 12 about new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The questions we are testing focus on reading and mathematics and will be part of a digitally-based test. In these sessions, students will see early versions of digitally-based questions. We may ask students whether they have any suggestions about how we might improve the questions.
What will happen during the Playtesting sessions?
Each participant will work through an early version of new NAEP items in reading or mathematics on a computer. We will ask questions that focus on students’ level of interest and ability to understand the questions presented to them. We may ask whether students have any suggestions about how we might improve the questions. Responses will not be graded. ETS staff will audio record and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions to revise and refine test content.
Where will the Playtesting session take place?
The sessions will take place at <NAME OF SESSION location>, located at <ADDRESS>.
How long will the Playtesting session last?
The sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Each session requires only one visit; however, students may participate in multiple sessions, if interested.
Whose consent do you require for participation?
For students under the age of 18, we require written informed consent from a parent/legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate. We also ask the student for his/her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. The parent/legal guardian or student may withdraw consent for the student’s participation in the study at any time. The student also has the right to refuse to answer particular questions.
Students age 18 or over can sign the consent form directly; but again, participation in the study is completely voluntary and students have the right to withdraw intent to participate and/or refuse to answer particular questions.
Will you keep information confidential and private?
All of the participants’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573]. Each participant will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will the student’s name be linked to any of his or her answers.
Will the results go to the participant’s school?
Participants’ responses will not be disclosed to his/her school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
Are there rewards or incentives for participating?
Yes, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the end of the session. If transportation is required to the session site, the student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the student to and from the site.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study.
Can participation end early?
Students’ participation in this study is completely voluntary. Students have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Students may elect to withdraw from this study at any time.
Whom can I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at ETS on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email<CONTACT EMAIL>.
(To be used only if the required number of participants is not recruited through schools, organizations, and direct outreach to parents/legal guardians is necessary)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important research study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The sessions will explore how students work through the items to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
These reviews are very informal group sessions where we show students early draft versions of computer-delivered questions; some may even be drafts on paper before they are turned into digitally-based questions. Students will be informed that their participation is completely voluntary, and that they will not be evaluated. They will also be told they have a key role in helping us improve our tests and that they can make a difference in the experience of thousands of students who will take these tests all over the country.
ETS staff will take notes of students’ reactions to these questions and use students’ feedback to revise and refine the questions. We will observe and ask questions about the students’ level of interest and ability to understand the questions. Students will also be asked if they have any suggestions on how to improve the questions.
The research session would take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for their time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing your child to and from the site.
Your child’s responses would be used only for research purposes and would not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a Fact Sheet with additional information about this important research study. If your child is interested in participating in this study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: FAQs for Playtesting <Appendix N>
(To be used only if the required number of participants is not recruited through schools, organizations, and direct outreach to students is necessary)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important research study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are looking for students in grade 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The sessions will explore how students work through the items to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
These reviews are very informal individual or group sessions where we show students early draft versions of computer-delivered questions; some may even be drafts on paper before they are turned into digitally-based questions. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you will not be evaluated. You will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can make a difference in the experience of thousands of students who will take these tests all over the country.
ETS staff will take notes of your reactions to these questions and use your feedback to revise and refine the questions. We will observe and ask questions about your level of interest and ability to understand the questions. You will also be asked if you have any suggestions on how to improve the questions.
The research sessions would take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. You will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for your time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing you to and from the site.
Your responses would be used only for research purposes and would not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a Fact Sheet with additional information about this important research study. If you are interested in participating in this study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: FAQs for Playtesting <Appendix N>
IF SENT AS EMAIL – Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study Playtesting Session
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to assist Educational Testing Service (ETS) in trying out new test questions in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). During the session, students will be asked to respond to sample test questions that will be used as part of a national assessment. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, simply wants to know what students think about the tests and how they might answer questions on that test. Students will work in a group of several students who will also be reviewing and reacting to the potential test questions. Students’ feedback and responses will be noted and audio recorded and used to help us revise and improve our tests.
Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Playtesting sessions have been scheduled at your <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION/ASSOCIATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Each student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as soon as he/she has finished the session as a thank you for their time. If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the interview site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort.
Thank you for assisting ETS in this important research for NAEP. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of Your Child’s NAEP Research Study Playtesting Session
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for allowing your child to participate in a study to give us feedback on new test questions in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). During the session, your child will be asked to respond to sample test questions that will be used as part of a national assessment. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, simply wants to know what your child thinks about the tests and how your child might answer questions on that test. Your child will work individually or in a group of several students who will also be reviewing and reacting to the potential test questions. Your child’s feedback and responses will be noted and audio recorded and used to help us revise and improve our tests.
Your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Your child has been scheduled for a session at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as soon as he/she has finished the session as a thank you for their time. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for the time bringing your child to and from the Playtesting site.
The sessions will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign and date it, and return the form, granting consent for your child to participate in the NAEP research, when your child comes in for the session. Without your consent, your child will not be able to participate in the session.
We look forward to meeting with your child. If you have any questions or if your child is unable to attend this session, please contact me using the information below.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: ETS Consent Form for Parents/Legal Guardians of Student Participants (Under Age 18) <Appendix CD>
IF SENT AS EMAIL – Subject: Confirmation of Your NAEP Research Study Playtesting Session
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to participate in a study to give us your feedback on new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). During the session, you will be asked to respond to sample test questions that will be used as part of a national assessment. Before giving the new questions to all students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, simply wants to know what you think about the tests and how you might answer questions on that test. You will work individually or in a group of several students who will also be reviewing and reacting to the potential test questions. Your feedback and responses will be noted and audio recorded and used to help us revise and improve our tests.
Your responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
You have been scheduled for a session at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The session will last no more than 90 minutes. In appreciation for your participation, you will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as soon as you have finished the session. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank him/her for the time in bringing you to and from the Playtesting site.
The sessions will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign and date it, and bring the form, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research, when you come to the session. Without your consent, you will not be able to participate in the session.
We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or if you are unable to attend this session, please contact me using the information below.
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: ETS Consent Form for Student Participants (Age 18 or Over) <Appendix CE>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your <school’s/asp’S/pta’S/ youth organization’s > participation in our research study. Thanks to the students at <NAME of School/ASP/PTA/Youth Organization/Association> we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your <school’s/asp’S/pta’S/ youth organization’s> assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Your students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance and participation.
Educational Testing Service
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your child[ren]’s participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your child[ren]’s participation in our research study. Thanks to your child[ren], we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your child[ren]’s assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. <HIS/HER/THEIR> open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your child[ren]’s assistance and participation.
Educational Testing Service
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your participation in our research study. Thanks to you, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Your open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance and participation.
Educational Testing Service
W: ETS Informational Flyer Distributed Through Schools/After School
Programs/Parent-Teacher-Student Associations/Youth Organizations
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. It is vital for us to have student feedback to develop the best ways of assessing students’ skills in reading and mathematics.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to work through reading and mathematics items and then provide feedback about their experiences with the items. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. If selected to participate, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as appreciation of participant’s time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, the student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the student to and from the site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included an informational fact sheet and a flyer in the hope that you might pass them along to anyone who may be interested.
We appreciate your considering this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: FAQs for Cognitive Interviews <Appendix AG > and Flyer <Appendix W >
(To be used only if the required number of participants is not recruited through schools, organizations, and direct outreach to parents/legal guardians is necessary)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME>,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important research study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting students currently in grades 4, 8 and 12 to participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of new computer-delivered reading and mathematics items for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The interviews will explore how students work through the items to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. During the interview, your child would be asked to respond to reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer. NCES simply wants to know what your child thinks about each item and how your child might do the items on a test. These interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. By sharing their feedback with us, students can directly guide the future of this national assessment by helping NCES evaluate the items to create the best items possible.
The interview for your child would take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. The interview can be scheduled at you and your child’s convenience. Your child will be given a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for their time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing your child to and from the site.
Your child’s responses would be used only for research purposes and would not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a fact sheet with additional information about this important research study. If your child is interested in participating in this study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: FAQs for Cognitive Interviews <Appendix AG>
(To be used only if the required number of participants is not recruited through schools, organizations, and direct outreach to students is necessary)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from Educational Testing Service (ETS). We are carrying out an important research study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting students currently in grades 4, 8 or 12 to participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of new computer-delivered reading and mathematics items for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The interviews will explore how students work through the items to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. During the interview, you would be asked to respond to reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer. NCES simply wants to know what you think about each item and how you might do the items on a test. These interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. By sharing your feedback with us, you can directly guide the future of this national assessment by helping NCES evaluate the items to create the best items possible.
Your interview would take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. The interview can be scheduled at your convenience. You will be given a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for your time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing you to and from the site.
Your responses would be used only for research purposes and would not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a fact sheet with additional information about this important research study. If you are interested in participating in this study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: FAQs for Cognitive Interviews <Appendix AG>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to assist Educational Testing Service (ETS) in trying out new test questions in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new items to students in an assessment, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know whether the items are clear. Students will be asked to respond to reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer and asked questions about the items. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Research interviews have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION/ASSOCIATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The interviews will each last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. To thank them for their time, participating students will each receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company).
[Include the following information if applicable: If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the interview site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort.]
Thank you for assisting ETS in this important research for NAEP. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
(To be used if interviews will not take place at a school)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of Your Child’s NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for allowing your child to participate in a study to give us feedback on new test questions in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new items to students in an assessment, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know whether the items are clear. Students will be asked to respond to reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer and asked questions about the items. Your child’s input will help NCES improve the items so that students understand all the items. Your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Your child has been scheduled for a research interview at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The interview will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for the time bringing your child to and from the site.
The interviews will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign and date it, and return the form, granting consent for your child to participate in the NAEP research, when your child comes in for the interview. Without your consent, your child will not be able to participate in the interview.
Thank you for allowing your child to volunteer in this important research for NAEP. Our interviewer is looking forward to meeting with your child. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: ETS Consent Form for Parents/Legal Guardians of Student Participants (Under Age 18) <Appendix CF>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to participate in a study to give us feedback on new test questions in reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new items to students in an assessment, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know whether the items are clear. Students will be asked to respond to reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer and asked questions about the items. Your input will help NCES improve the items so that students understand all the items. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
You have been scheduled for a research interview at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The interview will last no more than 90 minutes. You will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for the time bringing you to and from the site.
The interviews will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign and date it, and return the form, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research, when you come in for the interview.
We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or if you are unable to attend this session, please contact me using the information below.
Educational Testing Service
Attachment: Consent Form for Student Participants Over Age 18 <Appendix CG>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <Name>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your <School’s/After-School Program’s/Parent-Teacher-Student Association’s/Youth Organization’s> participation in our research study. Thanks to the students at <Name of School/After-School Program/Parent-Teacher-Student Association/Youth Organization>, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your <School’s/After-School Program’s/Parent-Teacher-Student Association’s/Youth Organization’s> assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance and participation.
Educational Testing Service
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your child[ren]’s participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <Name>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your child[ren]’s participation in our research study. Thanks to your child[ren], we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your child[ren]’s assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
Educational Testing Service
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS) would like to thank you for your participation in our research study. Thanks to you, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance and participation.
Educational Testing Service
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NAEP Research Study
What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting research interviews with students currently in grades 4, 8, and 12 about new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The questions we are testing focus on reading and mathematics and will be part of a digitally-based test. NCES needs to know whether the questions on the test are clear. Students’ input will help NCES improve the test so that future students will understand it.
What will happen during the interviews?
Each participant will take an early version of new NAEP items in reading and mathematics on a tablet computer. Participants will be asked to work through the items, and an interviewer will ask the students for their reactions to items and test questions. Participants will not be graded. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. ETS staff will use computer software to record what students do on screen, as well as microphones to record students’ reactions to items, descriptions of their work, and responses to interviewer questions.
Where will the research interview take place?
The interviews will take place at < LOCATION>, <ADDRESS>.
How long will the interview last and when will it take place?
The interview session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience. Each interview requires only one visit to our office.
Whose consent do you require for participation?
For students under the age of 18, we require written informed consent from a parent/legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate. We also ask the student for his/her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. The parent/legal guardian or student may withdraw consent for the student’s participation in the study at any time. The student also has the right to refuse to answer particular questions.
Students age 18 or over can sign the consent form directly; but again, participation in the study is completely voluntary and students have the right to withdraw intent to participate and/or refuse to answer particular questions.
Will you keep information confidential and private?
All of the participants’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573]. Each participant will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will his/her name be linked to any of his/her answers.
Will the results go to the participant’s school?
Participants’ responses will not be disclosed to his/her school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
Are there rewards or incentives for participating?
Yes, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the end of his/her interview. If transportation is required to the interview site, the student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the student to and from the site.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study.
Can participation end early?
Students’ participation in this study is completely voluntary. Students have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Students may elect to withdraw from this study at any time.
Whom can I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at ETS on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. It is vital for us to have student feedback to develop the best ways of assessing students’ skills in reading and mathematics.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to answer questions on reading or mathematics items and then provide feedback about their experiences with the items. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. If selected to participate, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) from us. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as thanks for bringing the child to and from the interview site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law, under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573.
If you are willing to help us recruit students for this study or would like additional information about it, please contact me, and we will follow up with flyers for you to distribute. I have included a fact sheet with additional information about this research study.
We appreciate your considering this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: FAQs for Cognitive Interviews < Appendix AW>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME> or Hello,
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We would like to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. It is vital for us to have student feedback to develop the best ways of assessing students’ knowledge of reading and mathematics.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to answer questions on reading or mathematics and then provide feedback about their experiences with completed tasks. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. If selected to participate, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) from us. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as thanks for bringing the child to and from the interview site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law, under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573.
I have included a flyer with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested.
We appreciate your considering this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Flyer <Appendix AZ>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, or 12
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, MD. You are receiving this email because you have previously given us your e-mail and/or address in order to receive information regarding upcoming research opportunities.
In case you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who is currently in grades 4, 8 or 12, or know anyone who is, we’d like to inform you that we are currently carrying out a research study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. This study supports the development of new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
We are carrying out research sessions to try out new reading and mathematics items in reading and mathematics using interactive computer software. Students will be asked to complete items on a tablet computer. The research sessions will explore how students work through the tasks on a tablet computer to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. NCES simply wants to know how students would do the tasks if they were on an actual test and would like to hear students’ thoughts to improve the items and make them easier to understand.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to respond to reading or mathematics items and will be asked about them. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. EurekaFacts staff will take notes of students’ reactions to the items and students’ feedback will be used to revise and refine the items. We will observe and ask about the students’ understanding of the items. Students may also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the items.
Each student who participates will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). The student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for bringing the student to and from the session site.
Students’ responses will not be graded or shared with their school or anyone other than the researchers. These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. The students can directly guide the future of this nationwide assessment by helping NCES create the best test possible.
Students’ privacy will be fully protected. If a student chooses to participate, his or her responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.
Thank you for your consideration and assistance regarding this effort. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding our firm or this project. We look forward to communicating with you.
EurekaFacts, LLC
ATTACHMENT: Flyer < Appendix AZ>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, or 12
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, MD. You are receiving this email because you have previously requested additional information about cognitive interviews on new reading and mathematics items that we are carrying out on behalf of National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
As we previously mentioned, we are currently recruiting students in grades 4, 8, or 12 for a research study supporting the development of new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). We are carrying out research sessions to try out new reading and mathematics items using interactive computer software. Students will be asked to complete test questions on a tablet computer. The research sessions will explore how students work through the items on a tablet computer to ensure that the items are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. NCES simply wants to know how students would do the tasks if they were on an actual test and would like to hear students’ thoughts to improve the items and make them easier to understand.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to respond to items on reading or mathematics and will be asked about them. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. EurekaFacts staff will take notes of students’ reactions to the items and students’ feedback will be used to revise and refine the items. We will observe and ask about the students’ understanding of the tasks. Students may also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the tasks.
Each student who participates will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for bringing the student to and from the session site.
Students’ responses will not be graded or shared with their school or anyone other than the researchers. These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. The students can directly guide the future of this nationwide assessment by helping NCES create the best test possible.
Students’ privacy will be fully protected. If a student chooses to participate, his or her responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.
Thank you for your consideration and assistance regarding this effort. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding our firm or this project. We look forward to communicating with you.
EurekaFacts, LLC
ATTACHMENT: Flyer < Appendix AZ>
[IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity]
Dear <NAME>,
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8 and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These tasks will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. NAEP serves as the central means by which the United States measures student proficiency in core academic domains, such as reading, writing, math, and science.
These voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to respond to several test questions and will be asked about their opinions on the questions. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. Both students and their parent/guardian providing transportation to and from the interview site will be thanked for their time and effort with a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) upon completion of the interview.
Students will be informed that their participation is completely voluntary and that their work will not be graded or shared with their schools.
The students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Your child’s responses would be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study. If your child is interested in participating in this research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: FAQs for Cog Labs < Appendix AW>
[IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity]
Dear <NAME>,
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grade 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These tasks will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. NAEP serves as the central means by which the United States measures student proficiency in core academic domains, such as reading, writing, math, and science.
These voluntary research sessions will last no more than 90 minutes. You will be asked to respond to several test questions and will be asked about your opinions on the questions. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. You will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for your time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing you to and from the site.
Your participation is completely voluntary and your work will not be graded or shared with your school.
You will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Your responses would be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study. If you are interested in participating in this research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: FAQs for Cog Labs < Appendix AW>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of Your Child[ren]’s NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for allowing your child[ren] to participate in a research study for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the test questions to all students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to receive feedback on the items for reading and mathematics. Students will be asked to respond to reading or mathematics items on a tablet computer and asked about the items. Your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Your child[ren] has/have been scheduled for a research interview at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The interview will last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. Your child[ren] will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, you will receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for the time bringing your child[ren] to and from the research site.
The sessions will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign, date, and return the form, granting consent for your child[ren] to participate in the NAEP research, when your child[ren] comes in for the session. Without your consent, your child[ren] will not be able to participate in the session.
Thank you for allowing your child[ren] to volunteer in this important research for NAEP. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Consent Form (Under Age 18) for Cognitive interview Study <Appendix CK>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of Your Participation in a NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this voluntary research study to provide feedback on questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the test questions to all students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to receive feedback on items in reading and mathematics. You will be asked to respond to reading or mathematics items on a tablet computer and asked about the items. All the information you provide will be used only for research purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
You have been scheduled for a session at <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The session will last no more than 90 minutes. You will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, your parent/legal guardian will receive a $25 gift card to thank them for their time in bringing you to and from the research site.
The session will take place at:
We have attached a consent form to this confirmation. Please sign, date, and return the form when you come to the interview, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research. Without your consent, you will not be able to participate in the session.
We look forward to having you participate in this very important research study. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Consent Form (Age 18 or Over) for Cognitive interview Study <Appendix CL>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for assisting EurekaFacts in carrying out research studies for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank them for their time, participating students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the research site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort. Thank you for assisting us in this important research for NAEP. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to < NAME> about <STUDENT’S NAME> cognitive interview session for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you have agreed to let your child[ren] participate in this study and help develop the best possible test questions. This is a reminder that we have scheduled your child[ren]’s cognitive interview session for <TIME> on <DATE>.
The cognitive interview session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. It will take place at <LOCATION and DIRECTIONS>.
During the cognitive interview session, your child[ren] will be asked to respond to sample reading or mathematics questions on a tablet computer. These cognitive interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Your child[ren]’s participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Your child[ren]’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
As soon as your child[ren] has completed the cognitive interview session, <HE/SHE/THEY> will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. You will also receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time in bringing your child to and from the session location.
Please remember to bring the signed and dated consent form granting consent for your child[ren] to participate in the NAEP research when you bring your child[ren] in for the session. Without your consent, your child[ren] will not be able to participate in the cognitive interview.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions>.
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to <STUDENT NAME> about cognitive interview sessions for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you have agreed to participate in this study and help develop the best possible test questions. This is a reminder that we have scheduled your cognitive interview session for <TIME> on <DATE>.
The cognitive interview session will last no more than 90 minutes. It will take place at <LOCATION and DIRECTIONS>.
During the cognitive interview session, you will be asked to respond to sample reading and mathematics test questions in reading or mathematics. These cognitive interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Your participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
As soon as you have completed the cognitive interview session, you will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. If your parent or guardian brings you to and from the session location, they will also receive a $25 gift card to thank them for their time.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions.>
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to <NAME> about cognitive interview sessions for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you will be assisting EurekaFacts in carrying out research studies to help develop the best possible test questions.
These cognitive interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Students’ participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Their responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank them for their time, participating students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the research site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions.>
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for assisting EurekaFacts in this very important research study.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your child[ren]’s participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <Name>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for allowing your child[ren] to participate in our research study. Thanks to your family’s participation, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your child[ren]’s assistance helped us better understand how students approach both the test questions and directions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <Name>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for your participation in our research study. Thanks to your participation, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your assistance helped us better understand how students approach both the test questions and directions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments are very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for your assistance with recruitment of students for your <school’s/asp’S/pta’S/ youth organization’s > participation in our research study. Your students’ responses helped us evaluate test questions for the NAEP reading and mathematics assessment.
The assistance provided by your students, combined with input from other students, was useful and informative. We greatly appreciate your having taken the time to support our important research effort.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions
NAEP Research Study
1. What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting a study with students currently in grades 4, 8 and 12 on test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NCES needs to know whether the questions on the test are clear. Students’ input will help NCES improve the test so that students will understand it.
2. What will happen during the interviews?
Each participant will work through an early version of a new NAEP items in reading or mathematics on a tablet computer. An interviewer will ask what your child was thinking as he or she completed the items, and whether he or she believes the items are clear and understandable. Your child’s responses will not be graded. EurekaFacts staff will record audio and screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions to revise and refine test content. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. No personal identifying information will be recorded or retained. There will be more than one adult present.
3. Where will the research interviews take place?
The interviews will take place at <NAME OF LOCATION>, located at <LOCATION ADDRESS>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION>.
4. How long will the Interview last and when it will take place?
The interview session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience. Each interview requires only one visit to our office.
5. Whose consent do you require for participation?
For students under the age of 18, we require written informed consent from a parent/legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate. We also ask the student for his/her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. The parent/legal guardian or student may withdraw consent for the student’s participation in the study at any time. The student also has the right to refuse to answer particular questions.
Students age 18 or over can sign the consent form directly; but again, participation in the study is completely voluntary and students have the right to withdraw intent to participate and/or refuse to answer particular questions.
6. Will you keep information confidential and private?
All of the participants’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573]. Each participant will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will a student’s name be linked to any of his/her answers.
7. Will the results go to the participant’s school?
Participants’ responses will not be disclosed to their school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
8. Are there any rewards or incentives for participating?
Yes, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) at the end of his or her interview. If transportation is required to the interview site, the student’s parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the student to and from the interview site.
9. What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study.
Can participation end early?
Students’ participation in this study is completely voluntary. Students have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Students may elect to withdraw from this study at any time.
11. Whom can I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at EurekaFacts on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>.
Test The Test!
Do you have a child in grades 4, 8, or 12?
EurekaFacts, a local research company, is carrying out a study for the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grades 4, 8, or 12, he or she may be eligible to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide.
Upon completion of the session, EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings the child to and from the interview location. Interviews will be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends.
These voluntary research sessions will last no more than 90 minutes. Students will be asked to complete reading and mathematics items and to provide feedback about these items. The students can directly guide the future of this nationwide assessment by helping NCES create the best test possible.
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE>
Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, and 12!
EurekaFacts is a local research company administering an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grade 4, 8 or 12, we need his or her help to evaluate reading and mathematics items for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a nationwide educational test. Students’ input will help to ensure that the test is clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings his or her child to and from the research session location for the <60 or 90> minute interview. Sessions will begin on <DATE> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends. Please call, text, or e-mail us now for more information about this opportunity!
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE INFORMAITON>
Education Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, and 12
EurekaFacts is a local research company administering an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grades 4, 8, or 12, we need his or her help to evaluate reading and mathematics items for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a nationwide educational test. Students’ input will help to ensure that the test is clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings his or her child to and from the research session location for the <60 or 90> minute session (one session per student). Sessions will begin on <DATE> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends. Please call, text, or e-mail us now for more information about this opportunity!
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE INFORMAITON>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grade 4, 8, or 12
Dear <NAME>,
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important research study in reading and mathematics for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting students currently in grade 4, 8, or 12 to try out new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NCES needs to know if the questions on the test are clear and easy to understand. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. Your child’s input will help NCES improve the test so that students like your child will understand it. If selected to participate, your child will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). You will also receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time in bringing your child to and from the session site.
The question tryout session will take place at <LOCATION> and will last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. The session can be scheduled at your convenience. Your child will be asked to complete test questions on a tablet computer. NCES simply wants to know how students would answer the questions if it were an actual test. These sessions will be audio and/or video recorded. All of your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
These question tryouts are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. The students can directly impact the future of this national assessment by helping NCES evaluate the test questions and instructions to create the best test possible.
I have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study. If your child is interested in participating in this research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Thank you,
Attachment: FAQs for Tryouts < Appendix BL>
[IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity]
Dear <NAME>,
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grade 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These tasks will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. NAEP serves as the central means by which the United States measures student proficiency in core academic domains, such as reading, writing, math, and science.
These voluntary research sessions will last no more than 90 minutes. The tryout sessions will explore how you work through reading and mathematics test questions on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. You will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for your time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, your parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as appreciation for bringing you to and from the site.
Your participation is completely voluntary and your work will not be graded or shared with your school.
You will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Your responses would be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
I have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study. If you are interested in participating in this research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: FAQs for Tryouts < Appendix BL>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grade 4, 8 or 12
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, MD. You are receiving this email/letter because you have previously given us your contact information in order to receive information regarding upcoming research opportunities.
If you are the parent of a child who is currently in grade 4, 8 or grade 12, or if you know anyone who is, we’d like you to know that we are currently carrying out a research study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. This study supports the development of new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
We are carrying out research sessions to try out new reading and mathematics questions using interactive computer software. Students will be asked to complete test questions on a tablet computer. NCES simply wants to know how students would answer the questions if they were on an actual test. Students’ participation will ensure that the test questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. Each student who participates will receive a $25 gift card. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time in bringing the child to and from the session site.
Students’ tryout responses will not be graded or shared with their school or anyone other than the researchers. These tryout sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. The students can directly impact the future of this nationwide assessment by helping NCES create the best test possible.
Students’ privacy will be fully protected. If a student chooses to participate, his or her responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. Upon request, I can send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project or our company.
Attachment: Brochure <see Appendix BK>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grade 4, 8, or 12
Dear <NAME>,
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. As a leader in youth outreach, we are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are currently recruiting students in grade 4, 8, and 12 to participate in tryout sessions supporting the development of reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP (an assessment given to students in elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the nation). The tryout sessions will explore how participants work through items in reading and mathematics on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working.
Each student who participates will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time in bringing the child to and from the session site. We would like to ask for your assistance in letting parents and students know how they can get involved and help shape this national assessment. The feedback we receive from students on these test questions will help to improve the questions and instructions and create the best test possible. I also want to assure you that this research incorporates very strict confidentiality and privacy standards. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance regarding this effort. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding our firm or this project.
Attachment: Brochure (see Appendix BK)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grade 4, 8 or 12
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. As a local Parent-Teacher-Student Association member, we are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are recruiting students who are currently in grade 4, 8 or 12 to participate in tryout sessions supporting the development of new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The tryout sessions will explore how students work through reading and mathematics test questions on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. Each student who participates will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as an incentive to help us. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time in bringing the child to and from the session site.
We would like to ask for your assistance in letting parents and students know how they can help shape this national test. The feedback we receive from students on these test questions will help to improve the questions and instructions and create the best test possible. I also want to assure you that this research incorporates very strict confidentiality and privacy standards. Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. Upon request, I can send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.
Thanks again for your consideration and assistance. We look forward to speaking with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project or our company.
Attachment: Brochure (see Appendix BK)
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Research Study Opportunity
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, and 12 to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These items will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide. It is vital for us to have student feedback to develop the best ways of assessing students’ skills in reading and mathematics.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. The tryout sessions will explore how students work through reading and mathematics test questions on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working. If selected to participate, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) from us. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as a thank you for bringing the child to and from the interview site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests and can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the U.S. who will take them. Student responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law, under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 [(ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573].
If you are willing to help us recruit students for this study or would like additional information about it, please contact me, and we will follow up with flyers for you to distribute. I have included a fact sheet with additional information about this research study.
We appreciate your consideration of this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: FAQs for Tryouts < Appendix BL>
Test The Test!
Do you have a child in grades 4, 8, or 12?
EurekaFacts, a local research company, is carrying out a study for the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grades 4, 8, or 12, he or she may be eligible to help us test new computer-delivered items in reading and mathematics. These tasks will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) delivered to students nationwide.
Upon completion of the session, EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings the child to and from the interview location. Interviews will be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends.
These voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to complete reading and mathematics items on a tablet computer. The students can directly guide the future of this nationwide assessment by helping NCES create the best test possible.
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE>
Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, or 12!
EurekaFacts, a local research company, is carrying out a study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grade 4, 8 or 12, he or she may be eligible to help us evaluate new items for reading and mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Students’ input will help to ensure that the test is clear and understandable to all students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings the child to and from the research session location for the <60- or 90->minute session (one session per student). Research sessions will be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends.
Call: <CONTACT PHONE> or Email <CONTACT Email>
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE>
Educational Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, or 12
EurekaFacts is a local research company carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grade 4, 8 or 12, we need his or her help to evaluate new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a nationwide educational test. Questions will be centered on the subjects of reading and mathematics. Students’ input will help to ensure that the test is clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings the child to and from the research session location for the <60- or 90->minute session (one session per student). Sessions will begin this <MONTH or SEASON> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school and on weekends. Please call, text, or email us now for more information about this opportunity!
Call: <CONTACT PHONE> or Email <CONTACT Email>
Visit our website for more information: <WEBSITE>
Frequently Asked Questions
NAEP Research Study
What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting a study with students currently in grade 4, 8 or 12 to try out new reading and mathematics test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NCES needs to know if the questions on the test are clear and easy to understand. Students’ input will help NCES improve the test so that students will understand it.
What will happen during the tryout?
Each participant will take an early version of a new NAEP reading and mathematics test on a tablet computer. Participants will be asked to answer the questions as if it were an actual test. Participants will not be graded. In some cases, we may use a camera (also known as an eye-tracker) attached to the computer to record where on the screen students are looking while working.
Where will the tryouts take place?
The tryouts will take place at <NAME OF TRYOUT LOCATION>, located at <LOCATION ADDRESS>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION>.
4. How long will the tryout last and when will it take place?
The tryout session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience. Each tryout requires only one visit to our office.
5. Whose consent do you require for participation?
For students under the age of 18, we require written informed consent from a parent/legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate. We also ask the student for his/her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. The parent/legal guardian or student may withdraw consent for the student’s participation in the study at any time. The student also has the right to refuse to answer particular questions.
Students age 18 or over can sign the consent form directly; but again, participation in the study is completely voluntary and students have the right to withdraw intent to participate and/or refuse to answer particular questions.
6. Will you keep information confidential and private?
All of the participants’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002) 20 U.S.C., § 9573]. Each participant will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and at no time will his/her name be linked to any of his/her answers. The tryouts will be audio recorded, as long as you agree, and are also used only for research purposes.
7. Will the results go to the participant’s school?
Participant’s answers will not be disclosed to his/her school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
8. Are there any rewards or incentives for participating?
Yes, the student will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) from us at the end of his or her tryout. The student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank him or her for bringing the child to and from the tryout site.
9. What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study
Can participation end early?
Students’ participation in this study is completely voluntary. Students have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Students may elect to withdraw from this study at any time.
Whom can I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at EurekaFacts on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call him/her at <CONTACT PHONE> or by email <CONTACT EMAIL>.
Participate! Test out the test. Make sure it passes. <WEBSITE> Call or text <CONTACT NUMBER>. Paid research study for grades 4, 8, and 12 students.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Tryout Session
Thank you for agreeing to allow your child to participate in trying out new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new test questions to all students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know if the questions are clear. Your child’s input will help NCES improve the test questions so students like your child understand all of them. Participation is totally voluntary. Your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Your child has been scheduled for a tryout session at <TIME> on <DATE>. The session will last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank your child for participating, <HE/SHE> will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as soon as the session is complete. In addition, you will receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time in bringing your child to and from the session site.
The session will take place at:
We have <ATTACHED/INCLUDED> a consent form <TO/WITH> this reminder <EMAIL/LETTER>. Please sign and date it, and return the form, granting consent for your child to participate in the NAEP research, when your child comes in for the tryout session. Without your consent, your child will not be able to participate in the tryout session.
Thank you for allowing your child to volunteer in this very important research for NAEP. We are looking forward to meeting you and your child. If you or your child have any questions, please contact [CONTACT INFORMATION].
Attachment: Consent Form (Under Age 18) for Tryouts <Appendix CP>
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Tryout Session
Thank you for agreeing to participate in trying out new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new test questions to all students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know if the questions are clear. Your input will help NCES improve the test questions so students like you understand all of them. Participation is totally voluntary. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
You have been scheduled for a tryout session at <TIME> on <DATE>. The session will last approximately 90 minutes. To thank you for participating, you will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as soon as the session is complete. If your parent or guardian drives you they will also receive a $25 gift card to thank them for their time in bringing you to and from the session site.
The session will take place at:
We have <ATTACHED/INCLUDED> a consent form <TO/WITH> this reminder <EMAIL/LETTER>. Please sign, date, and return the form, granting consent to participate in the NAEP research, when you come in for the tryout session. Without your consent, you will not be able to participate in the tryout session.
Thank you for volunteering in this very important research for NAEP. We are looking forward to meeting you. If you have any questions, please contact [CONTACT INFORMATION].
Attachment: Consent Form (Age 18 or Over) for Tryouts <Appendix CQ>
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to < NAME> about <STUDENTS NAME> tryout session for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you have agreed to let your child participate in this study and help develop the best possible test questions. This is a reminder that we have scheduled your child’s tryout session for <TIME> on <DATE>.
The tryout session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. It will take place at <LOCATION and DIRECTIONS>.
During the tryout session, your child will be asked to respond to sample reading or mathematics test questions on a tablet computer. These tryouts are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Your child’s participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Your child’s responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
As soon as your child has completed the tryout session, <HE/SHE> will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. You will also receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time in bringing your child to and from the session location.
Please remember to bring the signed and dated consent form granting consent for your child to participate in the NAEP research when you bring your child in for the tryout session. Without your consent, your child will not be able to participate in the tryout session.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions.>
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
Appendix BQ: EurekaFacts Confirmation Phone Script for Student Participants Age 18 or Over: Reading and Mathematics Tryouts
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to <STUDENT NAME> about tryout sessions for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you have agreed to participate in this study and help develop the best possible test questions. This is a reminder that we have scheduled your tryout session for <TIME> on <DATE>.
The tryout session will last no more than 90 minutes. It will take place at <LOCATION and DIRECTIONS>.
During the tryout session, you will be asked to respond to sample reading or mathematics test questions on a tablet computer. These tryouts are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Your participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
As soon as you have completed the tryout session, you will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company) as a thank you for participating. If your parent or guardian brings you to and from the session location, they will also receive a $25 gift card to thank them for their time.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions.>
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for assisting EurekaFacts in carrying out research studies for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Students’ responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank them for their time, participating students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the research site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort. Thank you for assisting us in this important research for NAEP. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I please speak to <NAME> about tryout sessions for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test questions?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is <NAME> and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are carrying out on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you will be assisting EurekaFacts in carrying out research studies to help develop the best possible test questions.
These tryouts are an important stage of the NAEP test development process. Students’ participation will help NCES improve the test questions. Their responses will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, 20 U.S.C §9573].
Sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank them for their time, participating students will receive a $25 gift card (from a major credit card company). If a parent/guardian transports the student to or from the research site, the parent/guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for their time and effort.
Do you have any questions at this time?
<Answer any questions.>
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for assisting EurekaFacts in this very important research study.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank You for Your Participation
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for allowing your child to participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tryout session. Your child’s input helped us evaluate new test questions for the NAEP assessment. The assistance provided by your child, combined with input from other students, was incredibly useful and informative. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to bring your child to and from the tryout location to participate.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank You for Your Participation
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tryout session. Your input helped us evaluate new test questions for the NAEP assessment.
Your assistance, combined with input from other students, helped us better understand how students approach both the test questions and directions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments are very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
IF SENT AS EMAIL - Subject: Thank you for your participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts would like to thank you for your assistance with recruitment of students for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) research study.
Your students’ responses helped us evaluate test questions for the NAEP reading and mathematics assessment. The assistance provided by your students, combined with input from other students, was useful and informative. We greatly appreciate your having taken the time to support our important research effort.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | joc |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |