National Center for Education Statistics
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Recruitment Materials and Screeners
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2021 Items Pretesting
OMB# 1850-0803 v.219
November 2017
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear [or Hello] <NAME>,
I am contacting you from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts, a local research company>. We are doing an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are contacting you to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades 4 and 8 to help us test new computer-delivered <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions. These questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test. Student feedback is important for us to develop the best ways of assessing students’ skills in <reading, mathematics, or writing>.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: The voluntary research interviews will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to answer <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions and then provide feedback.] [For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their vocabulary recognition skills.] <ETS or EurekaFacts> staff may record audio and screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions.
[For Tryouts for Cognitive Items: The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. The tryout sessions will explore how students work through <reading or mathematics> test questions on a tablet computer. We want to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.]
[For reading only: Additionally, along with trying out new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their reading comprehension skills.]
If selected to participate, students will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company. In addition, if transportation to the session site is involved, the student’s parent/legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as a thank-you for the time spent bringing his or her child to and from the interview site.
Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests. Their feedback can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the United States who will take the tests.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
If you are willing to help us recruit students for this study, please contact me, and I will follow up with flyers for you to distribute. I have included our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study.
We appreciate your consideration of this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
Attachment: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (See Appendix R)
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear [or Hello] <NAME>,
I am contacting you from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts, a local research company>. We are doing an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. We would like to ask for your help in spreading the word about this exciting research opportunity.
We are looking for students in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> to [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: help us test new computer-delivered questions in <reading, mathematics, or writing>.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: participate in research interviews supporting the development of survey questions.] These questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test. More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Students will be asked to answer questions on <reading, mathematics, or writing> and then provide feedback about their experiences with the questions.]
[For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: Students will be asked to work through sample survey questions to ensure that the questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.]
If selected to participate, students will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company. In addition, if transportation to the session site is involved, the student’s parent/legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as a thank-you for the time spent bringing his or her child to and from the interview site.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and their names will not be linked to their answers. All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items and Questionnaires: The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. EurekaFacts staff may also record screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions.]
We would like to ask for your help letting parents/legal guardians and students know how they can contribute to this national assessment. [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: Student feedback on these survey questions will help to evaluate the questions and instructions and create the best survey possible.] Students will have a key role in helping us improve our tests. Their feedback can enhance the experience of thousands of students all over the United States who will take the tests. Their feedback is also important for us to develop the best ways of assessing students’ knowledge of <reading, mathematics, or writing>.
I have included a <flyer or brochure> with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this research study.]
We appreciate your consideration of this request, and I invite you to please contact me with any questions regarding this project. I look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you,
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
Attachment: [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Flyer (See Appendix S/Appendix T)]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: Brochure (See Appendix U)]
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Research Study Opportunity
Dear <NAME>,
I am contacting you from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts, a local research company>. We are doing an important research study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are looking for students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> to [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: help us test new computer-delivered questions <in reading, mathematics, or writing>]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of survey questions] for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
[For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: The <interviews or tryout sessions> will explore how students work through the questions to ensure that they are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.]
[For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] <ETS or EurekaFacts> staff may record audio and screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions. NCES wants to know what your child thinks about each question and how your child might answer the questions on a test. These interviews are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Students’ feedback can help NCES evaluate the questions to create the best test possible.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: Student feedback will help NCES improve the survey so students like your child understand all the questions. During the interview, your child will receive a copy of questions that he or she will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why your child selected each answer. The purpose of these interviews is not to test or grade students. NCES wants to hear their thoughts on improving the survey questions and making them easier to understand. The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. EurekaFacts staff may also record screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions.]
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and their names will not be linked to their answers. All of the information provided by your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
The research session for your child will take place at <LOCATION> and would last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. The session can be scheduled at your and your child’s convenience. Your child will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank-you for their time. In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing your child to and from the session site.
[For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: I have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet with additional information about this important research study.]
If your child is interested in participating in this study, please [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: fill out an intake form at <LINK> or] call/email me at <CONTACT PHONE> or <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to communicating with you soon!
Thank you,
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
[For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Attachment: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (See Appendix R)]
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Teachers and School administrators
Dear <NAME>:
My name is <CONTACT NAME>, and I am contacting you from < Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts >, a local research company. We are conducting an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting teachers and school administrators to participate in voluntary research interviews supporting the development of survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
NCES needs to know if the survey questions are clear. Your feedback will help NCES improve the survey so educators like you understand all the questions. During the interview, you will receive a copy of multiple choice questions that you will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why you selected each answer. NCES wants to hear your thoughts on improving the survey questions and making them easier to understand.
The interviews will take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. A limited number of interviews may be conducted via phone or a digital video conference such as, WebEx. The interview can be scheduled at your convenience. You will be assigned a unique identifier (ID), and your name will not be linked to your answers. All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study.
These voluntary research interviews are an important stage of the NAEP questionnaire development process. Your comments, along with the comments of other educators, will help NCES improve the survey. You will receive a $40 gift card and thank you letter/email at the conclusion of the session for your time and effort.
If you are interested in participating in this voluntary research study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Thank you,
EurekaFacts, LLC
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in Grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12>
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, Maryland. You are receiving this <email or letter> because you have previously given us your contact information to receive information regarding upcoming research opportunities.
If you are the parent/legal guardian of a child who is currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12>, or know anyone who is, we would like to inform you that we are currently doing a research study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. This study supports the [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: improvement of existing survey questions and the development of new ones] [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: development of new <reading, mathematics, or writing> test questions] for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP. NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
We are carrying out research sessions to [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: explore how students work through sample survey questions to ensure that the questions and instructions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.]
[For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: try out new, computer-delivered <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions. Students will be asked to complete test questions on a tablet computer and will be asked about them. The research sessions will explore how students work through the questions on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. NCES wants to know how students would answer the questions if they were working on an actual test and would like to hear students’ thoughts to improve the questions and make them easier to understand.]
[For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] EurekaFacts staff will take notes of students’ reactions to the questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions. We will observe and ask about the students’ understanding of the questions. Students may also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the questions.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Each participating student will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank-you. The student’s parent/legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank them for bringing his or her student to and from the site.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items or Questionnaires: The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. EurekaFacts staff may also record screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions.]
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and their names will not be linked to their answers. All of the information provided by students may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Student feedback can help NCES evaluate the questions to create the best test possible.
I have included a <flyer or brochure> with a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.]
Thank you for your consideration and assistance regarding this effort. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this project or our company. We look forward to communicating with you.
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Flyer (See Appendix T/Appendix U)
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Education Research Study Opportunity for Students in Grade <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12>
I am contacting you from EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, Maryland. You are receiving this <email or letter> because you have previously requested additional information about research studies on new <reading, mathematics, or writing> test questions. We are doing a study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
As we previously mentioned, we are currently recruiting students in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> for a research study supporting the development of new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
We are carrying out research sessions to try out new, computer-delivered <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions. Students will be asked to complete test questions on a tablet computer. The research sessions will explore how students work through the questions on a tablet computer. NCES wants to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. Additionally, NCES wants to understand know how students would complete the questions if they were on an actual test and hear students’ thoughts to improve the questions and make them easier to understand.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to respond to <reading, mathematics, writing or survey> questions and will be asked their feedback on these questions. EurekaFacts staff will take notes of students’ reactions to the questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions. We will observe and ask about the students’ understanding of the questions. Students may also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the questions. [For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.]
Each participating student will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank-you. The student’s parent/legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank them for bringing his or her student to and from the site.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and their names will not be linked to their answers. All of the information provided by students may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items or Questionnaires: The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only by the researchers conducting the study. EurekaFacts staff may also record screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions.]
These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Student feedback can help NCES evaluate the questions to create the best test possible.
I have included a short description of this research study in the hope that you might pass it along to anyone who may be interested. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Upon request, I can also send you our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet.]
Thank you for your consideration and assistance regarding this effort. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding our firm or this study. We look forward to communicating with you.
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Flyer (See Appendix T)
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to assist <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts> in trying out new <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Before giving the new questions to students in an assessment, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know whether the questions are clear and what students think about the test. Students will be asked to respond to questions on a tablet computer and provide their feedback on the questions. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items—reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items and Questionnaires (Add to the above paragraph.): Students’ feedback and responses will be noted and audio recorded, and screen activity may be captured and used for analysis to help us revise and improve our tests.]
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
Research sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION/ASSOCIATION> from <TIME to TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. To thank students for their time, each participating student will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company.
[Include the following information, if applicable, to the above paragraph: If a parent/legal guardian transports the student to or from the session site, the parent/legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for his or her time and effort.]
Thank you for assisting <ETS or EurekaFacts> in this important research for NAEP development. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
(To be used if sessions will not take place at a school.)
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Confirmation of Your Child’s NAEP Research Study Session
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to allow your child to participate in a study and give us feedback on new <test or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Before giving the new questions to students in a nationwide assessment, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, needs to know whether the questions are clear. Students will be asked to respond to questions on a tablet computer and provide their feedback on the questions. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items— reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] Your child’s input will help NCES improve the questions so that students can understand the questions.
All of the information provided by your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
Your child has been scheduled for a research <interview or session> at the following location and date/time:
Location: <ADDRESS>
Date: <DATE>
Time: <TIME>
Gift Card: Your child will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank-you for participating. In addition, if transportation to the research site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for the time spent bringing your child to and from the site.
We will begin promptly at <TIME> and it is important that you arrive 15 minutes early to check in. The <interview or session> will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes.
We have attached a consent form to this reminder. Please sign and date it, and return the form, granting consent for your child to participate in the NAEP research, when your child comes in for the research <interview or session>. Without your consent, your child will not be able to participate in the research <interview or session>. If someone else brings your child to the interview, he or she will need to bring the signed permission form.
Thank you for allowing your child to volunteer in this important research for NAEP development. Our interviewer is looking forward to meeting with your child. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
Attachment: Consent Form (See Appendix AB)
IF SENT AS EMAIL—Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this voluntary research interview to provide feedback on survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
You have been scheduled for a research <interview or session> at the following location and date/time:
Location: <ADDRESS>
Date: <DATE>
Time: <TIME>
Gift Card: You will receive a $25 gift card at the conclusion of the session as a thank you for your time and effort. In addition, if transportation to the research interview site is involved, your parent or legal guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation of the time spent bringing you to and from the site.
We will begin promptly at <TIME> and it is important that you arrive 15 minutes early to check in. The <interview or session> will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes.
We have <attached or included> a consent form to this reminder. Please sign, date, and return the form when you come to the interview, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research.
We look forward to having you participate in this very important research study. If you have any questions, please contact <CONTACT INFORMATION>.
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Consent Form (See Appendix AC)
IF SENT AS EMAIL—Subject: Confirmation of NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>:
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this voluntary research interview to provide feedback on survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
You have been scheduled for a research interview at the following location and date/time:
Location: [For in-person interview: <ADDRESS>]
[For phone/WebEx interview: The interview will take place via <phone or WebEx> at <PHONE NUMBER or WEBEX URL>.]
Date: <DATE>
Time: <TIME>
Gift Card: You will receive a $40 gift card at the conclusion of the session for your time and effort.
We have <attached or included> a consent form to this reminder.
[For in-person interview: Please sign, date, and return the form when you come to the interview, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research.]
[For phone/WebEx interview: Please sign, date, and return the form prior to the interview via email at <EMAIL> or fax at <FAX NUMBER>, agreeing to participate in the voluntary NAEP research.]
We look forward to having you participate in this very important research study. If you have any questions, please contact <CONTACT INFORMATION>.
EurekaFacts, LLC
Attachment: Consent Form (See Appendix AD)
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. May I please speak to <NAME> about <STUDENT’S NAME>’s <cognitive interview or tryout> session for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, test questions?
[If a new person comes to the phone: Good <morning/afternoon/evening>.] My name is <NAME>, and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are doing on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you have agreed to let your child[ren] participate in this study and help develop the best possible test questions. This is a reminder that we have scheduled your child[ren]’s <cognitive interview or tryout> session for <TIME> on <DATE>.
The <cognitive interview or tryout> session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. It will take place at <NAME OF INTERVIEW/SESSION LOCATION>, located at <ADDRESS>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION>.
During the <cognitive interview or tryout> session, your child[ren] will be asked to respond to sample <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions on a tablet computer. [For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] These <cognitive interviews or tryouts> are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Your child[ren]’s participation will help NCES improve the test questions.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. [Recruiter note: if asked what law is being referenced, please provide the following reference: law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151.)]
As soon as your child[ren] <has or have> completed the <cognitive interview or tryout> session, they will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank-you for participating. You will also receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time in bringing your child[ren] to and from the session location.
Please remember to bring the signed and dated consent form granting consent for your child[ren] to participate in the NAEP research when you bring your child[ren] in for the session. Without your consent, your child[ren] will not be able to participate in the <cognitive interview or tryout> session.
Do you have any questions at this time? [Answer any questions.]
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. May I please speak to <NAME> about the <cognitive interview or tryout> sessions for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, test questions?
[If a new person comes to the phone: <Good morning/afternoon/evening>.] My name is <NAME>, and I’m calling from EurekaFacts about the NAEP research study that we are doing on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are pleased that you will be assisting EurekaFacts in carrying out research studies to help develop the best possible test questions.
These <cognitive interview or tryout> sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Students’ participation will help NCES improve the test questions. All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. [Recruiter note: If asked what law is being referenced, please provide the following reference: law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151.)
Sessions have been scheduled at <SCHOOL or ORGANIZATION> from <TIME> to <TIME> on <DAY, DATE>. The sessions will each last approximately <60 or 90> minutes. To thank students for their time, participating students will each receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company. If a parent or guardian transports the student to or from the research site, the parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card for his or her time and effort.
Do you have any questions at this time? [Answer any questions.]
We plan to see you at <TIME> on <DATE> at <LOCATION>. If you have any questions before then, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for assisting EurekaFacts in this very important research study.
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Thank You for Your Participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education, <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts> would like to thank you for your <school’s/after-school program’s/parent-teacher-student association’s/youth organization’s> participation in our research study. Thanks to the students at <NAME OF SCHOOL/AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM/PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT ASSOCIATION/YOUTH ORGANIZATION>, we are better able to develop the best possible test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your <school’s/after-school program’s/parent-teacher-student association’s/youth organization’s> assistance helped us better understand how students approach the test questions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance and participation.
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: Thank You for Your Child[ren]’s Participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts> would like to thank you for allowing your child[ren] to participate in our research study. Thanks to your child[ren], we are better able to develop the best possible <test or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Your child[ren]’s assistance helped us better understand how students approach the <test or survey> questions. Students’ open, candid, and insightful comments were very helpful.
Again, thank you for your assistance.
<Educational Testing Service or EurekaFacts, LLC>
IF SENT AS EMAIL—Subject: Thank You for Your Participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, I would like to thank you for your participation in our research study. Your assistance helped us better understand how students approach the survey questions. Your open, candid, and insightful comments were very valuable. Your input, combined with input from other students like you, is incredibly useful and informative, and is helping us develop the best possible survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
IF SENT AS EMAIL—Subject: Thank You for Your Participation in the NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, I would like to thank you for your participation in our research study.
Your assistance helped us better understand how <teachers/school administrators> approach the survey questions. Your open, candid, and insightful comments were very valuable. Your input, combined with input from other <teachers or school administrators> like you, is incredibly useful and informative, and is helping us develop the best possible survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
Again, thank you for your assistance.
EurekaFacts, LLC
IF SENT AS EMAIL–Subject: NAEP Research Study
Dear <NAME>,
Thank you for your interest in having your child be a part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) research study in <reading, mathematics, or writing>. Unfortunately, due to the number of students who were interested in participating, we are not able to ask your child to be a part of the study at this time.
However, we anticipate that we will be conducting additional studies in the future. If you are interested in possibly being contacted about having your child participate in future research opportunities, should they arise, please let us know (see contact information below).
Thank you again for taking the time to respond to our participation request.
Educational Testing Service
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NAEP Research Study
What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting research sessions with students currently in grades 4 and 8 about new test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The questions we are testing focus on <reading, mathematics, or writing> and will be part of a digitally-based test. NCES needs to know whether the questions on the test are clear. Students’ input will help NCES improve the test so that future students will understand it better.
What will happen during the research session?
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: Each participant will work through an early version of new NAEP <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions on a tablet computer. An interviewer will ask students what they were thinking as they completed the questions and whether they believe the questions are clear and understandable. [For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their vocabulary recognition skills.] <ETS or EurekaFacts> staff may record audio and screen activity for analysis and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions. No additional personally identifying information will be recorded or retained.]
[For Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Each participant will take an early version of a new NAEP <reading or mathematics> test on a tablet computer. Participants will be asked to answer the questions as if it were an actual test. We may ask participants for their reactions to and feedback about the test questions. [For reading only: Additionally, along with trying out new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their reading comprehension skills.] No personally identifying information will be recorded or retained.]
<Reading, mathematic, or writing>-specific knowledge is not required, and participants’ responses will not be graded. There will be more than one adult present during each research session.
Where will the research session take place?
The research session will take place at <NAME OF INTERVIEW/SESSION LOCATION>, located at <ADDRESS>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION>.
How long will the research session last and when will it take place?
The research session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience. Each research session requires only one visit to our office.
Whose consent do you require for participation?
For students under the age of 18, we require written, informed consent from a parent/legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate. We also ask the student for his or her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. The parent or legal guardian or student may withdraw consent for the student’s participation in the study at any time. The student also has the right to refuse to answer particular questions.
Will information be kept private and confidential?
Each participant will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and his or her name will not be linked to his or her answers.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: Audio and screen activity will be recorded for analysis, but no additional personally identifying information will be retained.]
Will the results go to the participant’s school?
Participants’ responses will not be disclosed to his or her school and will not be linked to personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
Are there rewards or incentives for participating?
Yes, the student will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company at the end of his or her session. If transportation is required to the research session site, the student’s parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing his or her student to and from the site.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study.
Can participation end early?
Students’ participation in this study is completely voluntary. Students have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Students may elect to withdraw from this study at any time. Students will still receive a gift card if he or she refuses to answer particular questions or elects to end the research session early.
Whom may I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at <ETS or EurekaFacts> on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>.
[Include if email/letter is from ETS: Additionally, students under the age of 18 can have a parent/legal guardian fill out an intake form at <LINK>.]
Do you have a child in 4th, 8th, or 12th grade?
EurekaFacts, a local research company in Rockville, Maryland, is administering a study for the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), a part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are looking for students in grades 4, 8, or 12 to help evaluate new <test or survey> questions.
Each student will receive a $25 gift card as a thank-you for participation, plus a parent/guardian will receive a $25 gift card if bringing the student to and from the study location.
The <research or tryout> session will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and may be scheduled at your convenience after school or on weekends.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
Call or text: <PHONE NUMBER>
Or visit our website for more information about <LOCAL FACILITY NAME>: <WEBSITE URL>.
We are across the street from the Rockville Metro!
Opportunity for Students in Grades 4, 8, and 12!
EurekaFacts is a local research company administering an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education. If your child is currently in grade 4, 8, or 12, we need his/her help to evaluate new <reading, mathematics, or writing> <test or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a nationwide educational test. Students’ input will help to ensure that the <test or survey> questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
EurekaFacts will provide a $25 gift card from a major credit card company to each student who participates in the study, plus a $25 gift card to the parent/guardian who brings the student to and from the research session location for the <60 or 90> minute interview. <Sessions or Interviews> will begin on <DATE> and may be scheduled at your convenience after school or on weekends. Please call, text, or email us now for more information about this opportunity!
our website for more information: <WEBSITE URL>
Participate! <LOCAL FACILITY NAME>, a local research company, is conducting an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Help evaluate new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to improve the survey. Call or text <CONTACT NUMBER>. Students in 4th, 8th, and 12th grade wanted for a paid research study. Visit our website for more information about <LOCAL FACILITY NAME>: <WEBSITE URL>
Hello. May I please speak to <NAME OF CONTACT AT SCHOOL>?
[If a new person comes to the phone: <Good morning/afternoon/evening.>] My name is <CONTACT NAME>, and I am contacting you from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts>. We are carrying out an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, part of the U.S. Department of Education. We are recruiting students who are currently in grade 4 or 8 to participate in research interviews supporting the development of new <reading, mathematics, or writing> test questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP.
Would you be interested in hearing more about this research study?
If NO: Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful <day/evening>. [END CALL]
If YES: Great, thank you.
The research interviews will explore how students work through questions on a tablet computer to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. NCES wants to know how students would respond to the questions if they were on an actual test, and would like to hear students’ thoughts to improve the questions and make them easier to understand.
The voluntary research sessions will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Students will be asked to respond to <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions. [For reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: <ETS or EurekaFacts> research staff may record audio and or screen activity for analysis and take notes of students’ reactions to these test questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the test content.]
We will observe and ask about the students’ level of interest in, and understanding of, the questions. Students will also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the questions.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. [Recruiter note: if asked what law is being referenced, please provide the following reference: law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).]
Each participating student will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company in appreciation of their time. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, a parent or guardian of each student will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing the child to and from the interview site.
These sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. The comments of students attending your school will help NCES improve test questions.
We would like your help in distributing and posting informational flyers. We will follow up directly with those who contact us. We will hold some sessions at <LOCATION>, <ADDRESS>; however, if the parents or legal guardians of students cannot provide transportation to <LOCATION>, <ADDRESS> we would like to set up sessions at your school.
Would your school be interested in participating in or helping us to recruit students for this research study?
If NO: Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful <day/evening>. [END CALL]
If YES: Good, thank you very much. To ensure that we interview a broad mix of students and determine the best interview location, I have a few brief screening questions to ask you. It should take only a few minutes.
Screener Script
[Recruiter note: Determine recruitment needs in advance. Look in public documents and school website to find what grades a school includes, the size of each grade, the socio-economic status, and the racial/ethnic makeup of the student body. Record all responses to Screener questions. End Screener at whatever point the school staff member gives a response that confirms that their group has already been sampled adequately.]
Are you at a school with a population that includes:
grade 4 students
grade 8 students
How many students are enrolled in your school?
299 students or fewer
300-599 students
600 students or more
Ineligible Participant Script
Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include your school in the interviews at this time. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>. [End call]
Eligible Participant Script
Thank you for taking the time to answer the screening questions. Your school is generally eligible to participate in the research interviews.
Would you be able to distribute and post flyers regarding this study?
[After receiving a contact of interest, an <ETS or EurekaFacts> staff member would follow up with the parent/legal guardian by phone and ask them some screening questions to ensure that a diverse sample of students is included in this study.]
If NO: Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>. [End call]
If YES: Would you be able to make a room at your school available where <ETS or EurekaFacts> could conduct some <60- or 90-> minute research sessions?
If YES: That’s great. We will contact you to schedule sessions at your school after we have some students signed up. [Recruiter: go to the Closing Script]
If NO: [Recruiter: go to the Closing Script]
Closing Script
Thank you for agreeing to disseminate information about this important research study. We will send you an email with the informational flyers attached. What is your preferred email address?
We may need to reach you by telephone. Is the number I called the best number to use?
Do you have any questions at this time?
[Recruiter note: Answer any questions.]
If you have any <additional> questions, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this important research project. Have a wonderful <day/evening>.
Script When Calling Parents From Previously Compiled List:
Hello. May I please speak to <NAME OF Parent/Legal Guardian>? [Recruiter: Thank the respondent and end call if the parent or legal guardian is not available.]
[If another person comes to the phone: Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. Is this the <NAME FROM CALL LIST> household? My name is <NAME>, and I am calling from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts or LOCAL FACILITY NAME>, a local research company carrying out a study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, part of the U.S. Department of Education.
Are there any [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: 4th, 8th, or 12th grade> students in your household?
If YES: Great! Let me give you some additional information about the study.
If No: Thank you. Have a good <day/evening>. [END CALL]
We are recruiting students to sign up to participate in a research study to [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: help improve existing survey questions] [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: develop new <reading, mathematics, and/or writing questions> for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. [If parent or legal guardian asks what NAEP is: This national assessment is administered to students in elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the United States.]
[Skip to the Screener script.]
Script When Calling a Parent/Legal Guardian Who Responded to Email, Advertisement, or Invitation
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. Is this <NAME OF Parent/Legal Guardian>? My name is <NAME>. I’m calling from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts> on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, part of the U.S. Department of Education.
Thank you for contacting us about the possibility of your child participating in a <research interview or session> to help improve or develop <test or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP.
Screener Script
We are carrying out <research interviews or sessions> to explore how students work through sample <reading, mathematics, writing, and/or survey questions> to ensure that they are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. If selected to participate, your child will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company as a thank you for their participation. You or the person who brings the student to the interview site will also receive a $25 gift card as a thank-you for bringing your child to and from the <interview or session> site.
The <research interview or session> will take place at <LOCATION>. It will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience.
<ETS or Eureka Facts> staff may record audio and take notes about students’ reactions to these questions to revise and refine test content.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: We will observe and ask about the students’ level of interest in, and understanding of, the questions. Students will also be asked whether they have any suggestions about how to enhance the questions. Participants’ screen activity may be captured and used for analysis.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their vocabulary recognition skills.]
[For Tryouts for Cognitive Items: NCES simply wants to know how students would answer the questions if they were to be included on an actual NAEP assessment.]
[For Tryouts for reading only: Additionally, along with trying out new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their reading comprehension skills.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: During the interview, your child will be asked to respond verbally to sample survey questions. NCES simply wants to know how he or she would answer the questions if they were included on an actual survey given to students after taking a NAEP test.
Students will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and their names will not be linked to their answers. All of the information provided by your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. [Recruiter note: If asked what law is being referenced, please provide the following reference: law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151) and This reference is for informational purposes only.) We will be audio-recording the discussion to help us with our analysis. This allows us to carefully review the discussion and draw the proper conclusions.]
These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP <test or survey> development process. The feedback students provide can help NCES evaluate the <test or survey> questions to create the best <test or survey> possible. Do you believe your child would be interested in participating?
If YES: Great! To ensure that we conduct this research with a broad mix of students, I have a few brief questions to ask about you and your child. It should only take a few minutes of your time. First, I want to collect some additional information about your child to identify if <he/she> meets the participation requirements.
If NO: Thank you, have a good <day/evening>. [END CALL].
[Recruiter note: Determine recruitment needs in advance. Record all responses. End Screener at whatever point the parent or legal guardian gives a response that confirms that their group has already been sampled adequately.] To end Screener script for ineligible participant: “Thank you for answering my questions. Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include your child in the interviews at this time. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>. [End call]]
What is your child’s name?
What grade is your child currently in? [Recruiter: Do not read list.]
K–3rd [Unfortunately, we are only interviewing students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
4th [Good, continue with the Screener script]
5th–7th [Unfortunately, we are only interviewing students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
8th [Good, continue with the Screener script]
9th–11th [Unfortunately, we are only interviewing students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
12th [Good, continue with the Screener script.]
What school does your child attend? [Recruiter: Recruit no more than three students from any school. Note if child is homeschooled.] [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: If the child is homeschooled Unfortunately, we are not interviewing students who are homeschooled for this study.]
What school district does he/she attend?
What is your child’s gender?
What is your child’s age?____________
[For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items:] Is your child currently enrolled in any of the following types of courses? (Select all that apply.)
Advanced placement (e.g., AP, IB, or other college-level courses)
Honor courses
Remedial courses
Other courses
What is your child’s ethnicity and race? [Recruiter: Read list only if respondent doesn’t immediately reply: [Is your child…?] If the respondent indicates he/she prefers not to disclose this information, say: [That’s fine] and move on to the next question.]
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (one or more of the categories below):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
White or Caucasian
Which language did your child learn when he/she first began to talk? ______________________________
Which language does your child most frequently speak at home? _________________________________
Is your child enrolled in any English Language Learner (ELL) classes at this time? ______________________
[Just to be sure we're interviewing a broad range of students for this study.]
What is your total annual household income range based on the following ranges? [Recruiter: If the respondent indicates he/she prefers not to disclose this information, say: [That’s fine.] and move on to the next question.]
Less than $30,000
$30,000 to $99,999
$100,000 or more
Does your child participate in the National School Lunch program? [Recruiter: If the respondent indicates they prefer not to disclose this information, say [That’s fine.] and move on to the next question.]
Okay. Thank you. What is the zip code of the area that you live in?
Thank you. We would like to speak with your child to confirm if <he/she> is interested in participating in the research interview. It will take only a couple of minutes and then I will ask to speak with you again for another moment. Is your child available to speak with us now or should we call <him/her> back at another time?
Yes, the child is available for screening questions. [Skip to scripts for 4th and 8th grade students.]
No, please call back.
Is this phone number the best number to call?
Other phone numbers: _________________________________
Is there a good time for me to call? When would be best for you?
[Recruiter note: If the child needs to receive a call back, record his/her name, phone number, and the date/time requested. ]
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
Child Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone: ______________________________________________________
Date: ____________________
Time: ____________________
Script For Grade 4 Students
Hello. Is this <NAME OF STUDENT>?
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. My name is <NAME>, and I’m calling from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts>. We are doing an important educational study.
We have spoken to your <parent or legal guardian> and we are pleased that you might like to help us test questions in <reading, mathematics, or writing> for a test for students across the country, called the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. Before I tell you more about what you would be asked to do, I need to ask you one question:
What grade are you currently in? [Recruiter: Do not read list.]
K–3rd [Unfortunately, we are interviewing only students currently in grade 4 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening.>]
4th [Good, continue with the script.]
5th–12th [Unfortunately, we are interviewing only students currently in grade 4 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
Thank you. For the research study, you will be asked to visit <LOCATION>, <ADDRESS>. We will ask you to answer some <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> test questions on a tablet computer. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items—reading only: You also will be given a short test to measure your <vocabulary or reading> skills.] You will not be graded, and this has nothing to do with your classes in school. The purpose of our study is simply to know how you would answer the questions if they were to be included in the National Assessment of Educational Progress test. The questions are about <SUBJECT> and are really interesting and fun to do. You will be asked to answer the questions on a tablet computer. Your answers will help us make the test better. To thank you for taking part, you will receive a $25 gift card from a credit card company when you finish. The study will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. You will be audio-recorded. You may choose not to do the study. It is up to you. If you decide to do the study, we will only use your answers to improve the questions. We will not use your name.
Would you like to do the study?
Yes [Continue to the “If YES” script below]
No [Thank you for your time. I will need to let your <parent or legal guardian> know that you would not like to do the study. Is <he or she> available?]
TO PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN: [Your child has decided not to participate, but I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us about this opportunity.]
If YES: Thank you for agreeing to do the study. I will need to speak to your <parent or legal guardian> to talk about the date and time of the interview. Is your <parent or legal guardian> available?
No [Use the following prompt below to record the call back information.]
[Recruiter note: If the child needs to receive a call back, record his/her name, phone number, and the date/time requested.]
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
Child Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone: ______________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________________
Time: __________________________________________________________________________
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. Is this <NAME OF STUDENT>? My name is <NAME>, and I’m calling from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts>. We are doing an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We have spoken to your <parent or legal guardian> and we are pleased that you may be interested in helping us test questions in <reading, mathematics, or writing> for a nationwide student assessment, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. Before I tell you more about what you would be asked to do, I need to ask you one question:
What grade are you currently in? [Recruiter: Do not read list.]
K–7th [Unfortunately, we are interviewing only students currently in grade 8 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
8th [Good, continue with the script.]
9th –12th [Unfortunately, we are interviewing only students currently in grade 8 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
Thank you. For the research <interview or session>, you will be asked to visit <LOCATION>, <ADDRESS> and respond to sample <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions on a tablet computer. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items—reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, you will be given a short test to measure your <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] Your responses will not be graded. The National Center for Education Statistics simply wants to know how you would respond to each question if they were to be included in the National Assessment of Educational Progress. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items: The questions focus on <reading, mathematics, or writing> and are interesting to do.] Your input will help evaluate the test that will be given to students throughout the nation. As a thank-you for participating, you will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company and your parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card if they bring you to and from the session site. The session will last no more than 90 minutes and will be recorded. Your participation is totally voluntary. If you participate, we will only use your answers to improve the questions. We will not use your name.
Would you like to participate?
Yes [Continue to the “If YES” script below]
No [Thank you for your time. I will need to let your <parent or legal guardian> know that you would not like to participate. Is <he/she> available?
TO PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN: Your child has decided not to participate, but I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us about this opportunity.]
If YES: Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important research study. I will need to speak to your <parent or legal guardian> to talk about the <date or time> of the interview. Could you please pass the phone back to your <parent or legal guardian>?
[Recruiter note: If the child needs to receive a call back, record his or her name, phone number, and the date and time requested.]
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
Child Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone: ______________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________________
Time: __________________________________________________________________________
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. Is this <NAME OF STUDENT>? My name is <NAME>, and I’m calling from <Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts>. We are doing an important study for the National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We have spoken to your <parent or legal guardian> and we are pleased that you may be interested in helping us test survey questions for a nationwide student assessment, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. Before I tell you more about what you would be asked to do, I need to ask you one question:
What grade are you currently in? [Recruiter: Do not read list.]
K–11th [Unfortunately, we are interviewing only students currently in grade 12 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
12th [Good, continue with the script.]
Thank you. For the research <interview or session>, you will be asked to visit <LOCATION>, <ADDRESS> and respond to sample survey questions on a tablet computer. Your responses will not be graded. The National Center for Education Statistics simply wants to know how you would respond to each question if they were to be included in the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Your input will help evaluate the test that will be given to students throughout the nation. As a thank-you for participating, you will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company and your parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card if they bring you to and from the session site. The session will last no more than 90 minutes and will be recorded. Your participation is totally voluntary. If you participate, we will only use your answers to improve the questions. We will not use your name.
Would you like to participate?
Yes [Continue to the “If YES” script below]
No [Thank you for your time. I will need to let your <parent or legal guardian> know that you would not like to participate. Is <he/she> available?
TO PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN: Your child has decided not to participate, but I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us about this opportunity.]
If YES: Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important research study. I will need to speak to your <parent or legal guardian> to talk about the <date or time> of the interview. Could you please pass the phone back to your <parent or legal guardian>?
[Recruiter note: If the child needs to receive a call back, record his or her name, phone number, and the date and time requested.]
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
Child Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone: ______________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________________
Time: __________________________________________________________________________
If the parent or legal guardian is available and currently scheduling interviews: We will be holding our current interviews from <DATE> to <DATE>. What would be the best date and time to schedule the interview?
Date: ____________________
Time: ____________________
Thank you again for talking with us today and for allowing your child to participate in NAEP research interviews. Have a good <day/evening>.]
If the parent or legal guardian is available and currently scheduling interviews: We are in-between interview sessions and will need to call you back when we are actively scheduling the interviews to determine the date and time that will work best. What are your scheduling preferences? (Select all that apply.)
After school
Thank you for answering these questions. Your child is eligible to participate in the NAEP research interviews, and thank you for allowing <him or her> to do so.
Please note that you will be required to sign a permission form to confirm that you have agreed to allow your child to participate in the interview. To what email or mailing address should we send the permission form? [Recruiter: Record participant’s address.]
Please bring the signed permission form to the interview or have whoever brings the student to the interview bring the form. If you forget to bring the permission form, one can be provided to you at the interview site. Please note that this option is only available if the parent or legal guardian is the person that brings the student to the interview. Also, we would like to audio-record the discussion to help us with our analysis. We will use the recording only to carefully review the discussion and draw the proper conclusions on what we are learning about the questions we are trying to improve.
Script When Calling Students Age 18 or Over Who Responded to Email, Advertisement, or Invitation:
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. My name is <NAME>. I’m calling from <LOCAL FACILITY NAME> on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, also known as NCES. Thank you for contacting us about the possibility of participating in a research interview to help improve existing survey questions or develop new ones for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP. To ensure that we interview a broad mix of students, I have a few brief screening questions to ask you. It should only take a few minutes of your time. First, I would like to collect some information about you to determine if you meet the participation requirements. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). This information will be securely destroyed once the study is complete.
Before proceeding, can you please confirm that you are still interested in the possibility of participating in this interview?
If YES: Proceed to the Screener script.
If NO: Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>. [END CALL.]
Screener script:
[Recruiter note: Determine recruitment needs in advance. Record all responses. End Screener at whatever point the student gives a response that confirms that his/her group has already been sampled adequately. To end the Screener script for ineligible participants: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
What is your name?
How old are you? [Recruiter: If the student indicates that he or she is 17 years old or younger please ask to speak to their parent or legal guardian if they are interested in participating. If the parent or legal guardian comes to the phone proceed to script for parents or legal guardians.]
What grade are you currently in at school? [If the student indicates that he or she is in any grade other than 12th grade, thank him or her and terminate the call: Unfortunately, we are only interviewing students currently in grades 4, 8, or 12 for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
What school do you attend? [Recruiter: Recruit no more than three students from any school. If the student is homeschooled, thank and terminate the call: Unfortunately, we are not interviewing students who are homeschooled for this study. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
What school district do you attend?
What is your gender?
What is your race or ethnicity? [Recruiter: Only read list if participant doesn’t immediately reply: Are you…?]
Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (one or more of the categories below):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
White or Caucasian
Which language did you learn when you first began to talk? ____________________________
Which language do you most frequently speak at home? ____________________________
Are you enrolled in any English Language Learner (ELL) classes at this time? _______________
Just to be sure we're interviewing a broad range of students for this study, what is your total annual household income range based on the following ranges? Use your best judgment; however, it is okay if you do not want to answer the question.
Less than $30,000
$30,000 to $99,999
$100,000 or more
I don’t know
[Recruiter: If the participant indicates a preference to not disclose this information, say: That’s fine.]
Thank you for answering these questions. You are eligible to participate in the NAEP interviews.
For the research interview, you will be asked to visit <LOCATION> to respond to a sample of survey questions. It can be scheduled at your convenience and will last no more than 90 minutes. You will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and your name will not be linked to your answers. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law. [Recruiter note: This reference is for informational purposes only. If asked what law is being referenced, please provide the information contained within the parentheses: (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).]
Also, we would like to audio-record the discussion to help us with our analysis. We will use the recording only to carefully review the discussion and draw the proper conclusions on what we are learning about the questions we are trying to improve.
You will not be graded; the National Center for Education Statistics simply wants to know how you would answer the questions if they were included on an actual survey given to students after taking a NAEP test. Your input will help evaluate the survey that will be given to students throughout the nation.
To thank you for your participation, you will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company after the interview. If your parent or guardian brings you to and from our office, he or she will also receive a $25 gift card. The interview will last about 90 minutes and will be audio recorded. Your participation is totally voluntary. Your interview responses and all other interview materials will be used for research purposes and will not use your name to identify you.
Please note that before your interview starts, you will be asked to sign a permission form to confirm that you have agreed to participate in the interview. You will not be able to participate until the form has been signed.
If currently scheduling interviews: We will be holding our current interviews from <DATE> to <DATE>. What would be the best date and time to schedule the interview?
Date ____________________
Time ____________________
Thank you again for talking with us today and for agreeing to participate in NAEP research interviews. Have a good <day/evening>.
If not currently scheduling interviews: We are in-between interview sessions, but will be scheduling sessions until <DATE>. We will need to call you back when we are actively scheduling the interviews to determine the date and time that will work best, but what are your scheduling preferences? [Recruiter: Select all that apply.]
After school
Thank you again for talking with us today and for agreeing to participate in NAEP research interviews. We look forward to speaking with you soon to schedule your interview. Have a good <day/evening>.
Good <morning/afternoon/evening>. May I please speak to <NAME>?
My name is <CONTACT NAME> and I am contacting you from <LOCAL FACILITY NAME>, a local research company. We are conducting an important study for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, also known as NCES.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as NAEP, has developed survey questions for teachers and school administrators. After this call, you can find more information about the NAEP assessment online at:
NCES needs to know if the survey questions are clear. Your input will help NCES improve the survey so questions can be easily understood. During the interview, you will receive a copy of multiple-choice questions that you will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why you selected each answer.
The voluntary research interviews will take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than 90 minutes. A limited number of interviews may be conducted via phone or WebEx video conference. All of the information provided will be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). [Recruiter: This reference is for informational purposes only. If asked what law is being referenced, please provide the information contained within the parenthesis.]
These interviews are an important stage of the NAEP survey development process. Your comments, along with the comments of other teachers and school administrators, will help NCES improve the survey. You will receive a $40 gift card at the conclusion of the session for your time and effort.
Are you interested in participating in this research study?
If NO: Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.
If YES: Great, thank you very much. To ensure that we interview a broad mix of educators, I have a few brief screening questions to ask you. It should only take a few minutes of your time.
Screener script:
[Recruiter note: Determine recruitment needs in advance. Record all responses. End Screener at whatever point the teacher or principal gives a response that confirms that their group has already been sampled adequately. To end the Screener script: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.]
What is your job title?
Principal [Go to Part A.]
Teacher [Go to Part B.]
Other End call: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.
Part A.
At what school are you a principal?
Are you at a school with a population that includes:
Fourth-grade students
Eighth-grade students
Twelfth-grade students
Other End Screener: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.
How many students are enrolled in your school?
449 students or fewer
450-699 students
700 students or more
Part B.
At what school are you a teacher?
What grade level do you teach?
Fourth grade [Go to Question 6]
Eighth grade [Go to Question 4]
Other End the Screener script: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.
Do you currently (or within this school year) teach mathematics to eighth graders?
Yes Which classes do you teach? [Record class names.]
No [Go to Question 5]
Do you currently (or within this school year) teach reading and writing to eighth graders?
Yes Which classes do you teach? [Record class names.]
No End the Screener script: Based on the requirements of this study, we are not able to include you in the interviews at this time. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. Have a good <day/evening>.
What is the size of the student population at your school?
449 students or fewer
450-699 students
700 students or more
Eligible Participant Script:
Thank you for taking the time to answer the screening questions. You are eligible to participate in the voluntary research interviews. Again, the interview will last no more than 90 minutes and will be held at <LOCATION>. Are you available for the interview at <TIME> on <DATE>?
[Recruiter note: If necessary, provide alternate times and dates to find an available time and date for the interview and then record the time and date of appointment.]
Please note that before your interview starts, you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm that you have agreed to participate in the interview. You will not be able to participate until the form has been signed.
We may need to reach you by telephone. Is the number I called the best number to use?
Do you have any questions at this time?
[Recruiter: Answer any questions.]
If you do have any questions before your interview scheduled for <DATE/TIME>, please call <PHONE NUMBER>.
Thank you again for agreeing to be part of this very important research study.
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Research Study Opportunity: <Cognitive Interview or Tryout> for NAEP <Reading, Mathematics, Writing, or Questionnaires>
Educational Testing Service (ETS) is doing an important research study for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education.
We are recruiting students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> to participate in voluntary research sessions supporting the development of new computer-delivered <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The sessions will explore how students work through the questions to ensure that they are clear and understandable to a broad range of students. During the research <interview or session>, your child will be asked to respond to <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions on a tablet computer. [For Cognitive Interviews or Tryouts for Cognitive Items—reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their <vocabulary recognition or reading comprehension> skills.] NCES simply wants to know what your child thinks about each question and how your child might respond to questions on a test. These research sessions are an important stage of the NAEP test-development process. Student feedback can help NCES evaluate the questions to create the best tests possible.
The research <interview or session> for your child will take place at <LOCATION> and will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. The <interview or session> can be scheduled at your and your child’s convenience. Students will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company to thank them for participation in the study. In addition, if transportation to the site is involved, the parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card to thank him or her for bringing the student(s) to and from the session site.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
Just to be sure we're interviewing a broad range of students for this study, we’d like you to give us some information about your child by filling out the form on the following pages. We will let you know within <TIMEFRAME> whether your child has been selected to take part in this research study. If your child is not selected for this study, we hope you will consider letting him or her be a part of other studies in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact <NAME> at <PHONE> or <EMAIL>.
Thanks for your interest in this study!
(*Indicates that the question is voluntary.)
Student Name (Last, First): ____________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Last, First): ________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number: __________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Email Address: ___________________________________
Student’s Grade: ____4th ____8th ____12th
Student’s School/District: _____________________________________________
Student’s Age: ______________________________________________________
Student’s Gender: ___________________________________________________
Student’s Ethnicity/Race:
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (one or more of the categories below):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
White or Caucasian
Which language did the student learn when he or she first began to talk? ____________________________
Which language does the student most frequently speak at home? ___________________________
Is the student enrolled in any English Language Learner (ELL) classes at this time? ______________________
Is student currently enrolled in any of the following types of courses? (select all that apply)
Advanced placement (e.g., AP, IB, or other college-level courses)
Honor courses
Remedial courses
Other courses
*Does student participate in the National School Lunch program?
*What is the total annual household income range based on the following ranges?
Less than $30,000
$30,000 to $99,999
$100,000 or more
What is the zip code of the area that you live in? _______________
Possible Time For <60 or 90> -Minute Session:
Please mark all the sessions that would work for your child[ren]. Not all of these times will be used. We are trying to schedule a limited number of sessions that will be convenient for the largest number of participants.
<DATE> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<DATE> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<DATE> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<DATE> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
<TIME> |
If some other time during these weeks would be better, what <60 or 90>-minute time frame would that be?
To complete the submission of this form, please click the “Submit” button. You will be contacted within <TIMEFRAME> to let you know whether or not your child has been selected to participate in this study.
<Educational Testing Service (ETS) or EurekaFacts, LLC>
Title of Research Study: <Cognitive Laboratory Interviews or Tryouts> for NAEP <Reading, Mathematics, or Writing> or <Questionnaire Testing>
Thank you for your interest in having your child participate in the research study described below. This consent form explains the research study. Please read it carefully, and feel free to ask questions about anything you do not understand. If you do not have questions now, you may ask them later as they occur to you.
What is this study about?
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting <interviews or research sessions> with students currently in grades <4 and 8 or 4, 8, and 12> about new <and existing survey or test> questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The <reading, mathematics, writing, or survey> questions will be part of a digitally based test. In these sessions, students will see early versions of digitally-based questions. We may ask students whether they have any suggestions about how we might improve the questions.
NCES needs to know whether the questions on the test are clear. Students’ input will help NCES improve the test so that future students will understand it. (More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
What will happen during the research sessions?
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items: Each participant will work through an early version of new NAEP <reading, mathematics, or writing> questions on a tablet computer. An interviewer will ask what your child was thinking as he or she completed the questions, and whether he or she believes the questions are clear and understandable.]
[For Cognitive Interviews for reading only: Additionally, along with answering new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their vocabulary recognition skills.]
[For Tryouts for Cognitive Items: Each participant will take an early version of a new NAEP <reading or mathematics> test on a tablet computer. Participants will be asked to answer the questions as if it were an actual test. We may ask participants for their reactions to and feedback about the test questions.]
[For Tryouts for reading only: Additionally, along with trying out new test questions, students will be given a short test to measure their reading comprehension skills.]
<Reading, mathematics, or writing>-specific knowledge is not required, and participants will not be graded. There will be more than one adult present.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: During the interview, your child will receive a copy of survey questions that he or she will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why your child selected each answer. These open-ended questions will focus on your child’s understanding of the survey questions. Your child will also be asked whether he or she has any suggestions on how we might improve the questions. The purpose of these interviews is not to test or grade students. NCES wants to hear your child’s thoughts to improve the survey questions and make the questions easier to understand.
<ETS or EurekaFacts> staff may record audio and screen activity for analysis and take notes about your child’s reactions to these questions. Student feedback will be used to revise and refine the questions. No names will be mentioned in the summary of findings and no additional personally identifying information will be retained once the study ends.
Where will the research <interview or session> take place?
The sessions will take place at <NAME OF INTERVIEW/SESSION LOCATION>, located at <ADDRESS>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION> during an after-school [For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires:] <or weekend> session.
[Insert if interview takes place at a school: For research activities conducted in schools, NAEP will not conduct pretesting interviews during school hours. If any pretesting interviews are conducted at schools, after regular school hours, we do not anticipate any disruption in school services to students.]
How long will the research <interview or session> last?
The <interview or session> will last no more than <60 or 90> minutes. Each session requires only one visit; however your child may participate in multiple sessions, if interested.
Will information be kept private and confidential?
Your child will be assigned a unique student identifier (ID), and his or her name will not be linked to his or her answers. All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
[For Cognitive Interviews for Cognitive Items and Questionnaires: Audio and screen activity will be recorded for analysis, but no additional personally identifying information will be retained.]
Will the results go to my child’s school?
Your child’s answers will not be disclosed to his or her school and will not be linked to personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
What are the benefits of being in the study?
There are no known benefits for your child to take part, but your child’s answers will help us improve the national <test or survey>.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this study.
Can participation end early?
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. For students under the age of 18, in addition to requiring informed consent from a parent or legal guardian in order for the eligible student to participate, we also ask the student for his or her verbal consent to participate during the prescreening process.] Your child has the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Your child may elect to withdraw from this study at any time and can end early if he or she wishes. Your child will still receive a gift card if he or she refuses to answer particular questions or elects to end the <interview or session> early.
Whom can I contact with questions or for further information?
<CONTACT NAME> is coordinating this study at <ETS or EurekaFacts> on behalf of NCES. If you have any questions, please call <CONTACT PHONE> or email <CONTACT EMAIL>. Additionally, you can fill out an intake form for your child at <LINK>.
[For Cognitive Interviews for Questionnaires: If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you can call the ETS Human Subjects Research Protections Office at (609) 734-1191. Please leave a message with your full name, the name of the research study that you are calling about: Cognitive Laboratory Interviews for NAEP Questionnaire Testing, and a phone number beginning with the area code. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.]
____ Yes, I agree to allow my child to participate in this study
____ No, I do not want my child to participate in this study
By signing below, you agree that your child, _______________________________, may participate in this study. Your child will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company at the conclusion of the interview.
In addition, if transportation to the interview site is involved, you will also receive a $25 gift card in appreciation for bringing your child to and from the site.
Your signature below will indicate that your questions have been answered satisfactorily, and that you have read and understood the information provided above.
Print Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________
School student attends: _______________________________________________________________________
To be completed by <ETS or EurekaFacts> staff:
Student Payment Card Transaction Number: _______________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Payment Card Transaction Number: ___________________________________________
EurekaFacts, LLC
Title of Research Study: Cognitive Laboratory Interviews for NAEP Questionnaire Testing
Thank you for your interest in participating in the research study described below. This permission form explains the research study. Please read it carefully, and feel free to ask questions about anything you do not understand. If you do not have questions now, you may ask them if they occur to you later.
What is this study about?
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts, a local research company, is conducting research interviews with students currently in fourth, eighth, and twelfth grade about existing and new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The survey questions will be part of a new computer-based test given to a sample of students across the country. Student feedback will help NCES improve the survey so that future students will understand all the questions. (More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
Where will the research interview take place?
The research interview will take place at <NAME OF INTERVIEW LOCATION>, located at <LOCATION>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK OR METRO STATION> during an after-school or weekend session.
What will happen during the research interview?
During the interview, you will receive a copy of survey questions that you will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why you selected each answer. These open-ended questions will focus on your understanding of the survey questions. You will also be asked whether you have any suggestions on how we might improve the questions. The purpose of these interviews is not to test or grade students. NCES wants to hear your thoughts to improve the survey questions and make the questions easier to understand.
Will information be kept private?
To help keep everything private:
Only your first name will be recorded on the discussion notes. Your name will not be reported in any reports, though we may include quotes that you provide in our reports.
We will not share the information you provide with your parents or legal guardians, your school, or anyone outside of our team. Your parent or guardian who brings you to the interview will not be allowed to sit in or watch the interview and will not know how you answer the questions.
We will be audio-recording the discussion to help us with our analysis. We will use the recording only to carefully review the discussion and draw the proper conclusions on what we are learning about the questions we are trying to improve.
All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.§151).
How long will the research interview last and when will it take place?
The interview will last no more than 90 minutes and requires only one visit to the interview site. The session will take place at a time and date convenient to you.
Will the results go to my school?
Your answers will not be disclosed to your school and will not be linked to personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
What are the benefits of being in the study?
There are no known benefits for taking part, but your answers will help us improve the national survey.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this voluntary study
Who can I contact with questions or for further information?
If you have any questions about the study, you can call <NAME>, the <TITLE> at <CONTACT PHONE>. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you can call the ETS Human Subjects Research Protections Office at (609) 734-1191. Please leave a message with your full name, the name of the research study that you are calling about: Cognitive Laboratory Interviews for NAEP Questionnaire Testing, and a phone number beginning with the area code. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Can my participation end early?
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. You may elect to withdraw from this study at any time.
__ Yes, I agree to participate in this study
__ No, I do not agree to participate in this study
By signing below, you agree that you will participate in this research study and that you have read and understood the information provided above. You will receive a $25 gift card from a major credit card company at the conclusion of the session as a thank you for your time and effort. Your parent or guardian will also receive a $25 gift card as a thank you if he or she will bring you to and from the interview site.
We thank you for your voluntary participation and ask you to sign the form below.
Print Name: _____________________________________________
Signature:______________________________________________ Date:________________________
To be completed by EurekaFacts staff:
Student Payment Card Transaction Number: _______________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Payment Card Transaction Number: ________________________________________________
EurekaFacts, LLC
Title of Research Study: Cognitive Laboratory Interviews for NAEP Questionnaire Testing
Thank you for your interest in participating in the research study described below. This permission form explains the research study. Please read it carefully, and feel free to ask questions about anything you do not understand. If you do not have questions now, you may ask them if they occur to you later.
What is this study about?
On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, EurekaFacts, a local research company, is conducting interviews with teachers and school administrators in schools with students currently in fourth, eighth, and twelfth grade about existing and new survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The survey questions will be part of a new computer-based questionnaire given to a sample of teachers and school administrators across the country. Your feedback will help NCES improve the survey so that educators like you understand all the questions. (More information about the NAEP assessment is available online at:
Where will the research interview take place?
The research interviews will take place at <NAME OF INTERVIEW LOCATION>, located at <LOCATION>, near <NEARBY LANDMARK or METRO STATION> during an after-school or weekend session.
What will happen during the research interview?
During the interview, you will receive a copy of survey questions that you will be asked to answer verbally. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions to follow up on why you selected each answer. These open-ended questions will focus on your understanding of the survey questions. You will also be asked whether you have any suggestions on how we might improve the questions. NCES wants to hear your thoughts to improve the survey questions and make the questions easier to understand.
Will information be kept private?
You will be assigned a unique identifier (ID), and your name will not be linked to your answers. All of the information provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). The sessions will be audio recorded and the recordings will be used only to carefully review the discussion and draw the proper conclusions on what we are learning about the questions we are trying to improve.
How long will the research interview last and when will it take place?
The interview will last no more than 90 minutes and, if conducted in-person, requires only one visit to our office.
Will the results go to my school?
Your answers will not be disclosed to your school and will not be linked to personally identifiable information such as the school’s name.
What are the benefits of being in the study?
are no known benefits for you to take part, but your answers will
help us improve the survey.
What are the possible risks of being in the study?
There are no known risks to participating in this voluntary study.
Who can I contact with questions or for further information?
If you have any questions about the study, you can call <NAME>, the <TITLE> at <CONTACT PHONE>. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you can call the ETS Human Subjects Research Protections Office at (609) 734-1191. Please leave a message with your full name, the name of the research study that you are calling about: Cognitive Laboratory Interviews for NAEP Questionnaire Testing, and a phone number beginning with the area code. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Can participation end early?
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. You may elect to withdraw from this study at any time and can leave the interview early if you wish.
__ Yes, I agree to participate in this study
__ No, I do not agree to participate in this study
By signing below, you agree that you will participate in this research study and that you have read and understood the information provided above. You will receive a $40 gift card from a major credit card company at the conclusion of the session as a thank you for your time and effort. We thank you for your voluntary participation and ask you to sign the form below.
Print Name: ________________________________________
Signature:______________________________________________ Date:________________________
To be completed by EurekaFacts staff:
Payment Card Transaction Number: __________________________
NAEP Questionnaire Cognitive Interviews
I have received a $25 gift card for bringing a student to and from a cognitive interview about NAEP questionnaires.
_________________________________________ _________________
Signature Date
NAEP Questionnaire Cognitive Interviews
I have received a $25 gift card for participating in a cognitive interview about NAEP questionnaires.
_________________________________________ ____________________
Print Name (Fill in by the interviewer) Date
NAEP Questionnaire Cognitive Interviews
I have received a $40 gift card for participating in a cognitive interview about NAEP questionnaires.
_________________________________________ ____________________
Signature Date
An example tracking sheet to show how responses to Screener questions (Appendix K) will be tracked in order to be used to determine the targeted sample, including diversification on key characteristics.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | joc |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |