Appendix N. APEC III Burden Table

N APEC III Burden Table.xlsx

Third Access, Participation, Eligibility and Certification Study Series (APEC III)

Appendix N. APEC III Burden Table

OMB: 0584-0530

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Responsive Non-Responsive

Respondent Category Type of respondents Instruments Appendix Sample Sizea Number of respondents Frequency of response Total Annual responses Hours per response Annual burden (hours) Number of
Frequency of response Total Annual responses Hours per response Annual burden (hours) Grand Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours) Hourly Wage Rate Total Annualized Cost of Respondent Burdenb

Individuals/ Householdc Program Non-participants Cognitive Test - Household Survey _ 9 9 1 9 0.75 6.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 6.8 $7.25 $48.94

Cognitive Test - Household In-Depth Interview _ 3 3 1 3 0.500 1.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 1.5 $7.25 $10.88

Program Participants Household Survey Recruitment Letter T1 (T2) 6,424 4,818 1 4,818 0.083 399.9 1,606 1 1,606 0.083 133.3 533.2 $7.25 $3,865.64

Household Survey Brochure T3 (T4) 6,424 4,818 1 4,818 0.050 240.9 1,606 1 1,606 0.050 80.3 321.2 $7.25 $2,328.70

Household Survey Recruitment Contact Guide T5 (T6) 6,424 4,818 1 4,818 0.167 804.6 1,606 1 1,606 0.050 80.3 884.9 $7.25 $6,415.57

Household Survey Appointment Reminder Letter D1 (D2) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.050 240.9 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 240.9 $7.25 $1,746.53

Household Survey Income Worksheet D3 (D4) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.417 2,007.5 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 2,007.5 $7.25 $14,554.38

Household Survey Consent Form I1 (I2) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.083 401.5 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 401.5 $7.25 $2,910.88

Household Survey D5 (D6) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.750 3,613.5 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 3,613.5 $7.25 $26,197.88

Household Survey Income Source Show Card D7 (D8) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.033 160.6 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 160.6 $7.25 $1,164.35

Household Survey Incentives Received Form D9 (D10) 4,818 4,818 1 4,818 0.033 160.6 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 160.6 $7.25 $1,164.35

Household Interview Recruitment Contact Guide T7 (T8) 60 60 1 60 0.333 20.0 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 20.0 $7.25 $145.00

Household Interview Appointment Reminder Letter D11 (D12) 60 60 1 60 0.083 5.0 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 5.0 $7.25 $36.25

Household Interview (includes Consent) D13 (D14) 60 60 1 60 0.750 45.0 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 45.0 $7.25 $326.25

Household Interview Incentives Received Form D15 (D16) 60 60 1 60 0.033 2.0 0 1 0 0.000 0.0 2.0 $7.25 $14.50

Individuals/ Household Sub-Total
6,433 4,827 9.04 43,614 0.186 8,110.3 1,606 3.00 4,818 0.061 293.9 8404.15

State Child Nutrition Agency State Directord Template E-Letter from FNS Regional Liaison to State CN Director O2 44 44 1 44 0.250 11.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 11.0 $43.82 $482.02

State Follow Up Contact Guide O3 44 44 1 44 0.250 11.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 11.0 $43.82 $482.02

Data Managerf State Meal Claim Request B14 44 44 1 44 4.000 176.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 176.0 $35.97 $6,330.72

School Food Authority (SFA) Program Non-participantsf Cognitive Test - SFA Director Survey _ 9 9 1 9 1.000 9.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 9.0 $39.34 $354.06

Cognitive Test - SFA Director In-Depth Interview _ 3 3 1 3 0.917 2.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 2.8 $39.34 $108.19

SFA Sample Notification E-Letter from State Child Nutrition Director to SFA Director O2 336 336 1 336 0.083 28.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 28.0 $39.34 $1,101.52

SFA Directorg SFA Study Notification and School Data Verification E-Letter O4 336 275 1 275 3.000 825.0 61 1 62 0.500 31.0 856.0 $39.34 $33,675.04

APEC III Fact Sheet (for SFAs and Schools) O10 336 275 1 275 0.083 22.9 61 1 62 0.083 5.2 28.1 $39.34 $1,104.80

SFA Follow Up Contact Guide (Study Notification and School Data Verification) O5 336 275 1 275 0.250 68.8 61 1 62 0.250 15.5 84.3 $39.34 $3,314.40

SFA Automated Email-Receipt of Verification of School Data O6 275 275 1 275 0.017 4.6 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 4.6 $39.34 $180.31

SFA Confirmation and Next Steps Email O7 275 275 1 275 0.083 22.9 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 22.9 $39.34 $901.54

SFA School Sample Notification E-Letter O8 275 275 1 275 0.250 68.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 68.8 $39.34 $2,704.63

School Food Authority (SFA), continued SFA Directorg SFA Pre-visit Interview B5 275 275 1 275 0.333 91.7 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 91.7 $39.34 $3,606.17

SFA Director Survey (web-based, includes Consent) B11 275 275 1 275 0.750 206.3 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 206.3 $39.34 $8,113.88

SFA Director Interview (by Phone, includes Consent) B12 60 60 1 60 0.750 45.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 45.0 $39.34 $1,770.30

SFA Staff f SFA Request for E-Records (Non-CEP Schools for Household Sampling OR CEP Schools for ISP Data Abstraction) B1 OR B3 275 275 1 275 0.500 137.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 137.5 $39.34 $5,409.25

SFA Reminder for E-Records (Non-CEP Schools for Houshold Sampling OR CEP Schools for ISP Data Abstraction) B2 OR B4 275 275 1 275 0.333 91.7 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 91.7 $39.34 $3,606.17

SFA Data Collection Visit Reminder Email B6 275 275 1 275 0.050 13.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 13.8 $39.34 $540.93

Application Data Abstraction Form - Phase 1 B7 275 275 1 275 1.000 275.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 275.0 $39.34 $10,818.50

Round 2 & 3 Application Data Abstraction Scheduling Email B8 275 275 1 275 0.167 45.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 45.8 $39.34 $1,803.08

Application Data Abstraction Form - Phase 2 (if applicable) B7 275 275 1 275 1.000 275.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 275.0 $39.34 $10,818.50

Round 2 & 3 Application Data Abstraction Scheduling Email (if applicable) B8 275 275 1 275 0.167 45.8 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 45.8 $39.34 $1,803.08

Application Data Abstraction Form - Phase 3 (if applicable) B7 275 275 1 275 1.000 275.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 275.0 $39.34 $10,818.50

Data Managere SFA Reimbursement Claim Verification Form OR SFA Reimbursement Consolidation and Claim Verification Form B9 OR B10 275 275 1 275 0.500 137.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 137.5 $35.17 $4,835.88

SFA Meal Participation Data Request B13 275 275 1 275 2.000 550.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 550.0 $35.17 $19,343.50

Notification Letter from SFA to Sampled Schools O8 782 782 1 782 0.083 65.2 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 65.2 $39.34 $2,563.66

Schools School Principalf School Study Notification E-Letter O9 782 625 1 625 0.083 52.1 157 1 157 0.333 52.3 104.4 $39.34 $4,107.75

APEC III Fact Sheet (for SFAs and Schools) O10 782 625 1 625 0.083 52.1 157 1 157 0.083 13.1 65.2 $39.34 $2,563.66

School Pre-visit Interview C1 625 625 1 625 0.333 208.3 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 208.3 $39.34 $8,195.83

School Staff f School Data Collection Visit Reminder Email C2 625 625 1 625 0.050 31.3 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 31.3 $39.34 $1,229.38

School Meal Count Verification Form C6 625 625 1 625 0.500 312.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 312.5 $39.34 $12,293.75

Program Non-participantsg Cognitive Test - Cafeteria Manager In-Depth Interview _ 2 2 1 2 0.750 1.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 1.5 $29.97 $44.96

Cafeteria Managerh Meal Transaction Observation Form C3 625 625 1 625 0.500 312.5 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 312.5 $29.97 $9,365.63

Cafeteria Manager Interview (includes Consent) C5 60 60 1 60 0.750 45.0 0 0 0 0.000 0.0 45.0 $29.97 $1,348.65

State/Local/Tribal Government Sub-Total
3,019 2,801 3.60 10,084 0.448 4,521.1 218 2.29 500 0.234 117.1 4,638.17


9,452 7,628 7.04 53,698 0.235 12,631.3 1,824 2.92 5,318 0.077 411.0 13,042


The Official Study Notification Letters sent to the FNS Regions and the FNS Regional Liaisons (Exhibits O1-2 and O1-3 within Appendix O1) from FNS Headquarters are not included with the Burden Table. Additionally, these letters do not include the OMB Disclosure/PRA Burden Statement as they are sent from FNS Headquarters to FNS Regions/Regional Liaisons.

Appendix C4 is not included in the burden table because it is an example of information the data collector will enter in a sampling program based on data previously obtained. This is an administrative process, with no burden to a respondent.

[Row 4] The individual/Household sub-total does not include the in-depth interview respondents (n=3) because those respondents were a subset of the nine respondents that completed the household survey cognitive test. These are already

included in the total number of household respondents.

[Rows 19 - 20, Rows 24 - 30, and Rows 44-46] Instruments highlighted in yellow reflect materials used for the Sample Frame Development (Pre Data Collection Activities).

[Row 19] The total burden for the State for Appendix O2 is 15 minutes. This includes 5 minutes to review the letter, 5 minutes to complete/send contact information using a spreadsheet, and 5 minutes to review/edit/send a letter to to their SFAs

using a template provided.

[Row 24] This refers to the template letter included as an attachment with Appendix O2 that the State Child Nutrition Director has the option to use to notify the SFAs.

[Row 27] The total burden for Appendix O5 is 15 minutes. This time is for discussion of questions and the explanation of the use of the Excel template file if the SFA cannot use the Web Portal (Appendix O4). The burden to complete the information

using the Excel template file (if preferred by SFA) is included in the time to complete Web Portal (Appendix O4) as it is one or the other, not both.

[Row 30] The total burden to the SFA for Appendix O8 is 15 minutes. This includes 5 minutes to review the letter and 10 minutes to review/edit/send a letter to their schools using the template provided.

[Row 44] This refers to the template letter included as an attachment with Appendix O8 that the SFA Director has the option to use to notify the schools.

[Row 53] The State/Local/Tribal Government sub-total inlcudes 11 respondents (not 12) for the SFA Director survey (row 22) and in-depth interview (row 23) cognitive pretest because one respondent completed both the survey and in-depth interview.


a Numbers are always rounded up to the next whole number (for example, 473.68 becomes 474).

b Costs are rounded up to the next whole cent.

c Federal minimum wage for household level:

d Job category "Management Occupations;" code #11-9030 "Education Administrators" industry "State Government" for state level mean hourly wage of $43.82.

e Job category "Computer and Mathematical Occupations;" code #15-1141 "Database Administrators" mean hourly wage of $35.17 for Data Managers at SFA level.

f Job category "Computer and Mathematical Occupations, " code #15-1141 "Database Administrator" mean hourly wage of $35.97 for Data Managers at State level.

g Job category "Management Occupations;" code #11-9039 "Education Administrators, All Other;" industry "Educational Services (including private, state and local government schools)" mean hourly wage of $39.34 for SFA Director or School Staff (principal or administrator).

h Job category "Management Occupations;" code #11-9051 "Food Service Manager;" industry "Educational Services (including private, state, and local government schools)" mean hourly wage of $29.97 for Cafeteria Manager.

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